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Country, nation, land, state, power country 表示国家的地理范畴。 nation 体现在共同的地域和政府下的全民 概念 land 给人以国土或家园之感。 state 指国家的政治实体 power 表示国家的实力

上海的服装业很兴旺。 这件童装真漂亮。 Shanghai clothing industry is flourishing. The children’s wear here is really beautiful.

游人止步 凭票入内 非员工勿入 小心碰头 爱护园内公共设施 散干果 休憩室 请让我们的工作人员到房间为你服务


Please Let Our Maids Come to Your Room and Serve You.
公示语 , 就是公开和面对公众 , 告示、指示、 提示、显示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、 生命、生态、生业休戚相关的文字及图形 信息. 目的在于把各种必要的、有用的信息传达 给公众,以实现其相应的应用示意功能.因此, 公示语翻译是否规范非常重要,它关系到译 文能否准确地传递源语信息、是否会影响 对外交流、甚至是否会影响一个城市甚至 国家的形象
在人际关系问题上我们不能太浪漫主义。 In interpersonal relationship, we do not need too much romanticism. 如果关系有方向性,要用relation;如果关系 没有方向性,则用relationship. 如果关系有 好坏、强弱之分,用relation;反之则用 relationship. We should not be too romantic in interpersonal relations.


英语水平 English proficiency 生活水平 living standard 游泳水平 swimming skill 他的游泳水平还挺高。 He is good at swimming. 他的英语水平比我的高。 He knows more English than I. 各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。 Cadres/Administrators at all levels should improve their art of leadership.
Diction in Translation
TRUE or False:

With a dictionary in hand, translation is just a piece of cake!
Peter Newmark: the largest quantity of translation in a text is done at the level of the word. ( 1988:55) 文本翻译的大多数工作都是在词汇层面上 完成的。

Johnson:Words are seldom exactly synonymous. 英国语言学家C.L.雷恩:“English is among the easiest languages to speak badly, but the most difficult to use well.”
Semantics Diction
Broad & Narrow Sense
杯子 玻璃杯 茶杯 平底大玻璃杯

----glass cup tumbler

=> 我买了十个杯子。?
酒 葡萄酒 威士忌酒 啤酒 白酒 =〉酒文化?

----wine whiskey beer alcohol

译文1 At present, a foreign diploma is more valuable than other diplomas in China. 译文2 At present, Chinese market values a foreign diploma more than other diplomas.

The plan has been drawn up. 好,今天到此为止。 Well, let us call it a day. 你好。 How do you do? / Hello! 你留个电话,有事好跟你联系。 Give me your telephone number so that I can contact you when necessary. 今天下午好几个人过来找你。 Quite a few people came in looking for you this afternoon. 今天下午好热。 How hot it is today!

1. 身体好,学习好,工作好。 2. 阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐了一口唾沫,说: “这毛虫!” 3. 贾珍感谢不尽,说:“待服满,亲带小 犬到府叩谢。”

1. Keep fit, study well and work hard. 2. Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat and swore, “hairy worm”. 3. Chia Chen thanked him warmly and promised, “when the mourning is over I shall bring my worthless son to your honorable mansion to kowtow his thanks.”

因果关系 Relation between cause and effect 国际关系、外交关系、夫妻关系 International, diplomatic, husband-andwife relation 两国友好关系 Friendly relationship(恒定不变关系)

Each word is a new word in a new context.

What does the word “man” mean?
What does “man” mean in the following phrases?
Man and wife Officers and men His man Friday Man-of-war Be a man!
文化界 Cultural circle 文化程度 Schooling 文化用品 Stationary

Байду номын сангаас
农业是国民经济的基础。 这些年来,我国的农业、林业、畜牧业和 渔业都得到相应的发展。 Farming, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery

词义有范围大小和侧重面的不同 Question: Do you know the difference among agriculture,farming,cultivation, and agronomy? Agriculture指农业科学、农业技术、整个农 业生产过程,所包含的范围最广。farming 指农业的实践。cultivation指农业物的栽培 过程。agronomy指把科学原理运用到农业 耕作中去的实践。
注意:词义要确切 应该透彻地掌握词语的确切含义,才能准 确无误地表达思想。每个词都有一定的含 义,如果混淆词义,很容易造成用词不当。 例:在中国,眼下外语文凭的含金量较其 他文凭的含金量高些。 At present, a foreign diploma contains more gold than other diplomas in China.
Task 1:Translation & Comparison
好 = good?

好的开始是成功的一半。 Well begun, half done. 他身体很好。

He is very well.
邻居对她都很好。 Her neighbors are all very kind to her. 这我们好解决。 The problem can be easily solved. 电影要放好长时间? How long will the film last?

1. “第十个五年计划“期间部分规模较大、 科技含量较高的重大项目的建设将带动全 市的经济发展。 2. 增加农业开发科技含量,生产市场需要 的产品。

1. In the 10th five-year plan period, a number of large-scale construction projects with a high scientific and technological content will be carried out to push ahead with the city’s socioeconomic development. 2. We should increase the role of science and technology in agricultural development, and produce market-oriented products.
夫妻 官兵 佣人,仆人 战舰 像个男子汉!
“意思” 是什么意思?

甲:这一点小意思,请务必收下。 乙:你这个人真是有意思,怎么也来这套? 甲:唉,只是意思意思。 乙:啊,真是不好意思。
A: This is a little gift as a token of my appreciation. Please do take it. B: Oh, aren’t you a bit too polite? You should not do that. A: Well, it just conveys my gratitude. B:Ah, thank you then, though I really do not deserve it.
1. 不解决一系列原则问题,双方贸易无法 进一步发展。 2. 这笔索赔已经拖了好几年,所涉及的问 题很复杂。 3. 用户在技术交流时,向贵方提出了很多 问题。 4. 这是个好主意,但问题是能否保证它可 以得到足够的订单。

1. In the absence of the settlement of a series of issues of principle, the business between the two parties can hardly be pushed forward. 2. This claim has been held off for many years. The problems involved are so complicated. 3. Our end users ask your specialists a lot of questions at the technical seminar. 4. This is a good idea, but the point is whether enough orders can be secured for it.

汉译英时,“说”这个词在不同上下文中可分别 译成:“speak”, “tell”, “say”, “express”, “mention”, “persuade” 等等。 他说英语。 He speaks English. 他说谎。 He’s telling a lie. 他说他很忙。 He says he is busy. 我说不好。 I’m unable to express. 这可说不得。 It must not be mentioned. 胡说八道! nonsense