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发表时间:2019-06-14T16:58:51.400Z 来源:《医药前沿》2019年12期作者:李艳

[导读] ALT、AST、TBiL、CHE等常规生化指标有助于临床早期诊断病毒性肝炎,而PA、LAP和ADA有助于临床评估病情严重程度,指导临床治疗。

(德阳市旌阳区妇幼保健院检验科四川德阳 618000)




【中图分类号】R512.6 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2019)12-0145-02 To investigate the changes and significance of clinical biochemical indexes in patients with viral liver disease

Li Yan.

Laboratory Department of Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center in Jingyang District,Deyang, Sichuan 618000,China 【Abstract】Objective To investigate the changes and significance of clinical biochemical indexes in patients with viral liver disease. Methods 80 patients with viral liver disease who were treated in the department of gynaecology and obstetrics of our hospital from October 2014 to October 2018 were selected as the observation group, and 80 healthy subjects who underwent physical examination during the same period were selected as the control group. The levels of various biochemical indexes and biochemical indexes of different degrees of viral liver disease in the two groups were compared.Results ALT, AST, TBiL, CHE and GLO levels in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group, while ALB and A/G levels were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). The positive rates of ALT, AST, TBiL, CHE, GLO, ALB, A/G in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The level of chronic hepatitis PA and LAP was lower than that of acute hepatitis, but ADA was higher than that of acute hepatitis (P<0.05).Conclusion ALT, AST, TBiL, CHE and other routine biochemical indicators are helpful for early clinical diagnosis of viral hepatitis, while PA, LAP and ADA are helpful for clinical evaluation of the severity of the disease and guidance of clinical treatment.

【Key words】Viral liver disease;Biochemical indexes;Inspection significance




将2014年10月—2018年10月在我院妇科及产科治疗的80例病毒性肝病患者作为观察组,均为女性,年龄23~76岁,平均年龄(41.6±10.8)岁;将同期80例健康体检者作为对照组,均为女性,年龄20~73岁,平均年龄(40.9±10.5)岁,肝功能均正常,既往无肝病史;所有观察组患者均符合病毒性肝病诊断标准,急性肝炎31例、慢性肝炎49例;其中,HA V阳性23例、HBV阳性48例、HCV阳性9例;排除合并心肾疾病者、服用过影响肝功能的药物;比较两组间的一般资料无显著差异,具有可比性。

1.2 方法


1.3 统计学方法



2.1 两组间常规生化指标比较


2.2 两组间常规生化指标阳性率比较
