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1. ---Could I keep the iPad2 you lent me a few days longer?

---________. You may keep it until you don’t need it.

A. My pleasure

B. By all means

C.Be careful

D. Don’t worry

2. Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by _____hour and they always can earn 2000 yuan ______ month.

A. the; the

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. a; a

3. If done right, there is no _____ that recycling saves energy and raw matierials, and reduces pollution.

A. need

B. doubt

C. use

D. point

4. Cook was a strict but good captain, ______who took good care of his sailors.

A. one

B. it

C. that

D. this

5. After the rich man heard the touching story, he ____ most of his money to charity.

A. gave in

B. gave off

C. gave away

D. gave out

6. ---What were you doing when I phoned you last night?

---I _____my painting and was starting to take a bath.

A. have already finished

B. was finishing

C. had just finished

D. was going to finish

7. The old lady hurried to the station, only ______Lei Feng had left.

A. to tell

B. to be told

C. telling

D. told

8. ---No wander you were not admitted into university. You _____so lazy when you were in school.

---I know how silly I was.

A. shouldn’t have been

B. mustn’t have been

C. couldn’t have been

D. mightn’t have been

9. Next month his family ____ going to move into a _____ new building, which is about ______high.

A. is;12 storey; 30 meters

B. are; 12-storey; 30 meters

C. is; 12-storeyed; 30 meter

D. are; 12 storeys; 30-meter

10. He studies ______ as hard as I.

A. three more times

B. more than three times

C. three times more

D. three times more than

11. ---Why did you dislike Mr. Armstrong?

---He kept on smoking in my room and spoke loudly, _____ made me feel bad.

A. when

B. that

C. what

D. which

12. You said that the schedule is unimportant and that is_____ I disagree. I think that timing is very impotant to the point.

A. when

B. where

C. what

D. how

13. But for the help of my English teacher, I ______ the PETS.

A. would not have passed C. had not passed

C. would have passed

D. have passed

14. Only by this means_____ make great progress in our English study.

A. we

B. can we

C. we can

D. will we be able to

15. ---Tom, my parents and I drove to the lake and had a picnic. We had a great time! Did you do anything special?

---_______. I just worked on my car all day.

A. Not really

B. For get it

C. I’d love to

D. I’d rather than not


Every human being has the desire to be successful but very few achieve what they want to achieve. The main reason for all the 16 is mind-body discord.(不一致)

For most people, the mind and the body are never in 17 . When a student sits in the morning to 18 , his mother may look at her son studying. 19 this student may have his eyes on the 20 with his mind on the cricket that he is going to play after two hours. So, this student sits with the book for two hours and keeps 21 about cricket. At the end of two hours, nothing has 22 his brains. Finally, the student goes out to 23. Now when the student is playing cricket, he keeps feeling 24 for not having studied properly. He keeps 25 what he will write in the next day's examination. Finally, he leaves the play ground 26 at not having played well. As to both the 27 of this student - studying and playing cricket, he failed to live up to his own expectations in 28 because of mind-body discord. Whenever the body and mind are going in 29 directions, you will only 30 mediocrity (平庸)and failure.

When you study, study - don't think about cricket. When you play cricket, play cricket - don't think about exams. Whenever you want to do an important task, you must first 31 all your other thoughts. Bring your mind and body into unison for the task at 32. Give your 100% to that task. If you can do that for every important task that you 33 , you will definitely achieve 34 . Your will succeed beyond your own expectations, and your family and friends will 35 you with a twinkle of happiness in their eyes.

16. A. surprise B. chance C. failure D. complaint

17. A. return B. balance C. sight D. disorder

18. A. demand B. pray C,study D. count

19. A. Because B. Since C. So D. But

20. A. playground B. book C. TV D. window

21. A. caring B. reading C. talking D. thinking

22. A. protected B. entered C. checked D. left

23. A. play B. watch C. try D. judge

24. A. comfortable B. strange C. guilty D. happy

25. A. giving up B. preparing for C. dealing with D. worrying about

26. A. delighted B. amused C. frustracted D. excited

27. A. tricks B. results C. dreams D. activities

28. A. none B. both C. some D. all

29. A. different B. other C. right D. similar

30. A.miss B. refuse C. experience D. accept
