英译汉San Francisco“San Francisco, open your Golden Gate,” sang the girl in the theatre. She never1 finished her song. That date was 18th April,1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided,buildings crashed2 to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California.3 But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills,rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.The best way to see this splendid city,where Spanish people were the first to make their homes,is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap; they have not risen,I‟m told,for almost a hundred years.4You leave5 the palm trees in Union Square --- the heart of San Francisco --- and from the shop signs and the faces around you,you will notice that in the city live people from many nations --- Austrians,Italians,Chinese and others6 --- giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China.7 Here,with Chinese restaurants, Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas,it is easy8 to feel you are in China itself.Fisherman‟s Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see,is at the end of the ride. You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable car on its turntable (a city custom),and then set out to find a table in one of9 the gay little restaurants beside the harbor. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific seafood you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon .漫步旧金山“旧金山,敞开你的金门吧!”剧院里女歌手唱道,可惜她再也没能唱完1。
英译汉作业41. 句子翻译:翻译下列广告句子:1) It gives my hair super shine, super body, and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow.让秀发更光泽,更柔顺,带着青草的清香。
2) Come to where the flavor is -----Marlboro Country.光临至味之境。
3) Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth ------- Colgate.白皙牙齿,清新口气。
4) A world of comfort------- Japan Airline温房。
5) You’re better off under the Umbrella ------Travelers.保护伞下,自在出行。
6) Quality never goes out of style---- Levi’s.质量永在。
7) You don’t close your eye when you drive a car. So why should you when you buy one? ------Toyota.开车不闭眼,买车又何必?8) Owing to their fine quality, excellent workmanship, novel designs and style, and complete size range, “Snow Mountain” Cashmere Sweaters have gained popularity from consumers at home and abroad.得益于优异的品质,精良的工艺,新颖的设计和款式,完备的尺码范围,“雪山”羊绒衫受到国内外消费者的欢迎。
9) The Kaatskill mountains(卡兹吉尔丛山) are a dismembered(断开的)branch of the great Appalachian family(阿帕拉钦山脉), and are seen away to the west of the river, swelling up to a noble height. Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains, and they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers. At the foot of these fairy mountains, the voyager may have descried(看见) the light smoke curling up from a village, whose shingle-roofs gleam among the trees. It is a little village of great antiquity, having been founded by some of the Dutch colonists. (请用文言文翻译此段)河西可望卡兹吉尔丛山,阿帕拉钦山之遗支,高耸至尊。
讲解表示亲属的词义的范围的对比:哥姐许多同学译为了单数:elder brothers and sisters,但是在解放前一般兄弟姐妹很多,所以译成复数合理的可能性更大些。
有同学为了避免单复数的问题采用了sibling:堂表弟兄:可选的范围比较大,很难做出抉择,因为这个词包括堂兄(paternal uncle’s elder son)、堂弟(paternaluncle’s younger son)、姑表兄(paternal aunt’s elder song)、姑表弟。
而哥姐译成brothers and sisters也就可以了。
总会有些事与你失之交臂On Happiness1Many people think that when they become rich and successful ,happiness will naturally follow.Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.The world is full of very rich people who are miserable as if they were living in hell.T o my mind,If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means,you will know that it is ill earned money .If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you will not be happy with it.You will think you are a base person. Long-term happiness is based on honesty,productive work,contribution ,and self-esteem.Happiness is not an end; it is a process.It is a continuous process of honest ,productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person. If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled. There will always be something missing.。
于是, 他们同我们坐在了一起。
Unit 13 篇章翻译(一)
Unit 13 篇章翻译(一)课时:2H教学目的要求:在汉译英中掌握如何恰当地翻译有关旅游的文章。
教学内容:丝绸之路1. 欢迎各位参加“丝绸之路游”,为期两周的游览将成为您一生中最难忘的经历之一。
Welcome to our Silk Road Tour. This two-week tour/ trip/ excursion will (may) turn out to be one of the most unforgettable (memorable) experiences in your life.[丝绸之路游可以翻译成the Silk Road Tour, 但译文中的our 显得更为亲切,因为这是关于为游客服务的内容,起到较好的宣传作用。
另外,汉语预期往往比较率直、绝对、武断,相比之下英语比较含蓄、委婉,可以把“将”弱化为may.]2. 丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时一名中国官员、朝廷使者张骞沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。
The Silk Road can be traced back to (traces back to/ dates back to ) the second century before B.C., when Zhang Qian, a Chinese official and imperial envoy, went on business to Xiyu (the Western Regiion) along this trade route that linked (joined/ connected ) [connecting]Asia and Europe. (结构调整)3. 这条通道源于长安城(今天的西安),一路穿越陕西省、甘肃省境内的河西走廊、新疆塔里木盆地、帕米尔山区、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克以及叙利亚,最后抵达地中海的东岸,全程七千公里,其中有四千多公里的路段在中国境内。
Frank Underwood, the treacherous main character of the Netflix series House of Cards, uses a combination of deceit, manipulation, and even violence to transform himself from a U.S. senator to contender for the White House. In each episode Underwood makes asides to the camera, summarizing his strategy for gaining power. In one episode he tells us: “For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted.”弗兰克·安德伍德是Netflix的美剧《纸牌屋》中邪恶的主人公,他利用一系列欺骗、篡改甚至暴力手段让自己从美国的一名参议员成为总统候选人。
”Underwood’s philosophy towards gaining power is an old one, tracing at least back to the time of Niccolo Machiavelli, who warned that kindness only leads to weakness. In the modern era, some research suggests that people with narcissistic and tendencies are more likely to rise to the top of organizations. But that doesn’t nec essarily mean they are effective leaders. When it comes to political power, how does virtue relate to success? 对于获得权力,安德伍德的哲学是并不新鲜,这一哲学至少可以追溯到尼古拉·马基雅维利时期,尼古拉·马基雅维利曾提醒世人:仁慈只会导致软弱。
史学方法是任何历史研究工作者必须学习的课程, 也是正确掌握历史研究的一种重要训练。它包括 史学家使用的各种技术和准则,通过他们史学家 用第一手资源和其他研究证据写出历史。在历史 哲学中,合理的历史方法的性质甚至还有可能性 等问题,被当作认识论问题提了出来。其追随者 则以外部批评、内部批评和综合法为标题,对史 学家在研究工作中常用的历史准则进行概括。 (173)
中国结是一种古老的编织艺术。中国人自汉 代就把中国结用作装饰。现在的人们仍然对传 统中国结复杂的美和编织秘密感到不解。“结” 在中文的含义是团聚、友谊、温暖和结婚,等 等。所以中国结也成为团聚、幸运、和谐和爱 的 象征。
制作传统的中国结必须用一根红绳弯曲、 打结、编织,喻义是无穷无尽的幸福生活的循 环。这是中国结最重要的特征。把不同的结和 其它的吉祥饰物巧妙的结合在一起,就是一个 独特的吉祥饰品,特别是代表美、幸福和愿望 的红色。
专八翻译_108散文篇章_精选第一部分汉译英1. 丑石(An Ugly Stone)2. 匆匆(Rush)3. 冬夜(Winter Night)4. 互助(Helping Each Other)5. 黄昏(Dusk)6. 盼头(Something to Lookl Forward to)7. 媲美(Beauty)8. 枪口(The Muzzles)9. 鸲鹆(The Story of a Myna) 10. 铜镜(The Bronze Mirror) 11. 学校(The College)12. 野草(Wild Grass)13. 种梨(Planting a Pear Tree) 14. 哀互生(Mourning for Husheng) 15.落花生(The Peanut)16. 盲演员(A Blind Actor)17. “孺子马” (An”Obedient Horse”)18. 小麻雀(A Little Sparrow) 19. 雄辩症(A Case of Eloquence) 20. 大钱饺子(A Good-luck Dumpling) 21. 荷塘月色(Moonlight over the Lotus Pond)22. 黄龙奇观(A View of Huangllong)23. 枯叶蝴蝶(Lappet Butterfies)24. 泡菜坛子(A pickle Pot)25. 田水哗啦(The Irrigation Water Came Gurgling) 26. 我若为王(If IBe King)27. 西式幽默(Western Humour)28. 项脊轩志(Xiangjixuan)29. 夜间来客(A Night Visitor——A True Story abouta ”Celebrity”Being Interviewed)30. 珍禽血雉(China‘s Native Pheasant)31. 常胜的歌手(A Singer Who Always Wins) 32. 健忘的画眉(The Forgetful Song Thrush) 33. 可爱的南京(Nanjing the Beloved City) 34. 鲁迅先生记(In Memory of Mr.Lu Xun)35. 苗族龙船节(The Miao Drangon-Boat Festival) 36. 秋天的怀念(Fond Memories of You)37. 献你一束花(A Bouquet of Flowers for you) 38. 鸭巢围的夜(A Night at Mallard-Nest Village) 39. 玫瑰色的月亮(The Rosy Moon)40. 内画壶《百子图》(Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside) 41. 维护团结的人(A Man Upholding Unity)42. 我有一个志愿(I Have a Dream)43. 运动员的情操(Sportsmen‘s Values)44. 神话世界九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou,China‘s Fairyland)45. 生命的三分之一(One Third of Our Lifetime)46. 我可能是天津人(I Might Have Come from Tianjin) 47. 五台名刹画沧桑(The famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitudes) 48. 爱梦想的羞怯女孩(A Shy Dreamer)49. 永久的憧憬和追求(My Lnging and yearning)50. 老人和他的三个儿子(The Old Man and his three sons) 51. 乐山龙舟会多姿多彩(dragon-Boat Festival at Leshan) 52. 撷自那片芳洲的清供(AnOffering from his Sweet homeland) 53. 三峡多奇景妙笔夺开工(The Scenic Three Gorges Captured ) 54. 初中国旅游可到哪些地斱(Tips on Traveling to China the First Time)第二部分英译汉1. A Ball to Roll Around(滚球)2. A Boupquet for Miss Benson(送给卞老师的一束花)3. A Boy and His Father Become Partners(父子伙伴情)4. A Gift of Dreams(梦寐以求的礼物)5. A Hard Day in the Kitchen(厨房里的一场闹刷)6. A Nation of Hypochondriacs(一个疑病症患者的国度)7. Are Books an Endangered Species? (书籍是即将灭绝的物种吗?)8. A Sailor‘s Christmas Gift(一个海员的圣诞礼物)9. A Tale of Two Smut Merchants(两上淫秽照片商的故事)10. A Visit with the Folks(探访故亲)11. Canadian Eskimo Lithographs(加拿大爱斯基摩人的石版画) 12. Divorce and Kids(离婚不孩子)13. Doug Heir(杜格?埃厄)14. Fame(声誉)s Journey(费利西娅的旅行) 15. Felicia‘16. Genius Sacrificed for failure(为育庸才损英才) 17. Glories of the Storm(辉煌壮丽的暴风雨) 18. Han Suyin‘s China(韩素音笔下的中国) 19. Hate(仇恨)20. How Should One Read a Book? (怎样读书?) 21. In Praie of the Humble Comma(小小逗号赞) 22. Integrity——From A Mother in Mannville(正直) 23. In the Pursuit of a Haunting and Timeless Truth(追寻一段永世难忘的叱实)24. Killer on Wings is Under Threat(飞翔的杀手正受到威胁) 25. Lifein a Violin Case(琴匣子中的生趣)26. Love Is Not like Merchandise(爱情不是商品) 27. Luck(好运气)28. Mayhew(生活的道路)29. My Averae Uncle(艾默大叔——一个普普通通的人) 30. My Father‘s Music(我父亲的音乐)31. My Mother‘s Gift (母亲的礼物)32. New Light Buld Offers Energy Efficiency(新型灯泡提高能效) 33. Of Studies(谈读书)34. On Leadership(论领导)35. On Cottages in General(农舍概述)36. Over the Hill(开小差)37. Promise of Bluebirds(蓝知更鸟的希望)38. Stories on a Headboard(床头板上故事多)39. Sunday(星期天)40. The Blanket(一条毛毯)41. The Colour of the Sky(天空的色彩)42. The date Father Didn‘t Keep(父亲失约)43. The Kiss(吻)) 44. The Letter(家书45. The Little Boat That Sailed through Time(悠悠岁月小船情) 46. The Living Seas(富有生命的海洋)47. The Roots of My Ambition(我的自强之源)48. The song of the River(河之歌)49. They Wanted Him Everywhere——Herbert von Karajan(1908-1989) (哪儿都要他)50. Three Great Puffy Rolls(三个又大双暄的面包圈) 51. Trust(信任)52. Why measure Life in Hearbeats? (何必以心跳定生死?)53. Why the bones Break(骨折缘何而起)54. Why Women Live Longer than Men(为什么女人经男人活得长)丑石 An Ugly Stone贾平凹 Jia Pingwa我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它I used to feel sorry for that ugly 黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样;谁也不知black piece of stone lying like an 道是什么时候留在这里的.谁也不去理会它。
• 现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学, 现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学, 人数在急剧增加。 人数在急剧增加。 1. Nowadays, sending teenagers to study abroad has become more and more popular, and the number is increasing sharply. 2. Nowadays in China, it has become more and more popular for parents to send their teenage children to study abroad, and the number of these teenage students is soaring. 3. There is a growing trend of sending teenage students abroad to study – the number has been increasing dramatically.
• 缺乏适应性以及交流和交往能力必然会使自己感 到孤立。 到孤立。 1. Lack of adaptability and the ability to communicate would certainly make them feel isolated. 2. Without adaptability and communication skills, they will inevitably feel isolated. 3. And due to the lack of self-orientation, the ability to communicate and interact effectively with host-country nationals, they tend to find themselves isolated.
篇章翻译---英译汉We sometimes fall in with person who have seen much of the world, and of the man who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalized nothing,and have no observation, in the true sense of the world. They abound in information in detail ,curious and entertaining, about men and things, and, having lived under the influence of no very clear or settled principles, religious or political, they speak of every one and everything, only as so many phenomena, which are complete in themselves, and lead to nothing, not discussing any truth, or instructing the hearer, but simple talking. No one would say that these persons, well informed as they are, had attained to any great culture or intellect or to philosophy.译文:我们有时邂逅一些熟悉世故的人,和一些曾经见过许多在其全盛时代,叱咤风云,世界安危所系的有名人物的人,但是他们却不能归纳出一点什么来,也毫无真正的观察力。
在英语句子中,主语、谓语和宾 语是句子的核心成分,需要准确 识别并翻译为对应的中文表达。
状语和定语是句子中修饰或限定 名词或动词的成分,需要仔细分 析并恰当地翻译。
英语句子中有时会省略一些成分, 而有时则会出现冗余现象,需要包括深入理解原文含义,准确把握语言
了解原文的文化背景和历史背景,以便在译文中进行适当的解释和补充。 注意文化差异,避免因文化误解而产生的歧义。
1挑选翻译 5 篇章翻译
爱克斯光 日光 春光 争光 X-ray Sunlight Spring scenery To win honor
两面光 (脸上)无光
Smooth on both sides
To feel ashamed
The 墨水用光了。
ink’s used up. To wipe out the enemy. 把敌人消灭光 To eat and drink up 吃光喝光
你能够使朋友高兴,也能痛恨或踢 敌人,甚至把斧头架到敌人脖子 上。
Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦不找你,别去找麻烦。
Like knows like. Like cures like. Like attracts like. Hitler and his like. 英雄识英雄。 以毒攻毒。 物以类聚。 希特勒之流。
“你们这些男人什么都看不出来。你 这糊涂瞎眼的人哪,克劳莱夫人 要有什么三长两短,夏泼小姐就 要做你的后娘了。你瞧着吧。”
2. 考虑词的搭配关系
It is a wet summer. 这是一个多雨的夏天。 He is wet through. 他浑身湿透了。
If you think I am for him, you are all wet. 你若认为我支持他,那你就大错特错了. She had a wet nurse for the infant Eliot. 她雇佣了一名奶妈,为襁褓中的艾略特喂 奶。
Diction 选词用字
Tea 墙报
第八章 篇章翻译 一`什么是篇章
read, “ The most beautiful spot on campus is not
▪ 稍稍能安慰我们的,是在那石上有一个不大不 小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。(贾平凹 《丑 石》)
▪ The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it, which is filled with water on rainy days.
零式指称(zero anaphora)
▪ 零式指称的基本概念是在语篇中 本该出现的指称词被省略了。
▪ 汉语使用零式指称远比英语多; 汉语的零式指称不受句法限制。 (Li & Thompson, 1979) (李那 和 汤普森)
▪ 一路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会 儿觉,就到了北京。
▪ We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing.
▪ 衔接性和连贯性是篇章最重要的特征。衔接和连 贯是当前篇章语言学(textual linguistics)和话 语分析(discourse analysis)研究的重点和热点。
▪ 英汉语篇在结构形态和逻辑关系上相 似时,一般可以采用“临摹”的办法, 按照源语的发展思路,在译语种复制 或基本照搬源语行文的建构方式。这 种方法称作“逻辑顺组” (logic copying)。
▪ I. 指称衔接(照应) co-reference anaphora
▪ II. 结构衔接 structural cohesion ▪ III. 词汇衔接 lexical cohesion ▪ IV. 语音衔接 phonetic cohesion
英译汉翻译作业21. 句子翻译1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他把手插入口袋,耸了耸肩。
2) The decrease in his income changed his life style.收入降低改变了他的生活方式。
3) I am ill-fated. My father died when I was four years old. My mother took her solemn vow to remain in widowhood. She was stricken with poverty and had to earn a living all by herself. She nurtured me and educated me until I grew up.(请用文言文翻译)吾不幸,生孩四年,慈父见背,母严誓寡居。
4) A poverty-stricken people would breed wickedness and all kinds of evils. But poverty rises from insufficiency, which in turn comes from the people’s being divorced from farming. Without farming, they would not be settled on the land, and this would cause them to leave their native places and make little of their homes. If people are like fowls and beasts, they are not to be contained even by high walls and severe punishments. When attacked by cold and hunger, one might be lost to all sense of shame. For it is in the human nature that one would feel hungry without eating twice a day and would freeze without renewing his clothes by the end of a year. If hunger is not stayed by food and cold not resisted with clothes, even a kind-hearted mother could not keep her children, how could a monarch keep his people? (请用文言文翻译)贫者生万恶之念。
9.1.2 英汉篇章结构对比
英语篇章: 主题----段落 (层层递进;直线 展开) 汉语篇章: 不同层面,同一论点, (螺旋形上升)
Intercultural communication is an interdisciplinary field of study which incorporates research from disciplines such as social psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, socio-linguistics, and, of course, communication. One of the most important areas of research addressed by intercultural scholars is how misunderstandings can be minimized when people communicate with others from different cultures.
Low-context communication is like a computer program; everything must be specified in the coded message or the computer program will not run. In a lowcontext culture like the United States, individuals must express themselves as explicitly as possible for effective communication to occur. high-context communication, in contrast, is like communication between twins who were raised together. Twins intuitively understand each other and use shortened sentences and words when they talk.
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• 汉语:“意合” ,省略连接词,不同意思通过不 同的短句表达出来 • 英语:“形合”,借助词形变化表示各种语法关 虚词(如连接词、介词) 系,逻辑性强,外形完整
杂句 非谓语动词(表目的、原因、伴随的动词译为不定式、 分词、名词、介词等) 把汉语的众多动词分清顺序或分清主次,编排成英语 的习惯表达
• What’s the teacher's image? On Teacher's Day, Sept.10, a group of teenage reporters from the middle school attached to Qinghua University took a poll on the street on seventy six passersby. Eighty six of those surveyed said that teachers should be held in high esteem because they are committed to the shaping of the younger generation, an undertaking crucial to achieving a 14 higher level of education in China.
• In 1953, when they learned from diplomatic sources of a third country that the United States and Britain were prepared to attack the Chinese troops in Korea with nuclear weapons, the leaders of new China, deeply concerned, decided that China must have its own atomic bombs and missiles.
语篇意识翻译版 • In the afternoon, after borrowing a book from the library, I went back home for supper. What depressed me was that I didn’t find that it was the wrong book until after supper. That is what I am like: I take a book and run away without even a glance on it. There is nobody else to blame but myself.
• 1953年,英美两国计划对中国援朝
交官转告北京时,新中国的领导人 深感忧虑,立即作出了建立和发展
原子953, America and England planned to use atomic bombs against Chinese aiding troops in Korea and to attack China with nuclear weapons. When the news was transferred to Beijing from diplomatic sources of a third country, the leaders of new China felt deeply worried and immediately decided to set up and develop atomic bomb and missile cause.
• 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的 叶子。叶子出水很高,象亭亭的舞女的 裙。
• All over this winding stretch water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace.
enthusiasm for the idea. There was hardly a dissenting voice. There was full agreement on the subject in the end.
After a lively debate on the subject, all the workers came to
• 英语注重句型变化
– 长短句结合
– 简单句和复杂句结合
– 主动、被动句式间杂
– 陈述、强调、倒装交替
烈。几乎没有听到不同的意见,最后大家都同意 了这个计划。
There was a lively debate among the workers. There was
agreement without even a dissenting voice at last.
• 下午,我到图书馆,借出一本书。 然后,回家吃饭。吃饭后,我把书 打开,我十分烦恼,原来这本书不 是我要借的书。我就是这号人:拿 出一本书不看就走。我不能怪别人, 只能怪自己。
• 如果静思太久,觉得孤独了,不妨翻开你可爱的 书,书会使你轻松让你充实。在静静的空间里读 一本好书,如同冬日里围坐一盆炭火与挚友谈心。 平日,因工作太忙,或交际太繁,你难得与古今 中外的智者交谈。而今,你却可以凝神倾听他们 的教诲了。在静心的阅读中,你的学识逐渐得到 增长。你也可以依随自己的爱好,去干任何一件 感兴趣的事。静静地听一段音乐,专注地画几笔 画,认真摆一盘残局,甚至翻翻往日影集,想念 一番遥远的朋友。这些,无一不是人生的快乐。
Translation at discourse level
•篇章翻译 •Translation at discourse level
• 篇章翻译不同于单句翻译 • 通读并理解全文,并对文章的内容和风格有一个完整的和 全面的认识,保证译文行文连贯
– 句型多样化 – 避免重复主语 – 段落的连贯性 – 翻译中的节奏
逐字逐句翻译版 • I went to the library in the afternoon. I took out a book. Then I put the book under my arm. I went home to eat supper. I opened the book after supper. Then I discovered that it was not the book I wanted. I was greatly annoyed. I was such a kind of man: I always take a book while I do not look at it. I had nobody to blame but myself.
• In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet dinners in honor of this or that provide an excellent opportunity to make a lot of friends. When strangers meet on such occasions, an Asian tends to present his name card respectfully with both hands before the conversation, which seems to be required by etiquette. However, the French usually are not so ready with such a formality that they will excuse themselves after exchanges of a few words of greetings or even after a rambling chat about everything under the sun. They will offer cards only when they find each other agreeable and hope to further the relationship. And it seems somewhat unnatural 21 for them to do so before getting into conversation.
• 我试着往前凑,它跳一跳,可是又停住, 看着我,小黑豆眼带出要亲近我又不完全 信任的神气。
• I was gingerly edging along toward the bird when it fluttered away a little and stopped again, staring back with its small, black, bean-like eyes that had a look of distrust while seeking to be friends with me.
• 9月10日是教师节。教师在人们的心目中究竟是什
么样子呢?清华附中的小记者走出校门,采访了 76位路人。采访发现,83%的人认为老师肩负着培 养下一代的重任,是提高全民族文化素质的决定 因素,值得尊敬。