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(答卷时间:60分钟,总分:100分) 听力部分(


)9. What'sthe n ature park like ?

( )10. What do you have for lunch today?

( )1. A. hill B. will ( )2. A. sound (

)3.A. sweet B. swim ( )4. A. healthy ( )5.A. house B. horse ( )6. A. pla nt ( )7.A. beside B. beh ind ( )8. A. sky ( 9.A. bridge B.fridge ( )10. A. above

一、Listen and choose. (I )根据你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,并将其编号填在括号里。 (II )根据你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,并将其编号填在括号里。 (每小题0.5分,共5分)

B. count

B. helpful B. plate B. shy B. about




Listen and choose.根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其的字母编号填在括号里。



( )1.

A. sea


C. she ( )2. A.too B. two C.to ( )3. A. fin ish B. fresh C. fish ( )4. A. know B. no C. not ( )5. A. you B. your C.my ( )6. A. there B. their C. they ( )7. A. fruit B. food C.foot ( )8. A.meet B. meat C.n eed ( )9. A.front B.from C. for ( )10. A.what ' B.what C. who's

choose.根据录音内容, Listen and

) 把相符合的选项编号填在括号里。

( )1.A. There is a bed and a pla

nt. ( )2.A .It 'near the park.

( )3.A .I like some water. (

)4.A .He' s MSmith. )5.A. Yes, this is . )6.A. Yes, please.

)7.A 」like salad and hamburgers. )8.A. Yes, it is. )9.A .Yes, they are

delicous. )10.A.We can dance.

B. There is a river . B. It ' in front of the door. B. I have some beef. B. She is pretty. B. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I like.

B. I have math and En glish. B. Yes, there is a one. B. No, they are too hot. B: They can play football.

C. There are many ani mals

C. It ' in the water bottle. C. I dlike some chicken C. She ' s my mother. C. No, I am not.

C. Sure, here you are. C. I don 'like Tuesdays. C. Yes, there is '. C.Yes, I like.

C. He can do kun gfu.

1.What 'your scie nee teacher like?




3. What s your favourite drink?

(每小题1分,共10 分)

)2. What do you often do on Saturdays?




)4. Who 'your favourite teacher?



)6. What do you have on Mon days? 四、Listen and fill .根据听力内容填入所缺的单词,使句子意思合理,每空只填一词。


1. Tim: _______ your math teacher like? Lily: She is clever and ______________ .

2. Ben: What do you ofte n do on _________ after school? Joh n: I ofte n play _______ .

3. Paul: Tomorrow is __________ . Do you like it, Jack? Jack: Sure, I have _________class.

4. Dad: It 'time for lun ch. Would you like some ___________ , Son?

Son: No, thanks.l dlike some __________

5. Amy is ____________ . She can __________ f or her family everyday.

6: Sue: What's in your livi ng room?

Sammi:There is a ______________________ the sofa. ) A B

A 5. What can Sarah do? science computer music

)7. What sin Mike 'snew bedroom?

7. There ________ any tall _____________ i n our school. 8. The _________ is ___________ t he forest and lake. 9. A: Is there a ________ in the n ature park? B: No, there ________ . But there is a lake.

10. There are many ___________ in the _____________ .

五、Listen and judge.根据对话内容判断句子的对错。对的在括号内打,错的打"x” 。(每小题1分,
