新概念第一册词汇语法第57课:An unusual day
新概念英语第一册 Lesson57~58-(共19张PPT)

② 逆读 即:先读分钟数,再读钟点数 • 情况一:当分钟数小于30 时,用“分钟数+past+钟点
数”,表示“…点过…分”; 分钟数刚好是半小时时, 可用“half past+钟点数”
如:5:30 half past five 8:10 ten past eight
• 情况二:当分钟数大于30时,用“分钟数(60减去已 知分钟数)+to+钟点数(已知钟点数+1)”,表示 “差…分到…点”。
想想看乘公 交车、火车、 飞机,怎么 说呢?
(1) 整点时间:在钟点数后直接加o’ clock 即可,也可省略。
seven o’clock seven
2) 非整点时间: ① 顺读 即:先读钟点数,再读分钟数,数字直接读出
如: 8:30 eight thirty 10:45 ten forty-five
是 后来成 为古希 腊另一 位大哲 学家的 柏拉图 。这个 小故事 所蕴含 的深刻 含意是 显 而 易见的 。
“ 人 贵 有 志 ,人贵有 恒”,这 个道理 是千百 年来人 类在实 践总结 出来的。它深刻地阐 明 :人 最 可 贵 的是有 志向,最 难得 的是持 之以恒 。
你 可 能 羡 慕 那些成 功者吧 !但 你 知 道在他 们成功 的背后 付出了 多少汗 水吗?爱 迪生 说 “ 天 才 是 百分之 一的灵 感,加上 百分之 九十九 的汗水 。”不 要把精 力放在 羡慕别
by ship
by plane 特例:步行 on foot
by bus by train
What time is it, Yoyo? It’s half past seven.(7:30)

Lesson57-58 An unusual day一、单词与短语O′clock: adv.点钟;表示时间只能用在整点之后,如:I usually go to school at eight O′clock, and come home at five thirty.我通常八点整上学,五点半回家。
Shop: n.商店;关于shop常用的短语,go shopping:去商店买东西;moment: n.片刻,瞬间;关于moment需要掌握的三个常见短语:at the moment:就在此时,现在;for the moment:当前,目前;in a moment:很快,一会儿;二、短语句型语法1、It is eight O′clock.现在是八点钟此句中需要掌握用英语如何表达时间。
如9:20的英语表达为:nine twenty; 9:50的英语表达为:nine fifty.另一种是倒读法,就是先说分针所指的数字,再说时针所指的数字。
比如9:20的英语表达为:twenty past nine; 9:50的英语表达为:ten to ten; 9:30的英语表达为:half past nine;在英语中,通常把时钟分成两半,前半小时用past(过),后半小时用to(差)来表达时间。
在表达15分钟及45分钟时,可以用quarter(一刻),同理,前半小时用past, 后半小时用to.比如9:15:的英语表达式为:a quarter past nine; 9:45的英语表达式为a quarter to ten.②如何询问时间询问时间常见的几种表达方式:What time is it? What is the time?What time is it by your watch?Excuse me, have you got the time?2、they are going to school on foot.他们正步行上学On foot:步行,是方式状语,另外表达用什么方式、凭什么工具经常用by加具体的名词,如:by sea:乘船by ship:乘船by bus:乘公共汽车by bike:骑自行车by air:乘飞机by plain:乘飞机3、课文中重点短语集锦:go to school:去上学on foot:步行stay at home: 呆在家里drink tea:喝茶in the living room:在卧室里in the garden:在花园里do homework:做家庭作业at the moment:此时此刻read newspaper: 读报纸4、重点语法:现在进行时(一)现在进行时是指正在发生的动作或事件,动作发生的时间是“现在”,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”。
新概念英语第一册课堂笔记Lesson 57 An unusual day

新概念英语第一册课堂笔记Lesson 57 An unusualday新单词:o’clock、shop、momentWhat’s the time?/What time is it?It’s … o’clock.(表示整点)past(表示半点前)Ten past seven.Twenty past nine.half(表示半点)It’s half past eight.It’s half past ten.to(表示半点以后)Ten to seven.Twenty to four.Two to two.quarter(表示一刻钟)a quarterA quarter past one.It’s a quarter to four.It’s a quarter past nine.It’s a quarter to seven.shopping center:购物中心shopping mall:大型购物中心supermarket:超市go to the shops:逛商店(买东西)go shopping:购物do some shopping:买东西shoplift:从商店中偷东西shoplifter:商店扒手window shop:只看不买at the moment:现在,此刻for a moment:一会儿at any moment:任何时候at the last moment:在最后一刻in a moment:不久at the very moment:就在非常的那一刻at that moment:就在那一刻★ TextIt is eight o’clock.The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.It is ten o’clock.Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.It is four o’clock.In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six o’clock.In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework.At the moment, they are playing in the garden.It is nine o’clock.Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night.But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight.At the moment, he’s reading an interesting book.。
裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册(57-58)

Lesson 57 An unusual day 很不平常的一天New Words and expressions 生词和短语o'clock adv. 点钟shop n. 商店moment n. 片刻,瞬间:o'clock adv. 点钟前面必须加整点时间three o'clock 三点钟shop n. 商店(Br.)store n. 商店(Am.)go to the shops到当地或附近的商店买一些常用的东西,比如,食品go shopping逛街,逛商店,指去买一些不经常买的东西,如服装,唱片等corner shop 小型的店,主要是销售食品,酒类,杂志等等shopping center 购物中心(指家中了许多商店的某一区域)mall/shopping mall 大型购物中心(指有许多商店,并且设有电影院,舞厅等设施的大型建筑物)moment n. 片刻,瞬间a moment 一会儿wait a moment 稍等片刻at the moment 目前(一般现在进行时)eg. She is doing her homework at the momentat any moment 在任何时候,随时eg. This could happen at any moment.这件事有可能随时会发生.for the moment 暂时,目前eg. Stop talking about it for the moment.暂不谈论这个问题.TEXT 课文Question:What is Mr.Sawyer doing tonight?Listen to the tape then answer this question.听录音,然后回答问题。
What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight? He's reading an interesting book.索耶先生今晚正在做什么?在读一本有趣的书. (注意索耶一家特殊的一天是怎样过的)It is eight o'clock. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.现在是8点钟。
裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记:Lesson 57 An unusual day

Lesson 57 An unusual dayNew words and expressions:o'clock adv. 点钟shop n. 商店moment n. 片刻,瞬间o'clock adv. 点钟前面必须加整点时间three o'clock 三点钟shop n.商店(Br.)store n.商店(Am.)go to the shops到当地或附近的商店买一些常用的东西,比如: 食品go shopping逛街,逛商店,指去买一些不经常买的东西,如服装,唱片等corner shop 小型的店,主要是销售食品,酒类,杂志等等shopping center 购物中心(指集中了许多商店的某一区域)mall/shopping mall 大型购物中心(指有许多商店,并且设有电影院,餐厅等设施大型建筑物)moment n. 片刻,瞬间a moment 一会儿wait a momentat the moment 目前(一般现在进行时)eg. She is doing her homework at the moment.at any moment 在任何时候; 随时eg. This could happen at any moment.这件事有可能随时会发生。
for the moment 暂时,目前eg. Stop talking about it for the moment.暂不谈论这个问题。
Text:Question:What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight?It is eight o'clock.现在是8点钟。
1) o'clock前面必须用整点时间。
11 o'clock10 o'clock2) 在英语中常用it来指时间,天气,温度或距离,it被称作“虚主语”。
eg. It is cold. (it指天气)The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.孩子们每天都乘小汽车去上学,而今天,他们正步行去上学。
新概念英语Lesson57 An unusual day

It is nine o’clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he’s reading an interesting book.
It is four o’clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.
It is six o’clock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.
What time is it?
What do the children usually do in the evening?
It is nine o’clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he’s reading an interesting book. What’s the time?
What does Mr. Sawyer usually do at night?

6.The boy reads books every day. (一现)
1:35twenty-five to two
1:40twenty to two
1:45a quarter to two
1:50ten to two
1:55five to two
对时间提问用:what time
1.What time is it?2.What’s the time?
Lesson57 An unusual day
unusual adj.不寻常的
un- , =not
happy ---unhappy
lucky ---unlucky
adj. + ly =adv.
时间标志词:Look! Listen! now, at the moment, at present, this morning/week
My fatherreads a newspaperevery day.
否:My father doesn’t read a newspaper every day.
stay in bed
by car
stay with sb.

for a moment 片刻,一会儿
at the moment 此刻,目前
for the moment 暂时;目前 我想和你谈一会儿。
I want to talk with you for a moment. at that moment 在那时 Wait a moment 稍等。
› ride a\the horse to sp
by+交通工具,表示"乘坐(某种交通工具)",必须与动词连用。 表交通工具的名词前不加冠词
It is ten o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.
Moment ['məumənt] n. 片刻,瞬间
› I'll be back in a moment. › 我一会儿就回来。 › the moment +to do 应该做...的时候
› This is not the (best) momnet to tell him the news.
› 现在不是告诉他这个消息的(最佳)时机。
shop [ʃɔp] n. 商店
› 在商店 › in the shop › 购物 › go shopping › =go to the shops › 购物,“血拼” › Shopping mall › 商场 › Window shopping › 只逛不买
Moment ['məumənt] n. 片刻,瞬间
用法:go to sp by +交通工具
新概念英语第一册lesson 57 An unusual day

It is eight o'clock. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.It is ten o'clock. Mrs Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.It is four o’clock. In the aft ernoon, Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in theliving-room, but this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six o’clock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.It is nine o’clock, Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night, but he is not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he is reading an interesting book.New Word and expressions 生词与短语o'clockadv. 点钟shopn. 商店momentn. 片刻,瞬间本文参考译文现在是8点钟。

shop[ʃɔp] n. 商店
Shopping 购物 Shopping mall 商场 Window shopping 只逛不买
Go shopping 购物,“血拼”
3 . It is four o'clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.
unusually [ʌn'ju:ʒuəlɪ] adv. 非常;异乎寻常地;显著地 ( un 否定前缀) usually adv.通常
8:00 children go to school by car going to school on foot
10:00 Mrs.
stays at home
注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这样就不需 要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。
12 11
1 2
What's the time?/ What time is it?
2. It is ten o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.
always(100%)>usually(80%)>often(60%)>sometimes(40% )>seldom(20%)>hardly (10%)>never(0%)

What time is it?
1. It’s nine forty-five. ( It’s a quarter to ten.) 现在是九点四十五分。
2. It’s two seventeen. ( It’s seventeen past two.) 现在是两点十七分。
How to tell the time?(2) 如何表达时间?
• Can you tell me the time? • It's one thirty-five. • It's twenty-five to two.
• Excuse me, have you got the time?
• Yes. It's two forty-five. • Yes. It's a quarter to three.
6. It’s three fifty. ( It’s ten to four. ) 现在是 三点五十分。
( 现在是差十分四点。)
• shop [ʃɔp] n. 商店
v. 逛商店,购物,买东西
• I saw both of them at work in the sh's eleven o'clock now. • 现在是十一点钟。
How to ask the time? 如何问时间?
• What time is it? • What’s the time? • Could you tell me the time? • Excuse me, have you got the time? • What time is it by your watch/ clock?
新概念第一册 57 58课

It is six o'clock. In the evening, the children usually ____their homework but this evening, do _____ __________, they are not doing their homework. At the are _______ moment, they ______playing in the garden.
Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper.
肯定句:主语(I/We/You/They)+动词+其他 e.g. I stay at home every day . 主语(He/She/It)+动词加s/es+其他 e.g. He stays at home on Saturdays.
否定句:主语(I/We/You/They) +do+ not+动词原形+其他 e.g. I don’t stay at home on Saturdays. 主语(He/She/It)+does +not+动词原形+其他 e.g. He doesn’t stay at home on Saturdays.
Lesson 57 An unusual day
New Word and expressions 生词和短语
o'clock adv. 点钟 shop n. 商店 moment n. 片刻,瞬间
What's the time?/ What time is it? It's … o'clock. (表示整点) past (表示半点前) Ten past seven. half (表示半点) It's half past eight. to (表示半点以后) Ten to seven. a quarter (表示一刻钟) a quarter A quarter past one. It's a quarter to four. It's a quarter past nine.
新概念第一册 Lesson 57 57课

It is six o'clock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.
read his newspaper 读报纸 at night 在晚上 he's=he is . tonight 今晚 interesting 有趣的 read an interesting book 读一本有
趣的书。 注意interesting前的冠词an
现在是9点钟。索耶先生通常是在晚上看报,但今天晚上他没看报。 此刻,他正在看一本有趣的书。
It is eight o'clock. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.
it在这里代指时间 go to school 去上学 by car 坐车 by plane/by ship 坐飞机/坐船 but表示转折,但是 are going表示正在进行时 on foot 步行
It is nine o'clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But he's not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he's reading an interesting book.
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新概念第一册词汇语法第57课:An unusual day Lesson 57 An unusual day 很不平常的一天
It is eight o'clock. The children go to school by car
every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.
It is ten o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in
the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.
It is four o'clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.
It is six o'clock. In the evening, the children usually
do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.
It is nine o'clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But he's not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he's reading an interesting book.
1.by car, 乘汽车。
by boat 乘船
by bus 乘公共汽车
by plane 乘飞机
by sea 乘船
2.on foot, 步行。
实行时只用于表示动作或偶尔发生的事件(We are eating, it is raining等等)。
有些动词(如 like, want, know等)不是动作动词,所以不能用实行时态,如不能说 I am knowing或We are liking,而只能说 I know或 We like。
一般现在时表达某个习惯性动作,通常与时间频度副词连用,如usually, always, often, sometimes, never等;现在实行时表示此时此刻正在实行的动作,一般与 now, at the moment, today, this afternoon, this evening, tonight等连用。
We usually watch television at night. But we are listening to the stereo tonight.
(1)v. 玩,做游戏:
The children are playing in the garden.
(2)v. 参加(体育活动、比赛等):
Let's play chess!
He likes playing basketball.
(3)n. 玩耍;娱乐:
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作而不娱乐会使人变呆的。
(1)v. 烹调;煮,烧:
She cooked a lovely meal for her husband.她为丈夫做了一顿美餐。
The beef is not cooked enough.
(2)n. 厨子,炊事员:
Tom works as a cook in a local restaurant.汤姆在当地的一家餐馆当厨子。
My dad is really a good cook.