
金融体制、融资约束与投资——来自OECD的实证分析R.SemenovDepartment of Economics,University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen(荷兰内梅亨大学,经济学院)这篇论文考查了OECD的11个国家中现金流量对企业投资的影响.我们发现不同国家之间投资对企业内部可获取资金的敏感性具有显著差异,并且银企之间具有明显的紧密关系的国家的敏感性比银企之间具有公平关系的国家的低.同时,我们发现融资约束与整体金融发展指标不存在关系.我们的结论与资本市场信息和激励问题对企业投资具有重要作用这种观点一致,并且紧密的银企关系会减少这些问题从而增加企业获取外部融资的渠道。
然而,经济理论表明市场摩擦,诸如信息不对称和激励问题会使获得外部资本更加昂贵,并且具有盈利投资机会的企业不一定能够获取所需资本.这表明融资要素,例如内部产生资金数量、新债务和权益的可得性,共同决定了企业的投资决策.现今已经有大量考查外部资金可得性对投资决策的影响的实证资料(可参考,例如Fazzari(1998)、 Hoshi(1991)、 Chapman(1996)、Samuel(1998)).大多数研究结果表明金融变量例如现金流量有助于解释企业的投资水平。

未经允许,请勿外传!浙江大学本科毕业论文外文文献翻译The influence of political connections on the firm value of small and medium-sized enterprises in China政治关联在中国对中小型企业价值的影响1摘要中小型企业的价值受很多因素的影响,比如股东、现金流以及政治关联等.这篇文章调查的正是在中国政治关联对中小型企业价值的影响。
从90年代起, 政治因素对中国的任何规模的企业来说都变得越来越重要,尤其是中小型企业的价值。

命名[编辑]这种滤波方法以它的发明者鲁道夫.E.卡尔曼(Rudolph E. Kalman)命名,但是根据文献可知实际上Peter Swerling在更早之前就提出了一种类似的算法。
施密特(Stanley Schmidt)首次实现了卡尔曼滤波器。
关于这种滤波器的论文由Swerling(1958)、Kalman (1960)与Kalman and Bucy(1961)发表。
除此以外,还有施密特扩展滤波器、信息滤波器以及很多Bierman, Thornton开发的平方根滤波器的变种。
卡尔曼滤波建立在线性代数和隐马尔可夫模型(hidden Markov model)上。

企业可持续发展战略研究论文中英文外文翻译文献文献1:Sustainable Development Strategies for Businesses该研究论文介绍了企业可持续发展战略的重要性以及相关的实施策略。
文献2:The Role of Corporate Governance in Sustainable Development该文献探讨了公司治理在可持续发展中的作用。
文献3:Innovation Strategies for Sustainable Development该研究论文研究了创新战略在可持续发展中的作用。
文献4:The Importance of Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Development该文献强调了利益相关者参与在可持续发展中的重要性。
文献5:Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Performance of Businesses该研究论文研究了测量和报告企业可持续发展绩效的方法和指标。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:财务与会计学院年级专业:201*级财务管理姓名:学号:132148***附件: 财务风险管理【Abstract】Although financial risk has increased significantly in recent years risk and risk management are not contemporary issues。
The result of increasingly global markets is that risk may originate with events thousands of miles away that have nothing to do with the domestic market。
Information is available instantaneously which means that change and subsequent market reactions occur very quickly。
The economic climate and markets can be affected very quickly by changes in exchange rates interest rates and commodity prices。
Counterparties can rapidly become problematic。
As a result it is important to ensure financial risks are identified and managed appropriately. Preparation is a key component of risk management。
【Key Words】Financial risk,Risk management,YieldsI. Financial risks arising1.1What Is Risk1.1.1The concept of riskRisk provides the basis for opportunity. The terms risk and exposure have subtle differences in their meaning. Risk refers to the probability of loss while exposure is the possibility of loss although they are often used interchangeably。

建筑学Modern-Architecture现代建筑⼤学毕业论⽂外⽂⽂献翻译及原⽂毕业设计(论⽂)外⽂⽂献翻译⽂献、资料中⽂题⽬:现代建筑⽂献、资料英⽂题⽬:Modern Architecture⽂献、资料来源:⽂献、资料发表(出版)⽇期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译⽇期: 2017.02.14建筑学毕业设计的外⽂⽂献及译⽂⽂献、资料题⽬:《Advanced Encryption Standard》⽂献、资料发表(出版)⽇期:2004.10.25外⽂⽂献:Modern ArchitectureModern architecture, not to be confused with 'contemporary architecture', is a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics, primarily the simplification of form and the elimination of ornament. While the style was conceived early in the 20th century and heavily promoted by a few architects, architectural educators and exhibits, very few Modern buildings were built in the first half of the century. For three decades after the Second World War, however, it became the dominant architectural style for institutional and corporate building.1. OriginsSome historians see the evolution of Modern architecture as a social matter, closely tied to the project of Modernity and hence to the Enlightenment, a result of social and political revolutions.Others see Modern architecture as primarily driven by technological and engineering developments, and it is true that the availability of new building materials such as iron, steel, concrete and glass drove the invention of new building techniques as part of the Industrial Revolution. In 1796, Shrewsbury mill owner Charles Bage first used his ‘fireproof’ design, which relied on cast iron and brick with flag stone floors. Such construction greatly strengthened the structure of mills, which enabled them to accommodate much bigger machines. Due to poor knowledge of iron's properties as a construction material, a number of early mills collapsed. It was not until the early 1830s that Eaton Hodgkinson introduced the section beam, leading to widespread use of iron construction, this kind of austere industrial architecture utterly transformed the landscape of northern Britain, leading to the description, "Dark satanic mills" of places like Manchester and parts of West Yorkshire. The Crystal Palace by Joseph Paxton at the Great Exhibition of 1851 was an early example of iron and glass construction; possibly the best example is the development of the tall steel skyscraper in Chicago around 1890 by William Le Baron Jenney and Louis Sullivan. Early structures to employ concrete as the chief means of architectural expression (rather than for purely utilitarian structure) include Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple, built in 1906 near Chicago, and Rudolf Steiner's Second Goetheanum, built from1926 near Basel, Switzerland.Other historians regard Modernism as a matter of taste, a reaction against eclecticism and the lavish stylistic excesses of Victorian Era and Edwardian Art Nouveau.Whatever the cause, around 1900 a number of architects around the world began developing new architectural solutions to integrate traditional precedents (Gothic, for instance) with new technological possibilities. The work of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, Victor Horta in Brussels, Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona, Otto Wagner in Vienna and Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow, among many others, can be seen as a common struggle between old and new.2. Modernism as Dominant StyleBy the 1920s the most important figures in Modern architecture had established their reputations. The big three are commonly recognized as Le Corbusier in France, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius in Germany. Mies van der Rohe and Gropius were both directors of the Bauhaus, one of a number of European schools and associations concerned with reconciling craft tradition and industrial technology.Frank Lloyd Wright's career parallels and influences the work of the European modernists, particularly via the Wasmuth Portfolio, but he refused to be categorized with them. Wright was a major influence on both Gropius and van der Rohe, however, as well as on the whole of organic architecture.In 1932 came the important MOMA exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture, curated by Philip Johnson. Johnson and collaborator Henry-Russell Hitchcock drew together many distinct threads and trends, identified them as stylistically similar and having a common purpose, and consolidated them into the International Style.This was an important turning point. With World War II the important figures of the Bauhaus fled to the United States, to Chicago, to the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and to Black Mountain College. While Modern architectural design never became a dominant style in single-dwelling residential buildings, in institutional and commercial architecture Modernism became the pre-eminent, and in the schools (for leaders of the profession) the only acceptable, design solution from about 1932 to about 1984.Architects who worked in the international style wanted to break with architectural tradition and design simple, unornamented buildings. The most commonly used materials are glass for the facade, steel for exterior support, and concrete for the floors and interior supports; floor plans were functional and logical. The style became most evident in the design of skyscrapers. Perhaps its most famous manifestations include the United Nations headquarters (Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, Sir Howard Robertson), the Seagram Building (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), and Lever House (Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill), all in New York. A prominent residential example is the Lovell House (Richard Neutra) in Los Angeles.Detractors of the international style claim that its stark, uncompromisingly rectangular geometry is dehumanising. Le Corbusier once described buildings as "machines for living", but people are not machines and it was suggested that they do not want to live in machines. Even Philip Johnson admitted he was "bored with the box." Since the early 1980s many architects have deliberately sought to move away from rectilinear designs, towards more eclectic styles. During the middle of the century, some architects began experimenting in organic forms that they felt were more human and accessible. Mid-century modernism, or organic modernism, was very popular, due to its democratic and playful nature. Alvar Aalto and Eero Saarinen were two of the most prolific architects and designers in this movement, which has influenced contemporary modernism.Although there is debate as to when and why the decline of the modern movement occurred, criticism of Modern architecture began in the 1960s on the grounds that it was universal, sterile, elitist and lacked meaning. Its approach had become ossified in a "style" that threatened to degenerate into a set of mannerisms. Siegfried Giedion in the 1961 introduction to his evolving text, Space, Time and Architecture (first written in 1941), could begin "At the moment a certain confusion exists in contemporary architecture, as in painting; a kind of pause, even a kind of exhaustion." At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a 1961 symposium discussed the question "Modern Architecture: Death or Metamorphosis?" In New York, the coup d'état appeared to materialize in controversy around the Pan Am Building that loomed over Grand Central Station, taking advantage of the modernist real estate concept of "air rights",[1] In criticism by Ada Louise Huxtable and Douglas Haskell it was seen to "sever" the Park Avenue streetscape and "tarnish" the reputations of its consortium of architects: Walter Gropius, Pietro Belluschi and thebuilders Emery Roth & Sons. The rise of postmodernism was attributed to disenchantment with Modern architecture. By the 1980s, postmodern architecture appeared triumphant over modernism, including the temple of the Light of the World, a futuristic design for its time Guadalajara Jalisco La Luz del Mundo Sede International; however, postmodern aesthetics lacked traction and by the mid-1990s, a neo-modern (or hypermodern) architecture had once again established international pre-eminence. As part of this revival, much of the criticism of the modernists has been revisited, refuted, and re-evaluated; and a modernistic idiom once again dominates in institutional and commercial contemporary practice, but must now compete with the revival of traditional architectural design in commercial and institutional architecture; residential design continues to be dominated by a traditional aesthetic.中⽂译⽂:现代建筑现代建筑,不被混淆与'当代建筑' , 是⼀个词给了⼀些建筑风格有类似的特点, 主要的简化形式,消除装饰等. 虽然风格的设想早在20世纪,并⼤量造就了⼀些建筑师、建筑教育家和展品,很少有现代的建筑物,建于20世纪上半叶. 第⼆次⼤战后的三⼗年, 但最终却成为主导建筑风格的机构和公司建设.1起源⼀些历史学家认为进化的现代建筑作为⼀个社会问题, 息息相关的⼯程中的现代性,从⽽影响了启蒙运动,导致社会和政治⾰命.另⼀些⼈认为现代建筑主要是靠技术和⼯程学的发展, 那就是获得新的建筑材料,如钢铁, 混凝⼟和玻璃驱车发明新的建筑技术,它作为⼯业⾰命的⼀部分. 1796年, shrewsbury查尔斯bage⾸先⽤他的'⽕'的设计, 后者则依靠铸铁及砖与⽯材地板. 这些建设⼤⼤加强了结构,使它们能够容纳更⼤的机器. 由于作为建筑材料特性知识缺乏,⼀些早期建筑失败. 直到1830年初,伊顿Hodgkinson预计推出了型钢梁, 导致⼴泛使⽤钢架建设,⼯业结构完全改变了这种窘迫的⾯貌,英国北部领导的描述, "⿊暗魔⿁作坊"的地⽅如曼彻斯特和西约克郡. ⽔晶宫由约瑟夫paxton的重⼤展览, 1851年,是⼀个早期的例⼦,钢铁及玻璃施⼯; 可能是⼀个最好的例⼦,就是1890年由William乐男爵延长和路易沙利⽂在芝加哥附近发展的⾼层钢结构摩天楼. 早期结构采⽤混凝⼟作为⾏政⼿段的建筑表达(⽽⾮纯粹功利结构) ,包括建于1906年在芝加哥附近,劳埃德赖特的统⼀宫, 建于1926年瑞⼠巴塞尔附近的鲁道夫斯坦纳的第⼆哥特堂,.但⽆论原因为何, 约有1900多位建筑师,在世界各地开始制定新的建筑⽅法,将传统的先例(⽐如哥特式)与新的技术相结合的可能性.路易沙利⽂和赖特在芝加哥⼯作,维克多奥尔塔在布鲁塞尔,安东尼⾼迪在巴塞罗那, 奥托⽡格纳和查尔斯景mackintosh格拉斯哥在维也纳,其中之⼀可以看作是⼀个新与旧的共同⽃争.2现代主义风格由1920年代的最重要⼈物,在现代建筑⾥确⽴了⾃⼰的名声. 三个是公认的柯布西耶在法国, 密斯范德尔德罗和⽡尔特格罗⽪乌斯在德国. 密斯范德尔德罗和格罗⽪乌斯为董事的包豪斯, 其中欧洲有不少学校和有关团体学习调和⼯艺和传统⼯业技术.赖特的建筑⽣涯中,也影响了欧洲建筑的现代艺术,特别是通过⽡斯穆特组合但他拒绝被归类与他们. 赖特与格罗⽪乌斯和Van der德罗对整个有机体系有重⼤的影响.在1932年来到的重要moma展览,是现代建筑艺术的国际展览,艺术家菲利普约翰逊. 约翰逊和合作者亨利-罗素阁纠集许多鲜明的线索和趋势, 内容相似,有⼀个共同的⽬的,巩固了他们融⼊国际化风格这是⼀个重要的转折点. 在⼆战的时间包豪斯的代表⼈物逃到美国,芝加哥,到哈佛⼤学设计⿊⼭书院. 当现代建筑设计从未成为主导风格单⼀的住宅楼,在成为现代卓越的体制和商业建筑, 是学校(专业领导)的唯⼀可接受的, 设计解决⽅案,从约1932年⾄约1984年.那些从事国际风格的建筑师想要打破传统建筑和简单的没有装饰的建筑物。

建筑环境与设备工程毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献篇一:建筑环境与设备工程中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Ground Source Heat PumpAt present,energy is the most important element for the development of states’economy.Because of the good energy-saving effect,using regenerate resource of energy,and no pollution,the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION is used more and more popular now.In the system of the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION,the terminal devices what include the fan,the deep well pump,the circulate pump are the biggest energy-consumed part except the inner device as well as the compressor motor, etc.So it is very important and significant to make the terminal devices running in the mostenergy-saving condition.In this paper,the author founded on the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION in Guangxi University,based on the actual project condition, made the redesign through the way of frequency conversiontechnology for the old system of GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION.At first, the equipments’ running control system were improved following the energy-saving principle of fan and pump,choused Mitsubishi FR series frequency transducer with vector-controlfunction,Mitsubishi FX2N series PLC and other auxiliary parts to make up of the auto-control system for the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION,and then did the emulating analysis for the vector-control mode in the frequency conversion process.In the next based the auto-control system,made the PLC control system designing.This system monitor the temperature and flux in accurate and real time,then input feedback to the plc,finally the terminal device running status will correspond to the customer’s demanded-load,it can wellmeet the goal for saving energy and prolong the life of the motor and other device.At the same time,designed the PLC control process,according to this transformation of the specific programme,programmed for the PLC by using the FX-GP/WIN-C programme software.Researched and analyses the PIDalgorithm and its improved algorithm for the PID Operational module in the PLC.At last,through detailed analysis and accounted for energy-saving effect and the cost of thesystem-reforming,validated the profitability of this redesigned-project,and showed its feasibility and worthBe using renewable geothermal energy in shallow ground layer, a ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology is known as one of air conditioning techniques which have the greatest developmental. The GSHP has great potentials in energy reduction and in reducing CO2emissions to conventional HVAC systems. In China, energy shortage and environmental issues pose a seriouschallenge accompanied by rapid economic growth. GSHP has been spotlighted as both energy efficiency and environmental benefits. Generally, the initial investment for a GCHP system is higher than that of a conventional system. GCHP energy savings will offset the higher installing cost in future. However, there are many aspects affecting the actual amount of energy saved, such as climate, building load, ground heat exchanger, heat pump, control, etc. Recently, a lot of research on the energy performance of GCHP has been carried out. However, most of these previous research projects evaluated the performance of GCHP system based on a laboratory scale or a small capacity system. There is little data documenting the long-term performance of a large-sized GCHP. Evalution and research on real world installed GCHP will provide a more accurate understanding of the current technology’s performance.The paper presented that the energy performance evaluation of two types of GSHPs based on actual operational data. The two types of GSHPs were ground-coupled heat pump system (GCHPs) and groundwater heat pump system (GWHPs) which were,respectively, installed in two apartment buildings of Wuhan, China. In one year, we monitored various operating parameters, including the outdoor temperature, the flow rate, electrical consumption, and the water temperature. The coefficient of performance (COP) values of system and chiller were determined based on a series of measurements. During residential GCHP system operation, the heat injection rate into soil is larger than the heatextraction rate out of soil. The COP of chillers of the GCHPs decreased significantly during the heating season due to the lowering of ground soil temperature. The system power consumption exhibited a strong linear relationship with outdoor temperature in both seasons and this suggests that normalizing power consumption against degree-days is a highly practical index in energy analysis in resident buildings, especially in winter.Some research topics were studied on the two actual cases. An exergy analysis of a ground water heat pump system on the actual operation was conduced. The energy efficiency and exergy loss and efficiency in each of the components of the system are detemined forthe average measured parameters obtained from the monitored results of the hottest month and the coldest month. Inefficient facts are found out and increased energy efficiencies of two proposed improvement measures were estimated. Lower approachtemperature is effective energy saving. In addition to the energy analysis, a full exergy analysis helps to identify the components where inefficiencies occur. An economic analysis model forGWHP was established to calculate energy consumption and operating cost based on a baseline condition. Plate heat exchanger flow rate and groundwater flow rate were optimization parameters according to different water price of the groundwater:GWHP survey data shows the impact of water price on groundwater flow rate in design. The long-term energy performances of theGWHPs and the GCHPs were investigated and compared with conventional HVAC systems and other GSHPs on literature data. A performances model was established base on the two cases to constrast the predictedperformance with the actual performance.Based on superposition theorem of geothermal heat exchangers (GHE), a inverse model for GHE, G-functions interpolationapproach was proposed. Linear interpolation method was adopted to fit G-functions. The method presented here uses the Nelder and Mead simplex algorithm as part of a parameter estimation algorithm to estimate G-function. For verification of G-functions interpolation approach, anumerical experimentation had been conducted where synthetic load on GHE was established. The simulation results with error and no error, were inversely modeled by G-functions interpolation approach and DST calibrated approach. The actual dataset of a small sized and a large sized GSHPs were also used in inverse modeling to verify the results from the G-functions interpolation approach. The small sized GSHPs was from literature. The large sized vertical GSHPs was the monitored case in the paper. A detailed DST model of a GHE has been calibrated to monitored data. The secondyear predicted temperatures calculated by the two models were compared with the measured. The results show the two approaches are reliable and have good performance of error tolerance. The error of GHE water temperature calculated by G-functions interpolation approach was less than DST calibrated approaches. The data error inversely modeled was mainly from recorded day data. As a extension study of the G-functions interpolation model, degree-day G-functions approach was proposed. The model was based on degree-day prediction load and can be applied on the residential buildings. The standard deviation of GHE water temperature by degree-day G-functions approach was larger than DST calibrated approaches. The result shows the appropriateness of degree-day G-functions interpolation approach for the quantitative modeling of GHE.This paper shows that the research on actual performance according measured data and presents two inverse models:G-functions interpolation model, degree-day G-functions model approach, which provides new methods for GHE inverse modelingWith the sustainable development theory being put forward in recent years, people pay more and more attention to energy efficiency and environmental protection. The Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) air-conditioning system has been a kind of new technology to save energy and protect environment. This paper gives an overview of technology economy analysis on GSHPAir-conditioning System and optimization design of its ground heat exchanger, which provide helpful suggestion to engineers.First, this paper gives an overview of the history of GSHP system in China and foreign countries. Based on the work principle of the GSHP system, thecharacteristics of three circulations have been proposed, which are the use of renewable energy saving and environmental friendly, etc. hi terms of technology economy, the GSHPair-conditioning system was compared with the air source heat pump system, the water source heat pump system and the traditional central air-conditioningsystem. Main indexes are given to evaluate the technology economy of the GSHP air-conditioning system.A practical project was used as an example for the analysis.Ground-loop heat exchanger is an important part of the GSHP air-conditioning system and deferent from other traditional air-conditioning systems. This paper gave detailed designing method of Ground-loop heat exchanger, including load calculation, pipe layout, choice of tubes and its material, antifreeze method, calculation of pressure drop, etc. Taken the GSHP air-conditioning system in the report room of Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering as an example, its design was analyzed and the optimization design of ground-loop heat exchanger was proposed.The people attention to energy efficiency and environmental protection,which decide thesustainable development of the country.The Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP)air-conditioning system has been a kind of new technology to save energy and protect environment.This paper gives an overview of technologyeconomy analysis on GSHP Air-condition System and optimization design of its ground heat exchanger,which provide helpful suggestion toengineersFirst,this paper gives an overview of GSHP system in China and foreign countries. Based on the work principle of the GSHP system,the characteristics of three circulations have been proposed,which are the use of renewable energy saving and environmental friendly,etc.In teams of technology ,the GSHP air-conditioning system was compared with the air source heat pump system,the water source heat pump system and the traditional central air-conditioning system.Main indexes are given to evaluate the technology economy of GSHP air-conditoning篇二:建筑施工毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献建筑施工毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processingAbstractThe crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processing ForewordConcrete is formed by a sand and gravel aggregate,cement,water and other materials but mixed heterogeneous brittle materials.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, impermeable and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete besubjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the aid of instruments of macro view the crack be also the crack that the concrete often say in the engineering.Concrete building and Component all take sewer to make of, because of crack of existence and development usually make inner part of reinforcing bar etc. materialcreation decay, lower reinforced concrete material of loading ability, durable and impermeable ability, influence building of external appearance, service life, severity will threat arrive people's life and property safety.A lot of all of crash of engineerings is because of the unsteady development of the crack with the result that.Modern age science research with a great deal of of the concrete engineering practice certificate, in the concrete engineering crack problem is ineluctable, also acceptable in certainly of the scope just need to adopt valid of measure will it endanger degree control at certain of scope inside.Thereinforced concrete norm is also explicit provision:Some structure at place of dissimilarity under the condition allow existence certain the crack of width.But at under construction should as far as possible adopt a valid measure control crack creation, make the structure don't appear crack possibly or as far as possible decrease crack of amount and width, particularly want to as far as possible avoid harmful crack of emergence, insure engineering quality thus.Concrete crack creation of the reason be a lot of and have already transformed to cause of crack:Such as temperature variety, constringency, inflation, the asymmetry sink to sink etc. reason cause of crack;Have outside carry the crack that the function cause;Protected environment not appropriate the crack etc. caused with chemical effect.Want differentiation to treat in the actual engineering, work°out a problem according to the actual circumstance.In the concrete engineering the familiar crack and the prevention1.Shrinkage crack and preventionShrinkage crack much appear after the concrete protect be over of a period of time or concrete sprinkle to build to complete behind of around a week.In the cement syrup humidity of evaporate would creation Shrinkage, and this kind of constringency is can't negative.Shrinkage crack of the creation be main is because of concrete inside outside humidity evaporate degree dissimilarity but cause to transform dissimilarity of result:The concrete is subjected to exterior condition of influence, surface humidity loss lead quick, transform bigger, inner part degree of humidity variety smaller transform smaller, bigger surface Shrinkage transform to be subjected to concrete inner part control, creation more big pull should dint but creation crack.The relativehumidity is more low, cement syrup body Shrinkage more big, Shrinkage crack be more easy creation.Shrinkage crack is much surface parallel lines form or the net shallow thin crack, width many between 0.05-0.2 mm, the flat surface part much see in the big physical volume concrete and follow it more in thinner beam plank short to distribute.Shrinkage crackusually the impermeability of influence concrete, cause the durable of the rust eclipse influence concrete of reinforcing bar, under the function of the water pressure dint would creation the water power split crack influence concrete of loading dint etc..Concrete Shrinkage be main with water ash of the concrete ratio, the dosage of the composition, cement of cement, gather to anticipate of the dosage of the property and dosage, in addition etc. relevant.Main prevention measure:While being to choose to use the constringency quantity smaller cement, general low hot water mire and powder ash from stove cement in the adoption, lower the dosage of cement.Two is a concrete of Shrinkage be subjected to water ash ratio of influence more big, water ash ratio more big, Shrinkage more big, so in the concrete match the ratio the design should as far as possible control good water ash ratio of choose to use, the Chan add in the meantime accommodation of reduce water.Three is strict control concrete mix blend with under construction of match ratio, use of concrete water quantity absolute can't big in match ratio design give settle of use waterquantity.Four is the earlier period which strengthen concrete to protect, and appropriate extension protect of concrete time.Winter construction want to be appropriate extension concrete heat preservation to overlay time, and brushing protect to protect.Five is a constitution the accommodation is in the concrete structure of the constringency sew.2.Plastic shrinkage cracking and preventionPlastic shrinkage is the concrete is before condense, surface because of lose water quicker but creation of constringency.The Plastic shrinkage crack is general at dry heat or strong wind the weather appear, crack's much presenting in the center breadth, both ends of the thin and the length be different, with each other not coherent appearance.Shorter crack general long 20-30 cm, the longer crack can reach to a 2-3 m, breadth 1-5 mm.It creation of main reason is:The concrete is eventually almosthaving no strength or strength before the final setting very small, perhaps concrete just eventually final setting but strength very hour, be subjected toheat or compare strong wind dint of influence, the concrete surface lose water to lead quick, result in in the capillary creation bigger negative press but make a concrete physical volume sharply constringency, but at this time the strength of concrete again can't resist its constringency, therefore creation cracked.The influence concrete Plastic shrinkage of the main factors of crack to have water ash ratio, concrete of condense time, environment temperature, wind velocity, relative humidity...etc..Main prevention measure:One is choose to use dry compression value smaller higher silicate of the earlier period strength or common the portland cement.Two is strict the control water ash ratio, the Chan add to efficiently reduce water to increment the collapse of concrete fall a degree and with easy, decrease cement and water of dosage.Three is to sprinkle before building concrete, water basic level and template even to soak through.Four is in time to overlay the perhaps damp grass mat of the plastics thin film, hemp slice etc., keep concrete eventually beforethe final setting surface is moist, perhaps spray to protect etc. to carry on protect in the concrete surface.Five is in the heat and strong wind the weather to want to establish to hide sun and block breeze facilities, protect in time.3.Sink to sink crack and preventionThe creation which sink to sink crack is because of the structure foundation soil quality not and evenly, loose soft or return to fill soil dishonest or soak in water but result in the asymmetry sink to decline with the result that;Perhaps because of template just degree shortage, the template propped up to once be apart from big or prop up bottom loose move etc. to cause, especially at winter, the template prop up at jelly soil up, jelly the soil turn jelly empress creation asymmetry to sink to decline and cause concrete structure creation crack.This kind crack many is deep enter or pierce through sex crack, it alignment have something to do with sinking to sink a circumstance, general follow with ground perpendicular or present 30 °s-45 °Cape direction development, bigger sink tosink crack, usually have certain of wrong, crack width usually with sink to decline quantity direct proportion relation.Crack widthunder the influence of temperature variety smaller.The foundation after transform stability sink to sink crack also basic tend in stability.Main prevention measure:One is rightness loose soft soil, return to fill soil foundation a construction at the upper part structure front should carry on necessity of Hang solid with reinforce.Two is the strength that assurance template is enough and just degree, and prop up firm, and make the foundation be subjected to dint even.Three is keep concrete from sprinkle infusing the foundation in the process is soak by water.Four is time that template tore down to can't be too early, and want to notice to dismantle a mold order of sequence.Five is at jelly soil top take to establish template to notice to adopt certain of prevention measure.4.Temperature crack and preventionTemperature crack much the occurrence is in bigsurface or difference in temperature variety of the physical volume concrete compare the earth area of the concrete structure.Concrete after sprinkling to build, in the hardening the process, cement water turn a creation a great deal of of water turn hot, .(be the cement dosage is in the 350-550 kg/m 3, each sign square the rice concrete will release a calories of 17500-27500kJ and make concrete internal thus the temperature rise to reach to 70 ℃or so even higher)Because the physical volume of concrete be more big, a great deal of of water turn hot accumulate at the concrete inner part but not easy send forth, cause inner part the temperature hoick, but the concrete surface spread hot more quick, so formation inside outside of bigger difference in temperature, the bigger difference in temperature result in inner part and exterior hot the degree of the bulge or cooling dissimilarity, make concrete surface creation certain of pull should dint.When pull should dint exceed the anti- of concrete pull strength extreme limit, concrete surface meeting creation crack, this kind of crack much occurrence after the concrete under constructionperiod.In the concrete of under construction be difference in temperature variety more big, perhaps is a concrete to be subjected to assault of cold wave etc., will cause concrete surface the temperature sharply descend, but creation constringency, surface constringency of the concrete be subjected to inner part concrete of control, creation very big of pull should dint but creation crack, this kind篇三:建筑与环境设备工程外文翻译毕业论文(设计)题系部名称:专业班级:学生姓名:学指导教师:教师职称:外文翻译目:浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗号:XX11014233 讲师 1浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗摘要:研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。

论文外文文献翻译以下是一篇700字左右的论文外文文献翻译:原文题目:The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnostics: A Review原文摘要:In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of medical diagnostics. AI has the potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical diagnoses, and can assist clinicians in making treatment decisions. This review aims to examine the current state of AI in medical diagnostics, and discuss its advantages and limitations. Several AI techniques, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, are discussed. The review also examines the ethical and legal considerations associated with the use of AI in medical diagnostics. Overall, AI has shown great promise in improving medical diagnostics, but further research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits and limitations.AI在医学诊断中发挥的作用:一项综述近年来,人工智能(AI)在医学诊断领域的应用引起了越来越多的关注。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:U形管换热器文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:过程装备与控制工程专业班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目: U形管式换热器设计外文题目: U-tube heat exchangers译文题目:指导教师评阅意见U-tube heat exchangersM. Spiga and G. Spiga, Bologna1 Summary:Some analytical solutions are provided to predict the steady temperature distributions of both fluids in U-tube heat exchangers. The energy equations are solved assuming that the fluids remain unmixed and single-phased. The analytical predictions are compared with the design data and the numerical results concerning the heat exchanger of a spent nuclear fuel pool plant, assuming distinctly full mixing and no mixing conditions for the secondary fluid (shell side). The investigation is carried out by studying the influence of all the usual dimensionless parameters (flow capacitance ratio, heat transfer resistance ratio and number of transfer units), to get an immediate and significant insight into the thermal behaviour of the heat Exchanger.More detailed and accurate studies about the knowledge of the fluid temperature distribution inside heat exchangers are greatly required nowadays. This is needed to provide correct evaluation of thermal and structural performances, mainly in the industrial fields (such as nuclear engineering) where larger, more efficient and reliable units are sought, and where a good thermal design can not leave integrity and safety requirements out of consideration [1--3]. In this view, the huge amount of scientific and technical informations available in several texts [4, 5], mainly concerning charts and maps useful for exit temperatures and effectiveness considerations, are not quite satisfactory for a more rigorous and local analysis. In fact the investigation of the thermomechanieal behaviour (thermal stresses, plasticity, creep, fracture mechanics) of tubes, plates, fins and structural components in the heat exchanger insists on the temperature distribution. So it should be very useful to equip the stress analysis codes for heat exchangers withsimple analytical expressions for the temperature map (without resorting to time consuming numerical solutions for the thermal problem), allowing a sensible saving in computer costs. Analytical predictions provide the thermal map of a heat exchanger, aiding in the designoptimization.Moreover they greatly reduce the need of scale model testing (generally prohibitively expensive in nuclear engineering), and furnish an accurate benchmark for the validation of more refined numerical solutions obtained by computer codes. The purpose of this paper is to present the local bulk-wall and fluid temperature distributions forU-tube heat exchangers, solving analytically the energy balance equations.122 General assumptionsLet m, c, h, and A denote mass flow rate (kg/s), specific heat (J/kg -1 K-l), heat transfer coefficient(Wm -2 K-l), and heat transfer surface (m2) for each leg, respectively. The theoretical analysis is based on classical assumptions [6] :-- steady state working conditions,-- equal flow distribution (same mass flow rate for every tube of the bundle),-- single phase fluid flow,-- constant physical properties of exchanger core and fluids,-- adiabatic exchanger shell or shroud,-- no heat conduction in the axial direction,-- constant thermal conductances hA comprehending wall resistance and fouling.According to this last assumption, the wall temperature is the same for the primary and secondary flow. However the heat transfer balance between the fluids is quite respected, since the fluid-wall conductances are appropriately reduced to account for the wall thermal resistance and thefouling factor [6]. The dimensionless parameters typical of the heat transfer phenomena between the fluids arethe flow capacitance and the heat transfer resistance ratiosand the number of transfer units, commonly labaled NTU in the literature,where (mc)min stands for the smaller of the two values (mc)sand (mc)p.In (1) the subscripts s and p refer to secondary and primary fluid, respectively. Only three of the previous five numbers are independent, in fact :The boundary conditions are the inlet temperatures of both fluids3 Parallel and counter flow solutionsThe well known monodimensional solutions for single-pass parallel and counterflow heat exchanger,which will be useful later for the analysis of U-tube heat exchangers, are presented below. If t, T,νare wall, primary fluid, and secondary fluid bulk temperatures (K), and ξ and L represent the longitudinal space coordinate and the heat exchanger length (m), the energy balance equations in dimensionless coordinate x = ξ/L, for parallel and counterflow respectivelyread asM. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangersAfter some algebra, a second order differential equation is deduced for the temperature of the primary (or secondary) fluid, leading to the solutionwhere the integration constants follow from the boundary conditions T(0)=T i , ν(0)≒νifor parallel T(1) = Ti ,ν(0) = νifor counter flow. They are given-- for parallel flow by - for counterflow byWishing to give prominence to the number of transfer units, it can be noticed thatFor counterflow heat exchangers, when E = 1, the solutions (5), (6) degenerate and the fluidtemperatures are given byIt can be realized that (5) -(9) actually depend only on the two parametersE, NTU. However a formalism involving the numbers E, Ns. R has been chosen here in order to avoid the double formalism (E ≤1 and E > 1) connected to NTU.4 U-tube heat exchangerIn the primary side of the U-tube heat exchanger, whose schematic drawing is shown in Fig. 1, the hot fluid enters the inlet plenum flowing inside the tubes, and exits from the outlet plenum. In the secondary side the fluid flows in the tube bundle (shell side). This arrangement suggests that the heat exchanger can be considered as formed by the coupling of a parallel and a counter-flow heat exchanger, each with a heigth equal to the half length of the mean U-tube. However it is necessary to take into account the interactions in the secondary fluid between the hot and the cold leg, considering that the two flows are not physically separated. Two extreme opposite conditions can be investigated: no mixing and full mixing in the two streams of the secondary fluid. The actual heat transfer phenomena are certainly characterized by only a partial mixing ofthe shell side fluid between the legs, hence the analysis of these two extreme theoretical conditions will provide an upper and a lower limit for the actual temperature distribution.4.1 No mixing conditionsIn this hypothesis the U-tube heat exchanger can be modelled by two independent heat exchangers, a cocurrent heat exchanger for the hot leg and a eountercurrent heat exchanger for the cold leg. The only coupling condition is that, for the primary fluid, the inlet temperature in the cold side must be the exit temperature of the hot side. The numbers R, E, N, NTU can have different values for the two legs, because of thedifferent values of the heat transfer coefficients and physical properties. The energy balance equations are the same given in (2)--(4), where now the numbers E and Ns must be changed in E/2 and 2Ns in both legs, if we want to use in their definition the total secondary mass flow rate, since it is reduced in every leg to half the inlet mass flow rate ms. Of course it is understood that the area A to be used here is half of the total exchange area of the unit, as it occurs for the length L too. Recalling (5)--(9) and resorting to the subscripts c and h to label the cold and hot leg, respectively, the temperature profile is given bywhere the integration constants are:M. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangersIf E, = 2 the solutions (13), (14) for the cold leg degenerate into4.2 Full mixing conditionsA different approach can be proposed to predict the temperature distributions in the core wall and fluids of the U-tube heat exchanger. The assumption of full mixing implies that the temperaturesof the secondary fluid in the two legs, at the same longitudinal section, are exactly coinciding. In this situation the steady state energy balance equations constitute the following differential set :The bulk wall temperature in both sides is thenand (18)--(22) are simplified to a set of three equations, whose summation gives a differential equation for the secondary fluid temperature, withgeneral solutionwhere # is an integration constant to be specified. Consequently a second order differential equation is deduced for the primary fluid temperature in the hot leg :where the numbers B, C and D are defined asThe solution to (24) allows to determine the temperaturesand the number G is defined asThe boundary conditions for the fluids i.e. provide the integration constantsAgain the fluid temperatures depend only on the numbers E and NTU.5 ResultsThe analytical solutions allow to deduce useful informations about temperature profiles and effectiveness. Concerning the U-tube heat exchanger, the solutions (10)--(15) and (25)--(27) have been used as a benchmark for the numerical predictions of a computer code [7], already validated, obtaining a very satisfactory agreement.M. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangers 163 Moreover a testing has been performed considering a Shutte & Koerting Co. U-tube heat exchanger, designed for the cooling system of a spent nuclear fuel storage pool. The demineralized water of the fuel pit flows inside the tubes, the raw water in the shell side. The correct determination of the thermal resistances is very important to get a reliable prediction ; for every leg the heat transfer coefficients have been evaluated by the Bittus-Boelter correlation in the tube side [8], by the Weisman correlation in the shell side [9] ; the wall material isstainless steel AISI 304.and the circles indicate the experimental data supplied by the manufacturer. The numbers E, NTU, R for the hot and the cold leg are respectively 1.010, 0.389, 0.502 and 1.011, 0.38~, 0.520. The difference between the experimental datum and the analytical prediction of the exit temperature is 0.7% for the primary fluid, 0.9% for the secondary fluid. The average exit temperature of the secondary fluid in the no mixing model differs from the full mixing result only by 0.6%. It is worth pointing out the relatively small differences between the profiles obtained through the two different hypotheses (full and no mixing conditions), mainly for the primary fluid; the actual temperature distribution is certainly bounded between these upper and lower limits,hence it is very well specified. Figures 3-5 report the longitudinal temperaturedistribution in the core wall, τw = (t -- νi)/(Ti -- νi), emphasizing theeffects of the parameters E, NTU, R.As above discussed this profile can be very useful for detailed stress analysis, for instance as anM. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangersinput for related computer codes. In particular the thermal conditions at the U-bend transitions are responsible of a relative movement between the hot and the cold leg, producing hoop stresses with possible occurrence of tube cracking . It is evident that the cold leg is more constrained than the hot leg; the axial thermal gradient is higher in the inlet region and increases with increasing values of E, NTU, R. The heat exchanger effectiveness e, defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate(mc)p (Ti-- Tout), Tout=Tc(O), to the maximum hypothetical rateunder the same conditions (mc)min (Ti- νi), is shown in Figs. 6, 7respectively versus the number of transfer units and the flow capacitance ratio. As known, the balanced heat exchangers E = 1) present the worst behaviour ; the effectiveness does not depend on R and is the same for reciprocal values of the flow capacitance ratio.U形管换热器m . Spiga和g . Spiga,博洛尼亚摘要:分析解决方案提供一些两相流体在u形管换热器中的分布情况。

第1页 共19页中文3572字毕业论文(设计)外文翻译标题:危机管理-预防,诊断和干预一、外文原文标题:标题:Crisis management: prevention, diagnosis and Crisis management: prevention, diagnosis andintervention 原文:原文:The Thepremise of this paper is that crises can be managed much more effectively if the company prepares for them. Therefore, the paper shall review some recent crises, theway they were dealt with, and what can be learned from them. Later, we shall deal with the anatomy of a crisis by looking at some symptoms, and lastly discuss the stages of a crisis andrecommend methods for prevention and intervention. Crisis acknowledgmentAlthough many business leaders will acknowledge thatcrises are a given for virtually every business firm, many of these firms do not take productive steps to address crisis situations. As one survey of Chief Executive officers of Fortune 500 companies discovered, 85 percent said that a crisisin business is inevitable, but only 50 percent of these had taken any productive action in preparing a crisis plan(Augustine, 1995). Companies generally go to great lengths to plan their financial growth and success. But when it comes to crisis management, they often fail to think and prepare for those eventualities that may lead to a company’s total failure.Safety violations, plants in need of repairs, union contracts, management succession, and choosing a brand name, etc. can become crises for which many companies fail to be prepared untilit is too late.The tendency, in general, is to look at the company as a perpetual entity that requires plans for growth. Ignoring the probabilities of disaster is not going to eliminate or delay their occurrences. Strategic planning without inclusion ofcrisis management is like sustaining life without guaranteeinglife. One reason so many companies fail to take steps to proactively plan for crisis events, is that they fail to acknowledge the possibility of a disaster occurring. Like an ostrich with its head in the sand, they simply choose to ignorethe situation, with the hope that by not talking about it, it will not come to pass. Hal Walker, a management consultant, points out “that decisions will be more rational and better received, and the crisis will be of shorter duration, forcompanies who prepare a proactive crisis plan” (Maynard, 1993) .It is said that “there are two kinds of crises: those that thatyou manage, and those that manage you” (Augustine, 1995). Proactive planning helps managers to control and resolve a crisis. Ignoring the possibility of a crisis, on the other hand,could lead to the crisis taking a life of its own. In 1979, theThree-Mile Island nuclear power plant experienced a crisis whenwarning signals indicated nuclear reactors were at risk of a meltdown. The system was equipped with a hundred or more different alarms and they all went off. But for those who shouldhave taken the necessary steps to resolve the situation, therewere no planned instructions as to what should be done first. Hence, the crisis was not acknowledged in the beginning and itbecame a chronic event.In June 1997, Nike faced a crisis for which they had no existi existing frame of reference. A new design on the company’s ng frame of reference. A new design on the company’s Summer Hoop line of basketball shoes - with the word air writtenin flaming letters - had sparked a protest by Muslims, who complained the logo resembled the Arabic word for Allah, or God.The council of American-Islamic Relations threatened aa globalNike boycott. Nike apologized, recalled 38,000 pairs of shoes,and discontinued the line (Brindley, 1997). To create the brand,Nike had spent a considerable amount of time and money, but hadnever put together a general framework or policy to deal with such controversies. To their dismay, and financial loss, Nike officials had no choice but to react to the crisis. This incident has definitely signaled to the company that spending a little more time would have prevented the crisis. Nonetheless,it has taught the company a lesson in strategic crisis management planning.In a business organization, symptoms or signals can alert the strategic planners or executives of an eminent crisis. Slipping market share, losing strategic synergy anddiminishing productivity per man hour, as well as trends, issues and developments in the socio-economic, political and competitive environments, can signal crises, the effects of which can be very detrimental. After all, business failures and bankruptcies are not intended. They do not usually happen overnight. They occur more because of the lack of attention to symptoms than any other factor.Stages of a crisisMost crises do not occur suddenly. The signals can usuallybe picked up and the symptoms checked as they emerge. A company determined to address these issues realizes that the real challenge is not just to recognize crises, but to recognize themin a timely fashion (Darling et al., 1996). A crisis can consistof four different and distinct stages (Fink, 1986). The phasesare: prodromal crisis stage, acute crisis stage, chronic crisisstage and crisis resolution stage.Modern organizations are often called “organic” due tothe fact that they are not immune from the elements of their surrounding environments. Very much like a living organism, organizations can be affected by environmental factors both positively and negatively. But today’s successfulorganizations are characterized by the ability to adapt by recognizing important environmental factors, analyzing them, evaluating the impacts and reacting to them. The art of strategic planning (as it relates to crisis management)involves all of the above activities. The right strategy, in general, provides for preventive measures, and treatment or resolution efforts both proactively and reactively. It wouldbe quite appropriate to examine the first three stages of acrisis before taking up the treatment, resolution or intervention stage.Prodromal crisis stageIn the field of medicine, a prodrome is a symptom of the onset of a disease. It gives a warning signal. In business organizations, the warning lights are always blinking. No matter how successful the organization, a number of issues andtrends may concern the business if proper and timely attentionis paid to them. For example, in 1995, Baring Bank, a UK financial institution which had been in existence since 1763,ample opportunitysuddenly and unexpectedly failed. There wasfor the bank to catch the signals that something bad was on thehorizon, but the company’s efforts to detect that were thwarted by an internal structure that allowed a single employee both to conduct and to oversee his own investment trades, and the breakdown of management oversight and internalcontrol systems (Mitroff et al., 1996). Likewise, looking in retrospect, McDonald’s fast food chain was given the prodromalsymptoms before the elderly lady sued them for the spilling ofa very hot cup of coffee on her lap - an event that resulted in a substantial financial loss and tarnished image of thecompany. Numerous consumers had complained about thetemperature of the coffee. The warning light was on, but the company did not pay attention. It would have been much simplerto pick up the signal, or to check the symptom, than facing the consequences.In another case, Jack in the Box, a fast food chain, had several customers suffer intestinal distress after eating at their restaurants. The prodromal symptom was there, but the company took evasive action. Their initial approach was to lookaround for someone to blame. The lack of attention, the evasiveness and the carelessness angered all the constituent groups, including their customers. The unfortunate deaths thatptoms,occurred as a result of the company’s ignoring thesymand the financial losses that followed, caused the company to realize that it would have been easier to manage the crisis directly in the prodromal stage rather than trying to shift theblame.Acute crisis stageA prodromal stage may be oblique and hard to detect. The examples given above, are obvious prodromal, but no action wasWebster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, an acute stage occursacutewhen a symptom “demands urgent attention.” Whether the acutesymptom emerges suddenly or is a transformation of a prodromalstage, an immediate action is required. Diverting funds and other resources to this emerging situation may cause disequilibrium and disturbance in the whole system. It is onlythose organizations that have already prepared a framework forthese crises that can sustain their normal operations. For example, the US public roads and bridges have for a long time reflected a prodromal stage of crisis awareness by showing cracks and occasionally a collapse. It is perhaps in light of the obsessive decision to balance the Federal budget that reacting to the problem has been delayed and ignored. This situation has entered an acute stage and at the time of this writing, it was reported that a bridge in Maryland had just collapsed.The reason why prodromes are so important to catch is thatit is much easier to manage a crisis in this stage. In the caseof most crises, it is much easier and more reliable to take careof the problem before it becomes acute, before it erupts and causes possible complications (Darling et al., 1996). In andamage. However, the losses are incurred. Intel, the largest producer of computer chips in the USA, had to pay an expensiveprice for initially refusing to recall computer chips that proved unreliable o n on certain calculations. The f irmfirm attempted to play the issue down and later learned its lesson. At an acutestage, when accusations were made that the Pentium Chips were not as fast as they claimed, Intel quickly admitted the problem,apologized for it, and set about fixing it (Mitroff et al., 1996). Chronic crisis stageDuring this stage, the symptoms are quite evident and always present. I t isIt is a period of “make or break.” Being the third stage, chronic problems may prompt the company’s management to once and for all do something about the situation. It may be the beginning of recovery for some firms, and a deathknell for others. For example, the Chrysler Corporation was only marginallysuccessful throughout the 1970s. It was not, however, until the company was nearly bankrupt that amanagement shake-out occurred. The drawback at the chronic stage is that, like in a human patient, the company may get used to “quick fixes” and “band “band--aid”approaches. After all, the ailment, the problem and the crisis have become an integral partoverwhelmed by prodromal and acute problems that no time or attention is paid to the chronic problems, or the managers perceive the situation to be tolerable, thus putting the crisison a back burner.Crisis resolutionCrises could be detected at various stages of their development. Since the existing symptoms may be related todifferent problems or crises, there is a great possibility thatthey may be misinterpreted. Therefore, the people in charge maybelieve they have resolved the problem. However, in practicethe symptom is often neglected. In such situations, the symptomwill offer another chance for resolution when it becomes acute,thereby demanding urgent care. Studies indicate that today anincreasing number of companies are issue-oriented and searchfor symptoms. Nevertheless, the lack of experience in resolvinga situation and/or inappropriate handling of a crisis can leadto a chronic stage. Of course, there is this last opportunityto resolve the crisis at the chronic stage. No attempt to resolve the crisis, or improper resolution, can lead to grim consequences that will ultimately plague the organization or even destroy it.It must be noted that an unsolved crisis may not destroy the company. But, its weakening effects can ripple through the organization and create a host of other complications.Preventive effortsThe heart of the resolution of a crisis is in the preventiveefforts the company has initiated. This step, similar to a humanbody, is actually the least expensive, but quite often the mostoverlooked. Preventive measures deal with sensing potential problems (Gonzales-Herrero and Pratt, 1995). Major internalfunctions of a company such as finance, production, procurement, operations, marketing and human resources are sensitive to thesocio-economic, political-legal, competitive, technological, demographic, global and ethical factors of the external environment. What is imminently more sensible and much more manageable, is to identify the processes necessary forassessing and dealing with future crises as they arise (Jacksonand Schantz, 1993). At the core of this process are appropriate information systems, planning procedures, anddecision-making techniques. A soundly-based information system will scan the environment, gather appropriate data, interpret this data into opportunities and challenges, and provide a concretefoundation for strategies that could function as much to avoid crises as to intervene and resolve them.Preventive efforts, as stated before, require preparations before any crisis symptoms set in. Generally strategic forecasting, contingency planning, issues analysis, and scenario analysis help to provide a framework that could be used in avoiding and encountering crises.出处:出处:Toby TobyJ. Kash and John R. Darling . Crisis management: prevention, diagnosis 179-186二、翻译文章标题:危机管理:预防,诊断和干预译文:本文的前提是,如果该公司做好准备得话,危机可以更有效地进行管理。
法学 毕业论文 文献 外文 英文 翻译

附件一:英文文献INTRODUCTIONOffences of strict liability are those crimes which do not require mens rea with regard to at least one or more elements of the actus reus. The defendant need not have intended or known about that circumstance or consequence. Liability is said to be strict with regard to that element. For a good example see:R v Prince[1875]:The defendant ran off with an under-age girl. He was charged with an offence of taking a girl under the age of 16 out of the possession of her parents contrary to s55 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. The defendant knew that the girl was in the custody her father but he believed on reasonable grounds that the girl was aged 18. It was held that knowledge that the girl was under the age of 16 was not required in order to establish the offence. It was sufficient to show that the defendant intended to take the girl out of the possession of her father.It is only in extreme and rare cases where no mens rea is required for liability, thereby making the particular offence "absolute".GENERAL PRINCIPLESThe vast majority of strict liability crimes are statutory offences. However, statutes do not state explicitly that a particular offence is one of strict liability. Where a statute uses terms such as "knowingly" or "recklessly" then the offence being created is one that requires mens rea. Alternatively, it may make it clear that an offence of strict liability is being created. In many cases it will be a matter for the courts to interpret the statute and decide whether mens rea is required or not. What factors are taken into account by the courts when assessing whether or not an offence falls into the category of strict liability offences?THE MODERN CRITERIAIn Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd v Attorney-General for Hong Kong [1984], the Privy Council considered the scope and role of strict liability offences in the modern criminal law and their effect upon the "presumption of mens rea". Lord Scarman laid down the criteria upon which a court should decide whether or not it is appropriate to impose strict liability: "In their Lordships' opinion, the law … may be stated in the following propositions … : (1) there is a presumption of law that mens rea is required before a person can be held guilty of a criminal offence; (2) the presumption is particularly strong where the offence is "truly criminal" in character; (3) the presumption applies to statutory offences, and can be displaced only if this is clearly or by necessary implication the effect of the statute; (4) the only situation in which the presumption can be displaced is where the statute is concerned with an issue of social concern, and public safety is such an issue; (5) even where a statute is concerned with such an issue, the presumption of mens rea stands unless it can be shown that the creation of strict liability will be effective to promote the objects of the statute by encouraging greater vigilance to prevent the commission of the prohibited act."(1) PRESUMPTION OF MENS REACourts usually begin with the presumption in favor of mens rea, seeing the well-known statement by Wright J in Sherras v De Rutzen:There is a presumption that mens rea, or evil intention, or knowledge of the wrongfulness of the act, is an essential ingredient in every offence; but that presumption is liable to be displaced either by the words of the statute creating the offence or by the subject-matter with which it deals, and both must be considered(2) GRAVITY OF PUNISHMENTAs a general rule, the more serious the criminal offence created by statute, the less likely the courts is to view it as an offence of strict liability. See:Sweet v Parsley [1970]:The defendant was a landlady of a house let to tenants. She retained one room in the house for herself and visited occasionally to collect the rent and letters. While she was absent the police searched the house and found cannabis. The defendant was convicted under s5 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965, of "being concerned in the management of premises used for the smoking of cannabis". She appealed alleging that she had no knowledge of the circumstances and indeed could not expect reasonably to have had such knowledge.The House of Lords,quashing her conviction, held that it had to be proved that the defendant had intended the house to be used for drug-taking, since the statute in question created a serious, or "truly criminal" offence, conviction for which would have grave consequences for the defendant. Lord Reid stated that "a stigma still attaches to any person convicted of a truly criminal offence, and the more serious or more disgraceful the offence the greater the stigma". And equally important, "the press in this country are vigilant to expose injustice, and every manifestly unjust conviction made known to the public tends to injure the body politic [people of a nation] by undermining public confidence in the justice of the law and of its administration."Lord Reid went on to point out that in any event it was impractical to impose absolute liability for an offence of this nature, as those who were responsible for letting properties could not possibly be expected to know everything that their tenants were doing.(3) WORDING OF THE STATUTEIn determining whether the presumption in favor of mens rea is to be displaced, the courts are required to have reference to the whole statute in which the offence appears. See:Cundy v Le Cocq (1884) :The defendant was convicted of unlawfully selling alcohol to an intoxicated person, contrary to s13 of the Licensing Act 1872. On appeal, the defendant contended that he had been unaware of the customer's drunkenness and thus should be acquitted. The Divisional Court interpreted s13 as creating an offence of strict liability since it was itself silent as to mens rea, whereas other offences under the same Act expressly required proof of knowledge on the part of the defendant. It was held that it was not necessary to consider whether the defendant knew, or had means of knowing, or could with ordinary care have detected that the person served was drunk. If he served a drink to a person who was in fact drunk, he was guilty. Stephen J stated: Here, as I have already pointed out, the object of this part of the Act is to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquor to drunken persons, and it is perfectly natural to carry that out by throwing on the publican the responsibility of determining whether the person supplied comes within that category.(4) ISSUES OF SOCIAL CONCERNSee :R v Blake (1996) :Investigation officers heard an unlicensed radio station broadcast and traced it to a flat where the defendant was discovered alone standing in front of the record decks, still playing music and wearing a set of headphones. Though the defendant admitted that he knewhe was using the equipment, he claimed that he believed he was making demonstration tapes and did not know he was transmitting. The defendant was convicted of using wireless telegraphy equipment without a license, contrary to s1 (1) Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 and appealed on the basis that the offence required mens rea.The Court of Appeal held that the offence was an absolute (actually a strict) liability offence. The Court applied Lord Scarman's principles in Gammon and found that, though the presumption in favor of mens rea was strong because the offence carried a sentence of imprisonment and was, therefore, "truly criminal", yet the offence dealt with issues of serious social concern in the interests of public safety (namely, frequent unlicensed broadcasts on frequencies used by emergency services) and the imposition of strict liability encouraged greater vigilance in setting up careful checks to avoid committing the offence.(5) IS THERE ANY PURPOSE IN IMPOSING STRICT LIABILITY?The courts will be reluctant to construe a statute as imposing strict liability upon a defendant, where there is evidence to suggest that despite his having taken all reasonable steps, he cannot avoid the commission of an offence. See:Sherras v De Rutzen [1895]: The defendant was convicted of selling alcohol to a police officer whilst on duty, contrary to s16(2) of the Licensing Act 1872. He had reasonably believed the constable to be off duty as he had removed his arm-band, which was the acknowledged method of signifying off duty. The Divisional Court held that the conviction should be quashed, despite the absence from s16 (2) of any words requiring proof of mens rea as an element of the offence. Wright J expressed the view that the presumption in favor of mens rea would only be displaced by the wording of the statute itself, or its subject matter. In this case the latter factor was significant, in that no amount of reasonable care by the defendant would have prevented the offence from being committed. Wright J stated: "It is plain that if guilty knowledge is not necessary, no care on the part of the publican could save him from a conviction under section 16, subsection (2), since it would be as easy for the constable to deny that he was on duty when asked, or to produce a forged permission from his superior officer, as to remove his armlet before entering the public house. I am, therefore, of opinion that this conviction ought to be quashed."MODERN EXAMPLESThe following case is a modern example of the imposition of strict liability: Alphacell v Woodward [1972] The defendants were charged with causing polluted matter to enter a river contrary to s2 of the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951. The river had in fact been polluted because a pipe connected to the defendant's factory had been blocked, and the defendants had not been negligent. The House of Lords nevertheless held that the defendants were liable. Lord Salmon stated: If this appeal succeeded and it were held to be the law that no conviction be obtained under the 1951 Act unless the prosecution could discharge the often impossible onus of proving that the pollution was caused intentionally or negligently, a great deal of pollution would go unpunished and undeterred to the relief of many riparian factory owners. As a result, many rivers which are now filthy would become filthier still and many rivers which are now clean would lose their cleanliness. The legislature no doubt recognized that as a matter of public policy this would be most unfortunate. Hence s2(1)(a) which encourages riparian factory owners not only to take reasonable steps to prevent pollution but to do everything possible to ensure that they do not cause it.ARGUMENTS FOR STRICT LIABILITY1. The primary function of the courts is the prevention of forbidden acts. What acts should be regarded as forbidden? Surely only such acts as we can assert ought not to have been done. Some of the judges who upheld the conviction of Prince did so on the ground that men should be deterred from taking girls out of the possession of their parents, whatever the girl's age. This reasoning can hardly be applied to many modern offences of strict liability. We do not wish to deter people from driving cars, being concerned in the management of premises, financing hire purchase transactions or canning peas. These acts, if done with all proper care, are not such acts as the law should seek to prevent.2. Another argument that is frequently advanced in favor of strict liability is that, without it, many guilty people would escape - that there is neither time nor personnel available to litigate the culpability of each particular infraction. T his argument assumes that it is possible to deal with these cases without deciding whether D had mens rea or not, whether he was negligent or not. Certainly D may be convicted without deciding these questions, but how can he be sentenced? Suppose that a butcher sells some meat which is unfit for human consumption. Clearly the court will deal differently with (i) the butcher who knew that the meat was tainted; (ii) the butcher who did not know, but ought to have known; and (iii) the butcher who did not know and had no means of finding out. Sentence can hardly be imposed without deciding into which category the convicted person falls.3. The argument which is probably most frequently advanced by the courts for imposing strict liability is that it is necessary to do so in the interests of the public. Now it may be conceded that in many of the instances where strict liability has been imposed, the public does need protection against negligence and, assuming that the threat of punishment can make the potential harm doer more careful, there may be a valid ground for imposing liability for negligence as well as where there is mens rea. This is a plausible argument in favor of strict liability if there were no middle way between mens rea and strict liability - that is liability for negligence - and the judges have generally proceeded on the basis that there is no such middle way. Liability for negligence has rarely been spelled out of a statute except where, as in driving without due care, it is explicitly required. Lord Devlin has said: "It is not easy to find a way of construing a statute apparently expressed in terms of absolute liability so as to produce the requirement of negligence."ARGUMENTS AGAINST STRICT LIABILITY1. The case against strict liability, then, is, first, that it is unnecessary. It results in the conviction of persons who have behaved impeccably and who should not be required to alter their conduct in any way.2. Secondly, that it is unjust. Even if an absolute discharge can be given D may feel rightly aggrieved at having been formally convicted of an offence for which he bore no responsibility. Moreover, a conviction may have far-reaching consequences outside the courts, so that it is no answer to say that only a nominal penalty is imposed.3. The imposition of liability for negligence would in fact meet the arguments of most of those who favor strict liability. Such statutes are not meant to punish the vicious will but to put pressure upon the thoughtless and inefficient to do their whole duty in the interest of public health or safety or morals." The "thoughtless and inefficient" are, of course, the negligent. The objection tooffences of strict liability is not that these persons are penalized, but that others who are completely innocent are also liable to conviction. Though Lord Devlin was skeptical about the possibility of introducing the criterion of negligence (above), in Reynolds v Austin (1951) he stated that strict liability should only apply when there is something that the defendant can do to promote the observance of the law - which comes close to requiring negligence. If there were something which D could do to prevent the commission of the crime and which he failed to do, he might generally be said to have failed to comply with a duty - perhaps a high duty - of care; and so have been negligent.4. In Alphacell v Woodward (1972) Lord Salmon thought the relevant statutory section, "encourages riparian factory owners not only to take reasonable steps to prevent pollution but to do everything possible to ensure that they do not cause it." This suggests that, however vast the expenditure involved, and however unreasonable it may be in relation to the risk, D is under a duty to take all possible steps. Yet it may be doubted whether factory owners will in fact do more than is reasonable; and it is questionable whether they ought to be required to do so, at the risk - even though it be unlikely - of imprisonment. The contrary argument is that the existence of strict liability does induce organizations to aim at higher and higher standards.POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENTSThere are several possible compromises between mens rea and strict liability in regulatory offences. A "halfway house" has developed in Australia. The effect of Australian cases is: D might be convicted without proof of any mens rea by the Crown; but acquitted if he proved on a balance of probabilities that he lacked mens rea and was not negligent; ie, that he had an honest and reasonable belief in a state of facts which, would have made his act innocent. The onus of proving reasonable mistake is on D.STATUTORY DEFENCESIt is common for the drastic effect of a statute imposing strict liability to be mitigated by the provision of a statutory defense. It is instructive to consider one example. Various offences relating to the treatment and sale of food are enacted by the first twenty sections of the Food Safety Act 1990. Many, if not all, of these are strict liability offences. Section 21(1), however, provides that it shall be a defense for the person charged with any of the offences to prove that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence by himself or by a person under his control. Statutory defenses usually impose on the defendant a burden of proving that he had no mens rea and that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of an offence. The effect of such provisions is that the prosecution need do no more than prove that the accused did the prohibited act and it is then for him to establish, if he can, that he did it innocently. Such provisions are a distinct advance on unmitigated strict liability.附件二:英文文献翻译介绍严格责任犯罪是关于客观方面的一个或多个因素不要求犯罪意图的那些犯罪。

行政管理公共管理论文中英文外文翻译文献中英文外文翻译文献The New Public Management SituationNo doubt, many countries in the world, and both developed countries and developing countries, in the late 1980s and early 1990s began a continuous public sector management reform movement. The reform movement is still in many aspects government continue to the organization and management of the influence. People in these reforms view repudiating them. Critics especially in Britain and the United States, critics say the new mode of various problems exist, but also does not have the international prevailing reform of public management, could not be called paradigm. Criticism from almost every aspect of the change. Most of the academic criticism belong to the mouth. Different schools of thought in detail discussion, The academic journal articles and abstraction, from reality. At the same time, in the practice of public management and implementation of the reform and the change. As I in other articles in the thought, in most countries, the traditional public administrative mode for public management mode has been replaced. The reform of public department responded to the realities of several interrelated problems, including: the function of public sector provide public services of low efficiency, Economic theory of change, Private sector related changes impact of globalization, especially as a kind of economic power, Technology changes made decentralization and better control globally becomes possible. The administrative management can be divided into three stages: the development of distinct phases, and public administration before traditional pattern and public management reform stage. Each stage has its ownmanagement mode. From a stage of transition to the next stage is not easy, from the traditional public administration to public administration has not yet completed the transition. But it was only a matter of time. Because the new mode of theoretical basis is very strong. The new public management movement ", "although this name, but it is not only a debate in the booming, and in most developed countries have taken the best management mode of expression. The traditional administrative mode than it's age is a great reform, but that time has passed.A traditional patternObviously, in the late 19th century bureaucracy system theory, not sound already exists some form of administrative management. Public administration has a long history, and it is the concept of a government and the rise of civilization as history. As the case Glad2den Osama bin laden (point), a model of administrative since the government appears has existed. First is endowed with founder or leader, then is the social or administrative person to organizers of eternity. Administration management or business is all in social activities, although not among factors, but the glow of social sustainable development is of vital importance. Recognized administrative system in ancient Egypt is already exists, its jurisdiction from the Nile flooding caused by the year to build the pyramids irrigation affairs. China is adopted in the han dynasty, Confucian norms that government should be elected, not according to the background, but according to the character and ability, the government's main goal is to seek the welfare of the people. In Europe, various empire - Greek, Roman, and the holy Roman, Spain's administrative empire, they first by the central through various rules and procedures. Weber's thought, "modern" medieval countries develop simultaneously with "bureaucratic management structure development". Although these countries in different ways, but they have common features, it can be called before modern. Namely, the administrative system of early essence is the personification of, or the establishment in Max Weber's "nepotism" basis, i.e. to loyal to the king or minister certain human foundation, not is personified, With allegiance to the organization or individual basis rather than for the foundation. Although thereare such a viewpoint that administration itself not only praise from traditional mode, the characteristic of early but often leads to seek personal interests corruption or abuse of power. In the early administrative system, we now feel very strange approach has the functions of government administration is generally behavior. All those who walk official tend to rely on friends or relatives for work or buy officer, which means the money to buy the first officer or tax officials, and then out to the customer to money, which is the first to buy officer recovery investment cost, and can make a fortune. America in the 19th century FenFei system of "political parties" means in the ruling changed at the same time, the government of all administrative position is changed. Modern bureaucracy is before "personal, traditional, diffusion and similar and special", and according to the argument, modern Weber bureaucracy is "impersonal, rational, concrete, achievement orientation and common". Personalized government is often inefficient: nepotism means incompetent not capable person was arranged to positions of leadership, FenFei political corruption, in addition to making often still exist serious low efficiency. The enormous success of traditional administrative pattern that early practice looks strange. Specialization and not politicized administrative in our opinion is so difficult to imagine that trace, there exist other system. Western administrative system even simple selection of officials to pass the exam, until 1854, Britain and north G..M. Trevelyan report after Northcote - began to establish in China, although the system has long passage.The traditional public administrative patternIn the late 19th century, additionally one kind of pattern on the world popular, this is the so-called traditional administrative pattern. Its main theoretical basis from several countries, namely, the American scholars and Germany Woodrow Wilson of Max Weber's, people put their associated with bureaucracy model, Frederick Tyler systematically elaborated the scientific management theory, the theory of the private sector from America, for public administration method was provided. And the other theorists, Taylor without focusing on public sector, but his theory was influential in this field. The three traditional public administration mode is theorist of main effect.In other countries, plus G..M. Trevelyan and North America, the state administration of administrative system, especially the Wilson has produced important influence. In the 19th century, the north G..M. Trevelyan and put forward through the examination and character, and appointed officials put forward bias and administrative neutral point of view. The traditional administrative pattern has the following features:1. The bureaucracy. The government shall, according to the principle of bureaucratic rank and organization. The German sociologist Max Weber bureaucracy system of a classic, and analysis. Although the bureaucracy in business organizations and other tissues, but it is in the public sector got better and longer.2. The best way of working and procedures are in full manual detail codes, for administrative personnel to follow. Strictly abide by these principles will run for the organization provides the best way.3. Bureaucratic service. Once the government policy areas in, it will be through the bureaucracy to provide public products and service providers.4. In political and administrative two relations, political and administrative managers generally think of administrative affairs can be separated. Administration is the implement instruction, and any matter policy or strategic affairs shall be decided by the political leaders, which can ensure that the democratic system.5. Public interests are assumed to individual civil servants, the only motive for public service is selfless paying.6. Professional bureaucracy. Public administration is viewed as a kind of special activities, thus requirements, obscure, civil servants neutral equal employment and lifelong service to any political leaders.7. The administrative task is to carry out the meaning of the written instructions and not others assume the personal responsibility.Through the comparison of the early administrative pattern, we can better understand the main advantages and Webber system differences. Webber system and it is the most important mode of various before the difference: the rule-based impersonal system replaced the personification of administrative management system. An organization and its rules than any of the people are important organization. Bureaucracy is itsoperation and how to respond to customer must is personified. As Weber has demonstrated that the modern office management ", will be incorporated into various regulations deeply touched it. The modern public administration by law theory, to command certain affairs authority has been awarded the legitimate public authority. This does not grant an institution specific cases through some instructions. It only matters is abstractly control some issues. In contrast, through personal privileges and give concession regulation of all affairs. The latter is completely dominated by the hereditary system, at least these affairs is not the traditional infringement is this situation."It is very important. Early administration based on personal relationships, be loyal to relatives, protect, leaders or political, rather than on the system. Sometimes, the early administration is politically sensitive, because of the administrative organs of the staff is appointed, they also politicians arms or mainstream class. However, it is often autocratic, autocratic administration may be unfair, especially for those who can't or unwilling to input personal and political game. One of the basic principles for with weber impersonal system to completely eliminate autocratic - at least in ideal condition is so. File exists, the reference principle of parallel and legal basis in the same environment means will always make the same decision. Below this kind of circumstance is not only more efficient, and the citizen and bureaucratic hierarchy know myself.Other differences were associated with this. In various regulations and impersonal basis, will naturally formed strict hierarchy. Personal rating system and its provisions in the left unchanged. Although Webber emphasizes the entire system, but he also noticed the bureaucracy of the organization and individual term.The traditional administrative mode won great success, it is widely adopted by governments around the world. Theoretically or in practice, it shows the advantage. And before the corruption flourished, it is more efficient than system, and the thought of individual professionalization civil servants and amateur service has a great progress. However, this model is also exposed the problems that shows that the model can even said outdated, also can say is outdated.The theory of public administration has been difficult to describe the pillar. Political control theory has problems. Administrative means follow instructions, so people demand a well-ordered transceiver method. Instruction between implementers and has a clear division. But this is not the reality, and with the public service domain expands the scale and more impossible. The traditional mode of another theoretical pillar - bureaucracy theory is no longer considered particularly effective form of organization. Formal bureaucracy could have its advantages, but people think it often training to routineer and innovators, Encourage executives rather than risk aversion risk-taking, encourage them to waste instead of effective use of scarce resources. Webb was the bureaucracy is regarded as an ideal type ", "but now this ideal type is inert, cultivate the progressive, leads to low efficiency, these mediocrity and is believed to be the public sector of the special disease. It is also criticized. Actually, the word "bureaucracy in today's more likely as low efficiency of synonyms.The new public management modeIn the 1980s, the public sector is a traditional administrative pattern of new management methods of defects. This method can alleviate some of the problems of traditional pattern, also means that the public sector operation aspects has changed significantly. The new management method has many names: management of "individualism", "the new public administration", based on the market of public administration ", after the bureaucracy model "or" entrepreneurial government ". To the late 1990s, people tend to use "and the concept of new public administration". Although the new public management, but for many of the names of public management of department of actual changes happened, people still have a consensus. First, no matter what, it is called mode with traditional represents a significant change of public administration, different more attention and managers of the individual responsibility. Second, it is clear to get rid of the classical bureaucracy, thereby organization, personnel, term and conditions more flexible. Third, it stipulates the organization and personnel, and it can target according to the performance indicators measuring task completion. Also, to plan the assessment system for more than everbefore, and also can be more strictly determine whether the government plans to achieve its objectives. Fourth, the senior executives are more likely to color with political government work, rather than independent or neutral. Fifth, the more likely the inspection by the market, buyers of public service provider and distinguish "helmsman, with the rower to distinguish". Government intervention is not always refers to the government by means of bureaucracy. Sixth, appeared through privatization and market means such as inspection, contract of government function reduce trend. In some cases, it is fundamental. Once happened during the transformation from the important changes to all connected with this, the continuity of the steps are necessary.Holmes and Shand as a useful characteristics of generalization. They put the new public management paradigm, the good as management method has the following features: (1) it is a more strategic or structure of decision-making method (around the efficiency, quality and service). (2) decentralization type management environment replaced concentration level structure. The resource allocation and service delivery closer to supply, we can get more itself from the customers and related information and other interest groups. (3) can be more flexible to replace the method of public products supply directly, so as to provide cost savings of the policy. (4) concerned with the responsibility, authority as the key link of improving performance, including emphasize clear performance contract mechanism. (5) in the public sector, and between internal to create a competitive environment. (6) strengthen the strategic decision-making ability, which can quickly, flexible and low cost to manage multiple interests outside change and the response. (7) by request relevant results and comprehensive cost reports to improve transparency and responsibility. (8) general service budget and management system to support and encourage the change.The new public management and realize a result that no one in the best way. Managers in endowed with responsibility and without being told to get results. Decision is a management job duties, if not for achieving goals, managers should assume responsibility.ConclusionThe government management over the past 150 years experienced three modes. First is the personification of modern administrative mode, or when the pattern of its defects and increasingly exposed to improve efficiency, it is the second mode of traditional bureaucracy model is replaced. Similarly, when the traditional administrative mode problems, it is the third model is the new public management, from the government to alternative market. Since 1980s, the dominance of the market as the 1920s to 1960s dominant bureaucracy. In any kind of government, market and bureaucratic system are coexisting, just a form at some stage dominant, and in another stage of another kind of form, the dominant. The new public management is increasingly weakened and bureaucracy in the public administration field market dominant period.In reality, the market and bureaucracy, mutual complement each other. The new public management may not be completely replace the bureaucracy, as in 1989, the eastern Europe before bureaucracy could not instead of the market. But the new public management movement is early traditional bureaucracy, many functions can be and often by market now. In a bureaucracy system for organizational principle is weakened environment, market solutions will be launched. Of course not all market prescription can succeed, but this is not the issue. The government of new public management will be a toolbox dowsed solutions. If the scheme of the ineffective, the government will from the same source for other solutions. The theory behind the government management has already happened, we can use the term "paradigm" to describe it. In public administration academia, many of the new public management denial of critics. But their criticism of the government reform quickly. In the new public management mode, another a kind of new mode, but certainly not returned to the traditional administrative pattern.新公共管理的现状毫无疑问,世界上许多国家,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,在20世纪80年代后期和90年代初期都开始了一场持续的公共部门管理变革运动。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:财务风险管理文献、资料英文题目:Financial Risk Management 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14财务管理类本科毕业论文外文翻译译文:[美]卡伦·A·霍契.《什么是财务风险管理?》.《财务风险管理要点》.约翰.威立国际出版公司,2005:P1-22.财务风险管理尽管近年来金融风险大大增加,但风险和风险管理不是当代的主要问题。

外文文献翻译学生姓名:周千琪论文题目:基于的图书管理系统指导教师:武新丽技术职称:讲师原文:Visual Basic language and arithmeticThe summary of Microsoft Visual StudioMicrosoft Visual Basic (abbreviate VB) as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform. No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it can be relaxed and convenient. So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner." Visual" mean method to adopt visual user of development figure interface (GUI), need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow and show controlling part that need corresponding position to get screen can help figure design interface, user of figure,; " Basic" means BASIC language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language.VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development; Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present.Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, and adjustable service end part. Utilize ActiveX(TM) technology, VB can use word processor, electronic data list he Windows function that application program offers extremely, Excel of Microsoft,, Word of Microsoft,, Even can use by VB specialty edition or enterprise application program and target that edition establish directly.Integrated development environmentsIntegrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, tool fence, controlling part case, And window body window, engineering management devicewindow, attribute window, code window and window body overall arrangement window bodyoverall arrangement, etc. of designing etc.. Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc .In VB, the application program calls the project too. When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show.VB come and organize development of application program through project, use project come and manage and form files of application program. One project uses the environment to make up by several window bodies, standard module generally. The system manages project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote . System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides.Visual Basic language brief introductionsBasic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most. Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC. As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular. Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line by line , So it can see the result carried out at once , this is a very convenient design for beginner. But it have concept of structure either, one that is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems. But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above (such as Quick Basic), make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too.The language is the basic composition, which forms VB procedure. VB has stipulated the form ofsentences and function.Grammar:The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body]Sentence define agree with and used in fixed function of sentence, sentence body appoint concrete content or want concrete operation that carry out of sentence. All set of sentence VB language, carry on with VB sentence organic association finish a certain specific function the procedure. Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem.VB application program code window write in" code editing machine" generally. " editing machine of code" is like the word processing software of a piece of height specialization, there aremany easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In" code editing machine" code that window written.“Editing machine of code” windowDevelop the application program with Visual BasicUse VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more.The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows:Establish application program interfaceThe interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and vision frame of the button, menu, text frameset. with standard WINDOWS interface of application program that VB establish. Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface.2. Design by each attributes of target in interfaceDemand and set up each attribute of target such as appearance, name,, size of targeted. according to interface of planning.Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedure through programming in procedure code. Have the targets respond programming by procedure code3. Respond procedure code of programming targetInterface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through" code editing machine" soon after the interface, Realize some make the tasks, such as responding, information processing,etc. after accepting external message, Add code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task.4. Keep projectOne VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called. Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated documents of project this at the same time. For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded andbeing called. Frm sum. In the window body of foxfire. At the time of opening a project( file), this project relevant files load at the same time.5. Operate and debugged by procedureOperate the procedure thoroughpin operate" selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get rid of the mistake thoroughpin debug" within operate" menus too.6. Can produce by executive programFor make procedure can break away from VB environment, order to become next life through" file"" producing project 1.exe" of menu but executive program (eyeful), Can carry out this file directly after this. In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product.Visual Basic algorithmIn computer system's any software, is by the every large or small each kind of software constituent constitution, defers to the specific algorithm to realize respectively, the algorithm quality direct decision realizes the software performance fit and unfit quality. Designs the algorithm with any method, what resources designs the algorithm to need, requires how many running time, how many storage space, how to determine an algorithm the quality, when realizes a software, is must give to solve. In computer system's operating system, the language compiling system, the database management system as well as in various computer application system's software, must use each one concrete algorithm to realize. Therefore, the algorithm design and the analysis are the computer science and a technical core question.The algorithm is the problem-solving step, we may define the algorithm Cheng Jie a determination class question the random one special method. In the computer science, the algorithm needs to use the computer algorithmic language to describe, the algorithm represents with the computer solves a kind of question precisely, the effective method. The algorithm construction of data = procedure, solves one to assign may calculate or the solvable question, the different person may compile the different procedure, solves the identical problem, here has two problems: First, with computational method close related algorithm question; Second, programming technical question. Between the algorithm and the procedure has the close relationship. The algorithm is a group has the poor rule, they had stipulated solves some specifictype question a series of operations, is to the problem solving plan accurate and the complete description. Formulates an algorithm, generally must pass through stages and so on design, confirmation, analysis, code, test, debugging, time. To algorithm study including five aspect contents:①Design algorithm. The algorithm design work is impossible completely the automation, should study the understanding already by the practice to prove that was the useful some basic algorithm design method, these basic design method was not only suitable for the computer science, moreover was suitable for domains and so on electrical engineering, operations research;② Expresses the algorithm. The description algorithm's method has many kinds of forms, for example the natural language and the algorithmic language, have the suitable environment and the characteristic respectively;③Confirms the algorithm. The algorithm confirmed the goal is causes the people to believe firmly that this algorithm can work unmistakably correctly, namely this algorithm has the circularity. The correct algorithm describes with the computer algorithmic language, constitutes the computer program, the computer program moves on the computer, obtains the algorithm operation result;④ Parsing algorithm. The algorithmic analysis is requires how many computing time and the storage space to an algorithm makes the quota the analysis. The parsing algorithm may forecast that what environment this algorithm does suit in moves effectively, to solves the identical question different algorithm validity to make the comparison;⑤Confirmation algorithm. With machine language description algorithm whether can calculate effectively, reasonable, must carry on the test to the procedure, the test order work and makes the space and time distribution map by the debugging to be composed.But the algorithm has certain characteristic, it includes:① Determinism. Algorithm each kind of operation must have the determination significance, this kind of operation should carry out what kind of movement should not to have the ambiguity, the goal is clear;②Effectiveness. Requests the operation which in the algorithm waits for realizing is basic, each kind of operation can at least completes in the principle by the human with the paper and the pen in the limited time;③ Input. An algorithm has 0 or the many inputs, before the algorithm operation starts gives the algorithm to need the data the starting value, these inputs are from the specific object set;④Output. Does for the algorithm operation result, an algorithm has or many outputs, the output has some kind of specific relational quantity with the input;⑤ Has poor. An algorithm always after carrying out had the poor step operation has terminated, namely this algorithm was may reach.Satisfies a first four characteristic group of rule not to be able to be called the algorithm, can only be called the computational process, the operating system is a computational process example, the operating system uses for to manage the computer resources, controls the manufacture industry movement, when has not made industry the movement, the computational process does not stop, but is at the waiting status.The algorithm complexity is the algorithm efficiency measure, when appraises the algorithm performance, the complexity is an important basis. The algorithm complex degree with moves computer resources how many which this algorithm needs related, needs the resources are more, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is higher; Needs the resources are less, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is lower.The spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time which and the stored routine and the data need, the algorithm complexity has division time complexity and the spatial complexity.The algorithm carries out the operation on the computer, needs the data which certain storage space depositing description algorithm the procedure and the algorithm need, the computer completes the operation task to require certain time. The procedure which writes according to the different algorithm places when on the computer operates, needs the time and the space are different, the algorithm complexity is needs the time and the spatial one kind of measure to the algorithm operation. The different computer its operating speed difference is very big, is weighing an algorithm the complexity to note this point.Regarding question, which assigns willfully, a profitable target which designs, the complex low algorithm is as far as possible when designs algorithm considered. Moreover, when the question, which assigns already when has many kinds of algorithms, an important criterion which choice complexity low, is when selects algorithm should follow. Therefore, the algorithm complex analysis or selects to the algorithm design has the important guiding sense and the use value.外文文献中文翻译学生姓名:周千琪论文题目:基于的图书管理系统指导教师:武新丽技术职称:讲师译文:Visual Basic 语言与算法Visual Basic的概述Microsoft Visual Basic(简称VB)是在Windows操作平台下设计应用程序的最速度、最简捷的工具之一。
5、外文文献翻译(附原文)产业集群,区域品牌,Industrial cluster ,Regional brand

外文文献翻译(附原文)外文译文一:产业集群的竞争优势——以中国大连软件工业园为例Weilin Zhao,Chihiro Watanabe,Charla-Griffy-Brown[J]. Marketing Science,2009(2):123-125.摘要:本文本着为促进工业的发展的初衷探讨了中国软件公园的竞争优势。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料题目:我国非物质文化遗产保护文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文文献翻译保存奇迹Karin, Richard,联合国教科文组织成员《MAS Ultra大学版》第9期(2001)第54-58页随着经济全球一体化的进程,在我们的视野中传统的婚礼舞和诗人的语言逐渐地消失,因此保护非物质文化遗产并非易事。

20外⽂⽂献翻译原⽂及译⽂参考样式华北电⼒⼤学科技学院毕业设计(论⽂)附件外⽂⽂献翻译学号: 0819******** 姓名:宗鹏程所在系别:机械⼯程及⾃动化专业班级:机械08K1指导教师:张超原⽂标题:Development of a High-PerformanceMagnetic Gear年⽉⽇⾼性能磁齿轮的发展1摘要:本⽂提出了⼀个⾼性能永磁齿轮的计算和测量结果。
上述分析的永磁齿轮有5.5的传动⽐,并能够提供27 Nm的⼒矩。
经测量,由于较⼤端齿轮传动引起的磁⼒齿轮的扭矩只有16 Nm。
相⽐标准电⽓机器有约10kN m/m的扭矩,装有⾼能量永久磁铁的磁耦有⾮常⾼的单位体积密度的扭矩,变化范围⼤约300–400 kN 。
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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:非常文献、资料英文题目:Extreme ASP.NE文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院专业学生姓名班级学号外文出处附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文指导教师评价:1.翻译内容与课题的结合度:□优□良□中□差2.翻译内容的准确、流畅:□优□良□中□差3.专业词汇翻译的准确性:□优□良□中□差4.翻译字符数是否符合规定要求:□符合□不符合指导教师签名:年月日附件1:外文资料翻译译文非常1.1Web 部署项目当ASP 第一次发布时,Web 编程还比较困难,因为需要 IIS 来处理 ASP 页。
后来, 2.0 和 Visual Studio® 2005 通过引入网站开发模型使一切工作都变得容易了。
借助该网站模型,您不必在 Visual Studio 中创建新项目,而是可以指向一个目录并开始编写网页和代码。
此外,您还可以使用内置的 Development Server 快速测试站点, Development Server 将 寄宿在一个本地进程中,并消除了必须安装 IIS 才能进行开发这一先决条件。
该网站模型的魅力在于您在开发 Web 应用程序时无需考虑打包和部署。
需要其他类时怎么办?向 App_Code 目录添加一个 .cs 文件即可开始编写。
希望将可本地化的字符串存储在资源文件中时怎么办?向App_GlobalResources 目录添加一个 .resx 文件并键入字符串。
第二种方案是使用aspnet_compiler.exe 实用工具将应用程序预编译为二进制版本,之后将只剩下要放到服务器上的一组程序集、静态内容和配置文件。
第三种方案也使用 aspnet_compiler.exe,但要创建一个可更新的二进制部署,其中 .as*x 文件保持不变(并且可修改),而所有代码文件都编译为二进制程序集。
这似乎涵盖了每一种可能的情况,开发人员可以一心一意地编写 Web 应用程序,而在以后实际部署时再作打包和部署决定。
不过,此模型也遭到了相当大的反对,特别是那些习惯了自己开发的 Web 项目是在实际项目文件中指定的实际项目的开发人员的反对,这些项目允许注入生成前和生成后函数、从生成过程排除文件以及使用命令行开关在调试和发布版本之间进行切换等操作。
有鉴于此,Microsoft 迅速推出了 Web 应用程序项目(即 WAP),最初它是作为 Visual Studio 2005 的插件发布的,现在包含在 Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 中,Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 可从/vstudio/support/vs2005sp1 下载。
WAP 可替代与 Visual Studio .NET 2005 Web 项目模型非常接近的网站模型。
新的WAP 模型会在生成过程中编译所有源代码文件,并在本地的 /bin 目录中生成一个用于部署的程序集。
WAP 还使得增量采用 2.0 引入的新的分部类代码隐藏模型变得更加容易,因为现在您可以打开 Visual Studio .NET 2003 项目,并且在转换过程中只修改 .sln 和 .csproj(或 .vbproj)文件。
然后可将每个文件及其代码隐藏类转换为与项目中任何其他文件都无关的新的分部类模型(操作方法是:在解决方案资源管理器中右键单击各个文件并选择“转换为 Web 应用程序”),也可以让它们仍然使用旧模型。
这与将 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Web 项目转换为网站模型大不相同,转换为网站模型会同时转换所有文件,并且不支持增量采用。
最后,还有一个称为“Web 部署项目”(本专栏的主题)的新项目类型,它引入了许多既针对网站项目又针对 Web 应用程序项目的附加部署选项。
Web 部署项目弥补了既针对网站应用程序又针对 Web 应用程序项目的部署选项中的遗留漏洞,并且可以简单而又可扩展地实现几乎任何部署方案。
为确切了解这一新项目类型增加了哪些内容,我们先来回顾一下在 Web 部署项目推出之前的情况。
通过 Visual Studio 2005 中的“生成”|“发布”菜单或直接通过命令行实用工具aspnet_compiler.exe,您可以访问预编译实用工具。
显示了 Visual Studio 所显示的此工具的界面。
使用发布实用工具时必须作出的第一个决定是 .as*x 文件在部署后是否可更新(在aspnet_compiler.exe 命令行实用工具中使用 -u 开关的“允许更新此预编译站点”选项)。
将站点发布为不可更新时,您可以完全删除所有 .as*x 文件,而只发布二进制程序集(以及配置文件和静态内容)。
不过,如果没有物理文件, 将无法确定哪些类要用于哪些端点请求。
例如,如果您的应用程序收到一个请求 Page1.aspx 的请求,而您已经使用了不可更新的二进制部署,则磁盘上很可能没有任何 Page1.aspx 文件,并且现有配置文件中没有任何内容来指示部署到 /bin 目录的程序集集合中哪个类应是该请求的实际处理程序。
为弥补这一缺陷,编译过程还将生成一个 .compiled 文件集合,这些文件以简单的 XML 格式包含端点-类型映射和文件依赖关系信息,同时这些文件必须与所部署站点的 /bin 目录中的二进制程序集一起发布。
例如,如果应用程序中原来有一个名为 Page1.aspx 的页,则 aspnet_compiler.exe 实用工具会生成一个名为piled(哈希代码不定)的文件,其中包含以下 XML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><preserve resultType="3"virtualPath="/SampleWebSite/Page1.aspx"hash="8a8da6c5a" filehash="42c4a74221152888"flags="110000" assembly="App_Web_aq9bt8mj"type="ASP.page1_aspx"><filedeps><filedep name="/SampleWebSite/Page1.aspx" /><filedep name="/SampleWebSite/Page1.aspx.cs" /></filedeps></preserve>使用此实用工具发布网站时必须作出的另一个重要决定是确定生成的程序集的打包粒度。
通过选中“使用固定命名和单页程序集”(或在 aspnet_compiler.exe 命令行实用工具中使用 -fixednames),既可为站点中的每个目录创建单独的程序集,又可为站点中的每个可编译文件创建单独的程序集。
如果决定不使用 -fixednames 选项,则每次发布应用程序时都会生成一组全新的程序集,并且它们的名称与之前发布的程序集不同。
使用 -fixednames 选项可以解决此问题,因为每个文件都将与命名清晰的程序集对应,而这些程序集在一次编译和下次编译中不会发生变化。
Web 部署项目非常圆满地解决了部署中程序集粒度这一问题,如下所示。
您还可以将程序集签名引入编译过程,以便创建具有强名称的不同版本的程序集,如果需要这也适用于全局程序集缓存 (GAC) 中的部署。
通过使用 -aptca 选项,您可以使用程序集级别的属性 AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers 来标记生成的程序集,在将任何程序集部署到 GAC 并且以低等或中等信任级别运行 的情况下,这是必要的。
)有关发布站点的另一个细节是如果决定使用 Web 应用程序项目而不使用网站模型,则“生成”|“发布”对话框的外观将大不相同。
Web 应用程序项目假定您希望将应用程序发布为可更新的 .as*x 文件和预编译的源文件(开发中它所使用的同一模型),因此仅针对二进制的部署选项不可用。
从技术上讲,即使您使用 Web 应用程序项目,也不会限制您使用仅针对二进制(不可更新)的部署。
其实,WAP 生成的输出是一个有效的网站,然后您可以传递aspnet_compiler.exe 实用工具来生成创建二进制部署。
幸运的是,您只是不能从 Web 部署项目调整过的 Visual Studio 2005 界面调用它而已。
Web 部署项目那么迄今为止所有现有的编译和部署选项中缺少什么呢?主要缺少两种功能:控制程序集命名(特别是为了进行部署)的功能,以及将所有输出的程序集合并为一个程序集从而简化部署的功能。
Web 部署项目可以解决这两个问题。
但或许更重要的是,它们还与网站应用程序和 Web 应用程序项目的部署问题中的许多遗留问题有关。
它们的核心是,Web 部署项目(可从 /aa336619.aspx 下载)代表的只是向您解决方案中添加的另一个项目类型。