品酒师 WSET Level 2 模拟试题
蓝海红程-埃韦WSET 2 考试练习题下列哪个是经典赤霞珠的产区A 猎人谷B 尼伊区C 斯泰伦博斯D 皮埃蒙特下列哪个代表黑皮诺的主要风味A 强劲的单宁和酒体B 高酸度富于柑橘味C 丝滑的单宁,富于酸度和果味D 颜色深,甜美浓郁葡萄酒的酸度和果味分别来自于A 果梗和果肉B 果肉和籽C 籽和果梗D 果皮和果汁在澳大利亚,长相思经常跟以下哪个葡萄混酿A 霞多丽B 雷司令C 设拉子D 赛美容以下哪个产区的嘉美葡萄适合陈年A 风车磨坊B 桑塞尔C 热夫雷香贝坛D 罗纳河谷北部以下哪个产区的西拉价格较低A 罗第B 克罗兹埃米塔日C 教皇新堡D 埃米塔日以下哪个产区以浓郁强劲颜色深的歌海娜混酿为主A 教皇新堡B 罗纳河谷村庄区C 里奥哈D 普里奥拉托以下哪个等级的德国葡萄酒一定是甜的A kabinett珍藏葡萄酒B Spatlese晚采葡萄酒C Eiswein冰酒D Grosses Gewachs葡萄酒是一种文化,也是一种生活方式。
蓝海红程对意大利北部最著名的红葡萄酒的描述正确的是A 低酸度高酒精颜色浅B 颜色深酸度高单宁重C 颜色浅酸度高酒体重D 颜色浅酸度高酒体轻盈在意大利的酒标上古典Classico和珍藏Riserva的描述正确的是A 核心法定产区和更长的法定陈年时间B 最基础的产区和最廉价的葡萄酒C 产区大,酒精度低D 一定是DOCG才有西拉与歌海娜的混酿经常出现在下列哪个区域A 南非沃克湾B 罗纳河北部C 布诺萨河谷D 玛格丽特河在一款波特酒的酒标上有40年的字样表示A 这款酒在橡木桶中熟化了40年B 这款酒喝起来像40年的风格C 这是一款年份波特酒D 这是一款晚装瓶波特酒以下哪个术语标示德国的原产地保护标签PDOA Demonimacion de OrigenB Denominazione di Orgine Controllata e GaratitaC Appellation d’Origine ControleeD QualitasweinOaked和Vegetarian/Vegan这两个术语表明A 经橡木桶熟化和未下胶B 橡木桶发酵和未过滤C 未经橡木桶熟化和素食的D 经橡木桶熟化和素食的炎热气候下霞多丽会产生什么风味A 橡木味B 蔬菜味C 热带水果香气D 土司椰子下列哪些组合一定是干型和甜型的A 红宝石波特和佩德罗希梅内斯B 晚采收德国雷司令和卢瓦尔白诗南C 奶油雪莉酒和奥罗露索D 菲奴和天然甜德国的优质黑皮诺产区是A 博纳区B 中奥塔哥C 巴登和法尔兹D 波马尔下面关于嫂阿维葡萄酒描述正确的是A 葡萄品种是GleraB 一定会经过橡木桶C 产区在坎帕尼亚D 酒体轻酸度高下列哪个是西班牙天普兰尼洛的优质产区A 普里奥拉托B 杜罗河畔C 杜鲁河谷D 下海湾转移法的相关说法正确的是A 在罐中发酵B 经过酒泥陈酿C 是普罗赛克酒的主要酿造方法D 需要加焦糖色以下哪个产区属于炎热产区A 罗纳河谷北部B 勃艮第南部C 门多萨D 下海湾以下葡萄酒的原料受到贵腐菌侵染的是A 德国珍藏kabinett白葡萄酒B 西班牙佩德罗西梅内斯C 匈牙利托卡伊D 法国阿尔萨斯黑皮诺以下是干型加烈酒产区的是A 瓦波里切拉B 赫雷斯C 杜鲁河谷D 布诺萨河谷在西班牙里奥哈产区,酒标上标有Reserva这个词表示A 年轻的酒B特定年份生产,在瓶内经过至少两年陈酿的酒C 特定年份生产,在桶内至少经过两年陈酿的酒D 在桶内经过至少一年,瓶内经过至少两年陈酿的红葡萄酒阿尔萨斯葡萄酒的酒标上如果标有GrandCru字样,说明A 这瓶酒来自勃艮第B 这瓶酒是单一特级葡萄园C这瓶酒的原料来自于特级葡萄园D 这瓶酒可能是黑皮诺葡萄酿造的以下哪些产区既出产霞多丽也出产长相思A 尼伊区B 马尔堡C 波尔多D 雅拉谷以下那个葡萄品种属于芳香性品种A白诗南B 帕罗米诺C 阿尔巴利诺D 白皮诺一瓶颜色深,单宁厚重的葡萄酒最有可能来自以下哪个产区A 新西兰马尔堡B 勃艮第博纳区C 澳大利亚玛格丽特河D 赫雷斯橡木桶陈酿白葡萄酒的作用在于A 柔顺单宁B 增加酸度C 增添香气D 减弱颜色一瓶酒标上表示产区为米内瓦Minervois的葡萄酒,里面最有可能含有什么葡萄成分A 黑皮诺B 长相思C 歌海纳D 赤霞珠一瓶带梗发酵的葡萄酒有可能A 酸度更高B 颜色更深C 很丰富的果味D 更紧涩的单宁下列哪个方法不可以让酒获得更深的颜色A 跟厚皮葡萄品种混酿B 延长浸渍时间C 中断发酵D 加入焦糖色调和麦芽威士忌是指A 原料经过调配B 原料为混合谷物C 原料有大部分玉米D原料来自不同国家金色特基拉酒说明A 一定经过橡木桶陈酿B 可能加入焦糖色调色C 酒是甜的D 经过额外香料调和关于瓶中发酵法的说法正确的是A 初始基酒酒精发酵在瓶中完成B只有法国采用C 阿斯蒂葡萄酒的制作方法D 可能会用密封加压的不锈钢罐黑皮诺混酿葡萄酒会出现在以下哪个产区A 普罗旺斯B 桑塞尔C 香槟D 斯泰伦伯斯珍藏红宝石波特和一般红宝石波特的区别在于A 葡萄品种不同B 一般红宝石波特是干型的C 橡木桶熟化时间更长D 需要在橡木桶中至少陈年7年以下哪个不属于自然浓缩葡萄汁的方法?A 冷冻B 贵腐霉菌侵蚀C 晒干D 风干灰比诺的主要产区在A 波尔多B 阿尔萨斯C 坎帕尼亚D 里奥哈一般的茶色波特酒是指A 长时间熟化的波特酒B 可以长期在瓶中陈放C 有非常多的氧化气息D 简单的浅色红宝石波特以下哪种风格的雪莉酒会带有酵母的气息A 菲奴B 奥罗露索C 佩德罗西梅内斯D 马德拉酒在一瓶酒的酒标上标有CAVA字样说明A 这瓶酒是香槟B 这瓶酒是传统法酿造C 这瓶是红葡萄酒D 这瓶酒没有经过酒泥陈酿关于白诗南的说法正确的是A 只能做干型葡萄酒B 不容易被贵腐侵蚀C 单宁重酸度高D 可以在凉爽气候下种植标有Grosses Gewachs的葡萄酒意味着A 这是一支高品质的红葡萄酒B 这支酒来自阿尔萨斯C 这支酒必须是雷司令D 这支酒可能来自不同的葡萄园原料混酿酒泥陈酿能为葡萄酒带来A 氧化的气息B 湿树叶的气息C 光滑的质感D 香草的气息1、酒泥陈酿(sur lie)是什么意思?2、苹果酸乳酸发酵对酸度有什么影响?3、Vieilles vignes是什么意思?4、在口感上,夏布利和默尔索的葡萄酒有什么区别?5、马孔产区最南边的知名村庄叫什么名字?6、热夫雷尚贝坦生产什么品种的葡萄酒?7、美乐与赤霞珠之间,哪个酸度高,哪个酒精度高?8、除了波尔多以外,法国哪两个重要产区生产高品质的长相思葡萄酒?9、法国卢瓦尔河谷生产白诗南的知名产区叫什么?10、法国阿尔萨斯和意大利的灰比诺风味有什么区别?11、在德国,黑比诺叫什么名字?12、Beerenauslese是什么风格的葡萄酒?13、请说出澳大利亚生产高品质霞多丽葡萄酒的产区。
WSET Examination 2 参考试题
WSET Examination 2 参考试题2010年12月15日 16:19:39WSET Level 2WSET Level 2参考答案:1C 2B 3C 4A 5B 6A 7B 8C 9B 10A 11C 12A 13B 14A 15A 16B 17A 18A 19C 20A21D 22C 23B 24B 25B 26C 27C 28D29D 30A31A 32A 33C 34C 35D 36B 37D 38D 39C 40B 41B42C 43C 44A 45B 46A 47C 48B49B 50?51B 52B 53B 54C55C 56B 57D 58A 59B 60A61C 62B1. Where does a red wine get its colour from?a) Artificial colouring.b) The addition of red wine.c) The skins of the grapes.d) Stainless steel tanks.2. Which is the correct sequence in making RED wine?a) Fermentation, crushing, pressing, maturationb) Crushing, fermentation, pressing, maturation.c) Crushing, pressing, fermentation, maturationd) Crushing, fermentation, maturation, pressing3. Which one of the following wines should be avoided when serving oily fish?a) High acid, low tannin red wines.b) Dry, light bodied white wines.c) High tannin, full bodied red wines.d) Off-dry, high acid white wines.4. Wines make from grapes grown in cool regions typically are:a) High acidityb) Full bodiedc) High tannind) High in alcohol5. A customer wants to try a new world wine similar to Hermitage. Which of the following wine will you recommend?a) Central Otago Pinot Noirb) Barossa Valley Shirazc) Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.d) Maipo Merlot6. In which country is Barolo DOCG produced?a) Italy.b) Spain.c) Portugal.d) Greece.7. Which grape variety is used to make AC Pouilly-Fumé?a) Riesling.b) Sauvignon Blanc.c) Sémillon.d) Chenin Blanc.8. Bulk/Inexpensive wines in Australia are typically produced in which of the following regions?a) New South Walesb) South Australiac) South Eastern Australiad) West Australia9. Fermentation of white wine is typically at what temperature range?a) 10-15Cb) 15-20Cc) 20-25Cd) 25-30C10. Using which of the followings will give the best oakflavour?a) Oak barrelsb) Oak chipsc) Oak essenced) Oak staves11. Which spirit uses the initials VSOP?a) Vodka.b) Gin.d) Scotch Whisky.12. Medoc is most famous for?a) Dry red wineb) Sweet white winec) Both dry red wine and sweet white wined) Sparkling wine13. What style of wine is AC Muscat de Beaumes de Venise?a) Dry fortified white.b) Sweet fortified white.c) Dry fortified red.d) Sweet fortified red.14. Where is Nuits-Saint-Georges?a) Burgundy.b) Bordeaux.c) Loire.d) Rhône.15. In which country is the region of Marlborough?a) New Zealand.b) Australia.d) South Africa.16. Alsace is most famous for?a) Dry white wineb) Sweet white winec) Dry red wined) Sparkling wine17. Which of the following grape varieties is best for hot region?a) Merlot.b) Pinot Noir.c) Riesling.d) Sauvignon Blanc.18. Which of the following regions has the coolest climate?a) Alsaceb) Bordeauxc) Burgundyd) Loire19. Which gas is given off during alcoholic fermentation?a) Sulphur Dioxide.b) Nitrogen Dioxide.c) Carbon Dioxide.d) Hydrogen Dioxide.20. Which one of the following grape varieties is aromatic?a) Gewurztraminer.b) Nebbiolo.c) Cabernet Franc.d) Grenache.21. Which one of the following is CORRECTLY matched?a) Vouvray and Italy.b) Beaujolais and Bordeaux.c) Meursault and Portugal.d) Sangiovese and Chianti Classico.22. Which of the following grape varieties has the lowest tannin?a) Cabernet Sauvignonb) Merlotc) Pinot Noird) Shiraz23. The main different that distinguishes tank method from traditional method is:a) First fermentation in tankb) Second fermentation in tankc) Bubbles are being injected into the wined) The wine is sweet24. Which of the following wine is likely to benefit the most from bottle aging?a) Beaujolaisb) Cote-Rotiec) Sancerred) Valpolicella25. What does the word …secco‟ mean?a) Sweet.b) Dry.c) Sparkling.d) Medium sweet.26. What style of wine would you recommend to match a sour taste dish?a) Aromaticb) Full bodiedc) High acidityd) Low tannin27. Casablanca Valley is in which country?a) Argentinab) Australiac) Chiled) South Africa28. Which of the following grape variety is not commonly seen in Germany?a) Riesling.b) Sauvignon Blanc.c) Muller-Thurgaud) Silvaner29. Pinotage is most commonly seen in wines from which country?a) Argentinab) Australiac) Chiled) South Africa30. Which one of the following is a white grape variety?a) Verdicchio.b) Sangiovese.c) Merlot.d) Gamay.31. Which one of the following is a flavoured spirit?a) Ginb) Rumc) Tequilad) Vodka.32. Which is the dominant grape used in making Chateauneuf-du-Pape?a) Grenacheb) Merlotc) Nebbiolod) Syrah33. Which one of the following is a varietallylabelled wine?a) Gevrey-Chambertin.b) Pouilly-Fuissé.c) Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon.d) Saint-Emilion.34. What is the main grape used in Rioja?a) Barberab) Garnachac) Tempranillod) Trebbiano35. The sweetness in Sauternes is due to:a) Interrupting the fermentationb) Use wind dried grapesc) Use frozen grapesd) Use grapes affected by Noble Rot36. What is the base material used in making Whiskies?a) Grapesb) Grainsc) Sugar Caned) Vegetables37. In which country is the region of Mendoza?a) USA.b) Australia.c) Chile.d) Argentina.38. What style of wine is Asti DOCG?a) Dry still light wine.b) Sweet still light white.c) Sparkling dry white.d) Sparkling sweet white.39. To which wine do the initials LBV refer?a) Madeira.b) Sherry.c) Port.d) VinDouxNaturels.40. When tasting a wine, how is acidity identified on the palate?a) By a mouth drying bitter sensation.b) By making your mouth water.c) By producing sweet ripe flavours.d) By producing salty tangy flavours.41. In which region of France would Cabernet Sauvignon be predominantly grown?a) Alsace.b) Bordeaux.c) Burgundy.d) Rhône.42. Which one of the following wines would benefit from being lightly chilled?a) Ruby Port.b) Pauillac.c) Valpolicella.d) Australian Shiraz.43. Piesport is a village in:a) Alsace.b) Burgundy.c) Germany.d) Italy.44. Which one of the following wines is likely to be the sweetest?a) Ausleseb) Kabinettc) QbAd) Spatlese45. In which country is Vinho Verde produced?a) Spain.b) Portugal.c) Italy.d) Germany.46. Which region in Australia is best suited for growing Riesling?a) Clare Valley.b) Margaret River.c) Rutherglen.d) Gisborne.47. Solera System is the method used to produce:a) Cognacb) Portc) Sherryd) Whisky48. The correct order of making traditional method sparkling wine is:a) 2nd fermentation, disgorging, riddling (remuage), bottlingb) 2nd fermentation, riddling (remuage), disgorging, bottlingc) 2nd fermentation, bottling, riddling (remuage), disgorgingd) bottling, 2nd fermentation, riddling (remuage), disgorging49. In which country is Sancerre produced?a) Hungary.b) France.c) Germany.d) Australia.50. Where is Tuscany located?a) Ab) Bc) Cd) D51. You were offered a bottle of Premier Cru 1999 Pommard. What is the most likely colour of the wine?a) Purpleb) Rubyc) Garnetd) Tawny52. Which of the following flavour is the LEAST likely to be found in the above bottle of Pommard?a) Strawberryb) Vanillac) Plumd) Blackcurrant53. You were offered a white wine that is gold in colour with a buttery flavour. The wine is most likely to be which of the following?a) Riesling from Australiab) Chablisc) Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealandd) Chardonnay from California54. You see the tasting note “deep purple colour with intense fruit flavour of blackcurrant, blue berry, plum, and also vanilla and coconut flavour”. This wine ismost likely which of the following?a) 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valleyb) 2005 Hermitagec) 2005 Shiraz from Barossa Valleyd) 2006 Nuit St. Geroge55. You were offered a red wine with high tannin, medium acidity, and deep colour intensity. The wine is most likely made from:a) Merlotb) Pinot Noirc) Cabernet Sauvignond) Granache56 Maipo is a wine region ina) Californiab) Chilec) Argentinad) Italy57 Which of the following varieties is widely used to make rose wine due to its thin skin?a) Shirazb) Cabernet Sauvignonc) Pinotaged) Grenache58 Which one of the following is paired correctly?a) Cabernet Sauvignon and Pessac-Leognanb) Shiraz and Beaujolaisc) Merlot and Pommardd) Sauvignon Blanc and Meursault59 Cork taint is identified bya) Vinegar aromab) Musty aromac) cloudy appearanced) flabby taste60 Which of the following production methods is used to make Cava?a) Traditionalb) Injectionc) Tankd) Transfer61 Which of the following wine is made by Chardonnay?a) Fume Blancb) Pouilly Fumec) PouillyFussied) Bordeaux AC62 VinsDouxNaturels (VDN) is a sweet wine made bya) Adding sussreserveb) Fermentation interruptionc) Dried grapesd) Frozen grapes。
WEST二级考试模拟题附答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A) 5:30B) 6:00C) 6:30正确答案:B2. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A) 去图书馆B) 去公园C) 去电影院正确答案:C3. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A) 老师B) 学生C) 医生正确答案:A4. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A) 雨伞B) 帽子C) 手套正确答案:A5. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A) 10元C) 30元正确答案:B二、阅读理解(共30分)6. 根据所给短文,选择正确答案。
A) 因为天气晴朗B) 因为交通堵塞C) 因为朋友邀请正确答案:C7. 根据所给短文,选择正确答案。
A) 红色B) 蓝色C) 绿色正确答案:A8. 根据所给短文,选择正确答案。
A) 10天B) 15天C) 20天正确答案:B9. 根据所给短文,选择正确答案。
A) 5本书B) 8本书C) 12本书正确答案:A10. 根据所给短文,选择正确答案。
A) 每天C) 每月正确答案:B三、语法填空(共20分)11. The weather is ________ (晴朗) today.正确答案:sunny12. She is ________ (等待) for the bus.正确答案:waiting13. He has ________ (完成) his homework.正确答案:finished14. They ________ (计划) to go to the beach.正确答案:plan15. I ________ (丢失) my keys yesterday.正确答案:lost四、写作(共30分)16. 请根据以下提示写一篇不少于100字的短文。
1、对于红葡萄酒来说.什么颜色代表着葡萄酒是年轻的?A.橙色B. 琥珀色C.金色D.紫红色2、气候会影响葡萄酒的风格.产自凉爽气候下的葡萄酒往往会?A.高酒精度轻酒体高酸度B.低酒精度轻酒体低酸度C.低酒精度轻酒体高酸度D.高酒精度重酒体高酸度3、红葡萄酒和桃红葡萄酒的颜色来自于?A.葡萄梗B.葡萄皮C.葡萄籽D. 葡萄果肉4、比较甜的食物应该搭配什么样的葡萄酒?A.单宁丰富的葡萄酒 B .甜度更高的葡萄酒 C.干型葡萄酒5、酒标上标注有"Oaked”表示这款酒可能?1.在新橡木桶中陈年过2.在大的旧橡木桶中陈年过3.酿造中使用橡木片4.在桶中发酵过A.只有1B.只有1或2C.只有3D. 1,2,3 或 46、在糖分转化为酒精时.需要什么?A.酵母B.单宁C.二氧化碳D.细菌7、海鲜不适合搭配高单宁葡萄酒.是因为?A.葡萄酒酸度高B.酒体过重C.食物中的鲜味能强化单宁的苦味|D.葡萄酒口感太涩8、阳光是让葡萄将二氧化碳和水转换成糖分的能量来源.以下哪种措施不是用来增强阳光照射的?A.将葡萄种植在能接受太阳直射的一定角度的斜坡上B.将葡萄种植在河流旁边的高地上C.将葡萄种植在干燥的石质土壤上.如白垩土质和鹅卵石土壤D.将葡萄种植在向阴的山坡上9、对于葡萄种植.以下哪项说法是错误的?A.降雨越多越好.因为即使过多也无所谓B.大多数分布在30°至50°C. 一般来说.如果养分充足.较贫瘠的土壤也能产出更高质量的葡萄D.最重要的时期是生长季节.特别是葡萄成熟期。
极端天气对果实的产量和质量造成巨大的伤害10、以下说法正确的是?A.只有手工采摘的葡萄才可以酿成最高质量的葡萄酒B.白仙粉黛(White Zinfandel )属于桃红葡萄酒.酿造时.其发酵温度为12,C至22,CC.旧橡木桶也能给葡萄酒增加香味D.白葡萄酒的酿造顺序为破碎,发酵,压榨,熟化,装瓶第二天练习题:1.酿造红葡萄酒时.果肉主要提供哪些成分?A.色素、苦油、水分B.色素、单宁、苦油C.酸、糖、水分D.酸、糖、芳香成分2.红、白葡萄酒的发酵温度分别为?A.12-20 C; 20-32 CB.20-32 'C; 12-22 CC.22-30 C; 10-22 CD.12-22 C; 20-32 C3.以下哪一项是有氧熟化可能带来的香味?A.太妃糖B.橘皮果酱C湿树叶D.煮过的水果4.白葡萄酒的发酵流程是?A.破碎7发酵7熟化7压榨7装瓶B.破碎7发酵7压榨7熟化7装瓶C.压榨7破碎7发酵7熟化7装瓶D.破碎7压榨7发酵7熟化7装瓶5.采摘葡萄的方式分为手工采摘和机器采摘两种.以下哪一项会让人们倾向于使用机械采收?A.葡萄园面积大.需要快速采收.B.采才S时.葡萄挑选的精细程度要求高C.葡萄园地势陡峭D.保持葡萄园土壤松软.保证葡萄园土壤活性6.白仙粉黛(White Zinfandel )是一种什么类型的葡萄酒?C.桃红葡萄酒D.起泡酒7.白葡萄酒的发酵一般持续多长时间?A.2-4 周B.5天C.1-2个月D.12-36 小时8.为葡萄酒添加橡木风味可以使用很多种方法.其中成本最高的是?A.向发酵罐中加入橡木条B.向发酵罐中加入橡木碎屑C.使用橡木香精D.使用橡木桶发酵或熟化9.酿造葡萄酒时.以下哪一项不是主要影响葡萄酒中颜色和单宁含量的要素?A.使用的葡萄品种B.使用的酵母类型C.葡萄酒与果皮接触时间的长短D.葡萄采收时的成熟度10.在酵母的作用下.葡萄中的什么物质会转化为酒精?A.水分B.单宁C.糖D.氧气第三天练习题:1.酒标上标注的年份指的是A.装瓶的年份B.葡萄采摘的年份C.葡萄酒出售的年份D.以上皆不是2.同一个年份里.南半球的葡萄酒要比北半球的A.年轻一年B.老一年C.年轻半年D.老半年3.具有GI标签的欧盟葡萄酒又分为两类:原产地保护标签PDO( Protected Designation of Origin )和地理标志保护标签PGI (Protected Geographical Indication )。
W S E T二级模拟练习试题二1. 哪种葡萄酒带有一定甜味()A.Marlborough(新西兰马尔堡)的长相思B.Fino(干型)的雪利C.Coonawarra(澳大利亚库纳瓦拉)的赤霞珠D.Mosel(德国摩泽尔)的雷司令Spatlese(晚收)2.那个产区在澳大利亚()①巴尔德佩尼亚斯Valdepenas(西班牙)②西斯柯特Heathcote(澳大利亚)③克来尔谷Clare Valley(澳大利亚)④拉贝尔山谷Rapel(智利)A. ①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ③④3.那个产区在阿根廷()A.卡法亚特Cafayate(阿根廷)和门多萨Mendoza(阿根廷)B.索诺玛Sonoma(美国)和俄勒冈Oregon(美国)C.巴尔德佩尼亚斯Valdepenas(西班牙)和克来尔谷Clare Valley(澳大利亚)D.托拉西Taurasi(意大利)和阿德莱得山谷Adelaide Hills(澳大利亚)4.地球南半球葡萄采摘时间()A.1月2月3月B.2月3月4月C.8月9月10月D.9月10月11月5.以下那个产区是西班牙的法定产区()A.里奥哈RiojaB.纳瓦拉NavarraC.普里奥拉托PrioratD.托拉西Taurasi6.霞多丽种植的经典产区()A.默尔索Meursault(勃艮第)B.卡萨布兰卡Casablanca(智利)C.阿德莱得山谷Adelaide Hills(澳大利亚)D.霍克湾Hawke’s Bay(新西兰)7.年份2016年,宝石红色,有黑色水果,青椒、雪松味,高单宁,中酸度A.波尔多圣埃美隆-美乐B.挨米塔日Hermitage-西拉C.朗格多克鲁西荣-赤霞珠D.法尔茨Pfalz-雷司令8.琥珀色,有干果、陈皮、和贵腐的气味,饱满浓郁的甜白产自哪里()A.法国索泰尔呐SauternesB.澳大利亚贵腐赛美容Botrytis SemillonC.德国TBAD.匈牙利托卡伊Tokaji9.以下那个是配对相符的()A.美国-拉贝尔山谷Rapel(智利)B.智利-莫宁顿半岛Mornington Peninsula(澳大利亚)C.南非-斯泰伦博斯StellenboschD.意大利-中奥塔哥Central Otago(新西兰)10.勃艮第产区中,相对炎热的产区()A.夏布丽ChablisB.普伊富塞Pouilly-Fuisse(马贡区)C.普伊芙美Pouilly-Fume(卢瓦河谷)D.默尔索Meursault(伯恩丘)11.以下那个产区是意大利的东北部()A.威尼托VenetoB.皮埃蒙特PiedmontC.托斯卡纳ToscanaD.普利亚Puglia12.桑娇维赛主要种植的区域()A.加维GaviB.蒙塔尔奇诺的巴内洛Brunello di MontalcinoC.嫂阿维SoaveD.西西里Sicily13.巴贝拉主要种植的区域()A.巴罗洛BaroloB.皮埃蒙特PiedmontC.巴尔巴莱斯克BarbarescoD.斯泰伦博斯Stellenbosch14.奇昂第Chianti位于那个大产区中()A.威尼托VenetoB.皮埃蒙特PiedmontC.托斯卡纳ToscanaD.普利亚Puglia15.以下那个属于西班牙DOC的产区()A.拉曼查La ManchaB.杜罗河谷Ribera del DueroC.巴尔德佩尼亚斯ValdepenasD.里奥哈Rioja16.西班牙地区餐酒的简称()A.VDLTB.VDMC.DOD.DOC17.西班牙Reserva陈酿术语()A.在橡木桶6个月,在瓶子12个月B.在橡木桶10个月,在瓶子24个月C.在橡木桶12个月,在瓶子24个月D.在橡木桶24个月,在瓶子36个月18.西班牙生产高品质的白葡萄酒产区()①里奥哈Rioja ②加泰罗尼亚Catalunya ③下海湾Rias BaixasA. ①③B. ①②C. ②③D. ①②③19.以下那个产区最靠西边()A.下海湾Rias BaixasB.拉曼查La ManchaC.里奥哈RiojaD.加泰罗尼亚Catalunya20.以下那个产区是属于葡萄牙()A.库拉瓦拉Coonawarra(澳大利亚)B.杜鲁河谷Douro(葡萄牙)C.吉斯伯恩Gisborne(新西兰)D.武弗雷Vouvray(法国卢瓦河谷)21.增芳德Zindandel主要种植的国家()A.智利B.美国C.阿根廷D.澳大利亚22.哪个不是法国产区()A.博若莱B.卢瓦尔河谷C.阿尔萨斯D.莱茵高23.Cru Bourgeois不会使用在那个产区上()A.梅多克MedocB.波亚克PauillacC.玛歌MargauxD.波美侯Pomerol24.Grand Cru Classe 会使用在那个产区上()A.梅多克MedocB.圣埃美隆Saint-EmilionC.马孔MaconD.吉斯伯恩Gisborne25.阿尔萨斯位于法国那个位置()A.东北部B.东南部C.西北部D.西南部26.以下那个气候比较凉爽()A.波尔多B.朗格多克鲁西荣C.香槟区D.干邑区27.以下主要以美乐为主的产区()A.波美侯PomerolB.博若莱村庄Beaujolais-VillagesC.玛歌MargauxD.博讷Beaune28.适合年轻饮用,不合适陈年的葡萄酒产区()A.勃艮第B.博若莱C.朗格多克鲁西荣D.罗纳河谷29.阿尔萨斯主要的葡萄品种()①雷司令②赤霞珠③琼瑶浆④添帕尼优⑤黑皮诺⑥美乐A.①③④B.②④⑥C.①③⑤D.①④⑥30.普伊芙美Pouilly-Fume位于那个大产区()A.勃艮第B.卢瓦尔河谷C.香槟区D.阿尔萨斯31.罗纳河谷最凉爽的产区()A.罗第Cote RotieB.教皇新堡Chateauneuf-du-PapeC.挨米塔日HermitageD.罗纳河谷村庄Cotes du Rhone Villages32.下面那个产区使用100%西拉()A.教皇新堡Chateauneuf-du-PapeB.米内瓦MinervoisC.罗纳河谷Cotes du RhoneD.挨米塔日Hermitage33.法国大量生产IGP的产区()A.勃艮第B.波尔多C.阿尔萨斯D.朗格多克鲁西荣34.有浓郁草莓、樱桃、甜美的水果蛋糕香,少单宁,柔顺,酸度适中,这款酒有可能()A.波尔多左岸赤霞珠B.波尔多右岸美乐C.朗格多克西拉D.勃艮第黑皮诺35.经常使用“二氧化碳浸泡法”的产区()A.香槟区B.阿尔萨斯C.博若莱D.罗纳河谷36.宝石红色,浓郁黑莓、黑醋栗水果香,带有一些香料的气息,如胡椒,高单宁,这款酒的葡萄品种有可能是()A.赤霞珠B.西拉C.美乐D.黑皮诺37.法国的罗纳河谷和朗格多克鲁西荣常常出现的葡萄品种()A.赤霞珠和美乐B.西拉和歌海娜C.长相思D.霞多丽38.博若莱主要的葡萄品种()A.黑皮诺B.佳美C.佳美娜D.佳丽酿39.清澈亮丽的白葡萄酒,色泽偏绿,有草本植物香气,如青草、青柠檬,有一点西番莲果香气,高酸,无橡木桶,那么这款酒有可能来自()A.勃艮第-霞多丽B.波尔多-长相思C.法国南部-霞多丽D.卢瓦尔河谷-长相思40.一款陈酿的甜白葡萄酒,金黄酒液,有柑橘、蜂蜜、汽油的香气,那么这款酒的葡萄品种()A.长相思B.赛美容C.雷司令D.琼瑶浆41.下面哪个品酒笔录时描述勃艮第夏布利的霞多丽()A.黄金色酒液,有菠萝,芒果,成熟水果香B.黄金色酒液,有青苹果,青柠檬,矿物质香气C.淡柠檬酒液,有菠萝,芒果,成熟水果香D.淡柠檬酒液,有青苹果,青柠檬,矿物质香气42.红酒中有新鲜水果香,还有一点泡泡糖的甜美香,单薄酒体,少单宁,这款酒可能来()A.澳大利亚-阿德莱德B.南非-斯泰伦博斯C.法国-博若莱D.美国-加州43.普罗塞克Prosecco是来自那个国家的起泡酒()A.法国B.西班牙C.意大利D.德国44.香槟是来自那个国家的起泡酒()A.法国B.西班牙C.意大利D.德国45.塞克特Sekt是来自那个国家的起泡酒()A.法国B.西班牙C.意大利D.德国46.卡瓦Cava是来自那个国家的起泡酒()A.法国B.西班牙C.意大利D.德国47.阿斯蒂Asti是来自那个国家的起泡酒()A.法国B.西班牙C.意大利D.德国48.卡瓦Cava使用什么生产方式()A.罐中发酵B.瓶中发酵C.二氧化碳注入法D.酒泥发49.甜葡萄酒的酿造方法()①打断发酵②加入甜的物质混合③浓缩葡萄里的糖A.①②B.②③C.①③D.①②③50.法国波尔多索泰尔讷Sauternes(苏黛产区)生产甜白主要的葡萄品种()A.长相思和赛美容B.雷司令和灰皮诺C.琼瑶浆和白诗南D.特浓情和霞多丽51.生产冰酒比较着名的国家()①加拿大②奥地利③德国A.①②B.②③C.①③D.①②③52.雪莉酒Sherry的VOS和VORS的年限分别是()A.超过10年和超过20年B.超过20年和超过30年C.超过30年和超过40年D.超过40年和超过50年53.有巧克力、核桃、太妃糖香气的加强型酒是()A.奶油雪莉酒B.红宝石波特酒C.年份波特酒D.茶色波特酒54.以下那个不需要醒酒器的()A.年份波特酒B.单一葡萄园波特酒C.传统风格的晚装瓶年份波特酒D.珍藏茶色波特酒55.威士忌的原料()A.谷物B.糖浆C.葡萄D.香料56.干邑白兰地使用什么工艺制作()A.瓶中发酵法B.罐中发酵法C.壶式蒸馏法D.连续蒸馏法57.朗姆酒的原料()A.谷物B.糖浆C.葡萄D.香料58.伏特加使用什么工艺制作()A.瓶中发酵法B.罐中发酵法C.壶式蒸馏法D.连续蒸馏法59.葡萄酒酒标发霉,代表什么()A.温度太高B.储存湿度过湿C.不通风D.没有避震60.把一瓶葡萄酒放在冰箱太长时间会怎么样?()A.会有发霉的软木塞缺陷味B.因为高压,瓶子会破碎C.没有发生任何问题D.软木塞会变硬,会出现问题,从而导致氧化61.一款葡萄酒木塞凸起,是什么原因?()A.储存没有避震B.储存湿度太高C.储存温度太高D.储存湿度太高62.澳大利亚的布诺萨山谷Barossa Valley主要以什么葡萄品种为主()A.黑皮诺B.西拉C.赤霞珠D.美乐63.阿德莱德Adelaide主要生产()A.红葡萄酒B.白葡萄酒C.桃红葡萄酒D.起泡酒64.格拉芙Graves位于法国那个产区()A.罗纳河谷B.卢瓦尔河谷C.勃艮第D.波尔多65.以下那个是美国的产区()A.吉斯伯恩GisborneB.西开普Western CapeC.法尔茨PfalzD.圣巴巴拉答案:01-10:DCABBACDCB11-20:ABBCDACDAB20-30:BDDAACABCB30-40:ADDBCBBBDC41-50:DCCADBCBDA51-60:DBDDACBDBD61-65:CBBDD。
计算机专业英语模拟2Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇,30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.(写出下列词组的汉语,共10分,每题1分)1. central processing unit(CPU)中央处理器1. 2. operating system 操作系统2. 3. electronic spreadsheet 电子表格4. management information system 管理信息系统5. electronic commerce 电子商务6. database 数据库7. software engineering 软件工程8. software crisis 软件危机9. network security 网络安全10. computer virus 计算机病毒(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写,共10分,每题1分)1.随机存储器 RAM 2.局域网 LAN3.计算机辅助设计 CAD 4.数字视频光盘DVD5.通用串行总线 USB 6.面向对象编程 OOP 7.集成开发环境 IDE 8.结构化查询语言SQL9.多文档界面 MDI 10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式 B2B(三).Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配,共10分,每空1分)1. output b a.视频2. high-level language c b.输出.3. project window e c.高级语言4. black-box testing g d.应用软件5. multimedia h e.工程窗口6. WWW i f.系统软件7. field j g.黑盒测试8. application software d h.多媒体9. system software f i.万维网10.vidio a j.字段Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解,40分)( )(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空,共10分, 每空2分)high-level language assembly language writtenmachine language notationA programming language, designed to facilitate the communication between human and computers, is a _ notation _ for describing computation in readable form. There are 3 levels of programming languages, they are_ machine language _ , which can be run directly by computer; ___ assembly language __ and _ high-level language _. There are different high-level programming languages. Fortunately, most of them have many kinds of construct in common and vary only in the way that these must be _ written __ . Therefore, first thing to be decided about a task is to choose which programming language is best suited for the job.Passage AThe central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer systems. Among other things, its configuration determines whether a computer is fast or slow in relation to other computers. The CPU is the most complex computer system component, responsible for directing most of the computer system activities based on the instructions provided. As one computer generation has evolved to the next, the physical size of the CPU has often become smaller and smaller, while its speed and capacity have increased tremendously. Indeed, these changes have resulted in microcomputers that are small enough to fit on your desk or your lap.The CPU comprises the control unit and the arithmetic / logic unit (ALU). The control unit is responsible for directing and coordinating most of the computer systems activities. It determines the movement of electronic signals between main memory and the arithmetic/logic unit, as well as the control signals between the CPU and input/output devices.The ALU performs all the arithmetic and logical (comparison) functions —that is, it adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, and does comparisons. These comparisons, which are basically “less than”, “greater than”, and “equal to”, can be combined into several common expressions, such as “greater than or equal to”. The objective of most instructions that use comparisons is to determine which instruction should be executed next.(二)Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误,共10分,每题2分)1. With the development of computer, the physical size of the CPU has often become bigger and bigger. ( F )2. The movement of electronic signals between main memory and the ALU as well as the control signal between the CPU and input /output devices are controlled by the control unit of the CPU. ( T )3. The CPU comprises the control unit and memory. ( F )4. The control unit performs all the arithmetic and logical (comparison) functions . ( F )5. The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer systems. ( T )Passage BA computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread copies of itself. The program may however also be designed to have other effects on the systems it infects, ranging from the annoying to the disastrous. Virus attacks are growing rapidly these days. According to BusinessWeek, the 76,404 attacks reported in the first half of 2003 nearly match previous year's total number . As new antivirus tools are more powerful than before, the virus writers are getting a lot smarter with newer and creative ways to attack network systems. Let's first examine some common virus types:Basic Virus - a piece of software code that is developed to attack computers and network systems via email or Internet connections. It quickly replicates itself and gradually attaches to files, programs or the hard drive.Trojan Horses - This is a program that doesn't replicate when entering a system but can be effectively used to open 'back doors.' Trojan Horses allow hackers to take control over a particular system or to steal very important data.Worm - this type of virus is able to spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next. During a worm attack, users' computers get infected without even having to click open email attachment or any program, etc.Since it is very difficult to avoid the virus, your best defense is a powerful antivirus program. In order to fight with such viruses, the software vendorsshould focus on making their products more robust. This may ask for a trade-off between user-friendliness and security. In specific cases it may require line-by-line inspection, code retooling and even systems automation to defend the installed programs.(三)choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案,共10分,每题2分)1.A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread C of itself.A.programs B.virus C. copies D.files2.Worm spread itself except by D B.E-mail C.program D.hardware 3.Antivirus program can scan and A virus.A.clean B.produce C.replicate D.make4.Trojan Horses C .A.quickly replicate itself and gradually attach to files, programs or the hard drive.B.infect the computer without even having to click open email attachment or any program.C.allow hackers to take control over a particular system or to steal very important data.D.avoid the virus to attack computer.5.According to Business Week, the B attacks reported in the first half of 2003 nearly match previous year's total number .A. 86,404 B. 76,404 C.56,354 D.34,876Passage CThe Internet, then known as ARPANET, was brought online in 1969, which initially connected four major computers at universities in the southwesternUS . The early Internet was used by computer experts , engineers, scientists, and librarians. There was nothing friendly about it. There were no home or office personal computers in those days, and anyone who used it, whether a computer professional or an engineer or scientist or librarian, had to learn to use a very complex system.The Internet matured in the 1970's as a result of the TCP/IP architecture. As the commands for E-mail, FTP , and telnet were standardized, it became a lot easier for non-technical people to learn to use the nets. It was not easy by today' s standards by any means, but it did open up use of the Internet to many more people in universities in particular. Other departments besides the libraries, computer, physics, and engineering departments found ways to make good use of the nets -- to communicate with colleagues around the world and to share files and resources.In 1991, the first really friendly interface to the Internet was developed at the University of Minnesota. The University wanted to develop a simple menu system to access files and information on campus through their local network.Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to research, education, and government uses. Commercial uses were prohibited unless they directly served the goals of research and education. This policy continued until the early 1990's, when independent commercial networks began to grow.(四)Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案,共10分,每题2分)1. How many computers were connected to the initial Internet in 1969 ? BA. TenB. FourC. TwentyD. Three2. Only A could use the early Internet.A. computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librariansB. any experts, engineers, scientists, and librariansC. computer experts, engineers, scientists, and studentsD. experts, engineers, and scientists in universities in US3. The Internet became a lot easier for non-technical people to learn and use because of the common B .A. commandsB. protocolsC. topologiesD. architecture4. The first really friendly interface to the Internet appeared with theintroduction of a C system for files and information access.A. computerB. operatingC. menuD. application5. Which statement is not true according to Passage C? DA. Many more people in universities began to use the Internet in the 1970s, but it wasn't as user-friendly as today's standards.B. The restrictions to commercial uses changed as the independent commercial networks were not funded by the government.C. Commercial uses were allowed for the early Internet if they directly served the goals of research and education.D. The early Internet was logged in from home or office personal computers.Ⅲ.Translation(翻译,30分)(一) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语,每题5分)1. SQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at the same time and is a true client/server database system.1. SQL服务器用于允许成前上万的用户同时访问数据库,是一个真正的客户端/服务器端的数据库系统。
全国英语等级考试二级模拟训练附答案全国英语等级考试二级模拟训练附答案The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. 以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的全国英语等级考试二级模拟训练附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!Proper an-angement of classroom space is important to encouraging interaction. Most of us have noticed how important physical setting is to efficiency and comfort when we work. Today' s corporations hire human engineering specialists and spend a great deal of time and money to make sure that the physical environments of buildings are fit to the activities of their inhabitants.Similarly, college classroom space should be designed to encourage the activity of critical thinking. We will move into the twenty-first century, but step into almost any college classroom and you will step back in time at least a hundred years. Desks are normally in straight rows, so students can clearly see the teacher but not all their classmates. The assumption behind such an arrangement is obvious:everything important comes from the teacher.With a imagination and effort, unless desks are fixed to the floor, the teacher can correct this situation and create space that encourages interchanges among students. In small or standard sized classes, chairs, desks and tables can be arranged in different ways: circles, U-shapes, or semicircles. The primary goal should be for everyone to be able to see everyone else. Larger classes, particularly those held i.n lecture halls, unfortunately, allow muchless flexibility.Arrangement of the classroom should also make it easy to divide students into small groups for discussion or problem-solving exercises. Small classes with malleable desks and tables present no problem. Even in large lecture halls, it is possible for students to turn around and form groups of four to six. Breaking a class into small groups provides more opportunities for students to interact with each other, think out hard, and see how other students' thinking processes operate--all these are the most important elements in developing new modes of critical thinking.In courses that regularly use a small group format, students might be asked to stay in the same small groups throughout the course. A colleague of mine allows students to move around during the first two weeks, until they find a group they are comfortable with. He then asks them to stay in the same seat, with the same group, from then on. This not only creates a comfortable setting for in teraction but helps him learn students' names and faces.46. The expression "step back in time at least a hundred years" ( Para. 2 ) is intended to convey the idea that_________ [ A] college classrooms often remind people of their college lifeB. critical thinking was encouraged even a century agoC. a hundred years ago, desk arrangement in a classroom was quite differentD.there is not much change in the college educational idea over the past hundred years47. The primary purpose of desk rearrangement is_________A. for the teacher to divide students into small groupsB. to make it possible for students to interact with each otherC. for the teacher to find out how students give students more opportunities to practice speaking48. The greatest advantage in allowing each student to find his own group might be that_________A. the teacher saves the trouble in doing that ——B. learning is made comfortable in this wayC. the teacher can easily remember students' names and facesD.brighter students can help slower ones49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. New kind of desks and chairs should be made.B. Many companies are trying to improve the working settings for their employees.C. Classroom interaction between students is essential to the training of critical thinkingD.A comfortable environment leads to higher working efficiency.50. Which of the following arrangements of the classroom can bring about the best teaching effect?A. Arranging the desks in straight rows and providing every minute for the students to listen to the teacher.B. Breaking a class into small groups and letting the students find the group they prefer to stay in.C. Putting the students in larger classes and allowing them to discuss.D.Breaking a class into small groups and asking the students to stay in the fixed groups as the teacher arranges.参考译文教室空间的合理布局对促进学生之间的互动是很重要的。
WEST二级考试模拟题附答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
(每题2分,共10分)A. 去图书馆B. 去电影院C. 去公园对话中提到:“我们周末去图书馆吧,那里安静,适合学习。
2. 根据所听短文,选择正确答案。
(每题2分,共10分)A. 5天B. 7天C. 10天短文中提到:“这个项目需要10天的时间来完成。
二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读下列短文,选择正确答案。
A. 他是一位物理学家B. 他是一位化学家C. 他是一位生物学家根据短文内容,正确答案是B。
2. 阅读下列短文,选择正确答案。
A. 减少纸张使用B. 减少塑料使用C. 减少金属使用根据短文内容,正确答案是B。
三、语法与词汇(共20分)1. 选择正确的单词填空。
(每题2分,共10分)A. manyB. muchC. few句子是:“I have _______ apples left.” 根据语境,正确答案是C。
2. 选择正确的语法结构填空。
(每题2分,共10分)A. will doB. am doingC. did句子是:“I _______ my homework last night.” 根据时态,正确答案是C。
四、写作(共30分)1. 写一篇短文,描述你最喜欢的季节以及原因。
WSET 二级题目
知识总结:1. 常见的红葡萄酒呈现出的颜色为:紫红色-宝石红色-石榴红色-红茶色。
2. 在葡萄酒的视觉表现上,如果出现浑浊或棕色,说明葡萄酒可能变质了。
3. 葡萄酒的酸度,葡萄酒的酸度的直接表现为,葡萄酒里的酸性物质直接刺激口腔,使口腔产生唾液,我们判断葡萄酒的酸度,最主要的参考标准为唾液的分泌量和分泌速度,越多、越快则证明这款葡萄酒酸度高。
4. 单宁是红葡萄酒中非常重要的物质,通常表现为干、紧、涩,单宁量的多少取决于浸渍时间、压榨力度、葡萄品种。
5. 酒体,酒体被称为“口感”,或者说舌头感知的酒液的重量,高酒精、高单宁、高糖分都会让酒款显得更加饱满。
6. 食物较咸,降低葡萄酒的苦涩与酸,增强葡萄酒的柔和与饱满,适合单宁较高的葡萄酒。
Name:………………Intermediate Questions – MixedPlease mark with Colour or CIRCLE your answer1)Compared to white wines, what temperature are red wines generally fermented at 和白葡萄酒相比,红葡萄酒的发酵温度通常正确!a) Either higher or lower temperatures 较高或者较低b) The same temperature 一样c) Higher temperatures 较高d) Lower temperatures 较低2)Which statement is true for high humidity 下面哪一个关于高湿度的表述正确正确!a) It helps vines grow because of the moisture 因为湿润而有助于葡萄树生长b) It is necessary for cultivating high quality grapes 生产优质葡萄的必要条件c) It can be the cause of vine disease 可能是葡萄树疾病的原因d) It makes the grapes riper 让葡萄更成熟3)Wh at is Crème de Cacao什么是Crème de Cacao正确!a) A VDN 天然甜葡萄酒b) A Spirit 烈酒c) A Liqueur 利口甜烈酒d) A still light wine 静止轻酒体葡萄酒4)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched 下列哪个组合是正确的正确!a) Graves and Grenache. 格拉夫和歌海娜b) Pomerol and Chardonnay. 波美侯和霞多丽c) Rioja and Sangiovese. 里奥哈和桑娇维塞d) Sancerre and Sauvignon Blanc. 桑塞尔和长相思5)Which one of the following is always a white wine 下面哪一个通常是白葡萄酒a) Chinon 希农b) Frascati 弗拉斯卡蒂c) Primitivo 普米蒂沃d) Vinho Verde 绿酒6)Which one of the following is a red wine 下面哪一个是红葡萄酒正确!a) Chablis 夏布利b) Soave. 嫂阿维c) Albario 阿尔瓦里尼奥d) Cte-Rtie 罗第7) A US state that produces lots of inexpensive bulk wine is 美国生产大批量便宜酒的一个州是正确!a) Washington 华盛顿b) California 加利福尼亚c) Oregon 俄勒冈d) New York 纽约8)To serve a bottle of sparkling wine safely, you will need to: 服务起泡酒时,需要:正确!1. Chill the wine 冰镇葡萄酒2. Twist the cork with your hand 用手转动软木塞3. Cover the cork with your hand whilst removing it 转动瓶子时用手按住软木塞a) 1 and 3 onlyb) 1, 2 and 3c) 1 onlyd) 3 only9)Which maturation vessel has the greatest impact on the final flavour of the wine 哪种熟化容器对葡萄酒的最终味道有最大的影响a) Stainless steel tanks 不锈钢罐b) New French Oak 新法国橡木c) Glass demijohns 短细颈的玻璃瓶d) New American Oak 新美国橡木10)Which one of the following grape varieties would NOT ripen properly if grown in acool-climate wine region 下面哪一个品种在凉爽产区不能很好地成熟正确!a) Sauvignon Blanc 长相思b) Grenache 歌海娜c) Pinot Noir 黑比诺d) Chardonnay 霞多丽11)Which one of the following is a white wine 下面哪一个是白葡萄酒正确!a) Cte-Rtie 罗第b) Barolo 巴罗洛c) Pouilly-Fumé普伊芙美d) Chianti Classico 奇昂第古典12)Which one of the following grape varieties is prone to noble rot 下面哪个葡萄品种容易感染贵腐正确!a) Chardonnay 霞多丽b) Chenin Blanc 白诗南c) Grenache 歌海娜d) Touriga Nacional 国家杜丽佳13)Which wine is not naturally sweet 下面哪个葡萄酒不是天然甜的正确!a) Beerenauslese 逐粒精选葡萄酒b) LBV Port 晚装瓶年份波特酒c) VDN 天然甜葡萄酒d) Amontillado 阿蒙提拉多14)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched 下面哪个组合正确正确!a) Valpolicella and Pinot Noir 瓦波利切拉和黑比诺b) Brouilly and Gamay 布鲁伊和嘉美c) Puglia and Cabernet Franc 普利亚和品丽珠d) Puligny-Montrachet and Sauvignon Blanc 皮里尼-蒙哈榭和长相思15)The following three questions all relate to a mature Pommard. 下面三个问题有关陈年的波马尔Which of the following best describes the appearance 哪一个最好地描述外观a) Medium garnet 中等石榴红色b) Medium ruby 中等宝石红色c) Pale tawny 淡红茶色d) Deep purple 深紫色16)On the nose, the aromas would include: 闻起来,香气包括:正确!a) Blackberries 黑莓b) Bananas 香蕉c) Mushroom 蘑菇d) Lemon 柠檬17)Which of the following best describes the body and tannin levels 下面哪一项能最好地描述酒体和单宁水平正确!BODY 酒体TANNIN 单宁a) Medium 中High 高b) Light 轻Medium 中c) Full 饱满Low 低d) Medium 中Medium 中18)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched 下面那个组合正确正确!a) Graves and Grenache 格拉夫和歌海娜b) Pomerol and Chardonnay 波美侯和霞多丽c) Rioja and Sangiovese 里奥哈和桑娇维塞d) Sancerre and Sauvignon Blanc 桑塞尔和长相思19)Which one of the following wines would benefit from being slightly chilled 下面哪个葡萄酒适合轻微冰镇后饮用a) Haut-Médoc上梅多克b) Valpolicella 瓦波利切拉c) Cte-Rtie 罗第d) Chateauneuf-du-Pape 教皇新堡20)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched 下面哪个组合正确正确!a) St. Emilion and Pinot Noir 圣埃米利永和黑比诺b) Puglia and Tempranillo 普利亚和添普兰尼洛c) Cte de Beaune and Riesling 博讷区和雷司令d) Chianti and Sangiovese 奇昂第和桑娇维塞21)Which grape is native to Argentina 哪个是阿根廷本地品种正确!a) Torrontes 妥伦特斯b) Chenin Blanc 白诗南c) Malbec 马贝克d) Chardonnay 霞多丽22)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched 下面哪个组合正确正确!a) Alsace and Sauvignon Blanc 阿尔萨斯和长相思b) Cte d'Or and Tempranillo 科多尔和添普兰尼洛c) Puglia and Sangiovese 普利亚和桑娇维塞d) Ctes-du-Rhone and Grenache. 罗讷河谷区和歌海娜23)What grape is Soave made from 嫂阿维由什么葡萄酿制正确!a) Corvina 科维纳b) Sauvignon Blanc. 长相思c) Garganega加格奈拉d) Nebbiolo 内比奥洛24)Which of the following grapes goes into Barbaresco 哪个葡萄品种酿制巴尔巴莱斯克正确!a) Montepulciano 蒙帕塞诺b) Nebbiolo 内比奥洛c) Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠d) Pinot Noir 黑比诺25)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched 下面哪个组合正确正确!a) Puglia and Nebbiolo 普利亚和内比奥洛b) Chablis and Chardonnay 夏布利和霞多丽c) Cte de Nuits and Riesling 尼依酒区和雷司令d) Chianti and Pinot Noir 奇昂第和黑比诺26)Which area produces dry wines from the Muscat grape 哪一个地区用麝香品种酿制干酒正确!a) Loire 卢瓦尔河b) Alsace阿尔萨斯c) South France 法国南部d) Hunter Valley 猎人谷27)Where does a Rioja DOC rosado get its colour from 里奥哈DOC rosado的颜色来自于哪里正确!a) Artificial colouring. 人工色素b) The addition of red wine. 混入红葡萄酒c) The skins of the grapes. 葡萄皮d) Stainless steel tanks. 不锈钢罐28)Which one of the following wines should be avoided when serving oily fish 下列哪一种葡萄酒不适合搭配饱含油脂的鱼类正确!a) High acid, low tannin red wines. 高酸度、低单宁的红葡萄酒b) Dry, light bodied white wines. 干型、轻酒体的白葡萄酒c) High tannin, full bodied red wines. 高单宁、酒体饱满的红葡萄酒d) Off-dry, high acid white wines. 半干、高酸度的白葡萄酒29)In which country is Barolo DOCG produced 哪个国家酿制巴罗洛Barolo DOCG正确!a) Italy. 意大利b) Spain. 西班牙c) Portugal. 葡萄牙d) Greece. 希腊30)Which grape variety is used to make Pouilly-Fumé AC 哪一种葡萄酿制普伊芙美Pouilly-Fumé AC正确!a) Riesling. 雷司令b) Sauvignon Blanc. 长相思c) Sémi llon. 赛美容d) Chenin Blanc. 白诗南31)Which spirit uses the initials VSOP 哪一种烈酒会标有VSOP正确!a) Vodka. 伏特加b) Gin. 金酒c) Cognac. 干邑d) Scotch Whisky. 苏格兰威士忌32)What style of wine is AC Muscat de Beaumes de Venise AC威尼斯-彭德-麝香是哪种风格的葡萄酒正确!a) Dry fortified white. 干型加强型白葡萄酒b) Sweet fortified white. 甜型加强型白葡萄酒c) Dry fortified red. 干型加强型红葡萄酒d) Sweet fortified red. 甜型加强型红葡萄酒33)Where is Nuits-Saint-Georges 尼伊圣乔治位于哪里正确!a) Burgundy. 勃艮第b) Bordeaux. 波尔多c) Loire. 卢瓦尔河d) Rhne. 罗讷河谷34)In which country is the region of Marlborough 马尔堡产区在哪个国家正确!a) New Zealand. 新西兰b) Australia. 澳大利亚c) Canada. 加拿大d) South Africa. 南非35)Which gas is given off during alcoholic fermentation 酒精发酵会产生哪种气体正确!a) Sulphur Dioxide. 二氧化硫b) Nitrogen Dioxide. 二氧化氮c) Carbon Dioxide. 二氧化碳d) Hydrogen Dioxide. 二氧化氢36)Which one of the following is CORRECTLY matched 下列哪一组配对正确正确!a) Vouvray and Italy. 武弗雷和意大利b) Beaujolais and Bordeaux. 博若莱和波尔多c) Meursault and Portugal. 默尔索和葡萄牙d) Sangiovese and Chianti Classico. 桑娇维塞和古典奇昂第37)What does the word ‘secco’ mean “Secco”是什么意思正确!a) Sweet. 甜b) Dry. 干c) Sparkling. 起泡d) Medium sweet. 半甜38)Which one of the following conditions would NOT be ideal when assessing a wine 下列哪一个条件对评估葡萄酒不利正确!a) Good natural daylight. 良好的自然光b) No distracting smells. 没有异味干扰c) The kitchen in a restaurant. 餐厅里的厨房d) A clean ISO tasting glass.干净的ISO酒杯39)Which one of the following is a white grape variety 下列哪一个是白葡萄品种正确!a) Chenin Blanc 白诗南b) Sangiovese. 桑娇维塞c) Merlot. 美乐d) Gamay. 嘉美40)Which one of the following is a varietally labelled wine 下列哪一个是以葡萄品种命名的葡萄酒正确!a) Gevrey-Chambertin. 热夫雷尚贝坦b) Pouilly-Fuissé. 普伊富塞c) Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon. 库纳瓦拉赤霞珠d) Saint-Emilion. 圣埃米利永41)In which country is the region of Mendoza 门多萨产区位于哪个国家正确!a) USA. 美国b) Australia. 澳大利亚c) Chile. 智利d) Argentina. 阿根廷42)What style of wine is Asti DOCG 阿斯蒂DOCG是什么风格的葡萄酒正确!a) Dry still light wine. 干型、轻酒体的静止葡萄酒b) Sweet still light white. 甜型、轻酒体的静止白葡萄酒c) Sparkling dry white. 起泡干白葡萄酒d) Sparkling sweet white. 起泡甜型葡萄酒43)To which wine do the initials LBV refer LBV会出现在哪一种葡萄酒酒标上正确!a) Madeira. 马德拉b) Sherry. 雪莉酒c) Port. 波特酒d) Vin Doux Naturels. 天然甜葡萄酒44)When tasting a wine, how is acidity identified on the palate 品尝葡萄酒时,酸在口中的通过何种方式感受正确!a) By a mouth drying bitter sensation. 通过干涩的感觉b) By making your mouth water. 通过流很多口水c) By producing sweet ripe flavours. 通过甜而成熟的味道d) By producing salty tangy flavours. 通过咸而浓的味道45)In which region of France would Cabernet Sauvignon bepredominantly grown 法国哪个产区主要栽培赤霞珠正确!a) Alsace. 阿尔萨斯b) Bordeaux. 波尔多c) Burgundy. 勃艮第d) Rhne. 罗讷河谷46)Which one of the following wines would benefit from being lightly chilled 下列哪一种葡萄酒适合轻微冰镇正确!a) Ruby Port. 红宝石波特酒b) Pauillac. 波亚克c) Beaujolais. 博若莱d) Australian Shiraz. 澳大利亚西拉47)In which country is Vinho Verde produced 绿酒在哪个国家酿制正确!a) Spain. 西班牙b) Portugal. 葡萄牙c) Italy. 意大利d) Germany. 德国48)Which region in Australia is best suited for growing Riesling 澳大利亚哪个产区最适合栽培雷司令正确!a) Clare Valley. 克来尔谷b) Margaret River. 玛格丽特河c) Rutherglen. 路斯格兰d) Gisborne. 吉斯伯恩49)Which country is Prdikatswein produced in 哪个国家生产优质高级葡萄酒Prdikatswein正确!a) Italy. 意大利b) Germany. 德国c) Spain. 西班牙d) Portugal. 葡萄牙50)In which country is Sancerre produced 桑塞尔在哪个国家酿制正确!a) Hungary. 匈牙利b) France. 法国c) Germany. 德国d) Australia. 澳大利亚。
WSET Level 21. Where does a red wine get its colour from?a) Artificial colouring.b) The addition of red wine.c) The skins of the grapes.d) Stainless steel tanks.2. Which is the correct sequence in making RED wine?a) Fermentation, crushing, pressing, maturationb) Crushing, fermentation, pressing, maturation.c) Crushing, pressing, fermentation, maturationd) Crushing, fermentation, maturation, pressing3. Which one of the following wines should be avoided when serving oily fish?a) High acid, low tannin red wines.b) Dry, light bodied white wines.c) High tannin, full bodied red wines.d) Off-dry, high acid white wines.4. Wines make from grapes grown in cool regions typically are:a) High acidityb) Full bodiedc) High tannind) High in alcohol5. A customer wants to try a new world wine similar to Hermitage. Which of the following wine will you recommend?a) Central Otago Pinot Noirb) Barossa Valley Shirazc) Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.d) Maipo Merlot6. In which country is Barolo DOCG produced?a) Italy.b) Spain.c) Portugal.d) Greece.7. Which grape variety is used to make AC Pouilly-Fumé?a) Riesling.b) Sauvignon Blanc.c) Sémillon.d) Chenin Blanc.8. Bulk/Inexpensive wines in Australia are typically produced in which of the following regions?a) New South Walesb) South Australiac) South Eastern Australiad) West Australia9. Fermentation of white wine is typically at what temperature range?a) 10-15Cb) 15-20Cc) 20-25Cd) 25-30C10. Using which of the followings will give the best oak flavour?a) Oak barrelsb) Oak chipsc) Oak essenced) Oak staves11. Which spirit uses the initials VSOP?a) Vodka.b) Gin.c) Cognac.d) Scotch Whisky.12. Medoc is most famous for?a) Dry red wineb) Sweet white winec) Both dry red wine and sweet white wined) Sparkling wine13. What style of wine is AC Muscat de Beaumes de Venise?a) Dry fortified white.b) Sweet fortified white.c) Dry fortified red.d) Sweet fortified red.14. Where is Nuits-Saint-Georges?a) Burgundy.b) Bordeaux.c) Loire.d) Rhône.15. In which country is the region of Marlborough?a) New Zealand.b) Australia.c) Canada.d) South Africa.16. Alsace is most famous for?a) Dry white wineb) Sweet white winec) Dry red wined) Sparkling wine17. Which of the following grape varieties is best for hot region?a) Merlot.b) Pinot Noir.c) Riesling.d) Sauvignon Blanc.18. Which of the following regions has the coolest climate?a) Alsaceb) Bordeauxc) Burgundyd) Loire19. Which gas is given off during alcoholic fermentation?a) Sulphur Dioxide.b) Nitrogen Dioxide.c) Carbon Dioxide.d) Hydrogen Dioxide.20. Which one of the following grape varieties is aromatic?a) Gewurztraminer.b) Nebbiolo.c) Cabernet Franc.d) Grenache.21. Which one of the following is CORRECTLY matched?a) Vouvray and Italy.b) Beaujolais and Bordeaux.c) Meursault and Portugal.d) Sangiovese and Chianti Classico.22. Which of the following grape varieties has the lowest tannin?a) Cabernet Sauvignonb) Merlotc) Pinot Noird) Shiraz23. The main different that distinguishes tank method from traditional method is:a) First fermentation in tankb) Second fermentation in tankc) Bubbles are being injected into the wined) The wine is sweet24. Which of the following wine is likely to benefit the most from bottle aging?a) Beaujolaisb) Cote-Rotiec) Sancerred) Valpolicella25. What does the word ‘secco’ mean?a) Sweet.b) Dry.c) Sparkling.d) Medium sweet.26. What style of wine would you recommend to match a sour taste dish?a) Aromaticb) Full bodiedc) High acidityd) Low tannin27. Casablanca Valley is in which country?a) Argentinab) Australiac) Chiled) South Africa28. Which of the following grape variety is not commonly seen in Germany?a) Riesling.b) Sauvignon Blanc.c) Muller-Thurgaud) Silvaner29. Pinotage is most commonly seen in wines from which country?a) Argentinab) Australiac) Chiled) South Africa30. Which one of the following is a white grape variety?a) Verdicchio.b) Sangiovese.c) Merlot.d) Gamay.31. Which one of the following is a flavoured spirit?a) Ginb) Rumc) Tequilad) Vodka.32. Which is the dominant grape used in making Chateauneuf-du-Pape?a) Grenacheb) Merlotc) Nebbiolod) Syrah33. Which one of the following is a varietally labelled wine?a) Gevrey-Chambertin.b) Pouilly-Fuissé.c) Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon.d) Saint-Emilion.34. What is the main grape used in Rioja?a) Barberab) Garnachac) Tempranillod) Trebbiano35. The sweetness in Sauternes is due to:a) Interrupting the fermentationb) Use wind dried grapesc) Use frozen grapesd) Use grapes affected by Noble Rot36. What is the base material used in making Whiskies?a) Grapesb) Grainsc) Sugar Caned) Vegetables37. In which country is the region of Mendoza?a) USA.b) Australia.c) Chile.d) Argentina.38. What style of wine is Asti DOCG?a) Dry still light wine.b) Sweet still light white.c) Sparkling dry white.d) Sparkling sweet white.39. To which wine do the initials LBV refer?a) Madeira.b) Sherry.c) Port.d) Vin Doux Naturels.40. When tasting a wine, how is acidity identified on the palate?a) By a mouth drying bitter sensation.b) By making your mouth water.c) By producing sweet ripe flavours.d) By producing salty tangy flavours.41. In which region of France would Cabernet Sauvignon be predominantly grown?a) Alsace.b) Bordeaux.c) Burgundy.d) Rhône.42. Which one of the following wines would benefit from being lightly chilled?a) Ruby Port.b) Pauillac.c) Valpolicella.d) Australian Shiraz.43. Piesport is a village in:a) Alsace.b) Burgundy.c) Germany.d) Italy.44. Which one of the following wines is likely to be the sweetest?a) Ausleseb) Kabinettc) QbAd) Spatlese45. In which country is Vinho Verde produced?a) Spain.b) Portugal.c) Italy.d) Germany.46. Which region in Australia is best suited for growing Riesling?a) Clare Valley.b) Margaret River.c) Rutherglen.d) Gisborne.47. Solera System is the method used to produce:a) Cognacb) Portc) Sherryd) Whisky48. The correct order of making traditional method sparkling wine is:a) 2nd fermentation, disgorging, riddling (remuage), bottlingb) 2nd fermentation, riddling (remuage), disgorging, bottlingc) 2nd fermentation, bottling, riddling (remuage), disgorgingd) bottling, 2nd fermentation, riddling (remuage), disgorging49. In which country is Sancerre produced?a) Hungary.b) France.c) Germany.d) Australia.50. Where is Tuscany located?a) Ab) Bc) Cd) D51. You were offered a bottle of Premier Cru 1999 Pommard. What is the most likely colour of thewine?a) Purpleb) Rubyc) Garnetd) Tawny52. Which of the following flavour is the LEAST likely to be found in the above bottle of Pommard?a) Strawberryb) Vanillac) Plumd) Blackcurrant53. You were offered a white wine that is gold in colour with a buttery flavour. The wine is most likely to be which of the following?a) Riesling from Australiab) Chablisc) Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealandd) Chardonnay from California54. You see the tasting note “deep purple colour with intense fruit flavour ofblackcurrant, blue berry, plum, and also vanilla and coconut flavour”. This wine ismost likely which of the following?a) 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valleyb) 2005 Hermitagec) 2005 Shiraz from Barossa Valleyd) 2006 Nuit St. Geroge55. You were offered a red wine with high tannin, medium acidity, and deep colour intensity. The wine is most likely made from:a) Merlotb) Pinot Noirc) Cabernet Sauvignond) Granache56 Maipo is a wine region ina) Californiab) Chilec) Argentinad) Italy57 Which of the following varieties is widely used to make rose wine due to its thin skin?a) Shirazb) Cabernet Sauvignonc) Pinotaged) Grenache58 Which one of the following is paired correctly?a) Cabernet Sauvignon and Pessac-Leognanb) Shiraz and Beaujolaisc) Merlot and Pommardd) Sauvignon Blanc and Meursault59 Cork taint is identified bya) Vinegar aromab) Musty aromac) cloudy appearanced) flabby taste60 Which of the following production methods is used to make Cava?a) Traditionalb) Injectionc) Tankd) Transfer61 Which of the following wine is made by Chardonnay?a) Fume Blancb) Pouilly Fumec) Pouilly Fussied) Bordeaux AC62 Vins Doux Naturels (VDN) is a sweet wine made bya) Adding sussreserveb) Fermentation interruptionc) Dried grapesd) Frozen grapesWSET Level 2参考答案:1C 2B 3C 4A 5B 6A 7B 8C 9B 10A 11C 12A 13B 14A 15A 16B 17A 18A 19C 20A21D 22C 23B 24B 25B 26C 27C 28D29D 30A31A 32A 33C 34C 35D 36B 37D 38D 39C 40B 41B42C 43C 44A 45B 46A 47C 48B 49B 50?51B 52B 53B 54C55C 56B 57D 58A 59B 60A61C 62B。
1、对于红葡萄酒来说,什么颜色代表着葡萄酒是年轻的?A.橙色B. 琥珀色C.金色D.紫红色2、气候会影响葡萄酒的风格,产自凉爽气候下的葡萄酒往往会?A.高酒精度轻酒体高酸度B. 低酒精度轻酒体低酸度C. 低酒精度轻酒体高酸度D. 高酒精度重酒体高酸度3、红葡萄酒和桃红葡萄酒的颜色来自于?A.葡萄梗B.葡萄皮C.葡萄籽D. 葡萄果肉4、比较甜的食物应该搭配什么样的葡萄酒?A.单宁丰富的葡萄酒 B .甜度更高的葡萄酒 C.干型葡萄酒5、酒标上标注有“Oaked”表示这款酒可能?1.在新橡木桶中陈年过2.在大的旧橡木桶中陈年过3.酿造中使用橡木片4.在桶中发酵过A. 只有1B. 只有1或2C. 只有3D. 1,2,3或46、在糖分转化为酒精时,需要什么?A. 酵母B.单宁C.二氧化碳D.细菌7、海鲜不适合搭配高单宁葡萄酒,是因为?A.葡萄酒酸度高B.酒体过重C.食物中的鲜味能强化单宁的苦味D.葡萄酒口感太涩8、阳光是让葡萄将二氧化碳和水转换成糖分的能量来源,以下哪种措施不是用来增强阳光照射的?A.将葡萄种植在能接受太阳直射的一定角度的斜坡上B.将葡萄种植在河流旁边的高地上C.将葡萄种植在干燥的石质土壤上,如白垩土质和鹅卵石土壤D.将葡萄种植在向阴的山坡上9、对于葡萄种植,以下哪项说法是错误的?A.降雨越多越好,因为即使过多也无所谓B.大多数分布在30°至50°C.一般来说,如果养分充足,较贫瘠的土壤也能产出更高质量的葡萄D. 最重要的时期是生长季节,特别是葡萄成熟期。
极端天气对果实的产量和质量造成巨大的伤害10、以下说法正确的是?A.只有手工采摘的葡萄才可以酿成最高质量的葡萄酒B.白仙粉黛(White Zinfandel)属于桃红葡萄酒,酿造时,其发酵温度为12℃至22℃C.旧橡木桶也能给葡萄酒增加香味D.白葡萄酒的酿造顺序为破碎→发酵→压榨→熟化→装瓶第二天练习题:1. 酿造红葡萄酒时,果肉主要提供哪些成分?A.色素、苦油、水分B.色素、单宁、苦油C.酸、糖、水分D.酸、糖、芳香成分2. 红、白葡萄酒的发酵温度分别为?A.12-20℃;20-32℃B.20-32℃;12-22℃C.22-30℃;10-22℃D.12-22℃;20-32℃3. 以下哪一项是有氧熟化可能带来的香味?A.太妃糖B.橘皮果酱C.湿树叶D.煮过的水果4. 白葡萄酒的发酵流程是?A.破碎→发酵→熟化→压榨→装瓶B.破碎→发酵→压榨→熟化→装瓶C.压榨→破碎→发酵→熟化→装瓶D.破碎→压榨→发酵→熟化→装瓶5. 采摘葡萄的方式分为手工采摘和机器采摘两种,以下哪一项会让人们倾向于使用机械采收?A.葡萄园面积大,需要快速采收B.采摘时,葡萄挑选的精细程度要求高C.葡萄园地势陡峭D.保持葡萄园土壤松软,保证葡萄园土壤活性6. 白仙粉黛(White Zinfandel)是一种什么类型的葡萄酒?C.桃红葡萄酒D.起泡酒7. 白葡萄酒的发酵一般持续多长时间?A.2-4周B.5天C.1-2个月D.12-36小时8. 为葡萄酒添加橡木风味可以使用很多种方法,其中成本最高的是?A.向发酵罐中加入橡木条B.向发酵罐中加入橡木碎屑C.使用橡木香精D.使用橡木桶发酵或熟化9. 酿造葡萄酒时,以下哪一项不是主要影响葡萄酒中颜色和单宁含量的要素?A.使用的葡萄品种B.使用的酵母类型C.葡萄酒与果皮接触时间的长短D.葡萄采收时的成熟度10. 在酵母的作用下,葡萄中的什么物质会转化为酒精?A.水分B.单宁C.糖D.氧气第三天练习题:1. 酒标上标注的年份指的是A. 装瓶的年份B. 葡萄采摘的年份C. 葡萄酒出售的年份D. 以上皆不是2. 同一个年份里,南半球的葡萄酒要比北半球的A. 年轻一年B. 老一年C. 年轻半年D. 老半年3. 具有GI标签的欧盟葡萄酒又分为两类:原产地保护标签PDO(Protected Designation of Origin)和地理标志保护标签PGI(Protected Geographical Indication)。
以下是一些典型的试题及其答案:1. 请解释影响葡萄酒风味的三个主要因素。
2. 描述在酿造过程中使用橡木桶的目的。
3. 列举至少三种常见的白葡萄品种。
答案:常见的白葡萄品种包括霞多丽(Chardonnay)、长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)和雷司令(Riesling)。
4. 简述什么是生物动力法,并说明其对葡萄酒的影响。
5. 描述香槟的酿造过程。
6. 为什么储存葡萄酒时需要水平放置?答案:储存葡萄酒时需要水平放置,是为了保持软木塞湿润,防止空气进入瓶内,这有助于防止葡萄酒氧化。
7. 描述什么是单一麦芽威士忌。
8. 列举至少三种常见的啤酒风格。
A.Line1.X1=Line2.X2且Line1.YI=Line2.Y2 √B.Line1.X1=Line2.Y1且Line1.Y1=Line2.X1C.Line1.X2=Line2.X1且Line1.Y1=Line2.Y2D.Line1.X2=Line2.X1且Line1.Y2=Line2.Y2解析:直线控件的X1、Y1和X2、Y2属性分别表示直线两个端点的坐标,即(X1,Y1)和(X2,Y2)。