《英语 教师用书》七年级下册 教学课件Unit 1 Period 4

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We can conclude that:
The The The The The 名词 pencil book boy hole 介词短语 on the table about dinosaurs with short hair in the road 动词 is has sings is 其他部分 short. interesting pictures. really well. dangerous.
the violin
the piano
the guitar tennis
Using the with a phrase to describe a particular person or thing
Make sentences with the to describe people and things in the classroom. For example: The woman in green is the teacher. The boy in red is from China.
Rules about “the” 3
a.定冠词the在元音音素前发/Qi:/或 /Qi/ ;在辅音音 素前发/QR/。判断一个单词是以元音开头还是以辅音开 头,应根据音标而不是元音字母 a, e, i, o, u。
b. 同时,不定冠词a和an的发音也遵循这条规则,即a
用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,读作/R/,只有强调时才 读作/eI/。 an用在以元音音素开头的单词前,一般读 作/Rn/,只有强调时才读作/Cn/ 。
• Sara found an interesting photo yesterday. The photo was of her grandpa. • A boy got on a train just now. The boy was fat but very friendly. • An actor and a doctor got into a taxi. The actor was talking and the doctor was listening. • The Sun is shining brightly.
Grammar exercise
Can you pronounce in a sentence correctly?
Read the following sentences again.
• Sara found an interesting photo yesterday. The photo was of her grandpa. • A boy got on a train just now. The boy was fat but very friendly. • An actor and a doctor got into a taxi. The actor was talking and the doctor was listening. • The Sun is shining brightly.
Oxford English
Unit Module 1 People and places
People around us
Period 4 Grammar
The definite article the
& Using the with the verb play
Read the following sentences together.
In pairs, talk about the people in the pictures below. Use the words in brackets to help you. Add the if necessary. Follow the example.
S1: What’s the man playing? S2: Which man?
Work in groups. Find out when and how to use the definite article the.
Rules about “the” 1
a.通常说话中初次提到的人或物的名词前用不定冠词, 以后再次提到同一人或物时已明确所指的对象,具有特 指意义,所以名词前面须用定冠词。
Use “play” to make a sentence.
play the guitar
play table tennis
play the piano play basketball play the guitar play football play the violin play table tennis
What are the rules behind this?
Rules about “the” 2
a.表示乐器的名词前须用定冠词。例如:play the piano, play the guitar, play the violin等。 b.表示体育运动的名词前不用冠词。例如:play
basketball, play football, play table tennis等。
1. 根据教材第7页和第9页的例子,各编写一段对
2. 完成下列汉译英。 • • • 北京是中国的首都。 请打开那扇窗。 你喜欢弹钢琴还是拉小提琴?

3. 完成《练习册》第3至5页Grammar的练习。
S1: The man in the purple suit. S2: He’s playing the guitar.
(in the purple suit/guitar)
In groups, describe the people and the things in your classroom with “the”.