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1.1have forgotten where I left the book.1 must remember to dig it for you.

A. down into C. out D. for

2.Smoking can one's healtli.

A. Damage

B. injure

C. hurt

D. wound

3.Jane, at the news of the earthquake, was at a loss for words.

A. Shock

B. shocked

C. shocking

D. having shocked

4.It was a ni 次,the dam cracked and then burst under the weight of water.

A. Frighten

B. friglitened

C. friglitening

D. frightens

5.Have you thought about to give her as a present?

A. What

B. who

C. which

D. where

6.The duty of the doctor is to heal the wounded and the dying.

A. Saved

B. rescue

C. rescuing

D. to rescue

7.—What's the matter?

—Tlie shoes donl fit properiy.They my feet.

A. are hurt

B. are injured

C. are hurting

D. are iiyuring

8.He as if he has just come out of prison.

A. Seems

B. looks

C. happens

D. appears

9.His film is sure to win the award because it by most people.

A. thinks well of

B. is thought well

C. is well thought

D. is well thought of

10.As he thought his son was young do the job , he decided to do it himself

A. so; as to

B. too; to

C. not; to

D. so? that

11.—Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend? *

A. I donlbelieve

B. I donlbelieve it

C. I believe not so

D. I believe not

12.He was shocked his son playing all day.

A. Knowing

B. to know

C. at know

D. known

13.The bov seems a lot of books, for he knows so much.

A • that he has read

B • to read

C • has read

D , to have read

14.Every time he thought of his past, he couldnl help bursting

A. when; out tears

B. that; into crying

C. which; into cry

D. /; out crying

15.She is an excellent student in our class, and she always herself in her studies.

A. Hides

B. buries

C. covers

D. leaves

16.—We need an immediate reply.

一I see.ril send the paper to you.

A. just now

B. sooner or later

C. right away

D. for a while

17.The shop manager always says to her assistants, “We can never be polite to our customers.”

A. So

B. more

C. too

D. that

18.The article discusses the which led to the outbreak of the war.

A. Matter

B. affairs C events D. business

19.His friends ignored his advice, they knew it to be helpful.

A. asif

B. since even if D・ so that

20.He remembers everytliing of his childliood as if it just now.

A. was happening

B. happens

C. happened

D. has happened

21.—I have to go home now.Daddy and Mummy must be waiting for me.
