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⑪传统的 traditional ⑯生气的 angry
⑫相信 believe
⑬平衡 balance ⑭虚弱的 weak ⑮草本植物 herb
⑰药 medicine
⑱西方的 western
⑲重要的 important
⑳保持健康 stay healthy
1.Learn and grasp the words and phrases ①traditional② believe ③ balance ④weak ⑤ herb ⑥angry ⑦medicine ⑧western ⑨ important ⑩ stay healthy
A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese Way Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, ______ weak are you often ______ and tired ______? Maybe you have hot too much yin. You should eat ______ yang foods, beef like______ . Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. But people who are too _______ stressed angry out and _______ may have too much yang. Chinese yin doctors believe that they should eat more _______ foods like_______. Chinese medicine is now _______ tofu popular in many western countries. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.
阴阳平衡,一种健康的 生活方式
谁是Know博士? Problems:
a. I have a toothcche. b.I’m hungry. c.I have a sore throat. d.I’m stressed out. e.I have a sore back .---脱口秀大胆展示自我
True or False
1. All doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang. ( F ) 2. If you are quiet and often tired, maybe you have too much yin. (T) 3. If you have too much yang ,you should eat yang foods, like beef, Dangshen and Huangqi herbs. ( F ) 4. If you are stressed out and angry, maybe you have too much yang. ( T) 5. If you have too much yang, you should have some yin foods like tofu . (T)
(Task 1 Read and answer)
(Task2: Team work)
Group1:讨论翻译短文 Group2 :合作找出这篇短文的 重点短语和句子 Group3 :合作讨论这篇短文的 疑难重点 Group4:考考你
1.We all believe that this is the best way to do it. 我们都认为这是做这件事 最好的方法。 believe 同think一样,其后 宾语从句中的否定应前置 I don’t believe he will come tomorrow. (我相信他明天不回来。)
给我一片蓝天, 我就展翅飞翔
主动是学习之本, 活跃是课堂之魂
自学课堂:我参与,我快乐 自主学习:我自信,我成长
Unit 5 Байду номын сангаасhat’s the matter?
Section B 3a-4
淄川实验中学 杨玉花
A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese Way
2. Traditional Chinese doctors belive we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy .传统中医认
为我们需要通过阴阳调和来保持健康。 其中a balance of……平衡 keep a balance of保持一个……平衡 如keep a balance of nature 保持自然(生态)平衡 healthy,keep healthy, stay healthy“保持健康”
3.It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.
(拥有健康的生活方式很容易) It is +adj. + to do sth--It is important (for you) to get up early every morning. It is necessary for us to learn English well. eg:It’s easy to __ It’s important to ___
2. Learn and remember the important sentences. (1)Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. (2)But people who are stressed out and angry may have too much yang. (3)It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.It’s important to eat a balanced diet.
1.Write an article called “Do you have a cold?” Write about what you should and shouldn’t do. 2. Preview Self Check
Thank you Bye-bye
Read and fill in the article
go out at night
go to bed early fruit exercise study
Task5 Class Exercises (微型考场)
妙笔生花 请根据3b,自己动手写一篇小短文吧!
Do you have a cold? Everybody gets cold sometimes. When you get a cold, you should… You shouldn’t………
阴阳平衡是生命活动的根本,阴阳要是平衡,人体就会健康;如果 阴阳失衡,就会患病,早衰,甚至死亡,所以养生的宗旨,最重要的就是 阴阳平衡.那么阴阳怎样才能平衡呢? 首先,我们看一下阴阳是什么?要提到阴阳,首先要提到《易经》. 《易经》有非常高深的哲理,就是阴阳哲理.向阳光的,外向的, 明亮的,上升的,温热的都属于阳;那么,反过来,阴暗的,内守的,晦暗 的,下降的,寒凉的,都属于阴. 阴阳运动是不停的在保持平衡, 《易经》这个美丽的太极图就是 阴阳平衡的缩影.这个太极图由阴鱼和阳鱼组成,表示阴阳双方是在 不停的消长转化着. 这种平衡表现在大自然就是阴阳气化的平衡, 表现在人体就是阳气和阴精的平衡.如果阴阳能够平衡那么这个人 一定是气血充足,精力充沛,五脏安康……
So we need yin and yang to keep healthy.