



He is a teacher.(teacher名)

It is hers.(物主代词hers)

Who is she?(人称代词Who)

Two times three is six.(基数词six)

He was the first to get there.(序数词the first )

She is very kind.(形容词very kind)

My father is out.(副词out)

His job is to teach.(不定式to teach)

Talking is not doing.(动名词doing)

His speech is surprising.(现在分词surprising)

I am surprised at his speech .(过去分词surprised)

Japan is in the east of Asia.(介词短语in the east of Asia)

That is what I want to say.(从句what I want to say)





call sb/sth sth.

allow/ask/order/tell/teach sb to do sth

see/hear/make/have/watch sb do/doing sth

keep sb doing sth.

keep sth.+形容词

find sb./sth. doing/介词短语


We call her Lucy.(名词Lucy )

I allow him to have a look.(不定式to have a look)

He kept me waiting half a day.(现在分词短语waiting half a day)

I saw him wounded.(过去分词wounded)

It drove her mad.(形容词mad)

Let's show him out.(副词out)

They found the boy in the well.(介词短语in the well)


主动句:They found the boy in the well.(in the well为宾补)

被动句:The boy was found in the well.(in the well为主补)


英语中的主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语和表语语法是理解英语逻辑的核心。语法不好的同学,处理简单句尚可;遇到复杂句型时,就晕头转向了。所以,要彻底读懂英语,必须在语法上下苦功夫。今天,我们彻底解析一下这些句子成分。(下图为:一个复合句中,所有的句子成分。) 1 第一:英语中的“主语” 1. 主语的含义: 主语即“动作的发出者”(主谓宾结构中)或者“表述的对象”(主系表结构中),一般放在句首,有时也放在中间或者句尾。充当主语的可以是名词、代词;也可以是短语、不定式;甚至可以是整个句子。所以,在找主语的时候,脑子里一定要有这些认知。 2. 充当主语的有哪些? (1)名词/代词/数词做主语

(2)不定式/名词化短语做主语 (3)从句做主语(即主语从句) 从句做主语的句子,就是我们学过的“主语从句”。主语从句可以由连词that/whether引导;也可以由关系代词what/who/which引导;还可以由连接副词how/when/why/where引导。 详情如下:

(4)有时为了避免头重脚轻,经常会借助“it”充当形式主语,而真正的主语则放在句尾: (5)“There be …”句型 “there be…”比较特殊。在这种句型中,主语的位置在中间。比如:There are six beautiful French ladies walking on the street. 大街上有六位漂亮的法国女郎在散步。 2

第二:英语中的“谓语” 1. 含义: 谓语是句子的灵魂,主要用来“陈述主语的状态”或者“表明主语发出的动作”。 2. 分类:简单谓语复合谓语 (1)简单谓语:由一个动词或者一个动词短语构成谓语; I love my girlfriend. 我爱我的女朋友。 My boss stayed up late last night. 我的老板昨晚熬夜了。 (2)复合谓语: ① 情态动词/助动词+动词构成 ② 系动词+表语构成


Ⅰ.用适当的连接词填空 1.The trouble is that I can’t find my way. 2.We are discussing what we shall do to help the poor. 3.It depends on whether you can do the work well. 4.I wonder how you are getting on with your studies. 5.He got caught in the heavy traffic.That was why he was late. 6.Energy is what makes things work. 7.We didn’t set out; it was because we wanted to wait until our mother came back. 8.We consider it necessary that he should improve his pronunciation. Ⅱ.单项填空 1.—Can you join us in the party this evening? —Well, that depends on ________ I can finish my report before then. A.whether B.if C.that D.when 解析:选A。句意:“你今天晚上能参加我们的聚会吗?”“嗯,那得看到时候我的报 告能不能完成。”连词whether表示“是否”,引导宾语从句。if表示“是否”,不引导介词的宾语从句;that没有意义;when“当……时”。 2.I don’t think ________ possible ________ one can master a foreign language without much memory work. A.it; whether B.it; that C.which; whether D.this; that 解析:选B。it在句中作形式宾语;possible作宾补;真正的宾语是that引导的宾语从句。 3.He said________he had eaten nothing for a long time and________he was very hungry. A.that; 不填B.不填;that C.不填;不填D.what; what 解析:选B。考查宾语从句中that的省略问题。said后接了两个that引导的宾语从句,其中第一个从句中的that可省略,后面的that不可省略。 4.The reason for his coming to China was ________ he wanted to study Chinese medicine. A.that B.what


主语谓语宾语补语定语 状语举例 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

主语、谓语、宾语、补语、定语、状语举例 1.【主语】: 就是一个句子陈述的对象,或是动作的执行者.它回答的是“谁”“什么”的问题.如:我看电视.“我”就是这句子的主语. 主语由名词或相当于名词的词充当. ⑴妈妈回来了. ⑵今天是星期天. ⑶大海掀起滚滚的波涛. ⑷小明病了. ⑸燕子飞回来了. 2.【谓语】: 说明主语是什么,干什么,怎么样.它回答的是主语“干什么,是什么”的问题. 如如:我看电视.“看”就是这句子的谓语. 谓语部分中心词一定要是一个动词,要么是行为动词,要么是系动词,不同的动 词构成不同的句子类型.其他例子自己可举一反三. 3.【宾语】 指谓语动词所涉及的对象,由名、代、数,宾语从句等相当于名词的词句充当,但人称代词要用宾格.还如上例:我看电视.“电视”就是这句子的宾语. 需要说明的是:只有及物动词和介词或相当于及物动词和介词的短语才可带宾语. 4.【补语】: 补充说明主语或宾语的成份,补充说明主语的叫主语补足语,补充宾语叫宾语

补足语.如:他把我逗笑了.我激动得哭了.“哭了”即为补语. 5.【定语】: 修饰限定名字、代词的词,说明所修饰词的性质、特征等.如:美丽的村庄静静地睡了.“美丽的”为定语. 6.【状语】: 修饰动词、副词、形容词甚至整句,说明谓语动作发生的时间、地点、方式、伴随状况、目的等等.如:他在灯下看书.“在灯下”是状语. 小学语文基础知识点复习归纳总结 (一)关联词 1、关联词语的意义 能够把两个或者两个以上在意义上有密切联系的句子连接起来组成比较复杂的句子的词语,就是关联词语。恰当的使用关联词语,能使我们在说话或者协作时达到较好的表达效果。 2、常见的关联词语类型 并列关系——分句之间是并列的 既……又…… 那么……那么…… 一边……一边…… 有的……有的…… 不是……而是…… 递进关系——后一分句的意思比前一分句的意思更进一层。 不但……而且……


【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: 名词性从句——宾语从句与表语从句 二. 知识精讲 在复合句中起名词性作用的句子叫名词性从句。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,根据它在句中不同的语法功能,因此名词从句又分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 (一)宾语从句 1. 概念及引导词 在复合句中起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。引导宾语从句的连接词有连接代词(who, whom, whose , what , which, whoever , whatever, whichever )、连接副词(when , where , how, why )及从属连词(that , whether, if ). 例:John said (that)he was leaving for London on Wednesday. 约翰说他星期三要到伦敦去。 I am glad that you are satisfied with your job. 你对工作满意我感到很高兴。 She will name him whatever she wants to. 她高兴给他起什么名字就起什么名字。 That depends on where we shall go. 那取决于我们去哪儿。 2. 宾语从句的种类 常见的宾语从句有动词的宾语从句、介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句三种。 (1)动词的宾语从句 They know that the habit may kill them.定语从句 他们知道这个习惯会害死他们。 They doubt whether or not Jack is a good student. 他们怀疑Jack是否是一个好学生。 They wanted to see which shops offered the best advice and service定语从句. 他们想了解哪家店提出的建议和提供的服务最好。 (2)介词的宾语从句 一般情况下介词后只能接wh- 类连接词引导的宾语从句,但but, except, besides等后可接that引导的宾语从句。 We are talking about what we’ll do next. 我们正在讨论下一步做什么。 I know nothing about him except that he lives here. 对于他,我只知道他住在这儿,其他一无所知。


宾语从句和表语从句详解 名词性从句指的是在整个句子中起名词作用的从句。这种从句可以做主语、宾语、表语、同位语等,所以这类从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。各种名词性从句的结构都是相同的,即由if,whether,that和各种疑问词充当连接词,后接陈述语序。 例如:What they are doing seems very important.(主语从句) 他们在做的事似乎很重要。 My hope is that he will be the best student in the class.(表语从句) 我的愿望是他能够成为班上最好的学生。 Nobody knows who he is.(宾语从句) 大家都不知道他是谁。 I don't like the idea that money is everything.(同位语从句) 我不喜欢金钱就是一切这一观点。 引导名词性从句的连接词中,除了that,if和whether之外其它的都作从句中的一个成分。 【宾语从句】 在句子中作动词或介词宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。引导宾语从句的词有连词that,whether,if;连接代词who,which,what以及其强调形式whoever,whichever,whatever;连接副词when,where,why,how等。 例如:Do you know where the Greens live I have no interest in how rich he is. 宾语从句主要用于下面五种结构: 1.由that引导的宾语从句(that 引导宾语从句时,特别是在口语中可省略) The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets. that引导的宾语从句多用于say,think,insist,wish,hope,demand,imagine,wonder,know,suppose,see,believe,agree,admit,deny,expect,explain,order,command,feel,dream,suggest,hear,mean,notice,prefer,request,require,propose,declare,report等后。 当主句谓语动词是think,believe,suppose,expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。例如:I don’t think it is right for him to treat you like that.(=I think it is not right for him ….) that不能省略的情况: (1)当句中的动词后接多于两个由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省,但后面的that不可省。如: He said (that)you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you. (2)当主句的谓语动词与that宾语从句之间有插入语时,that一般不可省。如: Just then I noticed,for the first time,that our master was wearing his fine green coat and his black silk cap. (3)当that从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不可省。如: I can’t tell him that his mother died. 2.由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句 这样的宾语从句实际上是由特殊疑问句变化而来的,宾语从句要用陈述句语序。用于这种结构的动词常常是:see,say,tell,ask,answer,know,decide,show,find out,imagine,suggest,doubt,wonder,discover,understand,inform,advise等。


精彩回答 语文中的主语,谓语,宾语,补语,状语,定语,表语是指什么? 用句子加以解释 1,主语、谓语和宾语 例:我写字。 我,就是主语;写,是谓语;字,就是宾语。 2,状语、定语 例:我慢慢地回答你的问题。 慢慢地,就是状语,它是修饰谓语动词“回答”的速度或者状态;你的,就是定语,用来修饰宾语“问题”。 3,定语、主语和表语 例:漂亮的女人是傲慢的。 漂亮的,是定语,用来修饰主语“女人”;是,是谓动词,傲慢的,就是表语,是用来说明“漂亮女人”的心理状态的。 4,补语 例:他走得慢。 他,是主语;走,谓语;得慢,就是补语 5,宾补 例:我十分讨厌她又哭又闹。 我,是主语;十分,状语;讨厌,谓语;她,宾语;又哭又闹,就是这一句里的宾补,用来修饰宾语“她”的。 一:主语是句子陈述的对象,说明是谁或什么。表示句子说的是"什么人"或“什么事”。主语可以用这些词类或形式来担任:名词、代词

二:谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”. 谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成。 三:宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任 四:补语是述补结构中补充说明述语的结果、程度、趋向、可能、状态、数量等的成分。 补语与述语之间是补充与被补充、说明与被说明的关系。 补语主要由谓词性词语、数量短语和介词短语充当。 五:状语是名词前面的连带成分,用来修饰、限制、动词或形容词,表示动作的状态、方式、时间、处所或程度等. 1.副词、形容词经常做状语. 2.表示时间、处所的名词经常做状语,一般名词不做状语动词中除助动词外很少做状语. 3.介词结构常做状语 4.一般状语紧连在中心词的前边,但表示时间、处所、目的的名词或介词结构作状语时,可以放在主语的前边.如[在杭州],我们游览了西湖美景. 状语说白了就是修饰动作的词 六:定语用来限定、修饰名词或代词的,定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子,汉语中常用………的?表示。 充当定语的有:主要由形容词担任。此外,名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语以及动词不定式(短语)、分词和定语从句等都可用作定语。 七:表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,


宾语从句和表语从句 一、宾语从句要点归纳 ★宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。 ★that在引导宾语从句时无词义,也不充当任何成分,且通常可以省略。但如果含有两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句时,通常只有第一个从句的that可以省略,其余从句的that一般不能省略。如: My uncle said (that) he would come and that he would also bring his son. ★whether和if都意为“是否”,通常情况下,二者都可以引导宾语从句;但在介词之后或与or not连用时,只能用whether。注意:当whether与or not 不连在一起时,口语中可用if取代whether,当然也可以用whether。如: I don't know if / whether there will be trains any more. They are worrying about whether they can get there in time. I don't know whether or not I should take his advice. I'm not sure if / whether the train will arrive on time o r not. ★有时可用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语从句后置。如: We have made it clear that we will learn to deal with var ious difficult problems. ★在第一人称I / we与动词 think, expect, believe, guess, suppose等连用,后接宾语从句时,通常将从句的否定转移到主句谓语动词,形成否定前移。如: I don't suppose you're used to this diet. 二、表语从句要点归纳 ★表语从句一定要用陈述语序。 ★可接表语从句的词除系动词be外,还有 appear, become, look, remain, seem, sound等连系动词。如:


主语谓语宾语定语状语补语定语 练习1.在下面句子的主语下面画横线,并说出由什么充当。 1.During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. 2.We often speak English in class. 3.One-third of the students in this class are girls. 4.To swim in the river is a great pleasure. 5.Smoking does harm to the health. 6.The rich should help the poor. 7.When we are going to have English test has not been decided. 8.It is necessary to master a foreign language. 9.That he isn’t at home is not true. 10.There comes the bus. 11.Beyond the village lies a small village. 12.Now comes your turn. 考点1.表语 表语多是形容词,用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。 练习2.画出下列句中的表语,并说明由什么充当。 1.Our teacher of English is an American. 2.Is it yours 3.The weather has turned cold. 4.The speech is exciting. 5.Three times seven is twenty-one. 6.His job is to teach English. 7.His hobby(爱好)is playing football. 8.The machine must be under repairs. 9.The truth is that he has never been abroad. 考点2.宾语 宾语由名词性的词充当,表示动作的对象或承受者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。 宾语分为动词宾语和介词宾语。 练习3.画出下列句中的宾语, 并说明由什么充当。 1.They planted many trees yesterday. 2. (How many dictionaries do you have) I have five. 3.They helped the old with their housework yesterday. 4.I wanted to buy a car. 5.I enjoy listening to popular music. 6.I think(that)he is fit for his office. 考点3.宾语补足语 宾语补足语和宾语构成逻辑上的主谓关系。换句话说,在意思上,宾语相当于宾补的主语。 带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等)+宾语+宾补。宾补可由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句充当。 练习4.用下划线画出下列句中的宾语补足语,并指出是什么词充当,同时体会宾补和宾语之间的逻辑关系。 1.His father named him Dongming. 2.They painted their boat white. 3.Let the fresh air in. 4.You mustn’t force him to lend his money to you. 5.We saw her entering the room. 6.We found everything in the lab in good order. 7.We will soon make our city what your city is now. 8.I want your homework done on time. 考点4.主补 对主语的补充。含有宾语补足语的句子在变成被动语态,宾语作主语时,原来的宾补就成了主语补足语。 He was elected monitor. She was found singing in the next room. He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson. 考点5.定语 定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子,汉语中常用“……的”表示。定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。 在英语中,许多情况下,定语是放在所修饰词后面的,这点与汉语习惯不同,也是许多同学不能读懂长句的主要原因。定语后置常见的有以下几种情况: A.副词用作定语一般要后置。 People there are very friendly. (那儿的人们) He didn’t like the man downstairs. (楼下的那个人)B.形容词短语作定语一般放在所修饰词之后。 单个形容词作定语一般放在所修饰词之前,而形容词短语作定语一般放在所修饰词之后。 The next man is a scientist. The man next to me is a scientist.(我旁边的那个人)C.介词短语作定语时要后置。 The boy under the tree is Tom.(树下的那个男孩) The tallest boy in our class is John.(我们班最高的那个男孩) D.现在分词短语、过去分词短语、动词不定式作定语常后 置。 I have something to say. (直译:我有要说的话)

3.3 宾语从句 表语从句 教案

教学过程 一、课堂导入 概念引入 She doesn’t know (th at) her father is seriously ill. 她不知道她父亲病得很严重。 Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? 你可以告诉我怎么去火车站吗?The problem is when they can get there. 问题是他们什么时候能到那儿。 The problem is whether we can replace her. 问题是我们能否替换她。

二、复习预习 复习什么是宾语和表语,列举作宾语和表语的词性。

三、知识讲解 知识点1:宾语从句的定义 置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。有些形容词(afraid ,sure ,glad等)之后也可以带宾语从句。 She doesn’t know (that) her father is seriously ill. Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? 划线部分是宾语从句。

【考查点1】宾语从句的引导词 连词:that (that 常可省略),whether, if 代词:who, whom, whose, what ,which, whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever 副词:when ,where, how, why 等。 She reminded me that I had a meeting to attend. I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party. None of us knows where these new parts can be bought.


英语主谓宾表定状补成分精简讲解 一.主语: 主语(subject) 是一个句子的主题( theme),是句子所述说的主体。它的位置一般在一句之首。可用作主语的有单词、短语、从句乃至句子。 1.名词作主语。 A tree has fallen across the road. (倒下横在) Little streams feed big rivers. ( 小河流入大江。) 2.代词用作主语。 You’re not far wrong. (你差不多对了)。 He told a joke but it fell flat. (他说了个笑话,但没有引人发笑) 3.数词用作主语。 Three is enough. 三个就够了。 Four from seven leaves three. 7减4余3。 4.名词化的形容词用作主语。 The idle are forced to work. 懒汉被迫劳动。 Old and young marched side by side. 老少并肩而行。 5.副词用作主语。 Now is the time. 现在是时候了。Carefully does it. 小心就行。 6.名词化的介词作主语。 The ups and downs of life must be taken as they come. 7.不定式用作主语。 To find your way can be a problem.你能否找到路可能是一个问题。 It would be nice to see him again. 8.动名词用作主语。 Smoking is bad for you. Watching a film is pleasure,but making one is hard work. 9.名词化的过去分词用作主语。 The disabled are to receive more money. The deceased died of old age. 10.介词短语用作主语。 To Beijing is not very far. From Yenan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback. 11.从句用作主语。 Whenever you are ready will be fine. Because Sally wants to leave doesn’t mean that we have to. 12.句子用作主语。 "How do you do ?" is a greeting. “你好”是一句问候语。 二.谓语 谓语(predicate) 或谓语动词(predicate verb) 的位置一般在主语之后。 谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成。 1.由简单的动词构成。 (1). What happened? 发生了什么事? (2). He worked hard all day today. 他今天苦干了一天。 (3). The plane took off at ten o’clock. 飞机是十点起飞的。 2.由动词短语构成的谓语。 (1). I am reading. 我在看书。 (2). What’s been keeping you all this time? 这半天你在干什么来着?

在英语中什么是主语、谓语、宾语、状语、表语、定语、补语、宾补 的位置

在英语中什么是主语、谓语、宾语、状语、表语、定语、补语、宾补的位置烟雨 在英语中什么是主语、谓语、宾语、状语、表语、定语、补语、宾补的位置『黑色ひ粉末』 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等。 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名词,代词,数词,不定式等充当。Helikeswatch'ingTV.他喜欢看电视。 2、谓语 谓语说明主语的动作,状态或特征。 一般可分为两类: 1),简单谓语 由动词(或短语动词)构成。 可以有不同的时态,语态和语气。 Westud'yforthepeo'ple.我们为人民学习。 2),复合谓语:情态动词+不定式 Icanspeakalit'tleEng'lish.我可以说一点英语。 3、表语 表语是谓语的一部分,它位于系动词如be之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。一般由名词,代词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词短语等充当。 Mysis'terisanurse.我姐姐是护士。 4、宾语 宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后,能作宾语的有名词,代词,数词,动词不定式等。 WelikeEng'lish.我们喜欢英语。 有些及物动词可以带两个宾语,往往一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。 Hegavemesom'eink.他给了我一点墨水。 有些及物动词的宾语后面还需要有一个补足语,意思才完整,宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。如: Wemakehimourmon'itor.我们选他当班长。 5、定语 在句中修饰名词或代词的成分叫定语。 用作定语的主要是形容词,代词,数词,名词,副词,动词不定式,介词短语等。形容词,代词,数词,名词等作定语时,通常放在被修饰的词前面。Heisanewstu'dent.他是个新生。 但副词,动词不定式,介词短语等作定语时,则放在被修饰的词之后。Thebikeintheroomismine.房间里的自行车是我的。


三.表语 表语的功能是表述主语的特征、状态、身份等。它也可以说是一种主语补语。它位于联系动词之后,与之构成所谓的系表结构。在系表结构钟,联系动词只是形式上的谓语,二真正起谓语作用的则是表语。可以作表语的词有:名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语、从句等。 1.The wedding was that Sunday. 婚礼是在那个星期天举行的。(名词) 2.So that’s that. 就是这样。(代词) 3.We are seven. 我们一共7人。(数词) 4.Are you busy? 你有空吗?(形容词) 5.Are you there? 你在听吗?(电话用语)(副词) Is anybody in? 里面有人吗?(副词) 6.All I could do was to wait. 我只能等待。(不定式) My answer to his threat was to hit him on the nose. 我对他的威胁的回答是照他的鼻子打去。(不定式) 7.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见 /眼见为实(动名词) 8.I was so much surprised at it. 我对此事感到很惊讶。(过去分词)I’m very pleased with what he has done. 我对他所做的很满意。(过去分词) 9.She is in good health. 她很健康。(介词短语) The show is from seven till ten. 演出时间为7点至10点。(介词短语)10.Is that why you were angry? 这就是你发怒的原因吗?(从句) 11.This is where I first met her. 这就是我初次与她会面的地方。(从句) 12. The reason why he didn't come to school is that he got ill. 他没有来上学的原因是他生病了。


组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等。 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名词,代词,数词,不定式等充当。He likes watching TV.他喜欢看电视。 2、谓语 谓语说明主语的动作,状态或特征。 一般可分为两类: 1),简单谓语 由动词(或短语动词)构成。 可以有不同的时态,语态和语气。 We study for the people.我们为人民学习。 2),复合谓语:情态动词+不定式 I can speak a little English.我可以说一点英语。 3、表语 表语是谓语的一部分,它位于系动词如be之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。一般由名词,代词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词短语等充当。 My sister is a nurse.我姐姐是护士。 4、宾语 宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后,能作宾语的有名词,代词,数词,动词不定式等。 We like English.我们喜欢英语。 有些及物动词可以带两个宾语,往往一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。 He gave me some ink.他给了我一点墨水。 有些及物动词的宾语后面还需要有一个补足语,意思才完整,宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。如: We make him our monitor.我们选他当班长。 5、定语 在句中修饰名词或代词的成分叫定语。 用作定语的主要是形容词,代词,数词,名词,副词,动词不定式,介词短语等。形容词,代词,数词,名词等作定语时,通常放在被修饰的词前面。 He is a new student.他是个新生。 但副词,动词不定式,介词短语等作定语时,则放在被修饰的词之后。 The bike in the room is mine.房间里的自行车是我的。 6、状语 修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句的句子成分,叫做状语。用作状语的通常是副词,介词短语,不定式和从句等。状语一般放在被修饰的词之后或放在句尾。副词作状语时可放在被修饰的词前或句首。 He lives in London.他住在伦敦。 7.补语


表语很好找的,只要有系动词,跟在系动词后的就是表语,表示主语的特征,状态,身份,类属。主语、系词和表语构成“主系表”结构,其中系词和表语合起来构成谓语。充当表语的有名词,代词,数词,动名词,动词不定式,形容词,副词,现在分词,过去分词,介词短语或从句。 例: He is a teacher.(teacher名) It is hers.(物主代词hers) Who is she?(人称代词Who) Two times three is six.(基数词six) He was the first to get there.(序数词the first ) She is very kind.(形容词very kind) My father is out.(副词out) His job is to teach.(不定式to teach) Talking is not doing.(动名词doing) His speech is surprising.(现在分词surprising) I am surprised at his speech .(过去分词surprised) Japan is in the east of Asia.(介词短语in the east of Asia) That is what I want to say.(从句what I want to say) 常见的系动词有: (表示身份,状态的)be,(表示变化的)become,get,turn,grow,stay,(表示感觉的)smell,taste,feel,sound,seem,look,appear 补语分为宾语补足语和主语补足语,用以补足主语或宾语的状态、动作、位置等。可以作补语的有:名词,不定式,现在分词,过去分词,形容词,副词,介词短语。 常见的可以带宾补的动词及句型有 call sb/sth sth. allow/ask/order/tell/teach sb to do sth see/hear/make/have/watch sb do/doing sth keep sb doing sth. keep sth.+形容词 find sb./sth. doing/介词短语 例: We call her Lucy.(名词Lucy ) I allow him to have a look.(不定式to have a look) He kept me waiting half a day.(现在分词短语waiting half a day) I saw him wounded.(过去分词wounded) It drove her mad.(形容词mad) Let's show him out.(副词out) They found the boy in the well.(介词短语in the well)


名词性从句 在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫做名词性从句。名词性从句的作用相当于名词,因此主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。主语从句:Who will win the match is still unknown. 宾语从句:I want to know what he has told you. 表语从句:The fact is that we have lost the game. 同位语从句:The news that we won the game is exciting. 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 连接词(不充当从句的任何成分):that ,whether ,if 连接代词:what, who, whom, whose, which, wh+ever 连接副词:when ,where ,how ,why Object Clauses 宾语从句 一、宾语从句的概念:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。 位置:通常放在主句谓语动词(及物动词)或介词之后。 句子结构:主句+连词(引导词)+ 宾语从句 e.g. She asked if these answers were right. We can learn what we do not know. He will talk to us about what he saw in the U.S.A. I don’t know where we will hold the meeting. 通过观察,我们可以知道宾语从句的语序用陈述语序: 连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分 1)Could you tell me______. A. you will get here when B. when will you get here C. get here when you will D. when you will get here 2) Mother asked his son what ______for lunch at school. A. did he had B. does he had C. he has D. he had 3) Pointing to the young plant, he asked me ____ that was the one we had seen in the picture. A. what B. if C. where D. how 二、连接词 1、从属连接词(不充当从句的任何成分):that ,whether ,if 1)、I hear (that) he will be back in an hour. 2)、I want to know if /whether he will go to the park with us 用it做形式宾语的宾语从句时,it常可以放在动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后作为形式宾语,而真正的宾语——that从句则放在句尾)(此时that一定不可以省略)


宾语从句表语从句专项复习 一.单项选择 1. He asked ________ for the computer. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 2. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you?” she asked →She asked ________. A. I have already got wel l, hadn’t you B. whether I had already got well C. have I already got well D. had I already got well. 3 Could you tell me ___? A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing 4. “Please close the window,” he said to me. →He ______ me _____ the window. A. said to; to close B. told to; closing C. asked ; to close D. said to; please close 5. Call you tell me why _______ yesterday? A. you didn't come B. did you not come C. didn't you come D. you don't come 6. Jack isn't sure _______ students there are in his class. A. how many B. what C. which D. whether 7.children find ____interesting to play computer games. A. that B. which C. it D. he 8. He wanted to know how long _______ in hospital. A. she is staying B. she had stayed C. did she stay D. she stay 9. He said that light _______ much faster than sound. A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D. is traveling 10. He said that April _______ the _______ month of a year. A. is, third B. is, fourth C. was, fourth D. was, third 11. I don't think _______ I _______ out the problem. A. if, can work B. how, will work C. that, can work D. when, will work 12. We are sure _______ he _______ to speak English well. A. that, learned B. that, has learned C. if, learned D. if, has learned 13. -- I don't know if he _______ .-- He will come if it _______ . A. comes, won't rain B. will come, doesn't rain C. comes, doesn't D. will come, won't rain 14. That is __ ___ we were late last time. A. that B. when C. why D. what
