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50 Most Common Ways to Start a Sentence in English





1. Are you sure…? Are you sure you can finish your work on time?

你确定... 吗?你确定你能按时完成你的工作吗?

2. Do you have…? Do you have any children?

你有... 吗?你有孩子吗?

3. Do you mind…? / Would you mind…? Do you mind giving me your WeChat ID?

你介意…吗?/ 你是否介意…?你介意给我你的微信号吗?

4. Do you feel like…? Do you feel like pizza tonight?

你想... 吗?你今晚想吃比萨饼吗?

5. Do you know where…? / Do you know a…? Do you know a good doctor?

请问你知道哪里...?/ 请问你知道一位...?请问你知道一位好医生吗?

6. Shouldn’t we/I…? Shouldn’t we book our tickets early?

我们/我不应该... 吗?我们不应该早点预订机票吗?

7. Have you ever…? Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?


8. How about…? How about you and I get dinner tomorrow?

那... 怎么样?那,你和我明天一起共度晚餐怎么样?

9. How come…? How come I always have to pay the bill?


10.How long does it take…/How long will it take? How long will it take to go to the airport?


11.How often…? How often do you go to the dentist?


12.What’s the matter with…?/What’s wrong with…? What’s the matter with your friend?

你的... 怎么了?/ 你的... 有什么问题吗?你的朋友怎么了?

13.What’s your favorite…? What’s your favorite song?

你最喜欢... 是什么?你最喜欢的歌是什么?

14.Why not…?/Why don’t you…? Why not (don’t you) buy it online?

为什么不...?/ 你为什么不要...?为什么不在网上购买呢?你为什么不要在网上购买呢?

15.Would you like…? Would you like something to drink?

你想要... 吗?你想要喝点什么吗?


16.As far as…As far as I know, she doesn’t like him.

据我... 据我所知,她不喜欢他。

17.As you (may) know…As you know, I really hate bitter melon.

就如你(也许)知道的... 就如你知道的,我真的很讨厌苦瓜。

pared to…Compared to bitter melon, even broccoli tastes good.

相比起... 相比起苦瓜,就连西兰花都比较好吃。

19.For all I know…For all I know he could be on Mars.

就我所知... 就我所知,他可能在火星上。

20.I bet…I bet it’s going to rain today.


21.I can’t wait to…I can’t wait to get my paycheck.


22.I feel like…/It seems to me…It seems to me now is a good time to buy a house.

我觉得…/ 在我看来…在我看来,现在是买房子的好时机。

23.I just realized…I just realized that I never confirmed our appointment.


24.I’d like (you) to…I’d like to leave soon.

我想要(你)... 我想要早一点离开。

25.I hate to say this but…I hate to say this but “blue” is not a good color on you.

我讨厌这样说,但是... 我讨厌这样说,但是'蓝色' 不是适合你的颜色26.I have (had) no idea…I have no idea where the subway is.

我不知道... 我不知道地铁在哪里。

27.I have got to…I have got to find a new apartment by Friday.

我必须在... 我必须在星期五之前找到一间新公寓。

28.If you think about it…If you think about it, money isn’t everything in life.

如果你仔细想想... 如果你仔细想想,金钱不是生活中所有的一切。

29.I’ll let you know…I’ll let you know when I’m free today.

我会让你知道... 我会让你知道一旦我今天有空的时候。

30.I’m afraid…I’m afraid he’s too busy right now.

我恐怕... 我恐怕他现在太忙了。

31.I’m looking forward to…I’m looking forward to the Spring Festival holiday.

我很期待... 我很期待春节长假。

32.I’m sorry but…I’m sorry but I can’t join you for dinner.


33.I’m thinking about…I’m thinking about ordering a birthday cake for her.


34.It’s too bad that…It’s too bad that he broke his leg.


35.It’s not that…it’s/but…It’s not that he’s lazy, it’s that he just doesn’t care.


36.I have been…I have been worried about her all day.


37.I would rather…than…I would rather visit Hawaii than Los Angeles.

