进口波纹管截止阀 03-15






BSA和BSAT 波纹管密封截止阀

BSA和BSAT 波纹管密封截止阀

铸铁 EN-GJS-250
球墨铸铁 EN-GJS-400-18-LT
铸钢 1.0619 (GSC 25N)
球墨铸铁 EN-GJS-400-18-LT
钢(DN15-DN80) DIN 17243 C 22.8
钢(DN100-DN200) 1.0619 (GSC 25N)
11 6 8
用于 大于
25 bar D P DN125 17 bar D P DN150 6" 10 bar D P DN200 8" 6 bar D P DN250 (仅BSA2)
TI-P137-18 ST Issue 5
不锈钢 EN 10213 1.4581
BSA64T 不锈钢 EN 10213 1.4408或STM A351 CF8M
碳钢DN15-DN80 DIN 117243 C22.8 碳钢DN100 10619+N(GSC 25N)
不锈钢EN 10213 1.4408或STM A351 CF8M
不锈钢 EN 10088 1.4571 不锈钢 EN 100222 1.4571 不锈钢 DIN 17440 1.4571 不锈钢 EN 10088 1.4571
DN80 (3" ) 120
DN100 (4" ) 193
DN125 (5" ) 288
DN150 (6" ) 410

























截止阀(stop valve,Globe Valve)的启闭件是塞形的阀瓣,密封上面呈平面或海锥面,阀瓣沿阀座的中心线作直线运动。




中文名截止阀外文名stop valve作用切断、调节和节流分类通道方向类用途类别名截门阀链接法兰连接、丝扣连接、焊接连接目录1简介2工作原理3分类▪根据通道方向▪根据用途4产品对比5优缺点6安装方法7主要标准8相关知识9操作10力矩分析11工作原理和选用原则12截止阀的维护13国标截止阀性能参数1简介编辑截止阀又称截门阀,属于强制密封式阀门,所以在阀门关闭时,必须向阀瓣施加压力,以强制密封面不泄漏。













二、试验压力:试验项目试验介质公称压力PN6PN16PN25PN40壳体试验水0.9 2.4 3.8 6.0高压密封试验水0.7 1.8 2.8 4.4低压密封试验气0.※公称压力PN的压力单位为bar1MPa=10bar三、产品规格:新型号旧型号公称通径适用介质工作温度101520253240506580100125150200250300400CJc4D1W-6P WJ41W-6P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○硝酸等≤150℃CJc4A1W-16P WJ41W-16P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc4D1W-25P WJ41W-25P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc4E1W-40P WJ41W-40P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc6B1W-6P WJ61W-6P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc6A1W-16P WJ61W-16P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc6A1W-25P WJ61W-25P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A1W-16P WJ21W-6P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A1W-25P WJ21W-16P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A4W-16P WJ24W-16P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A4W-25P WJ24W-25P○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc4D1H-6C WJ41W-6C○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○水、蒸汽、油品等≤350℃CJc4A1H-16C WJ41W-16C○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc4D1H-25WJ41W-25○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc4E1H-40WJ41W-40○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc6A1H-16C WJ61W-16C○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc6A1H-25WJ61W-25○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A1H-16C WJ21W-16C○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A1H-25WJ21W-25○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A4H-16C WJ24W-16C○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○CJc2A4H-25WJ24W-25○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○四、主要零件材料:零件名称阀门材料代号碳钢阀C不锈钢P 阀体WCB堆焊不锈钢ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti阀盖WCB ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti阀杆2Cr131Cr18Ni9Ti阀瓣1Cr18Ni9Ti堆硬质合金1Cr18Ni9Ti堆硬质合金波纹管1Cr18Ni9Ti1Cr18Ni9Ti阀杆螺母ZQA19-4ZQA19-4填料柔性石墨柔性石墨或聚四氟乙烯垫片缠绕式垫片缠绕式垫片或聚四氟乙烯五、试验压力:试验项目试验公称压力介质PN6PN16PN25PN40壳体试验水0.9 2.4 3.8 6.0高压密封试验水0.7 1.8 2.8 4.4低压密封试验气0.※CJc4D-6P,CJ6B1W-6P阀瓣密封面为氟乙烯(DN300、400除外)CJc4D1W-6P CJc4A1W-16P CJc4A1W-25P CJc4E1W-40P CJc4A1W-16C CJc4A1W-25CJc4E1W-40六、波纹管截止阀外形尺寸和连接尺寸:DN L H D D1D2D3b1f1D4f2Do f b Z-d1013020290604223633531202144-13.5 161513020295654728634031202144-13.5 1620150231105755835835131402144-13.5 2281601625160231115856842835831402144-13.5 2281601632180273120907048646631202144-14 286161401007850831604-17.5 27418402002781301008054847631203144-14 31716 1501108860832004-17.5 34518502303351401109065848831403144-14 31716 16512510272832004-17.5 3962065290331185145122948311032403184-17.5 399280228-17.5803104022001601331058312132403208-17.5 4052802210035041622019015812811 3.5150 3.53203208-17.5 460235190248-2212540046725021018415411 3.5--3603228-17.5 270220288-2615048052528524021218211 3.5--3603248-22 300250308-26200600611340310278---260 3.550032612-22 3603102783012-27250△65075040535532029111 4.5--64033015-25 300△75075443539536233511 4.5--50042412-23 400△950954535495462435115--72042816-23说明:1、结构长度符合CVA2.5-83的规定(带△者除外)。


















阀门中英文大全1-01 自动阀门 Automatic valve依靠介质本身的能力而自行动作的阀门1-02 驱动阀门 Actuated valve 借助手动、电力、液压或气压来操纵的阀门2-01 闸阀 Gate valve, slide valve 启闭件(闸板)由阀杆带动,沿阀座密封面做升降运动的阀门2-02 平行式闸阀Parallel gate valve,parallel slide valve 闸板的两侧密封面相互平行的闸阀2-03 楔式闸阀 Wedge gate valve闸板的两侧密封面成楔状的闸阀2-04 升降杆式闸阀 Outside screw stem rising through handwheel type gate valve 阀杆做升降运动,其传动螺纹在体腔外部的闸阀2-05 旋转杆式闸阀Inside screw nonrising stem type gate valve阀杆作旋转运动,其传动螺纹在体腔内部的闸阀2-06 快速启闭闸阀 Quick open-and-close gate valve 阀杆既作旋转又作升降运动的闸阀2-07 缩口闸阀Contraction cavity gate valve 阀体内的通道直径不同,阀座密封面处的直径小于法兰连接处的直径的闸阀2-08 平板闸阀Flat gate valve 这种类型的闸阀有带导流孔和不带导流孔之分.带导流孔的平板闸阀能通球清管,不带导流孔的平板闸阀只能用作管路上的启闭装置3-01 蝶阀 Butterfly valve 启闭件(蝶板)绕固定轴旋转的阀门3-02 中线蝶阀Center line-type butterfly valve蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)位于阀体的中心线和蝶板的密封截面上的蝶阀3-03 单偏心蝶阀Single-eccentric center butterfly vale蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)位于阀体的中心线上且与蝶板密封面形成一个尺寸偏置的蝶阀3-04 双偏心蝶阀Double-eccentric center butterfly valve 蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)与蝶板密封截面形成一个尺寸偏置,并与阀体中心线形成另一个尺寸偏置的蝶阀3-05 三偏心蝶阀Three-eccentric center butterfly valve蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)与蝶板密封面形成一个尺寸偏置,并与阀体中心线形成另一个尺寸偏置;阀体密封面中心线与阀座中心线(即阀体中心线)形成一个角偏置的阀门4-01 旋转阀 Rotary valve 启闭件沿阀座密封曲面轴心作相对旋转运动的阀门4-02 球阀 Ball valve 启闭件(球体)绕垂直于通路的轴线旋转的阀门4-03 浮动球阀 Float ball valve球体不带有固定轴的球阀4-04 固定球球阀Fixed ball valve 球体带有固定轴的球阀4-05 弹性球球阀Flexible ball valve 球体上开有弹性糟的球阀4-06 旋塞阀Cock, plug 启闭件(塞子)绕其轴线旋转的阀门4-07 紧定式旋塞阀Clampyte plug valve 塞体内不带填料,塞子与塞体密封面的密封依靠拧紧旋塞下面的螺母来实现的旋塞阀4-08 填料式旋塞阀Cland packing plug valve 采用填料密封的旋塞阀4-09 自闭式旋塞阀Self-sealing plug valve 塞子与塞体间的密封主要依靠介质本身的压力来实现的旋塞阀4-10 油封式旋塞阀Lubricated plug valve采用油脂密封的旋塞阀4-11 旋柱阀 Cock, plug 启闭件(圆柱形塞子)绕其轴线旋转的阀门5-01 挡板阀Baffler valve启闭件(挡板)在阀座密封面上到阀座密封面以外作相对运动,但又不穿过阀座密封面的阀门5-02 截止阀Globe valve, stop valve启闭件(阀瓣)由阀杆带动,沿阀座(密封面)轴线作升降运动的阀门5-03 上螺纹阀杆截止阀Outside screw stem stop valve 阀杆螺纹在壳体外面的截止阀5-04 下螺纹阀杆截止阀Inside screw stem stop valve阀杆螺纹在壳体内的截止阀5-05 直通式截止阀Globe valve 介质的进出口两个通道在同一方向上,呈180°的截止阀5-06 角式截止阀 Angle pattern globe valve介质的进出口两个通道呈90°的截止阀5-07 三角截止阀Three way stop valve 具有三个通道的截止阀5-08 直流式截止阀 Oblique type globe valve阀杆和通道成一定角度的截止阀5-09 柱塞式截止阀Plunger type globe valve 柱塞式截止阀是常规截止阀的变形.其阀瓣和阀座是按柱塞的原理设计的;把阀瓣设计成柱塞,阀座设计成套环,靠柱塞和套环的配合实现密封5-10 针形截止阀Needle globe valve阀座孔的尺寸比公称通径小的截止阀6-01 节流阀Throttle valve 通过启闭件(阀瓣)改变通路截面积以调节流量.压力的阀门6-02 勾形阀瓣节流阀Trench type disc throttle valve常用于深冷装置中的膨胀阀6-03 窗形阀瓣节流阀Window type disc throttle valve适用于公称通径较大的节流阀6-04 塞形阀瓣节流阀 Plug disc throttle valve 适用于中.小口径的节流阀7-01 止回阀Check valve,Non-reture valve 启闭件(阀瓣)靠介质作用力,自动阻止介质逆流的阀门7-02 旋启式止回阀Swing check valve 阀瓣绕体腔内固定轴作旋转运动的止回阀7-03 单瓣旋启式止回阀Single disc swing check valve 只有一个阀瓣的旋启式止回阀7-04 多瓣旋启式止回阀Multi-disc swing check valve 具有二个以上阀瓣的旋启式止回阀7-05 升降式止回阀Lift check valve 阀瓣垂直于阀座孔轴线作升降运动的止回阀7-06 底阀Foot valve 安装在泵吸入管端,以保证吸入管内被水充满的止回阀7-07 弹簧载荷升降式止回阀Spring-loaded lift check valve该阀不仅能降低水击压力,而且流道通畅,流阻很小7-08 弹簧载荷环形阀瓣升降式止回阀Spring-loaded annular disc lift check valve 该阀与通常结构的升降式止回阀相比,阀瓣行程更小,加之弹簧载荷的作用,使其关闭迅速,因此,更利于降低水击压力7-09 多环形流道升降式止回阀Multi-annulus lift check valve该阀具有最小的阀瓣行程,因此其关闭更为迅速7-10 蝶式止回阀Butterfly swing check valve 形状与蝶瓣相似,起阀瓣绕固定轴(无摇杆)作旋转运动的止回阀7-11 管道式止回阀 Line check valve阀瓣沿着阀体中心线滑动的止回阀.该阀体积小,重量轻,加工工艺性好,但流阻系数比旋启式止回阀略大7-12 空排止回阀 No-load running check valve 这是一种特殊用途的止回阀,用于锅炉给水泵的出口,以防止介质倒流及起空排作用7-13 缓闭止回阀 Dashpot check valve 在旋启式止回阀或升降式止回阀上设置缓冲装置,形成缓闭止回阀,这种止回阀能有效地防止水击7-14 隔膜式止回阀 Diaphragm type check valve该阀是止回阀的一种新的结构形成,尽管它的使用受到温度和压力等的限制,但其防止水击压力比传统的旋启式止回阀小得多7-15 锥形隔膜式止回阀Tapered diaphragm type check valve该阀对夹安装在管道两法兰之间,其关闭速度极为迅速7-16 环形编织隔膜式止回阀Annular woven diaphragm type check valve该阀采用了褶皱的环状橡胶隔膜,关闭速度极快,但其使用范围通常受压差(△p〈1MPa)和温度(t〈70°C)的限制7-17 球形止回阀 Ball check valve 胶球(单球与多球)在介质作用下,在球罩内沿阀体中心线方向作来回短行程滚动,以实现其开启和关闭动作8-01 安全阀Safety valve 一种自动阀门,它不借助任何外力,而是利用介质本身的力来排出额定数量的流体,以防止系统内压力超过预定的安全值,当压力恢复正常后,阀门再行关闭并阻止介质继续流出8-02 重锤式安全阀Weighted safety valve用杠杆和重锤来平衡阀瓣压力的止回阀.这种结构只能用在固定设备上,其重锤的重量一般不应超过60kg8-03 弹簧式安全阀 Spring type safety valve利用压缩弹簧的力来平衡阀瓣的压力并使其密封的安全阀.这类安全阀的弹簧作用力一般不应超过20000N8-04 脉冲式安全阀 Pulse type safety valve该阀把主阀和辅阀设计在一起,通过辅阀的脉冲作用带动主阀动作,这种结构通常用于大口径.大排量及高压系统8-05 微启式安全阀 Low lift safety valve 阀瓣开启高度为阀座喉径的1/40~1/20的安全阀8-06 全启式安全阀 Fall lift safety valve阀瓣开启高度等于或大于阀座喉径的1/4的安全阀8-07 全封闭式安全阀 All sealed bonnet tgpe safety valve 开启排放时,介质不会向外界泄漏,而是全部通过排泄管排放掉.这种结构适用于易燃.易爆.有毒介质8-08 半封闭式安全阀Half sealed bonnet type safety valve 开启排放时,介质一部分通过排泄管排掉,而另一部分从阀盖与阀杆的配合处向外泄漏.这种结构适用与一般的蒸气和对环境无污染的介质8-09 敞开式安全阀 Exposed type safety valve 开启排放时,介质直接由阀瓣上方排放,这种安全阀适用于对环境污染无要求的场合8-10 直接载荷式安全阀Direct loaded safdty valve直接用机械载荷如重锤.杠杆重锤或弹簧来克服由阀瓣下介质压力所产生作用力的安全阀8-11 带辅助装置的安全阀Assisted safety valve该安全阀借助一个动力辅助装置,可以在低于正常的开启压力下开启.即使辅助装置失灵,此类阀门应仍能满足标准的要求8-12 带补充载荷的安全阀 Supplementary loaded safety valve 该安全阀在其进口处压力达到开启压力前始终保持有一增强密封的附加力.该附加力(补充载荷)可由外来的能源提供,而在安全阀达到开启压力时应可靠的释放.其大小应这样设定,即假定该附加力未释放时,安全阀仍能在进口压力不超过国家法规规定的开启压力百分数的前提下达到额定排量8-13 先导式安全阀Pilot operated safety valve一种依靠导阀来驱动或控制的安全阀.该导阀本身应是符合标准要求的直接载荷式安全阀8-14 杠杆式安全阀 Lever and weight loaded safety valve 利用杠杆将作用力传递到阀瓣上的安全阀8-15 波纹管平衡式安全阀 Bellows seal balance safety valve 利用波纹管平衡背压的作用,以保持开启压力不变的安全阀8-16 双联弹簧式安全阀Duplex safety valve 将两个弹簧式安全阀并联,具有同一进口的安全阀组9-01 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve 通过启闭件的节流,将介质压力降低,并利用介质本身能量,使阀后的压力自动满足预定要求的阀门9-02 活塞式减压阀 Piston reducing vakve 采用活塞作传感元件,带动阀瓣运动的减压阀9-03 薄膜式减压阀 Diaphragm reducing valve 采用薄膜作传感元件,带动阀瓣运动的减压阀9-04 气包式减压阀 Air bag type reducing valve 依靠阀后介质进入气包内的压力来平衡阀的压力的减压阀9-05 弹簧薄膜式减压阀 Spring diaphragm reducing valve采用弹簧和薄膜作传感件来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀9-06 波纹管式减压阀 Bellows seal reducing valve 采用波纹管机构来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀9-07 杠杆式减压阀Lever reducing calve 采用杠杆机构来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀9-08 定值减压阀Fixed pressure reducing valve 出口压力保持定值的减压阀9-09 定比减压阀 Proportionging pressure reducing valve 出口压力与进口压力或某个参考压力保持一定比例的减压阀9-10 定差减压阀Fixed differential reducing valve出口压力与进口压力或某个参考压力保持一定压力差的减压阀9-11 直接作用式减压阀Direct-acting reducing valve 利用出口压力变化,直接控制阀瓣运动的减压阀9-12 先导式减压阀Pilot-operated reducing valve 由主阀和导阀组成,出口压力变化通过放大,控制主阀动作的减压阀9-13 先导式减压阀主阀Main valve 在先导式减压阀中,受导阀控制对流通介质起调控作用的阀9-14 先导式减压阀导阀 Pilot valve 在先导式减压阀中,起控制主阀动作的前置阀9-15 正向作用式减压阀 Direct accing reduding valve 进口介质对阀瓣的作用力与阀瓣升起方向一致的减压阀9-16 反向作用式减压阀 Reverse acting reducing valve 进口介质对阀瓣的作用力与筏瓣升起方向相反的减压阀9-17 卸荷式减压阀 Balanced reducing valve进口介质对阀瓣的作用力接近或达到平衡的减压阀10-01 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap 自动排放凝结水并阻止蒸汽泄漏的阀门10-02 机械型蒸汽疏水阀Mechanical steam trap 由凝结水位变化驱动启闭件,使其完成阻汽排水动作的疏水阀10-03 浮球式疏水阀 Ball float steam trap 利用在凝结水中浮动的空心球,带动启闭件动作的疏水阀10-04 自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀Free-ball float steam trap 由壳体内凝结水的液位变化导致启闭件(自由浮球)的开关动作.该阀能够排饱和水,且能连续排放凝结水10-05 杠杆浮球式蒸汽疏水阀Lever-ball float steam trap 由壳体内凝结水的液位变化导致启闭件(杠杆浮球)的开关动作.该阀杠杆机构的特点是可以扩大浮力,因此,可以用于超大排量的场合10-06 自由半浮球式蒸汽疏水阀Free-semi-ball float steam trap采用能自由活动的半球形浮子(自由半浮球),浮子本身具有阀瓣的机能,是没有铰链.杠杆及连杠机构即能开闭阀口的结构,也是结构最简单的蒸汽疏水阀10-07 敞口向下浮子式蒸汽疏水阀Inverted bucket steam trap 其浮子的开口向下,由浮子内凝结水的液位变化导致启闭件的开关动作.该阀多数不把阀瓣直接固定在浮子上,而是采用杠杆机构以扩大浮力10-08 敞口向上浮子式蒸汽疏水阀Open bucket force steam trap该阀又称为浮桶式蒸汽疏水阀,是利用在凝结水中的浮桶,带动启闭件动作的蒸汽疏水阀10-09 热静力型蒸汽疏水阀 Hot-statical force steam trap 由凝结水温变化驱动启闭件,使其完成阻汽排水动作的疏水阀10-10 波纹管式蒸汽疏水阀 Bellows seal steam trap 该阀是在蛇形管容器内,即在波纹管内封入沸点低.易挥发的液体作为感温元件.在波纹管上固定着阀瓣,随着温度变化,波纹管产生伸缩而启闭的疏水阀10-11 膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀 Membrane-box steam trap 该阀属蒸汽压力式,由凝结水的压力与可变形元件内挥发性液体的蒸汽压力之间的不平衡来驱动启闭件的动作,该阀不会产生气堵10-12 双金属片式蒸汽疏水阀 Bimetal elements steam trap 利用双金属片受热变形,带动启闭件动作的蒸汽疏水阀.该阀不会发生闭塞现象10-13 热动力型蒸汽疏水阀 Hot-motive force steam trap 由凝结水动态特性的变化,驱动启闭件,使其完成阻汽排水动作的疏水阀10-14 圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀 Dise steam teap利用蒸汽和凝结水的不同热力性质,及其静压和动压的变化,使阀片动作的蒸汽疏水阀10-15 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 Impulse steam trap 利用蒸汽在两级节流中的二次蒸发,导致蒸汽和凝结水的压力变化,而使启闭件动作的蒸汽疏水阀10-16 迷宫或孔板式蒸汽疏水阀Orifice steam trap该类形式的蒸汽疏水阀是由节流孔控制凝结水的排放量,并使热凝结水变化,而减少蒸汽的流出11-01 隔膜阀 Diaphragm valve 启闭件(隔膜)由阀杆带动,沿阀杆轴线作升降运动,并将动作机构与介质隔开的阀门11-02 截止式隔膜阀 Globe diaphragm valve阀体与截止阀阀体形状相似的隔膜阀11-03 屋脊式隔膜阀 Weir diaphragm valve阀体流道中以屋脊形结构与隔膜构成密封副的隔膜阀11-04 榨板式隔膜阀 Wedge diaphragm valve 闸瓣与楔式闸阀的单闸板形状相似的隔膜阀12-01 多用阀Multipurpose valve 具有多种用途的阀门12-02 截止止回阀 Serew-down stop check valve 一种可以起截止和止回两种作用的阀门,该阀适用于安装位置受到限制的场合12-03 截止止回节流阀 Serew-down stop check and throttle valve 一种可起截止.止回.节流作用的三用阀.该阀大量使用在油井并注水装置上12-04 截止止回安全阀 Serew-down stop check and safety valve一种起截止.止回.安全作用的三用阀12-05 止回球阀 Check-ball valve 一种可以做止回和球阀的两用阀门。




1. 结构组成:波纹管截止阀由阀体、阀盖、阀杆、阀瓣和波纹管等部件组成。

2. 工作方式:波纹管截止阀通过旋转阀杆,使阀瓣从阀座上升或下降,从而控制介质的通断。

3. 波纹管的作用:波纹管位于阀杆和阀盖之间,当阀杆旋转时,波纹管会变形,从而推动或释放阀瓣。


4. 密封性能:阀瓣通过与阀座的接触来实现密封,保证介质不会外泄或渗漏。


5. 控制方式:波纹管截止阀可以通过手动操作或气动执行器进行控制。







1. 开启状态:当波纹管截止阀处于开启状态时,阀门内部的波纹管呈直线形状,流体可以通过波纹管直接流过。

2. 关闭状态:当需要关闭波纹管截止阀时,通过旋转阀杆,使波纹管开始弯曲。


3. 调节流量:通过旋转阀杆,可以调节波纹管的弯曲程度,从而控制流体的通断和流量大小。

4. 密封性能:波纹管截止阀在关闭状态下,波纹管与阀座之间形成了良好的密封,防止流体泄漏。

5. 压力均衡:波纹管的弯曲在关闭阀门时可以提供压力均衡,减少了对阀门的额外负荷,并保护了波纹管的使用寿命。




国标截止阀国标截止阀是截止阀系列中最常用的产品,阀座和阀瓣的密封面采用不同硬度 的司太立 (Stellite)钴基硬质合金堆焊而成,密封可靠、硬度高、耐磨、耐高温、耐腐蚀、 抗擦伤性能好、寿命长。
针型阀针型阀是一种小口径仪表阀门,在仪表测量管道系统中起启闭和精确的流量控制作 用,主要有 电站仪表系列、油田专用系列、美标系列等。
截止阀是指关闭件(阀瓣)沿阀座中心线移动的阀门。根据阀瓣的这种移动形式,阀座 通 口的变化是与阀瓣行程成正比例关系。由于该类阀门的阀杆开启或关闭行程相对较短,而且具 有非常可靠的切断功能,又由于阀座通口的变化与阀瓣的行程成正比 例关系,非常适合于对 流量的调节。因此,这种类型的阀门非常适合作为切断或调节以及节流使用。 其选用原则是: 1、高温、高压介质的管路或装置上宜选用截止阀。如火电厂、核电站,石油化工系统的高温、 高压管路上。 2、管路上对流阻要求不严的管路上。即对压力损失考虑不大的地方。 3、小型 阀门可选用针阀、仪表 阀、取样阀、压力计阀等。 4、有流量调节或压力调节,但对调节精 度要求不高,而且管路直径又比较小,如公称通经≤50mm 的管路上,宜选用。 5、合成工业 生产中的小化肥和大化肥宜选用公称压力 PN160 公称压力 16MPa 或 PN320 公称压力 32MPa 的 高压角式截止阀或 高压角式节流阀。 6、氧化铝拜耳法生产中的脱硅车间、易结焦的管路上, 易选用阀体分开式、阀座可去处的、硬质合金密封副的直流式截止阀或直流式节流阀。 7、城 市建设中的供水、供热工程上,公称通经较小的管路,可选用截止、平衡阀或柱塞阀,如公 称 通经小于 150mm 的管路上。 最明显的优点是: 在开启和关闭过程中,由于阀瓣于阀体密封面 间的摩擦力比闸阀小,因而耐磨。 开启高度一般仅为阀座通道直径的 1/4,因此比闸阀小的 多。 通常在阀体和阀瓣上只有一个密封面,因而制造工艺性比较好,便于维修。 公称压力或 压力级:PN1.0-16.0MPa、ANSI CLASS 150-900、JIS10-20K 公称通径或口径:DN10~500、NPS 1/2 ~36" 连接方式:法兰、对焊、螺纹等适用温度:-196℃~700℃ 驱动方式:、气动、电


































二、标准:设计与制造结构长度法兰尺寸对焊连接尺寸压力温度等级试验与检验AP1 600 ANS1B16.10 ANS1B16.5a ANS1B16.25 ANS1B16.34AP1598三、压力试验:公称压力强度试验水密封试验气密封试验MPa Lbf/in2 MPa Lbf/in2 MPa Lbf/in2150 3.1 450 2.2 3150.5~0.7 60~100 300 7.8 1125 5.6 815600 15.3 2225 11.2 1630900 23.1 3350 16.8 24401500 38.4 5575 28.1 40802500 64.6 9367 47.4 6873四、主要零件材料及性能:壳体ASTM A216WCB ASTMA351 CF8闸板WCB CF8 CF8MMonel阀杆F6a F304F316Monel F304闸板密封面13Cr13CrSTL34STL316STLMonel3434STL阀座密封面13CrSTLSTL34STL316STLMonel34STLSTL壳体ASTM A351CF3 ADTM A351CF8MASTM A351 CF8闸板阀杆F304L F316 F316L闸板密封面304L 34LSTL316316STL316L316LSTL阀座密封面304L STLSTL316STLSTL316LSTLSTL五、工洲牌J41W-150Lb美标截止阀主要外形尺寸:ANS1 Class150NPS 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 L 203 216 241 292 356 406 495 622 398 787 914 978H 368 387 411 455 455 540 650 800 940 1200 1270 1300Do 200 200 250 250 300 350 450 450 500 600 600 700ANS1 Class300NPS 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16L 267 292 318 356 400 444 559 622 711 762 864H 400 440 465 565 615 715 930 1010 1230 1450 1645Do 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 500 500 600 600一、产品[波纹管截止阀]的详细资料:产品名称:波纹管截止阀产品特点:波纹管截止阀、闸阀具有双重密封装置除填料外还有不锈钢波纹管作密封元件,密封性最佳。

002-波纹管阀门 基础知识

002-波纹管阀门 基础知识

表2 不同材料和温度的压力系数kt
表3 与位移有关的温度系数kω
表4 寿命系数kf
表5 波纹管数据(基于1Cr18Ni9MoTi)
闸阀由于需要的行程较长,制造波纹 管的难度增大,使大口径波纹管闸阀的使 用受到限制。
1.阀门寿命 波纹管阀门的全开--全关--全开过程为
一个循环(一次),美国阀门和管件制造 者标准协会MSS-SP-117规定波纹管阀门 寿命如表1。
波纹管阀门结构设计和设计技巧波 Nhomakorabea管选择波纹管阀门结构设计和设计技巧
当介质是有毒的、挥发性的、放射性的或因极 其昂贵不允许被往复运动的阀杆带来外泄 漏时, 常常采用波纹管密封阀盖。这种特殊的阀盖结 构可以保护阀杆和阀门填料,避免其与 过程流 体接触,同时在波纹管密封元件上面采用标准 或环保填料函结构,可以避免万一波纹 管破裂 失效时所产生的灾难性后果。所以,平时应注 意观察阀杆填料处是否外漏,若填料参 漏,波 纹管阀就可能出问题。
在不同的工况条件下,波纹管阀门的寿命要求 也不一样,设计时应满足客户的具体要求。 表1 波纹管阀门寿命
表1 波纹管阀门寿命
2试验 波纹管阀门的试验分为型式试验和产品试验。



中英文阀门名称对照表1-01自动阀门Self-acting valve依靠介质本身的能力而自行动作的阀门1-02驱动阀门Actuanted valve借助手动、电力、液压或气压来操纵的阀门2-01闸阀Gate valve,slide valve启闭件(闸板)由阀杆带动,沿阀座密封面做升降运动的阀门2-02平行式闸阀Parallel gate valve,parallel slide valve闸板的两侧密封面相互平行的闸阀2-03楔式闸阀Wedge gate valve闸板的两侧密封面成楔状的闸阀2-04升降杆式闸阀Outside screw stem rising through handwheel type gate valve 阀杆做升降运动,其传动螺纹在体腔外部的闸阀2-05旋转杆式闸阀Inside screw nonrising stem type gate valve阀杆作旋转运动,其传动螺纹在体腔内部的闸阀2-06快速启闭闸阀Quick open-and-close gate valve阀杆既作旋转又作升降运动的闸阀2-07缩口闸阀Contraction cavity gate valve阀体内的通道直径不同,阀座密封面处的直径小于法兰连接处的直径的闸阀2-08平板闸阀Flat gate valve这种类型的闸阀有带导流孔和不带导流孔之分.带导流孔的平板闸阀能通球清管,不带导流孔的平板闸阀只能用作管路上的启闭装置3-01蝶阀Butterfly valve启闭件(蝶板)绕固定轴旋转的阀门3-02中线蝶阀Center line-type butterfly valve蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)位于阀体的中心线和蝶板的密封截面上的蝶阀3-03单偏心蝶阀Single-eccentric center butterfly vale蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)位于阀体的中心线上且与蝶板密封面形成一个尺寸偏置的蝶阀3-04双偏心蝶阀Double-eccentric center butterfly valve蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)与蝶板密封截面形成一个尺寸偏置,并与阀体中心线形成另一个尺寸偏置的蝶阀3-05三偏心蝶阀Three-eccentric center butterfly valve蝶板的回转中心(即阀门轴中心)与蝶板密封面形成一个尺寸偏置,并与阀体中心线形成另一个尺寸偏置;阀体密封面中心线与阀座中心线(即阀体中心线)形成一个角偏置的阀门4-01旋转阀Rotary valve启闭件沿阀座密封曲面轴心作相对旋转运动的阀门4-02球阀Ball valve启闭件(球体)绕垂直于通路的轴线旋转的阀门4-03浮动球阀Float ball valve球体不带有固定轴的球阀4-04固定球球阀Fixed ball valve球体带有固定轴的球阀4-05弹性球球阀Flexible ball valve球体上开有弹性糟的球阀4-06旋塞阀Cock,plug启闭件(塞子)绕其轴线旋转的阀门4-07紧定式旋塞阀Clampyte plug valve塞体内不带填料,塞子与塞体密封面的密封依靠拧紧旋塞下面的螺母来实现的旋塞阀4-08填料式旋塞阀Cland packing plug valve采用填料密封的旋塞阀4-09自闭式旋塞阀Self-sealing plug valve塞子与塞体间的密封主要依靠介质本身的压力来实现的旋塞阀4-10油封式旋塞阀Lubricated plug valve采用油脂密封的旋塞阀4-11旋柱阀Cock,plug启闭件(圆柱形塞子)绕其轴线旋转的阀门5-01挡板阀Baffler valve启闭件(挡板)在阀座密封面上到阀座密封面以外作相对运动,但又不穿过阀座密封面的阀门5-02截止阀Globe valve, stop valve启闭件(阀瓣)由阀杆带动,沿阀座(密封面)轴线作升降运动的阀门5-03上螺纹阀杆截止阀Outside screw stem stop valve阀杆螺纹在壳体外面的截止阀5-04下螺纹阀杆截止阀Inside screw stem stop valve阀杆螺纹在壳体内的截止阀5-05直通式截止阀Globe valve介质的进出口两个通道在同一方向上,呈180°的截止阀5-06角式截止阀Angle pattern globe valve介质的进出口两个通道呈90°的截止阀5-07三角截止阀Three way stop valve具有三个通道的截止阀5-08直流式截止阀Oblique type globe valve阀杆和通道成一定角度的截止阀5-09柱塞式截止阀Plunger type globe valve柱塞式截止阀是常规截止阀的变形.其阀瓣和阀座是按柱塞的原理设计的;把阀瓣设计成柱塞,阀座设计成套环,靠柱塞和套环的配合实现密封5-10针形截止阀Needle globe valve阀座孔的尺寸比公称通径小的截止阀6-01节流阀Throttle valve通过启闭件(阀瓣)改变通路截面积以调节流量.压力的阀门6-02勾形阀瓣节流阀Trench type disc throttle valve常用于深冷装置中的膨胀阀6-03窗形阀瓣节流阀Window type disc throttle valve适用于公称通径较大的节流阀6-04塞形阀瓣节流阀Plug disc throttle valve适用于中.小口径的节流阀7-01止回阀Check valve,Non-reture valve启闭件(阀瓣)靠介质作用力,自动阻止介质逆流的阀门7-02旋启式止回阀Swing check valve阀瓣绕体腔内固定轴作旋转运动的止回阀7-03单瓣旋启式止回阀Single disc swing check valve只有一个阀瓣的旋启式止回阀7-04多瓣旋启式止回阀Multi-disc swing check valve具有二个以上阀瓣的旋启式止回阀7-05升降式止回阀Lift check valve阀瓣垂直于阀座孔轴线作升降运动的止回阀7-06底阀Foot valve安装在泵吸入管端,以保证吸入管内被水充满的止回阀7-07弹簧载荷升降式止回阀Spring-loaded lift check valve该阀不仅能降低水击压力,而且流道通畅,流阻很小7-08弹簧载荷环形阀瓣升降式止回阀Spring-loaded annular disc lift check valve 该阀与通常结构的升降式止回阀相比,阀瓣行程更小,加之弹簧载荷的作用,使其关闭迅速,因此,更利于降低水击压力7-09多环形流道升降式止回阀Multi-annulus lift check valve该阀具有最小的阀瓣行程,因此其关闭更为迅速7-10蝶式止回阀Butterfly swing check valve形状与蝶瓣相似,起阀瓣绕固定轴(无摇杆)作旋转运动的止回阀7-11管道式止回阀Line check valve阀瓣沿着阀体中心线滑动的止回阀.该阀体积小,重量轻,加工工艺性好,但流阻系数比旋启式止回阀略大7-12空排止回阀No-load running check valve这是一种特殊用途的止回阀,用于锅炉给水泵的出口,以防止介质倒流及起空排作用7-13缓闭止回阀Dashpot check valve在旋启式止回阀或升降式止回阀上设置缓冲装置,形成缓闭止回阀,这种止回阀能有效地防止水击7-14隔膜式止回阀Diaphragm type check valve该阀是止回阀的一种新的结构形成,尽管它的使用受到温度和压力等的限制,但其防止水击压力比传统的旋启式止回阀小得多7-15锥形隔膜式止回阀Tapered diaphragm type check valve该阀对夹安装在管道两法兰之间,其关闭速度极为迅速7-16环形编织隔膜式止回阀Annular woven diaphragm type check valve该阀采用了褶皱的环状橡胶隔膜,关闭速度极快,但其使用范围通常受压差(△p〈1MPa)和温度(t〈70°C)的限制7-17球形止回阀Ball check valve胶球(单球与多球)在介质作用下,在球罩内沿阀体中心线方向作来回短行程滚动,以实现其开启和关闭动作8-01安全阀Safety valve一种自动阀门,它不借助任何外力,而是利用介质本身的力来排出额定数量的流体,以防止系统内压力超过预定的安全值,当压力恢复正常后,阀门再行关闭并阻止介质继续流出8-02重锤式安全阀Weighted safety valve用杠杆和重锤来平衡阀瓣压力的止回阀.这种结构只能用在固定设备上,其重锤的重量一般不应超过60kg8-03弹簧式安全阀Spring type safety valve利用压缩弹簧的力来平衡阀瓣的压力并使其密封的安全阀.这类安全阀的弹簧作用力一般不应超过20000N8-04脉冲式安全阀Pulse type safety valve该阀把主阀和辅阀设计在一起,通过辅阀的脉冲作用带动主阀动作,这种结构通常用于大口径.大排量及高压系统8-05微启式安全阀Low lift safety valve阀瓣开启高度为阀座喉径的1/40~1/20的安全阀8-06全启式安全阀Fall lift safety valve阀瓣开启高度等于或大于阀座喉径的1/4的安全阀8-07全封闭式安全阀All sealed bonnet tgpe safety valve开启排放时,介质不会向外界泄漏,而是全部通过排泄管排放掉.这种结构适用于易燃.易爆.有毒介质8-08半封闭式安全阀Half sealed bonnet type safety valve开启排放时,介质一部分通过排泄管排掉,而另一部分从阀盖与阀杆的配合处向外泄漏.这种结构适用与一般的蒸气和对环境无污染的介质8-09敞开式安全阀Exposed type safety valve开启排放时,介质直接由阀瓣上方排放,这种安全阀适用于对环境污染无要求的场合8-10直接载荷式安全阀Direct loaded safdty valve直接用机械载荷如重锤.杠杆重锤或弹簧来克服由阀瓣下介质压力所产生作用力的安全阀8-11带辅助装置的安全阀Assisted safety valve该安全阀借助一个动力辅助装置,可以在低于正常的开启压力下开启.即使辅助装置失灵,此类阀门应仍能满足标准的要求8-12带补充载荷的安全阀Supplementary loaded safety valve该安全阀在其进口处压力达到开启压力前始终保持有一增强密封的附加力.该附加力(补充载荷)可由外来的能源提供,而在安全阀达到开启压力时应可靠的释放.其大小应这样设定,即假定该附加力未释放时,安全阀仍能在进口压力不超过国家法规规定的开启压力百分数的前提下达到额定排量8-13先导式安全阀Pilot operated safety valve一种依靠导阀来驱动或控制的安全阀.该导阀本身应是符合标准要求的直接载荷式安全阀8-14杠杆式安全阀Lever and weight loaded safety valve利用杠杆将作用力传递到阀瓣上的安全阀8-15波纹管平衡式安全阀Bellows seal balance safety valve利用波纹管平衡背压的作用,以保持开启压力不变的安全阀8-16双联弹簧式安全阀Duplex safety valve将两个弹簧式安全阀并联,具有同一进口的安全阀组9-01减压阀Pressure reducing valve通过启闭件的节流,将介质压力降低,并利用介质本身能量,使阀后的压力自动满足预定要求的阀门9-02活塞式减压阀Piston reducing vakve采用活塞作传感元件,带动阀瓣运动的减压阀9-03薄膜式减压阀Diaphragm reducing valve采用薄膜作传感元件,带动阀瓣运动的减压阀9-04气包式减压阀Air bag type reducing valve依靠阀后介质进入气包内的压力来平衡阀的压力的减压阀9-05弹簧薄膜式减压阀Spring diaphragm reducing valve采用弹簧和薄膜作传感件来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀9-06波纹管式减压阀Bellows seal reducing valve采用波纹管机构来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀9-07杠杆式减压阀Lever reducing calve采用杠杆机构来带动阀瓣升降运动的减压阀9-08定值减压阀Fixed pressure reducing valve出口压力保持定值的减压阀9-09定比减压阀Proportionging pressure reducing valve出口压力与进口压力或某个参考压力保持一定比例的减压阀9-10定差减压阀Fixed differential reducing valve出口压力与进口压力或某个参考压力保持一定压力差的减压阀9-11直接作用式减压阀Direct-acting reducing valve利用出口压力变化,直接控制阀瓣运动的减压阀9-12先导式减压阀Pilot-operated reducing valve由主阀和导阀组成,出口压力变化通过放大,控制主阀动作的减压阀9-13先导式减压阀主阀Main valve在先导式减压阀中,受导阀控制对流通介质起调控作用的阀9-14先导式减压阀导阀Pilot valve在先导式减压阀中,起控制主阀动作的前置阀9-15正向作用式减压阀Direct accing reduding valve进口介质对阀瓣的作用力与阀瓣升起方向一致的减压阀9-16反向作用式减压阀Reverse acting reducing valve进口介质对阀瓣的作用力与筏瓣升起方向相反的减压阀转子泵卡斯特红酒9-17卸荷式减压阀Balanced reducing valve进口介质对阀瓣的作用力接近或达到平衡的减压阀10-01蒸汽疏水阀Steam trap自动排放凝结水并阻止蒸汽泄漏的阀门10-02机械型蒸汽疏水阀Mechanical steam trap由凝结水位变化驱动启闭件,使其完成阻汽排水动作的疏水阀10-03浮球式疏水阀Ball float steam trap利用在凝结水中浮动的空心球,带动启闭件动作的疏水阀10-04自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀Free-ball float steam trap由壳体内凝结水的液位变化导致启闭件(自由浮球)的开关动作.该阀能够排饱和水,且能连续排放凝结水10-05杠杆浮球式蒸汽疏水阀Lever-ball float steam trap由壳体内凝结水的液位变化导致启闭件(杠杆浮球)的开关动作.该阀杠杆机构的特点是可以扩大浮力,因此,可以用于超大排量的场合10-06自由半浮球式蒸汽疏水阀Free-semi-ball float steam trap采用能自由活动的半球形浮子(自由半浮球),浮子本身具有阀瓣的机能,是没有铰链.杠杆及连杠机构即能开闭阀口的结构,也是结构最简单的蒸汽疏水阀10-07敞口向下浮子式蒸汽疏水阀Inverted bucket steam trap其浮子的开口向下,由浮子内凝结水的液位变化导致启闭件的开关动作.该阀多数不把阀瓣直接固定在浮子上,而是采用杠杆机构以扩大浮力10-08敞口向上浮子式蒸汽疏水阀Open bucket force steam trap该阀又称为浮桶式蒸汽疏水阀,是利用在凝结水中的浮桶,带动启闭件动作的蒸汽疏水阀10-09热静力型蒸汽疏水阀Hot-statical force steam trap由凝结水温变化驱动启闭件,使其完成阻汽排水动作的疏水阀10-10波纹管式蒸汽疏水阀Bellows seal steam trap该阀是在蛇形管容器内,即在波纹管内封入沸点低.易挥发的液体作为感温元件.在波纹管上固定着阀瓣,随着温度变化,波纹管产生伸缩而启闭的疏水阀10-11膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀Membrane-box steam trap该阀属蒸汽压力式,由凝结水的压力与可变形元件内挥发性液体的蒸汽压力之间的不平衡来驱动启闭件的动作,该阀不会产生气堵10-12双金属片式蒸汽疏水阀Bimetal elements steam trap利用双金属片受热变形,带动启闭件动作的蒸汽疏水阀.该阀不会发生闭塞现象10-13热动力型蒸汽疏水阀Hot-motive force steam trap由凝结水动态特性的变化,驱动启闭件,使其完成阻汽排水动作的疏水阀10-14圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀Dise steam teap利用蒸汽和凝结水的不同热力性质,及其静压和动压的变化,使阀片动作的蒸汽疏水阀10-15脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀Impulse steam trap利用蒸汽在两级节流中的二次蒸发,导致蒸汽和凝结水的压力变化,而使启闭件动作的蒸汽疏水阀10-16迷宫或孔板式蒸汽疏水阀Orifice steam trap该类形式的蒸汽疏水阀是由节流孔控制凝结水的排放量,并使热凝结水变化,而减少蒸汽的流出11-01隔膜阀Diaphragm valve启闭件(隔膜)由阀杆带动,沿阀杆轴线作升降运动,并将动作机构与介质隔开的阀门11-02截止式隔膜阀Globe diaphragm valve阀体与截止阀阀体形状相似的隔膜阀11-03屋脊式隔膜阀Weir diaphragm valve阀体流道中以屋脊形结构与隔膜构成密封副的隔膜阀11-04榨板式隔膜阀Wedge diaphragm valve闸瓣与楔式闸阀的单闸板形状相似的隔膜阀12-01多用阀Multipurpose valve具有多种用途的阀门12-02截止止回阀Serew-down stop check valve一种可以起截止和止回两种作用的阀门,该阀适用于安装位置受到限制的场合12-03截止止回节流阀Serew-down stop check and throttle valve一种可起截止.止回.节流作用的三用阀.该阀大量使用在油井并注水装置上12-04截止止回安全阀Serew-down stop check and safety valve一种起截止.止回.安全作用的三用阀12-05止回球阀Check-ball valve一种可以做止回和球阀的两用阀门。





















2、PED/ATEX基本健康及安全要求和解决方案2.1纽威设计思路:——波纹管截止阀作为一种常规阀门,因其用途广泛,没有考虑每种特定工况;——此类波纹管截止阀是作为标准产品按BS1873、API602设计,并按ASME B16.3 4的温压等级规定具有足够的强度。



2.2用户注意事项2.2.1总则2.2.1.1在任何情况下,首先保障人员的安全;应根据ASME B16.34的温压等级使用此阀门;应保证所选材质能抵抗介质的腐蚀和磨损;当介质为易燃易爆时,应限制工作温度;在维修/保养过程中,应保证阀门总处在卸压、放空和排干状态;对于动力驱动阀门,在任何操作前应保证动力系统(电、气、液)断开;在维修/保养过程中,应采用适当防护,如防护服、氧气罩、手套等;在维修/保养过程中,在现场,不能吸烟,不经正确的工作许可不能使用明火;阀门必须定期检查;——螺栓/螺母连接是否紧固(体/盖、压板、法兰连接);——腐蚀/磨损危害(撞击、点蚀、厚度的减小);——弄清阀门是处于全开/全关位置。

2.2.2细节危害防范措施意外的与危险的介质接触原因:垫片或填料失效1.参见2.2.12.在失效后立即更换垫片或填料(须用正确/合适的材料)在拆卸/保养时意外地与危险介质接触1.参见2.2.12.在从管线上拆下后,打开或关闭阀门,以保证腔体的卸压;3.排出残留流体或在拆卸前采用适当的装置.因与危险介质或爆炸和火源接触而造成阀体的结构屈服1.参见2.2.12.采用防范以避免额外的力作用于阀门;3.必要时安装防范装置以绝对避免水击现象发生(例如:闸、缓冲装置);4.避免将过大的振动传到阀门;5.避免温度和/或压力的突变意外的与高温或低温零件接1.参见2.2.12.预先在阀门上安装适当的绝缘体;触 3.在可能发生灼伤的危险处装上警示牌;4.对于高/低温装置,只装配具有高温或低温加长的阀门;易燃介质的燃烧和爆炸1.参见2.2.12.在使用区域里只安装防爆电装置;3.在使用区域里维修保养时应切断所有电源;氧气介质的爆炸1.参见2.2.12.在使用区域里只安装防爆电装置;3.只采用完全脱油脱脂的阀门;4.只采用适合于氧气介质的材质(见EN1797-1)*危险介质包括:有毒的、腐蚀的、易燃的、高温或低温介质等3.用途和技术性能3.1用途波纹管密封阀门是当今世界新兴的一项全新技术.它的问世,扩大了阀门的使用范围,特别适用于易燃、易爆和有毒等危险介质管系以及对环境保护更为严格的场合;本系列阀门主要用于石油、化工、电站等行业中,切断或接通管路,从而使系统正常运行;随着核工业的发展,在放射性原料的处理中波纹管密封阀门都是首选佳品,具有深远的社会效益。















〈〉中压阀公称压力P‎N 2.5~6.4MPa的‎阀门。



(二)按介质温度‎分类〈〉高温阀t 大于450‎C的阀门。

〈〉中温阀120 C小于t 小于450‎C的阀门。

〈〉常温阀-40 C小于t 小于120‎C的阀门。

〈〉低温阀-100 C小于t 小于-40 C的阀门。

〈〉超低温阀t 小于-100 C的阀门。






中国标准标准名称对应国际标‎准GB122‎20-89 通用阀门标志 ISO52‎09GB122‎21-89 法兰连接金‎属阀门结构长度 ISO57‎52GB122‎22-89 多回转阀门‎驱动装置的‎连接 ISO52‎10/1~3GB122‎23-89 部分回转阀‎门驱动装置的‎连接 ISO52‎11/1~3GB122‎24-89 钢制阀门一般要求ANSI B16.34GB122‎25-89 通用阀门铜合金铸件‎技术条件ASTM B584GB122‎26-89 通用阀门灰铸铁件技‎术条件ISO 185,BS 1452GB122‎28-89 通用阀门碳素钢锻件‎技术条件ASTM A 105、A181GB122‎29-89 通用阀门碳素钢铸件‎技术条件ASTM A703GB122‎30-89 通用阀门奥氏体钢铸‎件技术条件‎ASTM A351GB122‎32-89 通用阀门法兰连接铁‎制闸阀ISO 5996-1982,API 595GB122‎33-89 通用阀门铁制截止阀‎与升降式止‎回阀BS 5152、5153GB122‎34-89 通用阀门法兰和对焊‎焊连接铜制‎闸阀API 600GB122‎37-89 通用阀门法兰和对焊‎连接钢制球‎阀ISO 7121,API 607GB122‎38-89 通用阀门法兰和对夹‎连接蝶阀BS 5155GB122‎39-89 通用阀门隔膜阀BS 5156,NFE 29GB122‎40-89 通用阀门铁制旋塞阀‎API 593GB122‎41-89 安全阀一般要求ISO 4126GB122‎42-89 安全阀性能试验方‎法ANSI/ASME PTC 25.3GB122‎43-89 弹簧直接载‎荷式安全阀‎ JIS B8210‎GB122‎44-89 减压阀一般要求 JIS B8372‎、B8410‎GB122‎45-89 减压阀性能试验方‎法 JIS B8372‎、B8410‎GB122‎46-89 先导式减压‎阀 JIS B8372‎,DSS40‎5GB122‎47-89 蒸汽疏水阀‎分类ISO 6704GB122‎48-89 蒸汽疏水阀‎术语ISO 6552GB122‎49-89 蒸汽疏水阀‎标志ISO 6553GB122‎50-89 蒸汽疏水阀‎结构长度ISO 6554GB122‎51-89 蒸汽疏水阀‎试验方法ISO 6948、7841、7842GB/T1392‎7-92 通用阀门压力试验ISO 5208JB/T5296‎-91 通用阀门流量系数和‎流阻系数的‎试验方法 JIS B2005‎JB/T6899‎-93 阀门的耐火‎试验 ISO 10497‎JB/T7927‎-95 阀门铸钢件‎外观质量要‎求MSS SP55ZBJ16‎006-90 阀门的试验‎与检验API 598编号名词术语相当的英语‎说明1-01 阀门 Valve‎用来控制管‎道内介质流‎动的具有可‎动机构的机‎械产品的总‎称。






1. ABC阀门ABC阀门是国际知名的阀门创造商,其产品广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、冶金等行业。


2. XYZ阀门XYZ阀门是一家专业生产进口阀门的企业,其产品具有先进的技术和卓越的性能。


3. DEF阀门DEF阀门是一家历史悠久的阀门创造商,拥有丰富的经验和专业的技术团队。


4. GHI阀门GHI阀门是一家全球率先的阀门供应商,产品涵盖了各个领域的阀门需求。


5. JKL阀门JKL阀门是一家专业从事进口阀门生产和销售的企业,产品质量优良,价格合理。


6. MNO阀门MNO阀门是一家以创新驱动的阀门创造商,拥有先进的生产工艺和设备。


7. PQR阀门PQR阀门是一家专业生产进口阀门的企业,产品广泛应用于石油化工、电力、冶金等行业。


8. STU阀门STU阀门是一家技术率先的阀门创造商,其产品具有高度的自主创新能力和市场竞争力。


9. VWX阀门VWX阀门是一家专业从事进口阀门生产和销售的企业,产品涵盖了各个行业的阀门需求。


MSS SP-117-2006截止阀和闸阀的波纹管密封件

MSS SP-117-2006截止阀和闸阀的波纹管密封件

--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 114 and the MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufac- ture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex B.)In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the understanding of the message of the standard, and are considered part of the text unless noted as "supplemental". All appendi-ces appearing in this document are construed as "supplemental". Supplemental" information does not include mandatory requirements.Substantive changes in this 2006 edition are “flagged” by parallel bars as shown on the marginsof this paragraph. The specific detail of the change may be determined by comparing thematerial flagged with that in the previous edition.Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read `extracted from MSS SP-117, 2006 with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society. ' Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Inc.Originally Approved April, 1996Copyright ©, 1996 byManufacturers Standardization Societyof theValve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE1 SCOPE (1)2 MARKING (1)3 DESIGN (1)4 INSPECTION AND TEST (3)INFORMATION (4)5 SHIPPING6 ORDERINGINFORMATION (4)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---FIGURE 1 ─ Typical Bellows Stem Seal Arrangement (5)ANNEX A ─ Definitions (6)ANNEX B ─ Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates (7)Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves2. MARKING2.1 Valves utilizing bellows seals shall have a corrosion-resistant metal identification plate securely attached, giving the following information: a) Bellows seal per MSS SP-117b) Bellows Material: (insert actual bellows material) Note: If the parent valve elevated pressure-tempera-ture rating is to be derated or service temperature limited due to bellows design limitations, any bellows rated limitations to the parent valve pressure-tempera-ture rating shall be marked as required by the parent valve specification. 3. DESIGN 3.1 General3.1.1 The purpose of the bellows seal is to provide a metal barrier between the stem at its point of entry through the pressure boundary and the process fluid within the valve to eliminate stem leakage. The bellows seal is not intended to be a structural member of the valve nor is it considered to be the ultimate pressure containing mechanism of the valve. Thus, the bellows seal is to be designed in conjunction with and not as a substitute for the conventional pressure boundary components normally required. See Figure 1 for an example of a typical valve assembly with bellows seal.3.1.2 Because a conventional pressure boundary mechanism is available to act as the ultimate pressure containing mechanism, latitude is permitted in the design of bellows seals so long as they satisfy the performance and all other requirements of this Standard Practice.3.1.3 Except as specifically noted herein, the rules governing the design of all other valve components found in the parent valve specifications apply.1. SCOPE (1)1.1 This Standard Practice covers requirements for design, materials, fabrication, installation, qualification, examination, testing, and shipment of metal bellows and/or bellows assemblies to be installed in manual and automated on-off globe and gate valves.1.2 This Standard Practice is applicable to metal bellows used in conjunction with steel globe and gate valves which otherwise satisfy the requirements of standards such as API600/ISO10434, API602/ISO 15761, ASME B16.34 and API603. Such standards are referred to herein as the “parent” valve specifications.1.3 This Standard Practice does not apply to non-metallic bellows or bellows made of low melting point materials such as brass, phosphor-bronze, or similar materials.1.4 Except where specifically noted in the text of this Standard Practice, the requirements here are not intended to supersede or replace those requirements of the parent valve standard. This standard specifies additional requirements for those valves utilizing bellows seals.1.5 It is the responsibility of the bellows valve manufacturer to ensure compliance with this Standard Practice.(1)This Standard Practice is not intended for valves developed for and predominantly used in instrument piping systems.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---3.2Pressure-Temperature Ratings3.2.1 The Pressure-Temperature ratings of ASME B16.34 or other parent specification for the pressure class and body material of the valve apply as well to the bellows seal. The bellows shall with-stand the parent valve class full 1000F rating. The valve manufacturer may choose to derate the bellows seal to some lower pressure rating at elevated temperatures than the pressure-temperature rating of the parent valve. The manufacturer may also apply an elevated temperature limitation due to the bellows limitations. The valve manufacturer shall provide published rating to end user when a derated pressure-temperature rating applies.3.3 Materials3.3.1 Bellows seal material shall be selected so that the maximum temperature is below the creep range.3.3.2 Acceptable bellows materials are:a) Stainless Steel, Types 321, 316L-ASTM A 240/ A 312b) Stainless Steel, Types 304 and 304L-ASTMA 240 / A 312c) Stainless Steel, Type 347-ASTM A 240 /A 312d) Alloy 600-ASTM B 168/B 167e) Alloy 625-ASTM B 443f) Alloy 718-ASTM B 670g) Alloy 400-ASTM B 127/B 165h) Alloy C22-ASTM B 575/B 622i) Alloy C276-ASTM B 575/B 622Other materials may be used with the concurrence of the purchaser.3.3.3 Acceptable materials for the bellows end fittings, including rings, caps or flanges if utilized are:a) Stainless Steel, Types 321, 316L-ASTM A 276/ A 479b) Stainless Steel, Types 304 and 304L-ASTMA 276 / A 479c) Stainless Steel, Type 347-ASTM A 276 /A 479d) Alloy 600-ASTM B 564e) Alloy 625-ASTM B 446f) Alloy 718-ASTM B 637g) Alloy 400-ASTM B 164/B 564h) Alloy C22-ASTM B 574i) Alloy C276-ASTM B 574Other materials may be used with the concurrence of the purchaser.3.3.4 The bellows, bellows end fittings and final attachment point such as the stem shall be weld com-patible and have no negative effect on the bellow’s corrosion resistance.3.3.5 The bellows material shall be free of weld repair.3.4 Bellows Fabrication3.4.1 The bellows may be constructed by forming individual convolutions from butt welded tube or drawn tube or by welding a series of formed disks together at both the outside diameter and the inside diameter of the individual disks. Forming may be accomplished either mechanically of hydraulically or any other suitable manufacturing method. The bellows type shall be in accordance with the parent valve specification.3.4.2 Precautions must be taken in the fabrication of multi-ply bellows to prevent moisture or other cont-amination between the plies.3.4.3 Bellows may be welded together in series to accommodate the stroke requirements of the valve. Mechanical connections between bellows are not permitted.3.4.4 Appropriate design features must be included to prevent squirm (buckling) of the bellows and to prevent localized contact between the bellows convolutions, valve body and stem which could lead to accelerated wear and premature failure.3.4.5 Material certification of conformance for the bellows and end fittings is required to be furnished by the bellows manufacturer for each shipment if requested by the customer. Material certification should also be required for the end fittings of the bellows when furnished by the manufacturer.3.5 Stem/Disk or Moving Connection3.5.1 The bellows, or a ring welded to the end of the bellows at the moving end, shall be attached to the disk/stem of moving componenet be welding. A mecha-nical connection between the stem/disk or moving component and the bellows is not permitted.3.5.2 The bellows shall not be subjected to torsional loads associated with operating the valve.3.6 Fixed Connection3.6.1 The bellow’s fixed end shall be welded to the body, the bonnet or to a flange clamped or welded between the body and the bonnet. A mechanical connection to the bellows is not permitted. If welded to the valve body, this weld must be cut in order to perform maintenance of the valve seat.3.7 Bellows Compression-Extension3.7.1 Appropriate means shall be included in the valve design by the valve manufacturer to prevent compression or extension of the bellows beyond that qualified by the cycle life test.3.8 Bellows Cycle Life3.8.1 A cycle is defined as fully open to fully closed to fully open. The bellows design shall be qualification tested in accordance with the following table unless otherwise agreed to by the valve manufacturer and end user:Valve Size Minimum Cycle LifeUp to and includingClass 800 valves Gate Globe < 2” 2,000 5,0002-1/2” – 4” 2,000 5,000>4” 1,000 2,000 Above Class 800 valves< 2” 2,000 2,0002-1/2” – 4” 1,000 2,000>4” 1,000 1,0003.8.2 The suitability of the bellows assembly designshall be demonstrated by means of prototype testsupon representative samples per Bellows Welding3.9.1 All welding of the bellows and bellowsattachment welds must be performed by qualified operators using qualified procedures. All welding qualifications shall be per ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Code -Section IX.3.9.2 Bellows welds and bellows attachment welds, ifnot attached directly to the valve body or bonnet, areexcluded from heat treat requirements of the parentspecifications.4. INSPECTION AND TEST4.1 Bellows Design and Qualification Testing4.1.1 The bellows assembly shall be cycle lifetested either by cycling in an assembled valve withoutpacking, or in a test rig which replicates the actualinstallation including the clearance, stroke, loading,pressure and wear couples of the parent valve. Whenrequired by the parent valve specification, an optionalhigh temperature test shall be performed as designatedin API602/ISO15761.4.1.2 Any variation that constitutes a change inbasic design parameters that affect cycle life of thebellows will require requalification by cycle testing(e.g. change in bellow supplier, material specification,number of plies, wall thickness or diameter).A change in overall length or number of convolutionsmay not require requalification provided that thepercentage of bellows movement in both compressionand extension is the same or less than that of originallyqualified bellows where:M c = (L1 – L c) x 100 / L1M e = (L e – L1) x 100 / L1Where:M c is the percent of movement incompressionL1 is the live lengthL c is the compressed lengthM e is the percent of movement in extensionL e is the extended length--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---5. SHIPPING INFORMATION 5.1 Protection/Marking5.1.1 Each bellows assembly must be cleaned and packaged to prevent internal moisture or contaimination.5.1.2 Each bellows assembly shall be individually packaged to prevent damage in handling or in transit. 5.1.3 Each bellows assembly, if practical, shall be marked to insure proper identification of the material. If it is impractical to mark each assembly, each package must be so marked.6. ORDERING INFORMATION6.1 If the valve manufacturer needs a bellows seal that deviates from this Standard Practice, it is the valve manufacturer's responsibility to clearly define such deviation and to furnish information to permit the bellows manufacturer to complete the order. 6.2 If no exceptions are to be taken to this Stan-dard Practice, the purchase order need only make reference to MSS SP-117 and specify the following items:a) Valve sizeb) Pressure class or pressure temperature rating c) Materials and traceability d) Required travel or strokee) Valve type – Globe or Gate f) Packaging requirements g) Bellows fabrication method h) Inspection by valve manufacturer4.1.3 After welding bellows to fittings and prior to qualification testing, each bellows assembly shall be Helium leak tested and exhibit no detectable leakage using an instrument with sensitivity of 10-6 cc/sec He. 4.1.4 Prior to cycle testing each bellows assembly shall be hydrostatic pressure tested at 1.5 times the 1000 F valve design pressure. Each bellows assembly shall be fixed at the length where the valve is in the open position as required at normal valve shell test. The pressure shall be applied on the same side as the valve is designed to operate in service. Water used for testing of stainless stell bellows assemblies shall contain less than 100 ppm chlorides.4.1.5 The frequency of cycling shall take into consideration excessive heat which may be generated by abnormally fast cycling. In no case shall the frequency of cycling exceed one cycle per second. 4.1.6 Cycling shall be carried out at ambient temperature and at the 1000F rated pressure of the bellows. The pressure shall be applied in a manner to simulate normal valve shell tests.4.1.7 A minimum of three bellows of each basic design and material selected at random from those produced using the standard production manufacturing processes shall by cycled to achieve the appropriate minimum cycle life requirement of Section 3.8. 4.1.8 After cycling the bellows per Section 3.8.1 each bellows shall be leak tested and exhibit no detectable leakage. Leak testing can be air under water at a minimum of 80 psig or by an instrument with sensitivity of 10-6 cc/sec He as permitted by the parent valve specification.4.1.9 Cycle life testing data shall be documented and available.4.2 Production Testing4.2.1 Every bellows assembly shall be leak tested by a suitable method equivalent to Helium leak testing with an instrument with sensitivity of 10-6 cc/sec He.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---FIGURE 1 - Typical Bellows Stem Seal ArrangementNote: This figure is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to imply design requirements.ANNEX A DefinitionsThis Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience. Other definitions may be found in MSS SP-96.Assemblies A combination of two or more components, one of which is the bellows andthe other a fitting and/or a stem.Bellows, hydraulically Bellows made by applying hydraulic pressure internally to a tube, generally formed forming all convolutions simultaneously and collapsed between a series ofdies.Bellows, mechanicallyBellows corrugated individually and consecutively on a tube by rotating tools formed and/or rubber dies.Bellows, welded A bellows made by joining alternately the outer and inner edges of a seriesof flexible disks by welding.Convolution A single corrugation formed on the tube. One or more convolutions form abellows.Cycle life The estimated life of a bellows in terms of the number of movements it iscapable of providing at a specific pressure differential, temperature and axial stroke.Live length The pitch times the number of active convolutions. Also the active length.Overall length The total length of the bellows, including end fittings.Stroke Compression from free length plus extension from free length.Squirm Severe buckling or similar distortion of a bellows, produced by too muchpressure inside a relatively long bellows.Wall thickness The wall- thickness of the original tube from which the bellows is formed. Itis the total wall thickness for multi-ply bellows.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANNEX BReferenced Standards and Applicable DatesThis Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.ASMEB16.34 2004 Valves – Flanged, Threaded, and Welding EndASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeSection IX 2004 Welding and Brazing QualificationsAPIAPI600/ISO10434 2001 Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas IndustriesAPI602/ISO15761 2005 Steel Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 and Smaller for thePetroleum and Natural Gas IndustriesAPI 603 2001 Corrosion Resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate Valves-Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends ASTM Standard Specification for:A 240/A 240M 2005 Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for PressureVessels and for General ApplicationsA 276 2005 Stainless Steel Bars and ShapesA 312/A 312M 2005 Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel PipesA 479/A 479M 2005 Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure VesselsB 127 2005 Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet and StripB 164 2003 Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and WireB 165 2005 Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and Tube--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---B 167 2005a Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, NO6601, NO6603, NO6690, NO6693,N06025, and N06045) and Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy(UNS N06617) Seamless Pipe and TubeB 168 2005 Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693,N06025, and N06045) and Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNSN06617) Plate, Sheet, and StripB 443 2000 (R 2005) Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625) and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Silicon Alloy (UNS N06219) Plate, Sheet, and StripB 446 2003 Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625), Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Silicon Alloy (UNS N06219), and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06650) Rod and BarMSS STANDARD PRACTICESP-1178ANNEX BReferenced Standards and Applicable Dates (Continued)B 564 2004 Nickel Alloy ForgingsB 5742005Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Tantalum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper, and Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybde- num-Tungsten Alloy RodB 5752004Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium- Molybdenum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tantalum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybde num-Tungsten Alloy Plate, Sheet, and StripB 622 2004a Seamless Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe and TubeB 637 2003Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High- Temperature ServiceB 6702002Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy (UNS N07718) Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High- Temperature ServiceMSSSP-96-2001 Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and FittingsPublications of the following organizations appear on the above list: API American Petroleum Institute1220 L St. NW Washington, DC 20005ASME ASME InternationalThree Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5990ASTM ASTM International100 Barr Harbor DrWest Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959ISO International Organization for Standardization1, Rue de Varembe’ Case Postale 56CH-1211 Geneva 20 SwitzerlandMSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.127 Park Street, NE Vienna, VA 22180-4602Copyright MSSProvided by IHS under license with MSS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---List of MSS Standard Practices(Price List Available Upon Request)NumberSP-6-2001 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and FittingsSP-9-2001 (R 05) Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel FlangesSP-25-1998 Standard Marking System For Valves, Fittings, Flanges and UnionsSP-42-2004 Class 150 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Glove, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld EndsSP-43-1991 (R 01) Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-Welding FittingsSP-44-1996 (R 01) Steel Pipeline FlangesSP-45-2003 Bypass and Drain ConnectionsSP-51-2003 Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and Cast Flanged FittingsSP-53-1999 (R 02) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Magnetic ParticleExaminationMethodSP-54-1999 (R 02) Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Radiographic Examination Method SP-55-2001 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation ofIrregularitiesSurfaceSP-58-2002 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and ManufactureSP-60-2004 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping ValvesSP-61-2003 Pressure Testing of Steel ValvesSP-65-2004 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens GasketsValvesSP-67-2002a ButterflySP-68-1997 (R 04) High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset DesignSP-69-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application (ANSI/MSS Edition)SP-70-2006 Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-71-1997 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-72-1999 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-welding Ends for General ServiceSP-73-2003 Brazing Joints for Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure FittingsSP-75-2004 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding FittingsSP-77-1995 (R 00) Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual RelationshipsSP-78-1998 Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-79-2004 Socket-Welding Reducer InsertsSP-80-2003 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check ValvesSP-81-2001 Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged, Knife Gate ValvesSP-83-2006 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and ThreadedSP-85-2002 Gray Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-86-2002 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and ActuatorsSP-88-1993 (R 01) Diaphragm ValvesSP-89-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation PracticesSP-90-2000 Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and SupportsSP-91-1992 (R 96) Guidelines for Manual Operation of ValvesSP-92-1999 MSS Valve User GuideSP-93-1999 (R 04) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Liquid PenetrantMethodExaminationSP-94-1999 (R 04) Quality Std for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - UltrasonicMethodExaminationSP-95-2000 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull PlugsSP-96-2001 (R 05) Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and FittingsSP-97-2001 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings - Socket Welding,Threaded and Buttwelding EndsSP-98-2001 Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and FittingsSP-99-1994 (R 05) Instrument ValvesSP-100-2002 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm Type ValvesSP-101-1989 (R 01) Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance CharacteristicsSP-102-1989 (R 01) Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance CharacteristicsSP-104-2003 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure FittingsSP-105-1996 (R 05) Instrument Valves for Code ApplicationsSP-106-2003 Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300SP-108-2002 Resilient-Seated Cast-Iron Eccentric Plug ValvesSP-109-1997 (R 06) Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure FittingsSP-110-1996 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared EndsSP-111-2001 Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping SleevesSP-112-1999 (R 04) Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes -Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be sold with a 10-surface, three dimensional Cast Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the Standard.Additional Comparators may be sold separately at $77.00 each. Same quantity discounts apply on total order.SP-113-2001 Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping ValvesSP-114-2001 Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding, Class 150 and 1000SP-115-1999 Excess Flow Valves 1 1/4 NPS and Smaller, for Fuel Gas ServiceSP-116-2003 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water SystemsSP-117-2006 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate ValvesSP-118-2002 Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves - Flanged, Flangeless,Threaded & Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service)SP-119-2003 Factory Made Belled End Socket Welding FittingsSP-120-2002 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements)SP-121-1997 (R 02) Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel ValvesSP-122-2005 Plastic Industrial Ball ValvesSP-123-1998 (R 06) Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use With Copper Water TubeSP-124-2001 Fabricated Tapping SleevesSP-125-2000 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-Guided Check ValvesSP-126-2000 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check ValvesSP-127-2001 Bracing for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, ApplicationSP-129-2003 Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and UnionsSP-130-2003 Bellows Seals for Instrument ValvesSP-131-2004 Metallic Manually Operated Gas Distribution ValvesSP-132-2004 Compression Packing Systems for Instrument ValvesSP-133-2005 Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel Gas AppliancesSP-135-2006 High Pressure Steel Knife Gate Valves(R-YEAR) Indicates year standard reaffirmed without substantive changesA large number of former MSS Practices have been approved by the ANSI or ANSI Standards, published by others. In order to maintain a single sourceof authoritative information, the MSS withdraws its Standard Practices in such cases.Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.127 Park Street, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180-4620 (703) • 281-6613 Fax # (703) 281-6671MSS-IHS 117-2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Copyright MSSProvided by IHS under license with MSS。













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波纹管截止阀(Bellows valves)是指用波纹管作为阀杆密封元件的阀门,适用于蒸汽、易燃、易爆、导热油、高纯度、有毒等介质的管路上。




