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(总分: 120 分,时间: 120 分钟)

卷一( 75 分)

听力部分( 20 分)

一、听句子,选择恰当的答语,每题读两遍(每小题 1 分,计 10 分)

1. A . She is at home B . She is twelve C. she is fine

2. A . It ’s a hospital B . It’s next to the post office C. It’s one the street.

3. A . I’d like a pizza,please B. Yes,do please C.What ’s it

4. A . It ’s five yuan B . It ’s large C.It ’s very delicious

5. A . Yes, you can B . Who are you?C. Yes speaking

6. A . It ’s interesting B. He ’s in the library C. A doctor.

7.A .Shelikes doing housework B.She is a teacher C.She likes teaching.

8. A . He is very tall B. He is a student C.He is from America

9. A . Yes I was B . Yes I did C. Yes I am

10.A .I’m sorry to hear that. B .Thank you very much C.You’re welcome.

二、听对话,选择所听问题的正确答案,每段念两遍(每小题1分,计 5分)

11.A . He is short with curly hair B. He is tall with curly hair C. He is tall

without hair

12. A . A cup of milk B . A cup of coffee C. A cup of tea

13. A . Soccer B. Tennis C. Basetball

14. A.Under the desk B. Near the door C. Behind the door.

15. A . Japanese B. Chinese C. English


分,计 5 分)

16. What is Mr King?

A . A Chinese worker

B . An English teacher C. A Chinese


17. Where is he from?

A . Australia

B . Austria C. America

18. How many children does he have?

A . Only one B. Two C. Three

19. Where do his children go the school?

A.In Japan B . In the USA C. In China

20. What do they often do after school?

A . Shopping and fishing B. Swimming and walking C. Swimming and


笔试部分( 55 分)

四、选择填空(共30 小题,每小题0.5 分,计 15 分)

A .词语释义

21. I’m free today.

A . busy

B . not busy C. no busy D . busier 22. Did Jimmy have

eggs for lunch?

A .get B. has C. had D .eat

23. I have no idea.

A . doesn’tknow B. not know C. don’tknow D . know

24. Have fun in the park

A . Enjoy oneself

B .Enjoy yourself C.Have a time D.Enjoy you 25.He does nothing on Sunday.

A.Doesn’tdo anything B .doesn’tanything C. does do nothing D .does do



26. The book store is far away from here. You ’d better____________.

A.by bus B. on a bus C. take a bus D . in a bus 27. -Would you please go out for a walk with me?

-_______, but I ’m too busy now.

A .That’s right . B.I ’d love to C. Of course not D .That’s all


28. -I ’m hungry ,Mom.--__________

A . What about a pizza?

B . I’m hungry ,too C. It ’s time for lunch D . What

about you?

29. _________interesting dolphin it is!

A . How an

B . How a C. What an D. What a

30.Thank you for_________me the good news

A .tell

B . to tell

C . telling

D . told

31. Chinese people’s favorite food is ________

A .rice

B . hamberger C. hot dog D . lemonnada 32. --________do you want to be an actor?--It ’s very interesting.

A .What

B .When C. How D .Why

33. --Would you like some drink? --_______.

A .Here you are B. Yes, just a little C.Please give me some

D.Yes’I like

34. If you are hungry ,you can buy_______in a supermarket.

A .Water B. house C. drink D . food 35. Is there a pay phone________the neighborhood?

A .in

B . on C. to D . off

36. I________know where the post office is.

A .not B. don’t C.doesn’t D .am not

37. Why_______he like koala bears?

A .is

B . are C. do D . does

38. ________late for school again.

A .Not B. Not be C.Don ’tbe D . Aren’t

39. --___________pizza would you like?--A small one ,please

A .What kind of

B . What size C.How many D . How much 40. --________you ’ re youruncle do? –He is an engineer.

A .What B. Where C. How D . Why

41. There__________some iced tea in the cup

A .are

B . is C. have D . has
