装运(教学 外贸函电)

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 在某地转船用: 在某地转船用: • with transshipment at_______ • Eg. 2010年5月在哥本哈根转船 年 月在哥本哈根转船 In May 2010 with transshipment at Copenhagen. 不允许分批装运及转船: 不允许分批装运及转船: Partial shipments and transshipment not allowed/permitted Partial shipments and transshipment prohibited
1. 催促 提前发货函 催促/提前发货函
• 1)提及该货:XX号订单的订货、XX号合 )提及该货: 号订单的订货 号订单的订货、 号合 同下的货物、商品名称、数量等。 同下的货物、商品名称、数量等。 • 2)告知催促 提前发货理由:因交货期临近 提前发货理由: )告知催促/提前发货理由 而卖方还没发货,发函催促, 而卖方还没发货,发函催促,希望对方在 合同规定的装运期内履行交货义务, 合同规定的装运期内履行交货义务,并强 调准时发货的重要性;因急需货物, 调准时发货的重要性;因急需货物,买方 发函请求卖方提前发货。 发函请求卖方提前发货。 • 3)感谢合作。 )感谢合作。
port of shipment & port of destination
• Loading port & Destination: From Chinese port to New York, USA
partial shipments & transshipment
• Clean, shipped on board B/L清洁已装船 清洁已装船 提单 • Order B/L 指示提单 • Straight B/L 记名提单 • Direct B/L 直达提单 • Transshipment B/L 转船提单 • Through B/L 联运提单
Shipping documents
• 装运单据(Shipping documents):在对外贸易 装运单据( ):在对外贸易 ): 业务中,出口商装运货物后向银行议付货款时, 业务中,出口商装运货物后向银行议付货款时, 通常应出具装运单据。在向买方发出装船通知时 通常应出具装运单据。 也常将这些单据的副本寄给买方, 也常将这些单据的副本寄给买方,以便对方做提 货准备。严格意义来说, 货准备。严格意义来说,出口汇票所附的海运提 ),保险单 单(B/L),保险单(insurance policy),及商 ),保险单( ) 及商 业发票( 业发票(commercial invoice)总称为装运单据。 )总称为装运单据。 其他单证,如原产地证明书,检验证明书,仓单 其他单证,如原产地证明书,检验证明书, 等虽然也随汇票发出,却不是必备条件. 等虽然也随汇票发出,却不是必备条件
• • • • • • • • • Shipping Instruction/ Advice装运须知 通知 装运须知/通知 装运须知 Shipping Space 舱位 Shipping/Forwarding Agent 船方代理 FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货 LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼装货 Bulk cargo 散装货 Freight to Collect 运费待付 Freight Prepaid 运费已付 Shipping Mark 唛头
2. so far 迄今为止 e.g. The time of shipment is approaching ,but so far we haven’t received your L/C, please open it immediately so as to enable us to dispatch the goods as contracted. 装运期就快到了, 装运期就快到了,但是迄今为止我们没有收到信 用证, 用证,请立即开证以便我们按照合同规定发送货 物。
• Dear sirs, • Contract No.632 • Referring to our previous letters and cables, we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment under the captioned contact. • As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of timely delivery. Under the circumstances, we are obliged to remind you of this matter once again. • As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned, we hope you will let us have your shipping advice by fax without fail. • Yours faithfully,
Dear Mr. Nixson , Order No.2170for 1000 M/T Tin Foil Sheets Referring to our letters in respect to Order No.2170 for 1000 metric tons of Tin Foil Sheets, so far we have no definite information from you about delivery time, although these goods are contracted for shipment before the end of last month, and our relative L/c was opened with the Bank of China as early as in March, 2008. Needless to say, we have been inconvenienced by the delay. It’s therefore imperative that you notify us immediately of the earliest possible date of shipment for our consideration. Please look up the matter and give us your definite reply without further delay. Yours faithfully,
wLeabharlann Baiduw.themegallery.com
Shipping documents may includes
Ocean Bill of Lading海运提单 海运提单 Commercial Invoice商业发票 商业发票 Insurance Policy保险单 保险单 Certificate of Origin原产地证书 原产地证书 Certificate of Inspection检验证书 检验证书 (Certificate of Quality; Certificate of Quantity) • Packing List装箱单 装箱单 • Weight Memo重量单;磅码单 重量单; 重量单 • • • • •
• 允许分批装运及转船(partial shipments and 允许分批装运及转船( transshipment allowed) • 需要具体说明分几批;从何时开始;是否每批等量装 需要具体说明分几批;从何时开始; 按月分批还是按季度或星期。句型如下: 运;按月分批还是按季度或星期。句型如下:
• China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company 中国远洋运输(集团)公司简称 中国远洋运输(集团) 中远或COSCO(是中国大陆最大的航运企 中远或 ( 全球最大的海洋运输公司之一, 业,全球最大的海洋运输公司之一,中华 人民共和国53家由中央直管的特大型国企 人民共和国 家由中央直管的特大型国企 之一。 之一。 ) • China Shipping Development Co. Ltd 中海发展股份有限公司( 中海发展股份有限公司(是国内最大的沿 海原油和煤炭运输商。 海原油和煤炭运输商。 ) COSCO Shipping Co. Ltd.中远航运股份有 中远航运股份有 限公司
• • • • • • •
Carrier 承运人 shipping company Consignor 发货人 Consignee 收货人 Container containership 集装箱船 Chartering Ships 租船 Booking shipping space 订舱 Freight Charge 运费 ETA (estimated time of arrival) 估计到达 时间
time of shipment
Expressions like this: • 1) for shipment in October, 2010. shipment on or before November 5, 2010 2) shipment within 30 days after receipt of the L/C.
Terms of shipment
time of shipment
port of shipment & port of destination notice of assigning vessel & shipping advice partial shipments & transshipment
1. in respect to /of 关于 e.g. In respect to the time of shipment, we want the goods to be delivered in July 关于装船时间,我们希望7月份交货 月份交货。 关于装船时间,我们希望 月份交货。 ◆“关于 的词组: 关于” ◆“关于”的词组:about ,regarding, concerning ,as to ,as regards, with regard to ,in regard to, respecting, relative to , in connection to , referring to ,with reference to ,in reference to;
3. contract vt contract for 签约规定 ① You contract for a top quality product, but you did not deliver what was promised. 你方签约规定为优质品, 你方签约规定为优质品,而所交的货物却不是优质 品。 n 合同 ② Under contract the seller should dispatch the goods before the end of this month, otherwise we’ll cancel the contract. 按合同规定卖方须在本月前发货, 按合同规定卖方须在本月前发货,否则我们将取 消这次合同。 消这次合同。
• In____ equal monthly installments beginning from ____ • weekly lots • quarterly • Eg. 从5月开始分 批按月等量装运。 月开始分3批按月等量装运 月开始分 批按月等量装运。
In three equal monthly installments beginning from May.