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Unit1 第1课时参考教案



Unit1 Big or Small



1. Greetings.

2. 引入新知.

T:(Smile and look happy)I’m your new friend. I’m happy, I’m big, and you’re small. (二)任务呈现

1. Song.

(1) Sing the song.

T: (Point to the pictures on Sb p.11) Look at our friends Boomer, is he happy? How about bonnie? Let’s listen to a song first.


Sing after the teacher/ tape.

Sing the song together/ in groups/ …

(2) Learn from the song.

T: Can you tell me “Are you happy?”? Ss: Yes, I am.(No, I’m not.)

T: OK! Let’s ask your partner.

分别出示卡片sad、tall等,引导学生用“Are you …?” 去问,并学习新单词. (三)课文学习

1. Game to consolidate: Show some pictures of new words. Ss try to say out quickly.

2. Finish Practice1

3. Finish Practice2 (on Sb p.10).


(1) Lead in: Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny play outside. Look, are they happy?

(2) Look at the picture (on Sb p.9), and listen to the tape twice.

(3) Try to read the target.解释复数人称与are的搭配.

(4) Read in three big groups to read Target.

(5) Read in groups of three.


1. Model dialogue(根据动词提示):

(走到一位学生面前)T: Hello! S1: Hi! 或Hello!

T: I’m Miss Luo. Look at me. (做冷的动作) S1: Are you …?

Ss: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

T: (拉着一位学生,做开心动作) S1: Are they …?

Ss: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

2. Group work.

3. Ask some groups to act out.

4. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If there’s time, read it.


Unit1 第2课时参考教案



Unit1 Big or Small



1. Greetings.

2. Sing the song on P11.

3. Daily talk. (T—S1/S2/Ss…)

Are you (happy)?

4. Review the words: happy, sad, tall, short, hot, cold, big, small


1. Lead in.

T: Look! Tony, Jenny and Gogo are in the park. They’re very happy. Let’s watch the video and listen the story carefully.


1. Watch the story twice.

2. Show pictures one by one. Ss try to guess/ remember their words. Then read out. If they don’t know the words, listen to the computer. Then repeat.

3. Read the story. And fill the blank on ppt.

I ___ big. You ___ big. Jenny ___ small. She ___ small.

They ___ big. We ___ big. He ___ sad. He __ happy.

4. 学习语法歌谣:

I am, you are

He’s, she’s, it is,



1. Practice1.

(1) Listen and number.

(2) Check the answer. (Ss should say out the sentences.)

2. Activity 2.

(1) Look and say

(2) Ss say out the sentences

(3) Match and say the sentences to the partner.


1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If there’s time, read it.


Unit1 第3课时参考教案



Unit1 Big or Small



1. Daily talk:

Are you (happy)? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

2. Sing the song “I’m happy!”.
