
(武宜笑)Aside: The Monkey King succeeds in escaping from the Bull King, and he reaches the Spiders‟ Cave with the Grapes [greips] . Unfortunately, the Monkey King and his friends meet the Queen of Spider. The Monkey have heard that if the blade slashed fast and accurately, the guy who‟s cut open won‟t die at once. He can still see. So he asks the Queen of the Spider to kill him as fast as she could and to tear his heart out and let him have a look. After the Monkey King‟s death, he appears in the Hole of Waterfall
紫:I‟ll kill you if you come closer! 至:You should kill me! Kill me! I‟d found my best love, but I didn‟t treasure her. I left regretful after that. It‟s the ultimate pain in the world. Just cut my throat, please don‟t hesitate! If God can give me a chance, I will tell her there words. “I love you”. If God wants to give a time limit, I‟ll say this love will last 10 thousand years! (紫长叹,抛剑,拾剑,抱剑)

Three Times’ Beating Monster剧本作者:黄斯倩(重庆邮电大学)导演:黄斯倩演员:黄斯倩,佘加杰,张碧亮,王传奇,谢光磊,卓炀程人物:唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧、白骨精(村姑小孩、老太婆、幕后放ppt的场景一:(“路在脚下”音乐响起)唐僧:(轻咳)悟空,factually, I am a bit hungry, Could you go to get me some food?八戒: You see, master is hungry, me too!沙僧:大师兄,二师兄说的对唐僧: 八戒!Don`t forget who ate my last meal!(脚踹八戒)八戒:(委屈)but I still hungry!沙僧: But master, if a monster comes while 大师兄 is away···唐僧: (点头)Em…….It is a problem.悟空, do you have any idea? 悟空: No problem! (悟空围三人转了一圈)八戒: This is…..?悟空: Electric net! I have learnt the energy of electricity from 儿歌三百首. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it!唐僧: Emm (摸悟空头)……悟空, you are becoming smarter! 额米头发, knowledge is power!悟空: Bye! jindou cloud!筋斗云:I am jindou cloud!(捶胸,做熊样)I am here!(把孙悟空拖走)唐僧打坐,闭目养神。
八戒和沙僧:两只小蜜蜂啊,飞在花丛中啊···场景二:村姑:米拉桑,阔你急哇~(日语)师徒三人:oh,hi(大家站了起来,某些个吹口哨,做勾引手势)村姑:My name is bai~ (扭捏害羞样)大家:hello, miss bai.村姑: actually, I am going to send some food to some masters ,they live in the temple, look, around the corner. (欲接近唐僧,被弹回)em···may be you are hungry, welcome to my home to have a dinner, I will make food for you ,(轻声说)delicious!八戒:yeah! you look so delicious! shifu! lets go!唐僧:miss bai, you are so kind ,but we have to wait for 悟空…沙僧:师傅,二师兄说的对,大师兄will find us, let us go now! 村姑:come with me.(大家跟着村姑走着,村姑一个媚眼,八戒倒下,唐僧跨过八戒的身体继续跟着村姑)[沙僧:(扶八戒)are you ok?八戒:no! I am full in love with the girl!沙僧:yeah!she is an apple in my eyes!(吃了一口苹果)] 唐僧:miss bai!村姑:(转身眨眼)what ?唐僧:I love you when I see you at the first time! I ···村姑:(轻轻用手堵住唐僧嘴)you jump , I jump!(音乐响起,二人做泰坦尼克号经典动作)村姑:(转过身)shifu, close your eyes! let`s have a kiss! 唐僧:wow I love to(闭眼,翘起嘴巴,伸脖子)(村姑奸笑,准备吃了唐僧)悟空: (回来,看见村姑,火眼金睛看一眼村姑)Oh, monster!(上前就打,两人大战三回合,村姑倒)村姑: (倒)Ah……(凄惨的音乐放起)唐僧: (气愤)悟空! Look what have done! She is a kind girl! 悟空: She is a monster!唐僧: Nonsense!(深呼吸)悟空: Oh, please don’t……唐僧:It’s too late!(唱) 哦玛丽玛丽买卖home~~~悟空: Please, Please, oh, no……(痛苦抱头)唐僧: (捶胸痛喊)悟空,I’m disappointed with you!场景三:小孩:(坐在地上痛哭)(唐僧师徒走过来)小孩:(拉住八戒的腿)I want my mom.八戒:shifu, we are in trouble!沙僧:let me try. little girl ,who is your mama?小孩:her name is bai.沙僧:师傅,二师兄说的对。

Stage layout
Scene Design
The use of props and set dressing effectively creates a sense of place and time, transporting the audience to the era of the Tang Dynasty.
Drama Introduction
Story background
Set in the 16th century, the drama revolves around the historical figure of Sir Francis Drake and his journey to the West Indies to pillage Spanish treasures.
and traditional practices.
The Cultural Connotation of
Chinese traditional cultural elements
The story is based on the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West", which is a well-known work in Chinese literature and culture.
The drama culminates in a climactic showdown between Drake and Don Pedro, which ends with Drake triumphantly returning home with the treasure.

唐僧: Wukong, where are we now? 悟空:Ba Jie,Get the map out. 悟空:Oh, master, look!
唐僧:Oh, BaJie, how many times I have told you, don’t take these pictures of beautiful girls with you.
白骨精:Is this the Electric net ? It is so easy, hahaha!!! 八戒: Hi, beauty. How are you?
村姑:Hello,shuaiguoguo, I’m fine. Thank you. Do you hungry? There is some food for you.
悟空:OK , I am going to find some food, bye!
唐僧:OK, it is the show time.
唐僧:I am a little tired , Let's have a rest.
八戒:Me too. Master, Let’s play the the Arena of Valor 沙僧:Sounds great.
八戒:You see , our master is hungry too.
唐僧:Bajie, don’t forget who ate my last meal. 沙僧:But master, if the monster comes while monkey brother is away, what can we do?

英语话剧《三打白骨精》人物:唐僧八戒悟空沙僧白骨精原型女白骨精变形(1) 白骨精变形(2) 白骨精变形(3)开场背景音乐(敢问路在何方)响起,悟空蹦蹦跳跳上场师徒三人紧随其后唐:阿弥陀佛Wow…boys! This place looks beautiful. Where we are now?悟空:八戒map(悟空将八戒手中的一张美女海报拿给了师傅)唐:(打开海报并向大家展示)How many times have I told you?You are not supposed to look pictures about beautiful girls! I will keep it for you until we reach the western.八戒(嗲嗲的声音) teacher,give me it is my picture唐:pig remember beauty is nothing and nothing is beauty沙僧:It is time to exercise ,teacher and brothers.背景音乐响起师徒四人一起跳舞八戒:I can not work any more I am hungry悟空:stand pig(用棒子打了八戒一下)唐、沙:we are very hungry too .monkey唐:would you get us some food八戒:quickly quickly唐:pig shut up if you bark anymore I will eat you沙:it is a problem if a monster come to eat you when my monkey brother leave唐:恩it is a problem do you have any ideas 悟空悟空no problems悟空(在地上画了一个圆将他们三个围住)it is a Electric circle you stand in it and no monster can touch you,唐:恩悟空you become more and more clever and clever唐.悟空:knowledge is power悟空:bye bye沙:let us take a break (三人坐下开始玩斗地主背景音乐同时响起)(另一个音乐响起)白骨精上场一系列的动作表演白:哼哼哼you are too foolish. I will eat you today 菠萝菠萝蜜change白1:上场(背景音乐响起白1跳着舞上场并四处调戏师徒三人)白1:嗯哼亲can I join you沙:I'm sorry,lady.We are playing Fighting Against Landlord(斗地主)and three people are enough白1:欧change (白1来到唐身边)done quickly down (白1拿着唐的两张牌甩在地上)double kT唐:oh,yes I win!Quickly,quickly !students give me the money。

八戒(衣服没了,面对靠近 的三人摇手):压灭爹,压 八戒(衣服没了,面对靠近 灭爹,我真的不好吃啊…… 的妖怪摇手):压灭爹,压 尝起来像热比亚一样啊!压 灭爹,我真的不好吃啊…… 灭爹…… 尝起来像热比亚一样啊!压 灭爹…… 八戒(衣服没了,面对靠近 的三人摇手):oh, My 八戒(衣服没了,面对靠近 god ! god!I don't really 的妖怪摇手):oh, My delicious ,Tastes like god ! god!I don't really pig excrement like pig delicious ,Tastessimilar! no... excrement similar! no...
三藏法师一行前往天竺,旅途中劫 难重重,终于走到了尽头…… 三藏法师一行前往天竺,旅途中劫 sanzang Master and His 难重重,终于走到了尽头…… disciples headed toHis disciples sanzang Master and the tianzhu . headed to the through a lot In their journeytianzhu . In their of journey through a lot of disaster. disaster. They finally came to the They finally came to the destination... destination...
悟空: OK!Up!Up!,golden cudgel
三藏:第一是我我是第 一,擦!擦!……我的 头!!!! 三藏:The first is me,I was the first! ca..ca..…oh…My head!!

The story is set in an ancient and mysterious world where magic and the supernatural coexist with technology and modern conveniences. The plot is filled with suspense, action, and emotional drama, exploring themes of bravery, friendship, and the power of belief.
The heroes are initially wary of the Spirit, but she assures them that she is not a threat.
Dialogue 1: Encounter White Bone Spirit
Summary: This dialogue focuses on Wukong's interaction with the White Bone Spirit and his misunderstandings about her motives.
The image of White Bone Spirit is a unique creation in Chinese literature, and it has a profound impact on later literary works.
Other monsters in Journey to the West
Vocabulary learning

Three Times’ Beating Monster 三打白骨精第一幕唐僧:Emitofo,do you know where we are now?孙悟空:Bajie(八戒),map!猪八戒:(摸出,递给S) Here you are.孙悟空:Look,master(凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)唐僧:Bajie! 贫僧已警告你many times,西天取经的路上不能携带美女照片猪八戒:Oh,master! Forgive me(伸手拿回)唐僧:(缩手) No way!贫僧先帮你保存着,西天取经的路上过得很快,眼睛一闭一睁,一整天过去了,吼;眼睛再一睁一闭,取经结束了,吼~猪八戒:But……沙悟净:Brother,你就听师傅的话吧,快,咱们研究下正事吧。
Map?猪八戒:(递)Here. Wait ……(拿个地球仪,转一下)! (讨好的走向唐僧)(嗲声嗲气得说),师傅,Don’t worry, 前边就是白虎山了唐僧:Oh, My god, 贫僧再也不要走了! (坐) 呜呜呜, my little stomach. 哭沙悟净:师傅,再忍忍吧。
唐僧:咳咳,Wukong, I am hungry,Could you get me some food?猪八戒: (这时八戒肚子叫了一大声),(然后死皮赖脸得说)You see, 师傅 is hungry, too!唐僧: Baijie! 不要忘了,是谁吃了我的最后一顿晚餐。
(拿着拐杖要去打猪八戒)沙和尚: 师傅,淡定淡定……大师兄将要去找吃的,妖怪来了怎么办?唐僧: Em…….It is a problem. Wukong, do you have any idea?孙悟空: No problem! (打开pad) 12580,让我来帮你,何况我们都21世纪(悟空拿着Pad搜索了一会),有了。
三打白骨精英语剧本 (2)

登场人物•孙悟空(Monkey King)•猪八戒(Piggy)•唐僧(Master Tang)•白骨精(White Bone Demon)•二郎神(Erlang Shen)•牛魔王(Bull Demon King)•蜘蛛精(Spider Demon)第一幕场景:花果山孙悟空正在花果山上玩耍,猪八戒正在一旁大口吃东西Monkey King: Oh, what a beautiful day it is! I am so happy to be here on Flower Fruit Mountain. Hey Piggy, come and play with me!Piggy: I’m busy eating, Monkey King. Don’t bother me.Monkey King: Fine, if you don’t want to play, I’ll go myself. Monkey King starts jumping around and exploring the mountain.Piggy: (finishes eating) Wait, Monkey King! I want to play too.•孙悟空和猪八戒在花果山上尽情玩耍 *场景:洞府孙悟空和猪八戒返回洞府,唐僧正在修行Master Tang: Welcome back, my disciples. I am glad to see you both. Have you had fun on Flower Fruit Mountain?Monkey King: Yes, Master. We had a great time playing and exploring the mountain.Piggy: It was so much fun, Master.Master Tang: That’s good to hear. Now, let’s continue our journey to the West. We must bring the scriptures back to China.第二幕场景:荒野孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧正在穿越荒野Monkey King: Master, I sense that we are not alone. I think there might be some demons nearby.Piggy: Oh no, not demons again. I am getting tired of fighting them.Master Tang: Don’t worry, my disciples. We will face any challenges that come our way. Be prepared.孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧遇到了白骨精White Bone Demon: I am the White Bone Demon. I have been waiting for you, Master Tang. Give me the scriptures, and I will spare your lives.Monkey King: We will never give you the scriptures, White Bone Demon. Prepare to be defeated!•孙悟空、猪八戒和白骨精展开激烈的战斗 *第三幕场景:天界二郎神正在天界看到孙悟空和猪八戒的战斗Erlang Shen: What a fierce battle! I must go down and help Master Tang and his disciples.二郎神下凡帮助孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧战胜白骨精White Bone Demon: I underestimated you, Monkey King. But remember, I will be back.Monkey King: We will be ready for you, White Bone Demon. Let’s continue our journey, Master Tang.第四幕场景:火焰山孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧在火焰山遇到牛魔王和蜘蛛精Bull Demon King:Haha, Master Tang, you won’t get past me.Spider Demon: That’s right. We will stop you from bringing the scriptures back to China.Master Tang: We will not be discouraged by your threats, Bull Demon King and Spider Demon. We will fulfill our mission.•孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧与牛魔王和蜘蛛精展开战斗*第五幕场景:妖精洞孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧最终到达妖精洞Monkey King: We have finally arrived at the Spider Demon’s lair. We must defeat her and take the scriptures.Piggy: I am tired of fighting, Monkey King. Can’t we just take the scriptures and leave?Master Tang: No, Piggy. We must fight for what is right. Let’s go!•孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧与蜘蛛精展开最后一场决战*Spider Demon: You may have won this battle, but I will not give up. I will continue to cause trouble in the mortal world.Monkey King: We will be ready for you, Spider Demon. Now, let’s take the scriptures and return to China.结尾场景:唐僧庙孙悟空和猪八戒将经书交给唐僧Master Tang: Thank you, my loyal disciples. You have shown great bravery and determination on our journey to the West.Monkey King: It was an honor to accompany you, Master Tang. We have learned a lot from this journey.Piggy: Yes, Master. We have grown a lot and become better disciples because of it.Master Tang: Now, let’s continue our mission to spread Buddhism and bring peace to the land.•孙悟空、猪八戒和唐僧继续他们的旅程,为了佛法和世界和平努力。

❖ 不,他们不是人!都是妖怪变旳!
❖ T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!!
❖ 妖怪?你才是妖怪!你走,不要再让我看见你!!
❖ S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “假”悲哀气氛)《人鬼情未了》 ❖ J: boss, brother Monkey is....... ❖ 师傅,猴哥这是…… ❖ T: Don't mention that guy any more! ❖ 不要再提他了! ❖ B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后“飘”走) ❖ T: (惊)You are...... ❖ B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退) ❖ 唐僧,你好愚蠢! ❖ B: (抓住T)I'll enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha...... ❖ 我要吃你旳肉,哈哈哈哈…… ❖ S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later. ❖ T: Wukong? ❖ 悟空 ❖ E: Oh,Brother Monkey!(猴哥) ❖ J: Our hero is back! ❖ 我们旳英雄回来了!
monkey is away….. ❖ 但是,师傅,假如妖怪趁猴哥不在来了呢…… ❖ T: Em…It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any
idea? ❖ 嗯…这是个问题。悟空,你有什么方法没?
❖ S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)
❖ 没问题! (白骨精躲在一旁偷看)
❖ J: Look,(伸食指)how many?
❖ 看,这是几?

Performances by actors
The actors are highly skilled and experienced, bringing a sense of authenticity to their
They deliver powerful and emotional performances, investing their characters with depth and complexity.
Chinese architecture
The set design features traditional Chinese architecture, including pagodas, arches, and painted screens.
Chinese literature
The script incorporates elements of Chinese literature, such as poetry and prose, and references to Chinese history and culture.
The White Bone Demon leader, Bai Qian, is a powerful and enigmatic figure who leads the tribe in their battles against the demons.
Other key characters include Xiao He, a cunning and manipulative member of the tribe, and Xiao Ning, a mysterious young woman with a hidden past.

→分析:该句结构是并__列_句句中__有____(有/没有)谓语动词,但是有 并列连词__a_n_d___连接了两个动词,所以空格应使用谓__语__动__词__(谓 语/非谓语动词),并且前后两个动词时态一__致_____(一致/不一致)。
课堂是教育教学是主阵地。高三年级教学时间紧,教学任务重,更要切实发挥 课堂40分钟的作用。一是上好微专题课。春节前后,一轮复习进入后期,学生 不会的知识点逐步浮出水面。这些薄弱知识点如果解决不好,将直接影响到二 轮复习的效果。高三年级要围绕浮现出来的问题,上好微专题或微微专题课, 针对某一个点或几个点精讲、讲透,触类旁通。微专题课怎么上?可以针对学 生不会的问题,每节课重点解决1-2个知识点,专题强调,专点训练,不贪多, 顺一个点“追祖宗八代”,剖析透!微微专题,则更精、更准、更小、更有效,可 以一节课只讲一道题,但是要把这一道题挖深、挖透,讲透一个会一类,做会 一题能举一反三。
2.动名词(The Gerund),由动词+ing构成。
3.分词(The Participle)
1)现在分词(The Present Participle),由动词+ing构成
2)过去分词(The Past Participle),由动词+ed构成。
to do
to do doing done
不定式(to do)
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此时,唐僧师徒在干什么呢? 唐僧: Emitofo, Wukong,where are we now? (悟空,我们现在到哪儿了?) 悟空:BaJie,map. 八戒误拿出一张美女图,给了悟空. 悟空:Oh,boss,look! (哦,师父,你看!)
• 唐僧:Oh,Ba Jie,how many times I have told you don’t take these pictures of beautiful girls with you.
• 唐僧:Em… I see it. Wukong ,you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo , Knowledge is power!!!(八戒:is food 沙僧 :is girl)
• (哦悟空,你真是越来越知识渊 博哦,知识就是力量啊![八戒:是 美食.沙僧:是美女.])
• 八戒:Monkey,if you
say these two words once more,I will,I will……
• (死猴子,如果你再敢说 这两个字,我就……我就
• 悟空:You will ,you will what?
• (你就想干嘛啊?)
• 沙僧:came down please
• (哦,女士,我们现在在斗地主 呢,三个人已经够了。)
• 村姑:Oh,chance.(噢,机会。 )
• 唐僧:Oh,chance.
• 村姑:Double King.(一对K。)
• 唐僧:Double King,oh,I win ,lady you are so clever, come in and teach me.
• 悟空:ao…You are the monster too, I
will beat you.
• (我打死你这个死妖精。)
• 听到这句话,唐僧去挡老妇,孙悟空把
沙僧:Boss ,are you OK? How many?
(师父,怎么样,你还好吗?【伸出两 根手指】这是几?)
• 悟空:OK , I am going to find some food, bye!
• (那好,我去找吃的啦,拜 拜!)
• 唐僧:I am a little tired , • let’s play cards.放《斗
地主》,师徒三人开始打 牌。
harmonious society8
悟空:You are too late, 哪吒.
(哪吒,你怎么来那么 晚啊。) 哪吒:Where is the criminal?
• 唐僧:Yes,that is a big problem ,Wukong. Do you have any idea? (是的诶,这倒是个问题.悟空.)
• 悟空:take it easy, my boss .
• 悟空拿着金箍棒绕着他们跑了 一圈……
悟空转身,见又一个妖怪来了,果断举起 金箍棒就要打。
悟空:You are going to die, monster.
唐僧:Oh, sunWukong,you have killed three lives.
悟空:They are not human beings,they
• 一个小妖急冲冲的跑来:Some people
are coming this way. One is supposed
to be TangSeng. It's said that we will be
immortal if we eat him.
• 小妖们:恭喜大王,恭喜大王! Congratulations! Congratulations!
The three shapes in order to
cheat you!(师父,你被她骗啦,她 只是变成了三个不同的变身而已。 )
Return Of The 王者归来
• 唐僧:But how did you find it? • (但是你是怎么发现的呢?) • 悟空:Monkey’s feeling. • (猴子的直觉。) • 哪吒: I am coming.(我来啦。)
• (一对K,哦,我赢啦!女士,
• 这时悟空回来了。
• 悟空:You are the monster,I will kill you.(你是妖精,我杀了你。)
• 村姑:Oh,I am a good woman.shifu,help me, help me!!
• 唐僧:Oh,Wukong,what are you doing,she is my teacher.(悟空, 你看看你干了什么,她是我师父啊。 )
Three Times Beating the Monster
• 白骨精:I hope I could live a longer life, so I am paying my great attention to develop a new product.
• (不要碰我师父。)
• 沙僧:Oh,our hero is back!
• (哦,我们的英雄回来啦!)
• 八戒:Monkey brother…… • (猴哥……) • 唐僧起来,迷茫的问悟空。
• 唐僧:What……what happened ?
• (发生什么了?)
• 悟空: Boss, your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into
• (八戒,我告诉你多少次啦,不要老是带美女图 啦!)
• 八戒:Oh,boss,forgive me.
• (噢,师父,原谅我这次吧!)
• 唐僧: (缩手)I......l keep it for you until we reach the west.
• 我先暂时保管,直到我们到达西天,取 得真经
• 八戒(对悟空): Yet,She is my teacher!
• (她是我师父。)
• 悟空:She is a monster!(她是个妖精 。)
• 沙僧:(对唐僧):she is a monster, really?(她 真的是个妖精吗?)这个 地方沙僧要表现出墙头草的样子。
• 唐僧:Don’t say this.(这时放《
• 小妖甲:我们去把唐僧抓来献给大王。( 作出准备出发的样子) Let us get him!
• 白骨精:回来!唐僧哪是你们能抓得回来 的?他周围的几个徒弟个个神通广大,你
们去了只有送死。Come back! How can you get him?His prentices are so powerful that you won’t win .
But…I really need it .my boss
• 八戒:
• 唐僧: Emitofo, nothing is lust,
lust is nothing! Map?
• 沙僧: (递)Here. Em…… we have
arrived in Wanzi Mountain!
• (没门,.八戒,地图!)
唐僧:Two, game over Sun Wukong.
见唐僧已经对悟空产生不满,这时白骨精 抓住时机,变成老头出来。老头出场后, 看到倒在地上的老伴和女儿,狂奔过去。
老头:Oh,my wife my daughter,who did it?
(噢,我的女儿啊,我的老伴啊,这是谁 干的?)
,my brother.
• 八戒: I will help you catch louses(虱子).
• (嘿嘿,我就帮你抓虱子啊
• 唐僧: Wukong,I am hungry too,
would you bring us some
• 八戒:You see ,our boss is
are monsters.
• 唐僧:Monster?I think you are the real monster, you go !you go!I don’t want to see you any more.
妖精?我看你才是真的妖精吧,你走, 哪来的回哪儿去吧!
only you》,当做紧箍咒)Only
• 悟空: Oh, please don’t……
• 白骨精现身。
• 白骨精:Wahahaha,Sun Wukong,I
will teach you a lesson.
• (哇哈哈哈,孙悟空,我马上就给你 个教训。)
• 白骨精变身老妇出场。
• 老妇:Daughter. Daughter. Where is
• 小妖甲:大王,那可怎么办?What to do,
my master?
• 白骨精:我自有办法!唐僧逃不出我的手 掌心。看我怎样把唐僧抓回来。(狰狞地
I have an idea! TangSeng won’t
escape. Just wait and see!