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白骨精:I hope I could live a longer life, so I am paying my great attention to develop a new product. 小妖甲:Master,I heard someone called Tang Seng. It's said that we will be immortal if we eat him. 白骨精:really? 小妖乙:Yes,yes. That is true. 白骨精:Great! Now, Let us go to find him.
悟空:You are the monster,I will kill you. (你是妖精,我杀了你。) 村姑:Oh,I am a good woman.shifu,help me, help me!! 唐僧:Oh,Wukong,what are you doing ,she is my teacher. (悟空, 你看看你干了什么,她是我师父啊。) 八戒(对悟空): Yet,She is my teacher! (她是我师父。) 悟空:She is a monster!(她是个妖精。) 沙僧:(对唐僧):she is a monster, really? (她 真的是个妖精吗?)这个 地方沙僧要表现出墙头草的样子。 唐僧:Don’t say this. (不要再说了。念紧箍咒。)
唐僧:Monster?I think you are the real monster, you go !you go!I don’t want to see you any more. 妖精?我看你才是真的妖精吧,你走, 哪来的回哪儿去吧! 八戒:Oh boss, monkey brother is away. (哦,师父,猴哥就这样走啦!) 唐僧:Don’t say that guy. (不要理那个2货了。) 白骨精见最强大的孙悟空已经被赶走了, 高兴地出来了,准备享受唐僧肉。 白骨精:Hahahahaha…..哈哈哈哈 唐: (惊)You are...... 白骨精:how foolish you are ,I will eat you,Mr Tang. (,唐僧,你是多么的愚蠢啊,我要 吃了你。)
白骨精:(狰狞地笑) I have an idea! Tang Seng won’t escape. Just wait and see!
白骨精现身。 白骨精:Electric net ? It is easy, hahaha!!! (传说中的电网?小菜一碟嘛,哈 哈哈哈哈!) 白骨精变成村姑出来…… 村姑:Can I join you, handsome boys? (能加我一个吗?) 唐僧:I’m sorry lady,we are playing cards now ,and three people are enough. (哦,女士,我们现在在斗地主呢, 三个人已经够了。) 村姑:Oh,chance.(噢,机会。) 唐僧:Oh,chance. 村姑:Double King.(王炸!) 唐僧:Double King,oh,I win,lady you are so clever ,come in and teach me. (王炸!哦,我赢啦!女士,你太 强啦,来,进来教我吧!)
唐僧:I am a little tired , let ’s play cards. 师徒三人开始打牌。
harmonious society
一个小妖急冲冲的跑来:Some people are coming this way. One is supposed to be TangSeng. 小妖们:恭喜大王,恭喜大王! Congratulations! Congratulations! 小妖甲:我们去把唐僧抓来献给大王。 (作出准备出发的样子) Let us get him! 白骨精: Come back! How can you get him?His prentices are so powerful that you won’t win . (回来!唐僧是你们能抓得回来 的 ?他周围的几个徒弟个个神通广大,你们 去了只有送死。) 小妖甲: What to do, my master?
However, the monkey has caught the evil demon 然而悟空已经识破了白骨精的奸计
悟空:Don’t touch my master. (不要碰我师父。) 沙僧:Oh,our hero is back ! (哦,我们的英雄回来啦!) 八戒:Monkey brother…… (猴哥……) 唐僧起来,迷茫的问悟空。 唐僧:What……what happened ? (发生什么了?) 悟空: Boss, your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you! (师父,你被她骗啦,她只是变成了三 个不同的变身而已。)
唐僧: Wukong,I am hungry too , would you bring us some food?
(悟空,我也饿了,你能帮我们去找些吃 的吗?)
八戒:You see ,our boss is hungry too.
(你看,我们师父也饿了 .)
唐僧:Bajie,don’t forget who ate my last meal. (八戒,不要忘了,谁把我上一餐的饭给 吃了.) 沙僧:But boss,if the monster comes while monkey brother is away ,what can we do? (但是师父,如果有妖精来了 ,而大师兄 又不在的话,该怎么办啊!) 唐僧:Yes,that is a big problem , Wukong. Do you have any idea? (是的诶, 这倒是个问题.悟空.)
唐僧:But how did you find it? (但是你是怎么发现的呢?) 悟空:Monkey’s feeling. (猴子的直觉。) ……………… 唐僧:Wukong,I think I am wrong. (悟空,我错了!) 悟空:What? (悟空装作没听见,什么?) 唐僧:I am sorry! (对不起。) 悟空:I can not hear clearly. (我听不清。)
悟空:Fat pig.(肥猪.) 沙僧:stick on,brother pig.
八戒:Monkey,if you say these two words once more , I will,I will…… (死猴子,如果你再敢说这 两个字,我就……我就……) 悟空:You will ,you will what? (你就想干嘛啊?) 源自文库僧:came down please ,my brother. 八戒: I will help you catch louses(虱子). (嘿嘿,我就帮你抓虱子啊!)
白骨精现身。 白骨精:WAHAHAHA,SUN WUKONG,I WILL TEACH YOU A LESSON. (哇哈哈哈,孙悟空,我马上就给你个教训。) 白骨精变身老妇出场。
老妇:Daughter. Daughter. Where is my daughter? Hello, have you seen my daughter? (女儿啊,女儿啊,女儿你在哪里啊?【对唐 僧】你好,请问你看到我女儿了吗?) 唐僧:Your daughter…I haven't see her…故意作出挡 住村姑尸体的样子 (你女儿……) 悟空刚从紧箍咒的痛苦中清醒过来,看到老妇。 悟空:au…You are the monster too, I will beat you. (我打死你这个死妖精。) 听到这句话,唐僧去挡老妇,孙悟空把唐僧推到 在地后,将老妇打死。沙僧扶起唐僧。
沙僧:Boss ,are you OK? How many? (师父,怎么样,你还好吗?【伸出两 根手指】这是几?) 唐僧:Two, game over Sun Wukong. (两个啦,孙悟空,你死定啦。) 见唐僧已经对悟空产生不满,这时白骨精 抓住时机,变成老头出来。老头出场后, 看到倒在地上的老伴和女儿,狂奔过去。 老头:Oh,my wife my daughter ,who did it? (噢,我的女儿啊,我的老伴啊,这是 谁干的?) 悟空转身,见又一个妖怪来了,果断举起 金箍棒就要打。 悟空:You are going to die, monster. (见阎王去吧,死妖精。) 唐僧:Oh, sunWukong ,you have killed three lives. (悟空,你竟然杀了三个人。) 悟空:They are not human beings ,they are monsters. (他们不是人,他们是妖精。)
唐僧: (缩手)I......l keep it for you until we reach the west. 我先暂时保管,直到我们到达西天,取得真经 八戒: 唐僧: Emitofo, nothing is lust, lust is nothing! Map? 沙僧: (递)Here. Em…… we have arrived in Wanzi Mountain! 八戒:Oh,boss,I am so hungry now ,and I can not move ...... ..... anymore. (噢,师父,我肚子饿扁了,我再也走不动了.)
悟空:take it easy, my boss .
悟空拿着金箍棒绕着他们跑了一 圈 …… 八戒:This is……what? (这 是 ……) 悟空:Electric net, I have learnt it from the books. So I made this , no monster can approach you if you stay in it.( 这是我织 的电网,只要你们呆在里面 ,没有妖 精能进来.) 唐僧:Em… I see it. Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo , Knowledge is power!!!( 八戒:is food 沙僧:is girl) (哦悟空,你真是越来越知识渊博 哦,知识就是力量啊![八戒:是美食. 沙僧:是美女.]) 悟空:OK , I am going to find some food, bye! (那好,我去找吃的啦,拜 拜!)
唐僧: Emitofo, Wukong,where are we now? (悟空,我们现在到哪儿了?) 悟空:BaJie,map. 八戒误拿出一张美女图,给了悟空. 悟空:Oh,boss,look! (哦,师父,你看!)
唐僧:Oh,Ba Jie,how many times I have told you don’t take these pictures of beautiful girls with you. (八戒,我告诉你多少次啦 ,不要老是带美女图啦 !) 八戒:Oh,boss,forgive me. (噢,师父,原谅我这次吧!)