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If you take[B]anexampreparationcourse your teacher will give you all theinformationyou need and you will find that[C]beingin a class helps you to study moreeffectively.But you will still need to put in a lot of workyourself(after all, the teacher can’t take the exam for you!)
If you areplanningto[D]takeone of thewell-known exams such as Cambridge First Certificate, you willprobablyfind thatthere’s apreparationcourse[B]availableat aschoolnear you.Check that theschoolhas a good[D]recordof examsuccessand that the teacher is[C] experienced. Itis a good idea to ask if you will be givenhomeworkand[D]accordedyour written work will be marked by a teacher who knows the level ofEnglish[A]requiredby the exam.
Fires have destroyed36.B. manycities. In the 17th century,a small fire which37.D. beganin a shop burst down nearly every building inLondon.Moscowwas set fire to during the war against Napoleon. This fire38.B. continuedburning for seven days. Even today,in spite of modern fire-fighting39.A. methods,fire causes a great deal of damage each year both in our cities and in the countryside. It has been widely40.D. saidthat fire is a good servant but avery bad master.
Nobody likes taking exams; exams in your ownlanguagecan be stressfulenoughbut somehow exams in a foreignlanguageseem to cause more worry and anxiety.Well, the good news is that, if you[C]follow_some simple steps, takingEnglishlanguageexams can be really quite[B]painlessItwon’t exactly be fun, but itcertainlyshouldn’tgive you too many headaches orsleeplessnights.
7、C. better
8、A. new
9、C. suits
10、D. even
11、C. home
12、D. with
13、D. prefer
14、A. teacher
15、B. agreed
Who doesn't love sitting beside a fire on a cold winter night?Fire is one of man's greatest friends,but also one of31.A. hisgreatest enemies. Many big fires are caused by carelessness. A lighted cigarette thrown32.B. out ofa car or a train window,or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can33.D. starta fire. Sometimes a fire can start on its own. Wet hay can begin of itself. This is34.C. howit happens:The hay starts to rot and begins to35.A. give offheat which is trapped inside it. Finally,it bursts into flames. That is why farmers cut and store their hay when it's dry.
8、D. expect
9、A. safety
10、C. look for
11、D. who
12、D. So
13、B. modern
14、A. extremely
15、C. ever
1、A. Next time
2、B. try
3、B. quietly
4、B. way
5、D. anything
6、A. work
Most people generallythem and the job they do-although there are certain
1、C. appreciate
2、A. should
3源自文库D. an easy
4、A. on
5、B. driving
6、C. speeding
7、A. peace