高中英语《A healthy life》优质课教案、教学设计
高中英语新人教版精品教案《A healthy life教学设计与反思》

A heath ife教学设计与反思一、整体设计思路、指导说明为了准确把握文章的脉络,在阅读理解过程中利用跳读、略读等方法让学生逐步理解吸烟上瘾的原因、吸烟的危害及戒烟的措施,层层递进,逐步深入。
本单元以A heath ife 为话题“健康生活〞,课文主要围绕“如何健身?怎样成为健康的人?〞展开各种听、说、读、写等活动,内容贴近实际生活,通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害。

1.训练skimming , scanning, fast reading careful reading等阅读技能。

高中英语《Ahealthylife》优质课教案、教学设计Learning goals:1.Knowledge and ability:教学设计课题: Unit 3 A Healthy Life Period 1: warming-up&reading(1)To learn important words and phrases about health.(2)To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning.2.Process and method:(1)To inspire students to think about things from different aspects.(2)To let students discuss the bad effects of smoking.(3)To help students make a summary of quitting smoking.3.Attitude and value:To lead students to live a healthy life.Important points:To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning. Difficult points:How to lead students to live a healthy life.Teaching methods:(1)Task-based method(2)Student-centered method(3)Pair-work and group workTeaching aids:CAITeaching procedure:A piece of work from the SsUnit 3 A Healthy Life 导学案Period 1: warming-up&readingStep 1: Warming-upShow the pictures of an old man and ask questionsI.W ho is he? →II.How old is he? →III.Why can he live so long? →IV.What’s a truly healthy person?A truly healthy person should be healthy in both and .Step2. Fast readingI.Skim the passage and answer:How many parts does the reading text consist of? What are they?→The reading text consists of parts: andII.What’s the main idea of the letter?A.James wrote to help James’ grandad give up smoking.B.James’ grandad wrote to help James give up smoking.C.James wants to give up smoking.D.James’ grandad wants to give up smoking.Summary of I&II:Content: This passage is about grandad's advice on giving up .Structure: parts. Part 1 is a and part 2 is a .I0II. Match each paragraph of the letter with its main idea: 1Paragraph 1 2Paragraph 2 3Paragraph 3 4Paragraph 4Paragraph 5 5a)Grandad talks about James’s problem of smoking.b)The harmful effects of smoking.c)Grandad tells about the life he is living and the importanceof healthy life.d)Three different ways of becoming addicted.e)Grandad’s hope for James a nd his advice on stopping smoking.1We’ll focus on paragraph 3, paragraph 4 and Part 2. Step3. Careful readingI.Read Para 3 and fill the blanks with words.Three different ways of becoming addicted.Firstly, become addicted to nicotine.Secondly, become addicted through .Lastly, become addicted.II.R ead Para4 and fill the blanks with words or phrases.The harmful effects of smoking:Do terrible damage to .It is more difficult for .Their babies may even be in some way.Affect the health of .Make smokers smell and the fingers turn easily.Become quickly and not able to enjoy sport .III.R ead Part 2 and arrange the following items in right order.How to stop smoking?Decide on a day to quit. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stoppingsmoking.Every time you feel like smoking, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.Do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house.If you feel nervous, do not reach for a cigarette. Do somerelaxation exercises.If you feel desperate, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist.Do not be disappointed. Do not feel ashamed. Just try again.A.Prepare yourselfB.G et help if you need itC.Be determinedD.K eep tryingE.B reak the habitF.RelaxStep4. Discussion-Show timeSuppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade Xiaoming to stop smoking?For reference:How to ask for adviceWhat should I do?Could you tell me what to do?Can you give me some advice?How to give adviceYou’d better…I think you ought to..Perhaps yo u should…I suggest that you…Step6. HomeworkWork in your groups to make a poster (海报)to warn people not to smoke .。

随着大数据和人工智能技术的发展, 未来健康管理将更加个性化,能够针 对每个人的身体状况和生活习惯提供 定制化的健康指导。
社群化将成为未来健康促进的重要方 式之一,人们将通过社交媒体、线下 活动等方式分享健康知识和经验,形 成互助互勉的健康氛围。
压力、焦虑、抑郁等心理 健康问题在当代社会中越 来越普遍。
高血压、糖尿病、心血管 疾病等慢性疾病的发病率 不断攀升,与不健康的生 活方式密切相关。
通过培养健康的生活习惯,可 以增强身体素质,提高抵抗力
健康的生活习惯有助于预防各 种疾病的发生,降低患病风险
参与植树造林、野生动物保护等公 益活动。
保持通风、采光良好,选 用环保装修材料。
建立和谐的人际关系,促 进社区共融。
增加绿化面积,减少噪音 和光污染。
保持良好的心态,积极面 对生活压力。
07 总结回顾与展望未来
倡导健康饮食理念,提高公众对合理膳食的认识;推广健康 烹饪方式,减少油炸、烧烤等高温烹饪方法的使用。
增加蔬菜、水果的摄入量,减少高脂肪、高糖食物的摄入; 适量摄入富含优质蛋白质的食物,如鱼、肉、蛋、奶等;保 持良好的饮食习惯,定时定量进餐,避免暴饮暴食。


高中英语《AHealthyLife-HIVAIDSAreYouataRisk》优质课教案、教学设计教学设计教学环节设计:一、课前活动:1.分组2.做单词踩地雷游戏来热身并且激发学生兴趣,扫清阅读障碍(告诉学生以下i 开头的词不能跟读,否则就是踩到地雷,小组要扣分)1. virus n. 病毒 2. survival n. 幸存3. risk n.&v. 冒险,危险4. inject vt. 注射5. needle n. 针,(注射器) 针头6. injection n. 注射7. sex n. 性,性别8. male a. 男性的,雄性的n.男人,雄性动物9. immune a. 有免疫力的10. female a.女性的,雌性的n.女人,雌性动物11. spill v. 洒出,溢出12. fluid n.液体,流液13. condom n. 避孕套14. infect v. 感染,传染15. homosexual n. 同性恋16. prejudice n. 偏见,成见二、教学过程Step1 Leading-in播放视频,通过视频中小沈阳对艾滋的错误认识导入AIDS,随后用一组图片做简单的关于艾滋的基本Quiz,接着再继续播放视频,看学生Quiz 答案是否与濮存昕所说一致。
Step2 Challenge your reading---HIV/AIDS: Are You at Risk?浏览结构,划分三部分,通过skimming 把握每一部分主旨大意。
1.Skimming the structureMatch the three parts with the three main ideas: False statements about HIV/AIDS: Basic information about AIDS: Ways to make sure we stay safe2.Scanning Part 1 for detailsGo through Part1 and try to find the answers1.What’s a virus?2.How is HIV spread?HIV is spread through or .3.Scanning Part 2 and fill in the blanks4.Go through Part 3 and figure out whether each statement is true or false1.If you look healthy, you can’t have HIV.2.Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.3.It is easy to tell whether a person has HIV/AIDS.4.Taking food from the same dishes as someone infected with HIV will giveyou HIV too.Step3 Further reading深入阅读改变传统核对答案的方式,用超链接六个红丝带的形式,将下列四个题目暗藏于六个红丝带图片中,让学生自由选择,增添加分、送分环节,增强趣味性Read the poster carefully this time.Cooperate with your partners and find the answers to the following questions.1.What’s the difference between HIV and AIDS?HIV is while AIDS is2.How does HIV affect people’s health?HIV virus a person’s immune system and eventually it so much that3.When does a person carrying HIV begin to look sick?4.Why can’t some AIDS patients find anyone to look after them?Step 4. Summary阅读完之后出现一个自做的微课视频,是简洁的My Summary,简要概括文章内容,再让学生做一个挑战新题型的Your Summary, 引导学生整体提炼核心信息,提升学生的语篇总括能力, 又要与高考题型接轨。

人教版高中英语选修6《Unit3Ahealthylife》教案人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案【一】教学准备教学目标Teaching aims:a) to make students clear what a healthy life is about.b) to enable students to use the grammatical structure “It”.教学重难点Teaching points:the skill Difficult points: how to make every student get involved in class learning actively and attentively.Difficult points: how to make every student get involved in class learning actively and attentively.教学过程Teaching procedures:Step 1: lead- inAfter exchanging greetings, the student on duty gives a daily report based on the given topic “ a healthy life” which is also the title of this unit.Step 2: learning tasks presentation:Unit 3 A Healthy LifeSection 1: How to keep healthy in both body and mind?(1). What is a healthy person?(2). What is an unhealthy person?(3). How to make some changes?Section2: A Serious Problem ------ smokingWhy? Harmful effects? Ways to quit?By presenting the above contents , the students can have a clear mind what we are going to learn in this class and it can greatly improve our teaching and learning efficiency.Step 3: the detailed learningThis part includes not only vocabulary but also some useful expressions.(1). A discussion topic is: what do you think is most important in your life and why?Later a motto for students: Health is the first wealth.(2).Words learning and further discussion:By showing students some celebrities’ pictures and learning their lifestyles, the teacher inspires them to think about their own lifestyles and give them some tips to make some changes in the future life.(3).Conclusion of section 1This task is finished by individual in given time on the work sheetSection Ⅰ:Conclusion:1. What is a healthy person?A healthy person is someone_____ is _______in both _____ and _______.2. what are the healthy problems?抑郁症___________ 癌症_________熬夜________肥胖_________3.How to keep healthy in both body and mind?①Doing sports ________.②Keeping a _______diet: eat more________ and ______.③Keeping a good___________.④Avoid being __________.⑤Early to bed and early to ____,makes a man_______,_____and______.⑥Quit smoking and drinking.( 4) .Section 2: A Serious Healthy Problem-----SmokingThis topic is discussed in three parts: why do people smoke?What are the harmful effects? How to quit smoking?After their discussion, each group should share with others their own sentences, which should contain “ it” structure. The purpose is to enable students to have a good knowledge of the grammar rules of this unit.Grammar note: It + is + adj./ n./ p.p. + infinite/ clause/ -ing formA serious healthy problem: smoking(1). Why? (Examples)①(why)It is true that your body becomes addicted to nicotine.②(effects) It is a shame to harm the second-hand smokers.③(ways to quit) It is hoped that you boys can make up your mind to quit smoking.(2). Group work: making 3 sentences with the structure of “ It”You are supposed to talk about the topic of “smoking” and your work should be interesting and impressive!(3). sharing:Step 4: conclusion of section 2Smoking seriously harms you and others around you!Step5: HomeworkMake some sentences about the harmful effects of smoking and the ways to quit smoking with “it” struc ture.①harmful effects of smoking:(lungs and hearts/ babies/ second-hand smokers/ terrible smell/ yellow fingers/ run slowly, etc)②ways to quit smoking:(plan/ make one’s mind to/ break the habit / relax/ get help when it is necessary/ keep trying,etc)Step6: Reflection:On one hand, the design of this class contains very colorful pictures and some flash, which can make students greatly interested in class learning. Secondly, the combination of topic discussion and grammar learning is a new try and actually it works well, because it makes the tedious grammar learning easier and more practical.On the other hand, we have so much work to do in the limited class time, so every minute should be used effectively, otherwise, the tasks can not be finished in time. Secondly, the new try is a challenge for teacher and students, so students should be informed of the importance of learning in advance, so that we can make it!人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案【二】教学准备教学目标Teaching content: A healthy life1. Improve the students’ reading ability.2. Get the students to understand the text fully.3. To talk about the importance of health and the harmful effects of smoking.教学重难点Teaching important and difficult points:How to help the students understand the text fully.教学过程Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings. (Greet the Ss as usual.)Step 2 Free Talk1.What do you think is the most important in our life?(Show some pictures on the screen and get the students to answer thefollowing questions:)2. What is a truly healthy person?3.What causes health issues?4.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?5.Can you tell me the harmful effects of smoking?Step 3 ReadingScanning1.Go through the first two paragraphs and the last one.And answer the following questions.1)Who?2)To whom?3)Why?2.Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph.a.Grandad talks about James’ problem of smoking.b.The harmful effects of smoking.c.The life Grandad is living and the importance of his healthy life.d.Grandad’s advice on stopping smoking.e.Three different ways of becoming addicted.Detail reading1.Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.2.Read the passage carefully and answer the following question.How to stop smoking?1)Prepare yourself.2)Be determined.3)Break the habit.4)Relax.5)Get help if you need.6)Keep trying.Step 4 Comprehending practiceDo some multiple choices1.In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?A. Using scientific theoryB. His failure in loveC. His sports activityD. His own experience2.The phrase “ withdrawl symptoms” in para3 probably means ______.A. some bad effects of smoking.B. bad temperC. feeling painD. the discomfort when stopping smoking.3.The reason why Grandad stopped smoking were the following EXCEPT that___.A.his girlfriend didn’t like his bad smellB.he had to leave the football teamC.he noticed that he became breathlessD.his parents asked him to stop smoking4.What can we know from the passage?A.Quitting smoking is very easy.B.James managed to give up smoking finally.C.It is difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination.D.James’ grandad lives a healthy and active life because he didn’t become addicted to cigarettes during adolescence.5.According to the lett er, James’ grandad ______.A.is lonelyB.didn’t give up smokinged to be a member of the school football teamD.gave James some good advice that he thought ofStep 5 Summary (高考链接)By the way, did you know that this is because you becomeaddicted _1_______ cigarettes in three different ways? First, you can become physically addicted to nicotine,_2_______ is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to _3__________ (have) nicotine in it. So when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember _4_________(feel) bad -tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit. As you know, _5____you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do _6___automatically. Lastly, you can become 7___________(mental) addicted. I believed I was happier and 8_____________ after having a cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good _9________ I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. _10______ I did finally manage.Step 6 DiscussionWhat kind of person do you think James’ grandfather is?Step 7 ProverbsFirst wealth is health. —— Emerson 爱默生(He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.)课后习题Homework1.Try to find some other useful ways to help smokers quit smoking on the Internet.2.Read the passage again and find out the important words and structures.。
高三英语A healthy life教案

高三英语 A healthy life 教案一、教学目标通过本课的学习,学生将能够: 1. 理解和运用与健康生活方式相关的基本英语词汇和短语;2. 建立正确的健康饮食、锻炼和休息的意识;3. 通过讨论和交流,培养学生积极健康的生活态度。
二、教学内容1.词汇与短语:–healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式–balanced diet 均衡饮食–regular exercise 定期锻炼–proper rest 适当休息–stress management 应对压力–harmful habits 有害习惯–mental health 心理健康–physical health 身体健康–emotional health 情感健康–social health 社交健康–well-being 幸福感–body mass index (BMI) 体质指数–obesity 肥胖2.句型表达:–It’s important/vital/essential to… 重要/必要/不可或缺的…–I advise/recommend/suggest… 我建议/推荐…–You should/ought to…你应该/应当…–It’s better to… 最好…–Have you ever considered/thought about… 你曾经考虑过…吗?三、教学过程1. Warm-up (热身)•让学生回答以下问题:What do you do to stay healthy?(你为了保持健康而做什么?)•学生可以结合饮食、锻炼、休息等方面进行回答,并引导全班讨论这些健康习惯的重要性。
2. Vocabulary Building (词汇扩充)•引导学生一起学习与健康生活方式相关的词汇与短语,例如:–healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, regular exercise, proper rest, stress management, harmful habits, mental health, physical health, emotional health, social health, well-being, body mass index (BMI), obesity等。
A healthy life教 案

教案一、课题:人教版选修六Unit3 A Healthy Life : Reading _Advice from Grandad二、课型:新授课三、课时:1四、教材分析:本单元以“A healthy life”为话题,通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害,目的在于让学生远离有损身体健康的活动,并养成良好的生活习惯。
五、教学目标:(1)知识与能力目标:Get students to read the letter.(2)过程与方法目标:Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.(3)情感态度与价值观目标:Try to get into the habit of healthy life.六、教学重点:State the harmful effects of smoking and suggestions to quit smoking.七、教学难点:Summarize the main idea of each paragraph in own words.八、教学方法:首先,用几张幻灯片导入新课,让学生判断哪些是健康的生活方式,哪些不是。
最后,导入正题“Advice from Grandad”。
九、教学过程:Step 1: Warming up(1)S how some proverbs about health:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Laughter is the best medicine.Life lies in movement.(2)Look at pictures and judge whether it is healthy or unhealthy: Step 2: Skimming(1)Match the paragraphs with the main ideas.(2)What’s the passage mainly about?Step 3: Scanning(1)Go through the 1&2 and the last paragraphs.1.Who?2.To whom?3.Purpose?(2)R eread paragraphs 3&4, then fill in the blank.(3)T rue or fasle.Step 4: Advice to stop smoking(1)P repare yourself(2)B e determined(3)B reak the habit(4)R elax(5)G et help if you need it(6)K eep tryingStep 5: HomeworkWrite a composition:“How can we live a healthy life?”十、板书设计:Unit 3 A healthy lifeAdvice from grandad↙↘A letter An email十一、教具:教材、多媒体十二、教学反思:课后补充。

2.由于本节课是包括了Warming up 和 reading两个环节,教学设计任务较多,导致学生阅读、思考的时间不够。
3. 在讨论环节,还是因为没能适当提供一些短语和句型,导致学生有话说不出。
人教版高中英语选修六《Unit3 A healthy life》教学设计

人教版高中英语选修六《Unit3 Ahealthy life》教学设计The teaching topic for this lesson is Unit 3 A Healthy Life。
The learning goals for this d include developing students' ability to skim and scan。
thinking about health from different perspectives。
discussing the negative effects of smoking。
and summarizing the benefits of quitting smoking。
The important point is to develop students' ability to skim and scan。
while the difficult point is howto encourage students to live a healthy life。
The teaching methods will include a task-based approach。
student-centered learning。
and pair and group work。
The teaching aids will include computer-assisted n (CAI).Step 1: Lead-inTo begin the lesson。
the teacher will show pictures of an old man with a white beard and ask the students to participate in a guessing game。
The ns will include who the man is and how oldhe is。

《A healthy life》优秀教案设计《A healthy life》通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害。
下面是店铺为大家整理的英语课文《A healthy life》的优秀教案设计,希望对你们有帮助。
《A healthy life》教案设计教学目标知识与技能目标1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.2. Get students to read the letter.3. Let students learn the prohibition, warning and permission.过程与方法目标1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.2. Enable student s to understand how to give advice.情感态度与价值观目标1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and acting this play.2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.教学重点1.state the main idea of each paragraph in own words2.ways to become addicted to cigarettes3.the harmful effects of smoking4. suggestions to quit smoking教学难点1. sorting out major idea and minor idea2. master key words in key sentence教学过程→Step 1 Warming upShow some proverbs on health1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.2.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.→Step 2 Skimming1How many parts does the reading text consist of?2. Who wrote the letter to whom?3. How many ways can a man become addicted to smoking?→Step 3 Scanning1. The first sentence of the letter shows James granddad______ .A. lives a healthy lifeB. is addicted to sitting in the gardenC. has nothing to do at homeD. is tired when cycling 20 kilometers2. From the second paragraph, we can know granddad ______________.A . never smoked B. likes smokingC. used to smoke heavilyD. still smokes now→Step 4 Detailed readingAsk students to discuss the following questions in pairs.(让学生分组讨论,形成书面形式)1.Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes.2. Harmful effects for smokers吸烟的危害3.ways to quit smoking→Step 5 Post readingWrite some advice to persuade smokers to quit smoking→Step6 DiscussionHow to live a healthy life?→Step 7 Homework1. write down the suggestions given by granddad2. try to persuade one to give up smoking。
高中英语A healthy life教学设计

·You should / could … Don’t forget to…
·If I were you, I’d … It is OK if …
·You’d better … You should not…
IV. Teaching procedures
Step I Lead-in
Activity 1.Lead in the theme by listening to a song.
Step II Revision
Activity 2.Revise key words and phrases by looking through the pictures.
2. Ability objectives:
Students will be able to use the structures to give suggestions like these:
You’d better…. You should/should not ….
Why not…? Don’t forget to ….
Activity 8.Group work(10 minutes)
Ifyou werea doctor assistant, please give these teenagers some advice by using the following structures.
You should / could … Don’t forget to…
If I were you, I’d … You’d better…
You should not…

保持卧室安静、凉爽、黑暗,选择舒 适的床垫和枕头。
睡前避免摄入咖啡因、酒精等刺激性 物质,以及避免吸烟。
睡前进行深呼吸、冥想或温水泡澡等 放松身心的活动,有助于降低压力和 促进睡眠。
知识掌握和运用能力 学生应评估自己对于健康生活方式相关知识的掌 握程度,以及在日常生活中运用这些知识的能力。
改进和提升方向 学生应分析自己在健康生活方式实践中存在的问 题和不足,提出改进和提升的方向和计划。
明确健康生活目标 学生应设定明确的健康生活目标,如改善饮食习惯、增加 运动量、提高睡眠质量等。
运动锻炼能够增强心肺功能,提 高心脏的泵血能力和肺部的氧气 交换效率,从而增加身体的耐力
运动锻炼能够帮助身体消耗多余 的热量,防止脂肪堆积,达到控
培养学员自我健康管理的 能力,如制定健康计划、 调整生活习惯等。
激发学员对健康生活的热 爱和追求,增强自我保健 意识。
Ahealthylife课程为期8周,每周2次 课,每次课90分钟。
课程内容包括健康饮食、科学运动、 心理健康、疾病预防等多个模块,每 个模块都有相应的理论知识和实践指 导。

Unit3Ahealthylife教案Unit 3 A healthy life1. The emphasis of this period 教材分析本单元以“健康生活”为话题,通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害,了解吸烟的危害及怎样戒烟。
2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to learn how people usually get addicted to cigarettes and how they can quit smoking.Learning ability goals 学能目标Ss will learn how to give advice on stopping smoking.Teaching important points教学重点Learn the bad effects of smoking and how to give advice on stopping smoking.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Learn in what ways people get addicted to cigarettes.Teaching methods 教学方法Discussion, cooperative learning and oral practice.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector.3. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step ⅠWarming up & Pre-readingThis step is to lead the Ss to the topic of this unit ― A Healthy Life. Show pictures, and ask what they are doing. Are those healthy activities or unhealthy activities?Discuss why some adolescents start smoking?Step II Speakingwatch the video and get the main idea of itSmoking do harm to our health.Step III Reading1.Listening to the tape to answer the questionsRead each paragraph and get the main idea of it. And then get the main idea of the passage?2. Careful reading to solve difficult points(1)Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettesa.physically addicted to nicotineb. addicted through habitsc. mentally addicted(2)Harmful physical effects for smokersa. do terrible damage to heart and lungsb. have difficulty in becoming pregnantc. be unfitd. smell terrible(3)Effects that a person’s smoking can have on other peoplea. other people dislike the smellb. the cigarette smoke can do harm to non-smokers(4)Effects that smoking can have on sporting performancebe unable to enjoy sport3. Scanning to get detail informationChoose the best answers to the following four questions(1). Why James’ grandfather wrote to James?A.Because he wanted to tell James his experience.B.Because he wanted to tell James the harmful effects of smoking.C.Because he wanted to help James give up smoking.D. Because he wanted to help James get some information.(2). Which word can replace the meaning of "adolescent" in paragraph.2 ______.A. peopleB. childrenC. studentsD. teenagers(3). From Para.3, we can learn that______.A.a person can be addicted to nicotine because nicotine is one of thehundreds of chemicals in cigarettesB. a person will be addicted to smoking if he treats it as a habitC. a person will feel sick if his body gets used to having nicotineD. a person will really feel relaxed when having a cigarette(4). Which is NOT the effect of smoking?A.Causing terrible damage to heart and lungs.B. Affecting the health of non-smokers.C. Having the clothes turn yellow.D. Not enjoying sport.(5). What is NOT included in the advice about stop smoking on the internet?A. Relax.B. Determination.C. Courage.D. Get help from others.Answers: CDACC4. DiscussionWhat kind of person do you think James’ grandf ather is?He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his daughter’s and grandson’s well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the Internet. He appears to love hisgrandson.5.At last, watch another video and get further understanding of smoking6. HomeworkSuppose your father or your relative is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking?。
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Learning goals:
1.Knowledge and ability:
课题: Unit 3 A Healthy Life Period 1: warming-up&reading
(1)To learn important words and phrases about health.
(2)To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning.
2.Process and method:
(1)To inspire students to think about things from different aspects.
(2)To let students discuss the bad effects of smoking.
(3)To help students make a summary of quitting smoking.
3.Attitude and value:
To lead students to live a healthy life.
Important points:
To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning. Difficult points:
How to lead students to live a healthy life.
Teaching methods:
(1)Task-based method
(2)Student-centered method
(3)Pair-work and group work
Teaching aids:
Teaching procedure:
A piece of work from the Ss
Unit 3 A Healthy Life 导学案
Period 1: warming-
Step 1: Warming-up
Show the pictures of an old man and ask questions
I.Who is he? →
II.How old is he? →
III.Why can he live so long? →
IV.What’s a truly healthy person?
A truly healthy person should be healthy in both and .
Step2. Fast reading
I.Skim the passage and answer:
How many parts does the reading text consist of? What are they?
→The reading text consists of parts: and
II.What’s the main idea of the letter?
A.James wrote to help James’ grandad give up smoking.
B.James’ grandad wrote to help James give up smoking.
C.James wants to give up smoking.
D.James’ grandad wants to give up smoking.
Summary of I&II:
Content: This passage is about grandad's advice on giving up .
Structure: parts. Part 1 is a and part 2 is a .
I0II. Match each paragraph of the letter with its main idea:
1Paragraph 1 2Paragraph 2 3Paragraph 3 4Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5 5
a)Grandad talks about James’s problem of smoking.
b)The harmful effects of smoking.
c)Grandad tells about the life he is living and the importance of healthy life.
d)Three different ways of becoming addicted.
e)Grandad’s hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking.
We’ll focus on paragraph 3, paragraph 4 and Part 2. Step3. Careful reading
I.Read Para 3 and fill the blanks with words.
Three different ways of becoming addicted.
Firstly, become addicted to nicotine.
Secondly, become addicted through .
Lastly, become addicted.
II.R ead Para4 and fill the blanks with words or phrases.
The harmful effects of smoking:
ϖDo terrible damage to .
ϖIt is more difficult for .
ϖTheir babies may even be in some way.
ϖAffect the health of .
ϖMake smokers smell and the fingers turn easily.
ϖBecome quickly and not able to enjoy sport .
III.R ead Part 2 and arrange the following items in right order.
How to stop smoking?
Decide on a day to quit. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping
Every time you feel like smoking, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.
Do something else. Go for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house.
If you feel nervous, do not reach for a cigarette. Do some relaxation exercises.
If you feel desperate, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist.
Do not be disappointed. Do not feel ashamed. Just try again.
A.Prepare yourself
B.G et help if you need it
C.Be determined
D.K eep trying
E.B reak the habit
Step4. Discussion-Show time
Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade Xiaoming to stop smoking?
For reference:
How to ask for advice
What should I do?
Could you tell me what to do?
Can you give me some advice?
How to give advice
You’d better…
I think you ought to..
Perhaps yo u should…
I suggest that you…
Step6. Homework
Work in your groups to make a poster (海报)to warn people not to smoke .。