
9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) 2014年9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方)Section 1题目题型:选择+配对+填空题目场景:一个音乐老师与家长通电话机经版本号:V08146S1(红色为答案,蓝色的为解析)1-3 Multiple Choices1. What the teacher praise student Emma for:A. Good performance in public showB. Set example to othersC. Get start quicklyEmma 在学校的表现好,是其他同学的role model2. Why did the course need to change in time?A. Falling enrolmentB. Size of the classroomC. Availability of music room注册的人太多了,地方space room limited不够大了3. When dies the new class begin?A. 3.15pmB. 4.15pmC. 4.45pm原来顶的是3.15,女的说了a quarter to 5,男的说这个时间没空,女的说只有这个时间有空,男的说好吧4-6 Matching:What is the reason that Emma cannot have the course?A. the course is fullB. the course fee is too expensiveC. she has another activity at that timeD. she has another activity at that evening4. dance classAI have to put you in the waiting list5. singing classDEmma has drama class in Friday evenings, it is too late in the evening 6. vocal classB老师说Emma’s voice很好,但是家长说太贵了7-10 Completing7. teach children to play instruments and to write musiccompose music, at last, performance music, having lot of fun8. course fee: $85包括多加的22 dollar9. Emma can start at: 14thSeptember原文本来说7号,男的说Emma有特殊情况,只能14号开始10. Teacher’s name: Jamal Curtis本Section与C6.1.1颇为相似,可以归为会员申请场景,需要多多关注连接词和数字,以下为补充单词:occupation 职业marital status婚姻状态right 权利obligation 义务valid date/ expiry date 有效起始日/有效截止日signature 签名restricted 被严格限制的voucher/ coupon 优惠券joining fee 入会费monthly/ annual subscription 月费/ 年费fine 罚金Section 2题目题型:选择+配对题目场景:Ski and snowboard exhibition活动介绍机经版本号:新题11-15 Multiple Choices11. 为什么推荐?A. comfortable12. 有什么新的东西?C. instructor13. 用什么letter代替门票是的方式?C. newsletter14. 之前媒体主要focus在什么上?B. reduction15. 买门票为什么worth? C. special offers16-20 Matching:16. 人物一:G讲了如何注意安全17. 人物二:B讲了ski & snowboard需要的以及如何准备所需要的装备18. 人物三:A讲了ski &snowboard的不同方面19. 人物四:E今年的活动与去年的区别20. 人物五:C本Section与C7.1.2很相似,为产品介绍场景,以下为补充词汇:background information 背景信息retail chain 连锁零售facility 设施well-qualified 高素质的Standard 标准的child-friendly 方便儿童使用的insurance 保险reservation 预订keepsake 纪念品knick-knack 小饰品Section3题目题型:填空+表格题目场景:数学法指导机经版本号:新题21-23 Notes Completion:21. There came a new teacher, who was very popular among students, and he wrote a book with the book title: Professional Learning.22. Covered research technique: skill for team research23. Objective: result presentation a collaborative culture24-30 Table Completion:Table 1 – observation method/technologyObservation check list24. Behaviorof pupilsKeep writing 25.diary25. Video recordingIn class 27. simulationTable 2 – non-observation method/technologyThe evaluation of 28.test results evaluationGet data from statisticsStatisticsQuestionnaireThe help of 29. Internetto identify respondentsChoose own respondents for 30. interview这一类场景可以归类为论文研究方法的场景,与C6.3.3颇为相似,以下为补充词汇:Classification/ Category 分类objective 对象essay 小论文presentation 演讲dissertation/ thesis 毕业论文paper 发表的论文assessment 评估assignment 作业science 理科arts 文科literature 文学sociology 社会学linguistics 语言学psychology 心理学architecture 建筑学questionnaire/survey/poll 问卷hypothesis/assumption/presumption/supposition 假设data analysis 数据分析quantitative method 计量方法statistics 统计学Section4题目题型:填空题目场景:城市迁徙机经版本号:新题31. produce less carbon than countryside by 40%-50%32. good for agriculture would recover32. energy deficient because the service is concentrated in the city33. rural area rely more on cars34. in the city, more rubbish recycling35. can gain more promoting at work, instead getting married36. losing culture because people have to work hard to maintain life37. more crimes in the city38. poor quality of air39. increase economy because of consumption40. more stress for traffic problems此题内容虽然是新题,但是考察点,考场场景非常常见,题目中并无难点。

Section 1: (旧题:V08141)一个男的向当地旅游管理员询问旅游的一些事宜:1.Moderate2.12.5 (有三个景点,这个是12.5km, 第二个好像是10km, 第三个是8km)3.Fish4.Beach (第二个景点可以看到beach)5.Seafood6.Waterfall (第三个景点)7.279 (哪个公交车可以direct to 那个地方,说到两个公交车号,首先说的是268,但是要转车,后面提到279是直达的)8.5:30 (最晚的一班回程车时间)9.Bridge (在哪个地方停,at the bridge)10.Map (付好费用后,可以拿到一个免费的map)Section 2: 有关driving license 课程流程图式的,分theory and practical , 上面给出很多选项,让你根据听到的步骤去match下面的流程图(选择题)11.我选的是road-based(classroom)-这个不太确定,大家可以分享各自经验12.Trial test (接受完classroom training后,会有个trial test)13.Provisional license (理论课最后一题)14.circuit-based (practice第一个)15.RDT test16.12month prohibition (选这个)17-20 选择题17.reserve online check the detail18.more than one language18. on the shops19.20.如果要cancel的话,怎么样可以退款(B)A.B. Amount of time notice (就是只要提前足够长的时间通知的话,就可以取消)C. 医院开证明Section 3: Alice听男学长Ahmed and 女学长Tina讲学习方面及导师的建议21-23 是选both Ahmed and Tina都认为得益于导师的地方。

2014年雅思考试听力真题词汇汇总表考试时间section1 section2 section3 section420141220 小岛旅游:填空:daytime temperature:19 degree Celsius;normal transfer time:40 minutes; suitefacilities and balcony;tennis; fish dishes;play piano; cable car;tropical plant garden;helicopter; fireworkdisplay;工作场景tour guide:选择+配对:foreigncurrency; flexible;uniform; flag;作业讨论:选择+配对:电影概况:crime story; quizshow; documentary;inspiriting; appreciate;statistics; inaccurate;opera; story conference;planning meeting; 4-weekdiscussion; productionstage; videotape editor;动物研究:填空+单选:behavior ofchimpanzee; genetic and biologicalfactors; make tools; use stone hammer tocrash nuts; open shell; learn throughobservation; considerable skills;population density; logically thinking;generation;20141213 预订冲浪课程:填空:Sandy(人名); 费用:495; Hotel; transport;Mexico; December;turn; insurance;Flecther(人名)公司乔迁:选择+空间地图: why move?For expansion; newlocation is close toPrinters; will sell theold furniture to thepublic; file;conference; salestaff; display room;designers' desks;temporary staff'sdesks; lunch room;消费者态度的调查:填空+选择:occupation;cashier; big departmentstore; jeans;50%;15%;35%; purchase;sports wears; trousers;有机农场和农药:选择+填空:organicfarming; advantage is sustainable; boostthe sales; save necessary energy inproducing fertilizers; worms; insects;winter weed production; organic grass;yield increase; be reluctant to; conclusion;beneficial; wildlife;20141206 租用studio:地点:Tythe; 前租户:painter; top floor;earliest move in:January 1st;minimum let: 3months; rent:150pounds; café; nophone; email photos;station选择+地图:健身房:annually; badmintoncourt入学讨论:配对+选择:seminar; field trip; coursework; ecosystem;equipment; surveymethod; insect纳米科技的介绍和应用:填空:nanotechnology; new type of microscope;products are unnatural; reduce the cost ofchocolates; pieces of furniture; fertilizers;atoms; module; silver; nutrition20141204 艺术博览会:填空:1960s; 352;university;audiences;internationalstudents; fair;photography; venue;car-park/ workshop;models by clay;realistic animals;purple; close toentrance旅行指导:填空+配对:bill; commentcard; booking form;luggage; cabin keys;room service; legalformalities; declare;学术讨论:配对:从缺oil tree: 配对+填空:人和事的配对:incident; challenge; benefit; habit;species; aborigines; medical treatment;Dutch explorer; accumulate; stem; lid;gravity; tubes20141122 健身俱乐部:填空:Wickford;membershippackage; silverpackage; discountedfees; joining fees;tennis; danceclasses; café; hiretowel;选择题+地图题:coinlaundry;水陆两用车:配对+填空:rough terrain(地形); solarenergy; special shape;most advanced tech;vehicle; mammals adaptto;印度公司管理:填空:democratic style;employee first; internal website; incomegrowth; vacation; complaint;communication; promotion; ban2014113 应聘bookshop:avenue;postcode:RA67BU;photography; flowercompany; saleassistant; nurserysupervisor; waitress;available;游泳课:单选+配对:occasionally pain inneck; handmovement; position;hand's movement;craw method; adultbeginners; privatelesson; breath overthe water; instructor;选课讨论:summarizecontent; combinepresentation and socialcontent; the value of thebook; apply software toassist; assessment oncontent and organization;only one slide; mustn'tread aloud; do not use toomany colors and fonts;presentation need to befilmed地下建筑物:填空:base in the mountainsor close to subways; inspired by aChinese story; go by tunnel and by bridge;notice interior mall roof; can havereduction in noise of the traffic; don't haveenough space; not used to shopping in abasement; suffer from flooding20141108 儿童项目介绍:填空:saturdays; donkeyrides; hike aroundthe lake; nutrition andhealth course;soccer; basic ridingsafety; fire for ameal; new ways forhorse presentation;Wednesdays:swimming; address:9290, Puslinch Road;open time: 8:30am –4:15pm garden的介绍论文开题报告:多选+填空:proposal; review;feedback; word limit; obeyrules; no restriction;conduct interview; usecorrect font; send a note inadvance; submitassignment; deadline;hypothesis(假设);procedure;商学院作业:填空+多选:missionstatement; maximum; computer literacy;academic qualification; training sessions;profile; career plan; academic help;surrounding; colleague; placement;administration officer;20141101 搬家保险理赔:填空:三连数字:triple; 地点:Arkansas; lost 10paintings; mirror in agolden frame; plate;学前教育机构咨询:填空:children from3 months to 5 yearsold; run as acooperative byparents; suitable formixed age;participate in atraining; do a specialassignment; attendmeeting; pay severalvisits ; was funded建筑学术讨论:选择+配对:terminology(术语); beobjective; short the length;get permission; carry out ainterview; detaileddescription; relocate theplace;modernization;reconstruction游泳池的新技术:选择+填空+配对:primaryfunction; injury preventive; comparativeresult; technique monitor swimmers'motion; unique; combine carious pieces ofequipment; unregulated kick; short armstrokeby government; do more reading; increase children's confidence20141025 婚礼场地预订:填空:tel number: 3784775;February; preferredholding place:park;70 guests; grass frochildren to play; viewfor photos; revenuerenting should haveenough parking;fiancée deals withcatering; council;banquet; long beach;活动介绍:多选+地图:class list; shoebag; informal dance;课程贫家:配对+选择:recommend; manufacture;product quality control;marketing; gain workingexperience; write areference letter; tutorialsystem; positiveexperience; informationresources; disagreement;加拿大矿场:first coal from the cliffs;increase the production need to improvetransport system; people come to workfrom spring; population was reduced inrural area; booming mine; miner mainlycame from Scotland; torch; candle in aholder; lamp; fitted link with a lock; feweraccidents; sparkle;flame求职:avenue; account department; coach quality: deal with difficult people; good at concentration;excellent vision; work Sunday mornings; some leaning and administration work; know the job from newspaper 电视节目:配对+表格:be shot; onlyrepetitive; comedy(science fiction;tragedy) family life;creature艺术与音乐对病人的影响:多选+配对:previous是hospital put the art andmusic focus on thepatients havepsychological problems;they put art and music intohospital because patientsalways focus on minorissues; the studentappreciates most aboutthe research is themanagement issue; 配对:little impact; bloodpressure; average bloodpressure; emergency;surgery; pregnant woman;城市的发展;选择+填空:local history wasreferenced in the research; handcrafts;reconstruction; development; defense;market declined its scale; transport;prison; market product; useless material;interview; crime;20141018会场选址:e-mail marketing; sandwiches provided after presentation; project; taxi送到station; 第一个宾馆因为financial的原因,已经closed;第二个near bridge,view; 第三个noisy; 第四个near hospital, no restaurant; 盖房子:选择题:better quality; needa day; wide range ofprice difference;calculating methodis different; need topay a depositbefore started; needto compare price inradio's website; 多项选择:如何知道building的quality?之前看过的房子;与之前的客户联系;如果房子有问题,应该如何解决?找建筑商redo the work; 找regulator反应论文讨论:配对题:visualguidance; drill downmethod; analyze;analysis; SWOT analysis;manufactory reputation;major competitors;expansion opportunity;supervisor;纺织物设计:填空+选择:rags made fromwool; started design in prison; somethingbrings rainbow; desert; family and nature;natural bird images; lizard and snake;clothing; carpet case20141011children play zone: Located at North Hill, opposite Toy factory; free parking; 4.45 pounds per child; free entry include a drink to adults; climibng frames; ball pool; large slide; children golf course; must wear trousersand socks; a label for names; minimum number 8; birthday parties include food, drink, decorations 小岛旅游介绍:ferry; hovercraft(气垫船); unregistered;self-cafeteria;monkeys bite;discussion over artportfolio: 想在art portfolio里变现出development; 要包括poster; 把humanbody放进去为了表现movement; 不把沙漠的作品放进去是因为needexplanation; 老师对他们的organize in group 帮助最大; 还要征求artist的意见; matching题:coverage-letting--handwriting; originaljewelry--accuracy(precision); wood curve--originality;advertisement--mood(energy)填空:economic view to trust: whenkindness occurs, oxygen will be released;recognize a person's face; reducepoverty; obligation/responsibility to returnmoney; expectation; involved a risk;oxygen release when interaction start;trust involves a cooperation process;when return money, with higher level ofoxygen; oxygen can be seen as a socialglue20140927课外班选课:praise;set example to others; size of classroom;availability ;4:45pm; 配对题:选项:course full; fee expensive; has another activity that time; another activity that evening; vocal class;填空:play instruments write music;85 dollars; Jamal Curtis 滑雪场景和滑雪板的使用:选择题:为什么推荐这个东西Acomfortable; 有什么新的东西Cinstructor;用什么代替门票最好Cnewsletter; 之前媒体关注什么Breduction; 门票为什么worth C specialoffers ;配对:人物和所讲内容的配对professional learning;skillfor tam research; resultpresentation acollaborative culture;observation technology;behavior of pupils; keepwriting diary; videorecording; in classsimulation; the evaluationof test results get datafrom statistics;questionnaire; help ofinternet to identifyrespondents; choose ownrespondents for interviewproduce less carbon than countryside;good for agricultural would recover;energy deficient; rural area rely more oncars; more rubbish recycling; latemarriage; gain more promoting at work;losing culture because people have towork to maintain life; more crimes in thecity; poor quality of air; increase economybecause of consumption; more stress fortraffic problems2014092020140906 成为健身房gym的会员:出生日期:24thAugust 1979;地址:Fox;问女生为什么选择一年的会员,选C:saving money;6月份有什么事情? 选B:Travelling forbusiness 配对题:问女生对下列课程(运动)是否有兴趣:A 现在有兴趣B 未来有兴趣C 没有兴趣题目有:fitness, weightclass, underwater等fishing和老师讨论一个关于互联网的研究:people useinternet mainly: savetime;areas concerned:privacy;mainly women;exchange socialinformation;business;tosell product or providesupport;offer advice;creative ideas;networkers;plan holidays关于英国垃圾站的场景:a broken egg;fishhooks are made of fish bones;road isbuilt;you need to get a permit immigrationtravel;are safer than...as less likely to...;early settlers ate huge birds;rare glassobjects can be found;lakes are beside amountains;found where soldiers stayed20140904 求职:工作地点:France;待的时间:6months;父亲工作:director;距离:2.5km;(own) club;要求能力:driving;需要确认细节:insurance;名字:Kellar;休息日:Sundays;流行运动:sailing乐队活动的介绍:recruit youngpeople;can playviolin;attend 2rehearsals everyweek论文讨论:exhibition;applyfrom an art institution;Abstract Design音乐数字和颜色的联系:when people hearmusic;family;unimportant;mechanism;memories;language;genetic origin;adisplay of numbers;the fives are in arandom arrangement;shaped as atriangleCampus suite的价格是:£3834 or 3034;价格不包括holidays;第二类home welcome;第三类与人合租,其中有studio;自己需要交£48(这个好像是什么电费天然气费等等费用,前面有个43的干扰);还包括water(water是要填的内容,费用为£9);transportation 的费用;a deposit(不用s);two references;arrangem ent are flexible 配对题的选项内容where we can buyhot food;found thechildren lost;enjoythe local bands;Freeparking lots;Dancinglearning;meet thechildrenentertainment;watchthe latest film;地图题(地图见右侧)答案顺序:H-meadowcampsite;A. caravanpark;G. greenlounge;F. cash point;E. xxx restaurant因为课程火爆必须选课,决定选课题取决于是否考试,选择:为什么当天就要选?因课程火爆,很容易就选满;在选课时什么更重要?别的同学的建议;哪个new课是必选的?A. BusinessB. LanguageC. Math;两个人都不确定什么?how toregister配对:统计课——有用但是作业多;艺术课——veryuseful;Xx课——导师材料详细;Xx课——比预期的要难古文字研究(填空):Materials;types;oldest;Samples;monument;texts;direction;circles;printing;Game20140821Type of company:advertising company; position:sales manager; Preferred location:near station;area:8000;req uirements:24 hours security; gym; Kitchen; Basement; Canteen before and after work; Unnecessary office furniture How to become amillionaire: Makemistake:meanschance andopportunity; How torun a company atthe beginning:employ expertise; Aleader should be:respected by hisworkforce; deal withrisk: insist your aim;成功需要的要素:比别人有竞争力;合理定价;开始创业时候支持来源于:家庭;银行observation of whales:Watch times; weather;State of sea:calm;.visibility:100 meters;fishing boats; group size;画了四种不同的鲸鱼:minkwhale ;northern rightwhale; sperm whale; bluewhale跟前三种鲸鱼配对British textile industry in 18th century and20th century: the number of employees:1.5million;Because of the invasion ofoutside industry, they closed oldmanufacturing facilities; In 20th century,fashionable clothes are mainly for women;in the future they choose product of outfitsoutdoors wears2014081620140809 morning; Frenchclass; bring moneyfor food ingredient;girls club; paintingclass; bring ownbrushes; Date of firstclass: 15th June;Location:J52;Parking: next tostationboat; ferry; cruise;limousine; arrivaltime; interval;departure time;using satellite; in the past, the study isdone with radio; always losing signals;they are not easily captured; they followthe direct route way home; trackingdevices are set in the head of crocodile;transfer crocodiles to different places byhelicopter; research on how crocodilesnavigate; the crocodiles find theirdirection/ orientation by the sun;crocodiles have same system like thebirds20140802 RHYS; leathershoes; phonebookalter to; natural gas;utilize small engines;heavy fuelsconsumption; warmup the engine; clearthe oil filter; trunkload; standard gradeoil; smooth road;obesity; accurate date;dependence; varyingheight and weight;rationally;willing;instinct;financial;technology;reward;boiler;neighbors;increase;impact20140726 36 choices; Tuesday;forest;garden;coastal; farmdeaf; hearingproblem; weekdaymornings; healthcare's pharmacy;consultation;samples; heart rateincrease; less oxygen inblood; aim lower and reactfaster; hit the crossbar;move faster at sea level;connected;children'sbackground;passive;self-centred;laboratories;house;simulating;learning;personality;development before birth20140719 habits; chart; time;diet; space; students;closed; causes; test;clearWhy traditional lecture inefficient? Highabsent rate;Students hard torecall;Lecture do not wantchange;Students feel confused;surveydone on a regular basis; 34%;usereal-experience;sentencecompletion;pause without activities; underdifferent subjects20140710 address in the labelneed to be madebigger; should bechanged toreception;information alsoneed to be translatedinto Spanish; printprice in red color;deliver deadline;manager’s name:Cliffton; telephonenumber: 903036602picnic; pick up ameal ticket;students are form a widerange of age groups;helps to promote problemsolving; essential part;time management; onlineforum; review the notesregularly; placement testset realistic target;African penguin; keep temperature;restrict movement out of dawn and dusk;set up nets under tee roots; cannot fly duet heavy bones; distinctive because ofoverfishing and pollution; fight for spaceand food; predators; sharks; oceansseals; increase the diversity of genes20140628 camping not to buy too muchpaint; ConsumerService Centre;leave some spacebetween the twodustbins; paper andcard; car batteries;glass; sparecomponents;printers and inkcartridges presentation; purismtax; food prices; large-scale housing;lack of space; less crowded; suburb;20140621 Fiszimmons;consultant; laundry;guitar class; full dayoff on Sunday;climbing; own gym;walls with brightfabricssample; software;reference; statistics;application; offer solution;brief note;20140619 minimum stay; soapis not provided;well-equippedkitchen innovative; gas emission; manufacturing; packing20140607 Bittens(姓); groupwith discount; blackrow; wheelchair; lift;library; vegetarian;pizza national reserveeat particular plant;endangered; sing formating; attract otherspecies; communicatewith wings; avoidsgrounds; right color;Australia crest pigeons;rock pigeons; blackbanded pigeonsphenomenon; workplace; engineering;ability; workload; confident; risk; feedback;enjoy competition; future developmentand career opportunities20140524 556781923; 21stAugust; electricitysupply; free bookleton new appliance;energy saving;protection policy for acooker; credit check;3 days prior to informyou; by email; centralheatingadvance career:gain you a seniorpositiondifferent age group;supportive environment;practical work; essential;time management; reviewnotes regularly; get helpfrom staff; answers froparticular nursingproblems; backgroundreading; realistic targets;20140517 Tuesday; grocerystore; labels; pizza;librarian; limited;financial resources;crimesmall scale; budget; nutsand fat; beneath a tree;observation;advice from colleagues; journals;persuasive writing argument; scores;answer; academic report; code20140515 Omerama(地名); usea ladder; hotcondition; goodconcentration; 4.5per bucket; raining;13.75 per hour;January; laundry;bikeshop; playground;spa; gym; weightsroom; massageroom; off-peakenergy harvest: smallelectric equipment; thinsolar panel: bemanufactureseconomically; sportsshoes: technology fromspace; packaging; betterappearanceraise children's confidence; understandthe importance of listening; learn skill oftaking risks; the effect of therapy; in a safeenvironment; increase the passion forparticipation; understand morality; thespirit of teamwork/responsibility; thehistory knowledge;20140510 towels; booklets;shells; game room;bicycles;anniversary;journalist; committeeweather; electricity;explore; renewableenergy; choosing location;benefit overweighs thehigh cost;escape; tuna; safeguard; coast;hospitality;20140426 clothes; sportequipment; Saturday;letter; poor quality;phone number; freshproducts;overseas students;Woodside Campus;website; faculty;parking center;throughout the year;be taxed;questionnaire; survey;reply via electronic digital;digital history buildingmaps; grouprepresentative; take intoconsideration of bothsides; earn respect;airplane; robot; quality; climate; salt;surface; cables; chemical level; wing-up;satellite20140424 booths; boards;store; kitchen;rooms with individualpond; horse ranch;learn about bushherbal treatmentengine; utility; safe; higherseats; commercial; rollover; weight; insurancelow impact; energy; conservation; traffic;span; healthy benefit;配对题中的单词:saving energy; zero noisy; low cost;durable contracture20140412 referencenumber:CW3104;postcode: CR02YR;Middle Street; leakwater; switched off;wood; clientengineer; post office fireworkpoor quality of sound;interview with teacher; usea lot of questions; surveyof students; too muchnoise; 配对题的内容:write a script; note card;practice with a partner;re-read after several days;proof reading;net; rats; smile; walking; newspaper;social; whistle; fight; aware; instinctive20140405 radio program;mj@;LS142JW; jointmembership; UnionBank; JY137; videopicnic; FloersCollection;exhibition; artgallery; concert hall;unique; a variety range ofuses; mulberry tree; notnative in pacific; bettermaterial for fabric;recreational, practical,spiritual commercialsame geographical area; economy-sociallevel; social factors; challenge; tutors;good health; level maturity; advisor;on-line service help20140315 Museum Avenue;maximum of people,88 guests and 5family members; notnuts(allergic to nuts);hot buffet; table cloth,paper, napkins;birthday cake;flowersroutinely= on aregular basis;opposite direction;prepare therefreshments;weather forecast;journalist; freedom; status;theoretical background;work placement; facilities;challenging; cinemas;clubs; activities;apartment;new settlers; irrigation; availability of food;need constant temperature; habitat; loseof nutrition in the soil; degradation; declinein population; great erosion was causedby floods; energy is reliable; certainhumidity20140313 Lunch is notincluded; Must payfor one term;Studio;Usually keepthe contract for 12months; Electricitybill: 43 pounds;Water bill is eightpounds; Name:Friendly Faces; Feefrom 35 pounds to 80pounds; Include billsand mealsballoon ride, trainride, rollercoaster,helicopter ride,buggy ride, pretzelfactory, NativeAmerican Museum,Modern Art Museumdead volcano; activevolcano; dormant volcano;location is in Mexico orUSA; Erica thinks the areahas been neglected, hedoes not understand themain reason;关于如何选材料, via internet videofilm program; dead anddormant, in order todistinguish betweenscientific and popularterm; last presentation不足的原因:not develop herown point; volcano’sbenefit: not fullyrecognized or not fullyexploitedgraphic design的发展历史the mainpurpose of : commercial reasons; spreadknowledge. Eg, animals; a real-worldobject; a foot symbolizes walking; symbolof.. in a line in the sign of car; symbol inthe application of mathematics;photograph was invented to help;manufactures need to advertise to besuccessful; advertise packaging should bedesigned in product20140308 derate12.5;fish;beach;seafood;waterfall;279;5.30;bridge;maptheory practice,HDRtest, revision theorypracticevegetarian, intermediate;Tolerance; Discipline;Poverty; work20140301Visa type: BlueCard; July;website; September;weather; £5.6 ;campsite; bike; cautiousengineering; printed; global market;documentation; computer; tutorial;reflective; business plan; journalism;interviewpassport; water20140222 Saturday; mask;spare socks; plasticbag; certificate variance safety incidence,20140215 skills: ropes; feesinclude: equipment;do safety check;fees: include guide;forest; navigation;fees: include lunch;group deposit:20%(总额20%的订金);bring: shoes(自备鞋子);Contactperson: ArkwrightAttraction zone;50%off, meal withthe staff, privateplace to have meal,handle animalshandling data; strength;personal statement;business contact;understand customerrelations; use a foreignlanguage; travel toanother countryman-made dams; from the sea;agricultural; domestic; industrial (papermaking, food processing);Waste Disposal;water pass through a filter; with specialChemicals ;water is tested every day20140213 every second week;Perter Wisbrough;Bridge Road; CentralPark; Yellow Box;BS97UP;helpline@balckcat.com; Metal; Magazine;Savvycrop-best value forlocal money;potato-top quality;tomato-imported isbetter;carrots-unappealingappearance;orange-easy to peel;apple-bad quality;banana-ripe andready to eat; bunchpump design;organization; more data;appendix; software;videos; signal; apology; request;excitement; fight; understand; cultural;voices; faces;雅思听力口语陆欣欣carylxx@20140201 lifeguard; Address:Elsinore; cell phoneNo.077896245;currentlypart time job: waiter;at a high schoolbaseball coach; otherrelevant workingexperience: rescuediver; othercertifications: diving;get information fromradioresults; boring; Japanese;extra workload; jobopportunities higher; fees;Chemistry; Engineering;restrict rangeABI system; specialized; Focus onapproach; presentation; Establishingrules; data; Choose a monitor; Actionplan; Energy; limit use of Internet; submitwritten questions20140125 Clark house;University Drive;cutlery and dish; CDplayer;防火: tree with softleaves; not too closeto the trees; roof withno gaps; clean therubbish from roof;remove the gastanks from the yard;democratic; employee first;communication。

三旧:Section1 & Section3 &Section4
Section 2出现明显的澳大利亚口音,语速较快
Section 3填空题间隔近,反应要快
Section 4纳米科技话题内容较难,单词不容易写
A. Hasn UniversityB. Con UniversityC. Both
22.哪个大学的compulsoryfield research是必修课?选:B
Section 4
31. Development in Nanotechnology is because of a new type ofmicroscopes
32. People worry about Nanotechnology products areunnatural
17. badminton court:选:C
19. bathroom:选:B
20. swimming pool:选:F
Section 3

朗阁雅思培训中心 欧阳琼
考试日期 总体评析 重点关注 2014 年 12 月 20 日 四旧 Section 1 考查的单词较为基础; Section 2 单选题注意对正确信息的筛选; Section 3 为学术场景,注意信息定位和同义替换; Section 4 注意听录音之前对信号词的定位 版本号 场景 题型 V101204 S1 Traveling Completion 小岛旅游 1-4 填空题 Sentence completion: 1. Daytime temperature around: 19 degree Celsius and 14 degree Celsius at night 2. Normal transfer time 40 minutes 3. Every room has suite facilities and a balcony 4. Outdoor swimming and playing tennis 5-10 表格题 Table completion: Provides the Transport After dinner service Tuesday Making 5. fish To play the 6. piano dishes Wednesday By 7. cable car 8. Tropical plant garden Thursday By 9. helicopter Watch 10. firework display 考察内容比较简单,词汇也很基础,相关旅行的场景可以参考剑桥系列 C4 Test 1 Section 1 & C5 Test 1 Section 1。 版本号 场景 题型 V14220 S2 Multiple Choice / Matching Job 工作场景 导游推荐工作(working as a tour guide 的信息介绍) 11-16 选择题 Multiple choice: 11. Recommended time for tour guides, 选:A A. early in afternoon B. before the noon C. evening 12. 关于建议(tips), 选:B A. The amount of day spending B. Pay attention to coin and foreign currency C. They cannot receive money 13. The most important quality for a tour guide is, 选:C A. Mastery of foreign languages B. Being flexible C. Ability to deal with unexpected things 14. 需要统一的东西,选:A A. Uniforms and a same T-shirt B. Hats(帽子带不带随便) C. flags(yellow ones) 15. 关于 30 人 city wall walk, 选:controlled by officials (原文说 20 人以内可以,多了要提前通知) 16. 选:不要觉得小费是应该的