基于Altera FPGA的LVDS配置应用一例在特权同学发表博文《Cyclone III的LVDS接口注意事项》后,不少网友发邮件询问LVDS具体应用的一些问题。
不要金口难开,发个邮件打个电话,可能那些吃这个饭的FAE 们一句话就帮你搞定问题了。
当我们使用Quartus II的MegaWizard选择并进入某个IP核的配置界面后,如图1所示,我们总能够在右上角看到一个名为“Documentation”的按钮,他就是传说中的“灯火阑珊处”了,点击后有两个二级子按钮,“On the Web”指向三级菜单的两个网络链接,“altlvds_tx Megafunction User Guide”则直接链接打开本地的帮助文档。
图1关于文档,除此以外,特权同学比较习惯的做法是在Quartus II handbook或Help 中搜索关键词,如这里的altlvds_tx或LVDS,从而找到相关内容的介绍说明。
altera的lvds用法Altera(现在归属于英特尔)的FPGA(现在称为Intel FPGA)在实现LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling)时,通常会使用Altera LVDS IP 核或采用LVDS I/O 标准。
下面是一般情况下使用Altera FPGA 实现LVDS 的步骤:1. 引脚规划(Pin Assignment):-在Quartus Prime 设计工具中,打开项目并打开Pin Planner。
-选择LVDS 输入或输出引脚。
-将LVDS 信号与适当的FPGA 引脚相连。
2. 时钟资源分配:-如果LVDS 信号需要与时钟一起使用,确保为LVDS 时钟引脚分配了正确的时钟资源。
- Altera FPGA 提供PLL(Phase-Locked Loop)资源,可用于产生LVDS 时钟。
3. 使用LVDS IP 核:-在Quartus Prime 中,你可以使用IP Catalog 中的"ALTDDIO_IN" 和"ALTDDIO_OUT" IP 核。
-在IP Catalog 中搜索"ALTDDIO_IN" 或"ALTDDIO_OUT",然后将其添加到你的设计中。
-在IP 核配置中,设置LVDS 参数,如输入/输出模式、电压标准等。
4. 约束设置:-在设计中,你可能需要添加SDC(Synopsys Design Constraints)文件,以确保时序约束得到满足。
-针对LVDS 时序进行适当的约束,确保时序满足LVDS 标准。
5. 仿真和验证:-在设计完成后,进行仿真以验证LVDS 信号的正确性。
-使用SignalTap 或其他调试工具来监视LVDS 信号。
6. 生成配置文件和下载到FPGA:-在Quartus Prime 中,使用编译工具生成配置文件。
-使用Programmer 工具将配置文件下载到FPGA 中。
LVDS视频传输数据接口LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling)即低压差分信号传输,是一种满足当今高性能数据传输应用的新型技术。
由于其可使系统供电电压低至 2V,因此它还能满足未来应用的需要。
此技术基于ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 LVDS 接口标准。
LVDS 技术拥有 330mV 的低压差分信号 (250mV MIN and 450mV MAX) 和快速过渡时间。
这可以让产品达到自 100 Mbps 至超过 1 Gbps 的高数据速率。
7:1 LVDS接口是一个源同步LVDS接口。
图1 7:1LVDS接口每个通道包括一个串行LVDS数据对和一个源同步LVDS时钟对。
7:1发送器将7个LVTTL 并行数据位串行化为一个LVDS数据位,并将该串行数据通道与LVDS时钟一起传输。
图2 7:1接收方与发送方基于FPGA的通道链接和平面链接样式接口的需求包括四个关键组件:高速LVDS缓冲区、用于生成反序列化时钟的锁相环、输入数据捕获和传动装置以及数据格式化。
Lattice isplever设计指南及常见问题解答
Lattice ispMACH TM 4000V/B/C/Z 设计指南及常见问题解答目录1介绍 (4)1.1特征 (4)1.2产品系列和器件选择手册 (4)1.3性能分析 (5)1.3.1超快性能 (5)1.3.2最低功耗 (6)2体系结构概述 (7)2.1ISP MACH4000体系结构 (7)2.2结构特征 (9)2.2.1逻辑分配器和3种速度路径 (9)2.2.2带可编程延时的输入寄存器 (10)2.2.3灵活的时钟和时钟使能 (10)2.2.4初始化控制 (11)2.2.5ORP BYPASS多路复用器 (11)2.2.6I/O 单元 (12)2.2.7OE 控制 (12)3设计实现 (13)3.1全局约束 (13)3.1.1Fitter 选项 (13)3.1.2利用率选项 (14)3.2约束编辑器 (15)3.2.1设备设置表 (15)3.2.2封装察看/引脚编辑规划 (15)3.2.3引脚/节点位置分配 (16)3.2.4组分配 (16)3.2.5I/O类型设置 (16)3.2.6资源预留 (17)3.2.7缺省设置 (17)3.3资源约束 (17)3.3.1使用源约束注意事项 (17)3.3.2源约束语法 (18)3.4优化设计方法 (21)3.4.1ispLEVEL 约束选项控制 (21)3.4.2HDL 源文件约束控制 (22)4器件应用要点 (22)4.14K系列器件VCC和VCCO的作用和连接 (22)4.24K系列器件各电源上电时间及要求 (22)4.34K系列器件的全局复位 (22)4.4关于4K系列器件时钟的用法 (22)4.5全局输出使能信号 (23)4.6CPLD的I/O口作为双向口使用时应注意的问题 (23)4.7关于设计中使用宽多路复用器的问题 (24)4.8未使用引脚的处理 (25)4.9I/O5V兼容问题 (25)4.10I/O口的电平设置 (25)4.114K系列器件引脚上、下拉电阻,OD,慢摆率特性的设定 (25)4.12关于引脚的缺省值和更改 (27)4.134K系列器件功耗的计算 (27)4.144K系列器件节点温度的计算 (27)4.154K器件的热插拔 (28)4.16ISP JTAG编程/测试信号 (28)4.17CPU加载的频率 (28)4.184K系列器件可承受的加载次数 (28)4.19加载过程中I/O口的状态 (28)4.20综合工具的选择 (29)4.21关于约束文件 (29)4.22用嵌入的M ODEL S IM 仿真 (29)4.23M ODEL S IM应用点滴 (30)4.244K器件上电电压阀值 (30)4.25ISP LEVER中的版本控制功能 (31)4.26ISP LEVER中C ONSTRAINT E DITOR的G LOBAL C ONSTRAINTS设置 (32)4.27ISP LEVER中的时序分析 (33)5ISPLEVER优化参数快速指南 (33)5.1ISP LEVER常用约束优化参数的含义与推荐设置 (33)5.2ISP LEVER推荐的优化参数设置 (35)6ISPLEVER安装说明 (36)6.1ISP LEVER安装说明 (36)6.2ISP VM S YSTEM安装说明 (37)7相关资料 (37)1介绍ispMACH4000 器件包括3.3V、2.5V和1.8V三个系列。
基于UltraFlex系统进行LVDS接口芯片的测试方法苏洋【摘要】The differential signal can be used as high speed interface, LVDS interface can afford high speed translation, the method of testing LVDS interface has great difference form single signal. The paper describe the method of using UltraFlex to test IC with LVDS interface, the content include how to assign ATE channel, how to design DUT PCB and other test techniques. The method is already used for LVDS input and output signal at 800 Mbps.%高速接口通常采用差分信号实现,LVDS接口可以满足高速信号传输,对具备LVDS接口芯片的测试方法与单端信号的测试有较大差别。
此方案已经应用于800 Mbps多路LVDS输入和输出接口的测试。
【期刊名称】《电子与封装》【年(卷),期】2014(000)010【总页数】5页(P4-7,29)【关键词】LVDS;ATE;信号完整性;动态测试向量【作者】苏洋【作者单位】中国电子科技集团公司第58研究所,江苏无锡 214035【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN407LVDS是一种低摆幅的差分信号技术,LVDS具有高速率、低功耗、抗干扰能力强、低EMI等优点,在高速信号传输中有广泛应用。
第6章Lattice 系列CPLD6.1 概述6.2 CPLD器件系列简介6.1 概述Lattice Semiconductor Corporation 是世界著名的可编程器件厂商,它长期致力于高性能可编程逻辑器件及相关软件的设计、开发和销售。
Lattice可编程器件普遍采用其发明的E2 (电可擦除、电可编程)CMOS工艺和ISP(In System Programmable)技术,具备兼容IEEE 1532标准的在系统可编程性和IEEE 1149.1标准边界扫描可测试性,支持用户直接对安装在电路板上的该类器件进行编程、再编程以及功能与连通性测试,从而在产品的整个生命周期中获得许多利益和方便。
ISP 器件及技术的主要优点设计生产用户现场服务,技术支持缩短产品从设计到上市的周期简化系统试制过程提高电路板的可测试性减少器件的实物库存减少生产成本提高系统的质量和可靠性易于在用户现场进行检测和调试经济方便的远程对系统更新和修复6.2 CPLD器件系列简介如表6.1所示,Lattice经过优化的CPLD、XPLD组合包括多种具有不同特点、面向不同应用的器件系列,包括跨越式PLD(MachXO系列)、主流CPLD(ispMACH 4000V/B/C系列)、先进CPLD(ispXPLD5000MV/B/C系列)、5V CPLD(ispMACH4A5系列)、混合信号CPLD (ispPAC-POWR1208/604器件),因而能够提供成本优化和性能领先的解决方案。
表6.1 Lattice CPLD和XPLD器件系列一览表电源系列宏单元t/ns F max/MHz I/O 存储器/Kb PLLPD1.2 V MachXO 128~1140* 3.5 345 73~271 0~27.6 0~2MachXO 128~1140* 3.5 345 73~271 0~27.6 0~25000MC 256~1024 3.5 300 141~381 64~512 2 1.8 V4000C 32~512 2.5 400 30~208 ——4000Z 32~256 3.5 267 32~128 ——MachXO 128~1140* 3.5 345 73~271 0~27.6 0~2 2.5 V5000MB 256~1024 3.5 300 141~381 64~512 24000B 32~512 2.5 400 30~208 ——MachXO 128~1140* 3.5 345 73~271 0~27.6 0~2 3.3 V5000MV 256~1024 3.5 300 141~381 64~512 24000V 32~512 2.5 400 30~208 ——5 V 4A5 32~256 5 182 32~128 ——6.2.1 MachXO跨越式可编程逻辑器件MachXO系列将FPGA的灵活性与CPLD的性能相结合,故被称为跨越式可编程逻辑器件。
LatticeLatticeECP3PCIE桥接解决方案The LatticeECP3™ (EConomy Plus Third generation) family of FPGA devices is optimized to deliver high perfor-mance features such as an enhanced DSP architecture, high speed SERDES and high speed source synchronous interfaces in an economical FPGA fabric. This combination is achieved through advances in device architecture and the use of 65nm technology making the devices suitable for high-volume, high-speed, low-cost applications. The LatticeECP3 device family expands look-up-table (LUT) capacity to 149K logic elements and supports up to 586 user I/Os. The LatticeECP3 device family also offers up to 320 18x18 multipliers and a wide range of parallel I/O standards. The LatticeECP3 FPGA fabric is optimized with high performance and low cost in mind. The LatticeECP3 devices utilize reconfigurable SRAM logic technology and provide popular building blocks such as LUT-based logic, distrib-uted and embedded memory, Phase Locked Loops (PLLs), Delay Locked Loops (DLLs), pre-engineered source synchronous I/O support, enhanced sysDSP slices and advanced configuration support, including encryption and dual-boot capabilities. The pre-engineered source synchronous logic implemented in the LatticeECP3 device family supports a broad range of interface standards, including DDR3, XGMII and 7:1 LVDS. The LatticeECP3 device family also features high speed SERDES with dedicated PCS functions. High jitter toler-ance and low transmit jitter allow the SERDES plus PCS blocks to be configured to support an array of popular data protocols including PCI Express, SMPTE, Ethernet (XAUI, GbE, and SGMII) and CPRI. Transmit Pre-empha-sis and Receive Equalization settings make the SERDES suitable for transmission and reception over various forms of media. The LatticeECP3 devices also provide flexible, reliable and secure configuration options, such as dual-boot capa-bility, bit-stream encryption, and TransFR field upgrade features. The Lattice Diamond™ and ispLEVER® design software allows large complex designs to be efficiently imple-mented using the LatticeECP3 FPGA family. Synthesis library support for LatticeECP3 is available for popular logic synthesis tools. Diamond and ispLEVER tools use the synthesis tool output along with the constraints from its floor planning tools to place and route the design in the LatticeECP3 device. The tools extract the timing from the routing and back-annotate it into the design for timing verification. Lattice provides many pre-engineered IP (Intellectual Property) modules for the LatticeECP3 family. By using these configurable soft core IPs as standardized blocks, designers are free to concentrate on the unique aspects of their design, increasing their productivity.LatticeECP3器件主要特性:Higher Logic Density for Increased System Integration•17K to 149K LUTs•116 to 586 I/OsEmbedded SERDES•150 Mbps to 3.2 Gbps for Generic 8b10b, 10-bit SERDES, and 8-bit SERDES modes •Data Rates 230 Mbps to 3.2 Gbps per channel for all other protocols•Up to 16 channels per device: PCI Express, SONET/SDH, Ethernet (1GbE, SGMII,XAUI), CPRI, SMPTE 3G and Serial RapidIOsysDSP™•Fully cascadable slice architecture•12 to 160 slices for high performance multiply and accumulate•Powerful 54-bit ALU operations•Time Division Multiplexing MAC Sharing•Rounding and truncation•Each slice supportsFlexible Memory Resources•Up to 6.85Mbits sysMEM™Embedded Block RAM (EBR)•36K to 303K bits distributed RAMsysCLOCK Analog PLLs and DLLs•Two DLLs and up to ten PLLs per devicePre-Engineered Source Synchronous I/O•DDR registers in I/O cells•Dedicated read/write levelling functionality•Dedicated gearing logic•Source synchronous standards support•Dedicated DDR/DDR2/DDR3 memory with DQS support•Optional Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) correction on outputsProgrammable sysI/O™Buffer Supports Wide Range of Interfaces•On-chip termination•Optional equalization filter on inputs•LVTTL and LVCMOS 33/25/18/15/12•SSTL 33/25/18/15 I, II•HSTL15 I and HSTL18 I, II•PCI and Differential HSTL, SSTL•LVDS, Bus-LVDS, LVPECL, RSDS, MLVDSFlexible Device Configuration•Dedicated bank for configuration I/Os•SPI boot flash interface•Dual-boot images supported•Slave SPI•TransFR™I/O for simple field updates•Soft Error Detect embedded macroSystem Level Support•IEEE 1149.1 and IEEE 1532 compliant•Reveal Logic Analyzer•ORCAstra FPGA configuration utility•On-chip oscillator for initialization & general use•1.2V core power supply图1. LatticeECP3-35 器件简化框图EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板As PCI Express applications have emerged, the LatticeECP3™ FPGA family hasbecome a well-suited solution for many system designs. The features of the LatticeECP3 PCI Express Solutions Board can assist engineers with rapid-prototyping and testing their designs. The board is an enhanced form-factor of the PCI Express add-in card specification. It allows for full x1 form-factor compliance and x4 is available for demonstration purposes with some non-standard form-factor issues. The flexibility to use the same board to demonstrate both x1 and x4 configurations is accomplished by simply changing the mounting hardware. The board has several debugging and analyzing fea-tures for complete evaluation of the LatticeECP3 device. This guide is intended to be referenced in conjunction with evaluation design tutorials to demonstrate the LatticeECP3 FPGA.This user’s guide describes the LatticeECP3 PCI Express Solutions Board featuring the LatticeECP3 LFE3-95EA-FN672 FPGA. The stand-alone evaluation board provides a functional platform for development and rapid prototyp-ing of applications that require high-speed SERDES interfaces to demonstrate PCI Express capabilities using an add-on card form-factor. The board is manufactured using standard FR4 dielectric and through-hole vias. The nom-inal impedance is 50-ohm for single-ended traces and 85-ohm for differential traces.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板主要特性:• PCI Express x1 and x4 edge connector interfaces• Allows demonstration of PCI Express (x 1and x4) interfaces– x1 is form-factor compliant and will fit a standard PC-equipped PCI Express motherboard socket– x4 is non-compliant but will demonstrate x4 functionality by a simple change to the hardware• Allows control of SERDES PCS registers using the Serial Client Interface (ORCAstra) • On-board Boot Flash– Both Serial SPI Flash and Parallel Flash via MachXO™ programming bridge • Shows interoperation with a high performance DDR2 memory component• Includes driver based “run-time” device configuration capability via ORCAstra or PCI Express• Switches, LEDs, displays for demo purposes• Input connection for lab-power supply• Power connections and power sources• ispVM™ programming support• On-board and external reference clock sources图2.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板外形图图3.PCI Express桥接解决方案框图图4.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(1)图5.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(2)图6.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(3)图7.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(4)图8.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(5)图9.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(6)图10.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(7)图11.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(8)图12.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板电路图(9)EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板材料清单(BOM):图13.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板元件布局图(顶层)图14.EB43 PCI Express桥接评估板元件布局图(底层) 详情请见:/documents/ds1021ea.pdf和/documents/EB43.pdf。
LATTICE 非常详细的时序约束(中文教程)
©LATTICE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATIONPage 1Achieving Timing ClosureJohn LiAgenda•Timing closure的概念•Timing closure的步骤•采用合适的Coding Style •进行适当的综合约束•管脚锁定•实施Lattice constrains •Map•布局布线•控制place and route •Floorplanning the design©LATTICE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATIONPage 2Timing closure的概念•当前FPGA的设计规模越来越大,复杂程度日益增加,同时要求系统的Perfromace也越来越高。
•获得Timing目标越来越困难.•设计者必须采用各种技术提升系统性能以满足设计的Timing要求.©LATTICE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATIONPage 3Timing closure procedure• 1.采用合适的coding style • 2.进行适当的综合约束• 3.管脚锁定• 4.实施Lattice constrains • 5.Map• 5.布局布线•7.控制place and route •8.Floorplanning the design©LATTICE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATIONPage 4关于提升FPGA系统性能,工程师最容易想到的方法就是通过进行综合约束、布局布线约束、和其他的优化技术提升系统性能,当然这些都是设计过程中所必需的,但所有这些优化方法对于系统性能的提升都是有限的,系统的性能最终还是取决于工程师的设计(coding style),其中同步设计是最重要的一点. 下面讨论一些具体的coding 技术,合理的运用这些coding技术能够尽可能的减小两级寄存器之间的延时从而获得更高的系统速度.-通用的coding style--Hierarchical Coding---Team Based的设计:多个工程师可以同时参与到一个复杂设计中来。
LatticeLatticeECP27:1LVDS视频接口参考设计方案Lattice公司的LatticeECP2 7:1 LVDS视频评估套件采用LatticeECP2 或LatticeXP2 FPGA,和LatticeECP2高级评估板或LatticeXP2高级评估板以及各种视频I/O源配合使用.本文介绍了LatticeECP2 7:1 接收和发送功能框图, 7:1接收侧和发送侧方框图, LatticeECP2和LatticeXP2 高级评估板的7:1接口测试系统, 视频处理设计案例以及LatticeECP2™高级评估板主要特性,方框图和电路图.The Lattice 7:1 LVDS Video Demo Kit is a set of boards and cables that demonstrate the implementation of a 7:1 LVDS solution using the LatticeECP2 or LatticeXP2 FPGA. The kit works with the LatticeECP2-Advanced Evaluation Board or LatticeXP2 Advanced Evaluation Board, as well as various user video I/O resources.The default design for use with this kit is based on the 7:1 LVDS Video Interface reference design, targeted for the LatticeECP2 or LatticeXP2 FPGA, and specifically tailored for use with this kit. This, and other resources related to this kit can be downloaded from the links at the left of this page.7:1 LVDS视频接口包括:The Lattice 7:1 LVDS Video Demo Kit includes the following:4 Video Demo Boards (See User Manual for full description - link at left of this page)LatticeECP2 Advanced Evaluation Board (Optional - see below)Includes Wall Adapter Power Supply (Universal voltage input, US plugs)Includes ispDOWNLOAD cableBanana Jack Cables (For supplying Power to Video Demo Boards from LatticeECP2 Advanced Evaluation Board or other source)2 Channel-Link MDR CablesDVI Cable图1. LatticeECP2 7:1 LVDS视频接口评估板外形图图2. LatticeECP2 7:1 接收和发送功能图图3.7:1接收侧方框图图4.7:1发送侧方框图图5. LatticeECP2 高级评估板的7:1接口测试系统图6. LatticeXP2 高级评估板的7:1接口测试系统图7.视频处理设计案例LatticeECP2™高级评估板The LatticeECP2 Advanced Evaluation Board provides a convenient platform to evaluate, test and debug user designs and IP cores targeted to the LatticeECP2-50 tticeECP2™高级评估板主要特性:The main features of this board are listed below:• LatticeECP2 FPGA with a 1.2V DC core in a 672-ball fpBGA package (default LatticeECP2-50 FPGA)• SPI Serial Flash device included for low-cost, non-volatile configuration storage• Two 64-bit DDR2 SO-DIMM module connectors (DDR2 DIMMs are not included)• VHDM connectors for SPI4.2 transmit and receive interfaces• Tri-speed (10/100/1000 Mbit) Ethernet PHY that includes RJ-45, magnetics and spark gap• Directly wired RJ-45 connector• Samtec TFM-140-31-S-D-LC connector for interfacing with TI DSP motherboards through the peripheral interface• RS-232 interface chip and 9-pin D-sub connector• USB 1.1 transceiver and USB type-A and type-B connectors• Two 8-bit DIP switches• Discrete LEDs and 7-segment LED• Compact Flash connector for type I and type II Compact Flash cards (Compact Flash cards not included)• LCD module connector (LCD module not included)• Prototyping areas with access to 103 I/O pins• Selectable I/O bank voltages• Four pairs of SMA connectors for high speed differential signals• Oscillator socket for both half-size and full-size oscillators• 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.2V and ADJ (adjustable voltage) powers generated from a single 5V to 28V power source• Power Manager ispPAC-POWR1220AT8 chip for monitoring 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.2V, ADJ voltages and DDR VREF,VTTvoltages• Interface for ispVM System programming supportAlsoIncluded:• 5V/3A AC adapter with international wall plugs• ispDOWNLOAD Cable (HW-DL-3C or equivalent)图tticeECP2™高级评估板方框图图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:支持原型图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:USB 1.1和RS-232图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:编程,开关和LED 图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图: SPI4.2 Rx图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图: SPI4.2 Tx图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:LCD, CF, IT EMF和OSC图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:以太网图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图: DDR2 SDRAM FPGA图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图: DDR2 SDRAM SO-DIMM图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:FPGA电源引脚图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:电源1图tticeECP2™高级评估板电路图:电源2详情请见:/documents/rd1030.pdf和/documents/EB23.pdf。
采用TTL接口,数据传输速率不高,传输距离较短,且抗电磁干扰(EMI)能力也比较差,会对RGB数据造成一定的影响;另外,TTL 多路数据信号采用排线的方式来传送,整个排线数量达几十路,不但连接不便,而且不适合超薄化的趋势。
那么,什么是LVDS输出接口呢?LVDS,即Low Voltage Differential Signaling,是一种低压差分信号技术接口。
图1 LVDS接口电路的组成示意图在数据传输过程中,还必须有时钟信号的参与,LVDS接口无论传输数据还是传输时钟,都采用差分信号对的形式进行传输。
2.LVDS接口液晶面板其他信号对于LVDS接口液晶面板,除几对差分数据线(内含串行RGB信号和HS/VS/DE 信号)、一对或两对差分时钟信号线外,有些还包含以下信号:(1)显示模式控制信号有的液晶面板具有显示模式选择功能,通过显示模式控制信号的设置,可以按正常模式、水平颠倒方式或垂直颠倒方式显示图像。
Lattice CrossLink-NX低功耗FPGA嵌入可视和AI应用方案
lattice公司的CrossLink-NX系列是低功耗FPGA,支持各种多种高带宽传感器和显示器接口,视频处理和机器学习推理.采用Lattice公司的Nexus FPGA平台,低功耗28nm FD-SOI技术,组合了极为灵活的FPGA和低功耗以及FD-SOI技术的高可靠性(由于极低SER),提供小占位面积的封装选择. CrossLink-NX系列支持各种接口包括MIPI D-PHY (CSI-2, DSI), LVDS, SLVS, subLVDS, PCI Express (Gen1, Gen2), SGMII(吉比特以太网)等.处理特性包括高达39K逻辑单元,56个18x18乘法器,2.9Mb嵌入存储器(包括EBR和LRAM区块),分布式存储器,DRAM接口(支持DDR3,DDR3L,LPDDR2,LPDDR3高达1066Mbpsx16数据宽度),以及用于软处理器的ALU组成部分.CrossLink-NX系列FPGA支持可配置基于SRAM逻辑架构快速配置,可编sysI/O™ 和TransFR™现场升级特性的超快速配置(不到3ms).安全特性包括比特流加密和密码保护.除了FD-SOI技术固有的高可靠性, 主动可靠性特性还包括内置基于帧的SED/SEC(用于基于SRAM的逻辑架构)和ECC(用于EBR和LRAM),每个器件还内置了ADC,用于系统监视特性.主要用在通信,计算,工业,汽车和消费电子系统的创新嵌入式视觉和AI解决方案.本文介绍了CrossLink-NX FPGA主要特性,CrossLink-NX-40 FPGA简化框图和CrossLink-NX-17 FPGA简化框图与时钟图,以及CrossLink™-NX评估板主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.CrossLink™-NX family of low-power FPGAs can be used in a wide range of applications, and are optimized for bridging and processing needs inEmbedded Vision applications – supporting a variety of high bandwidthsensor and display interfaces, video processing and machine learninginferencing. It is built on Lattice Nexus FPGA platform, using low-power 28 nm FD-SOI technology.It combines the extreme flexibility of an FPGA with the low power and high reliability (due to extremely low SER) of FD-SOI technology, and offers small footprint package options.CrossLink-NX supports a variety of interfaces including MIPI D-PHY(CSI-2, DSI), LVDS, SLVS, subLVDS, PCI Express (Gen1, Gen2), SGMII(Gigabit Ethernet), and more. Processing features of CrossLink-NX include up to 39K Logic Cells, 56 18x18 multipliers, 2.9 Mb of embedded memory (consisting of EBR and LRAM blocks), distributed memory, DRAM interfaces (supporting DDR3, DDR3L, LPDDR2, LPDDR3 up to 1066 Mbps x 16 datawidth), and ALU building blocks for soft processor.CrossLink-NX FPGAs support fast configuration of its reconfigurableSRAM-based logic fabric, ultra-fast configuration (in under 3 ms) of itsprogrammable sysI/O™ and TransFR™ field upgrade feature. Securityfeatures to secure user designs include bitstream encryption and password protection. In addition to the high reliability inherent to FD-SOI technology (due to its extremely low SER), active reliability features such as built-inframe-based SED/SEC (for SRAM-based logic fabric), and ECC (for EBR and LRAM) are also supported. Built-in ADC is available in each device forsystem monitoring functions.Lattice Radiant® design software allows large complex user designs to be efficiently implemented on CrossLink-NX FPGA family.Lattice CrossLink-NX低功耗FPGA嵌入可视和AI应用方案Synthesis library support for CrossLink-NX devices is available forpopular logic synthesis tools. Radiant tools use the synthesis tool output along with constraints from its floor planning tools, to place and route the user design in CrossLink-NX device. The tools extract timing from therouting, and back-annotate it into the design for timing verification.Lattice provides many pre-engineered IP (Intellectual Property)modules for CrossLink-NX family. By using these configurable soft IP cores as standardized blocks, you are free to concentrate on the unique aspects of your design, increasing your productivity.CrossLink-NX FPGA主要特性:· Programmable Architecture· 17K to 39K logic cells· 24 to 56 18 x 18 multipliers (in sysDSP™ blocks)· 2.5 to 2.9 Mb of embedded memory blocks (EBR, LRAM)· 36 to 192 programmable sysI/O (High Performance and Wide Range I/O)· MIPI D-PHY· Up to two hardened 4-lane MIPI D-PHY interfaces· Up to 8 lanes total· Transmit or receive· Supports CSI-2, DSI· 20 Gbps aggregate bandwidth · 2.5Gbps per lane, 10 Gbps per D-PHY interface· Additional Soft D-PHY interfaces supported by High Performance (HP) sysI/O· Transmit or receive· Supports CSI-2, DSI· Up to 1.5 Gbps per lane· Programmable sysI/O supports wide variety of interfaces· High Performance (HP) on bottom I/O dual rank· Supports up to 1.8 V VCCIO· Mixed voltage support (1.0 V, 1.2 V, 1.5 V, 1.8 V)· High-speed differential up to 1.5 Gbps· Supports soft D-PHY (Tx/Rx), LVDS 7:1 (Tx/Rx), SLVS (Tx/Rx), subLVDS (Rx)· Supports SGMII (Gb Ethernet) – 2 channels (Tx/Rx) at 1.25 Gbps· Dedicated DDR3/DDR3L and LPDDR2/LPDDR3 memory support with DQS logic, up to 1066 Mbps data-rate and x16 data-width· Wide Range (WR) on Left, Right and Top I/O Banks· Supports up to 3.3 V VCCIO· Mixed voltage support (1.2 V, 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V)· Programmable slew rate (slow, med, fast)· Controlled impedance mode· Emulated LVDS support· Hot-socketing· Power Modes – Low Power versus High-Performance· User selectable· Low-Power mode for power and/or thermal challenges· High-Performance mode for faster processing· Small footprint package options· 4 x 4 mm2 to 10 x 10 mm2 package options· 2x SGMII CDR at up to 1.25 Gbps – to support 2 channels SGMII using HP I/O· CDR for RX· 8b/10b decoding· Independent Loss of Lock (LOL) detector for each CDR block· sysCLOCK™ analog PLLs· Three in 39K LC and two in 17K LC device· Six outputs per PLL· Fractional N· Programmable and dynamic phase control· sysDSP Enhanced DSP blocks· Hardened pre-adder· Dynamic Shift for AI/ML support· Four 18 x 18, eight 9 x 9, two 18 x 36, or 36 x 36· Advanced 18 x 36, two 18 x 18, or four 8 x 8 MAC · Flexible memory resources· Up to 1.5 Mb sysMEM™ Embedded Block RAM (EBR)· Programmable width· ECC· FIFO· 80k to 240k bits distributed RAM· Large RAM Blocks· 0.5 Mbits per block· Up to five blocks (2.5 Mb total) per device· ALU Features· RISC-V compliant ALU· Register file· SERDES – PCIe Gen2 x1 channel (Tx/Rx) hard IP in 39K LC device · Hard IP supports· Gen1, Gen2, Multi-Function, End Point, Root Complex· APB control bus· AHB-Lite for data bus· Internal bus interface support· APB control bus· AHB-Lite for data bus· AXI4-streaming· Configuration – Fast, Secure· SPI – x1, x2, x4 up to 150 MHz · Master and Slave SPI support · JTAG · I2C and I3C· Ultrafast I/O configuration for instant-on support · Less than 15 ms full device configuration for LIFCL-40· Bitstream Security · Encryption· Single Event Upset (SEU) Mitigation Support· Extremely low Soft Error Rate (SER) due to FD-SOI technology · Soft Error Detect – Embedded hard macro· Soft Error Correction – Without stopping user operation · Soft Error Injection – Emulate SEU event to debug system error handling· ADC – 1 MSPS, 12-bit SAR · 2 ADCs per device· 3 Continuous-time Comparators · Simultaneous sampling · System Level Support· IEEE 1149.1 and IEEE 1532 compliant· Reveal Logic Analyzer· On-chip oscillator for initialization and general use · 1.0 V core power supply图1:CrossLink-NX-40 FPGA 简化框图图2:CrossLink-NX-17 FPGA 简化框图图3. CrossLink-NX FPGA 时钟框图。
ASICS调介退散LVDS接口干扰评估方法改进在现代科技领域,ASICS(Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)已成为关键技术之一。
其中,LVDS (Low-Voltage Differential Signaling)接口干扰是一种常见的问题。
可以使用串扰信号传输指标(crosstalk transfer function)来评估信号之间的干扰程度。
1 LvdsLow-V oltage Differential Signaling 低压差分信号。
1994年由美国国家半导体公司提出的一种信号传输模式,它是一种标准它在提供高数据传输率的同时会有很低的功耗,另外它还有许多其他的优势:1、低电压电源的兼容性2、低噪声3、高噪声抑制能力4、可靠的信号传输5、能够集成到系统级IC内使用L VDS技术的的产品数据速率可以从几百Mbps到2Gbps。
它是电流驱动的,通过在接收端放置一个负载而得到电压,当电流正向流动,接收端输出为1,反之为0他的摆幅为250mv-450mvL VDS即低压差分信号传输,是一种满足当今高性能数据传输应用的新型技术。
此技术基于ANSI/TIA/EIA-644L VDS接口标准。
L VDS技术用于简单的线路驱动器和接收器物理层器件以及比较复杂的接口通信芯片组。
L VDS解决方案为设计人员解决高速I/O接口问题提供了新选择。
L VDS为当今和未来的高带宽数据传输应用提供毫瓦每千兆位的方案。
更先进的总线LVDS(BL VDS)是在LVDS基础上面发展起来的,总线LVDS(BLVDS)是基于L VDS技术的总线接口电路的一个新系列,专门用于实现多点电缆或背板应用。
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一共测试altera xilix latTIce的方案,目标是驱动1080p的LVDS屏。