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33. shuttle
n. (车辆飞机)短程运行;短程运行的车辆(火车、飞机) There is a shuttle service between the city center and the air station.
34. sponse
n. 配偶 Jobs are available to spouses on campus and in the community.
19. literacy
n. 识字;有文化;读写能力;熟谙文学;善于写作 Students' literacy is not the lecturers' only concern in universities.
20. manual
adj. 手工的;体力的
n. 手册;指南
Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. A maintenance manual gives diagrams and illustrations for repairing your car.
17. hug
v. 拥抱;抱紧 It is common to hug when people meet in the U.S.
18. knit
v. 编织 She is knitting her father a swerter as a present for his 60th birthday.
te its success.
23. orient
n. 东方 vt. 使适应;给…定向,以…为目的;方向(to / towards) China is the biggest country in the orient. The freshman took a long time to orient himself in the university. He oriented himself by finding a familiar landscape.
12. fence
n. 栅栏;围栏;篱笆;击剑术 He hired a workman to have his fence repaired. He is a master of fence so that he has a lot of fans.
13. flavour
n. 味道;滋味;调味品;特点;特色;香味 It gives our little meals an eastern flavour. These works have a strong flavour of rural life.
7. decent
adj. 得体的;适当的;正派的;过得去的;尚可的;合乎地位的;像样的 The lack of decent public transport is a great inconvenience for the citizens. He is always dreaming of leading a decent life.
8. deliberate
adj. 慎重的;故意的;谨慎的 Her manner was quiet, her speech deliberate.
9. desktop
adj. 台式的
n. 桌面;台式电脑;(计)桌面
The laptop is three times more expensive than that desktop.
31. shelter
n. 遮蔽物;庇护物
v. 给…提供庇护处;躲避
The refugees' main requirement are food and shelter. These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.
32. spill
v. 使溢出;使泼出;使洒落 The coffee is so full that it might spill over.
14. heal
v. 使愈合;使痊愈;使康复 The medicine and enough rest will soon heal your wound.
15. hike
vi. / n. 徒步旅行 To their great disappointment, the heavy storm upset their plans for a hike.
21. marine
adj. 海洋的;航海的;海军的 Seals and whales are both knowns as marine animals. She specializes in marine law.
22. mode
n. 方法;方式;形式;(服饰等)式样;风尚 The country girl is not used to their luxurious mode of living.
4. cosmetic
n. (常作-s) 化妆品
adj. 化妆用的;美容的;化妆品的
We have many types of cosmetics for sale in our shop. Many young people tend to have cosmetic surgery in Korea to beautify themselves.
2. bechelor
n. 单身男子;学士;学士学位 He became a Bechelor of Arts at the age of 20.
3. considerable adj. 值得考虑的;重大的;重要的;相当大(多)的 He is a man of considerable wealth in his neighbourhood. The ecomnomy is a considerable issue in the development of a country.
28. respectively adv. 各自地;各个地;分别地 He and his wife got pay rises of 10% and 8% respectively.
29. rot
v. 使腐烂;使腐朽;使腐败 The meat will rot easily if it is not kept cool.
26. prejudice
n. 偏见;成见
vt. 使有偏见;使有成见;使产生歧视
A new law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice. Her pleasant voice anf manner prejudiced the judges in her favor.
教育考试院高考增补词汇 1.addict vt. 使沉溺;使入迷;使成瘾 n.入迷的人;有瘾的人 The young generation should addict themselves to science. He is so sddicted to smoking that he is suffering lung cancer. He is turning into an internet addict.
24. oven
n. 烤炉;烤箱 The bread is fresh out of the oven.
25. peer
n. 同辈;同龄人;(才能学识等)相匹配的人 The opinions of his peers are more important to him than his parents' ideas.
35. status
n. 地位;身份;情形;状况 Women's social status has changed a lot over the years.
36. valid
adj. 具有法律效力的;有法律约束力的;有根据的;令人信服的 Illness is a valid excuse for being absent from work.
10. diagnose
vt. 诊断(疾病);对(问题等)的原因下结论 This test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.
11. evaluate
v. 估价;评价;鉴定 The school has been only open for 6 months, so it is too early to evaluate its success.
5. couch
n. 长沙发 The little boy is lying on the couch, eating sweets and watching TV.
6. crucial
adj. 决定性的;关键性的;至关重要的;严酷的;极好的 The negotiations are crucial to the successful future of our firm.
30. scheme
n. 计划;方案;阴谋;诡计
v. 拟定计划;搞阴谋
I rather doubt if such an ambitious scheme could be made successful. He schemed to keep his opponents in ignorance of his plans.
16. hop
vi. 单足跳跃;弹跳 vt. 跳过;跳上(开动的火车、汽车) n. 单足跳、一段旅程 The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest. The boy hopped the ditch, running down the path.
27. refund
v. 退还;归还;偿还
n. 退还;退款;偿还
The residents made a claim for the refund of property tax. We will refund your money in full if you are not completely satisfied.
37. virtual
adj. 实际上起作用的;事实上生效的;虚拟的 Our headmaster is the virtual head of the school.
38. virtue
n. 美德;优点;长处 Kindness if a virtue he appreciates his wife.
39. weird
adj. 怪诞的;神秘的;奇怪的;奇特的 He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes.
40. yawn
v. / n. 打哈欠 So boring is the teacher's lesson that it almost made me yawn.