【留学翻译_留学英文材料翻译_ 出国留学材料翻译公司】

那么,你知道留学的英语怎么说吗?留学的英文释义:to study abroad留学的英文例句:几年来,几百个留学生在那所大学学习过。
Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university.他眼下最大的目标是出国留学。
His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.他在店铺期间跟所有的朋友中断了联系。
I decided to go abroad for further study.派更多的人员店铺。
More personnel will be sent to study abroad.他正考虑着店铺的事。
He is considering studying abroad.你对我店铺有什么看法?What would you say to my studying abroad?留学申请用的:我最大的的优点是乐于助人。
My maximal merit is to be eager to help people.留学教育是现代高等教育的一个分支。
The education for studying abroad is an offshoot of higher education.您申请店铺我看没什么不可以的。
I can not see any reason why you shall not apply to study abroad.许多大学生都决定毕业后店铺.Many students resolve resolve to study abroad after graduation.他在国外留学时只得把车闲置下来。

出国留学介绍信英文evelop plans and implement them. Hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. She has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students.Her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude.we aret is for these reasons thatwe are offer high recommendations for Hannah without reservation. Her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment.we aref you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Roger Fleming Dean of Stonewell College 。
出国留学介绍信英文(二)At the request of Mr.Xizhen Chen,my former student in the Department of Computer Science,Beijing Univ.of Sciences,I am glad to write this letter furnishing my uation ofhis academic aptitude for your reference.Mr.Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science.I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr.Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRANweareV Programming,a three semesters’’course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students.At the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81,which should be"A"according to our grading system.I also ound him good at other studies.After the class,he had personal talks with me several times.He indicated agreat interest in computer hardware,In my opinion,Mr.Chen has apotential in Computer Science,which can be further developed.In view of his previous achievements in this College,I am firmly convinced that Mr.Chen will make asuccessful graduate student.Your favorable consideration of his admission will be hi ghly appreciated.出国留学介绍信英文(三)I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li,who graduated from this College with anL.B.degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination whi ch is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation.Even in such aselective group.Miss Li made herself distinguished.As professor and dean of the College,I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct,In her fourth year study,Iinstructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass.Sowe arehave known her quite well.Miss Li’’s performance,like that in many other courses she taken,was excellent with asuperior grade of 86 for the first semester,and 84 for the second semester.In our university and in other university here,80 is considered"A",the highest level.As far aswe areknow,Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree.I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study.I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.。
出国留学 英语角

出国留学英语角1. 定义与释义- 单词:出国留学- 1.1 词性:动词短语- 1.2 释义:到国外的学校进行学习深造。
- 1.3 英文解释:Study abroad.- 1.4 相关词汇:海外留学(overseas study)、异国求学(study in a foreign country)。
2. 起源与背景- 2.1 词源:在古代,就有一些学者和文人到其他国家进行学术交流和学习。
- 2.2 趣闻:许多著名的历史人物都有出国留学的经历,比如周恩来总理曾在法国、英国等国家留学,这段经历对他的思想和革命生涯产生了深远的影响。
3. 常用搭配与短语- 3.1 短语:出国留学申请(application for studying abroad)- 搭配解释:为了到国外学习而进行的申请流程。
- 例句:I'm busy with my application for studying abroad.- 中文翻译:我正忙着我的出国留学申请。
- 3.1 短语:出国留学准备(preparation for studying abroad)- 搭配解释:在出国前需要做的各种准备工作。
- 例句:We need to make thorough preparations for studying abroad.- 中文翻译:我们需要为出国留学做充分的准备。
- 3.1 短语:出国留学费用(expenses for studying abroad)- 搭配解释:在国外学习期间所需的费用。
- 例句:The expenses for studying abroad can be quite high.- 中文翻译:出国留学的费用可能会很高。
4. 实用片段- (1)“I really want to study abroad, but I'm worried about the language barrier.” “Don't worry. You can take language courses before you go. And once you're there, you'll pick up the language quickly.” “You're right. I should start preparing now.” 翻译:“我真的很想出国留学,但我担心语言障碍。
出国留学常用英语词汇 2010-4-13

出国留学常用英语词汇AAcademic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等。
Academic advisor:由学校中的教授或职员担任,是学生学业问题的顾问。
Advanced placement:申请美国大学时,可经由考试或转学分(transfer credit)而直接进入大一、大二、大三或大四。
Advanced standing:同Advanced placement。
Associate degree:副学士学位。
为高中毕业后所上的两年制社区大学(Community College)或两年制学院(Two-year College)所发给的学位。
BBachelor's degree:学士学位。
Baccalaureate degree:学士学位。
CCampus:校园,校区Candidate notification date:学校公布其对学生申请结果决定的日期。
Candidate reply date:回函期限。
College catalog:学校介绍目录。
Community college:两年制的社区大学。
Conditional Admission:即条件式入学;有些学校会给条件不合(通常是英文能力未达标准)的学生条件式许可,待其修完所需之课程始可正式开始修学位。
Cooperative Education Plan:建教合作计划;学生可一边上学一边从事相关工作,或是课程、工作轮流,或是课程、工作同时进行。

打招呼与介绍1.Hello, nice to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你。
2.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?3.My name is [Name]. 我叫[名字]。
4.Where are you from? 你来自哪里?5.I am from [Country]. 我来自[国家]。
日常交流1.How are you? 你好吗?2.I’m fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。
你呢?3.Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?4.Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
5.I’m sorry, I don’t understand. 对不起,我不明白。
学习和生活1.Where is the library? 图书馆在哪里?2.Which classes are you taking this semester? 你这学期选了哪些课?3.What do you like to do in your free time? 你有空时喜欢做什么?4.I enjoy exploring new places. 我喜欢探索新的地方。
5.Can you recommend a good restaurant? 你能推荐一家好的餐厅吗?求助和紧急情况1.I need help. 我需要帮助。
2.Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的医院在哪里?3.Please call the police. 请叫警察。
4.I lost my passport. 我丢失了护照。

留学期间常用英语词汇实用一篇留学期间常用英语词汇 1·Interdisciplinary Major(跨学科主修课):综合学习两种或多种学科或系的学习项目。
·Leave of Absence(准假):准许学习成绩优良的学生请假一段时间,然后继续学业。
·Liberal Arts(或“Liberal Arts and Sciences”,或“Arts and Sciences”)(文理科):泛指人文学科(语言、文学、哲学、艺术)、社会科学(经济学、社会学、人类学、历史学、政治学)和自然科学(数学、物理、化学)各学科。
·Lower Divesion(低年级):大学本科一、二年级。
·Master’s Degree(硕士学位):高等院校向获得学士学位后修满至少一年课程并达到一定学术要求的学生颁发的学位。
·Non-matriculated student(不拿学位的学生):大学或学院的学生,入学时即明确不拿学位,又称“non-degree”student。
·Pass/Fail Grading System:只记“通过”satisfactory(“pass”)或者“不通过”unsatisfactory(“fall”)不记成绩等级的评分法,留学口语《留学期间常用英语词汇》。
·Prelims”(预试):“Preliminary Test”的缩写。



精诚翻译公司五折优惠中六年经验!先翻译后付费学生客户送50元优惠券请您百度搜索精诚翻译Analysis On The Use of Construction Materials In Villas of Mount LuAbstract: Modern villas in East and West Valleys of Mount Lu have witnessed the importance of Mount Lu in Chinese modern history, their unique design and elegant environment have high historical value and artistic value,and they are iconic landscapes in Mount Lu scenic area. In this paper, Mount Lu villas are the main research object, types of construction material and key use were analyzed. “Stone villas give Mount Lu personality", the author revealed unique construction materials and obvious construction features of Mount Lu villas, which offered a systematic theoretical basis for protection, restoration and reconstruction of modern villas in Mount Lu.Keywords: Construction materials, Mount Lu, Villas1,Profile of Mount Lu villasArt beats nature- Analysis of the building material types of Mount Lu villas"Stone villas give the Mount Lu personality",the German Professor Becher speaks highly of the role of stone in Mount Lu landscape. Besides stone, building materials of Mount Lu villas also include metal tile, flashing, brick.(1) StoneIn the selection of building materials in the west and China, in addition to natural factors, more importantly, different culture and ideas matter. In ancient China, Chinese people liked wooden buildings, while westerners preferred stone material, this was the difference. Those who have visited Mount Lu villas can be impressed with stone wall, which is under the influence of western architectural culture.Stone is widely used in villas. In addition to villa walls, stone is the main material for many parts. Foundation, pillars, chimney and pavement of garden road of Mount Lu villas are made of stone. There are many stone types and their uses are different, the construction methods are also quite rich.Stone is widely used in wall, artistic treatment technique in stone walls in No.283 villa in Zhongshi Road, Mount Lu is a good example. The villa was built by the American Congregation in Anqing, Anhui in 1910, it is now the churn which isbest preserved (Figure 4, American church in No. 283,Zhongsi Road, Mount Lu). The church has a history of nearly one hundred years, every stone and its every detail show a hundred years of vicissitudes of life. The architecture entails Gothic architecture heritage. And it five full play to grandeur and beauty of stone buildings,it is also concise,spright and dignified.The flying buttresses is made of irregular and exaggerated stones. The flying buttresses’s building node is decorated with stones of water chestnut. The vertical lines are full of rhythm. The heavy stone structure and upward flying buttresses create the feeling of upward momentum and religious consciousness, unique stone walls contain brutalist architectural language, the use of stones is clever and natural, and they are integrated with the surrounding environment naturally. It is worth mentioning that roof materials of the church are different from other villas, for most villas in Mount Lu, their roofs are made of metal materials, while 2 roof slopes of the No. 283 church are made of small bluestones which are from the south of Mount Lu. (Figure 5, stone tile roofing). The use bluestone in roof create the functions of anti ice and wind resistance, it also has certain aesthetic interest. Smooth granite tiles are quite different from rough walls, which creates vivid and strong contrast. So far, there are still 4 villas which are made of bluestones. Stones witness the modern history of the Mount Lu, and have obviously become the organic part of Mount Lu villas.(2) Iron tilesIron tiles are a major feature of villas in the Mount Lu.Iron tiles are generally used in British buildings. Since snow weather continues for a long time in the Mount Lu and iron tiles have good leak proof performance, the architect use British iron titles in the top of the villas. The ups and downs of iron tile surface improve stiffness of thin titles, and have features of light weight, high strength, large size, few joints and good leakproof performance.Single top type, double top, four slope roof and other kinds of metal tile roof can form interesting three-dimensional structure with various combinations of wavy lines. Bright tin tile roof is in strong contrast with brown and grey villa wall. So far, more than 1000 iron tiles are still in the top of the famous scenic resort in the world. The use of iron tiles in roofs of Mount Lu villas not only forms rich roof arts, but also adds a aesthetic interest to architectural symbols of Mount Lu villas[1](Figure 6, Aerial view of iron tile roof of Mount Lu villas).(3) flashingflashing, the western architectural symbol fully demonstrates the unique charm in Mount[1]罗时叙.庐山别墅大观[M] .中国建筑工业出版社.2005年. P54Lu villas. A row of neat flashing lines are in sharp contrast with unpolished,irregular and rough stones, which enrich the artistic effect of villa walls. The Meilu Villa at No. 12, Rough Road was firstly owned by the Lord West Eaton and was transferred to Song Meiling in 1933. Compared to other villas in the Mount Lu, this villa is quite different. The villa itself is at the bottom of Dayue mountain, and faces Changchong river, it is also surrounded by green trees, which create natural and unique charm. [2]This is a British Gallery style villa, external walls are mainly constructed with stones, the middle of the walls are painted with green paint. In the summer, American trumpet creeper climb on grayish brown stone and green flashing walls, which appears to be particularly beautiful, deep and quiet. (Figure 7, flashing walls of "Meilu" villa ). Color flashings are widely used in Mount Lu villas, and gradually become a feature of Mount Lu buildings. Because flashing architectural style is used properly among villas in Mount Lu, vital lines fully demonstrate rhythm of buildings. Now many newly built or converted villas have flashing-like walls(cement), which give tourist a fresh and new feeling. (Figure 8, flashing-like walls(cement))(4) Black brickDuring Warring States Period of China, square and long shaped bricks were created, significant development was achieved in brick making technology and scale of production,quality and variety in Qin and Han Dynasties.Brick which had important role in Chinese architectural history has a supporting role in villas of Mount Lu,but it is still an important building material. Black brick is a building material which is made with clay, its firing method is the same as common brick, but water cooling in the firing process leads to incomplete oxidation of iron in clay and generation of Fe3O4, and make it become blue. Due to different cooling method after firing, compared with common brick, the firing of black brick is more difficult, and black brick has better performances in antioxidation, anti-hydration, anti-atmospheric corrosion. May be due to such unique characteristics of black brick, it is used in villas of Mount Lu.Among villas of Mount Lu, bricks were used in a large number for the first time in the British Xianyan Hotel(No.14, Zhongwu Road), which was a British apartment villa and built in 1910.(Figure 9, Xianyan hotel). The building’s appearance is conservative and standard,and has the concise and neat characteristics of the European Renaissance period. Villa walls’ main material is black brick, which has a good quality and is still intact after 80 years. Specifications of the bricks is 240mm * 115mm * 53mm,including 10mm thick ash slot, the proportions of length, width and thickness is 4:2:1.[2]方方,到庐山看别墅,湖北美术出版社,2001年,P61In order to ensure the strength and stability of walls, the principle of wrong seam lapping is followed. Bricks are placed in walls in maleinoid form and perpendicular form. Jack arch of bricks is used above fenestration to enhance the bearing capacity, load of upper fenestration is passed to the two sides of brick wall through jack arch, so as to reduce pressure of walls on wooden window. (Figure 10, Cross type masonry wall and jack arch of bricks).The western wall of Xianyan hotel is decorated with flashing, which is contrast with main wall of black brick in lines and texture. The hotel is equipped with electric lights,Western Home Furnishing, appliances and other equipments, at that time, it was the best reception area in the Mount Lu. From 1926 to 1937, a number of famous people, including Jiang Jieshi, Song Ziwen, Song Qingling, Borodin, Qu Qiubai, Zhou Enlai stayed there.3. Analysis of building materials used in key parts of villas in the Mount Lu (1) BaseIt is also called foundation. In building, it is building base above the ground. The Mount Lu has annual average temperature is 11.6 ℃, highest temperature of 32.1 ℃, and minimum temperature of minus16.8 ℃; Snowfall period starts from early November to mid April of the following year, cold and wet weather lasts for six months. So building bases of villas in the Mount Lu are higher than other buildings, firstly, they have moisture-proof anticorrosive functions; secondly, they can be used as heating facilities and have storage function. Building bases’height is roughly 20 cm to 200 cm.Some villa bases’material and form are very neat and orderly, and some are natural and disorderly. Some villas have double bases or multiple bases due to mountain shape. I n addition to base body, base also include two necessary subsidiary elements, namely, step and handrail.Stairs and railings not only have practical function, but also have an indispensable role in beautifying the appearance.Railings make the shape of bases better with rich lines. Forms of bases and railings are varied. (Figure 11, Base of the British villa(No.198, Hedong Road)."Wu’s villa” which is located at No.742, Daling road is different from other villas in step design, multiple arc steps are utilized. Because "Wu’s villa”is built at the ridge of Tuiche hill, it is a villa of European castle style. Since the villa is located at the ridge and the terrain is rugged,the sizes of bases range from 20 to 200, the bases have vents which are made with various hollow and dedicate stone patterns. The villa’s steps combine straight and arc shapes, their design is extraordinary, which further show elegant and luxurious features of the villa. (Figure 12, Arc steps in "Wu’s villa’)(2) ArchThe so-called arch is mainly constructed with brick, stone or adobe material. Cross hollow masonry structure of these materials cover the above space, enclose the walls and support the roof. The great contribution of Ancient Rome is the creation of the perfect arch structure, in addition to its good load bearing property in vertical loading, it also plays the role of decorative landscaping. Semi circular arch is an important characteristic of ancient Rome buildings, and pointed arch is the obvious characteristic of Gothic architecture,while Islamic architectural’s arch may be pointed, horseshoe shape, bow shape, three- leaves shape or others. In ancient China, arch structure was widely used in bridge,culvert and city gate, and among villas in Mount Lu, arch structure is used in open balcony decoration, interior of church structure. Arches in Mount Lu villas are mostly semicircular barrel arches. For example, the Meilu Villa and the East Valley Hotel have U shaped arches and wide corridors and are similar to British houses, the arches are good-looking and reasonable. (Figure 13, Arches and wide corridors in the "Meilu" villa). And in some villas, structure technology is no longer emphasized in arch, variety of decorations is highlighted. Exquisite wooden structure is used to make arch style decorative pattern which is then painted between upright columns, form and color of the pattern are designed according to the preferences of the villa owner. (Figure 14, Wooden decorative arch).The internal structure of the church is composed of wooden skeleton and flying buttress, which fully demonstrates the charm of Gothic arch. In this way, arches with the same rise can be made, apex of arches is light, lines are clear. In order to increase stability, a shikara is built on the stub. Because of the use of arch, flying buttresses, interior space of the church become more spacious, simple and unified. [1](Figure 15, Gothic arch Art in the church). Arch type architecture also has profound significance on canopy, niches and windows. (Figure 16, detailed structure of windows).(3) RoofRoof of villas in Mount Lu is composed of iron tile, tiger window and chimney, iron tile has been mentioned above, now let’s talk about tiger window and chimney in roof of villas in Mount Lu.[1]李明彦,世界建筑艺术[M],北京出版社,2007年版,P56The UK is located in Northern Europe and has cold and snowy climate. In order to avoid pressure of snow on buildings, houses generally have high slopes and pinnacle, in order to increase lighting and ventilation, many roof windows are built on the roof. Those windows on roof are called “tiger windows”, since the pronunciation of roof is similar to “Laohu”(Chinese, it is tiger in English), those windows are called “Tiger window”. Because of Mount Lu’s weather and terrain, a roof generally has are two or four slopes, ridge lines of roof are rich. (Figure 17, “Tiger window”on roof of villas)Width and length of chimney needs careful consideration in appearance, overall appearance, as well as impact of wind on the chimney’s pumping force. It can be 1.5-0.4 higher than the roof, and its facade and roof form a 20°angle. Chimney is generally designed according to the height of the building. Gas or smoke which is caused by gas heating system in winter is emitted through chimney, which can not only can improve combustion conditions, but also reduce the pollution of smoke on the environment.There are different decoration methods for chimney. Some chimneys are chipped with stones and look beautiful; some are made with cobble stones, look natural and simple. Some are made with bricks and painted with mortar, and look smooth. (Figure 18, Chimney on villa roof).Iron title, tiger window, chimney and lush forests, grassy slope in front of the house look very harmonious, and bring people feelings of nature, simpleness and peace.ConclusionMount Lu has always been a well-known mountain since ancient times and attracted many generations of men of literature and writing, and modern villas in Mount Lu make the mountain become the world’s cultural heritage and bring about the reputation of "Museum of all architectures". The magnificent villas have a history of almost 100 years. Building is a historical monument and result of the spirit of the times. In "Travel in Mount Lu",Hu Shi put forward that Kuling represents the trend of the Western cultural invasion in China, Mount Lu villas truly recorded the invasion of western culture in China. Mount Lu villas represent the historical process of Western civilization in Mount Lu and are the concrete embodiment of western architectural culture, and the result of Mount Lu’sunique geographical environment, and the result of perfect combination of architectural art and beautiful environment.This paper is part for a project of social science and art in Jiangxi Province, the name of project is "Study on protection and use of cultural relics in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone-Taking modern historic buildings in Mount Lu as an example”, subject category: youth project, the project unit is the office of the art science planning leading group of Jiangxi province, time of project approval,Project No. YG2010049References[1] Zou Leirong, Study on architectural features of old villas in Mount Lu,"Agricultural Archaeology ", 2009.11[1]See:Central China Architecture, 1988 (3) (the second symposium of Chinese modern architectural history , page57.)[1] Luo Shixu, Villas in Mount Lu [M], Chinese Building Industry Press, 2005,P54[2] Fang Fang, "See Old Villas in Mount", Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2001[4] Li Mingyan, World Architecture Art [M], Beijing University Press, 2007 edition, P56。

Statement of InterestI am really interested in the manufacturing of mechanical engineering,especially modeling the effects of material properties。
This interest dates back to my early childhood. I was born in “Eastern Ruhr”— XXX in China, which is an industrial city。
It is a great honor for me to work in the manufacturing area, by the influence of my father who is a factory director。
With this mind, I attended Mechanical Engineering Department in University of XXXX,which is the best university in iron and steel industry area. In the final year,I stood out from the other candidates and was selected to join an exchange program to XXXXX。
Four years of extensive study inspired me to undertake a greater challenge in pursuing a doctorate degree in mechanical engineering. My aspiration to be a professor also makes graduate study an absolute necessity.As an undergraduate student, I specialized in mechanics, computer skills and practice projects. I diligently studied the courses such as Theoretical Mechanics, XXXXX that helped me developed the fundamentals of manufacturing,theoretical analysis and physical modeling。
出国留学 必备词汇

salad oil色拉油
skiing / 5ski:iN/滑雪
figure skating花样滑冰

那么,你知道出国留学的英文怎么说吗出国留学的英文释义:go abroad to study出国留学的英文例句:翻开近代中国留学史,晚清时期岭南出国留学生对中国近代早期中西文化交流的贡献,特别引人注目。
The history of the Chinese students abroad shows that the students abroad from Ling-nan of the late Qing period made a great contribution to early Sino-West cultural exchange in modern time.改革开放以来,中国各类出国留学人员总数达160多万人,出国留学规模扩大近270倍。
Since reform and opening-up, there have been 1.6 million Chinese students studying abroad, up by nearly 270 times.出国留学政策最终目标的实现,需要以出国留学人员思想政治教育作为政治保证。
Accomplishing the ultimate objective of studying abroad policy needs the ideological and political education to be the political guarantee.我们将出国留学看作是生命中的一次冒险。
Study overseas can be the adventure of a lifetime, and the majority of these experiences are healthy and safe.在理想的情况下,这些出国留学并获得镀金留学经验的人才学成归国,帮助净化国内学术环境,提高研究水平。



1. 飞跃国界(Leap Across Borders)2. 顺利留学(Smooth Study)3. 成功移民(Successful Immigration)4. 翼天留学(Wings of Study)5. 星际移民(Interstellar Immigration)6. 踏上全球(Step into the World)7. 留学起航(Study Voyage)8. 移民之家(Home of Immigration)9. 留学专家(Study Expert)10. 顺利迁徙(Smooth Relocation)11. 国际通关(International Clearance)12. 留学快车(Study Express)13. 移民路线(Immigration Route)14. 文化融合(Cultural Fusion)15. 飞越海洋(Fly Across Oceans)16. 移民之梦(Dream of Immigration)17. 知行留学(Knowledgeable Study)18. 移民大师(Master of Immigration)19. 留学之友(Friend of Study)20. 通往世界(Path to the World)21. 灵动留学(Dynamic Study)22. 全球接待(Global Reception)23. 移民行动(Action Immigration)24. 无忧留学(Worry-free Study)25. 留学航道(Study Channel)26. 通往成功(Road to Success)27. 无边移民(Boundless Immigration)28. 全球交流(Global Exchange)29. 留学引领(Leading Study)30. 快速迁徙(Fast Relocation)31. 移民助手(Immigration Assistant)32. 留学宝盒(Study Treasure)33. 知行移民(Knowledgeable Immigration)34. 接触异国(Touching Foreign Lands)35. 移民之路(Path of Immigration)36. 留学天堂(Study Paradise)37. 世界之门(Gateway to the World)38. 星际学府(Interstellar Academy)39. 移民导师(Immigration Mentor)40. 强力留学(Powerful Study)以上是一个留学移民公司取名的大全,希望对正在寻找取名灵感的人们提供一些帮助。

英文介绍的作文带翻译英文,I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lily and I come from China. I am currently a student studying in the United States. I am majoring in business administration and I really enjoy my time here.I come from a small town in China, where life is simple and people are friendly. I have always been interested in exploring different cultures and learning new things, which is why I decided to study abroad. Living in the United States has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have met people from all over the world and have learned so much from them.One of the things that I love about living in the United States is the diversity. There are so many different cultures and traditions here, and I have had the opportunity to celebrate holidays and festivals that I had never even heard of before. For example, I had never celebrated Thanksgiving before coming to the United States,but now it's one of my favorite holidays. I love the idea of coming together with friends and family to give thanks for all the good things in life.Another thing that I have enjoyed about living in the United States is the food. There are so many different types of cuisine to try, and I have discovered some new favorite dishes. For example, I had never tried Mexican food before, but now I can't get enough of it. I love the bold flavors and spices that are used in Mexican cooking.Living in a different country has also taught me a lot about independence and self-reliance. I have had to navigate a new city, manage my own finances, and take care of myself without the support of my family. It has been challenging at times, but I have grown so much from the experience.Overall, studying abroad in the United States has been an amazing experience for me. I have learned so much about the world and about myself, and I have made some lifelong friends along the way.中文,我想介绍一下我自己。
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