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1.Many Chinese students think science subjects are ______ foreign languages. A. more difficult as B. less difficult than

C. much difficult than

D. so difficult as

2.My mother often plays table tennis __________my father doesn’t like sports.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

3.We have two rooms ______, but I can’t decide ______.

A. to live, to choose which one

B. lived, choose which one

C. to live in, which one to choose

D. live, which one

4.It was a great day, ______ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. then

5.You can either sing ______ dance ______ weekends.

A. and, on

B. or, on

C. and, at

D. or, in

6.Jack, ., or you will get heavier.

A. doesn't play sports any more

B. doesn't eat so much meat

C. don't play sports any more

D. don't eat so much meat 7.Learn hard, or you _______ pass the exam.

A. will

B. don’t

C. won’t

D. can

8.—My sports shoes are nicer than yours?

—Yes, but mine are _________ yours.

A. comfortable

B. more comfortable

C. the most comfortable

D. as comfortable as 9.She is very good at painting. She can paint _______ her teacher.

A. as better as

B. as well as

C. as good as

D. so well as

10.I would ________ stay at home and watch TV than _____ a walk outside.

A. rather; take

B. love; to take

C. like; to take

D. like; taking 11. He ___________ the volunteer group last year and ___________ many activities since then.

A. took part in…joined

B. joined…took part in

C. joined…has taken part in

12. your help, we can finish the task on time.

A. Without

B. Instead of

C. Thanks to

13.—It’s one o’clock now. I must g o.

—It’s raining outside. Don’t leave it stops.

A. when

B. since

C. until

14.—Oh, dear! Who made the table so dirty?

— Jack Martin. They were drawing on it just now.

A. Neither…nor

B. Both…or

C. Either…or

15.My father feels ________ because he heard from ________ today.

A. happy;an old friend of he

B. happy;an old friend of his

C. happily;one of his old friends

D. happily;an old friend of him

16.—How about going hiking this weekend?

—Sorry. I prefer ________ rather than ________.

A. to stay at home;go out

B. to go out;stay at home

C. staying at home;go out

D. going out;stay at home

17.---What do you think of the book ?

--- I don’t like it at all . It’s _____ interesting _____ exciting .

A. neither , nor

B. not , but

C. not only , but also

D. either , or 18.1 would rather _____at the hotel than _____out on the street.

A.stay;hang B.stay;to hang C.to stay:hang
