2021年武汉文理学院医学影像专升本 考试真题

考试科目:《医学影像诊断学》(总分) 210分一单选题 (共165题,总分值165分 )1. 右主支气管与气管长轴的角度为(1 分)A. 5°~10°B. 10°~20°C. 20°~30°D. 25°~35°E. 40°~50°2. 急性化脓性骨髓炎的病理变化特点是:()(1 分)A. 以骨质破坏为主,周围伴骨质硬化B. 局部骨质疏松C. 以骨质增生硬化为主D. 以骨质破坏为主,一般没有明显骨质增生硬化E. 早期即有骨质破坏出现3. 正常气管隆突分叉角度为(1 分)A. 55°~95°B. 60°~85°C. 65°~90°D. 70°~100°E. 60°~95°4. 脑转移瘤好发于:()(1 分)A. 大脑皮层B. 小脑皮层C. 大、小脑皮层D. 脑髓质E. 皮髓质交界区5. 以下关于膀胱结石的描述,正确的是()(1 分)A. 膀胱结石易发生在青年人B. 膀胱结石均为肾结石或输尿管结石下降而来C. 前后位X线平片上,膀胱结石位于耻骨联合下方D. X线平片上,膀肤结石可为均匀、不均匀或分层状高密度影E. 膀肮X线造影检查对膀胱结石无诊断价值6. 对冠心病诊断最可靠的方法是()(1 分)A. CTB. MRIC. 左心室造影D. 冠状动脉造影E. X线平片7. 诊断骨肌关节疾病首选检查方法是()(1 分)A. X线平片B. CTC. 螺旋CTD. MRIE. MR血管成像(MRA)8. V型肺结核是指(1 分)A. 原发性肺结核B. 浸润型肺结核C. 血型播散型肺结核D. 慢性纤维空洞型肺结核E. 结核性胸膜炎9. CT检查,膀胱癌侵犯精囊时,以下描述错误的是()(1 分)A. 精囊角消失B. 精囊角增大C. 精囊增大D. 精囊肿块与膀肤肿块相连E. 精囊结构消失10. 结肠癌的典型X线表现(1 分)A. 铺路石征B. 线样征C. 钮扣征D. 苹果核征E. 跳跃征11. 关于骨质软化的影像学表现,叙述错误的是()(1分)A. 骨密度减低以腰椎和骨盆明显B. 骨小梁和骨皮质边缘模糊C. 承重骨骼常发生各种变形D. 可见到假骨折线E. 宜采用CT 和MRI检查12. 呼吸系统X线检查的正确顺序是:()(1 分)A. 胸透、体层、血管造影、胸片、CTB. CT、体层、血管造影、胸片、胸透C. 胸透、胸片、体层、CT、血管造影D. 体层、CT、胸透、胸片、血管造影E. 胸透、胸片、血管造影、CT、体层13. 患儿5岁,发热咳嗽2天来诊,T38.5C゜听诊右肺下野呼吸音弱,但可闻及细小水泡音,2天前有吃花生米后呛咳史,此时最可能的诊断是(1 分)A. 支气管肺炎B. 支气管内膜结核C. 支气管异物D. 先天支气管狭窄E. 支气管扩张合并感染14. 对冠心病室壁瘤诊断最可靠的方法是:()(1 分)A. 透视B. 右心室造影C. 左心室造影D. 冠状动脉造影E. 摄片15. 中肺野是指上肺野以下至(1 分)A. 第四肋骨下缘的水平线以上B. 第四肋骨前端下缘水平线C. 第四肋骨下缘的最低点水平线D. 第四肋骨前端下缘的最低点E. 第四肋骨前端下缘的最低点水平线16. 泌尿系统结核感染最常见的途径是()(1 分)A. 淋巴系统B. 呼吸系统C. 消化系统D. 血行播散E. 接触感染17. 对颅内转移瘤的叙述,哪项不正确()(1 分)A. 多发于中老年人,常多发,也可单发B. 多见于顶、枕叶,也可见于小脑和脑干C. 可以呈环形强化D. 瘤周水肿多不明显E. 易出血、坏死、囊变18. 结核性胸膜炎的叙述,哪一项错误()(1 分)A. 此型胸膜病变有干性和渗出性两种B. X线容易区分胸膜炎的性质C. 干性胸膜炎X线无异常发现或仅有患侧膈肌活动受限D. 渗出性胸膜炎X线表现为胸腔积液E. 此型胸膜炎可由结核菌和(或)对结核菌过敏引起19. 下列都是良性溃疡的X表现,但不正确的是(1 分)A. 粘膜皱襞向龛影口部集中到达口部边缘前逐渐变细B. 腔内龛影C. 项圈征D. 粘膜线E. 狭颈征20. 下述哪个病变可造成纵隔向患侧移位(1 分)A. 胸腔积液B. 气胸C. 一侧性肺气肿D. 广泛性胸膜肥厚E. 较大的肺肿瘤21. 室间隔缺损心脏哪个心腔增大最为明显()(1 分)A. 右心室B. 右心房C. 左心房D. 左心室E. 右心室比左心室增大明显22. 成年女性的乳腺基底部位于前胸壁锁骨中线()(1分)A. 第2~6肋间B. 第3~5肋间C. 第4~5肋间D. 第2~7肋间E. 第2~3肋间23. 透视检查的基础是利用x线的:()(1 分)A. 光学作用B. 生物作用C. 穿透作用D. 电离作用E. 荧光作用24. 肾结核晚期特征性X线表现是()(1 分)A. 肾积水B. 肾盂肾盏边缘性破坏C. 肾功能减退D. 肾自截E. 小膀胱25. 下列哪种疾病最易发生纵行溃疡()(1 分)A. 肠结核B. 小肠腺癌C. 克罗恩病D. 小肠淋巴瘤E. 溃疡性结肠炎26. 一定单位体积内骨量增多属于(1 分)A. 骨质增生硬化B. 骨膜增生C. 骨内与软骨钙化D. 骨膜增生E. 骨内矿物质沉积27. X线穿过均匀物质时,其强度呈下列何种方式衰减(1 分)A. 对数关系B. 指数关系C. 线性关系D. 无任何关系E. 以上都不是28. 下列哪种检查方法是显示鼻窦的最佳检查方法()(1 分)A. X线侧位片B. X线体层摄影C. 轴位CTD. 矢状位CTE. 冠状位HRCT29. 关于弛豫时间的表述哪项不正确()(1 分)A. 终止RF脉冲后即发生驰豫B. 有两种弛豫,即纵向和横向弛豫C. 有两种弛豫时间,即D. 短于E. 和是时间常数,而非绝对值30. 下述“肺纹理异常”表现,哪项不对(1 分)A. 肺纹理纤细B. 肺纹理增粗C. 下肺纹理比上肺纹理多D. 肺纹理结构模糊E. 肺纹理结构紊乱31. 某男,45岁,体检发现左肺下叶有一小块阴影,直径约2.0cm,密度不均,边缘模糊;体层片呈分叶状,边缘有短细毛刺,考虑为:()(1 分)A. 肺结核球B. 周围型肺癌C. 错构瘤D. 球形肺炎E. 矽肺结节32. 关于CT扫描技术哪项不正确:()(1 分)A. 普通扫描B. 增强扫描C. 高分辨力扫描D. 造影剂均为水溶性有机碘剂E. 造影剂的运用方法有团注法、静滴法等33. 下面关于胃X线表现的描述以下不正确的是(1分)A. 胃体大弯侧轮廓常呈锯齿状。


A.21 B.214C.55 D.354.当前收字最多的汉语字典是()。
A.兼语短语、联合短语B.兼语短语、同位短语C.连谓短语、同位短语D.连谓短语、兼语短语汉语国际教育/汉语言文学专业试卷A 第1页(共7页)9.下列句子属于选择问的是()。



湖北文理学院2019年专升本《基础护理学》试卷(样卷)姓名:考试时间:120 分钟一.单选题(本大题共80小题,每小题1分,共80分)1. 某女,13岁,膝关节结核,医嘱链霉素肌内注射,皮试结果阳性,以下哪项措施是错误的A. 报告医师B. 告诉病人和家属试验结果C. 注射葡萄糖酸钙和肾上腺素D. 禁用链霉素E. 在医嘱单.门诊卡.床头卡注明阳性标记2.输血15min病人腰背剧痛.四肢麻木.脉细弱,护士处理错误的是A. 减慢滴速B. 立即停止输血C. 通知医生D. 重做血型鉴定和交叉试验E. 热敷腰部3.不知毒物的性质和名称时护士应A.请家属查清毒物后洗胃B. 抽出胃内容物送检.温水洗胃C. 鼻饲牛奶,保护胃粘膜D. 用0.001%高锰酸钾溶液洗胃E. 待清醒后用催吐法排除毒物4.有关临终关怀的论述,不正确的观点有A.反映了人类对自身认识的提高B. 是历史发展的一种必然C. 是临终护理的一种新提法D. 是一门新兴的边缘学科E. 提高病人的生命质量5.幼儿及老年人使用热水袋时水温应不超过A.50℃B. 60℃C. 70℃D. 75℃E. 80℃6.在传染病区使用口罩,符合要求的是A.口罩应遮住口部B. 污染的手能触摸口罩外面C. 口罩取下后外面向外折叠D. 一次性口罩每日更换一次E. 口罩潮湿应立即更换7.腰椎穿刺后取去枕平卧位的主要目的是A. 有利于脑血液循环B. 防止脑缺血C. 预防颅内压减低引起的头痛D. 减轻脑膜刺激症状E. 以上均是8.人在室温较低的状态下主要的散热方式是A.辐射B. 传导C. 对流D. 蒸发E. 出汗9.直接与口腔卫生有关的护理诊断是A.自尊紊乱B. 口腔粘膜改变C. 皮肤完整性受损D. 焦虑E. 自我形象紊乱10.为病人清洁会阴不正确的操作是A.操作前应向病人说明目的B. 尽可能尊重病人个人习惯B.注意遮挡病人 D. 用生理盐水 E. 先擦阴道口,再擦尿道口11 .试验饮食描述不正确的是A.胆囊造影于检查前一天禁早餐B. 肌酐试验查前三天禁各种肉类B.潜血试验前三天禁肉类及深色蔬菜 D. 葡萄糖耐量试验前三天保证饮食中含足够的糖E.尿浓缩试验饮食全天水分控制在500—600ml12. 呕吐呈喷射状时应考虑A.高位性肠梗阻B. 幽门梗阻C. 颅内压增高D. 食物中毒E. 神经性呕吐13.正常成人24小时尿量一般为A.500ml—1000mlB. 1000ml—2000mlC. 2000ml—2500mlD. 2500ml—3000mlE. 3000ml—3500ml14.剧毒药物及麻醉药的最主要保管原则是A.应加锁并认真交班B. 装密封瓶中保存C. 置于阴凉处存放D. 与内服药分别放置E. 放药柜中保存15.股静脉注射的正确部位是A.股动脉内侧1cm处B. 股动脉外侧1cm处C. 股动脉外侧0.5cm 处D. 股动脉内侧1.5cm 处E. 股动脉内侧0.5cm 处16. 采取各种标本时,下列哪项做法是错误的A. 根据检验目的选择容器B. 培养标本须放在无菌容器内C. 采集方法正确时间准确D. 病人如用过抗生素,应停止采集E. 查微丝蚴的血标本在夜间采集17. 下列哪项不能靠热疗法达到A. 促进炎症消散或局限B. 降低细菌活力C. 维持体温.增加舒适D. 解除疼痛E. 增强白细胞吞噬能力18.下列表现不属于深昏迷的是A.对任何剌激无反应B. 生命体征改变C. 两便失禁D. 肌张力丧失E. 瞳孔对光反射存在19.临终病人最早可能出现的心理反应是A.否认B. 愤怒C. 抑郁D. 接受E. 协议20.病案的重要意义与下列哪项无关A.临床实践的原始记录B. 具有重要的法律作用C. 病人流动情况的依据D. 科研工作的重要资料E. 提供评价的依据21.入院时间用红笔竖写在当日体温单相应时间A.39—40℃之间B. 39—41℃之间B.40—41℃之间 D. 41—42℃之间 E. 40—42℃之间22.下列哪种发热属于弛张热A.体温高于39℃,24h温差小于1℃B. 体温高于39℃,24h温差在1℃以上C. 体温骤升到39℃以上,又骤降至正常D. 体温升降无规律E. 发热.高低不一,持续时间不等23.郭某,72岁,心衰,双下肢水肿,虚弱且消瘦,尾骶部出现压疮,应为其提供何种膳食A. 高热量高脂肪高蛋白B. 高脂肪低蛋白低盐C. 高热量高蛋白低盐D. 高蛋白高纤维素低盐E. 高热量.高蛋白.无盐24. 李某,40岁,子宫切除术前需插导尿管,病人执意不肯,护士采取的措施是A.让病人自行排尿,解除膀胱压力B. 请家属协助劝说C. 到手术室后再插导尿管D. 解释插管的目的,置屏风遮挡E. 报告医生改用其他方法25. 伤寒病人适用于哪种隔离A. 呼吸道隔离B. 严密隔离C. 昆虫隔离D. 接触隔离E. 肠道隔离26.在收集病人资料过程中,不正确的方法是A.所有资料源于护士与病人的交谈B.非正式交谈前常在为病人提供护理服务时进行C.正式交谈前做好准备,有目的地与病人面谈D.正式交谈的内容应属专业范畴E.其家属也能提供相关资料27.肺叶切除术后病人取半坐卧位的目的是A. 减少局部出血B. 使静脉回流量减少C. 减轻局部瘀血D. 减轻伤口疼痛E. 减轻全身中毒症状28. 关于体温的叙述正确的是A.正常人体温在清晨4—6时最低B.甲状腺功能亢进者体温升高C. 睡眠时体温升高D. 新生儿及婴幼儿体温较低E. 冷水浴后体温升高29. 为昏迷病人进行口腔护理应特别注意不可A. 头偏向一侧B. 使用张口器张口C. 帮助病人漱口D. 取下假牙,用牙刷清洁E. 夹紧棉球.每次一个30.下列哪项不是压疮炎性浸润期的临床表现A.皮肤呈紫红色B. 有水疱出现C. 皮下出现硬结D. 表皮松解破裂E. 浅层组织有脓液流出31.潜血试验前三天禁吃的食物是A. 土豆B. 菜花C. 动物肝脏D. 豆制品E. 冬瓜32.电动吸引器吸痰法利用的原理是A.正压B. 虹吸C. 空吸D. 负压E. 液体静压33.下列哪种病人排出的尿液有烂苹果味A.膀胱炎B. 前列腺炎C. 肾盂肾炎D. 急性肾炎E. 酮症酸中毒34. 下列关于药品保管原则不正确的是A. 内服、注射、外用药分类保管B. 易挥发、潮解的药物装有色瓶内盖紧C. 抗生素按有效日期先后使用D. 剧毒药用黑色标签E. 易氧化的药物装有色密盖瓶35.输血前准备工作哪项不正确A.作血型鉴定及交叉配血试验B. 血液从血库取出后勿剧烈震荡C. 须由两人进行“三查八对”D. 输血量多者可将库血加温E. 和血库人员共同检查血液质量36.大叶性肺炎病人的痰液是A.脓痰B. 粘痰C. 铁锈色痰D. 白色泡沫样痰E. 血性痰37.禁用热水坐浴的病人是A. 妊娠后期B. 外阴部充血C. 痔疮术后D. 肛门部充血E. 肛瘘切开术后38. 记录病人资料时哪项不正确A.描述的词语要确切B. 避免护士的主观判断C. 资料有疑点需重新确认D. 客观资料应用医学术语E. 主观资料要详尽生动39. 张某,患晚期肝癌,住院后非常平静,情绪.活动与常人无异,此病人的心理反应可能属于A.否认期B.协议期C.抑郁期D.接受期E.愤怒期40.病案书写不要求A. 记录及时.准确B. 内容简单.扼要C. 字迹清楚.端正D. 书写真实.完善E. 描写生动.形象41.排便失禁病人的护理措施为A.保持床单清洁干燥B. 心理护理C. 保持皮肤清洁干燥D. 进行控制排便的训练E. 以上均是42.病人排出酱油色尿应考虑是A.血红蛋白尿B. 胆红素尿C. 血尿D. 乳糜尿E. 蛋白尿43.下列哪项不符合无痛注射原则A.分散病人注意力B. 肌肉松驰C. 做到两快一慢D. 进针后注射前抽动活塞E. 拔针后干棉球按压针眼处44.输血引起溶血反应早期的主要表现是A.四肢麻木,腰背剧痛B. 荨麻疹,哮喘C. 手足抽搐D. 呼吸困难,寒战E. 黄疸,血红蛋白尿45.上消化道出血病人的粪便常为A.暗红色B. 鲜血样C. 陶土样D. 柏油样E. 果酱样46.活动受限对机体的影响不包括A.骨质疏松B. 体位性低血压C. 坠积性肺炎D. 排尿困难E. 关节脱位47.腹腔感染者应取半坐卧位是为了A.借重力使膈肌上升B. 有利于腹腔引流C. 防止呕吐D. 使切口处张力增加E. 不利于感染局限48.体温在39.0℃~40.9℃之间的发热属于A.低热B. 中等热C. 高热D. 超高热E. 稽留热49.为昏迷病人进行口腔护理时,下列哪种物品不需要A.棉球B. 吸管C. 漱口液D. 压舌板E. 止血钳50.炎性浸润期压疮出现大水疱,正确的处理方法是A.涂厚层滑石粉包扎B. 剪去表皮用无菌纱布包扎C. 用凡士林油纱布保护D. 用1:5000呋喃西林液清洗创面E. 用无菌注射器抽出疱内液体51.插鼻饲管时病人出现呛咳.呼吸困难,操作者应A.检查胃管是否盘在口中B. 嘱病人做吞咽动作C. 暂停片刻D. 立即拔出E. 扶病人坐起52.为幽门梗阻病人洗胃应在何时进行A.空腹时B. 饭后1~2hC. 饭后2~3hD. 临睡前E. 任何时53.少尿是指24小时排尿量少于A. 100mlB. 200mlC. 300mlD. 400mlE. 500ml54. 下列服药方法哪项不妥A. 健胃药饭前服B. 发汗药服后多饮水C. 止咳糖浆用水冲服D. 服铁剂避免与牙齿接触E. 助消化药饭后服55.输血过程中下列哪项做法不妥A.输血须两人核对无误后方能输入B. 血浆变红,血细胞暗紫色不能使用C. 开始输入速度宜慢,观察15minD. 两瓶血之间须输入少量等渗盐水E. 血中加入异内嗪25mg可防过敏反应56.采集测量血糖的血标本正确的是A.取静脉血2.0mlB. 取静脉血2.0ml加抗凝剂C. 取动脉血2.0mlD. 取动脉血2.0ml加抗凝剂E. 取动脉血3.0ml57.李某不慎踝关节扭伤,1小时后来院就诊,应给予A.热敷B. 冷敷C. 冷热交替D. 热水足浴E. 按摩58.脑死亡的标准是A.对刺激无感受性及反应性B. 无运动.无呼吸C. 无反射D. 脑电波平坦E. 以上均是59.阳光对下列哪种物质的合成有促进作用A.维生素DB. 钙C. 磷D. 维生素BE. 维生素A60.护士在执行医嘱过程中下列哪项不正确A.医嘱须经医生签名后有效B. 先执行临时医嘱C. 临时医嘱的有效时间在24小时以内D. 医嘱可隔日核对E. 对有疑问的医嘱必须核对清楚后方可执行61.给男病人导尿时,提起阴茎与腹壁成60°角,是使A. 耻骨前弯消失B. 耻骨下弯消失C. 耻骨前弯扩大D. 耻骨下弯扩大E. 以上均不是62. 关于青霉素使用的注意事项不正确的是A. 皮试阴性方可注射青霉素B. 用青霉素过程中停药两天需重做皮试C. 注射后留察30min嘱病人离开D. 注射时应准备盐酸肾上腺素E. 皮试阳性禁止使用青霉素63.下列不符合无痛注射原则的是A.注射部位经常更换B. 局部肌肉放松C. 进针,拔针快,推药慢D. 刺激性强的药物进针要深E. 先注射刺激性强的药物64.收集血液标本的操作哪项不正确A.做动脉血气分析的血标本立即注入试管迅速送检B.测定血清钾.钠.氯的血标本不可摇动C.做红细胞计数的血标本注入加抗凝剂的容器内摇匀D.取血后应取下针头,将血液沿试管壁缓慢注入E.勿将泡沫注入试管内65.下列哪项不符合执行医嘱的原则A.执行中须认真核对B. 医嘱须有医生签名C. 有疑问应询问清楚D. 医嘱均需立即执行E. 护士执行后签全名66.某病人食道静脉曲张,呕血后心悸,出冷汗,烦躁不安,查体:心率115次/分,血压90/60mmHg,护士应立即置病人A.头低足高位B. 平卧位C. 侧卧位D. 头高足低位E. 中凹卧位67.李某.卵巢切除术后,5天未排硬,腹胀,腹部叩诊鼓音,应选用A.大量不保留灌汤B. 清洁灌肠C. 小量不保留灌汤C.保留灌肠 E. 肛管排气法68.抢救青霉素过敏性休克的首选药物是A.去甲肾上腺素B. 盐酸异丙嗪C. 盐酸苯海拉明D.异丙肾上腺素E. 盐酸肾上腺素69.输液速度过快,量过多,病人突然呼吸困难.气促.咳嗽.咯泡沫血性痰,下列急救措施中哪项不妥A.立即停止输液B. 通知医生C. 乙醇湿化吸氧D. 置左侧头低足高位E. 四肢轮流结扎70.为减轻骨隆突处的压力,不宜采纳哪种办法A. 置塑料垫于骨隆突处B. 置羊皮垫于骨隆突处C. 置海绵垫于身体空隙处D. 提供气垫床E. 提供水垫褥71. 一老年糖尿病病人缺齿,其饮食设计应为A. 低糖饮食B. 总量限制的软食C. 纤维素丰富的膳食D. 低糖半流质E. 无纤维素流质72.下列排便异常的描述中,哪项是错误的A.上消化道出血为柏油样便B. 急性肠炎为稀糊状便C. 肠套叠为果酱样便D. 痢疾常为脓血便E. 胆道阻塞为米泔样便73.尿潴留病人首次导尿量不应超过A.500mlB. 600mlC. 800mlD. 1000mlE. 1200ml74. 生物制品类药物的保存方法是A. 放在密盖瓶内B. 放在冰箱中冷冻C. 放在避光纸盒内D. 放在有色瓶中E. 放在冰箱冷藏室75.大量输入库血后容易发生A.碱中毒和低血钾B. 碱中毒和高血钾C. 酸中毒和低血钾D. 酸中毒和高血钾E. 低血钠和高枸椽酸钠76.收集尿标本时,下列哪项做法是错误的A.嘱病人留晨起第一次尿液100mlB. 成年女性月经期禁留尿标本C. 细菌培养应留取无菌尿标本D. 留取24h尿标本须加防腐剂E. 粪便勿混入尿标本中77.下列关于酒精擦浴的说法正确是的A.头部放冰袋,足部放热水袋B. 边擦边按摩局部C. 腹股沟处禁擦D. 腹部.足心擦的时间延长E. 擦浴后1小时测体温78.下列措施中不属于基础生命救护的为A. 胸外心脏按压B. 口对口呼吸C. 开放气道D. 消除口腔异物E. 注射呼吸兴奋剂79.噪音对健康的影响与下列哪种因素无关A.接触时间B. 噪音频率C. 噪音性质D. 耐受性E. 性别80.下列哪项不属于长期医嘱A.止咳合剂10ml bidB. 保留灌肠qn×3C. 持续氧气吸入E.安定10mg sos E. 庆大霉素8万im bid二.多选题(本大题共10小题,在每小题的五个备选答案中,选出二至五个正确答案,并将其号码分别写在题干的括号内。



湖北文理学院普通专升本考试计算机科学与技术专业招生人数、考试科目、复习教材和试题及录取分数线招生院校:湖北文理学院招生人数:152013年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业考试科目英语+高等数学+ 数据结构2013年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业参考教材《高等数学》(第四、五版)同济大学数学教研室主编高等教育出版社+ 《数据结构》(C语言版)严蔚敏清华大学出版社2013年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业录取分数线及要求总分:163招生院校:湖北文理学院招生人数:102012年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业考试科目英语+高等数学+数据结构2012年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业参考教材1、《高等数学》(第四、五版)同济大学数学教研室主编高等教育出版社2、《高等数学》(本科少学时类型)同济大学应用数学系编高等教育出版社3、《高等数学》上海市高等专科学校《高等数学编写组》上海科学技术出版社;[1]《数据结构》(C语言版)严蔚敏清华大学出版社[2]《数据结构》江涛中央广播电视大学出版社 [3]《数据结构算法设计指导》胡学钢清华大学出版社[4] 《数据结构》王红梅清华大学出版社2012年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业录取分数线及要求各招生专业在最低控制分数线上按招生计划数从高分到低分录取;总分相同的考生,《大学英语》单科成绩高者排序在前。
录取最高分数226.5 录取最低分数 199招生院校:湖北文理学院招生人数:122011年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业考试科目英语+高等数学+数据结构2011年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业参考教材高等数学:1、《高等数学》(第四、五版)同济大学数学教研室主编高等教育出版社;2、《高等数学》(本科少学时类型)同济大学应用数学系编高等教育出版社;3、《高等数学》上海市高等专科学校《高等数学编写组》上海科学技术出版社;数据结构:[1]《数据结构》(C语言版)严蔚敏清华大学出版社;[2]《数据结构》江涛中央广播电视大学出版社;[3]《数据结构算法设计指导》胡学钢清华大学出版社;[4] 《数据结构》王红梅清华大学出版社;2011年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业录取分数线及要求数据暂未整理招生院校:湖北文理学院招生人数:302010年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业考试科目英语+高等数学+数据结构2010年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业参考教材教材参见本站考试大纲2010年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业录取分数线及要求数据暂未整理招生院校:湖北文理学院招生人数:152009年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业考试科目英语+高等数学+数据结构2009年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业参考教材高等数学参考书目: 1、《高等数学》(第四、五版)同济大学数学教研室主编高等教育出版社 2、《高等数学》(本科少学时类型)同济大学应用数学系编高等教育出版社 3、《高等数学》上海市高等专科学校《高等数学编写组》上海科学技术出版社数据结构参考教材 [1]《数据结构》(C 语言版)严蔚敏清华大学出版社 [2]《数据结构》江涛中央广播电视大学出版社 [3]《数据结构算法设计指导》胡学钢清华大学出版社《大学英语》(修订版)(上海外语教育出版社)(精读1-3册);《大学英语》(修订版)(上海外语教育出版社)(听力1-3册);《大学英语》(修订版)(上海外语教育出版社)(快速阅读1-3册)2009年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业录取分数线及要求数据暂未整理招生院校:湖北文理学院招生人数:202008年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业考试科目英语+高等数学+数据结构2008年湖北文理学院专升本计算机科学与技术专业参考教材高等数学参考书目: 1、《高等数学》(第四、五版)同济大学数学教研室主编高等教育出版社 2、《高等数学》(本科少学时类型)同济大学应用数学系编高等教育出版社 3、《高等数学》上海市高等专科学校《高等数学编写组》上海科学技术出版社数据结构参考教材 [1]《数据结构》(C 语言版)严蔚敏清华大学出版社 [2]《数据结构》江涛中央广播电视大学出版社 [2]《数据结构算法设计指导》胡学钢清华大学出版社《大学英语》(修订版)(上海外语教育出版社)(精读1-3册);《大学英语》(修订版)(上海外语教育出版社)(听力1-3册);《大学英语》(修订版)(上海外语教育出版社)(快速阅读1-3册)。



湖北文理学院专升本样卷(综合英语)湖北文理学院专升本《综合英语》考试样卷单位准考证号姓名题目一二三四五总分满分30 10 30 15 15 100得分I. Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points)得分评卷人Section A (10 points, 1 point for each)Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.1. large The factory is being _________to make room for more machinery.2. efficient You will increase your ________ if you introduce more system into your work.3. cruel _________ to children or animals is a crime in many countries.4.appear If you use this chemical to clean your shirt, the stains will ________immediately.5. understand John and Mary had a ____________,but they have made it up now .6. health The children looked wonderfully __________with their bright eyes and glowing cheeks.7. please The success of the experiment was a great _______ and encouragement to the young scientists.8. eager She could not conceal her _______________ for praise.9. construction The old professor made a number of very ___________suggestions concerning soilconservation in the area.10. curious Looking up, I saw his eyes fixed on me in _______________.Section B. (10 points, 0.5 point for each)Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one.11. Don’t________ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.A. rejectB. preventC. hesitate D .refuse12. Let’s hang up some paintings on these________ walls.A. bare B .empty C. blank D. vacant13. At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into ______with the Partyleadership.A. actionB. crisisC. conflictD. power14. He wrote the book in ____ with his wife.A. proportionB. installmentC. correspondenceD. collaboration15. The electric fan does not work because of the ____of service.A. pauseB. breakC. interruptionD. breakdown16. Nancy was surprised that they have _____. They seemed to be a happy couple.A. split upB. broken downC. fallen throughD. knocked out17. Unfortunately, very few sheep________ the severe winter last year.A. survivedB. enduredC. spentD. remained alive18. They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ____.A. endB. conclusionC. resultD. judgment19. The eldest child is thoroughly ____ because they always give him whatever he wants.A. wastedB. spoiledC. destroyedD. uneducated20. —Can you take the day off tomorrow?—Well, I’ll have to get ____ from my boss.A. permissionB. permitC. allowanceD. possession21. They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of schedule________was something we had not expected.A .that B. this C. it D. which22. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother______ some money from their mother’spurse.A. to stealB. to stealing C .into steal D. into stealing23. I was________ to find his article on such an________ topic so________.A. surprised, excited, bored B .surprising, exciting, boringC. surprised, exciting, boringD. surprising, excited, boring24. The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ____ forit.A. as much twiceB. much as twiceC. as twice muchD. twice as much25. _______a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EdwardCharles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States.A. WhileB. Being C .Although D. He was26. If you have never planted anything, you won't be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted .A. to growB. growC. growingD. to be growing27. The two boys had so ________ in common that they soon become good friends.A. littleB. fewC. muchD. many28. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and ________A. so did the airlinesB. nor did the airlinesC. so airlines didD. nor the airlines did29. ______ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.A. He is rememberedB. To rememberC. While rememberingD. Though remembered30. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, ________in last month’s marathon race.A. she would participateB. she might participateC. would have participated D .she must have participatedSection C (10 points ,1 point for each)Directions: Each of the following sentences has four parts underlined and marked A, B, C and D. You are to identify the one that needs correction.31. Nancy had a great deal of trouble to concentrate on her work because ofA B Cthe noise in the next room.D32. I remember to see that American naturalist two years ago in India at theA B C Ddinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Wynnes.33. No matter whatever happens, we’re determined to do our best and makeA B Cthe experiment a success.D34. l can't get my car started now. Something must have gone wrongly with theA B C Dengine.35.Jeremy is such a careless person that he has five wallets stolen by pickpocketsA B C Dthis year.36. Don't take for granted that all those who score high in the entrance examinationsA B Cwill prove to be the most competent at college.D37. The elderly lawyer thinks it good for his health to walk up the stairs to his officeA Bon the fifth floor instead of to take the elevator.C D38. Most of the freshmen in our college have made far more greater progress inA B Ctheir study of English than we first expected.D39. Dr. Nolen was honest enough to admit to make errors in judgment on more than one occasion.A B C D40. Our history professor is such a knowledgeable person that it seems there isn’tA Bnothing which he does not know.C DII. Cloze (10 points, 0.5 point for each)Directions: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the best of the four choices given.Earthquakes have (1)______ our lives for as long as people have inhabited the Earth. These dangerous acts of the Earth have (2)______ great danger to human beings.Earthquake damage (3)_____ what area is hit. If an unpopulated region is (4)____, there will be low loss of life or property. If it hits a large city which is (5)_____ populated, there may be serious injuries and destruction.Earthquakes have the power to uproots trees and send them (6)_____ into buildings. They can trigger landslides and cause flooding and tsunamis. Buildings and structures are also (7)_____. It is interesting to note that tall buildings will suffer (8)_____ damage if they are located directly at the epicenter. This is because they can (9)_____ the up-and-down motion of P-waves. S-waves. On the other hand, occur far away from the epicenter, and cause the greatest stress (10)______ shaking buildings from side to side. These buildings are often (11)____ their foundations.Buildings with thick, heavy walls do not resist shock waves well. Violent earthquakes often cause structures to (12)_____, burying people underneath. Brick buildings are the most (13)_____. The shaking of the earth is sometimes not the greatest disaster. It is in the (14)_____ fires and floods that often the greatest damage (15)_____.Predicting an earthquake until now has almost been technologically (16)______. With improvements in technology, lives have been saved and many more (17)______. All that (18)______ is to research what takes place before, during, and after an earthquake. This has been done for years (19)____ the points that a successful earthquake prediction is theoretically possible. However, (20)_____ prediction of earthquake may take more years.1. A. blamed B. plagued C. imposed D. blessed2. A. held on B. kept to C. resulted in D. pointed out3. A. depends on B. catches on C. carries on D. draws on4. A. stung B. struck C. scratched D. stuck5. A. largely B. enormously C. densely D. vastly6. A. clashing B. clamming C. cracking D. crashing7. A. at risk B. at peace C. at best D. at length8. A. the real B. the less C. the least D. the most9. A. transform B. undergo C. withdraw D. withstand10. A. by B. to C. with D. on11. A. knocked out B. knocked off C. knocked over D. knocked down12. A. vanish B. collapse C. collide D. confront13. A. dependable B. valuable C. favorable D. vulnerable14. A. constant B. consistent C. Subsequent D. frequent15. A. allows B. appears C. rewards D. occurs16. A. positive B. impossible C. possible D. Impressive17. A. will B. shall C. have D. can18. A. represents B. reflects C. remains D. reminds19. A. on B. at C. in D. to20. A. adequate B. absolute C. significant D. accurateIV. Reading comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each) )Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture from food helps to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this is to expose the food to sun and wind. In this way the North American Indians produce pemmican (dried meat ground into powder and made into cakes), the Scandinavians make stockfish and the Arabs dried dates and "apricot leather".All foods include water – cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75% and fish, anything from 80% to 60%, depending on how fatty it is. If this water is removed, the activity of the bacteria which cause food to go bad is checked.Fruit is sun-dried in Asia Minor, Greece, Spain and other Mediterranean countries, and also in California, South Africa and Australia. The methods used vary, but in general, the fruit is spread out on trays in drying yards in the hot sun. In order to prevent darkening, pears, peaches and apricots are exposed to the fumes of burning sulfur before drying. Plums, for making prunes, and certain varieties of grapes for making raisins and currants, are dipped in an alkaline solution in order to crack the skins of the fruit slightly and remove their wax coating, so as to increase the rate of drying.Nowadays most foods are dried mechanically. The conventional method of such dehydration is to put food in chambers through which hot air is blown at temperatures of about 110℃ at entry to about 43℃ at exit. This is the usual method for drying such things as vegetables, minced meat, and fish.Liquids such as milk, coffee, tea, soups and eggs may be dried by pouring them over a heated steel cylinder by spraying them into a chamber through which a current of hot air passes. In the first case, the dried material is scraped off the roller as a thin film which is then broken up into small, though still relatively coarse flakes. In the second process it falls to the bottom of the chamber as a fine powder. Where recognizable pieces of meat and vegetables are required, as in soup, the ingredients are dried separately and then mixed.Dried foods take up less room and weigh less than the same food packed in cans or frozen, and they do not need to be stored in special conditions. For these reasons they are invaluable to the climbers, explorers and soldiers in battle, who have little storage space. They are also popular with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them. Usually it is just a case of replacing the dried-out moisture with boiling water.1. The open-air method of drying food ___.A. is the one most commonly used todayB. was invented by the American IndiansC. has been known for hundreds of yearsD. tends to be unhygienic2. Bacteria which cause food to go bad ___.A. cannot live in sunlightB. are killed by dryingC. are in no way dependent on the water contentD. have their activity greatly reduced by drying3. Nowadays vegetables are most commonly dried ___.A. on horizontal cylindersB. in hot-air chambersC. in the sun and windD. using the open tray method4. Dried foods ___.A. are often packed in cans or frozenB. are used by soldiers and climbersC. need more storage space than soldiers usually have availableD. are much cheaper than canned or frozen products5. Housewives like dried foods because they ___.A. are quick to prepareB. taste betterC. can be preserved by boiling in waterD. look fresh and appetizing when cookedPassage BDisneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, magic Mountain, the state Fair, amusement parks… all of these are great family destinations, yet the cost of the admission ticket alone can put a severe crimp in the family budget. Once at the park, children are so tempted by the wide array of food and choices that a day intended for family fun can sometimes turn into an unpleasant nag fest. While it is a parent’s job to say “no” at appropriated times, saying no during a special day intended for family togetherness can definitely diminish the fun for both adult and child.When our children were in early elementary school, we came up with a plan that took the “yes” and “no”spending decision out of our hands, and placed it into theirs.We were off to Disneyland, and during previous visits our son would badger us for a treat each time we passed a vendor, or nagged us to buy souvenirs from the various shops. Before going to the amusement park, we told our children how much we could afford to spend for the day. We then explained that we could be giving them each their share of the money, and it would be totally their decision how to spend it. The money would cover any of the day’s food, beverages or souvenirs. If they wanted to spend the entire amount on frozen bonanzas, that was their choice. But once their portion was gone, it was gone.To avoid the possibility of our children losing their money, we placed their funds in separate envelopes, and I offered to keep it for them. Whenever they wanted to buy something, they just needed to ask for the money.It was interesting how differently our two children budgeted their portion. Our daughter, who is three years younger than her brother, and was barely old enough to add, breezed through the day. At lunch time, she allotted money for her food and beverage, and managed to buy a sack and souvenirs. Our son, who usually found something he had to have at every corner, turned into a nervous miser. At lunch time, he wouldn’t even splurge for a soda, and when he saw something he wanted to buy, he studies it until he decided he didn’t need it.By the end of the day, our daughter had spent her share, and seemed quite pleased with the choices she’s made. Our son, who had spent very little, was suddenly frantic to buy something (anything) with his remaining cash. I felt a little sorry for him, because while we (as parents) had an enjoyable day, free from the responsibility of monitoring our children’s spending, his day was spent dealing with the consequences of his choices.6. The author is concerned about ______ in the passage.A. spending responsibilityB. the cost of the admission ticketC. the family budgetD. great family destinations7. According to the author, the best way to reduce the family’s spending while going out to have fun is that _____.A. parents decide what to buy for their childrenB. parents say “no” whenever their children ask to buy somethingC. children themselves decide to buy whatever they wantD. children are allotted a sum of money and they decide what to buy8. While in Disney land, what did the author’s son do with his own money?A. He was hesitant to spend his own money.B. He managed to buy things at every corner.C. He was happy and free with his money.D. He used up his money quickly and asked for money again.9. Which of the following is Not true, according to the story?A. Both of the parents had an enjoyable day.B. Both parents and children learned something about how to spend money.C. Both parents and children learned something about how to spend money.D. Both the son and daughter had spent all their money.10. What do you think is the tone in which the author has described his son?A. RegretB. ReliefC. WorryD. ApprovalPassage COne of the aims of teaching science is, through learning, to enable students to develop a complete personality by creativity, honesty, eagerness to acquire knowledge, freedom of speech and thought, and critical assessment. This is an ambitious aim which we unfortunately, rarely consider. During teaching we devote our attention more to the content rather than the aims. We thus see that science is one of the school subjects least favored by students.The emotional elements of music, dancing, painting, poetry and drama have a strong emotional impact on students. For science to evoke the same feelings, it should be taught with the help of the expressive arts. Unlike traditional didactic approaches, drama also offers a synthesis of visual, kinetic and auditory experiences, apart from the understanding of facts and figures as a result of rational and analytical perception. Drama and other artistic activities can assist in reaching the cognitive goals of the curriculum, as they effective means of motivation. Isn’t there a better chance that students who have developed a love for science will learn it more easily? Science too can be aesthetic, creative and emotional.By using drama techniques, we facilitate collaboration between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, whereas traditional techniques of teaching science stress only the use of abilities found in the left hemisphere—that is, the analytical perception of scientific notions and phenomena. We allow students to engage in the learning process as full personalities with all their knowledge and abilities. Thus we develop not only logical and mathematical intelligence, but also a wider spectrum of the students’ abilities. Our educational experience is largely based on a linear perception of the subject. As students, we have not been used to developing ways of creative and intuitive thinking, especially in scientific subjects. This is why combing expressive arts with science is accepted with difficulty by many.When using drama in teaching science, we meet paradoxes which can, on the one hand, make the use of drama unsuccessful, and, on the other hand, enable the knowledge of science to be integrated into society and social phenomena that is life in general. Science is taught on the basis of scientific discoveries—laws and explanations of phenomena which are clearly defined and allow no individual or sociological interpretations. Drama, however, is based on developing imagination and different individual interpretations of the same event. Stealing a wallet, for example, will be interpreted as something negative by the owner and as something positive by the pickpocket. Drama broadens our imagination, science is said to narrow it. When observing traditional didactic forms of teaching science, we see that students are required to understand very abstract notions. The notion of the atom or the molecule is demonstrated by concrete means including symbols, various types of atom and molecule models, sketches, experiments, photographs and animated films. These help students to develop their imagination and conceptions which can, individually, be very different despite the fact that they were all taught with the same techniques and materials.These differences arise from the differences in students’ personalities. We must take into account that students have different sensory abilities. They receive information through visual, auditory and kinetic channels of perception with different intensity. They also have different intellectual abilities. Thus it is easyfor some students to logically combine scientific laws with scientific phenomena or visualize what the latter looks like.11. The fact that students dislike science class is because science classes _____.A. develop student’s personality by creativityB. don’t have freedom of speechC. concentrate more on knowledge than the development of personalityD. concentrate more on facts than critical assessment12. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Students find less difficulty in learning science through expressive artsB. Expressive arts used in learning science can involve both hemispheres of the brainC. Traditional techniques of learning science mainly involve the use of left hemisphereD. A large part of educational experience is based on a linear perception of the subject13. A suitable title for the passage can be “_____”.A. Teach Science through DramaB. Developing Students’ ImaginationC. Expressive Arts in the Science ClassroomD. Creative Ways of Teaching Science14. The researcher’s aim is to _____.A. facilitate students’ learning by stimulating an emotional responseB. use drama to teach scienceC. develop students’ knowledge and abilities through reviewD. make it easier for students to understand some abstract concepts15. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Traditional teaching methods expect students to love abstract concepts.B. The new approach to teaching doesn’t teach abstract conceptsC. The new approach addresses many different learning stylesD. Didactic methods teach knowledge, not abilityIV. Translation (15 points)Section A: Translate the following sentences into English (10 points, 2 points for each)1. 医生能找到感染的原因吗?(track down)2. 体育锻炼不仅有益于学生的身体,还有助于他们的心智。

湖北文理学院2019年专升本《内科护理学》试卷(样卷)姓名:考试时间:120 分钟答题卡:一、单选题(本大题共80小题,每小题1分,共80分) 1。
风湿性心脏瓣膜病最容易累及的瓣膜是A 。
主动脉瓣 B. 肺动脉瓣 C 。
二尖瓣 D 。
三尖瓣2.病人,女性,50岁,因心力衰竭入院,诊断为心功能II级,病人应表现为:A.不能从事任何体力活动 B。
轻微活动后出现呼吸困难,休息后不易缓解 D。
一般活动后不引起疲乏,呼吸困难3.某急性发作重度的支气管哮喘患者,其首选药物是A.氨茶碱B. 地塞米松C. 沙丁胺醇 D。
色甘酸钠4.出现洋地黄毒性反应后首要的处理措施是A.补钾 B。
电复律 C. 应用利多卡因 D. 停用洋地黄药物5.患者,女,60岁。
静脉补液后,护士为其测中心静脉压为13. 5cmH2O,血压正常,尿量11ml/小时,尿比重〈1. 010。
根据数据结果,考虑患者可能出现的情况是A.肺水肿B. 弥散性血管内凝血C. 酸中毒 D。
肾功能不全6.急性心肌梗死后,心律失常发生率最高的时间为A.1~3天 B。
4~7天 C。
2周以内 D。
实验室检查:T3 6.2nmol/L,T4 254nmol/L。
你认为下列哪项不属护理诊断A.焦虑B. 营养失调 C。
甲状腺肿大 D。
自我形象紊乱8.大量咯血是指A. 一次咯血量<100mlB. 一次咯血量>300mlC。
一次咯血量>200ml D。
一次咯血量>100ml9.糖尿病酮症酸中毒的诱因不包括A. 胰岛素过量 B。
外伤及手术 C。
妊娠及分娩 D。

1/ 9A.高等学校的管理制度B.高等教育的微观管理制度C.高等学校的运行制度D.高等教育的宏观管理制度正确答案:D6.关于高校教学与科研关系,表述不正确的是()A.现成的研究成果都能直接作用教学内容B.高校的教学与研究相互依存、相互促进C.高校的教学与研究是两种活动过程有别的活动D.现成的研究活动未必都能直接引入教学过程正确答案:A7.教师道德原则在教育领域中体现的最重要、最基本的道德关系是()。

一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 计算机科学中,以下哪个选项不是操作系统的基本功能?A. 文件管理B. 设备管理C. 用户界面D. 网络通信2. 在数学中,下列哪个选项表示的是线性方程?A. \( x^2 + y = 5 \)B. \( ax + by = c \)C. \( e^x = y \)D. \( \ln(x) + y = z \)3. 英语中,以下哪个短语不是表示“同意”的表达方式?A. I agree with you.B. That's right.C. I don't think so.D. I concur.4. 机械工程中,以下哪个选项不是常见的机械零件?A. GearB. PistonC. CircuitD. Bearing5. 化学中,下列哪个元素的原子序数是26?A. Iron (Fe)B. Carbon (C)C. Zinc (Zn)D. Copper (Cu)6. 经济学中,以下哪个选项不是市场经济的特点?A. 自由竞争B. 价格管制C. 私有财产D. 消费者主权7. 物理学中,以下哪个公式表示牛顿第二定律?A. \( F = ma \)B. \( E = mc^2 \)C. \( P = IV \)D. \( Q = mc\Delta T \)8. 管理学中,以下哪个理论不是由泰勒提出的?A. 科学管理理论B. 人际关系理论C. 任务管理理论D. 效率工程理论9. 心理学中,以下哪个选项不是弗洛伊德的精神分析理论中的概念?A. 本我B. 超我C. 自我D. 集体无意识10. 历史学中,以下哪个事件不是发生在20世纪?A. 第一次世界大战B. 第二次世界大战C. 法国大革命D. 冷战二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 在计算机编程中,_________ 是一种基本的编程结构,用于重复执行代码块直到满足特定条件。

英语习题一Part I Vocabulary (30%)Section A: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the given word on the left of each sentence.1. Improve Lately Mary has shown some improvements in both her reading and writing.2. Broad These college students spent a whole month traveling in NorthwestChina, which greatly broaden their vision and knowledge.3. Safety The policeman held up his hand to stop the traffic so that thechildren could cross the road in safety.4. Care The slightest carelessness in driving can result in a terribleaccident.5. Child He has taken a great interest in collecting stamps since childless.6. Patient The manager showed such ___patience____with me that he cut shortwhat I was telling him.7. Permit Susan has obtained her parents’ permission to go camping with herclass.8. Hope He was disappointed so often that he became helpless.9. Die When the ambulance reached the hospital , the old man was already__dead___.10. Eager Every year children look forward to Children’s Day with greateagerness.Section B: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one.11. Vickie had most probably _c__her for another sort o girl.A. regardedB. viewedC. mistakenD. looked12. The police investigation discovered that three young men were ___B__in therobbery.A. caughtB. involvedC. connectedD. tightened13. The school bus was __A___by a thick fog.A. held upB. broken offC. kept upD. put off14. How we __B___a chance to visit your great country!A. looked forB. longed forC. waited forD. went for15. Be sure to _A___your work at the end of the exam.A. look overB. hang upC. set asideD. catch sight of16. There are more than __D___rain and snow last year, so some parts of the countryhave been flooded this spring.A. extraB. efficientC. permanentD. adequate17. It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some __D__ repairs.A. majorB. secondaryC. minorD. primary18. Rain does not _C___bring down the temperature.A. certainlyB. undoubtedlyC. necessarilyD. completely19. The airplane arrived one hour behind _D____.A. timeB. planC. dateD. schedule20. One of his faults is that he never _B__anything very long.A. decides onB. sticks toC. goes overD. makes sureSection C: For each of the underlined words or phrases , four choices are given .Choose the one that best explains or defines the underlined part.21. Smoking is prohibited in the office. DA. no goodB. discouragedC. encouragedD. not allowed22. We need an extra copy of the book for the newcomer. BA. a rareB. an additionalC. an unusualD. an excellent23. Linda can barely read and write though she has recently graduated from high school.DA. seldomB. undoubtedlyC. perfectlyD. hardly24. It is more difficult for the Smiths to save money now because of the high rateof inflation. AA. set downB. set aboutC. set upD. set aside25. Chichester endured all kinds of hardships in his solo sailing round the world. AA. sufferedB. experiencedC. overcameD. lasted26. She proposes that we have a birthday party for our English teacher. AA. suggestsB. intendsC. demandsD. decides27. Are you positive that the boy you saw in the hotel was Peter ? CA. rightB. wrongC. sureD. doubtful28. As long as you keep trying , you will certainly succeed. DA. AsB. BecauseC. No matter howD. If29. They occasionally stop by to see us. DA. oftenB. seldomC. usuallyD. once in a while30. Betty was nervous whenever she saw her history teacher. DA. delightedB. relaxedC. disappointedD. tensePart II Structure (20%)Section A : Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices . Choose the one that best completes the sentence.31.___B____his wealth, he is not happy.A. Except forB. In spite ofC. BecauseD. Besides32. The football game will be played on __C_____.A. June sixB. six JuneC. the sixth of JuneD. the six of June33. The paint is still wet! ___B___!A. Be not sure to touch itB. Be sure not to touch itC. Be sure to not touch itD. Don’t be sure to touch it34. Betty moved from the dormitory __D___the noise.A. because ofB. in spite ofC. becauseD. caused by35. I will have a cup of tea and ____D_____.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadsD. two piecesof bread36. We moved to the front row __B__we could hear and see better.A. so asB. so thatC. becauseD. such that37. It was in that small room _D__they worked hard and dreamed of better days tocome.A. whatB. in whichC. whichD. that38. Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer _B____.A. before longB. until recentlyC. long beforeD. in the past few years39. The professor paused as if _C___his students to ask questions on the point hehad just made.A. expectingB. to expectC. expectedD. to have expected40. The classroom was almost empty __B__a desk or two.A. besidesB. except forC. exceptD. in addition toSection B: Each of the following sentences has four parts underlined and markedA, B, C and D. You are to identify the one that needs correction.41. The book was so bored that I returned it to the library without finishing it.A B C DA改为:SO boring42.He went to the library and spent the whole afternoon there to look for materialfor an article on Shakespeare. A B C DB改为:looking for43.Paul suggested that they meet in the front of the school gate at one o’clockFriday afternoon. A B C DB改为:in front of44.After making observations for a week, Sam found why Tom’ shirt factory was so inefficient A B C DA making改为:having made45. It was very late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time.A B C DA :very改为too46. I can not help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them.A B C DA:改为thinking47.By reading the directions carefully, some mistakes in the examination could havebeen avoided. A B C DA:改为if read48.Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one , partly because the personwho delivered it had such a pleasant voice. A B C DB:改为the better49.John was not barely able to walk without help because of the bad injure in hisleft leg A B C DA:改为was50. That is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international commerce.A B C DA:改为WhatPart III Cloze(10%)Directions: Fill in the following blanks with the best words you think.When I was about twelve, I suddenly developed a great passion for writing poetry.I gave up all my _other___hobbies, such __collecting stamps, and spent all my spare __time_reading poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry _on__every possible occasion soon got me into trouble at school. If a lesson did not interest me, I would take out my notebook and start writing poems in class. Of course, I did this very cautiously, but it was not long before I got caught. One day while I was busy writing a poem during geography lesson, I looked up to find the teacher standing over me, fuming with anger because I was not paying attention. He tore the poem up, with a warning not to waste time in his class. AllPart IV Reading comprehension (30%)Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage AAll over the world, people do many of the same things that are necessary in order to live; yet they do them in different ways. They speak thousands of different languages and dialects .They have many different customs and ways of life. Why? Because people from different parts of the world have different cultural backgrounds. We call all the ways of life of any people their culture.As human beings , we depend on what we have learned , while animals depend more on what they are born with. Learning to be part of culture or society is called socialization . People’ ability to learn from others makes culture possible. And culture makes human survival possible. Each new generation of children has more tolearn than its parents. But we can not say the same about animals . Birds have their nests the same way for thousands of years.All cultures are different from one another . But all have certain things in common . To study culture , scientists have divided people’s ways of life into the following kinds. They are the ways we act together , the things we make and use, the ways we earn a living , the religions we believe in , the languages we speak , and the ways we see beauty. All of these things are related in many ways. They are all parts of one picture of a human culture.1.Why do people all over the world do many of the same things in different ways? CA. Because they speak different languages.B. Because they want to live in different ways.C. Because they have different cultures.D. Because they come from different places.2.Whicch of the following is not included in culture?BA. LanguageB. CustomC. Life styleD. Ability3.Which of the following is true?AA. Human beings depend mainly on what they have learned from others.B. Animals depend more on what they learn than what they are born with.C. Human beings depend more on what they are born with than what they learn.D. Animals always learn from human beings.4.How many kinds have scientists divided people’s way of life into?BA. 5B.6C. 2D. 45.What is the main idea of the passage?BA. Human beings are different from animals.B. There exist different cultures in the world.C. How people learn.D. There are many different languages in the world.Passage BThe traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621.In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth. The colonists who had settled there had left England because they felt denied of religious freedom. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in coming across the ocean . The ship which carried them was called the Mayflower . The North Atlantic was difficult to travel. There were bad storms . They were assisted in learning to live in the new land by the Indians who inhabited the region. The Puritans , as they were called, had much to be thankful for. Their religious practices were no longer a source of criticism by the government. They learned to adjust their farming habits to the climate and soil.When they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration , they invited their neighbors, the Indians ,to join them in dinner and a prayer of gratitude for the new life . They recalled the group of 102 men, women and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not live to see the shores of Massachusetts. They reflected on the 65 day’s journey which tested their strength.6.The traditional American Thanksgiving Day is over__D___.A. 100 yearsB. 200 yearsC. 300 yearsD. 400 years7.Why had they left England? AA. Because of religious problems , B . To establish a new religion.C. To learn farmingD. Because of the Indians.8.The Mayflower was___C____.A. the city they left fromB. the city they arrived atC. the ship they traveled inD. the name of the Indian chief9.The Indians had _B____.A. made life different for them .B. helped them to adjustC. taken their landD. been too afraid to talk to them10.The climate and soil in Massachusetts are__B___.A. similar to that of EnglandB. different from that of EnglandC. similar to that of PlymouthD. different from that of Plymouth Passage CEnglish people are always saying “please, thank you ,sorry”. I do , too. It is a habit. Nothing more. I think we all understand it. Anyway , there is very little harm in it. On the other hand, some people can get very worried if a foreigner forgets to say “please” when he is asking for something.Nowadays it is thought rather formal to shake hands if you are not on business. You can tell a great deal from the way people shake hands. Some people try to break your fingers. With others, it feels as if you are holding a wet fish. So the best kind of handshake is firm but gentle with a smile . It is also worth remembering that people tend not to shake hands when parting nor if they have already met. Close friends or relatives may exchange a quick kiss on the cheek or lips when meeting or parting, but there is hardly any kissing or embracing(拥抱) between men. Men still tend to open doors for women in public. Some girls can not stand that, so nowadays you find more and more women opening doors for men. I like opening doors for anyone , even myself.11.The most often used English words to show good manners are__D___.A. Hi , Thank you, and ByeB. Please, Thank you and OkC. Hello , Bye and Thank youD. Thank you, Sorry and Please12. The best kind of handshake is_C___.A. very firm and quickB. light and slowC. firm and gentleD. quick and slight13.Between close friends or relatives , a kiss or embrace is_B___.A. commonB. unusualC. unexpectedD. impossible14. A man _A___kisses or embraces other men.A. alwaysB. seldomC. usuallyD. never15. It is __B____for men to open doors for women.A. not always welcomeB. always a good habitC. never welcomeD. a rather old way英语习题二I. Reading comprehension:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the best answer to each question.Passage ADaily social relations in France have always been dominated by family ties. The family has been the focus of the individual’s loyalty and affection, of his economic interest, and even of his legal duty. Many an older Frenchman has spent his youth in a world where he was expected to regard cousins, uncles and grandparents as more important to him than friends of his own age, and where the family’s needs and demands were put before those of the local community or even of the State.The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowing from the “extended family” to the “nuclear family”, i.e. the home cell of parents and children. In the rural areas the traditionally big peasant families have been losing their influence as the young drift away to the town. As propertygives way to income and family management disappears, the tight network of the big family gathering has become less necessary for the individual’s future, and also less easy to maintain. Many younger couples today prefer pleasure traveling, or a weekend cottage shared with a few friends, to the traditional big family reunions on Sundays and in August.But old values are still there. Clan (氏族) loyalties towards more distant relatives may become weak, an adult’s ties with his own parents and even with their parents often remain remarkably strong. And if many younger people are today trying to lead more emotionally independent lives, it is often not without a sense of guilt, or an awareness of the pain it causes to their parents. This may be so in any country: it is especially sharp in France.1. In France, people used to A .A. value more their families than the countryB. attach most importance to their friendsC. regard their cousins and uncles more important than their parentsD. consider the local community prior to the state2. The “nuclear family” will not include D .A. fatherB. motherC. childrenD. grandparents3. The rural families are growing smaller because D .A. many young men and women were killed in the warB. more and more people choose to stay singleC. more and more families have only one childD. many young men and women are leaving the country for cities4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? AA. The French have given up their clan loyalties to independence.B. Family gathering has become less necessary nowadays.C. Many younger couples spend weekends and holidays themselves or with a fewfriends.D. The old values still have their influence today.5. What does “this” in the last sentence of the passage refer to? DA. Loyalty to the family.B. Emotionally independence.C. Sense of guilt.D. Difference between old values and new values.Passage BWhen it comes to walking off those excesses, a lengthy hike once a day will do you far more good than nipping down to the shops every couple of hours --- even if the short walks add up to the same amount of time, say exercise researchers in Britain. But walks of any length beat sitting at home with your feet up and watching television, they stress.Some researchers in Britain reached these conclusions after putting 56 couch potatoes through an 18-week course of daily walks.They found that longer walks produce the most beneficial changes to the composition of blood fats, but walks of any length improve the fitness of the heart.In the study, the normally inactive subjects were divided into three roughly equal groups. The “long walkers” took a hike of between 20 and 40 minutes every day. “Intermediate walkers” had two rounds of jogging of 10 to 15 minutes, and “short walkers” did three stints of 90 to 110 minutes. The controls sat at home, as usual.At the start and end of the 18 weeks, the health and fitness of each group were measured and it was found that the long walkers were healthiest, as measured by altered fat profiles in their blood.At the end, each liter of blood from the long walkers contained an average 0.05 grains less apolipoprotein (阿朴脂蛋白) II, a “bad” fat that is linked with heart disease. This was more than twice the drop seen in the intermediate walkers, andfive times that in short walkers. In the controls, the level of this fat stayed the same. The drop in apolipoprotein II in the long walker was matched by a rise in the blood level of apolipoprotein I, a “good” fat that is associated with smooth arteries.6. According to the researchers, A is least beneficial to your health.A. taking a lengthy hike once a dayB. going shopping several times every dayC. doing jogging every morningD. sitting in the sofa watching TV every evening7. “Couch potato” is used to refer to a kind of D .A. farmersB. vegetablesC. movie-goers D TV-viewers8. Which of the following statement is FALSE? BA. Longer walks benefit our composition of blood fats.B. The subjects in the study all often watch TV.C. Only longer walks benefits our health.D. The subjects in the study may not like exercises.9. The subjects are divided into A groups.A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 110. Why is long walk beneficial to our heart? BA. It help us lose weight.B. It leads to the drop in apolipoprotein I.C. It leads to the drop in apolipoprotein II.D. It keeps us from watching TV. II. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary.1. Linda managed to support herself by working off and on as a waitress.2. A half hour went by before the manager returned to the meeting hall,where the staff members had gathered.3. This mountainous region is surrounding with trained doctors and nurses.4. I’ve lived on my own since my husband passed away five years ago.5. The glow of the setting sun reddened the stream.6. The former lake bed is now a fertile plain producing good crops ofwheat.7. In spite of the financial problems undersupplied them, they stillwent ahead with the experiment.8. I can’t signaled why he left his office so suddenly and didn’t even tell his secretary where he would be.9. When the police figure out her to stop, she knew she should not havehonked her horn near the school.10. William woke up late and didn’t get to work until ten o’clock.Ⅲ. Rewrite the following sentences according to the requirements given in the brackets.1.If we had the help of a bank loan, we would be able to expand our business. (Use“with prepositional phrase” to replace the italicized part)What if we had the help of a bank loan, we would be able to expand our business.2.A young woman was coming toward me. Her figure was long and slim. (Use “absoluteconstruction” to change the two sentences into one)A very nice young woman came up to me3.As the growth rate of GDP in the last two decades shows, China’s reform and openpolicy is a great success. (Use “as +be + p.p.” to replace the italicized part) As was growths rate of GDP in the last two decades shows, China’s reform and open policy is a great success.4.I think we buying (buy) this coat. We’re not going to find anythingcheaper. (Complete the sentence with the given word and the phrase “may/ might as well”)5.Russell Baker is reported to live today with his wife in Virginia. (Use “It +be + past participle + that clause” to change the sentence)IV. TranslationSection A: Translate the following into English1.女孩晚上单独出去很不安全。

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