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1. loss damage or expense attributable to willful misconduct of the Assured可归因于被保险人的故意不法行为造成的灭失、损害或费用

willful misconduct

Attributable to

2. ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured保险标的通常渗漏、通常重量或体积损失或通常磨损;

Dodwell & Co. v. British Dominions and General Insurance Co. Ltd

3. 保险标的包装或准备不足或不当引起的灭失、损害或费用

loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured to withstand the ordinary incidents of the insured transit where such packing or preparation is carried out by the Assured or their employees or prior to the attachment of this insurance (for the purpose of these Clauses “packing”shall be deemed to include stowage in a container and “employees” shall not include independent contractors

4. loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured保险标的的固有缺陷或性质引起的灭失、损害或费用

Soya G.M.B.H. Mainz Kommanditgesellschaft v. White

5. loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against (expect expenses payable under clause 2 above)迟延直接造成的损失、损害或费用,即使迟延是由于承保风险引起的(上述第2条应支付的费用除外)

Taylor v. Dunbar

6. loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charters or operators of the vessel where, at the time of loading of the subject-matter insured on board the vessel, the Assured are aware, or in the ordinary course of business should be aware, that such insolvency or financial default could prevent the normal prosecution of the voyage船舶所有人、经理人、承租人或经营人的破产、财务困境引起的灭失、损害或费用,如果在保险标的装上船时,被保险人知道或者在通常业务中应当知道,此种破产或经济困境可能阻止航次的正常执行


(二)Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion


1. unseaworthiness of vessel or craft or unfitness of vessel or craft for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where the Assured are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness, at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein船舶或驳船不适航或不适于保险标的的安全运输,如果在保险标的装于其上时,被保险人对此种不适航或不适运有私谋

2. unfitness of container liftvan or land conveyance for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where

loading therein or thereon is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or by the Assured or their servants/employees and they are privy to such unfitness at the time of loading.集装箱、托盘或陆上运输工具不适于保险标的的安全运输,如果向其内装货发生在本保险责任开始之前,或是由被保险人或其雇员所为,而且他们在装货时对此种不适合有私谋。

3. Exclusion 5.1.1above(不适航除外) shall not apply where the contract of insurance has been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agree to buy the subject-matter insured in good faith under a binding contract.


4.The Insurers waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination.



War Exclusion战争除外


Strikes Exclusion罢工除外





1、loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured reasonably attributable to 保险标的的灭失或损失可合理归因于:

(1)fire or explosion火灾或爆炸

(2)vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized


(3)overturning or derailment of land conveyance


(4)collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any

external object other than water


(5)discharge of cargo at a port of distress在避难港卸货;.

(6)earthquake volcanic eruption or lighting


2、loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by 保险标的因下述原因造成的灭失或损害

(1)general average sacrifice共同海损牺牲

(2)jettison抛弃or washing overboard或浪击落水

(3)entry of sea lake or river water into vessel craft hold conveyance container liftvan, or place of storage,海水、湖水或
