
2015 年八年级英语上册Module 12 单元教课设计设计(外研版)odule12HelpUnit1Whatshouldwedobeforehelparrives?【教课目的】nowledgeobjective1.Tounderstandtheconversationinrelationtoaccidents.2.Togetspecificinforationfrothelisteningaterial.3.Totalaboutandunderstandtheiperativesentences.AbilityobjectiveEnablestudentstolistentoandtalaboutthingsthatcould/can/usthappen.oralobjectiveGetthestudentstonowabouthowtodealwiththeaccidents.【教课要点】NewwordsandexpressionsLearntheusageofiperativesentences.【教课难点】Graspthephrasesandiportantsentences.【教课方法】PWPethod,tas-basedethodandinteractiveapproach 【教课手段】Ataperecorder,ultiediaandsoepictures【教课过程】TeachingProcedures:Step1Lead-inSslooatthepicturesandfillinwhatwecandowhenweseesoeo neindanger.Step2consolidatenewwordsLooandsay.Theteachershowsthepicturesofnewwordsandle tthestudentstosaythenewwordsasquiclyaspossible.Step3TalinpairsLetSslooatthepicturesandtalaboutthepicturesbyusingt hewordsandexpressionsintheboxtohelpyou.Step4ListeningListenandchecwhatthepicturesareabout.Step5TalingLooatthepictureandtalaboutitingroups.Step6ListeningListentothedialogueandanswerthequestions.1.Whereistheboylying?2.Dotheylifthiup?Step7Readthedialogueandanswerthequestions1.couldhehavetroublehearingorspeaing?2.Isitgoodideatoshoutforhelporcall120?3.HowdoesBettycovertheboy?Step8Readthesefirstaidsuggestionsanddecideiftheyare goodideasorbadideasReadthepassagecarefullyandtelliftheyaregoodorbadide asanddrawanswersfrotheSs.Step9copletethepassagewiththewordsintheboxReadthepassagetogettheainideaandthenchoosetherightw ords,atlastusethecorrectforofthewordstofillinthebla ns.Step10EverydayEnglishWhatdowedoto...?Howdowedothat?Howcanwedothat?Step11LanguagepointsLetSsastertheainpointsofthepassage.Step12Listening1.Listenandunderlinethewordsthespeaerstresses.2.Nowlistenagainandrepeat.Step13ReadingReadtheconversationinActivity5aloudinpairs.Step14GraarTheuseoftheiperativesentence.Step15Suary要点短语、句型。
【七年级】七年级英语上册Unit 12单元课时教案

【七年级】七年级英语上册Unit 12单元课时教案【七年级】七年级英语上册unit12单元课时教案第12级英语第1卷第单元单元教案第1课时unit12sectiona1a―2d(总第58课时)[学习目标]:1。
【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师信息:manyhandsmakelightwork)学习任务一:认读并书写本课单词..1.自己阅读并记住单词2.小组互相检查读、写情况.3.写出下列单词并展示给学生看学科,科目______________科学_______________体育______________因为______________4.在小组内核对答案.5.完成1a,使单词与图片匹配学习任务二:学会谈论自己的喜好并表述理由.1.听录音,圈出活动1a中的主题2.让学生理解并复述听力对话.并和你的同学编新对话.3.练习以下对话:a:what'syourfavorite---?b:myfavorite---is---.4.听录音完成2a,将句子转换成对话,然后表演对话-学习任务三:通过学习2b,学生可以谈论自己的喜好并表述理由1.听录音,将主语与形容词Complete 2B配对2.以小组为单位,交流答案,相互检查3.两人一组,使用2b中的主语与形容词进行交流a:what'syourfavorite---?b:myfavorite---is---.a:whydoyoulike?b:因为是--。
最新语文版中职英语基础模块 上册unit 12《festivals》教案.doc

Unit 12 FestivalsThe Spring FestivalTeacher: Yang LuhengTime: March ,2012教学目标(Teaching aims)Knowledge aims:Master focus words and expressions:spend holiday celebrate luck pastedress up learn from far away as for culturejust as sweep out hang up prepare forshow respect to no matter how set offCapability aims:1) Understand the text and finish the exercises.2)Retell the text in own words.Emotion aims:Keep and develop Chinese traditional culture.教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points)1)Understand the text.2) Master the important words and expressions in the text(eg. knowledge aims).教学方法(Teaching methods )Cooperation research教学内容(Teaching contents)The Spring Festival教学过程(Teaching processes)导入:( Lead in:)There are many festivals in China, the most important is the Spring Festival.How much do you know of the Spring Festival? Ok. Let's enjoy the video自学(Self-study)1.First read the text and then mark the expressions in the text and tell their meanings.the lunar calendar the Lunar New Year the Spring Festival阴历阴历新年春节the solar calendar the Solar New Year New Year's Day;阳历阳历新年元旦no matter how far away from get together just like (介词)无论……离……很远聚会正如just as(关系词) prepare for sweep out hang up就像为……做准备扫掉,清除把……挂起来bad luck good luck as for晦气,厄运好运谈到,至于( on )the Lunar New Year 's Eve at midnight(在)除夕夜在午夜set off crackers and fireworks show respect to dress up 使爆炸烟花炮竹向……表示敬意着装,打扮起来the senior members of the family express good wishes to家中长辈向……表达美好祝愿lucky money learn from Chinese traditional culture压岁钱向……学习中国传统文化2. Read and understand the text" The Spring Festival" and then decide whether the following statements are T(true)or F(false).⑴The Spring Festival is people's favorite festival of a year in China and in many Asian countries.( )⑵They clean their houses a few days before the Spring Festivalmainly because the houses are very dirty.( )⑶As for our family, we usually have a family reunion on the first day of the Lunar New Year.( )⑷Children are very happy to receive the lucky money from the senior members of the family.( )⑸We learn a lot about Chinese traditional culture during the Spring Festival .( )合作探究( Cooperation research)Focus words and expressions:1)no matter how…“无论……”No matter how difficult the question is ,we have to answer it.2)far away from …“离……很远”My home is far away from our school.3) prepare for“为……做准备”We are preparing for the English exam.4)hang up…“把……挂起来”We usually hang up red lanterns in the yard during the SpringFestival.5)show respect to…“向……表示敬意”We should show respect to our teachers.6)learn from…“向……学习”Our teacher asked us to learn from Mike.达标训练(Training for achieving teaching aims)1.Our bedroom is far away from (离……很远)the classroom.2.My parents are preparing for (正为……做准备)the Spring Festival.3.People hang up(把……挂起来)red lanterns here and there in celebration of the Spring Festival.4.I swept out (扫除)dust(灰尘) in my room yesterday.5.We all send some beautiful cards to our teachers to show respect to (向……表示敬意)them on Teacher’s Day.堂清测试(Test in class )Translate the following sentences.1.无论问题多难,我们都得回答。

《英语》人教版八年级上册Module 12
同学们,今天我们将要学习的是Module 12《Natural Disasters》这一章节。在开始之前,我想先问大家一个问题:“你们在日常生活中是否遇到过自然灾害的情况?”比如,地震、洪水等。这个问题与我们将要学习的内容密切相关。通过这个问题,我希望能够引起大家的兴趣和好奇心,让我们一同探索自然灾害的奥秘。
Module 12教案详解
The Spring Festival 教案

Most of the students come from thecountryside;they are weak in English, especially in speaking. Some of the girls are interested in English, they have goodpronunciation. I need to arouse their interests in English.
2.If theirpronunciations arewrong, correct it.
Step . Warming Up
There are some pictures in this part, ask students to read theinformationof these pictures. And then use the information to finish the exercises.
8.We reallya lotthe farmers when we worked on the farm.
Step . Homework
1.Exercises3on page97.
2.Review the useful words and phrases appeared in this part.
Children are very happy to receive the lucky money from the senior members of the family.( )
We learn a lot about Chinese traditional culture during the Spring Festival.( )

Be careful with the fireworks; the spark could set them off. 13.show respect to … 向……表示敬意
We should show respect to those who serve us.
Reading Comprehension
True of false
1. Spring Festival is people’s favorite festival of a
year in China and in many Asian countries. ( T )
4.the old saying 谚语,常言
Useful expressions
5.prepare for 为……做准备
We are preparing for the English exam. 6.sweep out… 扫掉/清除……
Could you help me sweep out the snow? 7.hang up… 把……挂起来
Put the Chinese in the brackets into English to complete the following sentences.
1. I’d like to go back home and _h_av_e__a_h_o_l_id_a_y_(度假) with my parents. 2. I went back home _t_o_c_e_l_eb_r_a_t_e_(庆祝) my grandfather’s birthday
XX年八年级英语上册Module 12 单元上课学习上课学习教案设计(外研版)

XX年八年级英语上册Module 12 单元教案设计(外研版)本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址课件www.5y module12HelpUnit1whatshouldwedobeforehelparrives?【教学目标】knowledgeobjective.Tounderstandtheconversationinrelationtoaccidents.2.Togetspecificinformationfromthelisteningmaterial.3.Totalkaboutandunderstandtheimperativesentences.AbilityobjectiveEnablestudentstolistentoandtalkaboutthingsthatcould /can/musthappen.moralobjectiveGetthestudentstoknowabouthowtodealwiththeaccidents.【教学重点】NewwordsandexpressionsLearntheusageofimperativesentences.【教学难点】Graspthephrasesandimportantsentences.【教学方法】PwPmethod,task-basedmethodandinteractiveapproach 【教学手段】Ataperecorder,multimediaandsomepictures【教学过程】TeachingProcedures:Step1Lead-in Sslookatthepicturesandfillinwhatwecandowhenweseesomeoneindanger.Step2consolidatenewwordsLookandsay.Theteachershowsthepicturesofnewwordsandl etthestudentstosaythenewwordsasquicklyaspossible.Step3TalkinpairsLetSslookatthepicturesandtalkaboutthepicturesbyusin gthewordsandexpressionsintheboxtohelpyou.Step4ListeningListenandcheckwhatthepicturesareabout.Step5TalkingLookatthepictureandtalkaboutitingroups.Step6ListeningListentothedialogueandanswerthequestions..whereistheboylying?2.Dotheylifthimup?Step7Readthedialogueandanswerthequestions.couldhehavetroublehearingorspeaking?2.Isitgoodideatoshoutforhelporcall120?3.HowdoesBettycovertheboy?Step8Readthesefirstaidsuggestionsanddecideiftheyaregoodi deasorbadideasReadthepassagecarefullyandtelliftheyaregoodorbadide asanddrawanswersfromtheSs.Step9completethepassagewiththewordsintheboxReadthepassagetogetthemainideaandthenchoosetheright words,atlastusethecorrectformofthewordstofillintheb lanks.Step10EverydayEnglishwhatdowedoto...?Howdowedothat?Howcanwedothat?Step11Languagepoints LetSsmasterthemainpointsofthepassage.Step12Listening. Listenandunderlinethewordsthespeakerstresses.2.Nowlistenagainandrepeat.Step13ReadingReadtheconversationinActivity5aloudinpairs. Step14GrammarTheuseoftheimperativesentence.Step15Summary重点短语、句型。

【关键字】英语高二英语上册Unit 12 单元整体教案Teaching aims and demands:a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about art and literature;b. Learn to make decisions and give opinionsc. V ocabulary in this unit:the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s bookd. Grammar:the Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive ClauseLesson 1Main points1.Wordsexhibition; give opinions; show; local2.Functional itemsMaking decisions and give opinionsDiffcult pointsgive opinionsTeaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: Do you like painting? Do you know anything about painting?Ss talk about painting.Step 2 Warming up1.Look at the following paintings and match them with the correct painters.2.Check answers and talk about the pictures and painters.3.Ask students to discuss the first two questions in pairs.4.Several pairs report answers.Step 3 Listening1.Make sure the students know what to do.2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary. Pause at important points and give the students help.3.Check the answers.Step 4 Speaking1.Choose one situation and read the instructions.2.Read the useful expressions for making decisions &giving opinions.3.Ss work in pairs to make a dialogue.4.Several pairs act out.Step 5 Language points1. opinion n.in one's opinionEp: In my opinion, he has done a very good job.give/express one's opinion on/uponEp: He has given his opinion on this problem.2. local adj.the local doctorlocl customslocl governmentHomeworkPractise giving opinions and making decisions.Lesson 2Main points1.Wordsmagic; power; wonder; a series of; treat; in trouble; come across; believe in; habit; welcome; enough; be afraid of; tell &say2.Sentence patternsas...as...Difficult pointsbe afraid of doing &be afraid to dospeak, tell &sayTeaching proceduresStep 1. RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2. Pre-reading1.Q: Have you read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the films?A: Any possible answers.2.Harry Potter has magical powers .Do you know any other heroes who have strange powers?A: Any possible answers.Step 3. ReadingT: I think you are all interested in stories about magic. Then we'll read a passage about a boy with magic--Harry Potter. Read the text and find answers to the questions.1.Q:What's Harry's life like before he goes to Hogwarts?A:Unhappy.They treated him badly.2.Q:What is taught in Hogwarts?A:Witchcraft and wizardy.Step 4 Post-readingAsk students to read the text again and answers the following questions.1.Q:Why is Harry's life miserable before he goes to Hogwarts?A:His parents are dead and the family he is living with treats him badly.2.Q:What does Harry learn about himself at Hogwarts?A:Harry learns that he needs to be strong/he needs friends/it is difficult to do the right thing/life is more complicated than he thought/...Then finish Ex 2 on P81 and check answers.Step 5 Language points1.magicadj.The music is really magic.n.Some people still believe in magic.the magic of great poetry2.be afraid to do/be afraid of doingI'm afraid to tell her.He was afraid of falling into the river.3.as...as...It's as cold as ice.He drove as fast as he could.Step 6 Listening to the tapeHomeworkRecite the text and language points.Lesson 3Main pointsWordsone after another; go hikingDifficult pointsgo+v.-ingTeaching proceduresStep 1 Revision1.Check the homework.2.Ask several students to say something. about music.Step 2 GrammarThe Non-Restrictive Attibutive Clause1.Revise the rules.2.Give the Ss several minutes to do the exercises in pairs orally.3.Check the answers.Step 3 Do Ex on P153HomeworkReview the grammar.Lesson 4Main points1.Wordsshoulder; whisper; turn around; stupid; compare; announcement; noise,sound&voice; work; open up; each other2.Sentence patternsIt sounds like...such...that...It looked as if......not all of them are safeIf only they could find a way to...He was just about to say something when...She didn't have time to finish before the wall...Difficult pointsIf only...Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision1.Review the grammar.2.Make sentence with the following words and expressions:exhibition; wonder; a series ofStep 2 PresentationIn this period we'll read a passage about Harry Porter again.1.T helps the Ss understand the passage and what to do.2.Ss write the ending.3.Several students read their endings and let the Ss choose which is the best.Step 3 Language points1.noise, voice &soundnoise: loud and unpleasant soundAnother kind of pollution is noise.voice: the sound made through the mouth, esp. of human beings ,in speaking or singing. He shouted at the top of his voice.sound: the sound of music2. if only...If only I had more money, I could buy some new clothes.If only she would listen to me!3. turn around=turn roundHe turned around to find a policeman following him.Step 4 ListeningHomeworkRevise all the words and expressions in this unit.此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。
教参《英语 基础模块》上册 Unit 12

教学目标教学要求与建议I. Warming Up1. 教学内容分析与要求学习“春节”“圣诞节”“感恩节”的英语名称,谈论这些节日的日期和主要活动。
与课文 “The Spring Festival” 相呼应。
2. 教学建议(1)先提示并引导学生谈论插图。
(2)由看图说话过渡到 Warm up 中的 4 个问题,布置任务要求学生根据问题结对编对话,用英语问答。
如:Which festival do you like best? Why? 对于学生的回答教师可给予必要的指导,以顺利导入课文教学。
3. 教学参考材料春节简介春节即中国新年,又叫阴历(农历)年,是我国民间最隆重、最热闹的一个传统节日。

Module 12 Unit 1 教学设计 2023-2024学年外研版八年级英语上册一、教学内容本节课的教学内容来自2023-2024学年外研版八年级英语上册的Module 12 Unit 1。
本单元的主题是"The moonlight is as bright as daylight",主要介绍了月亮和太阳的特点以及人们对它们的不同看法。
教学重点包括:1. 词汇的学习,如"moonlight"、"daylight"、"shining"等。
2. 一般现在时的运用,如"The moon circles the Earth once a month."。
3. 被动语态的运用,如"The moon is circled by the Earth."。
4. 讨论对月亮和太阳的不同看法,提高学生的表达能力。
教学难点包括:1. 被动语态的运用和理解。
2. 对月亮和太阳的不同看法的讨论,要求学生能够运用所学的词汇和表达方式进行表达。
1. 语言能力:通过本节课的学习,学生能够掌握关于月亮和太阳的词汇和表达方式,提高听说读写的能力,能够运用所学知识进行简单的交流和讨论。
2. 文化意识:通过学习关于月亮和太阳的课文,使学生了解和认识中西方文化对月亮和太阳的不同看法,提高学生的文化意识。
3. 思维品质:通过讨论和思考对月亮和太阳的不同看法,培养学生的批判性思维和创新性思维,提高学生的思维品质。
4. 学习能力:通过自主学习、合作学习和探究学习,提高学生的学习能力,使学生能够独立思考、合作交流和自主学习。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学重点:(1)词汇的学习:本节课涉及到一些关于月亮和太阳的词汇,如“moonlight”、“daylight”、“shining”等,学生需要掌握这些词汇的用法和意义。
外研版 八年级英语上册Module 12 单元教案 初二教学设计.doc

Module 12 HelpUnit 1 What should we do before help arrives?【教学目标】●Knowledge objective1.To understand the conversation in relation to accidents.2.To get specific information from the listening material.3.To talk about and understand the imperative sentences.●Ability objectiveEnable students to listen to and talk about things that could/can/must happen.●Moral objectiveGet the students to know about how to deal with the accidents.【教学重点】New words and expressionsLearn the usage of imperative sentences.【教学难点】Grasp the phrases and important sentences.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inSs look at the pictures and fill in what we can do when we see someone in danger.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsLook and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible.Step 3 Talk in pairsLet Ss look at the pictures and talk about the pictures by using the words and expressions in the box to help you.Step 4 ListeningListen and check what the pictures are about.Step 5 TalkingLook at the picture and talk about it in groups.Step 6 ListeningListen to the dialogue and answer the questions.1.Where is the boy lying?2.Do they lift him up?Step 7 Read the dialogue and answer the questions1. Could he have trouble hearing or speaking?2. Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120?3. How does Betty cover the boy?Step 8 Read these first aid suggestions and decide if they are good ideas or bad ideasRead the passage carefully and tell if they are good or bad ideas and draw answers from the Ss.Step 9 Complete the passage with the words in the boxRead the passage to get the main idea and then choose the right words, at last use the correct form of the words to fill in the blanks.Step 10 Everyday EnglishWhat do we do to ...?How do we do that?How can we do that?Step 11 Language pointsLet Ss master the main points of the passage.Step 12 Listening1.Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.2.Now listen again and repeat.Step 13 ReadingRead the conversation in Activity 5 aloud in pairs.Step 14 GrammarThe use of the imperative sentence.Step 15 Summary重点短语、句型。
三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 12教案 人教新版(1)(2021年整理)

三年级英语上册Unit 1 Lesson 12教案人教新版(1)编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(三年级英语上册Unit 1 Lesson 12教案人教新版(1))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为三年级英语上册Unit 1 Lesson 12教案人教新版(1)的全部内容。
Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 12Teaching aims:1、Just speak:本部分综合本单元前五课的对话内容编写了一段有趣的小故事,旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固所学内容.2、Just read:复习检查十个学习用品的单词。
3、Let's sing:学唱歌曲Here we go ,巩固复习本单元的教学内容。
Main and difficult points:1、熟练的使用基本句型进行交流.2、掌握十个单词。
Teaching aids:图片、实物、录音机Teaching procedure:一、Revisiona、课前组织学生演唱英文歌曲。
二、Presentationa、教师手拿自己的一本书边指边说This is my book. Look at my book。
然后再拿出自己的pen , pencil , eraser 等学习用品边指边重复Look at … ,让学生理解Look at my book . 的含义。

Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.第1、2课时【学习目标】1、(知识与技能):掌握下列重点单词的意思及用法:translate, correct, match number, advice, mistake, message, each, spelling,pronunciation, newspaper, excellent.掌握下列短语的意思及用法:give sb. some advice, write it/them down, speak English, in class, do some concerts, try (not) to do sth., each other, help sb. with sth.2、(过程与方法):通过本节的学习,培养学生的探究精神和创新意识,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。
【重点难点】1.重点句式:How about listening to the radio and reading a newspaper in English?Try not to translate every word.You should always speak English in class.Why don’t you write down your mistakes?2.难点:提建议的常用表达方法。
Unit 2 Y ou should smile at her .第3、4课时【学习目标】1、(知识与技能):掌握下列重点单词的意思及用法:vocabulary, improve, advise, conversation, natural, suggest.掌握下列短语的意思及用法:smile at sb, ask for advice, the meaning of , something new, speak to sb.2、(过程与方法):通过本节课的学习,可以培养学生的探究精神,培养学生的创新意识,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。

Unit 1 Hello第一课时教学目标:1、听懂、会说Hello./Hi, I'm ...。
教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说Hello./Hi . I'm ...。
教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m …的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。
课前准备:1、教材相关人物的面具或头饰2、为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具3、教材相配套的录音带4、学生和教师各自收集一些印有外国文字的物品,如:化装品。
2、呈现新课、操练(Presentation/ Practice)(1)教师播放本课的歌曲“Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。
(2)教师利用这个机会及时向学生介绍自己Hello, I’m …/Hi, I’m …(3)通过师生对话,鼓励学生介绍自己Hello, I’m …/Hi, I’m …(4)介绍本套教材中的主要人物Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan,请学生扮演这些人物到讲台前说Hello! I’m …(5)听录音,或通过VCD来展示Let’s talk部分的教学内容.3、活动、操练(Activities/ Practice)(1)游戏:击鼓传花(2)情景表演4、课外活动(Add-activities)(1)听录音,仿读对话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。
七年级英语上册Unit 12单元课时教案

七年级英语上册 Unit 12 单元课时教案教学目标1.能够理解并正确运用本课时的词汇和句型。


课程名称:英语(具体年级和教材版本)课时: 2课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:- 学生能够掌握本单元的核心词汇和短语。
- 学生能够理解并运用本单元的语法结构。
- 学生能够听懂并模仿本单元的日常对话。
2. 能力目标:- 学生能够通过听、说、读、写等活动提高英语综合运用能力。
- 学生能够在真实语境中运用所学知识进行交流。
3. 情感目标:- 学生能够对英语学习产生兴趣,增强学习英语的自信心。
- 学生能够培养良好的学习习惯和合作精神。
教学重点:- 本单元的核心词汇和短语。
- 本单元的语法结构,如时态、语态等。
- 本单元的日常对话和情景模拟。
教学难点:- 复杂的语法结构的运用。
- 在真实语境中进行有效沟通。
教学准备:- 多媒体课件或黑板。
- 教学辅助材料,如图片、卡片等。
- 音频资料,如听力材料、歌曲等。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入(5分钟)1. 利用图片、视频或歌曲引入本单元主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 复习上一单元所学内容,为新的学习内容做好铺垫。
二、新课导入(10分钟)1. 介绍本单元的核心词汇和短语,通过实物、图片或情景展示帮助学生理解。
2. 通过例句和语境讲解本单元的语法结构。
三、词汇学习(15分钟)1. 分组活动:学生分组,每组完成一组词汇卡片游戏,如“猜词游戏”、“单词接龙”等。
2. 全班活动:教师带领学生朗读和拼写重点词汇,并进行造句练习。
四、语法讲解(10分钟)1. 通过例句和练习题讲解本单元的语法结构。
2. 学生分组讨论,运用所学语法结构进行对话练习。
五、听力训练(10分钟)1. 播放与本单元主题相关的听力材料,学生听后回答问题。
2. 教师点评并纠正学生的错误。
六、总结与作业(5分钟)1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 布置课后作业,如词汇卡片制作、语法练习等。
第二课时一、复习与巩固(10分钟)1. 复习上一节课所学的词汇和语法。
2. 学生展示自己的作业,教师点评。
二、情景对话(15分钟)1. 教师展示本单元的情景对话,学生跟随朗读并模仿。
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Unit12 Festivals一、Analysis of the teaching content:The lesson is a reading passage. It mainly talks about the Chinese traditional Festival “The Spring Festival”.The lesson contains the most important cultural and language information of this unit. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. By learning the passage, the Ss can not only learn about the Chinese traditional Festival “The Spring Festival”but also master the key words and useful expressions in this unit. At the same time, the Ss can improve their reading ability.二、Analysis of the Ss’ learning:The students in vocational schools are weak in English. So in the teaching process .I’ll strengthen the guidance to them. I’ll do my best to make the Ss the real master in class. while the teacher acts as director. In this lesson, the Ss are very familiar with the topic“The Spring Festival”,so it is easy for them to understand the passage.三、Teaching aims:1.: Knowledge aims:1): Key words: spend, holiday, celebrate, prepare, celebrate, sweep,luck, happiness, delicious, express.2): Useful expressions:Far away, prepare for, hang up , dress up, no matter how, sweep out, so that.3):Understand the difficult sentences.2. Ability aims:1): Get the students to learn about the Chinese traditional festival:”The Spring festival”.2):Improve the Ss’ reading ability.3. Emotional aim:Enable the Ss’ to talk about the customs and the activities during the Spring Festival and inspire the Ss’interest in learning Chinese traditional culture and festivals.四、Teaching key points:1. Master the .key words and useful expressions.2. Get the Ss’ to know about the activities during the Spring Festival五、Teaching difficult points:1. How to improve the Ss’ reading ability.2. Master the important sentences patterns六、Teaching methods:1. Task- based teaching and learning.2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage3. Careful reading to get some detailed information.七、Teaching aids:The multimedia and the general teaching tools.八、Teaching steps:Step 1.Warming up and lead-inAsk the Ss:1.Can you tell me some festivals in our country?(Mid-Autumn Day, Children’s Day ,Women’s Day, the Spring Festival and so on)2.When is the Spring Festival?Tell the Ss: The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .But do you know what people do to prepare for the festival and how they celebrate it? Now let’s learn the passage together. Step 2.Fast-reading1.Let the Ss read the passage as fast as they can and do Ex 1 on page 95.2.Check the answers.Purpose: Develop the s tudents’ skimming and analyzing abilities Step 3.Careful-reading1.Let the Ss read each paragraph together and translate it intoChinese.2.Let the Ss find the answers to the following questions1).When do people usually start preparing for the celebration of the Spring Festival?2).What do people usually do at the midnight on New Year’s Eve? Purpose:Make the Ss get much details about the passage and help them to have a better understanding of the text.3. Deal with the language points.Step 4 .Language points:1. prepare for…“为……做准备”eg.:We are preparing for the English speech contest.2.sweep out…“扫掉,清扫”eg: Could you help me sweep out the snow?3.as for…“谈到,至于”eg: As for professor Wang ,he is well known to us.4.Show respect to…“向……表示敬意”eg:We should show respect to those who help us.Purpose: Help the Ss to master the usage of the useful expressions in this unit.Step 5.SummaryLet the Ss summarize the main idea of each part. ,they can discuss it if necessary.Part 1(Para.1-2): It tells us that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China and the author will go home to spend the holiday.Part 2 (Para.3): It tells us what people do to prepare for the Spring FestivalPart 3 (Para 4-5): It tells us how people celebrate the Spring Festival. Part 4 (Para.6): A brief summary to the whole passage.Step 6. PracticeTranslate the sentences into English1.无论问题有多难,我们都得回答。
Step 7. RewritingLet the Ss rewrite the passage of Reading using their own words. Step 8 .Homework1.Do Ex 2 on page 96.2.Let the Ss surf the internet for more information about the SpringFestival.九、Blackboard design:Unit 12 the Spring Festival.★Useful expressions:The lunar calendar, get together, no matter how, just as,hang up, at midnight, set off crackers and firework, luck money, Chinese traditional culture★Language points:1. prepare for…“为……做准备”2. sweep out…“扫掉,清扫”3. as for…“谈到,至于4. Show respect to…“向……表示敬意”十、教学反思:本节课通过多种形式的训练,引领学生基本完成教学目标所规定的各项任务,在此进行反思如下:1、教学过程设计基本合理,通过各个步骤的学习,学生可以完全掌握文章的结构,主旨,细节,同时也能学到重点的短语和句型。