麦肯锡案例分析2 - 医药公司案例分析 PharmaCo Case Study

麦肯锡咨询案例分析报告麦肯锡咨询(McKinsey & Company)是世界上最具影响力的咨询公司之一,为全球各行业的企业提供战略与管理咨询服务。
解决方案基于对问题的深入理解,麦肯锡咨询提出了以下解决方案:1. 战略定位重塑麦肯锡咨询建议该公司重新审视自身的战略定位,并基于市场趋势进行调整。
2. 产品创新与技术升级在现今汽车制造行业中,技术创新和产品升级是提高竞争力的重要途径。
3. 渠道优化汽车销售渠道对于市场份额和品牌影响力的提升至关重要。
4. 成本优化成本控制是提高竞争力和市场份额的重要手段之一。

果设计激励机制,鼓励员工更加有效的工作,变革 将更加有效地进行下去
4 如果HR参与变革,实达的方案 成效又如何?
&减少变革带来的恐慌,提高员工对变革的认识程度 &迅速让产品经理上位 &提前汇报可能出现的人力资源问题,让高层对未来
&避免“千人大换岗”带来的产能的下降 &减轻员工对变革的抵触 &增加彼此之间的信任,减少变革的阻力,促进变革
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
观念思维方式的 变革
•HR在战略制定中为高层提供人力资 源信息,帮助企业制定战略制定出与 企业战略相匹配的人力资源计划
组织结构和工作 程序的变革
业绩管理及激励 机制变革
•岗位调整、工作分析 •员工招聘、员工培训
•绩效考核 •薪酬及激励制度
选聘、培训 员工
协助麦肯锡 制定激励
制定符合实达公 司的激励机制。 包括绩效的重新 评定和薪酬的重 新设计。并形成 绩效和薪酬的预 期愿景。
帮助企业整合人力 资源,包括员工的 晋升、降至、平级
整合人 力资源
重设岗位 说明书
在充分理解新的管 理体系、组织结构 体系下重新设计符 合各个岗位的工作 说明书。
❖ 企业高层变革的决心受到重创,整体难以发展 下去,所以退回了老路。
-产品导向VS市场导向 - 权利VS程序 - 人本思想

四川大学原子核科学技术研究所,范轶翔、 四川大学原子核科学技术研究所 范轶翔、夏翔 范轶翔 5/9
杰夫•马修斯(Jeff Matthews),执行经理,负责 杰夫 马修斯( ),执行经理, 马修斯 ),执行经理 公司的计算机信息系统和会计工作。 公司的计算机信息系统和会计工作。杰弗认为公司 的计算机系统过时了,在企业发展中, 的计算机系统过时了,在企业发展中,旧的计算机 设备无法处理大宗的交易。 设备无法处理大宗的交易。他认为一套新的计算机 系统能够更好的追踪客户订货,减少客户的不满、 系统能够更好的追踪客户订货,减少客户的不满、 报怨,更及时发送发票,提高现金流量。 报怨,更及时发送发票,提高现金流量。杰弗手下 的雇员们嘲笑他们那已经过进的计算机, 的雇员们嘲笑他们那已经过进的计算机,并给杰夫 施加压力,让他购买新的设备。 施加压力,让他购买新的设备。而詹妮弗过去曾对 杰夫说过, 杰夫说过,她对那种只为了跟上最新的设备潮流而 把钱花在新计算机上的举动不感兴趣, 把钱花在新计算机上的举动不感兴趣,特别是在当 前系统正常工作的情况下。 前系统正常工作的情况下。她建议杰夫调查一下是 否可以雇用外部服务, 否可以雇用外部服务,来做完工作并设法减少她自 己的职员。杰夫却想用今年超出的利润购买新的计 己的职员。 算机, 算机,并雇用计算机编制人员升级将在新的计算机 上运行的软件。他觉得此举将会产生效益。 上运行的软件。他觉得此举将会产生效益。

麦肯锡兵败实达关于实达连年亏损被ST 与两年前麦肯锡兵败实达的事件屡见报端,随着麦肯锡中国区副总裁吴亦斌和实达副总裁贾红兵在中央电视台谈话节目中同台对峙,人们的兴趣更被掀至高峰,非常可惜的是,节目中两人对两年前的合作及这次合作引发的后果都是点到即止。
这种花费重金援请国际“外脑”进行企业咨询的做法在当时国内IT 界还是首次。
实达认为这三方面正是知识经济条件下IT 企业必须完成的三件事.从1996 年起的两年半时间,实达一直在探索自身销售体系的出路。
实达自成立后一直在考虑建立营销中心,在1996、1997 年甚至都已挂起营销中心的牌子,但在当时还没有从市场概念来做这件事情。
因为从创建到1998 年很长一段时间以来,实达的观念是做市场太虚,做销售拿单子比较实在,因此虽然建立起营销中心,也是光说不练、始终没有动作起来的一个空架子。
1997 年底实达集团建立了子分公司平台,是由于在现实中发现只要出一个产品就多出一个公司来,而想把分公司的行政资源、管理资源和财务资源整合起来,面对所有产品,但这一平台仍没有直接参予经营,产品还是分公司各做各的。
98年6 月实达又提出了一个区域子公司运作方案,想通过区域考核来调动人员,让他们从经济角度整合所有产品来一起销售。


麦肯锡案例分析【篇一:麦肯锡案例分析】1.类型介绍 (1)?????????????????? 什么是case interview?一般来说,case interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的case interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是warm-up。
接下来才是真正的case interview。
简而言之,case interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。
你的面试官会给你提出一个business issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个business issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,case interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。
case interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个case interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论case。
(2)?????????????????? 为什么使用case interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。

问的方式刻画出课题的问题接近法 具体分五步骤: 第一步: 预先确认当事者的具体形象,无论当事者是人或公
司。 第二步: 描述当事者过去的经验、目前稳定的状态和心中的
同业种异机能型, 专 注于某个业务, 并在 该业务中担任多种职 务, 可说是特定业种
同业种同机能型, 因为是透 过跳槽来丰富自己的职业 生涯, 所以又称作“职业生 涯丰富型”。如果不想换 工作, 则是公司专注型, 该 类型的职业生涯规划着重 成为公司内部的专业人员
问题发生时, 人常犯的3种错
应该去研发智 能家电
主张 论据
应该研发智能 家电
智能家电能保 住且扩大市场
的默契的毛 病, 最好的 方式是站在 对方的立场, 检视自己的 主张及论述。
未来是智能家 电的时代
论据 论据
传统家电会被 逐渐淘汰
智能家电给用 户带来好处
将自以为 是的默契 清楚地表 达出来
未来是智能家 电的时代
• 人事理念:不进则退。
• 年营业额:30亿美元。
Part1 从发现问题 到想出解决策略
Part2 情景分析, 提 升决策质量
Part3 麦肯锡的强项: 分析
• 解决问题的手法: • 1.发现问题,并将问题分类。 • 2.将问题转化成具体的课题。 • 3.找出解决课题的替代方案。 • 4.运用适合的标准,评估每项替代方案。 • 5.选出最佳的解决方案,并采取行动。

6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像 泥块一 样任意 揉捏。 2020年 10月12 日星期 一上午 4时32 分25秒0 4:32:25 20.10.1 2
第二种理性程序叫作“问题分析”。它 的基础便是思考模式,它使我们能够实 际的找出、描述、分析、以及解决某一 状况。
第三种理性程序,则是以做选择的思考 模式为基础,称为“决策分析”。运用 这一程序,我们可以分析做成这个决策 的理由,并检视其目的。我们可以分析 达成这个目的的几个可供选择的途径, 可以分析每一个选择方案的相对风险。
企业战略是企业面对迅速变化的经营环境, 为求得长期的生存和发展而对企业进行的总体 性规划。企业战略在充分分析企业和环境的关 系的基础上,确定企业的发展方向、竞争策略 和经营范围,使企业能充分利用环境中存在的 各种机会,从而在竞争中始终处于领先地位。
组织结构就是表现组织各部分排列顺序、空间 位置、联系方式、聚集状态的一种模式,以求 有效地把组织的各部分聚集起来,为实现共同 的目标而努力。组织结构是为战略的实施而服 务的,不同的战略需要不同的组织结构与之对 应,组织结构必须与战略相协调。
7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我 。。20 20年10 月上午 4时32 分20.10. 1204:3 2October 12, 2020
8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。20 20年10 月12日 星期一 4时32 分25秒0 4:32:25 12 October 2020

麦肯锡案例分析【篇一:麦肯锡案例分析】1.类型介绍 (1)?????????????????? 什么是case interview?一般来说,case interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的case interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是warm-up。
接下来才是真正的case interview。
简而言之,case interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。
你的面试官会给你提出一个business issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个business issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,case interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。
case interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个case interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论case。
(2)?????????????????? 为什么使用case interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。
麦肯锡结构化战略思维 案例应用解析

1. 明确问题:首先,要明确问题的本质。
2. 分析问题:其次,利用结构化战略思维对问题进行分析。
3. 提出假设:基于分析,提出可能的解决方案。
4. 实施方案:根据提出的假设,制定实施计划并执行。
5. 评估结果:最后,评估实施的方案是否有效,是否真正提升了销售额。

Client Goal: Should Great Burger acquire Heavenly Donuts as part of its growth strategy?Our client is Great Burger (GB) a fast food chain that competes head–to-head with McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC, etc.Description of Great BurgerGB is the fourth largest fast food chain worldwide, measured by the number of stores in operation. As most of its competitors do, GB offers food and "combos" for the three largest meal occasions: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.Even though GB owns some of its stores, it operates under the franchising business model with 85 percent of its stores owned by franchisees (individuals own and manage stores, pay franchise fee to GB, but major business decisions (e.g., menu, look of store) controlled by GB).McKinsey studyAs part of its growth strategy GB has analyzed some potential acquisition targets including Heavenly Donuts (HD), a growing doughnut producer with both a U.S. and international store presence.HD operates under the franchising business model too, though a little bit differently than GB. While GB franchises restaurants, HD franchises areas or regions in which the franchisee is required to open a certain number of stores.GB's CEO has hired McKinsey to advise him on whether they should acquire HD or not.QUESTION 1What areas would you want to explore to determine whether GB should acquire HD?ANSWER 1Some possible areas are given below. Great job if you identified several of these and perhaps others.∙Stand alone value of HDo Growth in market for doughnutso HD's past and projected future sales growth (break down into growth in number of stores, and growth in same store sales)o Competition – are there any other major national chains that are doing better than HD in terms of growth/profit. What does this imply for future growth?o Profitability/profit margino Capital required to fund growth (capital investment to open new stores, working capital)∙Synergies/strategic fito Brand quality similar? Would they enhance or detract from each other if marketed side by side?o How much overlap of customer base? (very little overlap might cause concern that brands are not compatible, too much might imply little room to expand sales by cross-marketing)o Synergies (Hint: do not dive deep on this, as it will be covered later) ∙Management team/cultural fito Capabilities/skills of top, middle managemento Cultural fit, if very different, what percent of key management would likely be able to adjust∙Ability to execute merger/combine companieso GB experience with mergers in past/experience in integrating companies o Franchise structure differences. Detail “dive” into franchising structures. Would these different structures affect the deal? Can we manage two different franchising structures at the same time?The team started thinking about potential synergies that could be achieved by acquiring HD. Here are some key facts on GB and HD.Exhibit 1Stores GB HDTotal5,000 1,020North America3,500 1000Europe1,000 20Asia400 0Other100 0Annual growth in stores10% 15%Financials GB HDTotal store sales$5,500m $700mParent company revenue$1,900m $200mKey expenses (% sales)Cost of sales51% 40%Restaurant operatingcosts 24% 26%Restaurant property & equipment costs 4.6% 8.5%Corporate general & administrative costs 8% 15%Profit as % of sales6.3% 4.9%Sales/stores$1.1m $0.7mIndustry average$0.9m $0.8mQUESTION 2What potential synergies can you think of between GB and HD?ANSWER 2We are looking for a few responses similar to the ones below:∙Lower costso Biggest opportunity likely in corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) by integrating corporate managemento May be some opportunity to lower food costs with larger purchasing volume on similar food items (e.g., beverages, deep frying oil), however overlaps may be low as ingredients are very differento GB appears to have an advantage in property and equipment costs which might be leveragable to HD (e.g., superior skills in lease negotiation)∙Increase revenueso Sell doughnuts in GB stores, or some selected GB products in HD stores o GB has much greater international presence thus likely has knowledge/skills to enable HD to expand outside of North Americao GB may have superior skills in identifying attractive locations for stores as its sales per store are higher than industry average, whereas HD's is lower than industry average; might be able to leverage this when opening new HD stores to increase HD average sales per storeo Expand HD faster than it could do on own–GB, as a larger company with lower debt, may have better access to capitalQUESTION 3The team thinks that with synergies, it should be possible to double HD’s U.S. market share in the next 5 years, and that GB’s access to capital will allow it to expand the number of HD stores by 2.5 times. What sales per store will HD require in 5 years in order for GB to achieve these goals? Use any data from Exhibit 1 you need, additionally, your interviewer would provide the following assumptions for you:∙Doughnut consumption/capita in the U.S. is $10/year today, and is projected to grow to $20/year in 5 years.∙For ease of calculation, assume U.S. population is 300m.ANSWER 3You should always feel free to ask your interviewer additional questions to help you with your response.Possible responses might include the following:∙Market share today: $700M HD sales (from Exhibit 1) ÷ $3B U.S. market ($10 x 300M people) = 23% (round to 25% for simplicity sake)∙U.S. market in 5 years = $20 x 300 = $6B∙HD sales if double market share: 50% x $6B = $3B∙Per store sales: $3B/2.5 (1000 stores) = $1.2MDoes this seem reasonable?∙Yes, given it implies less than double same store sales growth and per capita consumption is predicted to double.QUESTION 4One of the synergies that the team thinks might have a big potential is the idea of increasing the businesses' overall profitability by selling doughnuts in GB stores.How would you assess the profitability impact of this synergy?ANSWER 4Be sure you can clearly explain how the assessment you are proposing would help to answer the question posed.Some possible answers include:∙Calculate incremental revenues by selling doughnuts in GB stores (calculate how many doughnuts per store, times price per doughnut, times number of GB stores)∙Calculate incremental costs by selling doughnuts in GB stores (costs of production, incremental number of employees, employee training, software changes, incremental marketing and advertising, incremental cost of distribution if we cannot produce doughnuts in house, etc.)∙Calculate incremental investments. Do we need more space in each store if we think we are going to attract new customers? Do we need to invest in store layout to have in-house doughnut production?∙If your answer were to take into account cannibalization, what would be the rate of cannibalization with GB offerings? Doughnut cannibalization will be higher with breakfast products than lunch and dinner products, etc.∙One way to calculate this cannibalization is to look at historic cannibalization rates with new product/offering launchings within GB stores∙Might also cannibalize other HD stores if they are nearby GB store–could estimate this impact by seeing historical change in HD’s sales when competitor doughnut store opens nearbyQUESTION 6You run into the CEO of GB in the hall. He asks you to summarize McKinsey’s perspective so far on whether GB should acquire HD. Pretend the interviewer is the CEO–what would you say?ANSWER 6You may have a slightly different list. Whatever your approach, we love to see candidates come at a problem in more than one way, but still address the issue as directly and practically as possible.Answers may vary, but here is an example of a response:∙Early findings lead us to believe acquiring HD would create significant value for GB, and that GB should acquire HDo Believe can add $15 thousand in profit per GB store by selling HD in GB stores. This could mean $50 million in incremental profit for North American stores (where immediate synergies are most likely given HD has little brand presence in rest of world)o We also believe there are other potential revenue and cost synergies that the team still needs to quantify∙Once the team has quantified the incremental revenues, cost savings, and investments, we will make a recommendation on the price you should be willing to pay ∙We will also give you recommendations on what it will take to integrate the two companies in order to capture the potential revenue and cost savings, and also to manage the different franchise structures and potentially different cultures of GB and HD谢谢观看! 欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考,如有雷同纯属意外。

As part of the interview process, we will ask you to discuss a business problem. As you work through the business case with your interviewer, you will also become better informed about our firm and the kinds of problems we solve.Most candidates enjoy the cases and the business issues they raise. Your approach to the case and the insights you reach will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your problem solving abilities and help us get a sense of your potential. The following questions are addressed in this section:Why we use case studiesHow you should approach the problemWhat we are looking forCase study tipsSome common mistakesIf you want to practice, please try our on-line case study.Why We Use Case StudiesYour ability to deal creatively with complex or ambiguous problems in unfamiliar businesses, to structure your thinking, and to reach sensible conclusions with the available facts in a short time is a critical skill as a consultant.Since no particular background or set of qualifications necessarily prepares you to do this, we've come to rely upon the case study as an integral part of our interview process. The case study gives us an opportunity to see how you think about problems and whether you can reach a well-supported conclusion.Back to TopHow You Should Approach the ProblemThe cases you discuss in each of your interviews will be different. Generally, they are based on the interviewer's professional experiences and will usually describe situations with which you are notfamiliar. For example, your cases might focus on deciding how a company should react to a new competitor or determining what attributes a company should look for in seeking a joint-venture partner.In addressing the case, it is important that you take a logical, well-structured approach and reach a reasoned conclusion. At a minimum, you should be sure that you:Understand the underlying problem and the question. Ask for clarification on points that you feel are unclear.Break the problem down into a logical structure. There may be several issues to be addressed in order to reach a conclusion.Address the issues one at a time. Focus on the most important issues first. Your interviewer may not expect you to get through all of them in the allotted time.Address important issues, not just ones you feel comfortable with. Candidates often focus too much on their own area of expertise rather than the important issues (for example, accountants focusing on the financial aspects of new product development without mentioning customers).Test your emerging hypotheses. Keep coming back to check that you are addressing the question you were asked.Request additional information. As you build an understanding of the problem, there may be more information that you need.Reach a conclusion. Synthesize your thoughts concisely and develop a recommendation.Back to TopWhat We Are Looking ForIn most instances there is no right answer to the problem. It is critical that you demonstrate your ability to think in a structured way and that you reach a reasoned conclusion that is supported by the evidence. Listen carefully to the scenario; if you miss critical information, it can affect your ability to solve the problem.During the case study, we look for evidence of your ability on a number of dimensions — logical reasoning, creativity, quantitative skills, business judgment (not business knowledge), pragmatism, and an ability to structure problem solving. We also look for evidence of intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm for typical consulting issues.It is equally important for us to get a sense that you are comfortable with our working style —learning from the emerging facts and developing revised hypotheses as more information becomes available. You should be receptive to new information and use it to push your thinking forward. When you are asked a question, you should refer back to any relevant information that's already been discussed, rather than answering it in isolation.Back to TopCase Study TipsListen to the problem. Make sure you are answering the question that you have been asked.Begin by setting a structure. Think of four to five sub-questions that you need to answer before you can address the overall issue.Stay organized. Finish one key question and arrive at a point of view before you go on to the next.Communicate your train of thought clearly. If you have considered some alternatives and rejected them, tell the interviewer what and why.Step back periodically. Summarize what you have learned and what the implications appear to be.Ask for additional information when you need it. But make sure that the interviewer knows why you need the information.Watch for cues from the interviewer.Don’t fixate on "crackin g the case." It is much more important to demonstrate a logical thought process than to arrive at the solution.Use business judgment and common sense.Relax and enjoy the process —think of the interviewer as a teammate in a problem-solving process and the case as a real client problem that you need to explore and then solve.Back to TopSome Common MistakesMisunderstanding the question or answering the wrong question.Proceeding in a haphazard fashion. For example, not identifying the major issues that need to be examined or jumping from one issue to another.Asking a barrage of questions without explaining to the interviewer why you need the information.Force-fitting familiar business frameworks to every case question, whether they are relevant or not, or misapplying a relevant business framework that you do not really understand, rather than simply using common sense.Failing to synthesize a point of view even if you don’t have time to talk through all the key issues, be sure to synthesize a point of view based on where you ended up.出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。

McKiney On line case studyTo step through this case example,we will give you some information,ask a question,and then,when you are ready,give you a sample answer. We hope that the exercise will give you a sense of the flow of a case interview. (Please note,you can stop this exercise and pick up where you left off later. Your cookies must be on to use this feature).In this exercise,you will answer a series of questions as the case unfolds. We provide our recommended answers after each question,with which you can compare your own answers. We want to emphasize that most questions in a case study do not have a single right answer. In a live case interview,we are more interested in your explanation of how you arrived at your answer,not just the answer itself. An interviewer can always assess different but equally valid ways of approaching an issue,and then bring you back to the particular line of inquiry that he or she wants to pursue.You should also keep in mind that in a live case,there will be far more interaction with the interviewer than this exercise allows. For example,you will have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.Finally,a live case interview would typically be completed in 30 - 45 minutes,depending on how the case evolves. In this on-line exercise,there is no time limit. There are eight questions in this on-line case study. This case study is designed to roughly simulate one during your interview,so you will not be able to skip ahead to the next question until you have answered the one you are on. You can refresh yourmemory of previous answers by clicking the highlighted Q&A links to the left. To print the answer,click on the print icon that appears in the TOP RIGHT corner. At the end,you can print the entire on-line case study at once.The caseQuestion 1Client Goal:Double the number of recruits while maintaining their quality with minimal increase in resources expendedOur client recruits graduating college seniors for entry-level positions in locations around the world. It currently hires and places 500 graduates per year but would like to triple in size over the next ten years while maintaining quality. Assume that the increase must all come from hiring graduating seniors. (In an actual case,you may not be given this and other assumptions unless you ask.)The client's current recruiting budget is $2 million annually,and while it is in a strong financial position,it would like to spend as few additional resources as possible on recruiting. McKinsey is advising the client on what steps it will need to take in orderto meet its growth targets,while staying within its budget constraints.Q1:What levers does the organization have at its disposal to achieve its growth goal?A:Some possible levers are given below. It's terrific if you identified several of these and perhaps some others.•Attract more applicants at the same cost•Review the list of campuses targeted (e.g.,optimize resource allocation across schools). The review may result in adding certainhigher potential campuses and eliminating other ones that appear tohave more limited potential.•Review recruiting approach at each campus (e.g.,optimizecost-effectiveness of messages and approaches at each school).•Extend offers to a higher percentage of applicants while maintaining quality(e.g.,reduce the number of people who are turned down who would haveperformed equally well in the job)•Improve acceptance rates among offerees (e.g.,better communicate the benefits of the job relative to alternatives or improve the attractiveness of the job relative to alternatives)Question 2For the remainder of the discussion we'd like to focus on the two specific levers involving attracting more applicants at the same cost.•Review the list of campuses targeted (e.g.,optimize resource allocation across schools). The review may result in adding certain higher potentialcampuses and eliminating other ones that appear to have more limitedpotential.•Review recruiting approach at each campus (e.g.,optimizecost-effectiveness of messages and approaches at each school).Please note that if you identified different but equally valid levers,the interviewer would be able to assess them. But for the purpose of this case study,we are going to focus on these two levers.Q2:How would you initially approach determining whether the client can increase hiring by adjusting the list of campuses targeted?What sort of analysis would you want to conduct and why?A:You might take the following approach,where we've outlined two avenues of analysis:•Estimate the hiring potential across schools•Analyze the number of hires by school over the last several years•Develop a comprehensive list of schools that meet our requirements and a minimum set of standards for recruits•Survey seniors at these schools to determine interest in anentry-level position with the client•Consider the size of the graduating class at each school,determine how that class might be segmented (e.g.,each class could besegmented by discipline or segmented based on career interests inresponse to the survey),then calculate the size of each segment •Estimate the optimal cost-per-hire across schools•Compare the current cost-per hire across schools•Identify opportunities to decrease the cost-per-hire at each school Helpful TipYou may have a slightly different list. Whatever your approach,we love to see candidates come at a problem in more than one way,but still address the issue as directly and practically as possible. In giving the answer,it's useful if you are clear about how the results of the analysis would help to answer the original question posed.Question 3Twenty-five percent of the annual recruiting budget is spent on candidates (i.e.,attracting,assessing,and getting them to accept). Twenty percent of hires are categorized as "most expensive" and have an average cost-per-hire of $2,000.Q3:What is the average cost-per-hire of all other candidates?Remember that the client hires 500 students per year and its annual recruiting budget is $2 million (information that we hope you noted earlier).A:The answer is $750 per hire (or less than half the cost-per-hire of the "most expensive" candidates).Amount spent on the less expensive candidates:25% of $2 million budget = $500,000 spent on candidates20% of 500 student = 100 students categorized as "most expensive"100 x $2,000 cost-per-hire = $200,000 spent on "most expensive" hires$500,000 recruiting budget - $200,000 = $300,000 remaining for all other hires The number of less expensive candidates:500 hires - 100 = 400 "other hires"Cost-per-hire of the less expensive candidates:$300,000/400 =$750 per hireHelpful TipWhile you may find that doing a straightforward math problem in the context of an interview is a bit tougher,you can see that it is just a matter of breaking the problem down. We are looking for both your ability to set the analysis up properly and then to do the math in real time.Question4Q:In order to decide whether to reduce costs at the least efficient schools (i.e.,those with an average cost per hire of $2,000),what else would you want to know?A:Some of the possible answers are given below.Basic questions:•What are the components of costs at these schools (why is it so expensive to recruit there)?•What opportunities exist to reduce costs?•How much cost savings would result from implementing each of the opportunities?•What consequences would implementing each of these opportunities have on recruiting at the least efficient schools?Questions demonstrating further insight:•Why is the cost lower at more efficient schools,and are there best practices in resource management that can be applied to the least efficient schools?•If we reduce costs at the least efficient schools,what will we do with the cost savings (i.e.,what would be the benefit of spending the money elsewhere vs.where it is currently being spent)?Helpful TipWe would not expect anyone to come up with all of these answers,but we hope some of your answers head in the same direction as ours. Yours may bring some additional insights. In either case,be sure that you can clearly explain how your question will bring you closer to the right decision.Question 5The McKinsey team conducts some analysis that indicates that increasing spending on blanket advertising (e.g.,advertisements/flyers on campus) does not yield any significant increase in hires.Q5:Given that increased blanket advertising spending seems to be relatively ineffective,and the client doesn't want to increase overall costs,what might be some other ideas for increasing the candidate pool on a specific campus?A:We are looking for at least a couple of answers like the ones given below:•Improve/enhance recruiting messages (e.g.,understand target candidate group,refocus message on this group,understand competitive dynamic on campus)•Utilize referrals (e.g.,faculty,alumni)•Come up with creative ways to target specific departments/clubs of the school•Rethink advertising spending - while increasing blanket ad spending doesn't seem to work,advertising might still be the most efficient and effective way to increase the number of candidates if it is deployed in a more systematic,targeted wayHelpful TipThis question is a good one for demonstrating creativity because there's a long list of possible ideas. Additional insights into how a given idea would be approached and how much it would cost are helpful.Question 6For simplicity's sake,let's say we've conducted market research and found that there are two types of people on each campus,A and B. Historically,our client has also used two types of recruiting messages in its advertising. The first,called "See the World," gets one percent of type A students to apply,but three percent of type B students. The second,called "Pathway to Leadership," gets five percent of Type A students to apply,but only two percent of type B students.The chart below lists the breakdown of types A and B students at some of our major campuses,and the message our client is using on campus.Q6:Assuming there's no difference between the costs of each message,what can you tell me from this information?A:According to these numbers,the client should use the "Pathway to Leadership" message across all four universities. The "See the World" message is preferable onlyif more than 80% of the students at a given university are of type B.Helpful TipAn even more insightful response would mention that the ultimate answer depends on the cost of each message,whether the cost increases depending on the number of students at the campus,and how interested we are in students of Type A vs. Type B (e.g.,will one type be more likely than the other to get an offer and to be successful on the job). One could imagine using both messages on some campuses if the additional cost were justified by the resulting increase in hires.Question7University 4 graduates 1,000 seniors each year.Q7:How many new candidates might be generated by changing the recruiting message at University 4 to Pathway to Leadership?A:The answer is 20 candidates (i.e.,an increase of over 100%).Number of each type of student at University 4:1,000 seniors x 60% = 600 Type A students1,000 seniors x 40% = 400 Type B studentsCandidates attracted be See the World message:(1% x 600) + (3% x 400) = 18 candidatesCandidates attracted by Pathway to Leadership message:(5% x 600) + (2% x 400) = 38 candidatesIncrease in candidates resulting from change in message:38 - 18 = 20 more candidates (an increase of over 100%)Question8Q8:What sort of next steps should we tell our client we'd like to take based on what we have discussed today?A:The ability to come to a logical,defensible synthesis based on the information available at any point in an engagement is critical to the work we do. Even though we'd consider ourselves to be very early in the overall project at this point in the case,we do want to be able to share our current perspective. The ideal answer would include the following points:FINDINGS•There appears to be an opportunity to significantly increase total applicants of the same quality that we are getting today at the same or reduced cost:•Increasing blanket advertising is ineffective and costly,but changing the advertising message on some campuses could increaseapplicants significantly without increasing costs. At one of thecampuses we've looked at,University 4,the number of applicantswould go up more than 100 percent•The cost-per-hire varies dramatically from school to school. This suggests that there may be opportunities to reduce costs in certainplaces or reallocate resources more efficientlyNEXT STEPS•We plan to explore further ideas for increasing quality applications by changing the mix of schools,beginning with a more detailed review of the opportunities to reduce costs at certain schools•After looking at levers to increase total applicants,we will be analyzing opportunities to improve the offer rate (i.e.,ensure we're not turning down quality applicants) and to increase the acceptance rate•We will examine additional methods for attracting more applications from our current campuses (e.g.,referrals,clubs) in addition to assessing the impact of improved messaging on campus。


在收集到足够的信息后,需要建立假 设并进行验证,以确定问题的根本原 因和解决方案的有效性。
参加行业交流活动或论坛, 与同行分享经验、交流心得 ,共同提高解决问题的能力 。
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通过学习麦肯锡案例,个人可以提升思 维能力、分析和解决问题的能力。
创新是组织和个人发展的关键动力, 学习麦肯锡的创新思维模式有助于激
借鉴麦肯锡的管理理念和方法,组织 可以优化内部管理流程、提高效率。
关注客户价值,不断提升客户满意度 ,是个人和组织取得成功的关键。
通过优化生产流程和提高生产效率,降低生 产成本。
该制造企业面临生产成本过高的挑战,麦肯 锡团队深入了解生产流程和工艺,提出优化 生产流程和提高生产效率的建议。他们运用 工业工程原理和方法,对生产线进行重新布 局和调整,改进工艺流程,提高设备利用率 和员工工作效率。这些措施的实施显著降低 了该企业的生产成本。
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Countdown Clock
Event Tracker 214 Days to Launch
Scenario Planning
Assumption Tracking
1Байду номын сангаасmile
Ideal Launch Scenario
fasdjfkjsd sdfasfas
• Knowledge in the organisation tends to be isolated in Silo‟s and therefore poorly exploited • There are many examples of „re-inventing the wheel‟ • PharmaCo is presently meeting market demand through increased sales personnel at the expense of improving their effectiveness • Mechanisms to formalise knowledge are not commonly in place • Most initiatives appear to stop at the concept phase and do not get implemented into the organisation
Process to build a Knowledge Management Organisation
Steps to build a KM-Organisation
1 Develop a Knowledge Management Vision
Practical Examples
• Be most innovative pharmaceutical company
Knowledge Management Vision work shop
Knowledge Management Project Design Work shop
Describing the characteristics of a knowledge enabled organisation. Defining the look and feel of what will be different from today.
4 Build Knowledge Organisation
5 Create supporting Systems (IT, people)
• Link e-mail & other systems to provide quick access
© 2002 McKinsey Consulting GmbH. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
2 miles
Go! Go! Go! Go!
All Systems Go!
5 miles
© 2002 McKinsey Consulting GmbH. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
PCE98424_Knowledge Mgmt and Innovation_HG991390.ppt
PharmaCo Case Study:
Achieving Sales Growth through Knowledge Management
McKinsey February 2002
Expected Sales Growth of PharmaCo Changing Business Environment
For example a launch planning campaign room:
Mission Control Campaign Room Influence Contact Maps
We are here
Stake Holders Analysis
fasdjfkjsd sdfasfas
2 Define objectives, measures and benefits
• Increase number of patents by 100% • Innovation • Technology • Set up COC sponsored by R&D board member
3 Identify key capabilities
PCE98424_Knowledge Mgmt and Innovation_HG991390.ppt
We ran three separate workshops to develop a common view of the way forward
1 November 17 November Knowledge Management Performance Modelling Work shop 4 december
© 2002 McKinsey Consulting GmbH. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
PCE98424_Knowledge Mgmt and Innovation_HG991390.ppt
Knowledge Management should first be practiced in a pilot area
Defining the capabilities to develop corporate knowledge. Identifying the KPI’s for effective Knowledge Management.
• • •
3–4 implementation options. Implications and CSF’s of each option. Recommendation of most suitable option.
© 2002 McKinsey Consulting GmbH. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
PCE98424_Knowledge Mgmt and Innovation_HG991390.ppt
The pilot provides a prototype for future launches and other business processes
Lower Costs
Quicker learning curve for new employees. Increased personnel productivity:
– – Less time spent on unnecessary communication. Less work duplication
Patients Values & Performance
Site Move
1998e 1999e 2000e 2001e 2002e
This level of growth combined with increasing complexity is a challenge unlikely to be achieved by conventional means.
• Knowledge sharing is not yet embedded as part of the company's culture
• Unclear understanding of how to effectively implement Knowledge Management
© 2002 McKinsey Consulting GmbH. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
Example of a Pilot Area
Launch Planning Deliverables
• Mission critical learnings from previous launches.
• Launch closer to approval date. • Reduce duplication of effort in launch process. • Increased adoption rate through closer involvement of key Stakeholders • Improving future launch management capability through establishing knowledge roles and capabilities in Marketing
Improved Market Position
• • • Foster more effective feedback from the market place. Improved utilisation of customer knowledge. More rapid communication and implementation of new products and directions.
• A launch planning campaign room.
• A core team of PharmaCo Knowledge Management practitioners • Knowledge roles and required skill profiles for launch teams • Who‟s Who in product launch community. • An effective content management process. • Assessment of IT enablers.