史上最全 马来西亚 中英双语介绍

马来人的Байду номын сангаас礼
吉隆坡是马来西亚联邦首都,全国最大的城市。位于马 来亚地区的中西部。巴生河与其支流在市内汇合,吉隆 坡的马来语意为“泥泞的河口”。1857年华侨来此开采 锡矿,后来逐步发展为城市。 巴生河以西为政府机关区,以东为商业区和住宅区。 城市风景秀丽,有国会大厦、国家博物馆、国家清真寺、 默迪卡体育馆、湖滨园等风景名胜。
东马来西亚山地呈西南、东北走向,即沙捞越的伊兰山脉和沙巴的 克罗克山脉。沙捞越的地势由东南向西北倾斜,沙巴地势由中部向 东西两侧递降,主峰基纳巴卢山海拔4101m,为马来西亚的最高峰。 东马来西亚河网密,水量大,主要河流有拉让河、基纳巴坦甘河等。 马来西亚位于近赤道地带,属热带雨林气候,高温多雨。年平均气 温为29℃,即使是夜间,气温也在2l ℃以上。年平均降水量大部 分地区在2000mm-3000mm之间,多为暴雨。马来西亚风力微弱,风 速不大,一般在3级以下。此外,马来西亚不受台风影响,海员们 常到沙巴来躲避台风,称陵地为“下风之地”,音 译就是“沙 巴”,在丰沛的水、热条件下,生物繁衍旺盛,植物种类众多,森 林面积占全国总面积的75%以上,盛产龙脑香、红木、柚木. 樟 木等多种名贵木材及各种林副产品。天然橡胶是马来西亚最重要的 作物,且橡胶和锡矿产地在地理上基本重迭在一起,形成世界驰名 的“胶锡地带”。橡胶和锡的产量都居世界第一位,故马来西亚 又有“胶锡王国”之称。
在远古时代,马来亚就已经有人类居住。距今约1万年前,马来半岛的居民进 入旧石器时代。马来半岛相继出现一些古国。满剌加王国(1402-1511)是马来 西亚历史上最著名的王国,在政治、军事、外交,经济,文化等方面都取得 了巨大的成就。从16世纪开始,马来亚先后遭到葡,荷、英等国的侵略,到 20世纪初马来两亚完全沦为英国殖民地。第二次世界大战时,马来西亚被日 本帝国主义占领;当地人民进行了英勇的抗日武装斗争,日本投降后,英国 恢复了殖民统治。1948年成立马来亚联合邦,1957年宣布独立。1963年马来 亚联合邦与新加坡,沙捞越、沙巴合并,组成马来西亚联邦、1965年新加坡 宣布退出,成立新加坡共和国。目前马来西业是“英联邦”成员国。 马来西亚人口约1568万,其中马来人约占总人口的50%,华 人占37%,印度 和巴基斯坦人占11%,其余为欧洲人及各少数民族。居民多分布在马来亚地 区,而沙捞越和沙巴则是人口相对稀疏的地区。马来语为国语和官方语言, 英语是通用语言,其他有华语和泰米尔语等。 伊斯兰教为国教,马来人多信奉伊斯兰教,华人信奉佛教,印度人信奉印度 教。货币单位马元(马来文为Ringgit,音译“林吉特”)。

马来西亚原是英国的殖民地,独立以后仍然留在英联邦中,其政体沿袭英国君 主制,苏丹只是象征性国家的权力,国家掌权是政府总理。马来西亚的王位是 由全国九个州的世袭苏丹轮流担任,每任期为五年。
马来西亚自然资源十分丰富,是世界上最大的天然橡胶、棕榈油及锡的出产 国,有“锡和橡胶王国”之称。
常年受来自热带海洋的信 风影响,终年盛行热带海洋 气团,气候具有海洋性。
气温年、日较差都小,但 最冷月平均气温比赤道稍低, 年较差比赤道稍大,年降水 量一般在2,000毫米以上, 季节分配比较均匀。
开斋节 AIDILFTRI 或斋戒新年代表 着回历九月(齐戒月)的结束以及 回历十月的开始。 节日的气氛于回历九月 20 日已经 开始。回教徒们一早起来迎接新的 一年,接着到亲人的坟前悼念。屋 子大扫除,穿上过年新衣服,同时 也为屋子点缀一番。这是各个家庭 大开门户,迎接亲朋戚友到访的好 日子。
这个节日标志着麦加朝圣日的结束,于每年回历十二月 10 日开始庆祝。教徒们 在回教堂内自由地奉献宰杀的牛羊供品,并在事后将供物分给有需要的人们。
在美国商务旅游杂志Global Traveler进行的一次问卷调查中,马来西亚被评 为2006年世界最佳旅游目的地。马来西亚超越夏威夷、巴厘岛、新加坡、香港、 意大利、普吉岛、南非、斐济和澳大利亚等旅游胜地。
世界著名金融服务公司UBS在对众多城市进行了旅游成本评估后,将马来西 亚评为商务旅游者最廉价的旅游目的地,而将吉隆坡评为世界最廉价的商务 旅游城市。同样的行程安排(酒店住宿、三餐、交通和娱乐),在吉隆坡只 需260美元(910马币),而在世界最昂贵的商务旅游城市东京则需要花费 1,090美元。

马来西亚 编辑
马来西亚联邦(英语:Federation of Malaysia,前身马来亚),通称马来西亚(Malaysia),简称大马。
[1] 首都为吉隆坡,联邦政府则位于布城。

马来西亚LOGO旅游特色:迷人的海滩、美味的佳肴、神秘的大自然、丰富的文化、免税购物胜地介绍内容1自然环境特征2经济文化3民俗风情4旅游资源5旅游业的发展6旅华市场概述一、自然环境特征❖中文名:马来西亚英文名:malaysia❖别名:malaysia国歌:《我的国家》❖国鸟:犀鸟国花:木槿❖国树:扶桑所属洲:亚洲❖国庆日:1957年8月31日政体:君主立宪政体❖执政党:由14个政党组成国民阵线联合执政❖现任领导人:端姑米占·再纳·阿比丁❖人口:2500多万(2005年12月)主要民族:马来人及原住民❖主要宗教:伊斯兰教常用语言:马来语❖官方语言:马来语首都:吉隆坡❖主要城市:马六甲;新山国歌:《我的国家》❖歌词原文(马来文):歌词:❖Negaraku❖Tanah tumpahnya darahku,❖Rakyat hidup❖bersatu dan maju.❖Rahmat bahagia❖Tuhan kurniakan,❖Raja kita❖selamat bertakhta.❖❖Rahmat bahagia❖Tuhan kurniakan,❖Raja kita❖selamat bertakhta.自然地理面积33万平方公里。

• The Population of Kuala Lumpur about 300 million. Tourism and communications functions with The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur . Up to 466 meters, the tower is one of the highest in Asia. • Kuala Lumpur is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious country in miniature, the city‘s mosques, and Buddhist, Hindu temples in everywhere, the Christian church has more than 20.
By Ris the Malaysia ?
national flag
Malaysia is a country which nearby Singapore ,located the Southeast Asia .It’s capital is Kuala Lumpur. And Malaysia constituted by thirteen State 。
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Mangosteen(山竹) is the queen
首相官邸 水上清真寺
• Here is the simple presentation . I can’t tell you any other in detail now . • So I hope you can take a trip and visit the other countries to understand the difference with our country, finding out more interesting things . • IT will be a great experience.

马来西亚简介以及马来西亚旅游指南【国名】 马来西亚 (Malaysia)【国旗】呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。


英语作文介绍马来西亚Introduction to MalaysiaMalaysia is a beautiful and diverse country located in Southeast Asia. With a rich culture, stunning landscapes, and modern cities, Malaysia has something to offer for every traveler.GeographyMalaysia is divided into two main regions: Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia, which is situated on the island of Borneo. The country is known for its lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and towering mountains. The highest peak in Southeast Asia, Mount Kinabalu, can be found in the state of Sabah in East Malaysia.CultureMalaysia is a melting pot of different cultures, with influences from Malays, Chinese, Indians, and indigenous tribes. This diversity is reflected in the country's cuisine, languages, and customs. One of the best ways to experience Malaysian culture is through its festivals, such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, and Deepavali.FoodMalaysia is a paradise for food lovers, with a wide variety of delicious dishes to try. Some of the must-try Malaysian dishes include nasi lemak, roti canai, laksa, and satay. The country's street food scene is also famous, with bustling night markets offering an array of tasty treats.AttractionsMalaysia is home to a number of popular tourist attractions, such as the iconic Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the historic city of Malacca, and the breathtaking islands of Langkawi. Nature lovers will also find plenty to see and do, with opportunities for jungle trekking, diving, and wildlife spotting.PeopleThe people of Malaysia are known for their warmth and hospitality, making visitors feel welcome wherever they go. Malaysians are proud of their country's diversity and are happy to share their culture with others.In conclusion, Malaysia is a fascinating destination that offers something for every type of traveler. Whether you're interested in exploring vibrant cities, relaxing on beautiful beaches, or immersing yourself in rich cultural traditions,Malaysia has it all. Come and discover the magic of Malaysia for yourself!。

来人家中作客应注意举止得 体,尊重长者。如果双方都 是穆斯林,宾主要用伊斯兰 教特定的问候语打招呼。进
双手仅仅触摸一下,然后把 手放到额前,以表示诚心。
客人,而自己又必须从他们 面前经过时,必须略低下头, 并说"对不起,请借光",然 后走到自己的位置上。
槟城,当年英国商船来此躲避风 浪的时候,他们给这个美丽的海岛起名 为乔治市,华人则称之为槟榔屿。这里 最让人着迷的是各种文化的交融聚集, 既有南海姑娘的轻柔韵律,也有安娜与 国王的感伤情怀。即使你没有出境游的 经验,即使你外语只会yes,bye-bye, thankyou,槟城依然。 槟城蝴蝶园,是闻名的热带蝴蝶 庇护所,园内有50多种3000多只蝴蝶和 青蛙、蝎子及其他昆虫,还有百合花池 塘、瀑布、隧道、泥泡地、实验室等。 当您走进这绿意盎然的博物馆时,一道 由四千一百三十多只蝴蝶拼成炯丽的光 谱立
中文名称: 简称: 首都: 马来西亚联邦 大马 吉隆坡 英文名称: 所属洲: 主要城市: Malaysia 亚洲 马六甲
官方语言: 政治体制:
马来语 君主立宪政体
国歌: 《我的国家》
货币: 令吉 (RM 1美元=3.8令吉) 人口数量: 2733万(08) 主要宗教: 伊斯兰教,佛教和道教,印度教 GDP总计: 6744.34亿令吉(2009) 国际域名缩写: .MY
主要民族:马来族,华人,印度人 国土面积: 国际电话区号: 33万平方公里 +60
国 旗
呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2:1。主体部分由14道红 白相间、宽度相等的横条组成。左上方有一深蓝色的长方形, 上有一弯黄色新月和一颗14个尖角的黄色星。14道红白横条 和14角星象征马来西亚的13个州和政府。蓝色象征人民的团 结及马来西亚与英联邦的关系──英国国旗以蓝色为旗底, 黄色象征国家元首,红色象征勇敢,白色象征纯净,新月象 征马来西亚的国教伊斯兰教。

MalaysiaLocation: Southeastern Asia. Shares borders withThailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei.Capital: Kuala LumpurClimate: tropical; annual southwest (April to October)and northeast (October to February) monsoonsPopulation: 24,821,286 (July 2007 est.)Ethnic Make-up: Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8%Religions: Muslim 60.4%, Buddhist 19.2%, Christian 9.1%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 2.6%, other or unknown 1.5%, none 0.8%Government: constitutional monarchyLanguage in MalaysiaThe Malay language is an Austronesian language spoken not only by Malaysians but all Malay people who reside in the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, central eastern Sumatra, the Riau islands, parts of the coast of Borneo, Cocos and Christmas Islands in Australia. It is also very similar to Indonesian, known locally as Bahasa Indonesia.In Malaysia, the language is officially known as Bahasa Malaysia, which translates as the "Malaysian language". The term, which was introduced by the National Language Act 1967, was predominant until the 1990s, when most academics and government officials reverted to "Bahasa Melayu," which is used in the Malay version of the Federal Constitution.Malay Culture and SocietyA Multi-Cultural SocietyMalaysia is a multi-cultural society. The main ethnic groups are the native Malays as well as large populations of Chinese, and Indians. When visiting the country it is clear that the ethnicities retain their religions, customs and way of life. The most important festivals of each group are public holidays.Although growing up, children are educated in the same schools and will eventually work in the same offices; few marry outside their own ethnicity. Families tend to socialize within their own ethnic group – all part of retaining their individual traditions and lifestyles.Despite the ethnic differences there are commonalities culturally speaking.Group OrientationThe family is considered the center of the social structure. As a result there is a great emphasis on unity, loyalty and respect for the elderly. The family is the place where the individual can be guaranteed both emotional and financial support. When one member of the family suffers a financial setback, the rest of the family will contribute what they can to help out. Families tend to be extended, although in the larger cities this will naturally differ.The Concept of FaceMalays, Chinese and Indians all strive to maintain face and avoid shame both in public and private. Face is a personal concept that embraces qualities such as a good name, good character, and being held in esteem by one's peers. Face is considered a commodity that can be given, lost, taken away, or earned. On top of this face also extends to the family, school, company, and even the nation itself.The desire to maintain face makes Malaysians strive for harmonious relationships.Face can be lost by openly criticizing, insulting, or putting someone on the spot; doing something that brings shame to the group; challenging someone in authority, especially if this is done in public; showing anger at another person; refusing a request; not keeping a promise; or disagreeing with someone publicly. Conversely, face can be saved by remaining calm and courteous; discussing errors or transgressions in private; speaking about problems without blaming anyone; using non-verbal communication to say "no"; and allowing the other person to get out of the situation with their pride intact.Etiquette and Customs in MalaysiaMeeting and GreetingGreetings in a social context will depend upon the ethnicity of the person you are meeting. In general, most Malays are aware of Western ways so the handshake is normal. There may be slight differences though and a few things to bear in mind include:•Malay women may not shake hands with men. Women can of course shake hands with women. Men may also not shake hands with women and may bow instead while placing their hand on their heart.•The Chinese handshake is light and may be rather prolonged. Men and women may shake hands, although the woman must extend her hand first. Many older Chinese lower their eyes during the greeting as a sign of respect.•Indians shake hands with members of the same sex. When being introduced to someone of the opposite sex, nodding the head and smiling is usually sufficient.Among all cultures, there is a general tendency to introduce:o The most important person to the lower ranking person.o The older person to the younger person.o Women to men.NamesThe way names are used also varies between ethnicities:Chinese•The Chinese traditionally have 3 names. The surname (family name) is first and is followed by two personal names.•Many Chinese adopt more Western names and may ask you to use that instead.Malays•Many Malays do not have surnames. Instead, men add their father's name to their own name with the term "bin" (meaning …son of‟). So Rosli bin Suleiman, would be Rosli the son of Suleiman.•Women use the term "binti", so Aysha bint Suleiman is Aysha the daughter of Suleiman.Indian•Many Indians do not use surnames. Instead, they place the initial of their father's name in front of their own name. The man's formal name is their name "s/o" (son of) and the father's name.•Women use "d/o" to refer to themselves as the daughter of their father.Gift Giving EtiquetteHere is some general gift giving etiquette guidelines:Gift giving to Malays:• If invited to someone's home for dinner, bring the hostess pastries or good quality chocolates.• Never give alcohol.• Do not give toy dogs or pigs to children.• Do not give anything made of pigskin.• Avoid white wrapping paper as it symbolizes death and mourning.• Avoid yellow wrapping paper, as it is the color of royalty.• If you give foo d, it must be “halal” (meaning permissible for Muslims).• Offer gifts with the right hand only or both hands if the item is large.• Gifts are generally not opened when received.Gift giving to Chinese:• If invited to someone's home, bring a small gift of fruit, sweets, or cakes, saying that it is for the children.• A gift is traditionally refused before it is accepted to demonstrate that the recipient is not greedy.• Do not give scissors, knives or other cutting utensils as they indicate a desire to sever the relationship.• Flowers do not make good gifts as they are given to the sick and are used at funerals.• Do not wrap gifts in mourning colors - white, blue, or black.• Wrap the gifts in happy colors - red, pink, or yellow.• Elaborate gift - wrapping is imperative.• Never wrap a gift for a baby or decorate the gift in any way with a stork, as birds are the harbinger of death.• It is best to give gifts in even numbers since odd numbers are unlucky.• Gifts are generally not opened when received.Gift giving to Indians:• If you give flowers, avoid frangipani as they are used in funeral wreaths.• Money should be given in odd numbers.• Offer gifts with the right hand only or both hands if the item is large.• Do not wrap gifts in white or black.• Wrap gifts in red, yellow or green paper or other bright colors bring good fortune. • Do not give leather products to a Hindu.• Do not give alcohol unless you are certain the recipient drinks.• Gifts are generally not opened when received.Business Etiquette and Protocol in MalaysiaMeeting and GreetingWithin the business context most Malaysian businesspeople are culturally-savvy and internationally exposes. Your experience may very well depend upon the ethnicity, age, sex and status of the person you are meeting. The best approach is always friendly yet formal. A few tips include:• Initial greetings should be formal and denote proper respect.• If in a team, introduce the most important person first.• Many Malays and Indians are uncomfortable shaking hands with a member of the opposite sex.• Foreign men should always wait for a Malaysian woman to extend her hand. Foreign women should also wait for a Malaysian man to extend his hand.• To demonstrate respect Chinese may look downwards rather than at the person they are meeting.• It is important that professional titles (professor, doctor, and engineer) and honorific titles are used in business. Malays and Indians use titles with their first name while Chinese use titles with their surname.Business Card Etiquette• Business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions.• If you will be meeting Chinese, have one side of your card translated into Chinese, with the Chinesecharacters printed ingold.• If you will bemeetinggovernment officials,have one side ofyour card translatedinto BahasaMalaysia.• Use two hands orthe right hand onlyto exchangebusiness cards.• Examine anybusiness card youreceive beforeputting it in yourbusiness card case.• The respect youshow someone'sbusiness card isindicative of therespect you will show the individual in business. Act accordingly.• Never write on someone's card in their presence.CommunicationAs an extension to the need to maintain harmonious relations, Malaysians rely on non-verbal communication (i.e. facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, etc.). Such a communication style tends to be subtle, indirect and. Malays may hint at a point rather than making a direct statement, since that might cause the other person to lose face. Rather than say "no", they might say, "I will try", or "I‟ll see what I can do". This allows the person making the request and the person turning it down to save face and maintains harmony in their relationship.If you are unsure about the affirmative response you received, you may want to continue the discussion, re-phrasing the question in several different ways so that you may compare responses. If the response was given because the Malaysian did not know how to respond in the negative without causing offense, this may come out. Alternatively, they may have someone else give you the bad news.Silence is an important element of Malaysian communication. Pausing before responding to a question indicates that they have given the question appropriate thought and considered their response carefully. Many Malaysians do not understand the Western propensity to respond to a question hastily and can consider such behavior thoughtless and rude. Malaysians may laugh at what may appear to outsiders as inappropriate moments. This device is used to conceal uneasiness.Do not show anger in public as it makes Malaysians uncomfortable and creates a feeling of powerlessness. There is a greater chance of achieving a good outcome id you are calm, whereas little is resolved by shouting.Business Meetings•It is a good idea for the most senior person on your team to enter first so that he or she is the first to greet the most senior Malaysian.•This gives face to both parties as it demonstrates respect towards the Malaysian and shows that you respect hierarchy within your company.•It is customary for leaders to sit opposite each other around the table.•Many companies will have their team seated in descending rank, although this is not always the case.•Expect the most senior Malaysian to give a brief welcoming speech. You need not reciprocate.•There will be a period of small talk, which will end when the most senior Malaysian is comfortable moving to the business discussion.•Meetings may be conducted or continue over lunch and dinner.•Meetings, especially initial ones, are generally somewhat formal. Treat all Malaysian participants with respect and be cautious not to lose your temper or appear irritated.•At the first meetingbetween two companies,Malaysians willgenerally not get intoin-depth discussions.They prefer to use thefirst meeting as anopportunity to get toknow the other side andbuild a rapport, which isessential in thisconsensus-drivenculture.。

扶桑(bungaraya),又名朱槿、佛槿、大 红花、扶桑牡丹,是马来西亚的国花。属 锦葵科,落叶(常绿)灌木或小乔木。性 喜温暖、湿润的气候。扶桑根、叶、花都 可入药,有清热利水、消肿解毒之效。
• 马来西亚人称扶桑为“班加拉亚”。马来 西亚的盾形国徽上也有它的图案。 马来西亚人民用这种红彤彤的扶桑花朵, 比喻热爱祖国的烈火般的激情;也有人比 喻为革命的火种洒满大地而燃起熊熊大火, 使殖民主义者相继后退。 据古书记载,扶桑生自东海日出之处,其 叶如桑。而且两棵树往往同根偶生相依倚, 所以得名扶桑。扶桑花红形美,如木槿花, 其花朝开暮落,而叫日及。
推荐六:蜡 染
• 是一种蜡染的印花布,有新加坡产品、马来西亚产品、印尼产品,各具特色,其 中以新加坡产的最便宜最时髦,它由机器印染,花色相同的较多。马来产品以花 和蝴蝶图案居多,色彩艳丽,价格适当,为馈赠佳品。如果自用的话,可买印尼蜡 染,它的别名“纱丽”更为世人所知,设计相互多用条纹及黑、黄色调,手绘制 品更是出色。
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谢 谢 观 赏
红毛丹( Rambutan )
莲 雾 ( Jambu Air )
推荐十:香 水
• 马来西亚盛产兰花,当地产的"兰"系列香水,品质甚佳,不亚于法国
• 1、马来西亚的国花是什么? • 2、马来西亚的特产有哪些?(说三个) • 3、马来西亚的首都是哪儿?
• 推荐一:锡制品
铅锡是马来西亚特产。铅锡制品的特征是其独有的灰银色,最受欢迎的 铅锡制品有花瓶、水壶、碗碟。

• 呈横长斱形,长不宽之比为2:1。主体 部分由14道红白相间、宽度相等的横条 组成。左上斱有一深蓝色的长斱形,上 有一弯黄色新月和一颗14个角的黄色星。 14道红白横条和14角星象征马来西亚 的13个州和政店。蓝色象征人民的团结 及马来西亚不英联邂的兰系──英国国 旗以蓝色为旗底,黄色象征国家元首, 红色象征勇敢,白色象征纯净,新月象 征马来西亚的国教伊斯兮教
吆隆坡(Kuala Lumpur) ,人口约300多万,面积达243平斱公里。具有观光和通讯两大 功能的吆隆坡石油双塔(The Petronas Twin Towers)。高达466米,是亚洲最高塔之一, 如两柄银色利剑直插云端。吆隆坡还是这个多民族、多宗教国家的缩影,巶内清真寺以及佛 教、印度教的寺庙随处可见,基督教的教堂也有20多座。
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人口 2900万(2012年估计),马来族占54.6%、半族占24.6%、印度人7.3%、其他民族 13.5%。伊斯兮教为国教,其他宗教有佛教、印度教和基督教等。
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语言 通用语言:英语、马来语、粤语、普通话、台语、客家话、潮州话、海南话、福州话。
1、今年马来西亚収巷《经济转型计划(ETP)2011年度报告》,马总理纳吆巷指出,经济转 型计划实斲两年来,重点兰注12个国家兰键经济领域(NKEAs),切实推迚131项切入点计划 (EPP),已在经济不社会等众多领域叏得良好成效。
2、经济数据显示,人均国收入增长至9508美元(约吅2.91万马巵),较两年前增长近3000 美元;国内生产总值8527亿马巵,国民总收入8307亿马巵,均创历叱新高。马来西亚在丐界 经济论坛《全球竞争力报告》中的排名也上升5位至第21位,列东盟国家第2位,亚太区第6位。

The third city
Sabah (for 5 days)
Five parts: 1. Sapi 2. Mnukan 3. Gaya 4. Mamutik 5. sulug
Remarks: •25mb per for 5 parts •One ticket one day
Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park
The first city
Kuala Lumpur (for 3 days)
40mb each one Typical Moslem building Food court Plaza Putra Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park National day(8. The first city Petronas Towers (3 hours) The third city Only daughter of The Creator Typical Moslem building The first city Free,3 hours symbol of the spirit The first city Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park Different building style
Merdeka Square
•National day(8.31)
•Highest flag pole(100m) •Different building style •Food court Plaza Putra
•Free,3 hours
The first city
Dance Club Shopping Center
Kuala Lumpur (for 3 days)

一种风味食品,沙嗲是用竹签串上 各种肉类再用炭火烤熟,吃的时候 再沾上又甜又辣的花生酱,肉的香 味和花生酱的甜辣味在嘴里融合美 味无比。因为所用的调味料辛辣, 所以很受东南亚一带人的欢迎,在 马来的东岸,沙爹用来做早晨,在 马来的其他地方却是做晚餐食用。
不要用食指指向人或任何东西,因为这是 不礼貌的。正确的指法应该是是以右手的 拇指及其余四手指合于掌心。
马来西亚的马来族是不喝酒的,因此在马来 西亚请不要敬酒
感谢聆听 批评指导
黑风洞是印度教的朝拜圣地, 位于吉隆坡北郊11公里处,是一 个石灰岩溶洞群,处在丛林掩映 的半山腰,从山下循272级陡峭台 阶而上即可到达,也有缆车直抵 洞口, 洞里还设有多座印度教神龛, 所以此洞亦称为庙洞(Temple Cave)。暗洞在光洞左侧,洞长 366米。洞中阴森透凉,小径陡峭 曲折,有多种钟乳石。有的状如 农夫、小孩、仙女,有的状如各 种奇禽异兽,可谓鬼斧神工、曲 尽其妙。洞内有小溪潺潺,还有 许多分洞,栖息着成千上万只蝙 蝠和蛇。为保证安全,此洞已不 向游客开放。
马来西亚多民族的背景下,它 的建筑风格发展来自于各种不同 时代背景,有伊斯兰教的建筑风 格、具有浓郁的阿拉伯风格的圆 顶建筑、马来民族风格的建筑、 吉隆坡的欧洲建筑、马六甲的荷 兰红屋建筑、同时还融入了中国 风建筑等。
在各种正式场合 ,男士着装除民族服 装或西服外,可穿长 袖巴迪衫。巴迪衫是 一种蜡染花布做成的 长袖上衣,质地薄而 凉爽,现已渐渐取代 传统的马来礼服,成 为马来西亚“国服” 。
性做主的,因为一些马来西亚女性比较习惯以一个点头或一个笑容来欢 迎对方。


马来西亚英文介绍:Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia. Its territory is divided into two parts by the South China Sea, i.e.the Malay Peninsula and the north of Kalimantan island. The national coastline is 4192 kilometers long. It belongs to tropical rainforest climate.On August 31, 1957, Dong Gu abdulman declared the independence of the United States of Malaya.in 1963, the United States of Malaya, together with Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak, formed the Federation of Malasia The highest representative of the state at home and abroad is called the head of state, and the head of government is the prime minister.It is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. Although the official religion is Islam, the national religious freedom is guaranteed by the Malaysian constitution.Damascus is a capitalist country. Its economy developed rapidly in the 1990s. It is one of the four tigers in Asia.It has become an attractive diversified emerging industrial country in Asia and an emerging market economy in the world.The State implements the new economic policy of giving priority to the Malay and indigenous peoples.。
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史上最全马来西亚中英双语介绍HistoryThe earliest recorded Malay kingdoms grew from coastal city-ports established in the 10th century AD. It is thought that originally these were Hindu or Buddhist nations. Islam arrived in the 14th century in Terengganu. In the early part of the 15th century, the Sultanate of Malacca was established under a dynasty started by a prince by the name of Parameswara from Palembang. The sultanate controlled the areas which are now Peninsula Malaysia, southern Thailand (Patani), and the eastern coast of Sumatra. It existed for more than a century, and within that time period Islam spread to most of the Malay archipelago. Portugal made Malacca a colony in 1511 by military conquest, thus ending the Sultanate of Malacca. After the fall of Malacca, three nations struggled for the control of Malacca Strait: The Portuguese (in Malacca), the Sultanate of Johor and the Sultanate of Aceh. This conflict went on till 1641, when the Dutch (allied to the Sultanate of Johor) gained control of Malacca. The British took control of Malacca after the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824. The British Crown Colony of the Straits Settlements was established in 1826, and Britain increased its control over the rest of the peninsula.By the turn of the 20th century, the states of Pahang, Selangor, Perak, and Negeri Sembilan, known together as the Federated Malay States, were under the rule of British residents appointed to advise the rulers/Sultans.. The other Peninsular states were known as the Unfederated Malay States and, while not directly under rule from London, had British advisors in the Sultans" courts. The four northern states of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, and Terengganu were previously under Thai control. British North Borneo (currently the state of Sabah) was a British Crown Colony formerly under the rule of the Sultanate of Sulu, whilst the territory of Sarawak was the personal fiefdom of the Brooke (White Rajah) family.The Malay Peninsular was occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945. Following the Japanese occupation, the popular support for independence grew, coupled with a communist insurgency. In 1948, the British-ruled territories on the Malay Peninsula formed the Federation of Malaya, which became independent in 1957. Malaysia was formed in 1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation. The first several years of the country’s history were marred by Indonesian efforts to control Malaysia, Philippine claims to Sabah, and Singapore’s secession from the Federation in 1965.历史最早有所记录的马来王国是在公元后十世纪的港口城市发展起来的。
在十九世纪末二十世纪初期,彭亨州(Pahang), 雪兰莪州(Selangor), 霹雳州(Perak)和森美兰州(Negeri Sembilan)组成了马来联合国,为英国所指定的统治者的领导。
北方的四个州玻璃市州(Perlis), 吉打(Kedah), 吉兰丹州(Kelantan),和丁加奴(Terengganu )先前是在泰国的控制下。
马来西亚前几年的建国历史受到印度尼西亚尝试控制马来西亚, 菲律宾认沙巴州为其主权地和新加坡在1965年宣告脱离联盟所影响。
GeographyMalaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. It consists of two geographical regions, West and East Malaysia, divided by the South China Sea. West Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia or Malay Peninsula) shares a land border on the north with Thailand and is connected by the Johor Causeway and the Tuas Second Link on the south withSingapore. :East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.Both West and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to often densely forested hills and mountains, the highest of which is Mount Kinabalu at 4,095.2 m on the island of Borneo.地理马来西亚位于亚洲东南部。
它由东,西马来群岛两个地理区域组成,东,西马来群岛被中国南海(south china sea)所隔。
堤道和大士的第二通道(Tuas Second link)从南方和新加坡相连。
东、西马拉半岛都是以沿海平原上接到草木丛生的丘陵和大山为特色,最高的山是位于婆罗洲岛的海拔4,095.2米的京那Q山(Gunung Kinabalu)又Q神山。