

5口非网管型工业以太网交换机说明书 V1.0.1

5口非网管型工业以太网交换机说明书 V1.0.1

100M 工作模(100Base-TX)

10M 工作模式(10Base-T)
Link/ACT (绿灯)
亮 闪烁 灭
端口已建立有效的网络连接 端口处于网络运行状态 端口未建立有效的网络连接
相对湿度为 5%~95%
DIN 卡轨式安装 采用 35mm 标准 DIN 卡轨式安装,在大多数工业应用上非
常方便,其安装步骤如下: 检查是否具备 DIN-rail 导轨安装工具配件(本产品已提 供安装配件) 检查 DIN 导轨是否固定结实,是否有安装本产品的合 适位置。 将产品配件的 DIN 卡轨连接座下部卡入 DIN 轨内(下 部带弹簧支撑),然后将连接座的上部卡入 DIN 卡轨 (下部卡入少许,稍微用力保持设备平衡卡入上部)。 将 DIN 轨卡入 DIN 轨连接座后,检查并确认产品可靠 地安装到 DIN 轨上。
安装之前,要首先确认有合适的工作环境,包括电源要求、 充分的空间、是否接近其它要连接的设备及其它设备是否到位。 请确认如下安装要求:
避免阳光直射,远离发热源或有强烈电磁干扰区域 检查是否有安装所需的电缆和接头 根据合理配置要求,检查线缆是否到位(不大于 100m) 产品不提供安装组件,用户需准备所选安装类型的组 件:螺丝、螺母和工具等,确保可靠安装 电源要求:24V 直流电源供电(12~36VDC) 环境要求:工作温度为 -25~70℃
YKS205 系 列 工 业 以 太 网 交 换 机 提 供 3 ~ 5 个 10/100BaseT(X)以太网接口(RJ45)和 0~2 路 100Base-FX 光纤 接口(接口可选)。
10/100BaseT(X)以太网接口 10/100BaseT(X)以太网接口位于设备的前面板,接口类型为

FGT工业级以太网交换机用户手册 FGT-OP系列(百兆非管理)说明书

FGT工业级以太网交换机用户手册 FGT-OP系列(百兆非管理)说明书







产品特点- 支持10/100M电口自适应,全/半双工自协商模式- 支持100M SC/FC/ST/LC接口光纤端口,支持单/双光纤传- 支持IEEE802.3az 节能技术- 支持IPv6 协议- 电源输入极性保护设计,无需担心错误操作- 金属外壳,无风扇设计- 安装方法:DIN导轨安装/墙壁安装- 4KV浪涌保护,户外使用更安全参数以太网标准IEEE802.3 IEEE802.3u IEEE802.3z IEEE802.3ab IEEE802.3x IEEE802.3az IEEE802.3ah IEEE802.1X IEEE802.1Q缓存5口:512K bits/ 8口:1M最大帧2K BytesMAC地址4K转发模式存储转发和直通(全/半双工模式)交换性能延时: < 7μs背板带宽: 5口:1.25 Gbps 8口:2Gbps传输距离SFP接口取决于光模块RJ45电口传输距离100m(使用标准的CAT5/CAT5e线缆)电源信息电源电流0.2/0.1A工作电压DC 9-56V过压保护支持电源反接支持功耗满载<15WPOEPOE标准IEEE 802.3af/at,PSEPOE功率单口最大30WPOE线序1/2(+),3/6(-)未端跨接法物理特性材质金属材质冷却方式自然冷却,无风扇设计安装尺寸5口120mm x 90mm x 35mm (L x W x H)8口138mm x 106mm x 41mm (L x W x H)安装方式DIN 导轨/墙壁安装重量300g环境要求工作温度-40℃~75℃相对湿度5%~90%(无凝结)存储温度-40℃~85℃保障平均无故障时间500,000 小时认证标准EMIFCC 第15部分B Class A, EN 55022Class AEMSEN61000-4-2(ESD), EN61000-4-3(RS),EN61000-4-4(EFT),EN61000-4-5(Surge),EN61000-4-6(CS), EN61000-4-8,EN61000-4-11撞击IEC60068-2-27跌落IEC60068-2-32震动IEC60068-2-6安全等级EN60950-1FGT-OP系列百兆5口百兆8口指示灯定义指示灯状态描述说明指示灯状态描述说明指示灯状态描述说明电源指示灯:PWR 常亮正常常灭未加电光口指示灯:LK/ACT 常亮光口连通正常闪烁光口有数据传输常灭光口未连通电口指示灯常亮电口连通正常闪烁电口有数据传输常灭电口未连通产品配眀清单*注意:SFP机型默认不含光模块,如有发现配件短缺或损坏的情况,请及时和我们联系。

FS205 5口百兆交换机使用指南说明书

FS205 5口百兆交换机使用指南说明书

安装指南2012 年 3月5 口百兆交换机 FS205估计安装时间:5-10 分钟包装盒内容此包装盒包含:• 5 口百兆交换机 FS205•交流电源适配器•安装指南(本文档)。





交换机各面距周围至少有 2 英寸(5 厘米)远。


根据网络设备的速度,您需要对每台要连接到交换机的设备使用带有 RJ-45 接头的三类 (10 Mbps) 或五类 (100 Mbps) 以太网线。

每条以太网线的长度应小于 328 英尺(100 米)。



5 口百兆交换机 FS205调制解调器4.检查LED 灯以验证设备已正确连接。

•电源 LED 灯会亮起。

•每个RJ-45 插孔都有一个 LED 灯。

对于每个已连接到加电设备的插孔,Link LED 灯都会亮起,并且当发生活动时 LED 灯会闪烁。

注意 :如果 LED 灯不能按本文所述正常运作,请转到"故障诊断"部分。

技术规格标准兼容性•IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX 快速以太网•IEEE 802.3i 10BASE-T 以太网•IEEE 802.3x 流控制•IEEE 802.3az EEE 高能效以太网网络接口适用于 10BASE-T 和 100BASE-TX 以太网接口的 RJ-45 连接器电源最大 6W ,12V 0.5A 直流电源输入功耗(最大值) 2.3W尺寸110 x 71 x 26 毫米重量0.1 千克操作温度0° 到 40° C (32° 到 104° F )操作湿度最大相对湿度 90%,无冷凝电源适配器安全机构认证CCC性能规格帧过滤率最高 14,880 帧/秒 (10 M 端口);最高 148,800 帧/秒(100M 端口)帧转发率最高 14,880 帧/秒 (10 M 端口);最高 148,800 帧/秒 (100M 端口)网络延迟(使用 64 位包)•100 Mbs :12 µs •10 Mbs :85 µs 地址库大小2K MAC 地址队列缓冲内嵌 384 Kbit电源故障诊断确保您正在使用交换机附带的电源适配器为交换机供电。

非网管型工业以太网交换机 WISE800系列说明书

非网管型工业以太网交换机 WISE800系列说明书





一.特点:a.高性能的以太网交换技术·支持IEEE802.3/802.3u/802.3x/L2协议·存储转发机制,1K地址表·10/100Base-T(TX),自适应以太网接口·广播风暴保护b.工业级电源设计·-35~75°C的工作温度·外壳设计:IP40保护标准,高强度坚固的外形设计·电源故障,可由继电器输出报警,冗余双直流电源输入·导轨式安装方式·电源:220VAC(165-265)输入,24VDC(DL18-36V)输入二.规格:a.技术流控IEEE802.3x流量控制,背压式流控协议标准IEEE802.3,802.3u,802.3x,L2处理类型存储转发,支持IEEE802.3x全双工通讯方式,无阻塞流控方式地址表大小1K地址表b.接口RJ45端口10/100Base-T(TX)自动流速控制,全/半双工通信模式和自动MD/MDI-X连接LED指示灯Power,10/100Base-T(TX)(电口)c.电源输入电压24VDC(12~45VDC)或220VAC(165-265)输入电流直流:0.15A(EDS-208)0.13A(EDS-205)0.25A(EDS-208-M-SC/EDS-208-M-ST)交流:0.22A(EDS-208)0.28A(EDS-205)0.33A(EDS-208-M-SC/EDS-208-M-ST)连接器可插拨的3芯接线端子反接保护提供电流过载保护 1.1Ad.机械特性外壳IP40保护标准,铝制外壳尺寸51x137x113mm(W x H x D)安装方式导轨安装e.工作环境工作温度-35~75°C相对湿度5%~95%(无凝结)f.通过认证MTBF200,000小时安规UL508EMI FCC Part15,CISPR(EN55022)class AEMS EN61000-4-2(ESD):3级EN61000-4-3(RS):3级EN61000-4-4(EFT):3级EN61000-4-5(Surge):3级EN61000-4-6(CS):3级冲击IEC60068-2-27自由掉落IEC60068-2-32震动IEC60068-2-6订购信息WISE800带有10/100Base-T(TX)端口WISE800-1S(M)1端口单模(多模)工业以太网交换机带有10/100Base-T(TX)端口WISE800-2S(M)2端口单模(多模)工业以太网交换机带有10/100Base-T(TX)端口WISE800-6S(M)6端口单模(多模)工业以太网交换机带有10/100Base-T(TX)端口。

NETGEAR 非网管交换机操作指南说明书

NETGEAR 非网管交换机操作指南说明书


第 2 步:连接到电源并开机。

第 1步:连接设备。


计算机因特网第 3 步:检查状态。

电源 LED端口 LED通电以太网连接未通电活动(闪烁)无连接(熄灭)技术支持感谢您购买此 NETGEAR 设备。


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支持热线:4008303815中文技术支持站点:网件社区:技术规格百兆和千兆非网管交换机200 和 300 系列200 系列:• 8 口千兆交换机 GS208300 系列:• 8 口百兆交换机 FS308• 8 口千兆交换机 GS3082016 年 7 月有限保修产品注册感谢您选择NETGEAR产品。

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提供5个百兆自适应以太网端口,其中4个口支持IIEEE 802.3 af/at标准PoE供电。














严守IIEEE 802.3 af/at标准,整机POE输出功率可达120W严守IIEEE 802.3 af/at标准,单端口供电可达30W,整机输出功率高达120W,充分保障每一个端口的供电需求,拥有符合PSE标准的过流、过压、浪涌、短路等防护机制,每个端口都拥有自己的独立电路,配合独立保险丝,即使单路故障,也不影响其他端口的正常工作。



LNP-0500 series5-port Industrial PoE+ Unmanaged Ethernet Switches 4*10/100Tx (30W/Port) + 1*10/100TxUser ManualFCC WarningThis Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class-A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. It may cause harmful interference to radio communications if the equipment is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:⏹Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.⏹Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.⏹Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.⏹Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CE Mark WarningThis is a Class-A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.ContentIntroduction (1)Features (1)Package Contents (2)Hardware Description (3)Physical Dimension (3)Front Panel (4)Top View (4)LED Indicators (5)Ports (6)Cabling (7)Wiring the Power Inputs (8)Wiring the Fault Alarm Contact (9)Mounting Installation (10)DIN-Rail Mounting (10)Wall Mounting (12)Hardware Installation (13)Installation Steps (13)Network Application (14)Troubleshooting (15)Technical Specification (16)IntroductionAntaira’s LNP-0500 series switches are smart 5-port Industrial Unmanaged Ethernet Switches supporting IEEE-802.3at compliant (Power-over-Ethernet Plus) on ports 1 to 4.The switches are classified as power source equipment (PSE), and when used in this way, the LNP-0500 series switches enable centralization of the power supply andprovide up to 30 watts of power per port. The switches can be used to power IEEE802.3af or 802.3at compliant power devices (PD), eliminating the need for additional wiring, and support IEEE 802.3/802.3u/802.3x with 10/100BTx, full or half duplex,MDI/MDI-X auto sensing to provide an economical solution for the Industrial Ethernet Network.In addition, the Network Broadcast Storm Protection and built-in relay warning function alerts network engineers when power failures or port breaks occur.Features⏹System Interface/PerformanceRJ-45 ports support Auto MDI/MDI-X FunctionEmbedded 4-port 10/100Tx w/PoE+ and 1-port 10/100Tx Fast EthernetStore-and-Forward Switching ArchitectureBroadcast Storm Protection2K MAC Address TablePort Break Alarm Mask⏹Power SupplyDC 48 ~ 55V Redundant Power⏹Operating TemperatureStandard Operating Temperature model: -10°C ~ 70°CExtend Operating Temperature model with -T: -40°C ~ 75°C⏹Case/InstallationIP-30 ProtectionInstallation in Pollution Degree 2 EnvironmentDIN Rail and Wall Mount Design⏹Provides EFT protection 2,000 VDC for power line⏹Supports 6,000 VDC Ethernet ESD protection1Package ContentsPlease refer to the package contents list below.⏹LNP-0500 series - 5-Port Industrial PoE+ Unmanaged Ethernet Switch w/DIN RailBracket⏹User Manual⏹Removable Terminal Block⏹Wall-mount Kit (2 Wall-mount Plates with Screws)Compare the contents of the industrial switch with the checklist above. If any item is damaged or missing, please contact Antaira or Antaira’s authorized channel partners for service.2Hardware DescriptionThe Industrial switch’s hardware spec, port, cabling information, and wiring installation will be described.Physical DimensionThe LNP-0500 series - 5-Port Industrial PoE+ Unmanaged Ethernet Switch dimension: (W x D x H) is 30mm x 99mm x 142mm3Front PanelThe Front Panel of the PoE Industrial Switch is shown below:Front Panel of the PoE Industrial SwitchTop ViewThe top view of the PoE Industrial Switch has one terminal block connector of two DC power inputs and relay circuit contact.Top View of the PoE Industrial Switch4LED IndicatorsThe diagnostic LEDs located on the front panel of the industrial switch provide real-time information of the system and optional status. The following table provides the description of the LED status.LED Color DescriptionP1 Green On Power input 1 is active Off Power input 1 is inactiveP2 Green On Power input 2 is active Off Power input 2 is inactiveFault Red On Power input 1 or 2 has failed, port link is inactiveOffPower input 1 and 2 are both functional, or no powerinputs/port’s link is active/port alarm is disabledPoE Indicator (Port 1 ~ 4) GreenOn The port is supplying power to the powered-deviceOff No powered-device attached or power supplying failsLAN Port 1 ~ 5 (RJ-45) Green On Connected to network, 100Mbps Flashing Networking is activeOff Not connected to network Green On Connected to network, 10Mbps Flashing Networking is activeOff Not connected to network5Ports⏹RJ-45 portsThe (RJ-45) Fast Ethernet ports will auto-sense for 10Base-T or 100Base-TX connections. Auto MDI/MDIX means that the switch can connect to another switch or workstation without changing straight through or crossover cabling. Please refer to the table below for RJ-45 pin assignment.⏹RJ-45 Pin AssignmentsPin Number Assignment1 Rx+2 Rx-3 Tx+6 Tx-Note “+” and “-” signs represent the polarity of the wires that make up each wire pair.All ports on this industrial switch supports automatic MDI/MDI-X operation, users can use straight-through cables (See figure below) for all network connections to PCs or servers, or to other switches or hubs. With straight-through cable, pins 1, 2, 3, and 6, at one end of the cable, are connected straight through to pins 1, 2, 3 and 6 at the other end of the cable. The table below shows the 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX MDI and MDI-X port pin outs.Pin MDI-X Signal Name MDI Signal Name1 Receive Data plus (RD+) Transmit Data plus (TD+)2 Receive Data minus (RD-) Transmit Data minus (TD-)3 Transmit Data plus (TD+) Receive Data plus (RD+)6 Transmit Data minus (TD-) Receive Data minus (RD-)6The following figures show the cable schematic for both straight-through type andcrossover type.Straight Through Cable SchematicCross Over Cable SchematicCablingTwisted-pair segments can be connected with an unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP) cable. The cable must comply with the IEEE 802.3u 100Base TX standard (e.g. Category 5, 5e, or 6). The cable between the equipment and the link partner (switch, hub, workstation, etc.) must be less than 100 meters (328 ft.) long.7Wiring the Power InputsPlease follow the steps below to insert the power wire.Insert the positive and negative wires into the PWR1 (V1+, V1-) and PWR2 (V2+,V2-) contacts on the terminal block connector.Tighten the wire-clamp screws to prevent the wires from loosening.Note Use Copper Conductors Only, 60/75°C, Tighten to 5 lb inThe wire gauge for the terminal block should range between 12 ~ 18 AWG.8Wiring the Fault Alarm ContactThe fault alarm contact is in the middle of the terminal block connector as the picture shows below. By inserting the wires, it will detect the fault status including power failure or port link failure (managed industrial switch only) and form a normally open circuit. An application example for the fault alarm contact is shown as below:Note Use Copper Conductors Only, 60/75°C, Tighten to 5 lb inThe wire gauge for the terminal block should range between 12 ~ 24AWG.9Mounting InstallationDIN-Rail MountingThe DIN-Rail is screwed on the industrial switch from the factory. If the DIN-Rail is not screwed on the industrial switch, please see the following pictures to screw the DIN-Rail on the switch. Follow the steps below to hang the industrial switch.1. Use the screws to screw the DIN-Rail bracket on the rear side of the industrialswitch.2. To remove the DIN-Rail bracket, reverse the step 1.3. After the DIN-Rail bracket is screwed on the rear side of the switch, insert the top of10DIN-Rail on to the track.4. Then, lightly pull down the bracket on to the rail.5. Check if the bracket is mounted tight on the rail.6. To remove the industrial switch from the rail, reverse steps above.11Wall MountingFollow the steps below to mount the industrial switch using the wall mount bracket.1. Remove the DIN-Rail bracket from the industrial switch; loosen the screws to removethe DIN-Rail.2. Place the wall mount bracket on the top and bottom of the industrial switch.3. Use the screws to screw the wall mount bracket on the industrial switch.4. Use the hook holes at the corners of the wall mount bracket to hang the industrialswitch on the wall.5. To remove the wall mount bracket, reverse steps above.Below is the dimension of the wall mount bracket.12Hardware InstallationThis section is to explain how to install the LNP-0500 series Industrial PoE+ Unmanaged Ethernet Switch.Installation Steps1. Unpack the Industrial switch packing.2. Check if the DIN-Rail bracket is screwed on the Industrial switch. If the DIN-Rail isnot screwed on the Industrial switch, please refer to the DIN-Rail Mounting section for DIN-Rail installation. If users want to wall mount the Industrial switch, then please refer to the Wall Mounting section for wall mount installation.3. To hang the Industrial switch on a DIN-Rail or wall, please refer to the MountingInstallation section.4. Power on the Industrial switch. Please refer to the Wiring the Power Inputs sectionfor information about how to wire power. The power LED on the Industrial switch will turn on. Please refer to the LED Indicators section for indication of LED lights.5. Prepare the twisted-pair, straight through Category 5/above cable for Ethernetconnection.6. Insert one side of the RJ-45 cable into the Industrial switch Ethernet port and on theother side to the network device’s Ethernet port, e.g. Switch PC or Server. The Ethernet port (RJ-45) LED on the Industrial switch will turn on when the cable is connected to the network device. Please refer to the LED Indicators section for LED light indication.7. When all connections are set and the LED lights all show normal, the installation iscomplete.13Network ApplicationThis segment provides an example of an industrial switch application.14Troubleshooting⏹Verify the right power cord/adapter, never use power supply/adapter with non-compliant DC output voltage, or it will burn the equipment.⏹Select the proper UTP/STP cable to construct the network with using the right cable.Use unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) or shield twisted-pair (STP) cable for RJ-45 connections: 100ΩCategory 5e/above cable for 10M/100Mbps. Also be sure that the length of any twisted-pair connection does not exceed 100 meters (328 feet).⏹Diagnosing LED Indicators: To assist in identifying problems, the Switch can beeasily monitored through LED indicators, which describe common problems a user may encounter and where the user can find possible solutions.⏹If the power indicator LED does not turn on when the power cord is plugged in, theuser may have a problem with the power cord. Check for loose power connections, power losses or surges at the power outlet. Please contact Antaira or Antaira’s authorized channel partners for technical support service, if the problem still cannot be resolved.⏹If the Industrial switch LED indicators are normal and the connected cables arecorrect but the packets still cannot transmit. Please check the system’s Ethernet devices’ configuration or status.15Technical SpecificationThe LNP-0500 series - 5-Port Industrial PoE+ Unmanaged Ethernet Switch technical specifications is shown below.Standard IEEE 802.3 10Base-T EthernetIEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet IEEE802.3x Flow Control and Back Pressure IEEE802.3at Power over EthernetProtocol CSMA/CDTransfer Rate 14,880 pps for 10Base-T Ethernet port148,800 pps for 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet portMAC Address 2K Table sizeRJ45 Port 4*10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, Full/Halfduplex mode, and auto MDI/MDI-X connectionPoE Pin Assignment RJ-45 port #1 ~ # 4 support IEEE 802.3at End-point, Alternative A mode.Positive (VCC+): RJ-45 pin 1, 2.Negative (VCC-): RJ-45 pin 3, 6.Data (1,2,3,6 )LED Per unit: Power 1 (Green), Power 2 (Green), Fault (Red) Per port: Link/Activity (Green)PoE: Feeding Power (Green)Network Cable 10Base-T: 2-pair UTP/STP Cat. 3, 4, 5, 5e cable EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm (100m)100Base-TX: 2-pair UTP/STP Cat. 5/5e, 6 cableEIA/TIA-568 100-ohm (100m)Over CurrentProtectionSingle-Blown FusePower Input Redundant Power DC 48 ~ 55V with Connective 1*6-Pin Removable Terminal Block16Max Power Consumption 110 Watts @ 48V, 130 Watts @ 51-55V Full Load with PoE FunctionInstallation DIN Rail Mounting, Wall MountingOperating Temp. Standard Operating Temperature: -10o C to 70o C Wide Temperature model: -40o C to 75o COperatingHumidity5% to 95% (Non-Condensing)StorageTemperature-40o C to 85o CCase Dimension IP-30, 30mm (W) x 99mm (D) x 142mm (H)EMI FCC Class ACE EN61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/8 CE EN61000-6-2CE EN61000-6-4Safety UL 508, UL Class 1 Division 2, ISA 12.12.01Stability testing IEC60068-2-32 (Free fall) IEC60068-2-27 (Shock) IEC60068-2-6 (Vibration)17。



EDS-2005-ELP Series5-port entry-level unmanaged Ethernet switchesFeatures and Benefits•10/100BaseT(X)(RJ45connector)•Compact size for easy installation•QoS supported to process critical data in heavy traffic•IP40-rated plastic housingCertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-2005-ELP series of industrial Ethernet switches have five10/100M copper ports and a plastic housing,which are ideal for applications that require simple industrial Ethernet connections.Moreover,to provide greater versatility for use with applications from different industries,the EDS-2005-ELP Series also allows users to enable or disable the Quality of Service(QoS)function,and broadcast storm protection(BSP)with DIP switches on the outer panel.The EDS-2005-ELP Series has a12/24/48VDC single power input,DIN-rail mounting,and high-level EMI/EMC capabilities.In addition to its compact size,the EDS-2005-ELP Series has passed a100%burn-in test to ensure it will function reliably after it has been deployed.The EDS-2005-EL Series has a standard operating temperature range of-10to60°C.SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)5Full/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connectionAuto negotiation speedStandards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)IEEE802.3x for flow controlSwitch PropertiesProcessing Type Store and ForwardMAC Table Size8KPacket Buffer Size4MbitsDIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Quality of Service(QoS),Broadcast Storm Protection(BSP)Power ParametersConnection1removable3-contact terminal block(s)Input Current0.045A@24VDCInput Voltage12/24/48VDCOperating Voltage9.6to60VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsDimensions19x81x65mm(0.74x3.19x2.56in)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit) Weight56g(0.12lb)Housing PlasticEnvironmental LimitsAmbient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Operating Temperature-10to60°C(14to140°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Standards and CertificationsSafety UL61010-2-201,EN62368-1(LVD)EMC EN55032/35EMI CISPR22,32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFShock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6Freefall IEC60068-2-32MTBFTime4,814,369hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-2005Series switchDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name 10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)Housing Operating TemperatureEDS-2005-ELP5Plastic-10to60°C Accessories(sold separately)Power SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-4875W/1.6A DIN-rail48VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-18Wall-mounting kit,1plate,18x120x8.5mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb13,2020.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。

工业以太网交换机 HK-8505 使用安装说明书

工业以太网交换机 HK-8505 使用安装说明书


二、性能参数◆兼容性:标准IEEE802.3,802.3u,802.3x◆网路:10/100Base-TX◆以太网传输距离:达到100米◆连接器:5x10/100Base-TX RJ-45端口电源要求:◆直流:9~48V提供反接保护◆交流:9~38V◆过流防护:1.1A功率消耗:◆满载:2.2Watts◆尺寸:150mm×100mm×30mm(长×宽×高)◆外壳:铁壳◆ESD静电防护:4000V(以太网)◆浪涌冲击防护:3000V(电源)◆操作温度:-10℃~60℃(14~1400F)◆储存温度:-40℃~85℃(-67~3020F)◆操作湿度:5%~95%(无凝露)◆储存湿度:0%~95%(无凝露)◆EMI:通过CE、FCC认证三、指示灯a.PWR:如图1所示接入直流9~48V或交流9~38V电源,红色电源指示灯PWR 亮,正常工作。









N-Tron Networking Series 305FX 五接口工业以太网开关说明书

N-Tron Networking Series 305FX 五接口工业以太网开关说明书

305FX Industrial Ethernet SwitchN-Tron Networking SeriesPRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS >Compact Size, Small Footprint >Full IEEE 802.3 and 1613 Compliance >NEMA TS1/TS2 Compliance>Extended Environmental Specifications >Store-and-Forward T echnology >N-View monitoring option availableThe N-Tron ® 305FX is an unmanaged, five port Industrial Ethernet Switch.It is housed in a ruggedized DIN-RAIL enclosure and is designed for use in industrial data acquisition, control, and Ethernet I/O applications.APPLICATIONS >Shipboard Applications >Electric Utility Substations >Traffic ControlcompliantFEATURES & BENEFITS>American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Type Approval >Four 10/100 BaseTX RJ-45 Ports >One 100BaseFX Port ST (shown) or SC >RJ-45 Ports Support Full/Half Duplex Operation >LED Link/Activity Status Indication>Auto Sensing Duplex, Speed and MDIX (RJ-45) >Up to 1.0 Gb/s Maximum Throughput > R ugged Industrial DIN-RAIL Enclosure>Redundant Power Inputs (10-30 VDC) >N -View ™ Monitoring OptionN-View capable models provide tools toremotely monitor network traffic and error conditions. Five switch level variables and forty-one traffic indicators per port are accessible using the N-View PC application provided with the switch. An OPC server, capable of delivering the data to OPC capable applications, is also provided.CASE DIMENSIONS Height: 3.5” (8.9 cm)Width: 2.1” (5.4 cm)Depth: 3.4” (8.7 cm)Weight: 0.75 lbs (0.34 kg)ELECTRICALInput Voltage: 10-30 VDC Input Current: 250 mA@24V BTU/hr: 20.5@24 VDCInrush: 10Amp/0.9ms@24VENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature: -40ºC to 70ºC Storage Temperature: -40ºC to 85ºCOperating Humidity: 10% to 95% (Non Condensing)Operating Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft.SHOCK AND VIBRATION (BULKHEAD MOUNTING)Shock: 200g @ 10msVibration/Seismic: 50g, 5-200Hz, Triaxial NETWORK MEDIA 10BaseT: ≥Cat3 Cable 100BaseTX: ≥Cat5 Cable 100BaseFX:Multimode 50-62.5/125μm Singlemode 7-10/125μmCONNECTORS10/100BaseTX: Four (1) RJ-45 TX Ports 100BaseFX: One (1) ST or SC Duplex Port RECOMMENDED WIRING CLEARANCE Front: 4” (10.16 cm)Top: 1” (2.54 cm)INDUSTRIAL NETWORK SWITCH Compact Size, Small Footprint High Reliability/AvailabilityExtended Environmental Specifications Ruggedized DIN-Rail Enclosure High PerformanceHigh MTBF >2M Hours (measured)EASE OF USEPlug & Play OperationFour Auto Sensing 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 Ports Auto Sensing Duplex, Speed and Cable Type Unmanaged OperationCompact DIN-Rail Package INCREASED PERFORMANCE Full Wire Speed Capable 100BaseFX Fiber Uplink Full Duplex CapableEliminates Network Collisions Increases Network Determinism N-View Monitoring option availableREGULATORY APPROVALS FCC Part 15 Class AUS - UL Listed UL508, ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2007 for use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III Division 1 and 2 Hazardous Locations Groups A,B,C,D,T4ACanada - C22.2 No. 142-M1987 and C22.2 No. 213-1987 for use in Class I, Division 2 Hazardous LocationsCE: EN61000-6-2,4, EN55011, EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6ABS Type Approval for Shipboard Applications EE 1613 for Electric Utility Substations GOST -R Certified RoHS CompliantDIMENSIONSin inches (mm)As the global experts in communication, monitoring and control for industrial automation and networking, Red Lion has been delivering innovative solutions for over forty years. Our award-winning technology enables companies worldwide to gain real-time data visibility that drives productivity. Product brands include Red Lion, N-Tron and Sixnet. With headquarters in York, Pennsylvania, the company has offices across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. For more information, please visit . Red Lion is a Spectris company.w w w.r e d l i o n.n e tConnect. Monitor. Control.ADLD0307 111914 © 2014 Red Lion ControlsAmericas*****************Asia-Pacific ****************EuropeMiddle East Africa******************+1 (717) 767-6511ORDERING GUIDEFIBER TRANSCEIVER CHARACTERISTICS。

晟达 NS-205A 未管理 5 口工业 10 100Mbps 以太网交换机 用户指南说明书

晟达 NS-205A 未管理 5 口工业 10 100Mbps 以太网交换机 用户指南说明书

NS-205AUnmanaged 5-Port Industrial 10/100 Mbps Ethernet SwitchIntroduction:The NS-205A has 5 Ethernet Switching ports that support 10/100 Base-TX,with a 10/100M auto-negotiation feature and auto MDI/MDI-X function. It canconnect 5 workstations and automatically switches the transmission speed (10Mbps or 100 Mbps) for corresponding connections. The flow controlmechanism is also negotiated. There is activity/link/data rate LEDs for eachport to aid trouble-shooting. Port connectors are shielded RJ-45.It contains "softstart" function with overload protection, high-low voltage protection. The widthof the NS-205A is just 33 mm, so it can be used where space is important.The NS-205A provide +12 ~ 56 VDC power input to fit various power source.Specifications:TechnologyStandards IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3xProcessing Type Store & forward, wire speed switchingMAC Addresses 1024Memory Bandwidth 3.2 GbpsFrame buffer memory 512 KbitFlow Control IEEE802.3x flow control, back pressure flow controlInterfaceRJ45 ports 10/100 Base-TX auto negotiation speed, F/H duplex mode, and autoMDI/MDI-X connectionLED Indicators 10/100M, Link/ActEthernet Isolation 1500 Vrms 1 minutePowerInput Voltage Range+12 ~ +56 VDC (Non-isolated)Power Consumption0.1 A @ 24 VDCYesPower reverse polarityprotectionConnector 3-Pin Removable Terminal BlockMechanicalCasing Plastic (Flammability UL 94V-0)Dimensions (W x L x H)33 mm x 78 mm x 107 mmInstallation DIN-RailEnvironmentalOperating Temperature-40 ~ +75 °CStorage Temperature-40 ~ +85 °CAmbient Relative Humidity10% ~ 90% RH, non-condensingLED Indicator Functions:LED Color Description Red On Power is OnPWRRed Off Power is OffOrange On --Port1~4Green On Link/ActPort5Orange On Speed 100 MbpsOrange Off Speed 10 MbpsGreen On Link/ActPin Function for Terminal Block:External power supply is connected using the removable terminal block:+Vs : Power input (+12 ~ 56 VDC) and should be connected to the power supply (+) GND: Ground and should be connected to the power supply (-)F.G. : F.G. stands for Frame Ground (protective ground). It is optional. If you use this pin, it can reduce EMI radiation; improve EMI performance and ESD protection.Dimensions:Left Side View Front View Right Side View Rear View Bottom View Top View。



5口百兆紧凑型交换机使用说明书【概述】5口百兆紧凑型交换机采用高强度IP40防护外壳,工业设计,支持Auto-Negotiation自适应技术,提供全面的LED状态指示,支持电压12~48V DC电源输入,以增加通讯网络的可靠度。

提供2~5个10/100Base-T(X) RJ45电口和1~2个100Base-FX光口(可选FC、ST),可以根据业务口需求灵活的进行光电组合。



【性能特点】符合IEEE802.3/802.3u标准,存储转发交换方式提供2~5个10/100Base-T(X) RJ45以太网接口,支持Auto-Negotiation技术,自动协商工作速率(10M/100M)和双工模式(半双工/全双工),接口自适应提供1~2个100Base-FX光口,默认SC接口,可选FC、ST,可传输120公里采用高强度IP40外壳及工业级EMC设计支持电压12~48V DC电源输入-40~85℃工作温度范围【详细规格】技术标准:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u接口RJ45电口:10/100Base-T(X)速率自侦测、全/半双工模式,接口自适应百兆光口:100Base-FX百兆全双工,默认SC接口,可选FC、ST,可传输120公里交换属性十兆转发速度:14881pps百兆转发速度:148810pps传输方式:存储转发系统交换带宽:1Gbps缓存大小:448KbitsMAC地址表:1K电源12~48V DC电源输入,典型工作电压12V/24V/48V,采用3芯7.62mm间距标准工业端子空载功率:2光2电2.40W /1光4电1.68W/5电0.24W(@24VDC)满载功率:2光2电2.64W /1光4电2.14W/5电0.96W(@24VDC)机械特性尺寸(W×H×D):32mm×103mm×83mm净重:200克【系列清单】安装:壁挂式或导轨式安装工作环境工作温度:-40℃~85℃存储温度:-40℃~85℃相对湿度:5%~95%(无凝露)保修保修期:5年【符合标准】IEC61000-4-2(ESD):±6KV接触放电,±15KV空气放电IEC61000-4-3(RS):10V/M(80-1000MHZ)IEC61000-4-4(EFT):电源端:±4KV ,信号端:±2KVIEC61000-4-5(Surge):电源端:±2KV CM/±1KV DM ,信号端:±4KVIEC61000-4-6(射频传导):3V(10KHZ-150KHZ),10V(150KHZ-80MHZ)IEC61000-4-16(共模传导):30V COUNT 300V ,1SIEC60068-2-6(振动)IEC60068-2-27(冲击)IEC60068-2-32(自由跌落)IEC61000-6-2(通用工业标准)【外观】【LED 指示灯】【接地和电源连接】设备接地:交换机上侧板出有一接地螺丝,此点连接接地线的一端,另一端需可靠接入机房的大地。

NS-205-IP67 5-Port 工业级10 100Mbps Ethernet 交换机文档说明书

NS-205-IP67 5-Port 工业级10 100Mbps Ethernet 交换机文档说明书

NS-205-IP675-Port Industrial 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Switchwith IP67 CasingIntroduction:NS-205-IP67 Ethernet Switches are designedfor use in industrial waterproof/harshenvironments. The rugged packaging andIP67 connectors guarantee a total protectionthat can withstand a variety of extremeconditions such as high temperatures,extreme shocks & vibrations, dust particles oreven liquid immersion. They can be directlymounted to any machine or convenient flatsurface. Even with all its rugged features, theswitch still provides a high level of functionality,including the ability to support full-duplexcommunication and 10Mbps/100Mbpstransmission speeds. With 1.4Gbps of total bandwidth, the switch can simultaneously handle full wire speed communication on each port. A dedicated uplink port enables a connection to other switches without use of a crossover cable. No programming is necessary, as the switch auto-learns network addresses. 10 to 30VDC isolated power input keeps spikes and surges on the power line from damaging the power supply. They are completely plug and play and readyto go right out of the box.Features:z Automatic MDI / MDI-X crossover for plug-and-playz Each port supports both 10/100 Mbps speed auto negotiationz Store-and-forward architecturez Full duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow controlz 1.4Gbps high performance memory bandwidth.z Integrated look-up engine with dedicated 1 K unicast MAC addresses.z Supports +10~+30Vdc voltage with 1KV isolationz Plastic casing with IP67Specifications:TechnologyStandards IEEE802.3, 802.3u, 802.3xPacket Buffer Memory 256 KBProcessing Type Store and ForwardAddress Table Size 1K uni-cast addressesFlow Control IEEE802.3x flow control, back pressure flow control InterfaceRJ45 ports 10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, F/H duplex mode, and auto MDI/MDIX connectionLED Indicators Power, 10/100M, Link/Act10 Base-T (Cat.3, 4,5 UTP cable; 100m Max.)Cable100 Base-TX (Cat.5 UTP cable; 100m Max.)PowerInput Voltage +10 ~ +30Vdc (1KV isolation)0.12A@24VDC, +/- 5% arrowed with 10M Full duplex. Power consumption 0.1A@24VDC, +/- 5% arrowed with 100M Full duplexMechanicalCase PlasticFlammability UL 94V-0 materialsProtection rating IP67 for Operating Temperature -10 °C~ +60°C Environmental ratingProtection rating IP66 for for Operating Temperature -40 °C~ +80°C Dimensions 85 x 126 x 75.5 mm (W x H x D)Installation Wall MountingEnvironmental10 °C~ +60°C (Protection rating IP67)Operating Temperature-40 °C~ +80°C (Protection rating IP66)Storage Temperature -10 ~ +60°C (Protection rating IP67)-40 ~ +85°C (Protection rating IP66)Ambient Relative Humidity 100% RH for Operating Temperature -10 °C~ +60°C10% to 90% non-condensing for Operating Temperature -40 °C~ +80°COrdering InformationNS-205-IP67 Unmanaged 5-Port Industrial Ethernet SwitchNS-205-IP67 CR Unmanaged 5-Port Industrial Ethernet Switch (RoHS)LED functions:Standard RJ45 female connectors are provided. A standard RJ45 plug cable is all that is necessary to connect your device to the unit since switch that supports auto crossover. Table 1 shows the LED indicator functions. The module includes an internal.Table 1LED Color Description Red Power is On PWROffPower is OffOrange Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 1)Off Not Networking Orange Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 2)Off Not Networking Orange Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 3)Off Not Networking Orange Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M (Port 4)Off Not Networking Orange Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 5)Off Not Networking 1 TD+ Transmit Data 2 TD- Transmit Data 3 RD+ Receive Data 4 NC No Connection 5 NC No Connection 6 RD- Receive Data 7 NC No Connection 8 NC No ConnectionPin-Out:Pin Function for Terminal Block:External power supply is connected using the removable terminal block:+Vs : Power input (+10 to +30V) and should be connected to the power supply (+) GND: Ground and should be connected to the power supply (-)F.G. : F.G. stands for Frame Ground (protective ground). It is optional. If you use this pin, it can reduce EMI radiation; improve EMI performance and ESD protection.Installation:Mechanical DimensionsPower Plug WiringInstalled step:Power Plug AssemblyImportant: Make sure to tighten firmly.Installed step:RJ45 Plug AssemblyImportant: Make sure to tighten firmly.Dimensions:。

UT-60408F系列 非网管型工业以太网交换机 说明书

UT-60408F系列 非网管型工业以太网交换机 说明书

132RJ4581RJ4581UT-60408F 系列非网管型以太网交换机说明书二、面板描述UT-60408F 系列是非网管型工业以太网交换机,支持各种百兆光电组合,支持千兆光口(SC/ST/FC/SFP 插槽),即插即用,满足各类工业通信需求。

该系列交换机采用低功耗、无风扇设计,确保无噪声干扰,同时支持-40~85℃工作温度和良好的EMC 电磁兼容性能,保证在恶劣的工业环境中保持稳定的工作,为工厂自动化,智能交通,视频监控等工业应用领域组建快速稳定的网络终端接入网络提供安全可靠的解决方案。

一、概述以UT-60408F-8T-2GSC 前面板和上面板为例:1、直流电源输入端子2、交流电源输入端子3、继电器告警端子4、接地螺丝5、导轨6、继电器告警指示灯7、直流电源指示灯8、交流电源指示灯9、光口状态指示灯10、电口状态指示灯11、100/1000 Base-FX 接口12、10/100Base-T(X)以太网接口三、硬件规格3.1 协议标准IEEE 802.3,IEEE 802.3u 3.2 接口光纤接口:100Base-FX 端口(SC/FC/ST )1000Base-FX 端口(SC/FC/ST /SFP 插槽)RJ45接口:10/100Base-TX 端口,MDI/MDI-X 自适应3.3 传输距离超五类双绞线:100m 光纤跳线:单模:1310nm 20/40/60Km 1550nm 80/100/120Km 多模:1310nm 2Km 3.4 交换性能转发速率:百兆网络接口:148810pps 千兆网络接口:1488095pps 传输模式:存储转发MAC 地址缓存:8K 交换带宽:9.6G3.5 电源需求支持三类电源可选: 1、12/24/48VDC(9.6~57.6VDC)2、AC/DC 110/220V(AC/DC 88~264V)3、12~48VDC(9.6~57.6VDC)和AC/DC 110/220V(AC/DC 88~264V)3.6 功耗满载时整机功耗不大于50W 3.7 机械特性外壳:IP40防护安装安装方式:导轨式安装3.8 机械尺寸尺寸(W ×H ×D ): 170 mm ×60 mm ×140mm 3.9 工作环境工作温度:-40℃ ~85℃存储温度:-40℃ ~85℃相对湿度:0~95%(无凝露)3.10 行业标准EMI :FCC Part 15,CISPR (EN55022) class A EMS :IEC(EN)61000-4-2(ESD) ,IEC(EN)61000-4-3(RS) ,IEC(EN)61000-4-4(EFT) ,IEC(EN)61000-4-5(Surge) ,IEC(EN)61000-4-6(CS) ,IEC(EN)61000-4-8IEC 60068-2-27(Shock)IEC 60068-2-32(Freefall)四、接口定义4.1 10/100Base-T (X )以太网接口该系列交换机提供10/100Base-T (X )端口均支持线缆的MDI/MDI-X 自识别功能。

摩抜 EDS-305 系列 5 埠非網管型 Ethernet 交換器说明书

摩抜 EDS-305 系列 5 埠非網管型 Ethernet 交換器说明书



此外,此系列交換器專為嚴苛的工業環境所設計,例如由Class1Div.2and ATEX Zone2標準定義的危險場所等。



規格Input/Output InterfaceAlarm Contact Channels1relay output with current carrying capacity of1A@24VDCEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)EDS-305/305-T:5EDS-305-M-SC/M-ST/S-SC Series,EDS-305-S-SC-80:4All models support:Auto negotiation speedFull/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connection100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode SC connector)EDS-305-M-SC Series:1100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode ST connector)EDS-305-M-ST Series:1100BaseFX Ports(single-mode SC connector)EDS-305-S-SC:1EDS-305-S-SC-T:1100BaseFX Ports(single-mode SC connector,80km)EDS-305-S-SC-80:1Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlOptical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40km80kmWavelen-gthTypical(nm)130013101550TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to13401530to1570 RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to16001100to1600Optical PowerTX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-50to-5 RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34-3to-34 Link Budget(dB)122929 Dispersion Penalty(dB)311Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).DIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Port break alarmSwitch PropertiesMAC Table Size1KPacket Buffer Size384KProcessing Type Store and ForwardPower ParametersInput Current EDS-305/305-T:0.11A@24VDCEDS-305-M/S Series:0.15A@24VDCConnection1removable6-contact terminal block(s)Operating Voltage12to48VDCInput Voltage24VDC,Redundant dual inputsReverse Polarity Protection SupportedOverload Current Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions53.6x135x105mm(2.11x5.31x4.13in)Weight790g(1.75lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:0to60°C(32to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsHazardous Locations ATEX,Class I Division2EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AMaritime DNV-GLEMC EN55032/24Vibration IEC60068-2-6EMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1MHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:3VIEC61000-4-8PFMFSafety UL508,UL60950-1,CSA C22.2No.60950-1 Shock IEC60068-2-27Freefall IEC60068-2-32MTBFTime422,742hrsStandards MIL-HDBK-217FWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /tw/warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-305Series switchInstallation Kit2x cap,plastic,for RJ45port1x cap,plastic,for SC fiber port(-SC models)1x cap,plastic,for ST fiber port(-ST models) Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty card尺寸訂購資訊Model Name 10/100BaseT(X)PortsRJ45Connector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,SCConnector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,STConnector100BaseFX PortsSingle-Mode,SCConnectorOperating Temp.EDS-3055–––0to60°CEDS-305-T5–––-40to75°CEDS-305-M-SC41––0to60°CEDS-305-M-SC-T41––-40to75°CEDS-305-M-ST4–1–0to60°CEDS-305-M-ST-T4–1–-40to75°CEDS-305-S-SC4––10to60°CEDS-305-S-SC-804––10to60°CEDS-305-S-SC-T4––1-40to75°C配件(選購)Power SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°Coperating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-46Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46.5x66.8x1mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.版權所有.2018年11月12日更新。















z为避免引起火灾, 不要将电缆打结或包住。











目录第一章简介 (5)第二章性能指标 (7)第三章硬件结构 (9)3.1机箱 (9)3.2MIEN2205前面板 (9)第四章硬件安装 (11)4.1 卡轨安装 (11)4.2 电缆连接 (12)4.3 光纤连接 (13)第五章测试方法 (14)5.1 自检过程 (14)5.2 电口测试 (14)5.3 光口测试 (15)第六章组网和系统配置 (16)6.1组网方式 (16)6.2 系统配置 (16)附录一:产品质量保修卡 (20)第一章简介1.1MIEN2205以太网光纤收发器/交换机MIEN2205是1个100Base-FX光纤接口和4电口或5电口10M/100M自适应高性能工业级以太网交换机。


ISE5005D 千兆系列非网管0/1000Base-T(X)接口 通过工业 III 级电磁兼容性检测 宽温设计,工作温度-40°~+85℃ 宽压特性,2x24VDC(12~48VDC) IP40 防护等级,全封闭式金属外壳 默认使能巨帧转发和端口流控功能
� � 电站、交通、工业控制环境下无故障可靠运行 优秀的电磁/辐射/静电防护能力,强电磁干扰下零丢包 � � � � � IP40 密封保护,防尘、防污和碎屑 优秀的电磁兼容与抗辐射性能 真正的工业级设计,工作温度:-40~85°C;工作宽压:24VDC(12~48VDC) 冗余电源输入,工业级电涌保护 坚固的金属外壳,默认外喷防护涂层,防腐、耐候、抗氧化
尺寸(WxHxD) 35mm x 120mm x 100mm 机械结构
项目 IEC 61000-4-3(辐射电场) IEC 61000-4-4(脉冲群) IEC 61000-4-5(浪涌) IEC 61000-4-6(传导骚扰) IEC 61000-4-8(工频磁场) 冲击 自由下落 震动 质保 保修期 IEC60068-2-27 IEC60068-2-32 IEC60068-2-6 五年
ISE5005D 等级 3 等级 3 等级 3 等级 3 等级 4
产品选型 ISE5005D-5GT-24 产品描述 5 个 10/100/1000Base-T(X)端口,24VDC 电源
ISE5005D 系列是 5 端口导轨式千兆系列非网管型工业以太网交换机,专为满足电力、交通、工 业控制及其他严酷工业环境而设计。它集合了高标准的宽温、宽压设计,企业级的线速转发性能及 坚固的外壳、受保护的工业电路等工业级特性于一体,即插即用,满足严酷工业环境下的可靠性需 求。

ICP DAS NS-205AG 5-Port 无管理工业 Gigabit 交换机快速启动指南说明书

ICP DAS NS-205AG 5-Port 无管理工业 Gigabit 交换机快速启动指南说明书
3. Ethernet Wiring:
When making a connection to another device using straight-through UTP cable, make sure the MDI-X to MDI connection rule is followed. The following figure illustrates the pin assignments of a straight-through UTP and a crossover UTP cable:
ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717
The NS-205G/NS-205AG is 5-port unmanaged gigabit switches that support 10/100/1000 Base-T, with a 10/100/1000M auto negotiation feature and auto MDI/MDI-X function. It can connect 5 workstations and automatically switches the transmission speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps) for corresponding connections.
Unmanaged 5-port Industrial 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet Switch Quick Start Guide
Product Website:

NS-205R 工业5口10 100Mbps以太网开关说明书

NS-205R 工业5口10 100Mbps以太网开关说明书

NS-205RIndustrial 5-Port 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Switchwith Conformal CoatingIntroduction:The NS-205R has 5 Ethernet Switching ports that support10/100Base-T(X), with a 10/100M auto-negotiation featureand auto MDI/MDI-X function.It can connect 5 workstations and automatically switchesthe transmission speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps) forcorresponding connections. The flow control mechanism isalso negotiated.NS-205R is designed especially for mission critical and harshenvironmental applications since it comes ready with conformalcoatingFeatures:•Automatic MDI/MDI-X crossover for plug-and-play•Full duplex IEEE 802.3x and half duplex backpressure flow control•Store-and-forward•Supports 4 kV Ethernet ESD protection• 1.4Gbps high performance memory bandwidth. Integrated look-up engine with dedicated 1024 unicast MAC addresses.•Supports +10 ~ 36V DC voltage•Supports operating temperatures from –40 ~ +75 ℃•DIN rail mount for industrial usage• 1.4Gbps high performance memory bandwidth.Specifications:•Compatibility:IEEE 802.3, IEEE802.3u, IEEE802.3x•Interface: 10/100 Base-T(X)•Port: 10/100 Mbps x 5 (Shielded RJ-45 Jack)•Provides LEDs for network and power monitoring•Environment:Operating temperature: –40 ~ +75 ℃Storage Temperature: –40 ~ +85 ℃Relative Humidity: 10 ~ 90% HR, non-condensing•Dimensions: 33 mm x 78 mm x 107 mm (W x L x H)•Power requirements: +10 ~ 36V DC (Removable Terminal Block)•Power consumption: 0.1A@24VDC, +/- 5% arrowed with 10M Full duplex.0.09A@24VDC, +/- 5% arrowed with 100M Full duplex.LED functions:Standard RJ45 female connectors are provided. A standard RJ45 plug cable is all that is necessary to connect your device to the unit since switch that supports auto crossover. Table 1 shows the LED indicator functions. The module includes an internal.Table 1Ethernet Wiring:When making a connection to another device using straight-through UTP cable, make sure the MDI-X to MDI connection rule is followed. The following figure illustrates the pin assignments of a straight-through UTP and a crossover UTP cable:LED Color Description Red Power is On PowerOffPower is OffYellow Link to 10 Mbps Green Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 1)Off Not Networking Yellow Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 2)Off Not Networking Yellow Link to 10 MbpsGreenLink to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 3)Off Not Networking Yellow Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 4)Off Not Networking Yellow Link to 10 MbpsGreen Link to 100 Mbps 10/100M(Port 5)Off Not Networking 1 TD+ Transmit Data 2 TD- Transmit Data 3 RD+ Receive Data 4 NC No Connection 5 NC No Connection 6 RD- Receive Data 7 NC No Connection 8NC No ConnectionPin-Out:Checking Power:Since the NS-205R consumes 2.4W, ensure that your power supply is able to meet this demand. The Input voltage range is +10~+36VDC.External power supply is connected using the removable terminal block as shown below:Pin Function For Terminal Block:External power supply is connected using the removable terminal block:+Vs : Power input (+10 ~ +36V) and should be connected to the power supply (+) GND: Ground and should be connected to the power supply (-)F.G. : F.G. stands for Frame Ground (protective ground). It is optional. If you use this pin, it can reduce EMI radiation; improve EMI performance and ESD protection. Dimensions:The width of the NS-205R is just 33 mm, so it can be used where space is important.。

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5口非网管工业以太网交换机(紧凑型)5口百兆紧凑型交换机采用高强度IP40防护外壳,工业级EMC设计,支持Auto-Negotiation自适应技术,提供LED状态指示,支持电压12~48V DC电源输入,以增加通讯网络的可靠度。

提供2~5个10/100Base-T(X) RJ45电口和1~2个100Base-FX光口(可选FC、ST),可以根据业务口需求灵活的进行光电组合。



* 符合IEEE802.3/802.3u标准,存储转发交换方式
* 提供2~5个10/100Base-T(X) RJ45以太网接口,支持Auto-Negotiation 技术,自动协商工作速率(10M/100M)和双工模式(半双工/全双工),支持端口自动翻转
* 提供1~2个100Base-FX光口,默认SC接口,可选FC、ST,可传输120公里
* 采用高强度IP40外壳及工业级EMC设计
* 支持电压12~48V DC电源输入
* -40~85℃工作温度范围
* 标准:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u
* RJ45电口:10/100Base-T(X)速率自侦测、全/半双工模式,支持端口自动翻转
* 百兆光口:100Base-FX百兆全双工,默认SC接口,可选FC、ST,可传输120公里
* 十兆转发速度:14881pps
* 百兆转发速度:148810pps
* 传输方式:存储转发
* 系统交换带宽:1Gbps
* 缓存大小:448Kbits
* MAC地址表:1K
* 12~48V DC电源输入,典型工作电压12V/24V/48V,采用3芯7.62mm 间距标准工业端子
* 空载功率:2光2电2.40W /1光4电1.68W/5电0.24W(24VDC) * 满载功率:2光2电2.64W /1光4电2.14W/5电0.96W(24VDC) 机械特性
* 尺寸(W×H×D):32mm×103mm×83mm
* 净重:200克
* 外壳:IP40等级保护,金属外壳
* 安装:壁挂式或导轨式安装
* 工作温度:-40℃~85℃
* 存储温度:-40℃~85℃
* 相对湿度:5%~95%(无凝露)
* IEC61000-4-2(ESD):±6KV接触放电,±15KV空气放电
* IEC61000-4-3(RS):10V/M(80-1000MHZ)
* IEC61000-4-4(EFT):电源端:±4KV,信号端:±2KV
* IEC61000-4-5(Surge):电源端:±2KV CM/±1KV DM,信号端:±4KV * IEC61000-4-6(射频传导):3V(10KHZ-150KHZ),10V(150KHZ-80MHZ) * IEC61000-4-16(共模传导):30V COUNT 300V,1S
* IEC60068-2-6(振动)
* IEC60068-2-27(冲击)
* IEC60068-2-32(自由跌落)
* IEC61000-6-2(通用工业标准)。
