全国通用小升初英语专项练习 一般将来时 选择题(含答案及解析)

全国通用小升初英语专项练习 一般将来时 选择题(含答案及解析)
全国通用小升初英语专项练习 一般将来时 选择题(含答案及解析)



1.—What are you going to do next Sunday?—

A.I'm going to climb mountains.

B.I climbed mountains.

C.I am climbing mountains.

2.He _________ the king at the party next weekend.

A.is going to

B.is going to be


3.I'm going to _______ tomorrow.



C.to swim

4.I'll ________ three stamps and four postcards.




5.— Will you go to Taipei next month?

—Yes, ___________.

A.I will

B.I am

C.I won't

6.My sister and brother buy some word books tonight.

A.am going to

B.is going to

C.are going to

7.()We are going to eat _________ ten o'clock.




8.Jim is leaving ________Shanghai tomorrow.




9.—Will you visit your grandma tomorrow?


A.Yes,I do.

B.Yes, I won't.

C.No, I won't.

10.I will say hello ________my teacher.




11.It's rainy. I ________ go to the supermarket. I don't want to be wet.


B.am not

C.will not

12.She will ________ fly a kite.




13.He will ________ you.




14.I am _____to an art museum tomorrow.




15.What are you going to do_______?




16.Tomorrow Tim and Anne will ____to the zoo.




17.— your father you to the park tomorrow?

—Yes, tomorrow is Sunday.

A.Do, take

B.Did, take

18.We are going to have a farewell party,I a song at the party.

A.will sing



19.They are getting ready fly Shanghai their holiday.

A.for, to, to

B.to, to, for

C.for, for, to

D.to, to, to

20.I'm my grandmother tomorrow.


B.going to visit


21.I will _____ them.




22.We're going to Chinese.




D. making

23.I _______ my grandmother next Sunday.

A.am going to visit



24.________ you ________ free tomorrow?

A.Are; going to be

B.Are; going to

C.Do; going to

25.We will go to Beijing

A.next week

https://www.360docs.net/doc/365767393.html,st week

C.every week

26.We ________ to the zoo to see the monkeys tomorrow.

A.will go



27.Tomorrow I ______ to Hainan.

A.am go

B.am going


28.In the future, students online at home.

A.will study


C.is studying

29.I'm going to study many subjects and learn ________ my new friends ________.

A.of, happy

B.with, happily

C.for, happily

30.________ you going to Xinjiang tomorrow?





第 1 题:




第 2 题:



【解析】【分析】next weekend意思是下周末,是一般将来时,用be going to ,he是第三人称单数,be 动词用is, 成为国王是be the king。故选B。


第 3 题:


【解析】【分析】句意:明天我打算去游泳。A. 游泳(动词原形);B. 游泳(现在分词)C.游泳(动词不定式)。根据将来时结构be going to do--判断需要动词原形,故选A。


第 4 题:





第 5 题:



【解析】【分析】句意是—你下个月将会去台北吗?—是的,我会。一般将来时的一般疑问句,肯定回答要使用Yes,人+won't。因为第二人称提问,要使用第一人称回答,即Yes, I will。故选A。


第 6 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:我姐姐和弟弟今晚......买一些书。本句是一般将来时,构成be going to+动词原形,主语是复数,be用are,故选C.


第7 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:我们打算10点钟吃。在月份的名词前常用介词in,on用在具体的某一天,at用在钟点前面;ten o'clock十点钟,因此用介词at,故选C。


第8 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:明天吉姆将动身去上海。A.为;B. 在--上;C. 在。leave for a place固定短语“动身去某地”for表目的,故选A。


第9 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:—明天你将看望你奶奶吗?—___。A. 助动词do不合题意;B. 结构不对,yes不能跟否定结构,C.不,我不去。符合题意,故选C。


第10 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:我将向老师打招呼。“say hello to sb”是固定用法,意思是“向某人打招呼”,故选B。【点评】本题主要考查“say hello to sb”固定用法,需要平时积累记忆。

第11 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:下雨了。我____去超市。我不想淋湿。A. 将要;B.不是;C.将不;根据“不想淋湿”得知将不会去,故选C。


第12 题:





第13 题:





第14 题:


【解析】【分析】句意:明天我打算去一个画展。根据将来时结构be going to do--判断需要going,故选B。【点评】考查一般将来时,知道其构成,注意平时的积累。

第15 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:___你打算干什么?A. 昨天;B. 现在;C.明天。根据句中的be gong to结构判断该句子是一般将来时,故选C。


第16 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:明天提姆和安妮将.....动物园。本句是一般将来时,构成will+动词原形,选项A 去,现在分词,选项B去,三单形式,选项C去,动词原形,故选C.


第17 题:





第18 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:我们打算举行惜别会,我将在晚会上唱首歌。根据are going to判断该句子是一般将来时,故选A。


第19 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:他们正准备飞往上海度假。get ready to do sth准备干某事,fiy to--飞往某地,for 表目的,故选B。

第20 题:



【解析】【分析】句意是我打算明天去拜访我的祖母。根据关键词tomorrow表达明天可知,句子时态要使用一般将来时;其结构为be going to+动词原形可知,故选B。


第21 题:





第22 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:我们将要……汉语。本句是一般将来时,构成be going to +动词原形,选项A正在说,现在分词,选项B说,动词原形,选项C说,三单形式,选项D正在制作,现在分词,故选B.


第23 题:



【解析】【分析】句意是我打算下周日去看望我的祖母。根据时间状语next Sunday表达下周日可知,此句时态要使用一般将来时be going to表达。主语I,be动词要使用am,后接going to visit。故选A。


第24 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:明天你有空吗?tomorrow明天,是一般将来时的时间状语,构成be going to,主语是you你,be用are,free是形容词,to后面接be+形容词,故选A.


第25 题:


【解析】【分析】句意: ...... 我们将去北京。A选项是: 下周,B选项是: 上周,C选项是: 每周。句子时态是一般将来时, 只有A选项时间和将来时搭配。故答案为: A.


第26 题:



【解析】【分析】句意: 我们明天......动物园看猴子。根据时间tomorrow"明天", 句子时态用一般将来时, A 选项用于将来时,B选项用语一般现在时,C选项用于过去时。A选项正确。故答案为: A.【点评】这是考查时态的题目。要掌握一般将来时的判定。

第27 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:明天我……去海南。本句是一般将来时,构成be going to打算,本句主语是第一人称,be用am,故选B.


第28 题:



【解析】【分析】句意:在将来,学生们将在家里在线学习。A. 学习(一般将来时结构);B. 参观(动词原形);C.参观(现在进行时)。根据时间词In the future“在将来”判断该句子是一般将来时,故选A。【点评】考查一般将来时,知道其构成,注意平时的积累。

第29 题:





第30 题:






选择题强化训练 B 1. He always uses my first name, although he is . A. my junior several years C. my several years junior B. several years my junior D. junior my several years A 2. This is just my kind of diet---no food, plenty of fruit and vegetables, which I love. A. junk B. delicious C. main D. tasty D 3. A beautiful newly constructed highway its way along the coast of the island. A. takes B. turns C. forms D. winds C 4. Vitamin C helps to combat stress either from worry or from intense exercise. A. mental B emotional C. physical D. psychological B 5. Not only is measles a killer, but it also causes blindness, deafness and mental in thousands of children every year. A. hurt B. handicap C. harm D. damage A 6. the left mouse button twice and your card design will be printed. A. Click B. Contact C. Cover D. Crash C 7. Many beautiful landscapes that glow in the gallery are sadly in reality. A. sparked B. reflected C. decayed D. protected D 8. Few actors have so fully the deepest feelings of Shakespeare as Olivier Laurence. A. transmitted B. performed C. managed D. interpreted A 9. As the policeman approached the door of the bank, he a black briefcase leaning against the wall. A. spotted B. strolled C. spoiled D. stooped C 10. Money, of course, is no for the loss of life or limb. A. tolerance B. response C. substitute D. incentive D 11. The goat its neck to make a grab at a fallen twig on the ground. A. made B. handled C. caught D. twisted B 12. As a mother, I give advice when my children need it, but basically our relationship is one equals. A. with B. between C. from D. beneath C 13. The city of Kyoto, lies by hills and is frequently bathed in mists. A. surrounds B. surrounding C. surrounded D. to surround A 14. Banks raised interest rates five times from mid-1989 to mid-1991, squeezing the bubbles in the stock and property markets. A. in hopes of B. in charge of C. in terms of D. in favor of B 15. A Xinhua news reporter who has just returned from Iraq the war will give us a talk this afternoon in the auditorium. A. composing B. covering C. transmitting D. enclosing D 16. In America, many people don’t care who the country and seldom go to the polls. A. fits B. sets C. puts D defect


英语介词试题(有答案和解析)及解析 一、初中英语介词 1.Our classes are over noon and then we go to have a rest 1:00 in the afternoon. A. at; at B. in; in C. in; at D. at; in 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们的课在中午结束,然后我们在下午一点去休息。第一个空,at noon在中午,固定搭配;第二个空,在具体时刻的前面要用介词at; 故选A。 【点评】考查介词。 2.—Excuse me. Where is the nearest bookstore? —Go ________ Center Street and you'll find it. A. For B. along C. with 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——打扰一下。最近的书店在哪里?——一直沿着中心街走,你就会发现它。A.为了;B.沿着;C.和。go along,沿着……走,固定搭配,故选B。 【点评】考查介词辨析。注意句子涉及到固定搭配go along。 3.If the singer to Zigong September 20th, please call me. A. will get; on B. gets; on C. gets; in 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:如果这个歌手在9月20号来自贡的话,请给我打电话。本题考查动词时态及介词。if 引导的条件状语,时态要遵从主将从现,从句的主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数;表示具体某一天用介词on,故选B。 【点评】此题考查一般现在时和介词用法。注意if引导的条件状语从句的时态。 4.Most of the villagers took part in the Dragon Boat races 9:00a. m. the morning of Jun 7. A. at; in B. on; on C. on; in D. at; on 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:大多数村民在六月七日上午九点参加了参加了龙舟比赛。在时间点用介词at,介词in用在年月前面,在确切的日期前用介词on,故选D。 【点评】此题考查介词用法。注意常用介词的使用规则。 5.—When is your birthday, Li Fang? —It's _____________ July 26. A. on B. to C. in 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——李芳,你的生日是什么时候?——是在7月26日。on在……


全新版大学英语综合教程3一课一练选择题解析 为避免大家总是找答案麻烦,整理了一下答案共享啦~~~不过有好几处查了很多资料都没找到解释,如果有人知道的话,求解释。这是我找的资料外加自己的一点解释整合的,英语不算好,难免有些错误,请指正。 Unit1 Part4 63.A cut off 切断;中断,使死亡;剥夺继续权 Cut down 削减;砍到;删节;胜过 Cut back 削减;修剪;【美】倒叙;急忙返回 Cut out 切掉;删去;停止;关掉 64.B missing 不见了 65.D subordinate从属的;次要的inferior差的 66.A limitation限制boundary 疆界restraint抑制,克制,约束n. Confinement n.限制,监督,分娩 67.B take to 喜欢;走向;开始从事take after 照顾 Take for 认为;以为take over 接管 68.D go with 搭配 69.A illustrate 用图文解释 70.B supplement ...with...用...增补replenish vt.增补。不知道怎么区别,找了很多资料,也没分清。如果有人知道,求解释。 71.A be subject to 使服从;使遭受;受。。。管制;opposite 后无to ;

resistant to抵抗,反抗,顽固的;contrary to 与。。。什么相反 72.C ratio比例;比率;比值rate率scale 规模;比例 73.B in a word 总之 74.B make sense 有意义 75.B trap陷阱tap 水龙头,轻打 76.C do favor for sb.帮助某人 77.B at one time 曾经;一度;同时in time 及时;迟早on time 准时at times 有时 Part5 78.D That the dogs was....这是一个主语从句,且不缺成分,所以用that 79.A suggest that ...(should)do句型 80.B to do 表示将要完成,修饰the work 81.C 这不是do nothing but do 句型,前面一个句子的动词是sat 82.A 定语从句,当先行词是疑问词时,用that,不能用who 83.C there is(was) +no +名词+but 相当于it is(was) impossible for sb. To do 84.D I would just as soon 我倒宁愿。。。 85.C 倒装 86.D provided conj. 假如lest conj.唯恐 87.C can 不能影响than后的句子,因为被than阻隔了 88.A 定语从句without whom 没有他 89.A 省略的主语应当是what


小学英语练习题及答案解析 说明:请在答卷上作答;全卷共6页,九大题,满分100分,考试时间为50分钟。 I. 语音找出划线部分读音不同的单词(每题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. A. bird B. doctor C. nurse D. girl 【参考答案】B 【知识点】/?:/和/?/长短原因的区别 【解析】考查/?:/和/?/长短原因的区别。A, C, D三个都是发长音/?:/,B职业类的单词or/er都发短音/?/。 ( ) 2. A. when B. what C. who D. which 【参考答案】C 【知识点】辅音字母组合wh的发音 【分析】通常情况下,wh读/w/ 如:when,white,wheat,where; 在o之前,wh读/h/ 如:who,whose,whole,whom. ( ) 3. A. good B. wool C. spoon D. foot 【参考答案】C 【知识点】“oo”字母组合发音规律 【解析】考查“oo”字母组合发音规律。“good, foot, stood, wood, wool”,“k结尾单词—book, look…”都发短音。故答案选C。 ( ) 4. A. talk . B. fall C. chalk D. already 【参考答案】B 【知识点】细节分析 【解析】A, C, D 都发/?: /, 而B 发/?: l /。 ( ) 5. A. elbow B. dress C. children D. elephant 【参考答案】C 【知识点】字母e的发音 【解析】考查了字母e的发音。A, B, D都发/e/,C发/? /。

英语 有详细讲解的选择题

77) He often ( ) in his speech. A tumbles B jumbles C rumbles D stumbles 答案:D 本题大意:他讲话时经常结结巴巴。 Tumbles意为“(使)跌倒、滚下” Eg:to tumble off a bike从自行车上摔下来。 Jumbles意为“混杂、搀杂、(使)混乱” Rumbles意为“隆隆声” Eg:the thunder rumbled in a distance.远处雷声隆隆。 Stumbles意为“结结巴巴说话、踌躇” Eg:he was so nervous when he made the speech that he stumbled over his words.他演讲时因为过度紧张结果说话时结结巴巴。 78) This is the ( ) piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works. A true B original C real D genuine 答案:B 本题大意:这是架最早的钢琴,在上面这位作曲家创作了他的一些伟大的作品。True意为“真实的,正确的”; Original意为“最初的,本来的”; Real意为“真的,真实的”; Genuine意为“真正的”Eg:genuine gold真金。 79) The directions were so () that it was impossible to complete the assignment. A ingenious B ambitious C notorious D ambiguous 答案:D 本题大意:这些指令如此模棱两可,以至于无法完成这项任务。 So…that…表明空格处的单词解释了为什么无法完成任务,肯定是这些指令不清楚。 Ingenious意为“机灵的,有独创性的”; Ambitious意为“野心勃勃的,有抱负的”; Notorious意为“臭名昭著”; Ambiguous意为“模棱两可的,不明确的”。 80) The committee is expected to_________ a decision this evening. A. reach B. arrive C. bring D. take 答案:A 解析: 我们习惯上说:come to a decision, arrive at a decision, reach a decision,做出决定。 81) We could do nothing but ________ the order. A.obey B.to obey C. obeying D. obeyed


英语试卷及答案解析 【篇一:2012年高考全国卷(新课标)英语试卷答案及解 析】 xt>第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:it is generally considered unwise to give a childhe or she wants. a. however b. whatever c. whichever d. whenever 答案是b。 21. — which one of these do you want? — a. i dont mindb. im sure c. no problem d. go ahead 【参考答案】a 【考查内容】情景交际 【解析思路】--你想要这些中的哪一个?--我不介意,都可以。 22. sarah looked at finished painting with satisfaction. a. 不填; a b. a; the c. the; 不填 d. the; a 【参考答案】c 【考查内容】冠词 【解析思路】第一个是特指完成的画,第二个是相当于副词,满意地。 23. life is like walking in the snow, granny used to say, because every step . a. has shown b. is showing c. shows d. showed 【参考答案】c 【考查内容】一般现在时 【解析思路】每一步都留下痕迹,讲的是一般情况。 24. it is by no means clearthe president can do to end the strike. a. how b. which c. that d. what 【参考答案】d 【考查内容】主语从句 【解析思路】后面从句缺少宾语。 25. i dont believe weve met before, i must say you do look familiar.


(安徽)1 -- Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students? -- , I do. I think it's a great idea. A. Really B. Obviously C. Actually D. Generally 答案:C (福建)2. It seems that living green is easy and affordable. A small step masks a big difference. A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly 【答案】C 考查副词。exactly:准确地;fortunately:幸运地;surprisingly:惊讶地,出乎意料地;hardly:几乎不。题干意思是:似乎保护环境是出乎意料的简单可行,小小的行动能带来很大的不同。选C。 (湖北)3. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of ______ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique 【答案】B 考查形容词。既然石油和煤都越来越少,人们只好使用一些其它可替代这些燃料的东西,alternative 有“可选择的,可替代的”之意,符合句意。primary“首要的,初期的”,instant“立即的,迅速的”,unique“独特的”。 (湖北)4. The questionnaire takes ______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview. A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely 【答案】C 考查副词。这里意思是“问卷大约需要10至15分钟完成”,应选择approximately “大约地”。mainly“主要地”,punctually“准时地”,precisely“精确地”。 (湖南)5.I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person. A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always 【答案】C 句意为:我绝不会成为一名教师。因为我不是一个很有耐心的人。seldom表示“很少”;ever表示“永远”用在肯定句中;never表示“绝不,从来没有”always 表示“总是”。 (江西)6. Frank put the mediocre in the top drawer to make sure it would not be_______ to the kids. A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive 【答案】A考查形容词的辨析。Be accessible to 为……能够接近;be relative to 和……有关系;be acceptable to 为……所接受;be sensitive to 对……敏感, 易接受。 (海南)7. How much she looked without her glasses! A. well B. good C. best D. better 【答案】D 考查系动词后跟形容词作表语。句意为:没有眼镜她看的多么好?与戴眼镜形成对比。 (四川)8. My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours , but it is twice _______ expensive . A. as B. so C. too D. very 【答案】A 考查倍数的表示方法。该题采用了“倍数+as+adj./adv+as ”这一结构,所以答案为A。 (天津)9. It was a nice house, but _______ too small for a family of live. A. rarely B. fairly C. rather D. pretty


(英语)英语代词练习题及答案及解析 一、单项选择代词 1.—The exam was easy, wasn't it? —Yes, but I don't think ________ could pass it. A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody 【答案】D 【解析】 everybody同表否定意义的词连用时,表达的是部分否定的意义。下句意同“考试是容易。但是我想并非每个人都能通过”。 2.—I wonder how often you will clean up your room by yourself. —________ other day. A.In B.Every C.For D.Each 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查代词和介词词义辨析。句意:——我想知道你多久打扫一次自个的房间?——每隔一天。A. In在某一点,在…之内;B. Every每一,每个,每一次;C. For关于,给,代表;D. Each(两个或两个以上的人或物中)每个。every,每隔…,every other day每隔一天。故选B。 【点睛】 “每隔”的表达方法: 1.“every+基数词(大于或等于2)+复数名词”意思是“每…”。例如: We hand in our homework every three days.我们每三天/每隔两天交一次作业。 2.“every+序数词(大于或等于2)+单数名词”意思是“每…”。例如: The Olympic Games are held every fourth year.奥林匹克运动会每四年/每隔三年举办一次。 3.“every other+基数词(大于或等于2)+复数名词”意思是“每隔…”。例如: I had to sit down and rest every other four minutes.我每隔4分钟就得坐下休息。 4.“every other +零基数词(等于1)+单数名词”意思是“每隔…”。例如: Take this medicine every other day.这药每两天/每隔一天服一次。 5.“every few+复数名词”意思是“每隔几…”。例如: He came to see me every few days.他每隔几天来看我一次。 3.Our monitor’s breaking the record at the sports meeting was an exciting moment, ________ all of us will always treasure. A.that B.it C.one D.what 【答案】C 【解析】


二、词汇题(650题) 1. The manager asked his secretary if it was possible for her to ______ the investment plan within five days. A) work out B) make out C) take out D) set out 2. She called me up______ she received my letter. A) promptly B) immediately C) quickly D) properly 3. Leaning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, or a question of ______ new knowledge. A) obtaining B) gaining C) achieving D) acquiring 4. Scientists have found new uses for some ______ such as mercury and lead. A) stuff B) matters C) substances D) materials 5. This book is ______ as it is the only one ever signed by the author. A) special B) unique C) rare D) unusual 6. Ann’s boss is always finding ______with her the way she does things. A) error B) mistake C) fault D) flaw


(A) 1. The play begins at 6: 40 pm. So we have to be at the theatre ________ 6:30 pm at the latest. A. after B. around C. until D. by 2. They held a ceremony ________ those killed in the battle. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of 3. After finishing middle school, my sister did nothing ________ at home. A. but to read B. but read C. besides reading D. except to read 4. Write your name and address on your bag ________ you lose it. A. in any case B. in case C. in no case D. in that case 5. — ________ did the professor give you much advice? — The choice of a career. A. On what B. In what C. What D. For what 6. I made coat ________ my own hands. It was made ________ hand not with a machine. A. in; in B. in; with C. with; by D. with; with 7. He is running ________ the wind towards the east of the station ________ Tom running ________ the right. A. down; and; on B. against; with; on C. for; with; in D. with; while; to 8. Not all of us know the difference ________ wheat, oats and barley. A. among B. between C. from D. in 9. The young singer is quite popular ________ the public. She’s made a remarkable achievement ________ a girl of her age. A. with; to B. to; for C. with; for D. for; to 10. The apple trees have lots of big apples ________ them. And some birds are singing ________ the trees. A. in; on B. at; in C. on; in D. with; through 11. That woman will quarrel ________ everybody ________ anything. A. about; about B. about; with C. with; about D. with; with 12. The weather this month has been good ________ . A. on the whole B. generally speaking C. above all D. on one hand 13. We should divide all the potatoes ________ two piles and separated the good ones ________ the bad ones. A. from; by B. into; from C. into; into D. from; into 14. They said the building would be completed ________ a year. A. after B. for C. in D. about 15. — These boxes are too heavy for me to carry. —Here, I’ll give you a hand ________ them. A. for B. to C. with D. by


单项填空(从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)。 1.When Jack arrived, he learned Mary for almost an hour. A. had gone B. had been away C. had left D. had away 答案: B 分析:时间段短语(”for almost an hour”)只能修饰延续性动词或是状态。Go, leave均为瞬间动词,不能被“for almost an hour”修饰。D缺动词,句子结构不完整。 2.The ground is very wet, it last night. A. should have rained B.can’t have rained C. must have rained D. shouldn’t have rained 答案: C 分析:must have done 表示对过去或已完成动作的肯定推测,should (not)have done 为虚拟语气,表示本(不)应该怎样。Can’t ha ve done 表示对过去或已完成动作的否定推测。 3.With him the way, we had little trouble finding the school. A. leading B. led C. to lead D. lead 答案: A 分析:逻辑主语Him 与动词lead the way 是主动关系,且with + sb 后只能跟doing(表主动)或是done(表被动)的形式,因此选表示主动关系的A。 4. ——Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? ——I don’t know, A. so I don’t care B. nor do I care C. I don’t care neither D. I don’t care also 答案: B 分析:nor放句首可以表示再次否定,但需用部分倒装形式;或是either 在句尾构成再次否定,句子顺序不变。 5. ——Let me introduce myself to you. I’m Tom Smith. —— A. What a pleasure B. It’s my pleasure C. Pleased to meet you D. I’m very pleased 答案: C 分析:C为初次见面时固定寒暄语,表示“很高兴见到你” 6.After hour and a half, we watched a(an) football match. A. an; living B. one; living C. one; alive D. an; live 答案: D 分析:an hour/two hours /… and a half 表示一个/两个/…半小时, living 作形容词表示”活着的”;”alive”只做后置定语或是表语, 也表示”活着的”; “live”做形容词是”现场的”意思,如 a live concert(一场现场音乐会). 7. We visited Haier Group last Sunday , products sell well at home and abroad. A. when B. whose C. its D. on which 答案: B 分析: 考察定语从句疑问代词的用法.whose 表示所属关系. 8. Closing factory means more workers out of work. A. to put B. put C. putting D. being put 答案: C


(英语)英语完形填空练习题及答案及解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My mother died at the age of thirty-six, leaving me aged seven. I was 1 mainly by relatives when my father remarried. By my early twenties, I had learned that my mother, who had polio (小儿麻痹症) as a young child, had not been 2 to live past her early twenties. After the tough upbringing I've had, I began to 3 why she chose to have children when she knew she would die 4 . Finally, from my aunt, I got a simple answer: My mother had always 5 the doctors' prediction. She had done so well with her 6 issues that she thought she would live long enough to raise me. I got a little relieved. 7 I still felt deeply 8 that my mother had left me in such a 9 situation. And then the 10 came. There were no words spoken and no thoughts 11 but only feelings. I recall no background to the dream ― only the 12 of my mother walking toward me. She was 13 of the serious scoliosis (脊柱侧弯) that had troubled her. She walked straight and came toward me with her arms open, her kind eyes shining even more brightly than I 14 , a beautiful smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around me and I returned her a warm hug. We 15 stood, holding each other as a strong feeling of deep love 16 over me. At that dream moment I knew my mother had never 17 to bring me into the world and then leave. She loved me then and she had kept loving me. Thirty-five years ago I awoke from that dream with a great peace. My sadness 18 . I have never had a single moment of doubt about my mother's love 19 . I continue my life, in the 20 that my mother's unconditional love is always there. 1. A. raised up B. made up C. brought up D. picked up 2. A. suggested B. expected C. promised D. proved 3. A. wonder B. understand C. realize D. appreciate 4. A. alone B. fast C. poor D. young 5. A. suited B. challenged C. followed D. failed 6. A. emotion B. management C. academy D. health 7. A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. Therefore 8. A. delighted B. worried C. excited D. hurt 9. A. difficult B. special C. strange D. different 10. A. chance B. problem C. dream D. decision 11. A. exchanged B. provided C. gained D. offered 12. A. imagination B. voice C. smile D. figure 13. A. aware B. free C. full D. sick 14. A. concluded B. realized C. remembered D. predicted 15. A. actually B. simply C. finally D. always


2014高考英语:单项选择自测题(11)及答案解析 31.It is _______ great shock for all of us to hear _______ news that three university students lost their lives because of saving others. A. the;a B. /;a C. /;/ D.a;the 32.According to the school rules, no student_______ go out of the school after eleven o’clock at night without the teacher’s permission. A. will B.shall C. must D. may 33.It was very _______ of you to let us know you were going to be late for the party. A. particular B. merciful C. considerate D. considerable 34.I’d like to do something for you_______ everything you have done for me. A. in exchange B. in turn C. in return for D. in terms of 35. Jasper is a great painter. He is _____ Picasso. A. as a great as B. as great painter as C. as great a painter as D. so great a painter as 36. He picked up an envelope ____50 dollars in it. A. containing B. contained C. which contains D. which was contained 37.She did not take the advice that she ___ at rush hour, so she got lost. A. not travel B. did not go C. should travel D. goes shopping 38.The child should be punished. You should’t let him _______ telling lies. A. keep away from B. keep away with C. get away from D. get away with 39. The new law has come into _____; surely it will have _____on industry of the country. A. affect; an effect B. effect; affect C. effect; an effect D. an effect; an effect 40. —Can I _________, sir? —Yes, please. Two dinks. A. order you B. have your order C. obey your order D. order 41. What a big surprise to see you here! I _______ you ____ still abroad. A. think; were B. thought; are C. think; are D. thought; were
