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这个曾经的私家花园如今是苏州不得不看的精致。拙政园是一处画家造的园,文征明笔下皆美 景,他所造之美景亦如画。这里的春夏秋冬,一时一景,时时不同。春来杜鹃别样红,夏至荷 叶碧连天,秋风吹艳木芙蓉,寒冬梅花闹枝头。
The Humble Adminstrator's Garden This is once private garden, and now it is a must-see delicacy of Suzhou. It is suitable for all four seasons. Spring for azalea, summer for lotus, autumn for hibiscus and winter for plums.
The Humble Adminstrator's Garden
姑苏四大名园之一,经历了650年悠悠历史长河。由大大 小小无数的太湖石堆叠而成的形态各异的假山堆砌出了 这人间的俊秀。狮子林因园内假山而得名,亦因假山而 闻名。这里假山连着假山,穿行其中仿佛儿时与玩伴捉 着迷藏,其中之乐不言而喻。
Lion Forest Garden It's one of the top four greatest gardens in Suzhou and enjoys the long history of 650 years. It is famous for different shapes of artificial hills built or Taihu stones.
飘逸就飘逸在那水上。所谓湾仔水中央,沧浪亭就是这样被一泓池水包围着,历经千年风霜沧浪亭依旧是 沧浪亭。它曾是古人静居之处,亦是苏州最古老的园林,其名出自前秦时代佚名人士所作之《渔夫》:沧 浪之水清兮,可以濯我缨;沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯我足。
Canglang Pavilion
It is the oldest garden in Suzhou, with a history of a thousand years. Being a retreat, the garden draws its name from an even older poem of the pre-imperial period.
The Beauty of Suzhou
Classical Gardens
Jessica Shen Jiayi
Without classical gardens, Suzhou would not be Suzhou. Without a respite from all the modern buildings, You would not be able to appreciate raindrops on tree leaves. Forget everything else! In Suzhou's classical gardens, All you need to do is lose yourself.
Come and visit Suzhou ! The beautiful gardens are waiting for you!
Thank you!
Байду номын сангаас
留园因其园内尽显苏州园林精巧之美的瑰丽建筑而享誉海内外。有人甚至谓留园之美独特,使人平 心静气,心旷神怡。冠云峰矗立于园中央,为国内现存最美最大的太湖石之一。移步于园内,景色 各异。所谓园中看山水,园东看庭院,园北看田园,园西看野趣。园子虽小其各色美景足让人流连 忘返。
Lingering Garden lt is renowned for the exquisite beauty of its magnificent halls. And some people regard its beauty as unique, which seems to calm people's restlessness and soothe the souls. Guanyun Peak, one of the most beautiful and biggest Taihu stones in China, is standing in the center of the garden.
The top four greastest classical gardens of the city
The Humble Adminstrator's Garden Lion Forest Garden Canglang Pavilion Lingering Garden ”Up above there is Paradise, down here there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” ----an old Chinese Saying Suzhou is a very beautiful ancient city in China, which has a long history of 2500 year. Suzhou is famous for its numerous classical gardens, big or small. Among them the above four are the most amous ones and all of which belong to the world cultural heritages.