


Independent Writing:
The Alaska orca和the Iceberg orca 属于两种不同的种类
1 颜色差异:前者的颜色更深(darker);
1 颜色方面:algae covered on the orca make them appear different from season to season.
Some people always follow their dreams even if the dreams are ambitious. Some think we should focus on achieving realistic goals. Which do you agree with?
2 两者的生活距离差异:两个个体的.栖息地相距很远;
2 生长距离方面:此物种有两种不同类型:mammal型沿海岸;fish group型travel around
3 年龄差距:相同年龄的个体,前者30岁的时候,后者ey fully grow up, they will not change the size so you can say they are



托福写作tpo18task1范文TPO18 Task1: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.In my opinion, I disagree with the statement that students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.First off, let's think about how much time students spend with each group. Students are often with their friends outside of class, during breaks, and on weekends. It's like they're glued together. For example, my best friend and I are always chatting about the latest video games, new music, and cool movies. We influence each other's tastes in these thingsjust because we spend so much time together. Teachers, on the other hand, only have students for a few hours a day in the classroom. It's like ashort visit compared to the long hang outs with friends.Secondly, friends are on the same level as students. They understand each other's feelings and problems more easily. When I was struggling witha math problem, my friend was able to say, "Hey, I get it. I felt the same way last week. Let's figure this out together." But a teacher might just explain the solution in a more formal way without really getting how confused and frustrated I was feeling. Friends can share their own experiences of dealing with school stress, relationships, and family issues, and that kind of shared experience has a huge impact on students.Finally, friends often have a more direct and personal influence on things like fashion and attitude. I mean, if all my friends start wearing a certain style of shoes or using a particular slang word, I'm more likely to follow suit. It's not that teachers don't have an influence on our values, but friends' influence is right there in our face all the time.So, all in all, students are more influenced by their friends than by their teachers.。

6月18日托福独立写作解析 名师曲凯琨干货

6月18日托福独立写作解析  名师曲凯琨干货

6月18日托福独立写作解析 | 名师曲凯琨干货今天的题目是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:To be successful, one should change his or her minds and accept new ideas.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.这是一道关于成功类话题的should类题目。


不过此题和之前中国大陆考区2008年1月27日、2007年3月17日和北美地区2008年1月27日、2007年3月17日的考题(Successful people try new things and take risks rather than people just doing what they already know.)非常相似。

对于这个题目,推荐大家选取同意的态度,我们可以有如下的分论点:1 减小竞争压力。



2 顺应发展潮流。








2017年2月18日托福写作真题及答案下面是2017年2月18日托福写作真题及答案,大家试着做一下再对答案,祝你们考试顺利!2017年2月18日托福写作真题托福综合写作土星的卫星Titan有3个unusual features难以解释。

Reading :土星的卫星,Titan,和其他的卫星有相似之处,但是也有一些不寻常无法解释的特征。

1. unusual orbit普通的卫星运转是circular环形的轨道,但是Titan卫星运转时是elliptical orbit椭圆轨道。

2. massive depression Titan 表层周边有很多depression and crater 连地和坑,正常来讲,一般是由火山活动和碰撞造成的,但是没有证据显示周边有火山,碰撞的话也应在随机位置。

3. sand dunes Titan赤道附近有很多沙丘,沙丘的方向一般是和风向相符的,但是Titan的沙丘斜面朝东,但是一般表层风向确是朝向西的。

Listening: 这些现象都可以解释的。

1. Titan不是一个单一的卫星,周边的卫星群相互作用,相互影响,就使得它呈现椭圆形轨道。

2. 洼地和坑不是火山和碰撞造成的,而是强降雨导致的。

3. 沙丘方向和风向确实相符,它上面的沙丘确实斜面朝东,那是因为暴风改变风向把沙吹往东边的。

托福独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.2017年2月18日托福写作真题答案及解析Sample Answer:The reading raises three unusual features of Titan, which are puzzling. The listening, however, strongly insist that those features are explainable.The first feature mentioned in the reading is its elliptical orbit which is different from the common satellites whose orbit is circular. This phenomena is explained by the listening which reminds us that there are other satellites which move around Titan. The nearby satellites could exert influence on titan, hence leading to the elliptical phenomena.As to the second point, it is believed in the reading that the usual feature of massive depression, which should have been caused by volcanic eruption, but there is no volcano on Titan. The listening pushes forward another theory that instead of being caused by volcanic eruption and collision, the massive depression and crater formed as a result of storm. The reading, therefore, is wrong again.Lastly, the reading is of the view that the sand tunes near the Titan’s equator should be in the same direction with the wind direction but the opposite is true. It is admitted in the listening that the direction of sand tunes is originally in conformity to the wind direction. What’s more, it is true that the top sand tunes point to the east, which is in a reverse direction to the wind. But the truth is that under the influence of the storm, its direction has been changed. As a result, the last phenomena is also explainable.(240 words)本文是2017年2月18日托福写作真题答案及解析。



【托福写作备考】TPO18综合写作文本与解析TPO 18先来看阅读材料:In the 1950s Torreya Taxifolia, a type of evergreen tree once very common inthe state of Florida started to die out. No one is sure exactly what caused thedecline, but chances are good that if nothing is done, Torreya will soon becomeextinct. Experts are considering three ways to address the decline ofTorreya.中文:在佛罗里达州,佛罗里达香榧是一种非常常见的常绿乔木。




The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location in which itthrived for thousands of years. Torreya used to be found in abundance in thenorthern part of Florida, which has a specific microclimate. A microclimateexists when weather conditions inside a relatively small area differs from theregion of which that area is a part. Northern Florida’s microclimate is veryfavorable to Torreya’s growth. This microclimate is wetter and cooler than thesurrounding region’s relatively dry, warm climate. Scientists have been workingto plant Torreya seeds in the coolest, dampest areas of the microclimate.中文:第一个选择是把香榧重新种植在它们已经茂盛生长数千年的原生长地。



11月18日托福写作机经真题回忆综合写作综合作文万变不离其宗:考听力!观点:Ninth Legion 是个出色的军队,却忽然消失在Scottland阅读文章讲可能发生一些事情所以导致消失第一:一些rebels发生叛乱然后ninth legion为了平息叛乱,基本都被wipe out 了听力反驳讲:不可能因为没有证据能知道Scotland有打仗。

5000人的战役规模大,一个大的战役,那么多人的军队就消失,况且有战争就会有武器碎片的痕迹,然而并没有第二:说有一些rebel破坏了roof tile,而roof上的symbol对于军队来说很重要,所以一些人去打rebel一些人留下来修复,最后有的死了,队伍也就disband 了听力说,roof tile是别人而非这个军团的士兵带来的,roof tile是由red clay 什么的做的,会留下痕迹,可是根本没找到,而那个symbol是从Britain 到Netherland,不一定需要legion的人去修复,翻译什么的,谁都可以第三:说B是个地方,有叛乱,所以Ninth Legion就去爬山涉水去平反,一些人死了,一些人在旅途中因为太遥远的距离也死了。

听力说:政府什么的不可能会让西方的Ninth Legion去平反东方的叛乱,因为不值得啊,那么多的时间啊必要的supplies啊,况且政府应该会让estern legion 去才对。

独立作文(重复2016年6月25日原题)The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment.Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment.1.Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.2.Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3.Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.本篇作文的3个方向都算好写。



11.18托福考试解析之一:独立写作和口语独立写作思路解析The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment?1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.童老师:选第三个“Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.”。




独立口语思路解析Task 1If you should work in a library, which work will you choose?-Using computer to find books people need-Reading books to children-Organizing books on bookshelfTask 2The school is going to record the lecture of the film class and release it on the website the next day. Do you think it’s a good idea? Explain why.微信。



2014年10月18日托福写作真题及答案解析综合写作:阅读材料听力材料Pterosaurs恐龙不能飞教授认为Pterosaurs可以飞1、冷血动物不产生能量1、P有dense covering hair跟fur一样。



它是light bone 的, hollow不是solid的骨架结构其重量很轻,wings带的动。


birds用two behind limbs起飞:Pterosaurs用four limbs起飞(push off the ground)独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should know about events happening around the world even if they have little influence on their daily lives. Use specific examples to support your answer.There is no denying that the world is getting smaller every day. The globalization of the economy has made people and nations more closely connected and more dependent than ever before. People should keep up with global current affairs because whether people can see it or not, these events impact our lives more than we realize.Take for example the political situation in places like the Middle East. Political unrest and the most recent social movements in this region may not directly affect our daily lives, but this indirectly affects oil prices. The global market largely depends on oil from the Middle East. The unrest creates disorganization, leading to disruption in the production of oil.This affects global oil prices which then impacts every other facet of industry and economy. The price of everything, such as farm produce, is affected by this seemingly localized instability.Another example of a local issue that has global impact is labor movements. Most recently protests from workers at Foxconn factories have created a rippling effect on the global economy. Decisions made at Foxconn and other Apple Company suppliers can affect the Chinese and global standards of labor and production. Of course as a native of China I think these changes are significant, but no one, from China or any other country, will deny that they have a direct impact on intentional business and labor organization.Finally the development of global industry has had a significant impact on the environment. Local issues of industry affecting the local environment also have a global impact. This is not just limited to industries, but also many economic and social sectors that have affected theenvironment. For example the desertification of areas in Mongolia and Northen China have created huge dust storm do not only affect weather in China. The dust from these storms travels across the Pacific Ocean to North America by means of high atmospheric winds. This dust then lands on the snowcapped peaks of the North American mountains, making the snow darker and more easily heated by the sun. Consequently, this premature melting of the icecaps leads to severe weather locally and globally.It is important for people to know about global current events because however small the event, it inevitably has a global impact. If people want to understand what is going on locally, they need to think globally.。







TPO18 综合写作听力+阅读原文ReadingIn the 1950s Torreya taxifoha, a type of evergreen tree once very common in the state of Florida, started to die out. No one is sure exactly what caused the decline, but chances are good that if nothing is done, Torreya will soon become extinct. Experts are considering three ways to address the decline of Torreya.The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location in which it thrived for thousands of years. Torreya used to be found in abundance in the northern part of Florida, which has a specific microclimate. A microclimate exists when weather conditions inside a relatively small area differ from the region of which that area is a part. Northern Florida's microclimate is very favorable to Torreya's growth. This microclimate is wetter and cooler than the surrounding region's relatively dry, warmclimate. Scientists have been working to plant Torreya seeds in the coolest, dampest areas of the microclimate.The second option is to move Torreya to an entirely different location, far from its Florida microclimate. Torreya seeds and saplings have been successfully planted and grown in forests further north, where the temperature is significantly cooler. Some scientists believe that Torreya probably thrived in areas much further north in the distant past, so by relocating it now, in a process known as assisted migration, humans would simply be helping Torreya return to an environment that is more suited to its survival.The third option is to preserve Torreya in research centers. Seeds and saplings can be moved from the wild and preserved in a closely monitored environment where it will be easier for scientists both to protect the species and conduct research on Torreya. This research can then be used to ensure the continued survival of the species.ListeningYou’ve just read about three ways to save Torreya taxifolia. Unfortunat ely, none of these three options provides a satisfactory solution. About the firstsolution-reestablishing Torreya in the same location-that’s unlikely to be successful, because of what’s happening to the coolest dampest areas within torreya’smicro-climate. These areas are being strongly affected by changes in the climate of the larger region. This could be because global warming has contributed to an increase in overall temperatures in the region or because wetlands throughout Florida have been drained. Either way, many areas across the region are becoming drier, so it’s unlikely that Torreya would have the conditions it needs to survive anywhere within its original Florida micro-climate.Now about the second solution, relocating Torreya far from where it currently grows,well, let’s look at what happened when humans helped another tree, the black locust tree, move north to a new environment. When they did this, the black locust tree spread so quickly that it killed off many plants and trees in the new environment, and some of these plants and trees were themselves already in danger of becoming extinct . So assisted migration can have unpredicted outcomes for the new environment.Third, research centers are probably not a solution either. That’s because th e population of Torreya trees that can be kept in the centers will probably not be able to resist diseases. For a population of trees to survive a disease, it needs to be relatively large and it needs to be genetically diverse. Tree populations in the wild usually satisfy those criteria but research centers would simply not have enough capacity to keep a large an diverse population of Torreya trees, so trees in such centers will not be capable of surviving diseases in the long term.首先,就是在自己做托福TPO模考之后,可以根据这里面的听力的文本,来检验自己的听力内容是否抓的足够好,尤其是要看写的够不够全!很多时候,我们的综合作文之所以分低,就是因为听力写的不全!第二点,也可以用于在托福考试前来做跟读,有不少托福考生跟小托君说,自己的口语实力不够,那么做跟读,仔细地来模仿ETS官方素材,是一个很好的提高自己口语的方式。



2012年11月18日托福写作真题解析2012年11月18日托福写作真题解析综合写作:1.关于MIMA mound的成因.文章:1.Native American造的,依据是有记录显示他们造过类似的东西2.地震,依据是有mound的地方土很松(地震产生的震动把loose soil震到地面了)3.一种老鼠(pocket gopher)挖的,用来build nest听力反驳1. 那些地方没有任何人类留下的遗迹,虽然那里的人为了祭祀还是什么之类的目的造了些别的东西但并不一定也造了这个2. 存在mound的地方并不怎么有地震3. 最后地鼠住这儿可能是它们发现这里适合居住就搬来了,并不一定就是它们自己造的独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.Universities are places where foundations of academic study are cultivated and it is no question that professors play an important role in the education quality at the university. Among the tasks that professors undertake every day, researching and teaching activities take up most of their time. Some people would say that professors should focus more on teaching than research. I disagree. I believe that in order to enrich the learning experience of college students, a professor should focus a significant amount of time on his or her research.There are many ways that a professor can teach his or her students. The primary way is through courses and lectures; however a professor's research can also serve as a learning opportunity for the students. My father is a biology professor. In addition to teaching a full load of courses, he makes sure to devote at least half of his working hours to his research. Every semester he hires students to help him conduct his research. These students also get opportunities to develop their own experiments within my father's research. By the end of the year, my father helps his students write and publish their findings. Not only do his students get practical experience in researching their field of study, but they also come away with published research. These publications help make my dad's students more competitive when applying to graduate school.In addition, in order to remain at the top of their field, professors are required to continue expanding their research. This requirement helps professors remain abreast of the latest research and information in their respective fields, making them more competent and knowledgeable teachers. If professors slack on their own research, they run the risk of passing on faulty or out-of-date information on to their students. However, professors who through their research remain at the top of their field, bring more prestige to their universities.Admittedly, there are some instances where professors become to absorbed in their own research and neglect their students entirely. I know of several professors at my father's university who spend their entire time on research and have their teacher's assistants teach the majority of their classes. Some of those professors also do not even try and include students in their research. As a result, these professors have little to no contact with their students. In those cases, the students generally complain and the school deans typically step in and rectify the situation. After all, the professor is being paid to teach the students.While there are some outstanding circumstances, a professor should be allowed to devote a significant amount of time to his or her individual research. Through this research more and better opportunities for learning can then be offered to students. There must however be a balance between the two, and a professor should remember to keep the education of students high on his or her list of priorities. (484 words)。





6月18日托福独立写作真题A: A/D: To be a successful person, one must open up to new ideas and willing to change his or her mind.B: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be successful.托福独立写作参考范文【1】Everyone is longing for success; therefore, everyone eagerly searches for every method to reach that end. Having an inclusive and open would definitely serve as a good panacea for everyone who wants to achieve something in the life. Nevertheless, it is not the only way toward one’s heyday, for one’s success derives from the combined factors, like tenacity and resilience.Admittedly, a man with an open mind for new ideas is half way for success, for these innovative ideas and philosophies offer one with another outlook when facing a deadlock or dilemma. What’s the most important, ne w idea brings about creation to our life. The modern society has witnessed the rapid and pervasive changes of technologies along with subtle social reforms. It is the new ideas from other people and other places that lead James Dyson, the inventor if G-force vacuum cleaner, to a great success; it is embracing the new method from the excellent athletes that helps Jimmy Li create his special set “Jimmy Li Jump”.Furthermore, changing our mind and listening to the new ideas from others is conducive to cooperate withother people. A man cannot succeed without the assistance from others. An open mind for new ideas and thoughts are easy for people to share different ideas, therefore, it is beneficial for cooperating within certain groups or teams. A cooperative people would certainly get more help, thus to succeed in a more earlier way. However, an open mind for outside ideas is surely the only way for one to succeed, for there are a lot of other people gaining success through other ways!Being tenacious and persistent represent a continuous effort in one’s specific career. The secret to happiness is hard work and effort, not “quick-fixes”. Great ideas only cannot guarantee one’s efforts and actions. Only by the down-to-earth efforts and hard work can the final success gained! If James Dyson did not experiment for over 5200 times after he got a new idea from others, we would not have witnessed the birth of this new and highly efficient vacuum cleaner. Therefore, tenacity and persistence provide a sure way to one’s suc cess.Furthermore, a positive and optimistic attitude towards failure can also serve as a facilitator for one’s success. A lot of people failed because they feared the new challenges or feared to fail again. People with negative attitudes may be loath to take action even if they embrace new ideas from others. A positive mindset can serve as a catalyst for one’s success. If James Dyson didn’t hold hopes for his production promotion and give up during his experiment, we would have seen his products prevail the global market. Thus, a sound mindset and positive attitude propels one to success.In a nutshell, a successful person is not made just in one day.A lot of factors contribute to a successful people, like new ideas, tenacity and a positive mind, to name just a few. Only in this waycan a person expect success as soon as possible!托福独立写作参考范文【2】Under the current society full of intense competitions, how to achieve success has never failed to arouse deep concern and interest among the general public. Thereof, a good deal of accomplished businessmen and elites are strong believers of the claim that to be a successful person, one must be open to new ideas and willing to change his or her mind.Towards such a complicated issue, I am in favor of the above claim for the following reasons.In the first place, being receptive to new ideas can help people to better adapt to the constantly changing environment and thus become successful. As is common sense, no matter what fields or areas you are engaged in, change has become the perpetual topic, which means that what you held firmly onto before may become outdated and even misleading overnight. In other words, only those people with open mind towards new things can keep pace with the changes of time and are more likely to achieve success. By contrast, rejecting any new ideas and never changing one's mind, people will be gradually surpassed or even replaced by other competitors. A good case in point is the collapse of Nokia Company, the once most famous cell phone brand. On account of showing no acceptance to the new operating system Android, the Nokia has announced bankruptcy and has been acquired by Microsoft Company. The same logic can apply to any individuals who are stubborn.Besides that, embracing new ideas can help people to build harmonious rapport with more people, leading to the higher likelihood of becoming successful. More scrutiny has made it conspicuous that an attitude of open-mindedness is stronglycorrelated to one's popularity among others, especially in a work team. The underlying reason is that anyone who has a willingness to listen to new thoughts tends to leave a good impression and thereof gains help or assistance from others when faced with troubles in the path to success. Also, being open-minded helps you work through interpersonal or intra-team conflicts that arise when people work in close quarters. By contrast, insisting on one' own view stubbornly usually not only build a barrier for establishing the friendship but also serves as the origin of quarrel or conflicts with other people. Put it another way, people without a spirit of listening and cooperation have difficulty in completing any projects, let alone, become successful.Indeed, accepting new ideas may make people feel uncomfortable, because they are forced to get out their comfort zone. However, the above reasoning does not bear deep analysis. To illustrate, it is an indisputable fact that success relies on nothing but innovation driven by constantly taking in original and creative ideas and thoughts. Consequently, factoring what has been mentioned above, we can conclude that showing acceptance to new ideas and changing one's mind accordingly are of great necessity for the sake of achieving success.。



2017年11月18日托福考试写作真题最新解析独立写作:题目:The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation's government to take to protect the environment.1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.题目分析:三选一题目,以及环境类开始转为复习重点。


范文语料:Intro:Demo openingHuman activities have been jeopardizing most animals’ lives and have accelerated the rate at which natural environment exacerbates. Thus, governments and environmentalists have been working on the front line to protect the fragile planet where we live by listing a few options for us citizens to take, such as exploiting solar energy, establishing natural resources conservation and enforcing laws to prevent air and water pollution by large companies, of all three possible solutions, I believe national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources..论点1:首先,投入资金 in discovering new energy 可以 radically 解决various environmental problems. As is common sense,日益恶化的deteriorating环境 environment 是由于化石燃料的过度的开采overexploitation of fossil fuels。




这篇范文是2018年12月4日托福考试的综合写作题目,题目为“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.”下面是对这一观点的分析和辩证,以及给出的个人观点。

---1. 概述在当今社会,越来越多的人开始关注孩子的成长环境对其发展的影响。



2. 家庭环境在乡村,孩子更容易接触自然,拥有更宽广的活动空间。





3. 教育资源城市拥有更丰富的教育资源,包括优质学校、丰富的教育课程和活动等。



4. 社交关系在城市,孩子更容易接触到各种各样的社交圈子和人脉资源,这对于他们日后的发展会有着积极的影响。



5. 个人观点综合上述内容可以看出,无论是在乡村还是城市,都存在着对孩子发展有利和不利的因素。

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题目如下:The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment?
1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.
2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.
3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.

1. 资助研究开发太阳能和风能等对环境无害的能源。

2. 保留像森林这样的自然栖息地, 并保护住在那里的动物。

3. 实施法律, 防止大公司对空气和水的污染。


“三留一”即从三个选项中挑出一个选项,比如上面这道题;而“三去一”则意味着从三个选项中剔除一个,例如:In an economic crisis, which area should the government reduce its spending? Art, scientific research or parks and public gardens.(在经济危机中, 政府应该削减哪个领域的开支?艺术、科学研究还是公园和公共花园。



第一种:- 开头段- 1的优势或必要性一- 1的优势或必要性二- 2、3的劣势或不必要性- 结尾段
第二种:- 开头段- 1的优势或必要性- 2的劣势或不必要性- 3的劣势或不必要性- 结尾段

解题思路可以如下: - 开头段- 大公司往往对环境影响很大,一旦造成污染很难治理;- 如果不加强立法、进行有效监督,政府就无法预防大公司的污染行为;

- 结尾段
也可以写成: - 开头段- 如果不加强立法、进行有效监督,政府就无法预防大公司造成严重的污染;- 为了资助研发政府需要投入大量资金,周期太长且结果不确定;而且政府的效率可能比较低,有很多民间资本已经在做此类尝试,不需要政府的介入;

- 结尾段“三选一”类的题近期一直是考察的重点,可以预

Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best?a. Help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics;b. Help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house;c. Visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks.大
学俱乐部的学生们想帮助别人, 但他们每年只能选择一个项目, 下面哪一个是最好的?
a. 帮助附近一所小学的学生学习阅读和数学;
b. 帮助那些负担不起建房或租房的人建造住房;
c. 访问并协助老年人的日常生活。

Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends.
a. joining a sports team,
b. participating in community activities,
c. traveling.
a. 参加体育队
b. 参与社区活动
c. 旅行。

In your opinion, if a government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on?
a. libraries
b. public transportation
c. police
在你看来, 如果一个政府面临经济问题, 下面哪个领域应该少花钱?
a. 图书馆
b. 公共交通
When making major purchase (for example, car or laptop), our decisions can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following sources of information can influence your decision.a. Recommendations from friends or colleaguesb. Information from media (for
example, TV, magazines, newspapers)c. Recommendations from sales person in the store在购买大件产品 (例如汽车或笔记本电脑) 时, 我们的决策会受到不同信息来源的影响。


a. 朋友或同事的建议
b. 来自媒体的信息 (例如, 电视、杂志、报纸)
c. 商店销售人员提出的建议注:本题不是典型的“三选一”类题,题目要求我们解释各个选项,可以分三段分别解释每种选项的优劣。



