HSK官方报考中心是由中华人民共和国授权考试,报名。主要城市包括:上海、北京、广州、郑州、西安、 南京、深圳、青岛等一、二线主要城市。国家汉办在2005年之后将HSK考点进行了整合分配,使得考试资源更为 语水平考试(HSK)更好地满足于海外不断增长的汉语学习者对汉语考试的新的要求,中国国家汉办 组织中外汉语教学、语言学、心理学和教育测量学等领域的专家,在充分调查、了解海外实际汉语教学情况的基 础上,借鉴近年来国际语言测试研究最新成果,重新研发并将于2009年11月起逐步推出新汉语水平考试(HSK)。
汉语水平考试由国家汉办与孔子学院总部设计研制,国家汉办是中华人民共和国教育部直属事业单位。国家 汉办开发和实施汉语水平考试,包括基础汉语水平考试〔简写为HSK(基础)〕,初、中等汉语水平考试〔简写 为HSK(初、中等)和高等汉语水平考试〔简写为HSK(高等)〕。 HSK每年定期在中国国内和海外举办,凡考 试成绩达到规定标准者,可获得相应等级的《汉语水平证书》。中国教育部设立国家汉语水平考试委员会,该委 员会全权领导汉语水平考试,并颁发汉语水平证书。
亚洲 大洋洲
美洲 欧洲
日本(东京、大阪、京都、名古屋、福冈、金泽、札幌、神户、广岛); 韩国(首尔、大邱、大田、釜山、光州); 蒙古(乌兰巴托); 新加坡(新加坡)、菲律宾 (马尼拉)、马来西亚(吉隆坡); 泰国(曼谷、喃邦); 越南(胡志明、河内、顺化); 缅甸(仰光、曼德勒); 印度尼西亚(雅加达、泗水、万隆、棉兰) 朝鲜(平壤); 巴基斯坦(伊斯兰堡、卡拉奇、拉合尔、费萨拉巴德)。
此页供博士填写此评定书、办理答辩手续参照用,评定书见后页博士(含同等学力博士)答辩注意事项一、博士到校学位办办理答辩审核手续需携带的材料1.全日制博士:( 1)选题报告:要求学院已签字备案;( 2)评定书(一)、(二)(含 3份盲审评语和 2份同行评议人评语):申请人、导师(和副导师)、学院该签字盖章的地方都签好、盖好,该填写的时间都填好(其他材料参照此条执行)。
( 3)《武汉理工大学拟申请答辩硕士、博士发表学术论文等学术成果统计表》及发表科研论文的复印件及检索证明(上有学院审核人签字、盖章),特殊情况下带科研论文原件;(排放顺序为:学术成果统计表、检索证明、科研论文复印件)( 4)学院发送的答辩公告电子版(学院网站与研究生院网站挂网至少 3 天后才允许答辩)( 5)《拟授予全日制博士 /同等学力博士学位人员情况简表》(以下简称“简况表” )纸质版 2 份,由校学位办审核后盖“答辩专用章”返回 1 份由学生带回交至学院研工办。
(此份简况表供学院研工办于博士答辩结束后再次提交的简况表核对是否一致用)(6)若 5 份评语中有 1份及以上的评阅结论为“修改后答辩”的,请提交《答辩前针对博士学位论文评阅意见的修改说明》(下载地址:研究生院首页——>常用下载——>学位管理 2013-05-20),并对照原页码修改论文。
2.同等学力博士除以上材料外还需携带以下材料:(全日制博士不需)( 7)《在职人员以同等学力申请博士学位资格审查表》一式 2 份;( 8)《在职人员以同等学力申请博士学位答辩申请表》一式 2 份;( 9)省部级获奖的原件及复印件 2份,若( 8)里含有,则此项不需;( 10)国家学历学位认证中心出具的硕士学位认证报告及复印件2份,若( 8)里含有,则此项不需。
二、关于学位信息录入的重要性及2014 级及以前入学的研究生学位信息录入方法学位信息录入的重要性与获取学位证书同样重要,甚至更重要!学位信息录入是用于上报国务院学位办数据库用,是将来网上查询学位证的数据源,请确保录入信息的完整性及准确性,录入后请打印1 份,粘贴本人 2 寸学位照片 1 张及身份证复印件1 份,上交给各学院研工办。
2015年硕士研究生入学复试大纲课程编号:50101 课程名称:力学综合力学学科按一级学科进行复试,其中主要包括一般力学,固体力学,流体力学等三个专业的内容。
二、考试的内容:·一般力学:1)静力学:受力分析、物系的平衡问题(20 ~40%)2)运动学:点的合成运动、刚体的平面运动及运动学综合应用问题(20 ~40%)3)动力学:应用普遍定理求解动力学问题中的力和运动综合问题。
(40 ~60%)·固体力学:1)了解常用材料拉、压、扭下的基本力学性能和测试方法;2)能熟练地作出杆件在各种变形下的内力图,计算其应力及变形,并进行强度和刚度分析。
1/10【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年天津大学考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。
2014年硕士研究生初试考试自命题科目大纲查询导航页考试科目代码考试科目名称211翻译硕士英语240德语245二外俄语246二外日语247二外德语337工业设计理论344风景园林基础349药学综合355建筑学基础356城市规划基础357英语翻译基础431金融学综合436资产评估专业基础446城市规划设计448汉语写作与百科知识510景观规划设计(全天连续设计6小时)511艺术设计(全天连续设计6小时)513建筑设计(全天连续设计6小时)602数学分析714生物化学基础717普通物理718有机化学719马克思主义哲学720法学基础综合721毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论722语言理论基础723基础英语2/10【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2724教育心理学728建筑理论综合729中外美术史及理论730美术史论选择考研!!由此开启人生中崭新的一篇!!嶳围弹匈秤$6-9星%政治在这阶段的复习,可以分两种情况来进行:⒈基础比较差的。
英语考研英语的阅读应该从以下几个方面来准备:第一充足的词汇量;第二,把握文章重要信息,3/10【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 3把握重要信息的能力,直接关系到做题的命中率。
该部分考查考生对不同语境中规范的语言要素(包括词汇、短语和句子结构)的掌握程度,以及对语段特征(如衔接与连贯பைடு நூலகம்)的辨识能力。此题中在一篇240~280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,使填空后的文章意义通顺、连贯,结构完整。此题共有20小题,每题0.5分,共10分。
天大研究生英语免修条件天大研究生英语免修条件天津大学(Tianjin University)是中国一所著名的综合性大学,拥有着悠久的历史和卓越的学术声誉。
天大研究生英语免修条件主要包括以下几个方面:1. 英语水平测试成绩天大要求研究生具备一定的英语水平,因此,学生需要参加英语水平测试。
2. 英语学历背景除了英语水平测试成绩,天大还会考虑学生的英语学历背景。
3. 学术交流经历天大鼓励学生参与国际学术交流活动,比如参加国际会议、出国交流访问等。
4. 学术论文发表天大注重学术研究能力的培养,因此,如果学生在学术论文方面有较为突出的表现,比如在国内外学术期刊上发表了英文论文,也有可能获得免修资格。
三、天大医学物理博士招生时间-启道直接攻博,报考时间为2018年6月下旬—2018年9月下旬硕博连读,报考时间为2018年10月—2018年11月普通招考,报考时间为2018年6月-2019年5个(不同考试形式报名时间不同)四、天大医学物理博士招生目录-启道专业名称:083100医学物理导师:冯远明-导师团体,研究方向-01 医学物理 02 放射肿瘤 03 细胞检其他信息不一一列举,详细关注启道考博网五、天大医学物理博士报考流程-启道天大机械工程学院博士为申请-审核制。
字体为Times New Roman小四号,各关键词之间用中文标点的分号隔开。
天津大学2014年11月21日(联系人:潘峰;联系电话:87401780 )附件天津大学博士研究生招生“申请—审核”制实施办法第一章总则第一条为了全面贯彻落实教育部、国家发展改革委、财政部《关于深化研究生教育改革的意见》(教研…2013‟1号)的精神,落实《天津大学关于全面深化研究生教育改革的意见》(天大校发…2014‟20号)的有关要求,进一步深化博士研究生招生考试制度改革,建立与培养目标相适应、有利于拔尖创新人才脱颖而出的招考制度,结合学校实际情况,制定本办法。
天津大学博士英语考试试卷科目: 博士生英语学院:专业:I. Listening Comprehension: (25%)Section ADirections : In this section, you will hear 8 short conversationsand 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1. A) She is a little tired. B) She is going to study.C) She wants to listen to music.D) She is going to make a reservation. 2. A) At an art exhibit. B) In a supermarket. C) In a shoe store. D) In a clothing store. 3. A) They had no time.B) They couldn’t afford it after buying their motor -bike. C) The old one was still working.D) They both want to buy a motor-bike.4. A) She doesn’t understand the man’s question. B) She’ll have the test ready in a few days.C) She has a few questions about the man ’s schedule.D) The man may not take the test early.5. A) In a hotel.B) In a furniture store.C) In a campground.D) In a private home.6. A) A prince lives a better life than a princess.B) He wishes he could be a prince.C) He is not sure if he wants to be a prince.D) He hates the idea of being a prince.7. A) She can’t understand why the man is thirsty.B) The man ought to go to the laundromat.C) The laundromat is too far away.D) She will not wash the man’s clothes for him.8. A) Work on the assignment a little bit at a time.B) Finish the assignment on time.C) Take the assignment to someone else this time.D) Stop working on the assignment.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A) He prefers the smaller evening classes.B) He has signed up for a day course.C) He has to work during the day.D) He finds the evening course cheaper.10. A) Learn a computer language.B) Learn data processing.C) Buy some computer software.D) Buy a few course books.11. A) Thursday evening, from 7:00 to 9:45.B) From September 1 to New Year’s eve.C) Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.D) Three hours a week, 45 hours in total.12. A) What to bring for registration.B) Where to attend the class.C) How he can get to Frost Hall.D) Whether he can use a check.Questions 13 to15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A) A training coach.B) A trading adviser.C) A professional manager.D) A financial trader.14. A) He can save on living expenses.B) He considers cooking creative.C) He can enjoy healthier food.D) He thinks take-away is tasteless.15. A) It is something inevitable.B) It is frustrating sometimes.C) It takes patience to manage.D) It can be a good thing.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) Stopped migrating.B) Continued migrating.C) Began migrating again.D) Migrated south and stay there.17. A) There was not enough food there in the winter.B) There were too many birds.C) There were too many glaciers.D) There was too much daylight.18. A) To test the relationship between daylight and a disease of the glands commonto birds.B) To test the relationship between daylight and migration.C) To test the relationship between migration and temperature.D) To test the relationship between daylight and changes in the season.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) A scientist.B) A graduate.C) A colleague.D) An undergraduate20. A) To present their results.B) To show off their results.C) To make themselves brave.D) To become active people.21. A) To get information.B) To know the related areas.C) To know the latest news.D) To make friends.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A) It’s an urgent announcement.B) It’s an important announcement.C) The managers wish to divert their workers from their work.D) It’s about an important promotion.23. A) 7 a.m. B) 11 p.m. C) 8 p.m. D) 3 a.m.24. A) To show the importance of their decision.B) To play a joke on the American manager.C) To start cooperation as soon as possible.D) To show that they were very efficient.25. A) He was irritated.B) He was well pleased.C) He was very much troubled.D) He prepared himself for a fight.II. Vocabulary: (35%):A. Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For eachsentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the one interview that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center.26. The ______ of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views ofthose consulted.A. essenceB. thesisC. synthesisD. instinct27. At the far end of the lake some buffaloes were bathing, ______ so deeply thatonly their heads were visible.A. overwhelmedB. immersedC. degeneratedD. engulfed28. With their far superior technology, the Western forces completely ______Saddam’s army.A. suppressedB. overwhelmedC. bledD. segregated29. The two ingredients should be placed together in a bottle and shakenvigorously until they are ______.A. filteredB. discriminatedC. blendedD. engaged30. The little girl started to cry in order to ______ sympathy and pity in herparents.A. confineB. evokeC. awaitD. induce31. They ______ to safety as a massive wall of water smashed their caravans andswept away dozens of cars.A. paralyzedB. spunC. roamedD. dashed32. In 20 years only one company with an investment-grade rating from Moody’has ______ long-term debt – one that went bankrupt voluntarily to protect itself from lawsuits.A. defaulted onB. relied onC. accounted forD. cried for33. He said he did not ______ the difficulties the party faced in regaining ameasure of popular trust.A. demonstrateB. underestimateC. speculateD. outweigh34. The king was forced to leave the country over which he had ______ for morethan 30 years.A. prevailB. reignedC. stumbledD. lingered35. His health had been affected, and might ______ altogether if the straincontinued.A. break downB. cool offC. lit upD. sprout up36. We shall be grateful if you will ______ space for any of the enclosedadvertisements in your publications.A. donateB. forgeC. impartD. specify37. From his office on the 22nd floor of the famous four-towered BMW HQ, he______ formidable power and commands enormous respect.A. swingsB. wieldsC. yieldsD. contemplated38. The little woman looked a ______ sight, standing before him with red, swolleneyes and tear-streaked cheeks.A. desirableB. rottenC. shabbyD. pathetic39. Since my father’s death there had been, as it were, a ______ in my homewhich nobody could fill.A. liabilityB. vacancyC. agonyD. bureaucracy40. The report praises the efforts being made in our city to extract energy fromwaste and to ______ paper, glass, plastics and steel cans.A. differentiateB. resistC. recycleD. mobilize41. Some articles are clearly written as a by-product of teaching, perhaps ______from lectures or intended to form part of a book.A. adaptedB. reformedC. revivedD. sprayed42. At one point last fall, when Swedish rates rose to 17%, such deals ______ anet annualized return of 8%, with little exchange-rate risk.A. fulfilledB. yieldedC. exemplifiedD. documented43. T ales of squadrons bombing their own units are here in ______.A. exposureB. abundanceC. incidenceD. arrangement44. The church is full of ______ works of craftsmanship which have been donatedby individuals.A. exquisiteB. commercialC. metallicD. remote45. It is a question Michael Joseph is likely to ______ long and hard over theweeks to come.A. poseB. superviseC. harborD. ponderB. Directions: Study the meaning of the phrasal verbs listed below andthen complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate phrasal verb in its proper form.46. We already have our hands full. Let the matter ________ till next week.47. The emergency ________ reserves of energy which she did not know shepossessed.48. It wasn’t long before we ________ a plan acceptable to all.49. Though very tired, the students ________ the discussion late into the night.50. ________ facts, I can’t see anything to support what he says.51. It is usually easier to ________ the meaning of a sentence in a given context.52. I’m not sure if I want to take this course; may I ______ for the first week tosee if I like it?53. Don’t be afraid. No matter what happens, I’ll ________ you.54. Thieves ________ last night while the family was away on vacation.55. There is no point in waiting for something to ________; you have to takeaction.56. We can come through any crisis if we ________. I’m certain of that.57. The village was ________ by floods for nearly a week.58. Miss Green returned to work after she ________ her illness.59. The custom is said to have been ________ from the 18th century.60. John must ________ for a few days until his leg mends.III. Reading Comprehension (20%)Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:The current vogue, in the West, of Yoga and Zen(禅宗)may prove to have been no more than a transitory Western fashion. It may be doubted whether the average modern Westerner genuinely understands and practices either Zen or Yoga. However, it is also possible that these are sincere attempts to re-activate, among Westerners, the normal human faculty of spiritual contemplation. In the Middle Ages, Westerners, like other people, did practice contemplation. This is a necessary condition for spiritual health, and modern Westerners are suffering spiritually for having abandoned the practice of contemplation deliberately. Moreover, the East has other lessons for the West which the West certainly ought to learn and to take to heart.For instance, the West could perhaps learn from the East how to re-capture Man's original harmony with the rest of Nature. Man is an integral part of Nature. When he alienates himself from her and tries to dominate her as if he were outside Nature and were not rooted in Nature, Man runs into trouble. The degree of modern Western Man's alienation from Nature can be measured by the potency of modern technology, for technology is an instrument for dominating Nature. The technologically advanced countries are already paying the price of theirsuper-technology. Two items in this price are pollution and inflation.Shinto stands for a harmonious cooperation between Man and the rest of Nature. It recognizes that Nature is holy; that she has sacred rights; that Man has a religious obligation to respect these rights; and that, if he violates them, he will bring retribution on himself. The Japanese people have already begun to bring retribution on themselves by polluting Nature.Taoism (道教) sets its face against imposing Man's will on Nature by means of technology. This Chinese philosophy took shape at some dale between the sixth and the fourth century B. C., when technology was still rudimentary, if judged by present-day standards. Yet already the Taoist philosophers were taking alarm; they were calling for a return to a simpler way of life. It is now evident that they were far-sighted. The Taoist philosophy is what the world now needs. It is needed today by West and East alike, now that the potent modern technology, which was invented in the West two hundred years ago, is being adopted all round the globe.61. Yoga or Zen ___________.A.is only a transitory Western fashionB.is not genuinely understood by the average modern westernersC.is in fashion now in the WestD.is a popular sport .62. This passage implies that ____________.A.it is wrong to abandon spiritual contemplationB.the Westerners practice contemplation in the Middle EastC.the Westerners abandon the practice of contemplation deliberatelyD.the East has other lessons for the West63. What is the main topic of this passage?A.Why are Yoga and Zan popular in the West?B.What does the West have to learn from the East?C.How to recapture Man’s original harmony with the rest of Nature?D.How to practice spiritual contemplation?64. The author of this passage _________________.A.disagrees with Taoist’s philosophyB.prefers Shinto to TaoismC.seems to be against modern technologyD.prefers super-technology to spiritual contemplation65. According to the passage ______________.A.it is very expensive to buy super-technologyB.it costs a lot to deal with the problems of pollution and inflationC.the technologically advanced countries are richer than other countriesD.both pollution and inflation are caused by modern technologyQuestions 66-70 are based on the following passage.There is one kind of pain for which nobody has yet found a cure--the pain that comes from the ending of a relationship. The relationship could be a marriage or a deep friendship. Such a relationship may come to a sudden end; or it may simply fade away slowly as people and circumstances change. You may be the one to "break it off ", with a short note or a brief phone call. Or you may be on the receiving end. However it ended and whoever decided to end it, the pain is equally hard to hear and it requires the same time for grief. Although there is no cure for grief, we can not help looking for one, to ease the pain and to make us forget our tears. We keep ourselves busy with work, or we try to plunge ourselves in our hobbies. Perhaps we start to drink more than we should to drown our sorrows, or we follow the conventional advice and join a club or society. But these things cannot cure it. Moreover, we are always in a hurry to get rid of our grief. We feel that we should try to convince ourselves, as we bite on the pillow, that we are much too old to be crying. Some people bury their grief deep inside themselves. Others seek relief by pouring their hearts out to their friends, or to anyone else who can offer a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. It is not easy to explain why we adopt this attitude to emotional pain, when we would never expect anyone to overcome physical pain simply by an effort of will power. Part of the answer must lie in the nature of grief itself. The important thing to admit about grief, then, is that it will take its time. By trying to convince ourselves that it ought to be over sooner, we create an additional tension which can only make things worse. How much time is needed will vary from person to person, butpsychiatrists have a rule of thumb: grief will last as long as the original relationship lasted. The sad thing is that, when the breakdown occurs, we can only stumble forward over the stones beneath our feet. It is dark ahead, and we will fall painfully many times before we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.66. It is the author’s belief that _______________.A.there is no way to kill the pain from the ending of a relationshipB.those who break up the relationship do not suffer from the pain from the endingof a relationshipC.people suffer from the pain only when the relationship comes to a sudden endD.Both A and B.67. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined term drown our sorrow?A.To get rid of grief by drinking too much alcohol.B.To feel sorry for drinking too muchC.To end our life by drinking an excessive amount of alcoholD.To be overwhelmed by grief68. Psychiatrists believe that _____________.A.grief lasts longer if your friends break off the relationshipB.grief lasts in proportion to the duration of your friendshipC.grief lasts longer if you value your friendship a lotD.grief ends as soon as you set up a new friendship with someone else69. The passage tells us that __________.A.we cannot relieve our emotional pain no matter how hard we tryB.it takes time and efforts to relieve our emotional painC.we do not have to suffer from any emotional pain if we try our best to reduce itD.there is little point in making our efforts to relieve our emotional pain70. What is the best title for this passage?A.Emotional painB.How to relieve your emotional pain?C.Emotional pain and physical painD.Who suffers most?Part IV Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness in the ordinary sense, for that is a quality 71 our control. The leader has, nevertheless, to be a magnet; a 72 figure towards whom people are 73 .Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, on being 74 . There is a type of Authority which can be 75 from behind closed doors, but that is not a leadership. 76 there is movement and action, the true leader is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the 77 for anecdotes, whether true or false; a character. One of the simplest devices is to be 78 on the occasion when the leader might be 79 to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about the vital 80 which has detained him. To make up for this, he can 81 when least expected, giving rise to another story about the interest he can display 82 things which other folks might 83 as trivial. With this gift for 84 curiosity the leader always combines a reluctance to 85 about himself. His interest is plainly in other people; he questions them and encourages them to talk and then 86 all that is relevant. He never leaves a party 87 he has mentally filed a minimum dossier (档案) on 88 present, ensuring that he knows 89 to say when he meets them again. He is not artificially extrovert (性格外向的) but he would usually rather listen than talk. Others 90 gradually that his importance needs proof.71. A. beyond B. of C. under D. by72. A. vital B. central C. strange D. conspicuous73. A. united B. dragged C. drawn D. hauled74. A. observed B. heard C. watched D. seen75. A. exercised B. respected C. recognized D. imposed76. A. Whether B. Where C. As D. Since77. A. object B. topic C. subject D. excuse78. A. present B. absolute C. abstract D. absent79. A. appointed B. instructed C. arranged D. expected80. A. matter B. thing C. business D. affair81. A. leave B. appear C. show D. hide82. A. in B. at C. on D. about83. A. think B. regard C. look D. deal84. A. creating B. originating C. inspiring D. spreading85. A. communicate B. say C. reveal D. talk86. A. commits B. cites C. remembers D. notes87. A. when B. until C. as D. while88. A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. one89. A. how B. what C. that D. whether90. A. know B. appreciate C. realize D. acknowledgeVI. Writing (10%)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to a composition on the topic Success.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in English:Success1.成功的含义2.我的见解3.怎样才能成功?Answer SheetI. Listening Comprehension:1. __________2. __________3. __________4. __________5. __________6. __________7. __________8. __________9. __________ 10. _________ 11. _________ 12. _________ 13. _________ 14. _________ 15 _________ 16. _________ 17. _________ 18. _________ 19. _________ 20. _________ 21. _________ 22. _________ 23. _________ 24. _________ 25. _________ II. VocabularyA: 26. ________ 27. ________ 28. ________ 29. ________ 30. _________ 31. _______ 32. _______ 33. _______ 34. ______ 35. ________ 36. _______ 37. _______ 38. _______ 39. ______ 40. ________ 41. _______ 42. _______43. ________ 44. ______ 45. ________ B: 46. ________ 47. ________ 48. ________ 49. ________ 50. _________ 51. _______ 52. _______ 53. _______ 54. ______ 55. ________ 56. _______ 57. _______ 58. _______ 59. ______ 60. ________ III. Reading Comprehension:61. __________ 62. __________ 63. __________ 64. __________ 65. __________ 66. _________ 67. ________ 68. _________ 69. ________ 70. ________ IV Cloze71. __________ 72. __________ 73. __________ 74. __________ 75. __________ 76. ________ 77. ________ 78. _________ 79. ________ 80. ________ 81. ________ 82. _______ 83. ________ 84. _______ 85. ________ 86. ________ 87. _______ 88. ________ 89. _______ 90. ________V. Composition:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________KeysI. Listening Comprehension: (25%)(每题1分)1 D2 D3 B4 D5 C6.B 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 B11 C 12 A 13 D 14 B 15D16 B 17 B 18 B 19 B 20 A21 D 22 B 23 C 24 A 25 CII. Vocabulary (35%): (每题1分)A. 26.A 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.A36. A 37. B 38. D 39. B 40.C 41. A 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. DB. 46. lie over 47. called forth 48. worked out 49. carried on50. Getting down to 51. pick out 52. sit in 53. stand by 54. broke in55. turn up 56. hang together 57. cut off 58. got over 59. carried down 60. lie upIII. Reading Comprehension: (20%)(每题2分)61 C 62 A 63 B 64 C 65 D66 A 67 A 68 B 69 D 70 APart IV Cloze (10%)(每题0.5分)71. A 72. B 73. C 74. D 75. A 76. B 77. C 78.D 79. D 80.C81. B 82. A 83. B 84. C 85. D 86. C 78. B 88.A 89. B 90.CVI. Composition: (10%)(共10分)。
天津大学 研究生英语上机考试样题 附答案
PART 1 (15 points)Directions: In this part of the test, there are some incomplete sentences. For each sentence, please choose one from the four choices given that can best complete its meaning.1.Water purification is the _______ of contaminants(污染物)from raw water to produce drinking waterthat is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use.Departure(离开)removal dismissal(解雇)refusal(拒绝)2.Of course, music can be distracting(分心,转移注意力)if it's too loud or too jarring, or if it _______ forour attention with what we're trying to do.Inquires (查询)preaches(宣扬)competes (争夺你的关注)applies 3.There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease(停止)worrying about things which are_______ the power of our will.Through off beyond by4.Engineers may help produce guided missiles(导弹), industrial robots, or _______ limbs for the physicallyhandicapped.authentic(真正的,可信的)artificial (人造的)artistic(艺术的articulate(发音清晰的,善于表达的)5.In modern times, a handful of(几个,屈指可数)technological wonders(奇迹)that started out as novelties(新奇事物), have become _______ to our daily routines.Compatible (兼容的)vulnerable(弱势的)liable(容易的)indispensable(必不可少的)6.One of the most sincere(真诚的)forms of respect is _______ listening to what another has to say.Virtually(实质上,真实上)finally daily actually(确实,事实上)7.Some people may be required to work shifts(轮班)or excessive(过度的)hours(超时工作), whilst(同时)others feel they simply(仅仅)cannot _______ targets they see as unrealistic.Acquire complete meet obtain8.From primitive(原始的)developments such as the wheel and paper to today's high-tech gadgets,there's certainly no _______ of impressive developments that have changed the way we live and work.Use shortage matter sense9.Whether its checking the weather, e-mail, or bank account, smartphones have made mobileconnectivity(连接)so _______ that today’s younger generations seem much more “addicted” to their smartphones.Imaginable visible accessible(易接近的)feasible(可行的,可用的)10.For many people, an important aspect of overcoming Internet and computer addiction is to find_______ ways to handle these difficult feelings.Alternative renewable permanent(永久的,永恒的)changeable 11.Most new technologies, with the exception(除了)of those associated with(与某某有关)weaponry(武器), have had hugely ________ effects for most people extending our capabilities(能力,容量)and indeed(甚至)our lives to an extent that our ancestors could not have imagined.Urgent formal harmful beneficial12.What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment(娱乐)which is intended to be_______ like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish.Spent expended consumed paid13.It's true that humanity has seen a ________ of(一系列)crises(危险), wars and atrocities(暴行), butthis negative side is offset(抵消)by advances in technology and cultural exchanges.Succession fraction(一小部分)pair line14.Email, blogs, social networks, instant(此刻,瞬间)messaging, and message boards allow for both publicand _______ communication about any topic.confidential(秘密的,亲密的)wordless(沉默的)anonymous(匿名的)verbal(言语的,口头的)15.Economists have long focused on the concept of education as an investment that, on average, _______well over the long term, for both individual students and society as a whole.makes up(弥补)makes for pays off(回报)pays for 16.Electronic files are replacing ________ filing cabinets(文件柜), and intelligent facsimile(传真)and copyingmachines are appearing together with a variety of printers able to print anything from letter-quality characters to four color diagrams.consequent(必然的,合乎逻辑的)conversational(健谈的)conventional(传统的)considerate(体贴的)17.Universities, employers and professional bodies all _______ the need for effective engineers to haveskills in management and business.Accredit(委托,授权)admit acquaint(告知,使熟悉)acknowledge(承认)18.Most studies on innovation(改革,创新)have shown that it is often more difficult for large corporationsto _______ the same level of creativity and freedom as start-ups(启动).Sustain(维持)contain maintain refrain(抑制)19.In many cases, what we say is less important than how we say it or the other _______ signals we sendout, such as eye contact, facial(面部的)expression, tone of voice, and gesture.Warning oral(口头的)electronic nonverbal(非语言的)20.While time spent online can be hugely productive, compulsive(令人着迷的)Internet use can _______daily life, work, and relationships.take up(占据)makes for break through(突破)Directions: In this part of the test, there are some sentences which have been divided into five fragments. Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●and our scientists see international 3 ●we always try to have 1 ●part of our modern research community 5 ● a strong global dimension in our research and development, 维度2 ●cooperation as an integral 完整的4 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●once you graduate from college 3 ●and begin your career 4 ●another reason for studying management 1 ●is the reality that for most of you, 2 ●you will either manage or be managed 5 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●the more proficient and confident he or she will be 精明1 ●with the various characteristics 2 ●in making judicious materials choices based on these criteria 明智的,恰如其分的标准5 ●as well as processing techniques of materials 3 ●the more familiar an engineer or scientist is 4 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●on the limits of scientific freedom 3 ●could hardly have handled 4●their publicity more differently 5 ●whose work has triggered a far-reaching debate 2 ●the two influenza researchers 1 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●scientists believe something began 3 ●pressing the gas pedal again, causing 4 ●matter got more diluted 2 ●expansion to accelerate once more 5 ●but as the universe got larger and 1 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●from a functional perspective, the role of 1 ●using existing materials 5 ● a materials scientist is to develop or synthesize 2 ●new materials, whereas a materials engineer 3 ●is called upon to create new products or systems 4 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●detecting the presence of populations 1 ●of rare and threatened animal species 2 ●is a challenge for conservation planners and managers 3 ●where an animal leaves little or no macroscopic trace 5 ●especially in habitats like lakes and rivers 4 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●those from more recent eras to conclude that 3 ●its measured rate with 2 ●the team then compared 1 ●the universe’s expansion was 4 ●slowing at that time 5 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●of empty space: 4 ●support to the leading theory that 2 ●the measurements so far lend 1 ●dark energy is a natural property 3 ●the more the universe expands, the stronger dark energy becomes 5 Re-arrange these fragments by dragging them with the mouse into the correct order to form a sentence so that it can make sense.●phenomenon like inflation, 3 ●and that matter’s gravitational pull will one day take over 4 ●and temper the universe’s growth spurt 5 ●other theories posit that 1 ●dark energy is a temporary 2 PART 3 (5 points)Directions: In this part of the test, you have 5 paragraphs given in wrong order. Please re-organizethese paragraphs by dragging them with your mouse so that they make a coherent text. The third paragraph has already been correctly marked for you.● 1. In the first year or so of Web business, most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap theconsumer market. More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion, companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one another. Such business-to-business sales make sense because business people typically know what product they're looking for.●在网络业务的第一年左右,大部分的行动都围绕着挖掘消费者市场的努力。
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