



科隆流量计modbus通讯手册IFC 300Supplementary HandbookSignal converter withModbus interface for OPTIFLUX electromagnetic flowmeters Modbus ER 3.2.xx ( SW.REV.3.2.x )Modbus version 1.1.xSubject to change without notice. KROHNE 09 / 2008IFC 300 ModbusContent1 Importantinformation 3 2 Technicaldata 33 Connection of instruments in bus system 44 Electricalconnection 4 5 Modbus protocol 5 – 16 5.1 General 5 5.2 RTU Frame format 5 5.3 Overview of supported function 6 5.4 Device identification on the Modbus interface 6 5.5 Coilregisters 7 5.5.1 GDC Controls 7 5.5.2 Start calibration function 7 5.5.3 Counter controls 7 5.6 Inputregisters 8 5.7 Holding registers 9 –12 5.7.1 Counter parameters 9 – 10 5.7.2 Process input filter parameters 11 – 12 5.7.3 Modbus parameters 12 5.8 Calibration procedures 13 – 15 5.8.1 Zero flow calibration 13 5.8.2 Coil temperature calibration 14 5.8.3 Conductivity calibration 155.9 Diagnostics 166 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned instrument 19 1 ImportantinformationThe flow converter with the RS 485 interface card fitted, is able to communicate with an external device (PC or other suitable computer system) using the Modbus protocol. This option allows data exchange between PC or computer and single or multiple devices.The bus configuration consists of one external device as a master and one or more converters as slaves. For bus operation the device address (menu C5.8.1), baud rate (menu C5.8.2) and settings (menu C5.8.3, C5.8.4 & C5.8.5) must be set in the converter. All devices connected to the bus, must have different unique addresses but the same baud rate and settings.2 TechnicaldataInterface RS 485, galvanically isolatedBaud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or115200 baudProtocol ModbusRTU(available as a separate document on request) Maximum participants on Bus 32 per line, master included(may be extended by repeaters)Coding NRZ bit codingAddress range Modbus: 1 (247)Transmission procedure Half duplex, asynchronousBus access Master / slaveCable Screened twisted pair cableDistances Maximum 1.2 km without repeater.(dependant on baud rate and cable specifications)Technical data of the Modbus interface (according to EIA standards)Kind of signal transmission DifferentialMaximum number of transmitter/receivers 32Maximum voltage on driver output -7 … +12 VMinimum voltage on driver output, max. load U diff > 1,5 V Maximum input current (off state) -20 … +20 μAReceiver input voltage -7 V … +12 VSensitivity of the receiver -200 … +200 mVReceiver input resistance > 12 kOhmShort circuit current of transmission < 250 mA3 Connection of instruments in bus systemsNetwork Biasing ResistorsFor proper operation of Modbus in half duplex mode in single or multi-drop communication, it is recommended that a termination resistor (typically 120 ohm) isapplied to both ends of the data line. The simplest form of termination is line-to-lineresistor across the differential input.In RTU mode the Modus protocol requires quiet periods on the communications bus for synchronisation. It is therefore important that the Modbus is not allowed to ‘float’, i.e. unreferenced to 0V, as this could lead to spurious signals due to noise pick-up. It is therefore necessary to employ biasing resistors at one point on the bus network,normally the “end”.The Modbus converter has two conditions. Default is without termination. To get theactive termination the settings of jumper X5 and X6 on Modbus board must be changed then, see below.4 ElectricalconnectionTerminals A and B of the converter are dependant on the options selected at order.Refer to the Standard Handbook of the converter for connection details.Modbus connectionsTerminals DescriptionD- Signal A (D 0)D Signal B (D 1)C- Common 0 VC Not connectedJumper settings on the Modbus printed circuit boardJumperpositionDescriptionX5 X61 -2 1 – 2with termination2 -3 2 - 3without termination 5 Modbusprotocol5.1 GeneralUsing RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) format, data is transmitted as 8 bit binary characters. There are no special characters to determine the start and end of a message frame, synchronization is achieved by a minimum silent period of at least 3.5 character times before the start of each frame transmission and a maximum silent period of 1.5 character times between characters in the same frame.5.2 RTU Frame formatThe format of the Query and Response frames vary slightly depending upon the command function. The basic form is outlined below.SilentPeriodSlaveAddressFunctionCodeRegister Start Address orByte Count when requiredNo.of.Points orData bytes when requiredCRC3.5 T 8 bits 8 bits8 bit byte count16 bit addressn × 8 bits 16 bits Silent periodAll transmissions must be preceded by a minimum silent period of 3.5×T, where T is the transmission time of a single character. This can be calculated from the baud rate e.g. at 19.2 kb no parity with 1 stop bit (10 bits), T = 520 μs.Slave addressThis is a single byte slave address which is transmitted first and must be in the range of 1-247. Address 0 is reserved for a broadcast address which all slaves should recognize, and therefore requires no response.Function codeThis is an eight bit code in the range of 1 … 255 although only 126 functions exist as the codes 129-255 represent an error condition. An error condition occurswhen the addressed slave does not accept the command, in which case it responds with the function code + 128, i.e. with its MSB set to 1.Byte countIn general this is only present in frames that are transferring data, and has a value equal to the number of bytes contained in the data field.The data field is limited to a maximum of 250 bytes.Register start addressFor a query command that requires data to be returned, this field will contain the 16 bit start address of the register (or data)to be returned. Note that the converter uses protocol addresses. Therefore the register address listed is the actual number required in the Modbus command. E.g: To access input register 30006, the register start address is 30006dec = 7536hex Number of pointsFor a query command that requires data to be returned, this field will contain the number of registers to be returned regardless of their bit size.Data bytesContains the data requested. The converter can use big endian format (MSB first) or little endian format (LSB first).CRCThis field contains a 16 bit CRC which is calculated on all the data bits of the message bytes.5.3 Overview of supported functionsThe following table shows MODBUS functions supported by RS485 interfaceFunction code hex dec Name Accessto01 01 Read Single Coil Status of calibration functions, Counter status (Start/Stop)03 03 Read Holding Register Cyclic Register04 04 Read Input Register Acyclic Register05 05 Write Single CoilCold Start, Warm Start, Error Reset, Start calibration function, Start / Stop Counter08 08 Diagnostics10 16 Writ Multiple Register Acyclic Register2B 43 Encapsulated InterfaceTransportTransparent Channel, ReadDevice Identification5.4 DeviceIdentificationThe device identification is according to the category regular according to the MODBUS Application Protocol Specification V1.1a. Function code 43 / 14 (0x2B / 0x0E).Device identification on the Modbus interfaceModbusObject IdObject name / Description Type Content converter0x00 VendorName 16 ByteASCII StringKROHNE0x01ProductCode10 ByteASCII StringCG numberproduction0x02MajorMinorRevision7 ByteASCII StringV1.1.000x03Vendor URL32 ByteASCII String0x04ProductName16 ByteASCII StringConverter0x05ModelName16 ByteASCII StringModbus0x06UserApplicationName16 ByteASCII Stringuser tag, displayed onthe header of thelocal screen5.5 CoilregistersThese function codes are used for access: 0x01 = read input coil0x05 = write single coilAbreviations in the following tablesGDC General Device Conceptcnt counter5.5.1 GDCControlsCoil address Function1000 write 1 generates a GDC cold start, write of 0 is ignored 1001 write 1 generates a GDC warm start, write 0 is ignored 1002 write 1 generates a GDC error reset, write 0 is ignored5.5.2 Start calibration functionsModbusprotocoladdressDescription SettingsConverterFct. No.2000 Zerocalibration C1.1.12001 Coil temperature calibration C1.1.8 2002 Electrode factor calibrationwrite 1 = start function0 = -read 0 = - C1. CountercontrolsModbusprotocoladdressDescription SettingsConverterFct. No.3000 Start / Stop Counter 1C3.1.8 /C3.1.93001 Start / Stop Counter 2C3.2.8 /C3.2.93002 Start / Stop Counter 3write:read:1 = start counter0 =stop counter1 = cnt is running0 = cnt is stopped C3.3.8 /C3.3.93003 ResetCounter1 C3.1.63004 ResetCounter2 C3.2.63005 ResetCounter3write:read:1 = reset counter0 = -0 = - C3.3.65.6 InputregistersMeasurement and status values are read only and can be accessed asModbus "Input Registers".Cyclic GDC objects are mapped to Modbus Registers.Also the result of a calibration procedure is accessed by an input register at Modbus Protocol Address 20000. The type are one or more float values.Function code is 04 (0x04).Modbus protocol address Description andSettingsTypeNumberofregisters30000 Flow speed [m/s] float 2 30002 Volume flow [m3/s] float 2 30004 Mass flow [kg/s] float 2 30006 Coil temperature [K] float 230008 Conductivity [S/m]This value may not be measured.Depending on register 31200.0 = off (not measured)1 = conductivity [S/m]2 = conductivity + empty pipe (S) [S/m]2 = conductivity + empty pipe (F) [S/m]float 230010 Diagnosis valueThis value may not be measured.Depending on register 31216.25 = off (not measured)31 = electrode noise [m/s]28 = flow profile [no unit]21 = linearity [no unit]8 = terminal 2 DC [Volt]9 = terminal 3 DC [Volt]float 230012 Display channel 1Represents the value on the first line of the firstmeasurement screen in SI unitsfloat 230014 Display channel 2Represents the value on the first line of the secondmeasurement screen in SI unitsfloat 230016 Operating time [s] float 2 30018 not used, returns zero float 230020 Counter 1 [m3] or [kg] doublefloat430024 Counter 2 [m3] or [kg] doublefloat430028 Counter 3 [m3] or [kg](This counter is only available for converter with IO 2)doublefloat430032 Long status sensor byte [4] 2 30034 Long status device byte [4] 2 5.7 HoldingregistersSome parameters of the device can be accessed as Modbus holding registers. These registers are mapped to acyclic GDC objects.Function code 03 (0x03) for read operations andfunction code 16 (0x10) for write operations.The holding registers are grouped into different sections:5.7.1 CounterparametersModbusprotocoladdressDescription andSettingsConverterFct. No.Type Number of registers 40000 Counter 1 function1 = sum counter2 = + counter3 = - counter0 = offC3.1.1 byte 1 40001 Measurement Cnt 121 = volume flow22 = mass flowC3.1.2 byte 1 40002Counter 2 function,1 = sum counter2 = + counter3 = - counter0 = offC3.2.1 byte 1 40003 Measurement Cnt 221 = volume flow22 = mass flowC3.2.2 byte 1 40004Counter3 function,1 = sum counter2 = + counter3 = - counter0 = offC3.3.1 byte 1 40005 Measurement Cnt 321 = volume flow22 = mass flowC3.3.2 byte 1Modbus protocol address Description andSettingsConverterFct. No.Type Number of registers41000 Low flow cutoff valueCnt 1 [m3] or [kg]C3.1.3 float 241002 Time constant Cnt 1 [s] C3.1.4 float 2 41004 Set Cnt 1 [m3] or [kg] C3.1.7 float 241006 Low flow cutoff valueCnt 2 [m3] or [kg]C3.2.3 float 241008 Time constant Cnt 2 [s] C3.2.4 float 2 41010 Set Cnt 2 [m3] or [kg] C3.2.7 float 241012 Low flow cutoff valueCnt 3 [m3] or [kg]C3.3.3 float 241014 Time constant Cnt 3 [s] C3.3.4 float 2 41016 Set Cnt 3 [m3] or [kg] C3.3.7 float 241018 Preset counter 1[m3] or [kg]C3.1.5 float 241020 Preset counter 2[m3] or [kg]C3.2.5 float 241022 Preset counter 3[m3] or [kg]C3.3.5 float 2Note: Counter 3 parameters are only available for converter with IO 2 ! 5.7.2 Process input filter parametersModbusprotocoladdressDescription andSettingsConverterFct. No.TypeNumber ofregisters 42000Flow direction0 = normal direction1 = reverse directionC1.2.2 byte 1 42001Pulse filter0 = off / 1 = onC1.2.4 byte 1 42002Noise filter0 = off / 1 = onC1.2.7 byte 1 42003Empty pipe0 = off1 = conductivity2 = conductivity +empty pipe (S)3 = conductivity +empty pipe (F)C1.3.1 byte 1 42004 Full pipe0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.4 byte 1 42005 Linearity0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.6 byte 1 42006 Gain0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.8 byte 1 42007 Coil current0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.9 byte 1 42008 Flow profile0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.10 byte 1 42009 Electrode noise0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.13 byte 1 42010 Setting of field0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.16 byte 1 42011 Diagnosis value25 = off31 = electrode noise 28 = flow profile21 = linearity8 = terminal 2 DC9 = terminal 3 DCC1.3.17 byte 1Modbus protocol address Description andSettingsConverterFct. No.TypeNumber ofregisters43000 Limitation low [m/s] C1.2.1 float 2 43002 Limitationhigh[m/s] C1.2.1 float 2 43004 Time constant [s] C1.2.3 float 2 43006 Pulse width [s] C1.2.5 float 2 43008 Pulse limitation [m/s] C1.2.6 float 2 43010 Noise level [m/s] C1.2.8 float 2 43012 Noise suppression C1.2.9 float 2 43014 Low flow cuttoff value [m/s] C1.2.10 float 2 43016 Limit empty pipe [S/m] C1.3.3 float 2 43018 Limit full pipe [S/m] C1.3.5 float 2 43020 Limit flow profil C1.3.11 float 2 43022 Limit electrode noise [m/s] C1.3.14 float 2 43024 Zero point [m/s] C1.1.1 float 2 43026 Coil resistance Rsp, 20 [Ohm] C1.1.7 float 2 43028 Coil temperature calpoint [K] C1.1.8 float 2 43030 Coil resistance calpoint [Ohm] C1.1.8 float 2 43032 Electrode factor EF [m] C1.1.11 float 2 43034 Conductivity calpoint [S/m] C1.1.11 float 2 43036 Conductivity calpoint [S/m] C1.1.11 float 2 5.7.3 ModbusparametersModbusprotocoladdressDescription andSettingsConverterFct. No.TypeNumber ofregisters 50000Baud rate1200 / 2400 / 3600 / 4800 / 9600 /19200 / (default) / 38400 / 57600 /115200C5.8.2 ulong 2 50002 Slave address C5.8.1 byte 1 50003 Parity0 = even parity (default)1 = odd parity3 = no parityC5.8.3 byte 1 50004Data format1 = big endian2 = little endianC5.8.4 byte 1 50005Stop bits1 = 1 stop bit (parity is used)2 = 2 stop bits (parity is not used)C5.3.6 byte 25.8 Calibrationprocedures5.8.1 Zero flow calibration5.8.2 Coil temperature calibration5.8.3 Conductivity calibration5.9 DiagnosticsThe Modbus interface supports the diagnostic function defined by the Modbusapplication protocol specification.Function code is 08 (0x08).Sub - function codehex dec Name00 00 Return query data 01 01 Restart communication option 04 04 Force listen only mode 0A 10 Clear counters 0B 11 Return bus message count 0C 12 Return bus communication error count 0D 13 Return bus exception count 0E 14 Return slave message count 0F 15 Return slave no response count 10 16 Return slave NAK count (counter not used) 11 17 Return slave busy count (counter not used) 12 18 Return bus character overrun count Notice6 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned instrument。

科隆krohne OPTISWIRL 4200 涡街流量计 说明书

科隆krohne  OPTISWIRL 4200 涡街流量计 说明书

涡街流量计电子版本: ER 2.0.0_OPTISWIRL 4200快速启动© KROHNE 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh内容2 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh1 安全须知32 安装42.1 用途.....................................................................42.2 供货范围.................................................................62.3 存储.....................................................................62.4 运输.....................................................................72.5 安装条件.. (8)2.5.1 测量液体时应严禁的安装......................................................92.5.2 测量蒸汽和气体时应严禁的安装...............................................102.5.3 带控制阀的管线.............................................................102.5.4 推荐安装位置 (11)2.6 最小进口直管段..........................................................122.7 最小出口直管段..........................................................132.8 整流器..................................................................132.9 安装.. (14)2.9.1 安装注意事项...............................................................142.9.2 夹持型仪表的安装...........................................................152.9.3 法兰型仪表的安装...........................................................162.9.4 分体型现场外壳的安装.......................................................172.10 隔热层.................................................................182.11 转动机壳...............................................................192.12 旋转显示板. (20)3 电气连接213.1 安全须知................................................................213.2 连接信号转换器..........................................................223.3 电气连接. (23)3.3.1 电源.......................................................................233.3.2 电流输出...................................................................233.3.3 电流输入...................................................................243.3.4 二进制输出.................................................................243.3.5 限位开关输出...............................................................253.3.6 脉冲输出 / 频率输出........................................................273.3.7 状态输出...................................................................283.4 分体型的接线............................................................283.5 接地连接................................................................303.6 防护等级. (31)13 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh 警告与符号使用操作• 此符号标注出所有的操作提示,操作人员必须按规定顺序进行操作。

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[11]

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[11]

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、概述二、安装1. 一体型流量计选择合适的安装位置,避免强烈的振动、温度变化和电磁干扰。






2. 分体型流量计选择合适的安装位置,避免强烈的振动、温度变化和电磁干扰。








三、电气连接1. 电源连接注意仪表铭牌上的数据,电源电压和频率范围(50-60 Hz)。



按照正确的颜色编码和端子编号进行接线,并且遵循VDE0110和IEC 664标准规定的净空距和间隙要求。

2. 输出/输入连接注意仪表铭牌上的数据,输出/输入的类型和参数范围。



按照正确的颜色编码和端子编号进行接线,并且遵循VDE0110和IEC 664标准规定的净空距和间隙要求。



















科隆电磁流量计转换器快速操作手册1.仪表量程设置按住>键2.5秒后释放---A QUICK SETUP(快速设置)---A4 ANALOG OUTPUTS(模拟输出)---A4.3 range(量程)2.流量仿真按住>键2.5秒后释放---B Test(测试)---B1 Simulation(仿真)---B1.2 Volume flow(体积流量)---Set value(打开编辑器,输入仿真值)start simulation?(启动仿真?)3.电流仿真按住>键2.5秒后释放---B Test(测试)---B1 Simulation(仿真)---B1.y Current output X(电流输出)---Set value(打开编辑器,输入仿真值)start simulation?(启动仿真?)4.脉冲仿真按住>键2.5秒后释放---B Test(测试)---B1 Simulation(仿真)---B1.y Pulse output X(脉冲输出)---Set value(打开编辑器,输入仿真值)start simulation?(启动仿真?)5.频率仿真按住>键2.5秒后释放---B Test(测试)---B1 Simulation(仿真)---B1.y frequency output X(频率输出)---Set value(打开编辑器,输入仿真值)start simulation?(启动仿真?)6.恢复出厂设置方法按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C5 Device(仪器)---C5.6 Special functions(特殊功能)---C5.6.03 Load settings(下载设定)---factory settings(取出交货时的设定)7.校零按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Processinput(过程输入)---C1.1 Calibration(校准)---C1.1.01 Zero calibration(零点校准)---automatic(将当前实际读数作为零位置)8.流量值的极性按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Processinput(过程输入)---C1.2 Filter(滤波)---C1.2.02 Flow direction(流动方向)---normal direction(和传感器上流向箭头方向相同)opposite direction(和传感器上流向箭头方向相同)9.空管置零按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Processinput(过程输入)---C1.3 Self test(自测)---C1.3.01 Empty pipe(空管)---cond.+empty pipe〔F〕(电导率+空管〔F〕电导率和空管显示,应用故障类别〔F〕空管情况时,流量显示“=0”)10.口径C1.1.02 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Processinput(过程输入)---C1.1 Calibration(校准)---C1.1.02 Size(口径)---根据铭牌选取口径11.GKL系数C1.1.05 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1Processinput(过程输入)---C1.1 Calibration(校准)---C1.1.05 GKL---根据铭牌设定数值12.磁场频率(Field frequency)C1.1.13 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Processinput(过程输入)---C1.1 Calibration(校准)---C1.1.1 Zero calibration(零点校准)---C1.1.13 Field frequency(磁场频率)---13.电流输出开启(Current output)C2.1.1 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C2 I/O(输入/输出)---C2.1 Hardware(硬件)---C2.1.1 Terminals A(端子A)---Current output(电流输出开启)/Off(电流输出关闭,该端子无任何功能)14.频率输出开启(Frequency output)C2.1.4 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C2 I/O(输入/输出)---C2.1 Hardware(硬件)---C2.1.1 Terminals A(端子A)---C2.1.4 Terminals D(端子D)---Frequency output (频率输出)/Pulse output (脉冲输出)/Status output (状态输出开启)/Limit switch(限位开关开启)/Off(关闭,该端子无任何功能)15.量程(Range)C2.2.6 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C2 I/O(输入/输出)---C2.2 Current output A(c2.2=A C2.3=B C2.4=C)---C2.2.1 Range 0%-100%(电流输出量程,例如4-20MA)---C2.2.6 Range(量程)---测量范围为0%-100%16.极性(Polarity)C2.2.7 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C2 I/O(输入/输出)---C2.2 Current output A(c2.2=A C2.3=B C2.4=C)---C2.2.1 Range 0%-100%(电流输出量程,例如4-20MA)---C2.2.7 Polarity(极性)---Both polarities (使用正、负数值)/Positive polarity (用正值,负值用力0%代替)/Negative polarity (用负值,正值用0%代替)/Absolute value(用测量值的绝对值作为电流输出)17.指示流量传感器的衬里材料(Liner)C1.4.1 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Process input(过程输入)---C1.1 Calibraton(校准)---C1.4 Information(所有传感器的电子信息)---C1.4.1 Liner (指示流量传感器的衬里材料)---PTFE(聚四氟已稀)、PFA(衬里)、NEOPRENE(氯丁橡胶)、POLYURETHANE(聚氨酯橡胶)18.指示电极材料(Eletr.material)C1.4.1 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Process input(过程输入)---C1.1 Calibraton(校准)---C1.4 Information(所有传感器的电子信息)---C1.4.2 Electr.material (指示传感器电极材料)---MO2TI、HC、HB、TI、TA、PT19.在测量页中打开累加器(1ST meas.page 1)C5.3 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Process input(过程输入)---C5 Device(设备)---C5.3 1st meas.page 1(第一测量显示屏)---C5.3.8 measurement 2nd line (第二测量行)---counter1(在Profibus 中为FB2累加器)20.在测量页2中打开电导率测量(2ST meas.page 2)C5.3 按住>键2.5秒后释放---C Setup(设置)---C1 Process input(过程输入)---C5 Device(设备)---C5.4 2nd meas.page 2(第一测量显示屏)---C5.4.8 measurement 1st line (第一测量行)---conductivity(电导率)。

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300

C 和 F (选项)
请核对仪表铭牌确认所供仪表的型式是正确的 见下面的例子,输入/输出的插图见 2.2.
04 / 2006
IFC 300
1 电源连接: 电源供应 1.1 仪表安装的定位和重要注意事项
特别注意 !
电气连接应符合“额定电压 1000V 以下电气动力安装规范”或等效的国家标准
IFC 300 F 的安装: 用安装板在墙面或立管上安装 IFC 300 F 尺寸及更多的信息(转换器之间的最小距离): 见 5.5, 尺寸和重量
流量传感器和信号转换器之间的距离越近越好,信号电缆和励磁电缆允许的最长距离 见 1.3.3 和 1.3.5
请使用我们提供的 A 型电缆(普通型 DS 300)或 B 型电缆(自举型 BTS 300),标准长度 10 m / 30 ft
04 / 2006
IFC 300
1.2 将 IFC 300 C, F 和 W 型转换器连接到电源
防护等级 对应于 IEC 529 / EN 6052 的 IP 65 和 67,等同于 NEMA 4 / 4X 和 6,取决于所用型式
额定值: 流量计的外壳用来保护电子设备免受灰尘和潮气的侵扰,应始终保持关闭。所选择的净间 距应满足 VDE 0110 和 IEC 664 污染程度 2 规定,供电回路过电压设计符合类别 III 和输入/输出 回路设计符合类别 II 要求
信号线 / 内层屏蔽
500 V
信号线 / 信号线
1000 V
信号线 / 外层屏蔽
1000 V
芯线 / 芯线 < 50 pF/m 或 15 pF/ft

Collihigh KL-M6000 以太网模块 说明书

Collihigh KL-M6000 以太网模块 说明书

12 位
4~20mA 或 0~5V
以太网 RJ45
0~+50℃ 0~70%RH
输入,按回车结束,设定 IP 地址。
输入’H’ ,系统显示
Enter Hardware Address :
输入 0.8.DC.0.0.0,按回车结束,设定 MAC 地址。
输入密码 1234,点击确认按键设定为当前时间。 注意:(1)当第一次使用或之前有很长时间未使用时一定要重新设置此项,否则
模块无法正常工作。 (2) 设定口令的作用是防止误操作,并非加密作用,所以无需更改。如
2、测量参数设置:在监控网页选择“通道设定”,输入各项参数,绝对零点 输入 793,绝对满度应输入 3962,零点值与满度值为实际传感器的量程值, 输入完毕后选择通道号,输入操作确认密码 1234, 点击 SETUP 按键保存参数并返回,点 TEST 不保存。 注意:(1) 绝对零点 793 对应模块所接传感器输 出的 4mA 或 0V,绝对满度 3962 对应 20mA 或 5V。如 果用户需要自行标定请填入合适的值。
- Decimal
(H)ardware address update - HexaDeciaml Format



科隆ERP系统v2.0 电子制造业行业方案常熟科隆信息技术有限公司2011年6月一、应用背景面对竞争已日趋激烈的全球化市场环境,利用资讯科技整和企业资源,监控市场信息,有效提升业务速度,乃企业发展的当务之急;近年来,许多企业以其先进的管理、优质的产品和良好的服务,在经营规模、经济品种、客户数量及利润增长等主要指标上取得了令人瞩目的成就。












导波雷达(TDR )物位计外壳和传感器采用模块化设计,适合于不同的安装要求适用于液体和固体测量的通用型测量仪表符合 IEC61508 标准的 SIL2安全相关系统OPTIFLEX 2200 C/F• • •技术数据表1 仪表特性1.1 模块化 TDR 解决方案 1.2 概述 1.3 应用 1.4 导波天线的选型 1.5 测量原理 2 技术参数2.1 技术参数 2.2 最低供电电压 2.3 压力/法兰温度选型表 2.4 测量限制 2.5 尺寸和重量3 安装3.1 适用场合 3.2 仪表安装前对罐体的准备 3.2.1 安装管嘴通用信息 3.2.2 混凝土罐顶的安装要求 3.3 液体测量安装建议 3.3.1 通用要求 3.3.2 立管(导波管和旁通管)中的安装 3.4 固体测量安装建议 3.4.1 锥形料仓安装管嘴 4 电气连接4.1 电气安装:2 线制,回路供电 4.1.1 一体型 4.1.2 分体型 4.2 非防爆仪表 4.3 防爆危险区域认证 4.4 网络 4.4.1 通用信息 4.4.2 点能点网络连接 4.4.3 多支点网络连接5 订货代码5.1 订货代码............................................................................................................................3.......................................................................................................................................................5.......................................................................................................................................................7....................................................................................................................................8.. (9)..............................................................................................................................................10.......................................................................................................................................15...........................................................................................................................16..............................................................................................................................................17 (20)..............................................................................................................................................28....................................................................................................................28......................................................................................................................28..............................................................................................................30...............................................................................................................................31.....................................................................................................................................31............................................................................................32...............................................................................................................................34. (34).............................................................................................................35........................................................................................................................................35........................................................................................................................................35..........................................................................................................................................36...............................................................................................................................37.....................................................................................................................................................37.....................................................................................................................................37.........................................................................................................................37..............................................................................................................................................38. (39)2目录产品特点1.1模块化 TDR 解决方案本仪表采用 TDR 原理测量距离,物位,容积和质量。


3.2 转换器接线盒
• 用与流量计一起提供的专用扳手取下电子设备部分的后盖(暗盖),即可接触到转换器接线 盒。
• 勿损坏螺丝螺纹和垫圈,切勿使灰尘积聚,并确保螺丝螺纹上涂有适当的油脂,请使用Teflon 油脂。必须立即更换已损坏的垫圈!
• 勿将电缆在信号转换器的接线盒内交叉或打环。为电源和信号电缆采用独立的电缆引入装 置。
• 本仪器旨在与电源永久性连接。要求(例如在维修时)在产品附近安装外部 开关或断路器以断开电源。操作员必须能够很容易地触及,且需标明这是本 产品的断开装置。该开关或断路器必须适用于所有应用,且需符合本地(安 全)要求和建筑物设施的要求(IEC 60947-1/-3)。
• 压入配合在接线室(电源接线端子附近)内的、尺寸为M5的保护性导线夹 端子,应当一直与电源的保护性接地导线相连接。可以将最粗为4mm2(11 AWG)的导线连接到该端子。电源的导线的直径、包括保护性接地导线的 直径,应当符合一般要求和当地要求。
一般安全建议 • 未详读、理解和遵照厂商提供的指示之前切勿安装、操作或维护本流量计,否则可能导致人
员受伤或设备损坏。 • 在开始安全之前详读这些指示,并保存好以备将来参考。 • 遵守产品的标记的所有警告和指示。 • 只使用配备有保护性接地装置的电源。 • 在潮湿的环境下,勿使用打开盖子后的产品。 • 遵照搬运和起重指示,以免损坏设备。 • 产品的安装必须坚固、稳定。 • 正确地安装和连接电缆,以免设备损坏或形成不利环境。 • 如果产品的操作不正常,参考维修指示或请求合格的科隆修工程师的帮助。 • 在产品内部并无需要操作人员进行维修的部件。 本手册中或产品上可能出现以下符号。
• 从科隆购买的任何产品将根据相应的产品文件或我们的销售条款受到保证。 • 科隆保留以任何方式、在任何时间、以任何理由更改其文件内容的权利,不作事先通知,





a 质量流量计通常不需要任何前后直管段。

b 由于仪表有重量,所以我们推荐使用支架,允许支撑仪表主体。

c 仪表可以水平安装,可以安装在向上倾斜的管道内或垂直安装。




d 仪表的如下标签表示在功能C1.3.1中预设在转换器中的流体流动方向,默认情况下流向由“—”到“+”。

e 电源连接请注意:通电前,请确认仪表铭牌上的数据、电源电压和频率范围f 输出连接若仪表为电流输出时,请连接接线端子A+和A,其中端子A+为“+”端子A 为“—”,如下图:二、参数设置a 科隆质量流量计OPTIMASS1300系列流量见下表,可在菜单A4.3中设置输出范围。


b 仪表有流量累积的功能,若第一个测量页面无累积流量显示可在菜C6.3.1选择两行显示,其单位可在C6.7.13中更改。







科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[7]

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[7]

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300==========================一、概述二、安装2.1 安装形式IFC300有四种安装形式可供选择:一体型:信号转换器直接安装在传感器上,合用于非危(wei)险区域。




2.2 安装位置和注意事项请按照本说明书和传感器说明书的要求进行安装,遵守相关的国家标准、安全规范和事故处理规程。





三、操作3.1 操作界面IFC300的操作界面由显示器、操作按键和HART接口组成。




3.2 操作按键IFC300有四个操作按键,分别为:上箭头键:用于向上浏览菜单或者增加数值。




3.3 编程框图IFC300的编程框图如下:![编程框图](^1^)3.4 可设定的功能IFC300提供了多种可设定的功能,包括:测量单位:可以选择流速、体积流量或者质量流量的单位,如m/s、m³/h、kg/h等。




外夹式超声波流量计ER 3.4.0_OPTISONIC 6300操作手册© KROHNE 03/2014 - 4003226601 - HB OPTISONIC 6300 R03 zh保留所有权利。



2 03/2014 - 4003226601 - HB OPTISONIC 6300 R03 zh版权所有2014KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH - Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5 - 47058 Duisburg (Germany): 版本说明3 03/2014 - 4003226601 - HB OPTISONIC 6300 R03 zh 1 安全须知61.1 软件历史 (6)1.2 使用准备 (7)1.3 认证 (7)1.4 来自制造厂家的安全须知 (8)1.4.1 版权及数据保护 (8)1.4.2 免责条款 (8)1.4.3 产品责任及质保 (9)1.4.4 有关文档的信息 (9)1.4.5 警告与符号使用 (10)1.5 操作者的安全须知........................................................102 设备描述112.1 交货范围 (11)2.2 设备描述 (12)2.3 铭牌 (13)2.3.1 概述.......................................................................132.3.2 流量传感器.................................................................132.3.3 信号转换器.................................................................142.3.4 输入/输出的电气连接数据(基本版本示例)...................................153 安装163.1 通用安装提示 (16)3.2 储存 (16)3.3 运输 (16)3.4 安装前要求 (16)3.4.1 坏境要求 (16)3.4.2 信号转换器安装要求 (17)3.5 传感器安装条件 (17)3.5.1 入口,出口及推荐的安装位置.................................................183.5.2 较长的水平管道.............................................................183.5.3 开放式供料或排放...........................................................193.5.4 长度超过 5 m/16 ft 的下行管道..............................................193.5.5 控制阀的位置...............................................................193.5.6 泵的位置...................................................................203.5.7 管道直径及传感器结构.......................................................203.5.8 管道及介质参数 (20)3.6 流量计的安装 (21)3.6.1 通用机械安装 (21)3.6.2 小型及中型版本的安装指导 (23)3.6.3 大型版本的安装指导 (25)3.7 转换器的安装 (27)3.7.1 UFC 300 F 的安装 (27)3.7.2 转动现场型转换器显示屏的方法 (27)3.7.3 UFC 300 W 的安装 (28)内容4 03/2014 - 4003226601 - HB OPTISONIC 6300 R03 zh4 电气连接294.1 安全须知 (29)4.2 不同外壳版本的结构 (29)4.2.1 UFC 300 F (29)4.2.2 UFC 300 W (30)4.3 电气连接 (31)4.3.1 连接流量传感器的信号电缆 (31)4.3.2 信号电缆及信号转换器供电 (33)4.3.3 正确铺设电缆 (34)4.4 电气符号的说明 (35)4.5 基本输入和输出 (36)4.5.1 固定的、不可变换的输入/输出版本 (37)4.5.2 基本输入/输出 (39)4.6 模块输入和输出 (42)4.6.1 可选输入/输出型...........................................................424.6.2 模块输入/输出及总线系统...................................................434.7 HART ® 连接.............................................................515 启动535.1 通用编程指导 (53)5.2 开始测量小/中型版本....................................................575.3 开始测量大型版本.. (58)5.4 大型版本的机械安装......................................................606 操作706.1 菜单一览 (70)6.2 菜单结构 (71)6.2.1 快速设置...................................................................716.2.2 测试.......................................................................736.2.3 安装.......................................................................756.2.4 自定义设置.................................................................826.3 功能说明. (83)6.4 错误信息................................................................907 服务927.1 周期性维护 (92)7.1.1 为探头添加耦合剂 (92)7.2 清洁 (93)7.3 替换电子机芯 (93)7.3.1 现场型 (94)7.3.2 墙挂型 (96)7.4 更换主保险丝 (99)7.4.1 现场型 (100)7.4.2 墙挂型 (100)7.5 备件可用性 (101)7.6 可提供的服务 (101)5 03/2014 - 4003226601 - HB OPTISONIC 6300 R03 zh 7.7 仪器送返生产厂家.......................................................1017.7.1 基本信息 (101)7.7.2 送返仪器时附带的表格(可复印) (102)7.8 处理...................................................................1028 技术数据1038.1 测量原理 (103)8.2 技术数据 (104)8.3 尺寸和重量 (112)8.3.1 外壳......................................................................1128.3.2 外夹式传感器和接线盒......................................................1138.3.3 安装板,分体型外壳........................................................1158.3.4 安装板,墙装型外壳 (115)16 03/2014 - 4003226601 - HB OPTISONIC 6300 R03 zh1.1 软件历史对于所有GDC 仪表,根据NE 53,“电子版本”(ER)记录了电子机芯版本状态。

科隆流量计sc-150 说明书

科隆流量计sc-150 说明书
单位:从清单选择(Sect. 5.1)范围:(Sect. 5.3) 0.0034至542900立方米/小时0.8962至143400000加仑/分钟在选择单位后,再用→键选择数值,第一行闪烁的数字
(只有3.1.06中输入是的情况Байду номын сангаас才会出现)范围:1-19百分比

科隆krohne OPTISWITCH series 5000 NAMUR说明书

科隆krohne OPTISWITCH series 5000 NAMUR说明书

S afety M anual OPTISWITCH series5000 -NAMURC ontent1F unctional safety1.1I n general (3)1.2P lanning (5)1.3A djustment instructions (7)1.4S etup (7)1.5R eaction during operation and in case of failure (7)1.6R ecurring function test (7)1.7S afety -related characteristics (8)2OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 1Content32747-EN -1001281F unctional safety1.1I n generalT his safety manual applies to measuring systems consisting of thevibrating level switch OPTISWITCH series 5000with integrated oscillator SWE 60N :OPTISWITCH 5100C ,5150C ,5200C ,5250CF or instruments with enamelled fork ,oscillator SWE 60N .E or SWE 60N .E 1is required .T he measuring system can be implemented for level detection (ofliquids )which meets the special requirements of safety technology .T his is possible up to SIL 2in a single channel architecture (1oo 1D ),and up to SIL 3in a multiple channel ,redundant architecture .T he SIL declaration of conformity can be downloaded from ourhomepage in the I nternet .SILS afety I ntegrity L evel HFTH ardware F ault T olerance SFFS afe F ailure F raction PFD avgA verage P robability of dangerous F ailure on D emand PFHP robability of a dangerous F ailure per H our FMEDAF ailure M ode ,E ffects and D iagnostics A nalysis λsdR ate for safe detected failure λsuR ate for safe undetected failure λddR ate for dangerous detected failure λduR ate for dangerous undetected failure DC SD iagnostic C overage of safe failures ;DC S =λsd /(λsd +λsu )DC DD iagnostic C overage of dangerous failures ;DC D =λdd /(λdd +λdu )FITF ailure I n T ime (1FIT =1failure /109h )MTBFM ean T ime B etween F ailure MTTF M ean T ime T o F ailureMTTR M ean T ime T o R epair F urther abbreviations and terms are stated in IEC 61508-4.S cope A rea of application SIL conformity A bbreviations ,termsOPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 31F unctionalsafety32747-E N -100128l IEC 61508-F unctional safety of electrical /electronic /programmable elec -tronic safety -related systemsl IEC 61511-1-F unctional safety -safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector -P art 1:F ramework ,de finitions ,system ,hardware and software requirementsF ailure limit values for a safety function ,depending on the SIL class (ofIEC 61508-1,7.6.2)S afety integrity level L ow demand mode H igh demand modeSIL PFD avg PFH4≥10-5…<10-4≥10-9…<10-83≥10-4…<10-3≥10-8…<10-72≥10-3…<10-2≥10-7…<10-61≥10-2…<10-1≥10-6…<10-5S afety integrity of the hardware for safety -related subsystems of type A (IEC 61508-2,7.4.3)S afe failure fraction H ardwarefault toler -anceSFF HFT =0HFT =1HFT =2<60%SIL 1SIL 2SIL 360%…<90%SIL 2SIL 3(SIL 4)90%…<99%SIL 3(SIL 4)(SIL 4)≥99%SIL 3(SIL 4)(SIL 4)A ccording to IEC 61511-1,paragraph 11.4.4,the failure tolerance HFTcan be reduced by one for service -proven subsystems if the following conditions are met :l T he instrument is service provenl O nly process -relevant parameters can be modi fied on the instru -ment (e .g .measuring range ,current output in case of failure …)l T he modi fication of these process -relevant parameters is pro -tected (e .g .password ,…)l T he safety function requires less than SIL 4T he assessment by C hange M anagement was a part of the "service proven "veri fication .R elevant standards S afety requirements S ervice proven 4OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 1F unctionalsafety32747-EN -1001281.2P lanningT he safety function of this measuring system is the identi fication andsignalling of the condition of the vibrating element .A di fference is made between the two conditions "covered "and "uncovered ".T he safe state depends on the mode :O ver flow protection(max .operation )D ry run protection (min .operation )V ibrating element in safestatecovered uncovered O utput current in safestate0.4…1m A 0.4…1m A F ailure current "fail low "<1m A <1m A F ailure current "fail high ">6.5m A >6.5m AA safe failure exists when the measuring system switches to thede fined safe state or the fault mode without the process demanding it .A dangerous undetected failure exists if the measuring systemswitches neither to the de fined safe condition nor to the failure mode when the process requires it .I f the measuring system delivers output currents of "fail low "or "fail high ",it can be assumed that there is a malfunction .T he processing unit must therefore interpret such currents as a malfunction and output a suitable fault signal .I f this is not the case ,the corresponding portions of the failure rates must be assigned to the dangerous failures .T he stated values in chapter "S afety -relevant characteristics "can thus worsen .T he processing unit must correspond to the SIL level of the measurement chain .T he adjustment of the operation mode on the NAMUR ampli fieraccording to IEC 60947-5-6has to be selected in such a way ,that its switching output at an input current <1,2m A is in a safe position .I f the demand rate is only once a year ,then the measuring system canbe used as safety -relevant subsystem in "low demand mode "(IEC 61508-4,3.5.12).I f the ratio of the internal diagnostics test rate of the measuring system to the demand rate exceeds the value 100,the measuring system can be treated as if it is executing a safety function in the mode with low demand rate (IEC 61508-2, afety function S afe state F ault description C on figuration of theprocessing unit L ow demand mode OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 51F unctionalsafety32747-E N -100128A n associated characteristic is the value PFD avg (average P robability of dangerous F ailure on D emand ).I t is dependent on the test interval T P roof between the function tests of the protective function .N umber values see chapter "S afety -related characteristics ".I f the "low demand rate "does not apply ,the measuring system assafety -relevant subsystem in "high demand mode "should be used (IEC 61508-4,3.5.12).T he fault tolerance time of the complete system must be higher than the sum of the reaction times or the diagnostics test periods of all components in the safety -related measurement chain .A n associated characteristic is the value PFH (failure rate ).N umber values see chapter "S afety -related characteristics ".T he following assumptions form the basis for the implementation ofFMEDA :l F ailure rates are constant ,wear of the mechanical parts is not taken into accountl F ailure rates of external power supplies are not taken into account l M ultiple errors are not taken into accountl T he average ambient temperature during the operating time is40°C (104°F )l T he environmental conditions correspond to an average industrial environmentl T he lifetime of the components is around 8to 12years (IEC 61508-2,,remark 3)l T he repair time (exchange of the measuring system )after an nondangerous malfunction is eight hours (MTTR =8h )l T he processing unit can interprete "fail low "and "fail high "failures as errors and trigger a suitable error messagel T he scanning interval of a connected control and processing unit is max .1hour ,in order to react to dangerous ,detectable errorsT he measuring system should be used appropriately taking pressure ,temperature ,density and chemical properties of the medium intoaccount .T he user -speci fic limits must be kept .T he speci fications of the operating instructions manual must not be exceeded .K eep in mind when using as dry run protection :l A void buildup on the vibrating system (probably shorter proof test intervals will be necessary )l A void solids >5mm (0.2in )stored in the mediuml A void foam generation with a density of >0.5g /cm ³(0.018lbs /in ³)H igh demand mode A ssumptions G eneral instructions and restrictions 6OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 1F unctionalsafety32747-EN -1001281.3A djustment instructionsS ince the plant conditions in fluence the safety of the measuringsystem ,the adjustment elements must be set according to the application :lDIL switch for characteristics reversal l DIL switch for sensitivity adjustmentT he function of the adjustment elements is described in the operating instructions manual .1.4S etupT ake note of the mounting and installation instructions of the operating instructions manual .I n the setup procedure ,a check of the safety function by means of an initial filling is recommended .1.5R eaction during operation and in case offailureT he adjustment elements or device parameters must not be modi fied during operation .I f modi fications have to be made during operation ,carefully observe the safety functions .F ault signals that may appear are described in the appropriate operating instructions manual .I f faults or error messages are detected ,the entire measuring system must be shut down and the process held in a safe state by other measures .A n exchange of the electronics is easily possible and is described in the operating instructions manual .I f due to a detected failure the electronics or the complete sensor is exchanged ,the manufacturer must be informed (incl .a fault description ).1.6R ecurring function testT he recurring function test is used to check the safety function ,to detect possible non -recognisable ,dangerous faults .T he function ofthe measuring system must be checked in adequate intervals .T he operator is responsible for choosing the type of check .T he time intervals depend on the selected PFD avg value according to chart and diagram in paragraph "S afety -related characteristics ".A djustment elements M ounting and installa -tion R eason and implemen -tation OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 71F unctionalsafety32747-E N -100128W ith high demand rate ,a recurring function test is not requested in IEC 61508.T he function of the measuring system is demonstrated by the frequent use of the system .I n double channel architectures it is a good idea to verify the redundancy through recurring function tests at appropriate intervals .T he test must be carried out in a way that veri fies the flawless operation of the safety functions in conjunction with all system components .T his is ensured by a controlled reaching of the response height during filling .I f filling up to the response height is not possible ,then a response of the measuring system must be triggered by a suitable simulation of the level or the physical measuring e ffect .T he methods and procedures used during the tests must be stated and their suitability must be speci fied .T he tests must be documented .I f the function test proves negative ,the entire measuring system must be switched out of service and the process held in a safe state by means of other measures .I n the double channel architecture (1oo 2D )this applies separately to both channels .T he function of connected instruments can be checked in the "max ."and "min ."modes with the "S imulation key ".T he test procedure isdescribed in detail in the operating instructions manual.F or this test ,take note of the condition of the vibrating element :l M ode "max .":V ibrating element "uncovered "l M ode "min .":V ibrating element "covered "1.7S afety -related characteristicsT he failure rates of the electronics ,the mechanical parts of thetransmitter as well as the process fitting are determined by an FMEDA according to IEC 61508.T he calculations are based on component failure rates according to SN 29500.A ll values refer to an average ambient temperature during the operating time of 40°C (104°F ).F or a higher average temperature of 60°C (140°F ),the failure rates should be multiplied by a factor of 2.5.A similar factor applies if frequent temperature fluctuations are expected .T he calculations are also based on the speci fications stated in chapter "P lanning ".A fter 8to 12years ,the failure rates of the electronic components willincrease ,whereby the derived PFD and PFH values will deteriorate (IEC 61508-2,,note 3).F unction test of con -nected instruments B asics S ervice life 8OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 1F unctionalsafety32747-EN -100128O ver flow protection (max ./A -operation )D ry run protection (min ./B -operation )λsd9FIT 9FIT λsu203FIT 202FIT λdd9FIT 9FIT λdu43FIT 45FIT MTBF =MTTF +MTTR 3.79x 106h 3.79x 106hF ault reaction time <1.5sec .S ingle channel architecture (1oo 1D )SILSIL 2HFT0S ensor type T ype AO ver flow protection(max ./A -operation )D ry run protection (min ./B -operation )SFF83%83%PFD avgT P roof =1yearT P roof =5yearsT P roof =10years<0.019x 10-2<0.095x 10-2<0.189x 10-2<0.020x 10-2<0.097x 10-2<0.195x 10-2PFH <0.043x 10-6/h <0.045x 10-6/hT he chronological sequence of PFD avg is nearly linear to the operating time over a period up to 10years .T he above values apply only to theT P roof interval after which a recurring function test must be carried out .F ailure ratesF ault reaction time S peci fic characteristics T ime -dependent proc -ess of PFD avg OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 91F unctionalsafety32747-E N -100128F ig .1:C hronological sequence of PFD avg (figures see above charts )1PFD avg =02PFD avg after 1year3PFD avg after 5years4PFD avg after 10yearsM ultiple channel architectureI f the measuring system is used in a multiple channel architecture ,thesafety -relevant characteristics of the selected structure of the meas .chain must be calculated speci fically for the selected application according to the above failure rates .A suitable C ommon C ause F actor must be taken into account .S peci ficcharacteristics 10OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 1F unctional safety32747-EN -100128OPTISWITCH series 5000•-NAMUR 111F unctionalsafety32747-E N -100128Subject to change without notice 32747-EN-100128。

SCHUNK LM 25 - 300线性模块装配和操作手册说明书

SCHUNK LM 25 - 300线性模块装配和操作手册说明书

Translation of the original manualLinearmoduleLM 25 - 300Assembly and Operating ManualSuperior Clamping and GrippingTranslation of the original manual2ImprintCopyright:This manual remains the copyrighted property of SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG. It is solely supplied to our customers and operators of our products and forms part of the unit. This documentation may not be duplicated or made accessible to third parties, in particular competitive companies, without our prior permission.Technical changes:We reserve the right to make alterations for the purpose of technical improvement. Document number: 0389291Edition: 03.01 |26/02/2013|en© SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KGAll rights reservedDear customer,congratulations on choosing a SCHUNK product. By choosing SCHUNK, you have opted for the highest precision, top quality and best service.You are going to increase the process reliability of your production and achieve best ma-chining results – to the customer's complete satisfaction.SCHUNK products are inspiring.Our detailed assembly and operation manual will support you.Do you have further questions? You may contact us at any time – even after purchase.Kindest Regards Yours SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KGSpann- und GreiftechnikBahnhofstr. 106 – 134D-74348 Lauffen/NeckarTel. +49-7133-103-2503Fax +49-7133-103-2189**************.comTable of contents03.01|LM 25 - 300|en 3Table of contents1 About this manual (5)1.1 Warnings (5)1.1.1 Signal words (5)1.1.2 Symbols (5)1.2 Applicable documents (6)2 Basic safety notes (6)2.1 Intended use (6)2.2 Environmental and operating conditions (6)2.3 Controlled production (7)2.3.1 Protective equipment (7)2.3.2 Constructional changes, attachments, or modifications (7)2.4 Personnel qualification (7)2.5 Using personal protective equipment (8)2.6 Notes on particular risks (8)3 Warranty (10)4 Scope of delivery (10)5 Accessories (11)5.1 Sensors (11)5.2 Intermediate stops ZZA (11)5.3 Intermediate stops LMZAW (11)5.4 Rod lock (12)5.5 Stop screw (12)6 Technical data (13)7 Mounting and commissioning (14)7.1 Mechanical connection (14)7.2 Compressed air supply (15)8 Commissioning (16)9 Handling (17)9.1 End position sets (17)9.2 Intermediate stops ZZA (19)9.3 Intermediate stops LMZAW (20)9.4 Rod lock (23)10 Troubleshooting (24)10.1 Module does not move? (24)10.2 End position does not exist? (24)Table of contents410.3 Module proposes at the end positions? (24)10.4 Payload swings in the final position? (24)11 Maintenance and care (25)12 Spare parts (26)12.1 LM 25 (26)12.2 LM 50, 100, 200, 300 (27)13 Translation of original declaration of incorporation (28)Basic safety notes03.01|LM 25 - 300|en 5About this manualThis instruction is an integral part of the product and contains im-portant information for a safe and proper assembly, commission-ing, operation, maintenance and helps for an easier trouble shoot-ing.Before using the product, read and note the instruction, especially the chapter "Basic safety notes".WarningsThe following signal words and symbols are used to highlight dan-gers.Signal wordsSymbolsGeneral mandatory sign to prevent material damage 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 Basic safety notes6Applicable documents• General terms of business• SCHUNK catalog linear modules• Assembly and Operating Manuals for sensorsThe documents listed up here, can be download on our homepage Basic safety notesIntended useThe module was designed for linear movement of useful loads into any desired position, where the load does not react in an manner endangering persons, property or the enviroment as a result of this manipulation. The module is intended for installation in a machine. The require-ments of the applicable guidelines must be observed and complied with.The module may be used only in the context of its defined applica-tion parameters.Any other use or use exceeding that specified is an infringement of appropriate use. The manufacturer bears no liability for damage resulting from such use.Environmental and operating conditions• Use the module only within its defined application parame-ters (☞ 6, Page 13) "Technical Data" and catalog• Do not expose the module to excessive vibration and / or shock.• Sicherstellen, dass die Umgebung sauber ist und die Umge-bungstemperatur den Angaben gemäß Katalog entspricht. War-tungs- und Schmierintervalle beachten (☞ 11, Page 25)• Make sure that the environment is free from splash water and vapors as well as from abrasion or processing dust. Excepted are modules that are designed especially for contaminated en-vironments.1.2 22.1 2.2 Basic safety notes03.01|LM 25 - 300|en 7• Strong magnetic fields can impair the function of the module. If the product is to be used in strong magnetic fields, contact your SCHUNK partner.Controlled productionThe module represents the state of the art and the recognized safety rules at the time of delivery. However, it can present risks if, for example:• The module is not used in accordance with its intended purpose. • The module is not installed or maintained properly.• The EC Machinery Directive, the VDE directives, the safety, ac-cident-prevention regulations and environmental protection regulations valid at the usage site, or the safety and installation notes are not observed.Protective equipmentProvide protective equipment per EC Machinery Directive.Constructional changes, attachments, or modificationsChanges, attachments, and modifications that could impair safety may not be made without permission from SCHUNK.Unauthorized changes result in the exclusion from product liability.Personnel qualificationThe assembly, initial commissioning, maintenance, and repair of the module may be performed only by trained specialist personnel. Every person called upon by the operator to work on the module must have read and understood the complete Assembly and Oper-ating Manual, especially chapter 2 "Basic safety notes". This ap-plies particularly to occasional personnel such as maintenance personnel.2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 Basic safety notes8Using personal protective equipmentWhen using this product, observe the relevant industrial safety regulations and use the personal protective equipment (PPE) re-quired!• Use protective gloves, safety shoes and safety goggles. • Observe safe distances.• Minimal safety requirements for the use of equipment.Notes on particular risksGenerally valid:• Remove the energy supplies before installation, modification, maintenance, or adjustment work.• Make sure, that no residual energy remains in the system. • Do not move parts by hand when the energy supply is con-nected.• Do not reach into the open mechanism or the movement area of the module.• Perform maintenance, modifications, and additions outside the danger zone.• For all work, secure the unit against accidental operation.• Take a precautionary approach by maintenance and disassembly. • Only specially trained staff should disassemble the module.2.5 2.6 Basic safety notes03.01|LM 25 - 300|en 9Scope of delivery10WarrantyThe warranty is valid for 24 months from the delivery date to the production facility under the following conditions:• Intended use in 1-shift operation• Observe the mandatory maintenance and lubrication intervals. • Observe the environmental and operating conditions.Parts touching the work piece and wearing parts are not part of the warranty.Scope of deliveryThe scope of delivery includes:• Linear modules LM in the ordered model.• shock absorber3 4 Accessories AccessoriesThe following accessories are available for the module: • adapter plate• Sensors• Intermediate stops• Rod lock• Stop screwsSensorsOverview of compatible sensorsExact type designation of the compatible sensors see ☞ catalogIntermediate stops ZZAIntermediate stops are additional modules for linear actuators. Two designs are available for all LM linear actuators:• Design 1 : mounting on pi ston side of LM• Design 2 : mounting on rod side of LMThe possible intermediate positions can be approached from each of 2 sides.The length can be ordered in gradations of 1mm.Exact specifications and ordering data ☞ catalog . The most recent version applies.Further information: (☞ 9.2, Page 19)Intermediate stops LMZAWLMZAW Intermediate stops are additional modules for linear actu-ators of series LM 100, LM 200 and LM 300. They can be mounted on either the piston side or rod side of the linear actuator.Exact specifications and ordering data ☞ catalog . The most recent version applies.Further information:(☞ 9.3, Page 20)5 5.1 5.2 5.3Accessories12Rod lockThe rod lock prevents the drop of the mass in case of energy loss, such as emergency stop situations. The rod can be fitted subse-quently, but this reduces the effective stroke.Exact specifications and ordering data ☞ catalog . The most recent version applies.Further information: ( 9.4, Page 23)Stop screwRisk of mechanical damageUse the stop screw-LMAS ... only for short strokes, slow liftingspeed and low kinetic energy!5.45.5Technical data Technical data6Mounting and commissioning14 03.01|LM 25 - 300|enMounting and commissioningNOTICEAssembly measures• When mounting the module and the mounting of loads can affect any unallowable forces and moments (☞ catalog)• Select suitable screw tightening torque for mounting the module or loads the module, accordance with the general guidelines for screw connections.• Secure all screw connections with a suitable chemical thread-locker.Mechanical connectionThe values relate to the entire bolting surface. Requirements for levelness of the bolting surfaceThe linear module may be selectively attached to the body or thecarriage. Similarly, the structure may be optionally attached to the end carriage or the base body.The catalog shows the mounting of the linear module to the base body and the securing of the structure of the face plates.7 7.1 Check the evenness of the bolting surfaceMountingMounting and commissioning Compressed air supply7.2NOTE•Observe the requirements for the air supply "Technical Data"Technical data•The operation with lubricated or unlubricated compressed air isfully permitted (observe the following note).•Use connection cables with the same or larger cross section asthe connection threads.•Before installing connecting cables, remove dust, dirt or par-ticles by blowing the equipment.•Avoid penetration of sealant into the pipeline network.•Take the pneumatic components just before mounting out ofthe packaging.Pressure medium:Before operating with oil-free air, the unit may never have beenoperated with oiled air (washout of the factory-provided lubrica-tion).Fig. 1thread diamteter of the air connectionsCommissioning16CommissioningBefore commissioning!Please read these instructions carefully.Only with the knowledge of this manual errors can be pre-vented, and trouble-free operation is ensured.•Check technical specifications.(☞ 6, Page 13) "Technical Data".•Do not use the linear module until you have determined that it is in perfect operating condition, after having checked for com-pliance with all permissible operating parameters.•Regulate the operating speed of the cylinder with regulatorvalves (☞ 7.2, Page 15). Starting slow, increase the speed untilthe desired operating speed is reached.•When mounting loads, take measures to prevent impermissible forces and torques.•Do not subject the linear module to loads outside of the oper-ating range.– Excessive loads can result in damage or inaccuracy of theguide unit.– The maximum permissible loads are specified in our stan-dard catalog.8Handling HandlingEnd position setsThe following components are available for stroke limiting, shock absorption and monitoring of the end positions:• Stop screw LMAS (☞ 5.5, Page 12)• Shock absorber (included in the delivery)• Damping adjustment LMD (im Lieferumfang)• Sensors (☞ 5.1, Page 11) Possible damage to the linear module• Use the stop screw LMAS-…only for short strokes, slow stroke speed and low kinetic energy!• In the standard configuration, shock absorber stops (LMST-…) should be used!The figure shows the installation of LMST-…and LMNS-…according to installation variant 1 (internal).When installing according to installation variant 2 (external), the switching bolt and the shock absorber adaptation with LMST-…and LMNS-…are mounted reversed. (not with KLM 25)9 9.1Handling18Fig. 2 Linear module end positions – Set built in version 1To adjust the stroke of the linear module, after loosening theclamping screw (5) the shock absorber stop LMST-... (7) and theproximity switch LMNS-…6), can be adjusted together by means ofa fine-pitch thread (not for KLM 25).Re-adjustment of the end position sensor is not necessary. Tightenthe clamping screw (5) again after adjusting the desired stroke.Max. permissible screw tightening torque for property class 8.8:•LM 25 1.5 Nm•LM 50 1.5 Nm•LM 100 3.0 Nm•LM 200 5.9 Nm•LM 300 5.9 NmThe maximum possible end position adjustment is specified inthe catalog.The adjusting screw for the shock absorber LMD (2) can be used toadjust the stroke of the shock absorber to adapt the shock absor-ber characteristic to the occurring kinetic energy.To do so, loosen the lock nut and turn the adjusting screw (2) toachieve the proper adjustment.The minimum and maximum adjustment values for the end posi-tion adjustment are specified in the catalog.InstallationStroke adjustmentAdjustment ofshock absorberHandlingIntermediate stops ZZA9.2Note the General Notes to(☞ 9, Page 17)Intermediate stops are add-on modules for linear modules. 2models are available for all LM linear modules:•Execution 1: Attachment LM piston-side•Execution 2: Attachment LM rod-sideFig. 3 Intermediate stops execution 1Execution 1 is shown. In execution 2 the entire intermediate stopis mounted on the other side of the module.It is also possible to equip a linear module with one intermediatestop each of execution 1 and 2. (2 intermediate positions)End position sets can be used for stroke limiting, shock absorptionand monitoring of the intermediate position(☞ 9.1, Page 17)The maximum possible intermediate position adjustment is speci-fied in the catalog.Handling 20 03.01|LM 25 - 300|enIntermediate stops LMZAWLMZAW Intermediate stops are additional modules for linear actu-ators of series LM 100, LM 200 and LM 300. They can be mounted on either the piston side or rod side of the linear actuator.Fig. 4 Intermediate stops LMZAW - mounting on the piston sideThe intermediate position is steplessly adjustable within the per-missible range. Shock absorbers (16), clamping piece (10) and two sensors for monitoring of the cylinders (12) are included in deli-very.9.3Handling Attachment piston sidedFig. 5 Permitted movements: Diagrams (1) / (2) and tableHandlingAttachment rod sidedFig. 6 Permitted movements: Diagrams (1) / (2) and table22 03.01|LM 25 - 300|enHandlingRod lockFig. 7 Rod lock1 Remove face plate I (C) and cover plate I (B)2 Install the completely installed rod lock (A) on the module.Grease wiper ring! ( 11, Page 25) The cover plate (B) is no longer required. 3 Install face plate I (C) on the module.4 Remove screw from air connection (1) clamping is now active and must be released with the corresponding air pressure.9.4 Assembly of ASP rod lockTroubleshooting2403.01|LM 25 - 300|enTroubleshootingModule does not move?End position does not exist?Module proposes at the end positions?Payload swings in the final position?10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4Maintenance and careMaintenance and careThe following recommendations apply to intended use in accor-dance with the specified operating parameters, operating condi-tions and settings .The seals are included in the seal kit Spare parts .SCHUNK recommends the lubricants listed.11Spare parts2603.01|LM 25 - 300|enSpare partsLM 25As standardized wearing a set of seals is available. The scope of de-livery includes all seals. Order of the seal set: • LMDI 25Fig. 8According to the sectional drawing all other wear parts and com-ponents are available separately.Order numbers in the following example Part-Nr. 1 LM 25 - H025 - 0112 12.1Spare parts12.2LM 50, 100, 200, 300As standardized wearing a set of seals is available. The scope of de-livery includes all seals and the plug (Pos. 07) for the rod side.Order of the seal set:•LMDI 100 (für Linearmodul Baureihe LM 100)Fig. 9According to the sectional drawing all other wear parts and com-ponents are available separately.Order numbers in the following examplePart-Nr. 1 LM 100 - H075 - 01Translation of original declaration of incorporation2803.01|LM 25 - 300|enTranslation of original declaration of incorporationThe manufacturer agrees to forward on demand the special technical documents for the incomplete machine to state offices.The special technical documents according to Annex VII, Part B, belonging to the incom-plete machine have been created.Person responsible for documentation: Mr. Robert Leuthner, Adress: see adress of the manufacturerRalf Winkler;Business Unit Manager R & D Mechanical Gripping Systems13。

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[5]

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[5]

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、概述IFC300有四种安装形式:一体型(信号转换器直接安装在传感器上),分体型(信号转换器安装在现场型外壳中),墙挂型(信号转换器安装在墙挂型外壳中),架装型(信号转换器安装在19英寸机架内)。


















3.1 系统组成信号转换器:用于将传感器的信号转换为流量信号,并提供显示、操作、输入/输出和自诊断等功能。




科隆流量计IFC300 说明书

科隆流量计IFC300 说明书

IFC 300 WOPTIFLUX 6300 C测量有电导率的流体体积KROHNE © 01.10.2004说明书电磁流量计IFC 300 信号转换器FH & JZ内容软件版本 1.0.x发运的OPTIFLUX 流量计 就可投入使用!包装箱内的流量计传感器 / 一体型按说明书中说明安装。

• 电源连接 (第 1.1 + 1.2 节) 第 6 - 8 页 • 分体型传感器电气连接 (第 1.3 节) 第 9 - 15 页 • 输出 / 输入电气连接 (第 2 节) 第 16 – 28 页 • 启动 (第 3 节) 第 29 页流量计供电,系统就可运行。

• 信号转换器操作 (第 4 节) 第 30 – 41 页 • IFC 300 技术数据 (第 5 节) 第 42 – 48 页内容• 安全特性4• 信号转换器型号和铭牌4• 供货配置5• 系统描述5• 产品性能与保证5• CE / EMC / 标准 / 认证51 电气连接: 电源 6 - 15 1.1 现场安装重要说明请注意 ! 6 - 7 1.2 IFC 300 C, F 和 W 电源连接8 1.3 分体型传感器的电气连接9 - 15 1.3.1 信号电缆 A 和 B及励磁电流电缆 C 说明9 1.3.2 信号电缆A 和 B 的制作10 1.3.3 励磁电流电缆 C 的型号、长度和制作11 1.3.4 传感器接地12 1.3.5 信号电缆长度信号转换器和传感器之间的最大长度13 1.3.6 电源和传感器的连接图 (I 和 II) 14 -152 电气连接: 输出和输入16 - 28 2.1 输出和输入的详细信息请注意 ! 16 2.2 输出和输入 I / O 组合16 - 18 2.3 电流输出19 2.4 脉冲和频率输出20 2.5 状态输出和限位开关21 2.6 控制输入22 - 23 2.7 输出和输入的连接图 (1 - 17) 24 - 283 启动292IFC 30001.10.20044 信号转换器的操作30 - 41 4.1 显示、操作和操作键30 4.2 键的功能30 4.3 KROHNE电磁流量计程序结构31 4.4 可设定的功能表32 - 37 4.5 计数器复位38 4.6 删除出错信息38 4.7 输入方式时显示其它信息38 4.8 状态信息和诊断报告39 - 415 技术数据42 - 47 5.1 IFC 300 信号转换器42 - 45 5.2 KROHNE 传感器选型表46 5.3 流率表46 5.4 测量精度 / 误差限值47 5.5 尺寸和重量48• 流量计返回 KROHNE 测试或修理4901. 10. 2004 IFC 3003安全特性请阅读操作说明书并遵守相关国家标准、安全须知、事故预防规则。

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四.打完线后把地线条插入模块靠近标明“I I I”的一侧,注意要让地线条的两侧与模块两侧露出的钢背架1CM处充分接触,才能保证接地可靠。

五.把信号条插入模块靠近标明“1 2 3”的一侧,并且略靠近保安单元插槽的一边。


