
音质纯正(192KB)专辑曲目:cd1*****************************01-Don't Cry For Me Argentina《贝隆夫人》主题曲02-Casablanca《北非谍影》主题曲03-You've lost That loving Feeling《壮志凌云》主题曲04-Right Here Waiting《终有一天感动你》主题曲05-Up Where We Belong《警察与绅士》主题曲06-When A Man Loves A Woman《当男人爱上女人》主题曲07-When I Fall IN Love《西亚图未眠夜》主题曲08-To Love Somebody《雨小无情》主题曲09-He's My Brother《第一滴血》主题曲10_It May Be You《杜丝先生》主题曲11_Scarborough Fair《斯卡波罗集市》主题曲12_The Soun Of Silence《毕业生》主题曲13_Sharp Of My Heart《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲14_someday《钟楼舵侠》主题曲15-Take My breath Away 《壮志凌云》插曲cd2***************************** 01_Unchaned melody 《人鬼情未了》主题曲02_Beauty And Best《美女与野兽》主题曲03_Love Story《爱情故事`》主题曲04_Say You Say Me《白夜》主题曲05_My Way《白夜》主题曲06_Moon River《迪凡内早餐》主题曲07_I Will Always Love You《保镖》主题曲08_When S Child Is Born《人狼之恋》主题曲09_Do-Re-Mi《仙乐飘飘》主题曲10_A Whole New World《阿拉丁》主题曲11_I Just Call To Say Love You 《红衣女郎》主题曲12_Can I Feel The Love Tonight 《狮子王》主题曲13_Love Me Tender《铁血柔情》主题曲14_Pretty Woman《风月俏佳人》主题曲15-My Heart Will Go On《泰坦尼克号》主题曲cd3***************************** 01_Auld Long Syno 《魂断蓝桥》主题曲02_If God Will Sednd His Angels 《天使多情》主题曲03_speak Softly Love《教父》主题曲04-The Last Of Waltz《_最后的华尔兹》主题曲05_The Time For Us《罗米欧与朱丽叶》主题曲06_Everything I Do《罗宾汉》主题曲07_Falling Into you《本能》主题曲08_My Own True Love《瓢》主题曲09_Three Coin In The Fountian《罗马之恋》主题曲10_Unbreak My Heart《致命恋人》主题曲11_Pretty Woman《风月俏佳人》主题曲12_The Way We Were《俏郎君》主题曲13_I'm Always Dreaming Of you 《白宫奇缘》主题曲14_Run To You《保镖》主题曲15-Nothing To Lost《女人香》主题cd4*****************************01_Schsindler'List《辛特勒名单》主题曲02_Edelweiss《音乐之声》主题曲03_Exhale《当代女人心》主题曲04-La Vie Rose《一切从失恋开始》主题曲05_You Must Love Me《贝隆夫人》主题曲06_This Masquerade《情人》主题曲07_Have You Ever Seen Rain 《费城故事》主题曲08_Dying young《主题音乐》主题曲09_Nothing Can Chang My Love For You 《廊桥遗梦》主题曲10_Sanfacisco《阿甘正传》主题曲11_Watzing Back《沉默的羔羊》主题曲12_Le's Talk About Love《理智与感情》主题曲13_Teminator《未来战士》主题曲cd5***************************** 01-I Will Always Love You我将永远爱你02-Unchained Melody人鬼情未了03-When I Fall In Love当我坠入爱河04-yesterday Once More昨日重现05-The Music Of The Night音乐之夜06-Everybody Says Don't每人说不07-Sailing扬帆08-Hero英雄09-I'd Love You Want Me想你爱我10-You Needed Me你需要我11-When A Man Loves A Woman 当男女相爱时12-Sukiyaki苏基雅基13-More Than I Can Say爱你在心口南开14-Only you只有你15-All Out Of Love失落的爱cd6***************************** 01-My Heart Will Go on 爱无止境02-Right Here Waiting此情可待03-Smokes Gets In Your Eyes眼中的迷雾04-Devoted To You全心的爱你05-The Great Love Of All至爱06-Without You没有你07-Tonight,I Celebrate My Love今夜倾诉我的爱08-Casablanca卡萨布兰卡09-Because I Love You因为我爱你10-Memory记忆11-Careless Whispere梦幻拥抱12-I Do It For You对你倾情13-Up Where We Belong属于我们的地方14-Endless Love无尽的爱cd7*****************************01-Candle In Wind'97风中之烛02-The Power Of Love爱的力量03-Kill Me Softly温柔的死去04-I Just Can'nt Stop Loving You我无法停止不爱你05-Longer悠久06-Top Of The Word世界之颠07-Say You Say Me说你说我08-Sing唱09-All Out of Love爱的一切10-It Nerver Rains In Southern Califormia 无雨的加利福尼亚11-When A Child Born当孩子出生时12-Always On My Mind柔情长在我心中13-Helo你好14-Beauty And The Beast美女与野兽15-feeling爱的感觉cd8*****************************01-Sha La La莎啦啦02-Loving You爱你03-Hotel California加州酒店04-That's Why所以你要离去05-Scarborough Fair斯卡波罗集市06-The Sound Of Silence寂寞之声07-Don't Cry For Me Argentina阿根廷不要为我哭涕08-Stoies故事09-Sealed With A Kiss以吻封箴10-Nothing Can't Change My Love For You 无法改变的爱11-If如果12-Yesterday昨日13-I have Nothing 一无所有14-Heal The Word 拯救人类15-Lemon Tree柠檬树。

奥斯卡英文经典歌曲都有哪些十大奥斯卡金曲奥斯卡音乐经典歌曲奥斯卡经典歌曲一、1939年——《跨越彩虹》(Over the rainbow) 《绿野仙踪》(The wizard of oz)在开始时是黑白片,当堪萨斯州的小孤女多罗茜(Dorothy)进入梦境后变成了彩色画面,并配上了《跨越彩虹》(Over the rainbow)这首歌,让许多人留下童年璀璨的回忆。
但是当半个世纪后第62届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上(1990年3月),当著名歌手黛安娜• 罗丝(Diana Ross)上台演唱这首奥斯卡获奖金曲的时候,台下所有来宾——白发苍苍的老艺术家和初出茅庐的新秀们竟同声高唱,一起感叹黑白到彩色的电影岁月。
奥斯卡经典歌曲二、1940年——《星星祝福歌》(When You Wish Upon A Star)触动万千心灵的经典童话故事《木偶奇遇记》(The Adventures of Pinocchio),是18世纪意大利作家卡洛·科洛迪(Carlo Collodi)留给世人的不朽名作,它代表了一种美德和勇气的神化力量。
几乎世界上所有的小朋友们都会记得这些经典画面:当小木偶匹诺乔(Pinocchio)每说一次谎时,他的鼻子便会不断变长,在一个个星火满天的晚上,小木偶仰望着星星,许下了永不改变的愿望——“我什么时候可以变成一个活泼勇敢的小男孩呢?”而在此时,《星星祝福歌》(When You Wish Upon A Star)音乐每每响起,贯穿了整个影片的始终,从此代表了数万观众的信念和希望。

《right here waiting 》是电影《终有一天感动你》的主题曲由Richerd Marx(里查德马克思)演唱。
《Yesterday once more》(昨日重现)是电影《生命因你而动听》的主题曲,由Carpenters(卡朋特乐队)演唱。
《Big Big World》(世界无限大)是一首美国乡村音乐,被《刑事侦探档案》引作插曲,由Emilia(艾美莉亚)演唱。
01.A Love Before Time 遥远的爱[卧虎藏龙]02.A Time For Us 总有一天[罗米欧与朱丽叶]03.Against All Odds 困难重重[危情]04.Am I That Easy To Forget 难以忘怀[罗马假日]05.Auld Lang Syno 一路平安[魂断蓝桥]06.Beauty And The Beast美女与野兽[美女与野兽]07.Because You Loved Me 因为你爱过我[战地之恋]08.Bornfree 生来自由[生来自由]09.Can You Feel The Love Tonight 今夜是否感到爱[狮子王]10.Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡[北非谍影]11.Change The World 改变世界[不一样的本能]12.Colors Of Wind 风的色彩[风中奇缘]13.Do not Cry For Me Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣[贝隆夫人]14.Do-Re-Mi 哆来咪[音乐之声]15.Edelweiss雪绒花[音乐之声]16.Endless Love 无尽的爱[无尽的爱]17.Ever Green 爱情万年青[明星的诞生]18.Everything I Do,I Do It For You 一切为你[罗宾汉]19.Falling Into you 爱上了你[本能]20.Waltzing back 倒退华尔兹[沉默的羔羊]21.Flash Dance...What A Feeling 闪电舞好一种感觉[闪电舞]22.For All We Know 我们相知[情侣和陌生人]23.Golden Eye 黄金眼[OO7-黄金眼]24.He ain t Heavy, He is My Brother他不重,他是我兄弟[第一滴血]25.How Deep Is Your Love 你的爱有多深[周末狂热爱]26.How Do I Live 我怎么活[空中监狱]27.I Believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔[空中大灌蓝]28.I Have Nothing 我一无所有[保镖]29.I Just Call To Say Love You 电话诉衷情[红衣女郎]30.I Still Have not Found What I am Looking For 我还没有找到我的东西[逃跑新娘]31.I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU 我将永远爱你[保镖]32.If God Will Send His Angels 如果上帝派来他的天使[天使多情]33.In The Morning 早晨[两小无猜]34.It Might Be You 也许是你[杜丝先生]35.It Must Have Been Love 曾经有爱[风月俏佳人]36.I have Ever A Man Before 过去从未拥有过男人[情深到未来]37.Kiss From A Rose 玫瑰之吻[蝙蝠侠]st Dance 最后的舞蹈[感谢上帝,这是星期五]39.Let It Be 顺其自然[顺其自然]40.Let us Talk About Love 谈情说爱[理智与情感]41.Love Is Around 坠入爱河[四个婚礼一个葬礼]42.Love Me Tender 温柔地爱我[铁血柔情]43.Love Story 爱情故事[爱情故事]44.Lovefool 爱情傻瓜[罗米欧与朱丽叶]45.May It Be 也许[魔戒]46.Memory 记忆[猫]47.Mona Lisa 蒙娜.丽莎[古堡歼仇记]48.Moon River 月亮河[第凡内早餐]49.My All 我的所有[危情十日]50.My Heart Will Go On 我心永远[泰坦尼克号]51.My Own True Love我的真爱[乱世佳人]52.My Way 我的准则[夺标]53.Nothing To Lose 一无所有[闻香识女人]54.Nothing is Gonna Change My Love For You 此情永不移[廊桥遗梦]55. Nothing s Gonna Stop Us Now什么也不能阻止我们[真实的谎言]56.Now And Forever 现在和永远[赌命鸳鸯]57.Only You 只有你[人鬼情未了]58.Over The Rainbow 跨越彩虹[绿野仙踪]59.Pretty Women 漂亮女人[风月俏佳人]60.Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 雨点不停落在我头上[神枪手和智多星]61.Right Here Waiting此情可待[终有一天感动你]62.San Francisco 三藩市[阿甘正传]63.Say You Say Me 说你,说我[白夜]64.Scarborough Fair 斯卡褒集市[毕业生]65.Sharp Of My Heart心之阴影[这个杀手不太冷]66.Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 烟雾迷住你的眼[罗贝塔]67.Someday 有天[钟楼舵侠]68.Sound Of Silence 寂静之声[毕业生] (palu and simon)69.Speak Softly Love 柔声倾诉[教父]70.Streets Of Philadelphia 费城街头[费城故事]71.Sunshine On My Shoulders 阳光照在我肩头[夕阳]72.Take My Breath Away 带走我的呼吸[壮志凌云]73.Tears In Heaven 泪洒天堂[匆匆]74.The Color Of Night 夜色[夜色]75.The Greatest Love Of All 至高无上的爱[至高无上]76.The Last Walth 最后的华尔滋[最后的华尔滋]77.The River Of No Return 大江东去[大江东去]78 The Way We Were 回首当年[回首当年]79.There You will Be 与你相依[珍珠港]80.This Masquerade 化妆舞会[情人】81 .Three Coins In The Fountain 喷泉里的三个硬币[罗马之恋]82.To Love Somebody 暗恋[两小无猜]83.Unbreak My Heart 勿伤我心[致命恋人】84.Unchained melody 奔放的旋律[人鬼情未了]85.Under The Sea 茫茫海底[小美人鱼]86.Up Where We Belong 冲上云霄[警察与绅士]87.Vision Of A Sinset 落日之幻影[生命因你动听]88.Viva Forever 永远前进[完美的世界]89.Whatever Will Be,Will Be 该怎样就怎样[知情人]90.When A Child Is Born 当孩子降生时[人狼恋]91.When A Men Love A Women 当男女相爱时[当男女相爱时]92.When I Fall IN Love当我坠入爱河[西雅图未眠夜]93.When You Believe 只要你相信[埃及王子]94.When You Wish Upon A Star 星星祝福歌[木偶奇遇记]95.Whole New World全新的世界[阿拉丁]96.Wind Beneath My Wings 迎风展翅[姐妹情深]97.Without You 没有你[未来水世界]98.You Light Up My Life 你照亮我的生命[你照亮我的生命]99.You will Be In My Heart 你在我心里面[泰山]100.You Must Love Me 你一定要爱我[贝隆夫人]101. 30 Minutes 30分钟102. amor 爱神丘比特103. animal insstinct 动物本能104. asereje 蕃茄舞105. Better man 好男人106. Big Big World 世界无限大107. blowing in wind 答案在风中108. california dreaming加利福尼亚梦想109. Careless whisper 无心快语110. Close To You 靠近你111. cottom fields 棉田112. crying in the rain 雨中的哭泣113. donna donna 多娜多娜114. do not cry 别哭115. el condor pasa 老鹰之歌116. evergreen tree 长青树117. every time i close my eyes当我沉睡118. get the party started 聚会开始119. green green grass of home碧草如茵的家园120. green leaves of summer 夏日的绿叶121. hero 英雄122. hey paula 唏!宝娜123. holiday 假日124. Hotel California 加州旅店125. how can i tell her让我们如何告诉她126. I swear 我发誓127. It never rains in southern california 南加州从来不下雨128. itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow rolka dot rikini 黄色比基尼129. lemontree 柠檬树130. light my fire 点亮我的火焰131. like i love you 像我爱你132. Lose Yourself 迷失自我133. love Do not Cost A Thing 爱情无价134. love is blue 爱是忧郁135. more than i can say爱你在心口难开136. one day when we were young 当我们年轻时137. only if 也许只有138. over and over 一次又一次139. Playing My Game 我行我素140. rain and tears 雨和泪141. ready for times get better 有准备明天才更好142. rhythm of the rain 雨中节奏143. river of babylon 巴比伦河144. Rod Stewart sailing 航行145. rose rose i love you玫瑰玫瑰我爱你146. Sealed With A Kiss 以吻封缄147. Stairway To Heaven 天堂的阶梯148. streets of lonodon 伦敦大街149. summer kisses winter tears多少柔情多少泪150. summer wine 夏日美酒151. take me home country road 乡村路带我回家152. tears of pearls 珍珠的眼泪153. The Day You Went Away 你走那天154. The party is over 晚会结束155. TimeToSayGoodbye 分手时刻156. Two Different Directions 两个不同的方向157. WANNABE 辣妹158. waterloo 滑铁卢159. We are the champions 我们是冠军[1]160. what a girl want 少女情怀161. what is up 未来会怎样162. windflowers 风信子163. Yesterday once more 昨日重现164. you needed me 你需要我165. YOU HAVE GOT A WAY 你找到方向2008年2月第80届奥斯卡金像奖获奖名单最佳影片(BEST PICTURE) 《老无所依》No Country for Old Men最佳导演(DIRECTING) 科恩兄弟Joel Coen and Ethan Coen(《老无所依》)最佳男主角(ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE) 丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯Daniel Day-Lewis(《未血绸缪》)最佳女主角(ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE) 玛丽昂·歌利亚Marion Cotillard(《玫瑰人生》)最佳男配角(ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE) 贾维尔·巴尔顿Javier Bardem(《老无所依》)最佳女配角(ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE) 蒂尔达·斯温顿Tilda Swinton(《迈克尔·克莱顿》)最佳动画长片(ANIMATED FEATURE) 《料理鼠王》Ratatouille 迪斯尼最佳外语片(FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM) 《伪钞制造者》The Counterfeiters 奥地利最佳化妆(MAKEUP) 《玫瑰人生》La Vie en Rose最佳配乐(SCORE) 《赎罪》Atonement最佳原创歌曲(ORIGINAL SONG) 《Falling Slowly》出自《曾经》Once最佳动画短片SHORT FILM(ANIMATED) 《彼得和狼》Peter & the Wolf最佳真人短片SHORT FILM(LIVE ACTION) 《扒手莫扎特》The Mozart of Pickpockets最佳音效剪辑(SOUND EDITING) 《谍影重重3》The Bourne Ultimatum最佳音响效果(SOUND MIXING) 《谍影重重3》The Bourne Ultimatum最佳视觉效果(VISUAL EFFECTS) 《黑暗物质:黄金罗盘》The Golden Compass最佳改编剧本WRITING(ADAPTED SCREENPLAY) 《老无所依》No Country for Old Men最佳原创剧本WRITING(ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY) 《朱诺》Juno最佳艺术指导(ART DIRECTION) 《理发师陶德》Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 最佳摄影(CINEMATOGRAPHY) 《未血绸缪》There Will Be Blood最佳服装设计(COSTUME DESIGN) 《伊丽莎白2:黄金时代》Elizabeth: The Golden Age最佳剪辑(FILM EDITING) 《谍影重重3》The Bourne Ultimatumt最佳纪录长片(BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE) 《驶向阴霾的出租》Taxi to the Dark Side,思想最佳纪录短片(BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT) 《自由空间》Freeheld终身成就奖罗伯特-泊伊尔第79届2007年2月26日颁奖最佳影片《无间道风云》最佳导演《无间道风云》马丁·斯科塞斯最佳男主角《末代独裁》弗雷斯特·惠特克最佳女主角《女王》海伦·米伦最佳男配角《阳光小美女》阿兰·阿尔金最佳女配角《梦幻女郎》珍妮佛·哈德森最佳原创剧本《阳光小美女》最佳改编剧本《无间道风云》最佳摄影《潘神的迷宫》最佳剪辑《无间道风云》最佳音效剪辑《硫磺岛的来信》最佳音效《梦幻女郎》最佳服装设计《绝代艳后》最佳艺术指导《潘神的迷宫》最佳视觉效果《加勒比海盗2》最佳化妆《潘神的迷宫》最佳电影配乐《巴别塔》最佳电影歌曲《难以忽视的真相》:I Need To Wake Up最佳动画长片《欢乐大脚》(Happy Feet)最佳外语片《**风暴》最佳纪录片《难以忽视的真相》最佳纪录短片《颍州的孩子》最佳真人短片《西岸故事》最佳动画短片《丹麦诗人》(The Danish Poet)终身成就奖埃尼奥·莫里康内人道主义奖谢里·兰辛2006 第78届获奖《冲撞》Crash提名《断背山》Brokeback Mountain《卡波特》Capote《晚安,好运》Good Night, and Good Luck《慕尼黑》Munich2005 第77届获奖《百万美元宝贝》(Milloin Dollar Baby)提名《飞行者》(The Aviator)《杯酒人生》(Sideways)《寻找梦幻岛》(Finding Neverland)《雷》(Ray)2004 第76届获奖《指环王3:王者回归》(THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING) 提名《迷失东京》(LOST IN TRANSLATION)《怒海争锋》(MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD) 《神秘河》(MYSTIC RIVER)《奔腾年代》(SEABISCUIT)2003获奖Chicago (2002) 芝加哥提名Pianist, The (2002) 钢琴师Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) 魔戒二部曲—双城奇谋Hours, The (2002) 时时刻刻Gangs of New York (2002) 纽约风云2002获奖Beautiful Mind, A (2001) 美丽心灵提名Moulin Rouge! (2001) 红磨坊Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身In the Bedroom (2001) 意外边缘Gosford Park (2001) 谜雾庄园2001获奖Gladiator (2000) 角斗士提名Wo hu cang long (2000) 卧虎藏龙Traffic (2000) 毒网Erin Brockovich (2000) 永不妥协Chocolat (2000) 浓情巧克力2000获奖American Beauty (1999) 美国丽人提名Sixth Sense, The (1999) 灵异第六感Insider, The (1999) 局内人Green Mile, The (1999) 绿色奇迹Cider House Rules, The (1999) 总有骄阳1999获奖Shakespeare in Love (1998) 恋爱中的莎士比亚提名Vita è bella, La (1997) 美丽人生Thin Red Line, The (1998) 红色警戒Saving Private Ryan (1998) 拯救大兵瑞恩Elizabeth (1998) 伊莉莎白1998获奖Titanic (1997) 泰坦尼克提名L.A. Confidential (1997) 幕后嫌疑犯Good Will Hunting (1997) 骄阳似我Full Monty, The (1997) 一脱到底As Good As It Gets (1997) 猫屎先生1997获奖English Patient, The (1996) 英国病人提名Shine (1996) 闪亮的风采Secrets & Lies (1996) 秘密与谎言Jerry Maguire (1996) 甜心先生Fargo (1996) 冰雪暴1996获奖Braveheart (1995) 勇敢的心提名Sense and Sensibility (1995) 理智与情感Postino, Il (1994) 事先张扬的求爱事件Babe (1995) 小猪宝贝Apollo 13 (1995) 阿波罗13号1995获奖Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘正传提名The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 肖申克的救赎Quiz Show (1994) 机智问答Pulp Fiction (1994) 低俗小说Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) 四个婚礼一个葬礼1994获奖Schindler's List (1993) 辛德勒的名单提名Remains of the Day, The (1993) 告别有情天Piano, The (1993) 钢琴别恋In the Name of the Father (1993) 因父之名Fugitive, The (1993) 亡命天涯1993获奖Unforgiven (1992) 不可饶恕提名Scent of a Woman (1992) 闻香识女人Howards End (1992) 此情可问天Few Good Men, A (1992) 义海雄风Crying Game, The (1992) 哭泣游戏1992获奖Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 沉默的羔羊提名Prince of Tides, The (1991) 潮浪王子JFK (1991) 惊天大刺杀Bugsy (1991) 一代情枭毕斯Beauty and the Beast (1991) 美女与野兽1991获奖Dances with Wolves (1990) 与狼共舞提名Goodfellas (1990) 好家伙Godfather: Part III, The (1990) 教父第三集Ghost (1990) 人鬼情未了Awakenings (1990) 无语问苍天1990获奖Driving Miss Daisy (1989) 为戴茜小姐开车提名My Left Foot (1989) 我的左脚Field of Dreams (1989) 梦幻之地Dead Poets Society (1989) 春风化雨Born on the Fourth of July (1989) 生于七月四日1989获奖Rain Man (1988) 雨人提名Working Girl (1988) 上班女郎Mississippi Burning (1988) 烈血暴潮Dangerous Liaisons (1988) 危险关系Accidental Tourist, The (1988) 意外的旅客1988获奖Last Emperor, The (1987) 末代皇帝提名Moonstruck (1987) 月色撩人Hope and Glory (1987) 希望与荣耀Fatal Attraction (1987) 致命的吸引力Broadcast News (1987) 收播新闻1987获奖Platoon (1986) 野战排提名Room with a View, A (1986) 看得见风景的房间Mission, The (1986) 教会Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) 汉娜姐妹Children of a Lesser God (1986) 悲怜上帝的女儿1986获奖Out of Africa (1985) 走出非洲提名Witness (1985) 证人Prizzi's Honor (1985) 普里兹家族的荣誉Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) 蜘蛛女之吻Color Purple, The (1985) 紫色1985获奖Amadeus (1984) 莫扎特传提名Soldier's Story, A (1984) 大兵Places in the Heart (1984) 我心深处Passage to India, A (1984) 印度之行Killing Fields, The (1984) 战火屠城1984获奖Terms of Endearment (1983) 母女情深提名Tender Mercies (1983) 温柔的怜悯Right Stuff, The (1983) 征空先锋Dresser, The (1983) 近身Big Chill, The (1983) 山水又相逢1983获奖Gandhi (1982) 甘地传提名Verdict, The (1982) 大审判Tootsie (1982) 窈窕淑男Missing (1982) 失踪E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 外星人E.T.1982获奖Chariots of Fire (1981) 火的战车提名Reds (1981) 烽火赤焰万里情Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 夺宝奇兵On Golden Pond (1981) 金色池塘Atlantic City (1980) 大西洋城1981获奖Ordinary People (1980) 普通人提名Tess (1979) 苔丝Raging Bull (1980) 愤怒的公牛Elephant Man, The (1980) 象人Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) 矿工的女儿1980获奖Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) 克莱墨夫妇提名Norma Rae (1979) 诺玛蕊Breaking Away (1979) 突破Apocalypse Now (1979) 现代启示录All That Jazz (1979) 浮生若梦1979获奖Deer Hunter, The (1978) 猎鹿人提名Unmarried Woman, An (1978) 不结婚的女人Midnight Express (1978) 午夜快车Heaven Can Wait (1978) 天堂可以等待Coming Home (1978) 返乡1978获奖Annie Hall (1977) 安妮·霍尔提名Turning Point, The (1977) 转折点Star Wars (1977) 星球大战Julia (1977) 茱莉亚Goodbye Girl, The (1977) 再见女郎1977获奖Rocky (1976) 洛奇提名Taxi Driver (1976) 的士司机Network (1976) 电视台风云Bound for Glory (1976) 奔向光荣All the President's Men (1976) 惊天大阴谋1976获奖One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 飞越疯人院提名Nashville (1975) 纳斯维尔Jaws (1975) 大白鲨Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 炎热的下午Barry Lyndon (1975) 乱世儿女1975获奖Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 教父续集提名Towering Inferno, The (1974) 火烧摩天楼Lenny (1974) 连尼传Conversation, The (1974) 对话Chinatown (1974) 唐人街1974获奖Sting, The (1973) 骗中骗提名Viskningar och rop (1972) 哭泣与耳语Touch of Class, A (1973) 金屋春宵Exorcist, The (1973) 驱魔人American Graffiti (1973) 美国风情画1973获奖Godfather, The (1972) 教父提名Utvandrarna (1971) 大移民Sounder (1972) 儿子离家时Deliverance (1972) 激流四勇士Cabaret (1972) 歌厅1972获奖French Connection, The (1971) 法国贩毒网提名Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) 俄宫秘史Last Picture Show, The (1971) 最后一场电影Fiddler on the Roof (1971) 屋顶上的小提琴手Clockwork Orange, A (1971) 发条橙1971获奖Patton (1970) 巴顿将军奥斯卡从第七届开始评选最佳音乐(歌曲)奖I need to wake up79届:《难以忽视的真相》It's Hard Out78届:《川流熙攘》Al Otro Lado del Río77届:《摩托日记》Into the west76届:《魔戒》Lose Yourself75届:《8英里》if i didn't have you74届:《怪物公司》Things Have Changed 73届:《神奇小子》You'll Be In My Heart72届:《泰山》When You Believe71届:《埃及王子》My Heart Will Go On70届:《铁达尼号》You Must Love Me69届:《阿根廷,别为我哭泣》Colors of the Wind68届:《风中奇缘》Can You Feel the Love Tonight67届:《狮子王》Streets of Philadelphia66届:《费城故事》A Whole New World65届:《阿拉丁》Beauty and the Beast64届:《美女与野兽》Sooner or Later63届:《狄克崔西》Under the SeaLet the River Run61届:《上班女郎》The Time of My Life60届:《热舞十七》Take My Breath Away59届:《凌云壮志》Say You, Say Me58届:《飞越苏联》I Just Called to Say I Love You 57届:《红衣女郎》Flashdance What a Feeling56届:《闪舞》Up Where We Belong55届:《军官与绅士》Best That You Can Do54届:《二八佳人花公子》Fame53届:《名扬四海》It Goes Like It Goes52届:《诺玛.蕾》Last Dance51届:《星期五的狂热》You Light Up My Life50届:《你照亮我的生命》Evergreen49届:《星梦泪痕》I'm EasyWe May Never Love Like This Again 47届:《火烧摩天楼》The Way We Were46届:《往日情怀》The Morning After45届:《海神号》Theme from Shaft44届:《黑街神探》For All We Know43届:《情人与陌生人》Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head 42届:《神枪手与智多星》The Windmills of Your Mind41届:《托马斯.克朗的事伯》Talk to the Animals40届:《杜立德医生》Born Free39届:《生的自由》The Shadow of Your Smile38届:《矶鹞》Chim Chim Cher-ee37届:《欢乐满人间》Call Me Irresponsible36届:《酒乡老爹》Days of Wine and Roses35届:《酒与玫瑰》Moon River34届:《蒂法尼的早餐》Never on Sunday33届:《别在星期天》High Hopes32届:《和家欢》Gigi31届:《金粉世界》All the Way30届:《艺海奇人》Whatever Will Be, Will Be29届:《擒凶记》Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing28届:《生死恋》Three Coins in the Fountain27届:《罗马之恋》Secret Love26届:《女侠简恩》High Noon25届:《正午》In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening 24届:《喜临门》Mona Lisa23届:《古堡歼仇记》Baby, It's Cold Outside22届:《海王星女儿》Buttons and Bows21届:《白面书生》Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah20届:《南方之歌》On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 19届:《哈维女孩》It Might as Well Be Spring18届:《嘉会良缘》Swinging on a Star17届:《与我同行》You'll Never Know16届:《喂!旧金山,喂!》White Christmas15届:《假日旅店》The Last Time I Saw Paris14届:《端庄淑女》When You Wish Upon a Star13届:《木偶奇遇记》Over the Rainbow12届:《绿野仙踪》Thanks for the Memory11届:《1938年播音大会》Sweet Leilani10届:《威基基婚礼》The Way You Look Tonight9届:《摇曳时光》Lullaby of Broadway8届:《1935年掘金女郎》The Continental7届:《快乐的离婚了的人》。

英文经典老歌- 此情可待- 奥斯卡金曲.mp3英文经典老歌- 此情可待- 奥斯卡.mp3英文歌曲奥斯卡百年经典红衣女郎电话诉衷情.mp3玄子- 韩国- please tell me why 奥斯卡经典歌曲.mp3陶喆- 谁的奥斯卡.mp3欧美音乐奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版.mp3欧美经典英文歌曲pro 雪绒花奥斯卡天籁村.mp3欧美经典奥斯卡获奖电影金曲爱你所爱.mp3迈克尔- 你并不孤独- 奥斯卡经典杰克逊.mp3玛丽亚凯莉- 奥斯卡经典怀旧歌曲.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲带走我的呼吸壮志凌云.mp3寂静之声奥斯卡获奖电影毕业生主题歌.mp3奥斯卡英文经典老歌more than i can say.mp3奥斯卡金曲之美女与野兽.mp3奥斯卡金曲萨克斯演奏伴我一生.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版保镖我一无所有.mp3奥斯卡金曲昨日再现.mp3奥斯卡金曲壮志凌云主题曲take my breath away.mp3奥斯卡金曲我心永恒.mp3奥斯卡金曲卡萨不兰卡.mp3奥斯卡金曲当男人爱上女人.mp3奥斯卡金曲布列瑟农.mp3奥斯卡金曲毕业生.mp3奥斯卡金曲白夜说你说我.mp3奥斯卡金曲the color of the night 夜色.mp3奥斯卡金曲pretty woman 风月俏佳人.mp3奥斯卡金曲loveing you 酒吧里常放.mp3奥斯卡百年经典英文老歌对你倾情.mp3奥斯卡百年经典廊桥遗梦此情永不移.mp3奥斯卡百年金曲典藏我相信我能飞.mp3奥斯卡英文歌曲卡萨布兰卡欧美浓情经典.mp3奥斯卡欧美经典英文歌曲夜色.mp3奥斯卡欧美经典英文歌曲狮子王今夜爱无限.mp3奥斯卡欧美经典英文歌曲人鬼情未了.mp3奥斯卡欧美经典英文歌曲第五元素麻烦.mp3奥斯卡欧美经典英文歌曲take me to your heart.mp3奥斯卡moon river 月亮河.mp3奥斯卡love story 爱情故事爱情故事.mp3奥斯卡金曲经典轻音乐萨克斯.mp3奥斯卡昨日从现yesterday once more.mp3奥斯卡he kiss from a rose 玫瑰之吻天籁村.mp3beauty and the beast 奥斯卡获奖歌曲超级经典.mp3奥斯卡百年经典新罗密欧与茱丽叶爱情傻瓜.mp3奥斯卡欧美经典英文歌曲斯卡不罗集市毕业生.mp3奥斯卡获奖电影金曲英文因为我爱你.mp3奥斯卡金曲勿伤我心.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲love story 爱情故事.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲没有你未来水世界主题曲.mp3奥斯卡金曲此情可待.mp3奥斯卡金曲巴比伦河.mp3奥斯卡the color of the night 夜色.mp3奥斯卡金曲回家.mp3奥斯卡金曲人鬼情末了.mp3奥斯卡英文歌曲英语经典狮子王.mp3主题曲- 我将永远爱你- 奥斯卡保镖.mp3奥斯卡金曲that's why you go away.mp3经典英文歌曲奥斯卡获奖电影金曲爱你所爱.mp3奥斯卡金曲奔放的旋律.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版狮子王今夜爱无限.mp3奥斯卡百年经典酒吧经典英文歌曲love is blue.mp3奥斯卡金曲真实的谎言.mp3音乐之声- 雪绒花- 奥斯卡金曲主题曲.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲加州旅馆三步杀人曲插曲.mp3奥斯卡百年经典这个杀手不太冷心之形.mp3奥斯卡经典歌曲big big world.mp3奥斯卡金曲之让我哭泣.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲一切为你罗宾汉主题曲.mp3奥斯卡经典everything i do.mp3奥斯卡金曲昨日重现yesterday once more.mp3奥斯卡金曲远航.mp3经典英文歌曲奥斯卡金曲全集我会永远爱你.mp3奥斯卡金曲带走我的呼吸.mp3奥斯卡欧美流行英文歌曲pro 柠檬树.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲只有你罗马假日插曲.mp3奥斯卡经典怀旧歌曲毕业生.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲柔声倾诉教父主题曲.mp3奥斯卡金曲爱无止境.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲漂亮女人风月俏佳人主题曲.mp3奥斯卡百年经典阿甘正传三藩市.mp3奥斯卡经典歌曲all out of love 失落的爱.mp3主题曲- 此情可待- 奥斯卡歌曲终有一天感动你.mp3英文经典老歌- 此情可待- cd 欧美奥斯卡.mp3英文经典情歌only love 奥斯卡金曲.mp3奥斯卡英文经典老歌人鬼情未了.mp3欧美经典英文歌曲雪绒花奥斯卡天籁村.mp3奥斯卡hear me cry 叫我哭泣天籁村.mp3界奥斯卡最佳歌曲贫民窟的百万富翁jaiho.mp3玄子- please tell me why - 奥斯卡经典歌曲.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲此情可待终有一天感动插曲.mp3奥斯卡经典英文歌曲落日之幻影.mp3奥斯卡英文歌曲巴比伦河欧美怀旧经典.mp3红磨坊- your song - 奥斯卡金曲.mp3昨日重现奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版佳丽数码.mp3奥斯卡only you 天籁村.mp3奥斯卡英文经典歌曲此情可待.mp3奥斯卡爱你在心口难开more than i can say 英.mp3奥斯卡金曲完美时刻perfect moment.mp3奥斯卡百年经典保镖我一无所有.mp3奥斯卡经典歌曲昨日重现yesterday once more.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版此情可待.mp3angel - 天使- 奥斯卡多情插曲.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版说你说我.mp3奥斯卡百年经典狮子王生生不息.mp3最后的华尔兹奥斯卡经典怀旧歌曲.mp3英文经典老歌- 奥斯卡百年经典- 保镖我一无所有.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版我将永远爱你.mp3奥斯卡百年经典壮志凌云引领我.mp3lemon tree 柠檬树奥斯卡获奖电影金曲.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲我一无所有保镖主题曲.mp3奥斯卡金曲昨日重现.mp3经典英文歌曲奥斯卡金曲全集i will - m 53s.mp3奥斯卡经典英文歌曲pro 无心快语.mp3欧美经典奥斯卡获奖电影金曲加州旅馆.mp3奥斯卡金曲up where we belong 直上云霄.mp3主题曲- 人鬼情未了- 奥斯卡获奖电影金曲.mp3英文歌曲奥斯卡金曲全集此情可待.mp3英文奥斯卡经典歌曲please tell me why.mp3小甜甜布兰妮- 悲伤布兰妮- 奥斯卡经典.mp3无尽的爱奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版奥.mp3欧美浓情经典奥斯卡英文歌曲卡萨布兰卡.mp3欧美经典英文歌曲pro 雪绒花奥斯卡.mp3洛奇- 奥斯卡百年经典- 老虎的眼睛.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲美女和野兽主题曲.mp3历届奥斯卡经典金曲奔放的旋律人鬼情未了.mp3廊桥遗梦奥斯卡获奖电影金曲.mp3经典英文歌曲奥斯卡金曲全集i will.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲我心依旧铁达尼号主题曲.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲斯卡波罗集市毕业生插曲.mp3奥斯卡经典金曲巴比伦之河回到未来插曲.mp3奥斯卡经典歌曲please tell me why.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版致命恋人勿伤我心.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版无尽的爱.mp3奥斯卡金曲柔声倾诉教父.mp3奥斯卡金曲费城街头.mp3奥斯卡金曲当男女相爱时.mp3奥斯卡金曲此情永不移.mp3奥斯卡获奖电影金曲主题歌友谊地久天长.mp3奥斯卡获奖电影金曲英文毕业生主题歌.mp3奥斯卡百年经典四个婚礼一个葬礼坠入爱河.mp3奥斯卡百年经典时光倒流七十年似曾相识.mp3奥斯卡百年经典理智与情感说爱.mp3奥斯卡百年经典红衣女郎电话诉衷情.mp3奥斯卡百年经典沉默的羔羊倒退华尔兹.mp3奥斯卡百年经典13-007-007主题音乐.mp3奥斯卡卡萨布兰卡北非谍影主题曲.mp3奥斯卡you will be my love 十万吨情缘英文插曲.mp3奥斯卡over the rainbow.mp3奥斯卡金曲全集经典珍藏版夜色夜色.mp3奥斯卡百年经典贝隆夫人你一定爱上了我.mp3。

1-10首1.《The Lion King》 - Circle of Life2.《Titanic》 - My Heart Will Go On3.《The Sound of Music》 - The Sound of Music4.《West Side Story》 - Somewhere5.《The Godfather》 - Main Title6.《Gone with the Wind》 - Tara's Theme7.《Jaws》 - Main Title8.《Forrest Gump》 - Forrest Gump Suite9.《Star Wars》 - Main Title10.《Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark》 - Raiders March11-20首11. 《The Mission》 - Gabriel's Oboe12. 《Braveheart》 - Main Title13. 《The Wizard of Oz》 - Over the Rainbow14. 《E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial》 - End Credits15. 《Chariots of Fire》 - Titles16. 《Gladiator》 - Now We Are Free17. 《The Last of the Mohicans》 - Main Title18. 《Schindler's List》 - Main Theme19. 《Doctor Zhivago》 - Lara's Theme20. 《The Bridge on the River Kwai》 - Colonel Bogey March21-30首21. 《The Magnificent Seven》 - Main Title22. 《The Godfather Part II》 - Main Title23. 《A Fistful of Dollars》 - Main Title24. 《The Good, the Bad and the Ugly》 - Main Title25. 《The Great Escape》 - Main Title26. 《Lawrence of Arabia》 - Main Title27. 《Once Upon a Time in the West》 - Main Title28. 《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》 - Hedwig's Theme29. 《The Dark Knight》 - Main Theme30. 《Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl》 - He's a Pirate31-40首31. 《Rocky》 - Gonna Fly Now32. 《Dirty Dancing》 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life33. 《Saturday Night Fever》 - Stayin' Alive34. 《Footloose》 - Footloose35. 《Top Gun》 - Take My Breath Away36. 《Flashdance》 - What a Feeling37. 《Beverly Hills Cop》 - Axel F38. 《Ghostbusters》 - Ghostbusters39. 《Back to the Future》 - The Power of Love40. 《Purple Rain》 - When Doves Cry41-50首41. 《The Bodyguard》 - I Will Always Love You42. 《Moulin Rouge!》 - Come What May43. 《Amélie》 - La Valse d'Amelie44. 《The Truman Show》 - Truman Sleeps45. 《American Beauty》 - Any Other Name46. 《The Piano》 - The Heart Asks Pleasure First47. 《The Shawshank Redemption》 - Shawshank Redemption48. 《The English Patient》 - The English Patient49. 《Lost in Translation》 - Alone in Kyoto50. 《The Lion King》 - Hakuna Matata51-60首51. 《Toy Story》 - You've Got a Friend in Me52. 《The Little Mermaid》 - Part of Your World53. 《Aladdin》 - A Whole New World54. 《The Nightmare Before Christmas》 - This Is Halloween55. 《The Beauty and the Beast》 - Beauty and the Beast56. 《The Hunchback of Notre Dame》 - Out There57. 《The Lion King》 - Can You Feel the Love Tonight58. 《Mulan》 - Reflection59. 《Frozen》 - Let It Go60. 《Moana》 - How Far I'll Go61-70首61. 《Notting Hill》 - She62. 《City of Angels》 - Iris63. 《The Fault in Our Stars》 - Charli XCX - Boom Clap64. 《The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1》 - Christina Perri - A Thousand Years65. 《Fifty Shades of Grey》 - The Weeknd - Earned It66. 《La La Land》 - Another Day of Sun67. 《The Greatest Showman》 - This Is Me68. 《A Star is Born》 - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - Shallow69. 《Spectre》 - Writing's On The Wall70. 《Skyfall》 - Adele - Skyfall71-80首71. 《Ghost》 - Unchained Melody72. 《Top Gun》 - Danger Zone73. 《Top Hat》 - Cheek to Cheek74. 《High Society》 - True Love75. 《The Rocky Horror Picture Show》 - Time Warp76. 《Hair》 - Let The Sunshine In77. 《The Blues Brothers》 - Everybody Needs Somebody to Love78. 《The Rocky Horror Picture Show》 - Science Fiction/Double Feature79. 《Saturday Night Fever》 - Night Fever80. 《Grease》 - Grease81-90首81. 《The Rocky Horror Picture Show》 - Sweet Transvestite82. 《Purple Rain》 - Purple Rain83. 《The Bodyguard》 - I Have Nothing84. 《The Sound of Music》 - My Favorite Things85. 《Mamma Mia!》 - Mamma Mia86. 《The Lion King》 - Be Prepared87. 《The Phantom of the Opera》 - The Phantom of the Opera88. 《Sweeney Todd》 - Sweeney Todd89. 《Les Miserables》 - I Dreamed A Dream90. 《The Greatest Showman》 - A Million Dreams91-100首91. 《The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe》 -The Battle92. 《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2》 - Lily's Theme93. 《The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey》 - Over the Misty Mountains Cold94. 《Jurassic Park》 - Main Theme95. 《The Terminator》 - Main Title96. 《The Exorcist》 - Tubular Bells97. 《Psycho》 - Prelude98. 《The Shining》 - Main Title99. 《The Omen》 - Ave Satani100. 《The Hunger Games》 - The Mockingjay Song总结这一百首经典的欧美电影主题曲无论是从旋律还是感情表达上,都深深打动了无数观众的心灵。

001Everything I Do, I Do It For You(<<罗宾汉>>主题曲)002Casablanca(<<北非谍影>>插曲)003When a man love a woman(<<当男人爱上女人>>)004Can You Feel The Love Tonight (电影"狮子王"主题曲)005A Time For Us(<<罗密欧与朱丽叶>>主题曲)006Auld Lang Syne(<<魂断兰桥>>主题曲)007Right Here Waiting(<<终有一天嫁给你>>主题曲)008Said I Loved You... But I Lied(<<迈克·波顿>>主题曲)009Love is All Around(<<四个婚礼一个葬礼>>主题曲)010Take My breath away(<<壮志凌云>>主题曲)011Unchained melody(<<人鬼情未了>>主题曲)012Now And Forever(<<赌命鸳鸯>>主题曲)013I Have Nothing(<<保镖>>插曲)014Dont Cry For Me Argentina(<<贝隆夫人>>主题曲)015Un-Break My Heart(<<致命恋人>>主题曲)016A Whole New World(<<阿拉丁>>主题曲)017Speak Softly Love(<<教父>> 主题曲)018My Heart Will Go On(<<铁达尼号>> 主题曲)019Love Story(<<爱情故事>> 主题曲)020Colors of the Wind(<<风中奇缘>> 主题曲021[Rhythm of the Rain]022It Might Be You(<<杜丝先生>> 主题曲)023Pretty Boy024When I fall in love(<<西雅图夜未眠>> 主题曲)025Moon River(<<西城故事>> 主题曲)026Beauty and Beast(<<美女与野兽>> 主题曲)027Scarborough Fair(<<毕业生>> 主题曲)028Do-Re-Mi(<<音乐之声>> 插曲)029Falling Into You(<<本能>> 主题曲)030Without You(<<未来水世界>> 主题曲)031HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE RAIN?(<<费城故事>> 主题曲)032Up Where We Belong(<<军官与绅士>> 主题曲)033Am I That Easy to Forget(<<罗马假日>> 主题曲)034If I Never Knew You(<<风中奇缘>> 主题曲)035Edelweiss(<<音乐之声>> 插曲)036How Do I Live(電影"空中監獄"主題曲)037The Way We Were(<<往日情怀>> 主题曲)038I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU(<<红衣女郎>> 插曲)039I Follow Him(<<修女也疯狂>> 插曲)040[Hero]041The Color of The night(<<夜色>> 主题曲)042I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You(<<蒙面侠罗宾汉>> 主题043Angel(<<天使之城>>插曲)044The Music of Goodbye(<<走出非洲>> 插曲)045[Love Me Tender]046I Believe I Can Fly(<<太空大灌蓝>> 主题曲)047The Sound of Silence(<<毕业生>> 主题曲)048Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You (《廊桥遗梦》主题曲)049Against All Odds (<<危情>>主题曲)050Right Here Waiting051[I will Always Love You]052a time for us - andy williams - 奥斯卡金曲053as time goes by - 电影[北非谍影 - 奥斯卡金曲054love story(爱情故事) - andy williams - 奥斯卡金曲055color of the wind - vanessa williams - 奥斯卡72届金曲集萃056heaven in your eyes(壮志凌云插曲) - loverboy - 壮志凌云插曲057lead me on(壮志凌云插曲) - teena marie - 壮志凌云插曲058eye of the tiger(影片洛奇插曲) - 幸存者乐队 - 影片洛奇插曲059i can wait forever(影片捉鬼队插曲) - 空中补给队 - 影片捉鬼队插曲060This Masquerade(<<情人>> 主题曲)061[Time To Say Goodbye (Sarah Brightman)]062[Vincent]063[Take me home country road]064[Top of the world]065[Never gonna give you up]066[Tears in heaven]067[Tears In Heaven (Eric Thompson)]068[It Must Have Been Love]069[One Sweet Day (Boyz II Men&Mariah Carey)]070[Take a bow (Madonna)]071[Youve got a way (Shania Twain)]072[Loving You (Teresa)]073[The power of love (Ceilon Dion)]074[Hotel California (Eagle)]075[Angel of the Morning (Juice Newton)]076[Here I Am (Bryan adams)]077[Dont Know Much (Linda Ronstadt Aaron Neville)]078[Dont Know Why]079[Id love you to want me (Lobo)]080[Love Is All Around (Wet Wet Wet)]081[Heal the World (Micheal Jackson)]082[Truly, Madly, Deeply (Savage Garden)]083[No matter what (Boyzone)]084[The cup of life(LA COPA DE VIDA)]085[Faith]086[Hand in hand]087[Changing Partners]088[Auld Lang Syne]089[Mirror Mirror]090[End of the world]091[My love is your love]092[Sacrifice]093[Jambalaya]094[Please, Mr. Postman]095[Sailing]096[Bye Bye Bye (N SYNC)]097[Thats why (you go away)]098[Only love (Trademark)]099[The day you went away (M2M)] 100[Candle in the Wind。

欧美经典歌曲100首1、Michael Joseph Jackson我真不知道该选他什么歌贴在上面,如果贴也只能选几首不太喜欢的,然后其他全贴上。
2、Can't help falling in love 情不自禁坠入爱河Elvis aronpresley(猫王),一位现代流行音乐史上里程碑式的伟人,遥滚音乐史上不朽的象征,1957年7月5日他在孟斐斯录音棚里的一次演唱,被视为摇滚音乐的诞生日,当时只有19岁的他还只是一名卡车司机。
3,yesterday 昨天成立于1960年英国利物浦的TheBeatles(披头士)乐队,作为和猫王同时代齐名的音乐人,他们的出现冲击了美国音乐的基础,结束了当时世界流行乐坛的“猫王王朝”。
4、Seasons In The Sun 阳光季节也是一首被翻唱多次的歌曲,有很多故事在背后而且都很感人,歌曲版本流传最广的是爱尔兰音乐组合Westlife(西城男孩)所演唱的。
他们的好歌还有<Mylove>、<Flying without wings>、<If I let you go>、<You raise me up>都是冠军歌曲,可以欣赏一下。

《right here waiting 》是电影《终有一天感动你》的主题曲由Richerd Marx(里查德马克思)演唱。
《Yesterday once more》(昨日重现)是电影《生命因你而动听》的主题曲,由Carpenters(卡朋特乐队)演唱。
《Big Big World》(世界无限大)是一首美国乡村音乐,被《刑事侦探档案》引作插曲,由Emilia(艾美莉亚)演唱。
01.A Love Before Time 遥远的爱[卧虎藏龙]02.A Time For Us 总有一天[罗米欧与朱丽叶]03.Against All Odds 困难重重[危情]04.Am I That Easy To Forget 难以忘怀[罗马假日]05.Auld Lang Syno 一路平安[魂断蓝桥]06.Beauty And The Beast美女与野兽[美女与野兽]07.Because You Loved Me 因为你爱过我[战地之恋]08.Bornfree 生来自由[生来自由]09.Can You Feel The Love Tonight 今夜是否感到爱[狮子王]10.Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡[北非谍影]11.Change The World 改变世界[不一样的本能]12.Colors Of Wind 风的色彩[风中奇缘]13.Do not Cry For Me Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣[贝隆夫人]14.Do-Re-Mi 哆来咪[音乐之声]15.Edelweiss雪绒花[音乐之声]16.Endless Love 无尽的爱[无尽的爱]17.Ever Green 爱情万年青[明星的诞生]18.Everything I Do,I Do It For You 一切为你[罗宾汉]19.Falling Into you 爱上了你[本能]20.Waltzing back 倒退华尔兹[沉默的羔羊]21.Flash Dance...What A Feeling 闪电舞好一种感觉[闪电舞]22.For All We Know 我们相知[情侣和陌生人]23.Golden Eye 黄金眼[OO7-黄金眼]24.He ain t Heavy, He is My Brother他不重,他是我兄弟[第一滴血]25.How Deep Is Your Love 你的爱有多深[周末狂热爱]26.How Do I Live 我怎么活[空中监狱]27.I Believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔[空中大灌蓝]28.I Have Nothing 我一无所有[保镖]29.I Just Call To Say Love You 电话诉衷情[红衣女郎]30.I Still Have not Found What I am Looking For 我还没有找到我的东西[逃跑新娘]31.I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU 我将永远爱你[保镖]32.If God Will Send His Angels 如果上帝派来他的天使[天使多情]33.In The Morning 早晨[两小无猜]34.It Might Be You 也许是你[杜丝先生]35.It Must Have Been Love 曾经有爱[风月俏佳人]36.I have Ever A Man Before 过去从未拥有过男人[情深到未来]37.Kiss From A Rose 玫瑰之吻[蝙蝠侠]st Dance 最后的舞蹈[感谢上帝,这是星期五]39.Let It Be 顺其自然[顺其自然]40.Let us Talk About Love 谈情说爱[理智与情感]41.Love Is Around 坠入爱河[四个婚礼一个葬礼]42.Love Me Tender 温柔地爱我[铁血柔情]43.Love Story 爱情故事[爱情故事]44.Lovefool 爱情傻瓜[罗米欧与朱丽叶]45.May It Be 也许[魔戒]46.Memory 记忆[猫]47.Mona Lisa 蒙娜.丽莎[古堡歼仇记]48.Moon River 月亮河[第凡内早餐]49.My All 我的所有[危情十日]50.My Heart Will Go On 我心永远[泰坦尼克号]51.My Own True Love我的真爱[乱世佳人]52.My Way 我的准则[夺标]53.Nothing To Lose 一无所有[闻香识女人]54.Nothing is Gonna Change My Love For You 此情永不移[廊桥遗梦]55. Nothing s Gonna Stop Us Now什么也不能阻止我们[真实的谎言]56.Now And Forever 现在和永远[赌命鸳鸯]57.Only You 只有你[人鬼情未了]58.Over The Rainbow 跨越彩虹[绿野仙踪]59.Pretty Women 漂亮女人[风月俏佳人]60.Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 雨点不停落在我头上[神枪手和智多星]61.Right Here Waiting此情可待[终有一天感动你]62.San Francisco 三藩市[阿甘正传]63.Say You Say Me 说你,说我[白夜]64.Scarborough Fair 斯卡褒集市[毕业生]65.Sharp Of My Heart心之阴影[这个杀手不太冷]66.Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 烟雾迷住你的眼[罗贝塔]67.Someday 有天[钟楼舵侠]68.Sound Of Silence 寂静之声[毕业生] (palu and simon)69.Speak Softly Love 柔声倾诉[教父]70.Streets Of Philadelphia 费城街头[费城故事]71.Sunshine On My Shoulders 阳光照在我肩头[夕阳]72.Take My Breath Away 带走我的呼吸[壮志凌云]73.Tears In Heaven 泪洒天堂[匆匆]74.The Color Of Night 夜色[夜色]75.The Greatest Love Of All 至高无上的爱[至高无上]76.The Last Walth 最后的华尔滋[最后的华尔滋]77.The River Of No Return 大江东去[大江东去]78 The Way We Were 回首当年[回首当年]79.There You will Be 与你相依[珍珠港]80.This Masquerade 化妆舞会[情人】81 .Three Coins In The Fountain 喷泉里的三个硬币[罗马之恋]82.To Love Somebody 暗恋[两小无猜]83.Unbreak My Heart 勿伤我心[致命恋人】84.Unchained melody 奔放的旋律[人鬼情未了]85.Under The Sea 茫茫海底[小美人鱼]86.Up Where We Belong 冲上云霄[警察与绅士]87.Vision Of A Sinset 落日之幻影[生命因你动听]88.Viva Forever 永远前进[完美的世界]89.Whatever Will Be,Will Be 该怎样就怎样[知情人]90.When A Child Is Born 当孩子降生时[人狼恋]91.When A Men Love A Women 当男女相爱时[当男女相爱时]92.When I Fall IN Love当我坠入爱河[西雅图未眠夜]93.When You Believe 只要你相信[埃及王子]94.When You Wish Upon A Star 星星祝福歌[木偶奇遇记]95.Whole New World全新的世界[阿拉丁]96.Wind Beneath My Wings 迎风展翅[姐妹情深]97.Without You 没有你[未来水世界]98.You Light Up My Life 你照亮我的生命[你照亮我的生命]99.You will Be In My Heart 你在我心里面[泰山]100.You Must Love Me 你一定要爱我[贝隆夫人]101. 30 Minutes 30分钟102. amor 爱神丘比特103. animal insstinct 动物本能104. asereje 蕃茄舞105. Better man 好男人106. Big Big World 世界无限大107. blowing in wind 答案在风中108. california dreaming加利福尼亚梦想109. Careless whisper 无心快语110. Close To You 靠近你111. cottom fields 棉田112. crying in the rain 雨中的哭泣113. donna donna 多娜多娜114. do not cry 别哭115. el condor pasa 老鹰之歌116. evergreen tree 长青树117. every time i close my eyes当我沉睡118. get the party started 聚会开始119. green green grass of home碧草如茵的家园120. green leaves of summer 夏日的绿叶121. hero 英雄122. hey paula 唏!宝娜123. holiday 假日124. Hotel California 加州旅店125. how can i tell her让我们如何告诉她126. I swear 我发誓127. It never rains in southern california 南加州从来不下雨128. itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow rolka dot rikini 黄色比基尼129. lemontree 柠檬树130. light my fire 点亮我的火焰131. like i love you 像我爱你132. Lose Yourself 迷失自我133. love Do not Cost A Thing 爱情无价134. love is blue 爱是忧郁135. more than i can say爱你在心口难开136. one day when we were young 当我们年轻时137. only if 也许只有138. over and over 一次又一次139. Playing My Game 我行我素140. rain and tears 雨和泪141. ready for times get better 有准备明天才更好142. rhythm of the rain 雨中节奏143. river of babylon 巴比伦河144. Rod Stewart sailing 航行145. rose rose i love you玫瑰玫瑰我爱你146. Sealed With A Kiss 以吻封缄147. Stairway To Heaven 天堂的阶梯148. streets of lonodon 伦敦大街149. summer kisses winter tears多少柔情多少泪150. summer wine 夏日美酒151. take me home country road 乡村路带我回家152. tears of pearls 珍珠的眼泪153. The Day You Went Away 你走那天154. The party is over 晚会结束155. TimeToSayGoodbye 分手时刻156. Two Different Directions 两个不同的方向157. WANNABE 辣妹158. waterloo 滑铁卢159. We are the champions 我们是冠军[1]160. what a girl want 少女情怀161. what is up 未来会怎样162. windflowers 风信子163. Yesterday once more 昨日重现164. you needed me 你需要我165. YOU HAVE GOT A WAY 你找到方向2008年2月第80届奥斯卡金像奖获奖名单最佳影片(BEST PICTURE) 《老无所依》No Country for Old Men最佳导演(DIRECTING) 科恩兄弟Joel Coen and Ethan Coen(《老无所依》)最佳男主角(ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE) 丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯Daniel Day-Lewis(《未血绸缪》)最佳女主角(ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE) 玛丽昂·歌利亚Marion Cotillard(《玫瑰人生》)最佳男配角(ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE) 贾维尔·巴尔顿Javier Bardem(《老无所依》)最佳女配角(ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE) 蒂尔达·斯温顿Tilda Swinton(《迈克尔·克莱顿》)最佳动画长片(ANIMATED FEATURE) 《料理鼠王》Ratatouille 迪斯尼最佳外语片(FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM) 《伪钞制造者》The Counterfeiters 奥地利最佳化妆(MAKEUP) 《玫瑰人生》La Vie en Rose最佳配乐(SCORE) 《赎罪》Atonement最佳原创歌曲(ORIGINAL SONG) 《Falling Slowly》出自《曾经》Once最佳动画短片SHORT FILM(ANIMATED) 《彼得和狼》Peter & the Wolf最佳真人短片SHORT FILM(LIVE ACTION) 《扒手莫扎特》The Mozart of Pickpockets最佳音效剪辑(SOUND EDITING) 《谍影重重3》The Bourne Ultimatum最佳音响效果(SOUND MIXING) 《谍影重重3》The Bourne Ultimatum最佳视觉效果(VISUAL EFFECTS) 《黑暗物质:黄金罗盘》The Golden Compass最佳改编剧本WRITING(ADAPTED SCREENPLAY) 《老无所依》No Country for Old Men最佳原创剧本WRITING(ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY) 《朱诺》Juno最佳艺术指导(ART DIRECTION) 《理发师陶德》Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 最佳摄影(CINEMATOGRAPHY) 《未血绸缪》There Will Be Blood最佳服装设计(COSTUME DESIGN) 《伊丽莎白2:黄金时代》Elizabeth: The Golden Age最佳剪辑(FILM EDITING) 《谍影重重3》The Bourne Ultimatumt最佳纪录长片(BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE) 《驶向阴霾的出租》Taxi to the Dark Side,思想最佳纪录短片(BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT) 《自由空间》Freeheld终身成就奖罗伯特-泊伊尔第79届2007年2月26日颁奖最佳影片《无间道风云》最佳导演《无间道风云》马丁·斯科塞斯最佳男主角《末代独裁》弗雷斯特·惠特克最佳女主角《女王》海伦·米伦最佳男配角《阳光小美女》阿兰·阿尔金最佳女配角《梦幻女郎》珍妮佛·哈德森最佳原创剧本《阳光小美女》最佳改编剧本《无间道风云》最佳摄影《潘神的迷宫》最佳剪辑《无间道风云》最佳音效剪辑《硫磺岛的来信》最佳音效《梦幻女郎》最佳服装设计《绝代艳后》最佳艺术指导《潘神的迷宫》最佳视觉效果《加勒比海盗2》最佳化妆《潘神的迷宫》最佳电影配乐《巴别塔》最佳电影歌曲《难以忽视的真相》:I Need To Wake Up最佳动画长片《欢乐大脚》(Happy Feet)最佳外语片《**风暴》最佳纪录片《难以忽视的真相》最佳纪录短片《颍州的孩子》最佳真人短片《西岸故事》最佳动画短片《丹麦诗人》(The Danish Poet)终身成就奖埃尼奥·莫里康内人道主义奖谢里·兰辛2006 第78届获奖《冲撞》Crash提名《断背山》Brokeback Mountain《卡波特》Capote《晚安,好运》Good Night, and Good Luck《慕尼黑》Munich2005 第77届获奖《百万美元宝贝》(Milloin Dollar Baby)提名《飞行者》(The Aviator)《杯酒人生》(Sideways)《寻找梦幻岛》(Finding Neverland)《雷》(Ray)2004 第76届获奖《指环王3:王者回归》(THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING) 提名《迷失东京》(LOST IN TRANSLATION)《怒海争锋》(MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD) 《神秘河》(MYSTIC RIVER)《奔腾年代》(SEABISCUIT)2003获奖Chicago (2002) 芝加哥提名Pianist, The (2002) 钢琴师Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) 魔戒二部曲—双城奇谋Hours, The (2002) 时时刻刻Gangs of New York (2002) 纽约风云2002获奖Beautiful Mind, A (2001) 美丽心灵提名Moulin Rouge! (2001) 红磨坊Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身In the Bedroom (2001) 意外边缘Gosford Park (2001) 谜雾庄园2001获奖Gladiator (2000) 角斗士提名Wo hu cang long (2000) 卧虎藏龙Traffic (2000) 毒网Erin Brockovich (2000) 永不妥协Chocolat (2000) 浓情巧克力2000获奖American Beauty (1999) 美国丽人提名Sixth Sense, The (1999) 灵异第六感Insider, The (1999) 局内人Green Mile, The (1999) 绿色奇迹Cider House Rules, The (1999) 总有骄阳1999获奖Shakespeare in Love (1998) 恋爱中的莎士比亚提名Vita è bella, La (1997) 美丽人生Thin Red Line, The (1998) 红色警戒Saving Private Ryan (1998) 拯救大兵瑞恩Elizabeth (1998) 伊莉莎白1998获奖Titanic (1997) 泰坦尼克提名L.A. Confidential (1997) 幕后嫌疑犯Good Will Hunting (1997) 骄阳似我Full Monty, The (1997) 一脱到底As Good As It Gets (1997) 猫屎先生1997获奖English Patient, The (1996) 英国病人提名Shine (1996) 闪亮的风采Secrets & Lies (1996) 秘密与谎言Jerry Maguire (1996) 甜心先生Fargo (1996) 冰雪暴1996获奖Braveheart (1995) 勇敢的心提名Sense and Sensibility (1995) 理智与情感Postino, Il (1994) 事先张扬的求爱事件Babe (1995) 小猪宝贝Apollo 13 (1995) 阿波罗13号1995获奖Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘正传提名The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 肖申克的救赎Quiz Show (1994) 机智问答Pulp Fiction (1994) 低俗小说Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) 四个婚礼一个葬礼1994获奖Schindler's List (1993) 辛德勒的名单提名Remains of the Day, The (1993) 告别有情天Piano, The (1993) 钢琴别恋In the Name of the Father (1993) 因父之名Fugitive, The (1993) 亡命天涯1993获奖Unforgiven (1992) 不可饶恕提名Scent of a Woman (1992) 闻香识女人Howards End (1992) 此情可问天Few Good Men, A (1992) 义海雄风Crying Game, The (1992) 哭泣游戏1992获奖Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 沉默的羔羊提名Prince of Tides, The (1991) 潮浪王子JFK (1991) 惊天大刺杀Bugsy (1991) 一代情枭毕斯Beauty and the Beast (1991) 美女与野兽1991获奖Dances with Wolves (1990) 与狼共舞提名Goodfellas (1990) 好家伙Godfather: Part III, The (1990) 教父第三集Ghost (1990) 人鬼情未了Awakenings (1990) 无语问苍天1990获奖Driving Miss Daisy (1989) 为戴茜小姐开车提名My Left Foot (1989) 我的左脚Field of Dreams (1989) 梦幻之地Dead Poets Society (1989) 春风化雨Born on the Fourth of July (1989) 生于七月四日1989获奖Rain Man (1988) 雨人提名Working Girl (1988) 上班女郎Mississippi Burning (1988) 烈血暴潮Dangerous Liaisons (1988) 危险关系Accidental Tourist, The (1988) 意外的旅客1988获奖Last Emperor, The (1987) 末代皇帝提名Moonstruck (1987) 月色撩人Hope and Glory (1987) 希望与荣耀Fatal Attraction (1987) 致命的吸引力Broadcast News (1987) 收播新闻1987获奖Platoon (1986) 野战排提名Room with a View, A (1986) 看得见风景的房间Mission, The (1986) 教会Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) 汉娜姐妹Children of a Lesser God (1986) 悲怜上帝的女儿1986获奖Out of Africa (1985) 走出非洲提名Witness (1985) 证人Prizzi's Honor (1985) 普里兹家族的荣誉Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) 蜘蛛女之吻Color Purple, The (1985) 紫色1985获奖Amadeus (1984) 莫扎特传提名Soldier's Story, A (1984) 大兵Places in the Heart (1984) 我心深处Passage to India, A (1984) 印度之行Killing Fields, The (1984) 战火屠城1984获奖Terms of Endearment (1983) 母女情深提名Tender Mercies (1983) 温柔的怜悯Right Stuff, The (1983) 征空先锋Dresser, The (1983) 近身Big Chill, The (1983) 山水又相逢1983获奖Gandhi (1982) 甘地传提名Verdict, The (1982) 大审判Tootsie (1982) 窈窕淑男Missing (1982) 失踪E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 外星人E.T.1982获奖Chariots of Fire (1981) 火的战车提名Reds (1981) 烽火赤焰万里情Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 夺宝奇兵On Golden Pond (1981) 金色池塘Atlantic City (1980) 大西洋城1981获奖Ordinary People (1980) 普通人提名Tess (1979) 苔丝Raging Bull (1980) 愤怒的公牛Elephant Man, The (1980) 象人Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) 矿工的女儿1980获奖Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) 克莱墨夫妇提名Norma Rae (1979) 诺玛蕊Breaking Away (1979) 突破Apocalypse Now (1979) 现代启示录All That Jazz (1979) 浮生若梦1979获奖Deer Hunter, The (1978) 猎鹿人提名Unmarried Woman, An (1978) 不结婚的女人Midnight Express (1978) 午夜快车Heaven Can Wait (1978) 天堂可以等待Coming Home (1978) 返乡1978获奖Annie Hall (1977) 安妮·霍尔提名Turning Point, The (1977) 转折点Star Wars (1977) 星球大战Julia (1977) 茱莉亚Goodbye Girl, The (1977) 再见女郎1977获奖Rocky (1976) 洛奇提名Taxi Driver (1976) 的士司机Network (1976) 电视台风云Bound for Glory (1976) 奔向光荣All the President's Men (1976) 惊天大阴谋1976获奖One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 飞越疯人院提名Nashville (1975) 纳斯维尔Jaws (1975) 大白鲨Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 炎热的下午Barry Lyndon (1975) 乱世儿女1975获奖Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 教父续集提名Towering Inferno, The (1974) 火烧摩天楼Lenny (1974) 连尼传Conversation, The (1974) 对话Chinatown (1974) 唐人街1974获奖Sting, The (1973) 骗中骗提名Viskningar och rop (1972) 哭泣与耳语Touch of Class, A (1973) 金屋春宵Exorcist, The (1973) 驱魔人American Graffiti (1973) 美国风情画1973获奖Godfather, The (1972) 教父提名Utvandrarna (1971) 大移民Sounder (1972) 儿子离家时Deliverance (1972) 激流四勇士Cabaret (1972) 歌厅1972获奖French Connection, The (1971) 法国贩毒网提名Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) 俄宫秘史Last Picture Show, The (1971) 最后一场电影Fiddler on the Roof (1971) 屋顶上的小提琴手Clockwork Orange, A (1971) 发条橙1971获奖Patton (1970) 巴顿将军奥斯卡从第七届开始评选最佳音乐(歌曲)奖I need to wake up79届:《难以忽视的真相》It's Hard Out78届:《川流熙攘》Al Otro Lado del Río77届:《摩托日记》Into the west76届:《魔戒》Lose Yourself75届:《8英里》if i didn't have you74届:《怪物公司》Things Have Changed 73届:《神奇小子》You'll Be In My Heart72届:《泰山》When You Believe71届:《埃及王子》My Heart Will Go On70届:《铁达尼号》You Must Love Me69届:《阿根廷,别为我哭泣》Colors of the Wind68届:《风中奇缘》Can You Feel the Love Tonight67届:《狮子王》Streets of Philadelphia66届:《费城故事》A Whole New World65届:《阿拉丁》Beauty and the Beast64届:《美女与野兽》Sooner or Later63届:《狄克崔西》Under the SeaLet the River Run61届:《上班女郎》The Time of My Life60届:《热舞十七》Take My Breath Away59届:《凌云壮志》Say You, Say Me58届:《飞越苏联》I Just Called to Say I Love You 57届:《红衣女郎》Flashdance What a Feeling56届:《闪舞》Up Where We Belong55届:《军官与绅士》Best That You Can Do54届:《二八佳人花公子》Fame53届:《名扬四海》It Goes Like It Goes52届:《诺玛.蕾》Last Dance51届:《星期五的狂热》You Light Up My Life50届:《你照亮我的生命》Evergreen49届:《星梦泪痕》I'm EasyWe May Never Love Like This Again 47届:《火烧摩天楼》The Way We Were46届:《往日情怀》The Morning After45届:《海神号》Theme from Shaft44届:《黑街神探》For All We Know43届:《情人与陌生人》Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head 42届:《神枪手与智多星》The Windmills of Your Mind41届:《托马斯.克朗的事伯》Talk to the Animals40届:《杜立德医生》Born Free39届:《生的自由》The Shadow of Your Smile38届:《矶鹞》Chim Chim Cher-ee37届:《欢乐满人间》Call Me Irresponsible36届:《酒乡老爹》Days of Wine and Roses35届:《酒与玫瑰》Moon River34届:《蒂法尼的早餐》Never on Sunday33届:《别在星期天》High Hopes32届:《和家欢》Gigi31届:《金粉世界》All the Way30届:《艺海奇人》Whatever Will Be, Will Be29届:《擒凶记》Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing28届:《生死恋》Three Coins in the Fountain27届:《罗马之恋》Secret Love26届:《女侠简恩》High Noon25届:《正午》In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening 24届:《喜临门》Mona Lisa23届:《古堡歼仇记》Baby, It's Cold Outside22届:《海王星女儿》Buttons and Bows21届:《白面书生》Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah20届:《南方之歌》On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 19届:《哈维女孩》It Might as Well Be Spring18届:《嘉会良缘》Swinging on a Star17届:《与我同行》You'll Never Know16届:《喂!旧金山,喂!》White Christmas15届:《假日旅店》The Last Time I Saw Paris14届:《端庄淑女》When You Wish Upon a Star13届:《木偶奇遇记》Over the Rainbow12届:《绿野仙踪》Thanks for the Memory11届:《1938年播音大会》Sweet Leilani10届:《威基基婚礼》The Way You Look Tonight9届:《摇曳时光》Lullaby of Broadway8届:《1935年掘金女郎》The Continental7届:《快乐的离婚了的人》。

It`s ought to be
When a man loves a women
rll give you eveything rvo done
Try to hold up to you,baby,
Please don't treat me baby
Yes When a man loves a woman.
I know exactly how he feel
004Can You Feel The Love Tonight (电影"狮子王"主题曲)
There's a calm surrender
To the rush of day
100首奥斯卡获奖电影及经典英文金曲歌词(1)- -
001Everything I Do, I Do It For You(<<罗宾汉>>主题曲)
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
When the heat of the rolling world
Can be turned away
An enchanted moment
And it sees me through
It's enough for this restless warrior
Just to be with you
A life worthwhile for you and me
And with our love through tears and thorns

《A Love Before Time》遥远的爱《A Time For Us》总有一天《Against All Odds》困难重重《Am I That Easy To Forget》难以忘怀《Auld Lang Syno》一路平安《Beauty And The Beast》美女与野兽《Because You Loved Me》因为你爱过我《Big Big World》大千世界《Bornfree》生来自由《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》今夜何温馨《Casablanca》卡萨布兰卡《Change The World》改变世界《Colors Of Wind》风的色彩《Do not Cry For Me Argentina》阿根廷别为我哭泣《Do-Re-Mi》哆来咪《Edelweiss》雪绒花《Endless Love》无境的爱《Ever Green》爱情万年青《Everything I Do「I Do It For You」》一切为你《Falling Into you》爱上了你《Flashdance What A Feeling》闪电舞,好一种感觉《For All We Know》我们相知《Golden Eye》黄金眼《Have Nothing》《He aint Heavy,He is My Brother》他不重,他是我兄弟《How Deep Is Your Love》你的爱有多深《How Do I Live》我怎么活《I Believe I Can Fly》我相信我能飞《I Have Nothing》我一无所有《I Just Call To Say Love You》电话诉衷情《I Still Have not Found What I am Looking For》我还没找到我的东西《I Will Always Love You》我将永远爱你《If God Will Send His Angels》如果上帝派来他的天使《In The Morning》早晨《It Might Be You》也许是你《It Must Have Been Love》曾经有爱《I have Ever A Man Before》过去从未拥有过男人《Kiss From A Rose》玫瑰之吻《Last Dance》最后的舞蹈《Let It Be》顺其自然《Let us Talk About Love》让我们谈情说爱《Love Is Around》坠入爱河《Love Me Tender》温柔地爱我《Love Story》爱情故事《Love fool》爱情傻瓜《May It Be》也许《Memory》记忆《Mona Lisa》蒙娜丽莎《Moon River》月亮河《My All》我的所有《My Heart Will Go On》爱无止境《My Own True Love》我的真爱《My Way》我的准则《Nothing is Gonna Stop Us Now》什么也不能阻止我们《Nothing To LoseNothing is Gonna Change》此情永不移《Now And Forever》现在和永远《Only You》只有你《Over The Rainbow》跨越彩虹《Pretty Women》漂亮女人《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》雨点不停落在我头上《Right Here Waiting》此情可待《San Francisco》圣弗朗西斯科《Say You Say Me》说你说我《Scarborough Fair》斯卡保罗集市《Shape Of My Heart》心的方向《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》烟雾迷住你的眼睛《Someday》有一天《Sound Of Silence》寂静之声《Speak Softly Love》柔声倾诉《Streets Of Philadelphia》费城街头《Sunshine On My Shoulders》阳光照在我肩上《Take My Breath Away》带走我的呼吸《Tears In Heaven》泪洒天堂《The Color Of Night》夜色《The Greatest Love Of All》至高无上的爱《The Last Walth》最后的华尔兹《The River Of No Return》大江东去《The Way We Were》回首当年《There You will Be》与你相依《This Masquerade》化妆舞会《Three Coins In The Fountain》喷泉里的三个硬币《To Love Somebody》暗恋《Unbreak My Heart》勿伤我心《Unchained Melody》奔放的旋律《Under The Sea》茫茫海底《Up Where We Belong》冲上云霄《Vision Of A Sinset》落日之幻影《Viva Forever》永远前进《Whatever Will Be,Will Be》该怎样就怎样《When A Child Is Born》当孩子降生时《When A Men Love A Women》当男女相爱时《When I Fall IN Love》当我坠入爱河《When You Believe》只要你相信《When You Wish Upon A Star》星星祝福歌《Whole New World》全新的世界《Wind Beneath My Wings》迎风展翅《Without You》没有你《Yesterday Once More》昨日重现《You Light Up My Life》你照亮我的生命《You will Be In My Heart》你在我心里面《You Must Love Me》你一定要爱我《30 Minutes》30分。

下面就让店铺给大家介绍一下奥斯卡经典英文歌曲吧!奥斯卡经典英文歌曲推荐1.You Can Trust In Me2.夜莺3.Beautiful Eyes 美丽的眼睛4.Love Story 乡村乐5.Winter in my heart6.Apologize7.My heart will go on8.eyes open9.马克西姆出埃及记(钢琴曲)10.Everytime11.Everybody12.乌兰巴托的爸爸13.Taylor Swift Love Story14.诺言15.always getting over you16.We Are One17.Apologize18.Can You Feel I19.Thank you20.The day you went away奥斯卡经典英文歌曲介绍1.I Wanted You2.Everything I do3.Love Story 钢琴版4.My Oh My5.The Mass6.Imagine Me Without You7.Cry on my shoulder8.Need You Now9.Viva la Vida10.心灵深处的敬拜11.Alone12.forever and always13.Lubov14.B What U Wanna B15.Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea16.Baby One More Time17.Just Dance18.Wake Me Up When September Ends19.Everybody20.哇咔哇咔奥斯卡经典英文歌曲精选1.We Wish You a Merry Christmas2.乡村路带我回家3.A New Day Has Come4.If I Were A Boy5.Fearless(秋聆听Musi·)6.Because You Loved Me7.Try Try Try8.Underneath Your Clothes9.The Power Of Love10.Waka Waka。

200首经典英文电影金曲奥斯卡金曲《A Love Before Time》遥远的爱《A Time For Us》总有一天《Against All Odds》困难重重《Am I That Easy To Forget》难以忘怀《Auld Lang Syno》一路平安《Beauty And The Beast》美女与野兽《Because You Loved Me》因为你爱过我《Big Big World》大千世界《Bornfree》生来自由《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》今夜何温馨《Casablanca》卡萨布兰卡《Change The World》改变世界《Colors Of Wind》风的色彩《Do not Cry For Me Argentina》阿根廷别为我哭泣《Do-Re-Mi》哆来咪《Edelweiss》雪绒花《Endless Love》无境的爱《Ever Green》爱情万年青《Everything I Do「I Do It For You」》一切为你《Falling Into you》爱上了你《Flashdance What A Feeling》闪电舞,好一种感觉《For All We Know》我们相知《Golden Eye》黄金眼《I Have Nothing》一无所有《He aint Heavy,He is My Brother》他不重,他是我兄弟《How Deep Is Your Love》你的爱有多深《How Do I Live》我怎么活《I Believe I Can Fly》我相信我能飞翔《I Have Nothing》我一无所有《I Just Call To Say Love You》电话诉衷情《I Still Have not Found What I am Looking For》我还没找到我的东西《I Will Always Love You》我将永远爱你《If God Will Send His Angels》如果上帝派来他的天使《In The Morning》早晨《It Might Be You》也许是你《It Must Have Been Love》曾经有爱《I have Ever A Man Before》过去从未拥有过男人《Kiss From A Rose》玫瑰之吻《Last Dance》最后的舞蹈《Let It Be》顺其自然《Let us Talk About Love》让我们谈情说爱《Love Is Around》坠入爱河《Love Me Tender》温柔地爱我《Love Story》爱情故事《Lovefool》爱情傻瓜《May It Be》也许《Memory》记忆《Mona Lisa》蒙娜丽莎《Moon River》月亮河《My All》我的所有《My Heart Will Go On》爱无止境《My Own True Love》我的真爱《My Way》我的准则《Nothing is Gonna Stop Us Now》什么也不能阻止我们《Nothing To LoseNothing is Gonna Change》此情永不移《Now And Forever》现在和永远《Only You》只有你《Over The Rainbow》跨越彩虹《Pretty Women》漂亮女人《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》雨点不停落在我头上《Right Here Waiting》此情可待《San Francisco》圣弗朗西斯科《Say You Say Me》说你说我《Scarborough Fair》斯卡保罗集市《Shape Of My Heart》心的方向《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》烟雾迷住你的眼睛《Someday》有一天《Sound Of Silence》寂静之声《Speak Softly Love》柔声倾诉《Streets Of Philadelphia》费城街头《Sunshine On My Shoulders》阳光照在我肩上《Take My Breath Away》带走我的呼吸《Tears In Heaven》泪洒天堂《The Color Of Night》夜色《The Greatest Love Of All》至高无上的爱《The Last Walth》最后的华尔兹《The River Of No Return》大江东去《The Way We Were》回首当年《There You will Be》与你相依《This Masquerade》化妆舞会《Three Coins In The Fountain》喷泉里的三个硬币《To Love Somebody》暗恋《Unbreak My Heart》勿伤我心《Unchained Melody》奔放的旋律《Under The Sea》茫茫海底《Up Where We Belong》冲上云霄《Vision Of A Sinset》落日之幻影《Viva Forever》永远前进《Whatever Will Be,Will Be》该怎样就怎样《When A Child Is Born》当孩子降生时《When A Men Love A Women》当男女相爱时《When I Fall IN Love》当我坠入爱河《When You Believe》只要你相信《When You Wish Upon A Star》星星祝福歌《Whole New World》全新世界《Wind Beneath My Wings》迎风展翅《Without You》没有你《Yesterday Once More》昨日重现《You Light Up My Life》你照亮我的生命《You will Be In My Heart》你在我心里面《You Must Love Me》你一定要爱我《30 Minutes》 30分钟 La Love On My Mind《拉拉爱》你是我一生所爱(Ann Winsborn)2.Sound of Silence 毕业生主题曲《寂静之声》(Simon & Garfunkel)3.Angel《天使》感动世界的天使(Sarah Mclachlan)4.When You Believe《当你相信》埃及王子主题曲(Mariah Carey)5.There You Will Be 珍珠港主题曲《有你相依》(Faith Hill)6.The Touch《触动》变形金刚动画电影激情插曲(Stan Bush)7.Love Story《爱情故事》主题曲-奥斯卡金曲(Andy Williams)8.Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》任时光流转我的爱永不变(Bertie Higgins)9.I Believe I Can Fly《我相信我能飞翔》1998格莱美(R.Kelly)10.Shape Of My Heart《心之形》这个杀手不太冷主题曲(Sting)11.May It Be《指环王》插曲:信仰指引你方向(Enya)12.Edelweiss《雪绒花》音乐之声(冯·比托普)13.Only Love《唯一的爱》真情马克迪士尼三维动画大片《恐龙》主题曲(Trademark)14.Beautiful Soul《美丽灵魂》不要别人只要你!(Jesse Mccartney)15.Scarborough Fair 《毕业生》经典英文歌曲(Simon & Carfunkel)16.Kong Fu Fighting 《功夫熊猫》主题曲(Carl Douglas )17.When There Was Me and You 《歌舞青春》原声(Vanessa Anne Hudgens)18.It Is You《就是你》怪物史莱克插曲(Dana Glover)19.Everyday《每一天》歌舞青春2原声碟(Troy&Gabriella)20.Falling Slowly 80届奥斯卡最佳原创电影歌曲(Glen Hansard)21.Valder fields很亲切的乡村节奏(Tamas wells)22.Uptown Girl 高攀《富家女(窈窕淑女)》(Westlife)23.Don't Cry for Me, Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣(Madonna)24.Under the sea《小美人鱼》插曲在海底(samuel)25.A Whole New World《阿拉丁》主题曲(Peabo Bryso,Regina Belle)26.All For Love《一切为爱》三个火枪手插曲(Bryan Adam)27.Against the odds《再看我一眼吧(冲破禁忌)》西城男孩(Mariah Carey/Westlife)28.My story--蓝莓之夜主题曲(Norah Jones)29.San Francisco 《阿甘正传》主题曲(Scott McKenzie)30.The Rose 爱是一朵春天绽放的《玫瑰》(Bette Midler)31.A Love That Will Never Grow Old《断背山》(Emmylou Harris)32.My Heart Will Go On《我心永恒》泰坦尼克号(Celine Dion)33.Let the River Run 永不放弃希望-61届奥斯卡最佳(Carly Simon)34.I Just Called To Say I Love You 打电话说爱你(Stevie Wonder)35.No Matter What《无论如何》我的生命从你开始(Boyzone)36.You Belong To Me《怪物史莱克》插曲(Jason Wade)37.Way Back Into Love K歌情人主题曲梁静茹品冠翻唱(hugh grant and drew barrymore)38.Bet On it 放手一搏歌舞青春2插曲- 罗志祥必杀技英文版(Troy)39.Stay《留下》爱我就别走(tonya mitchell)40.Things Have Changed《一切都已改变》73届奥斯卡最佳(Bob Dylan)41.What I`ve been looking for歌舞青春原声(Ryan and Sharpay)42.Close To You《靠近你》(Carpenter卡朋特)43.Over the Rainbow《我叫金山顺》里那首歌(Judy Carland)44.It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp 78届奥斯卡最佳(Djay)45.Can't Fight The Moonlight《无法抗拒那月光》爱的诱惑(LeAnn Rimes)46.Unbreak My Heart 收回那声再见《别让我伤心》(Toni Braxton)47.In The End林肯公园(linkin park)48.California Dreaming《加州梦想》电影《重庆森林》插曲(The Mamas/The Papas)49.My Way电影《燕尾蝶》插曲(Chara)50.Eyes On Me《注视我的目光》王菲- 最终幻想(主题歌) (王菲)51.Before It's Too Late 电影《变形金刚》主题曲(Goo Goo Dolls)52.Sunny《长江七号》插曲(Boney M)53.To be by your side 回到你身边(nick cave)54.The Last Unicorn(如银铃般清脆的嗓音!) (Declan Galbraith)55.Love Fool 《爱情傻瓜》奥斯卡新罗密欧与茱丽叶插曲(cardigans)56.Unbreak My Heart 《勿伤我心》《致命恋人》插曲(Braxton Toni)57.Elevation 《高飞》古墓丽影主题曲(U2)58.The Galway girl (PS: I LOVE YOU)插曲(PS: I LOVE YOU)59.How Can I Not Love You《如何才能不爱你》《安娜与国王》主题曲(Joy Enriquez)60.I Have Nothing《我一无所有》电影《保镖》主题曲(Whitney Houston)61.Life Is A Highway 《奔腾的生命》《汽车总动员》插曲(rascal flatts)62.Eye Of The Tiger《虎视眈眈》洛基川插曲(Survivor)63.Take My Breath Away《壮志凌云》电影歌曲(Berlin)64.Into The Fire法国电影《空中决战》插曲(Thirteen senses)65.Light Of My Life《生命之光》王力宏雷霆战警插曲(Lara Fabian(with lee hong wang)66.This never happened before (Paul Mccartney)67.Breathless《燃烧激情》The Corrs可儿家族(The Corrs)68.I believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔(R kelly)69.You light up my life 你照亮我的生命(westlife)70.ICO主题曲~《You Were There》(Steven Geraghty)71.Graduation (Friends Forever) (Vitamin C)72.I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing《世界末日》主题曲(Aerosmith)73.To Be By Your Side 回到你身边《鸟的迁徙》(Nick Cave)74.There You Will Be 珍珠港主题曲《有你相依》(Faith Hill)75.Forever friends《烟花》插曲(Remedios)76.You Know My Name 007之皇家赌场主题曲(Chris Cornell)77.Crash《憨豆先生的假期》插曲(Matt Willis)78.Start of Something New (Troy & Gabriella)79.I WannaBe With You《我要和你相守》美国四小天后之一(Mandy moore)80.The blower’s daughter (damien rice)81.Gotta Go My Own Way (troy&gabriella)82.Before I Fall In Love《坠入爱河以前》李玟(CoCo)83.My love will get you home我的爱将带你回家(christine glass)84.She《她》是天使也是魔鬼诺丁山(elvis costello)85.I Finally Found Someone我终于找到那个人(barbra & bryan)86.My Heartstrings Come Undone《Biohazard》影视原声(Demon Hunter)87.Eversleeping 《长眠不醒》吸血惊情四百年此爱漫漫无绝期(Xandria)88.Bother 《烦恼》蜘蛛侠主题曲(Corey Taylor Slipknot乐队)89.It is you (I Have Loved)怪物史莱克插曲(dana glover)90.Streets Of Philadelphia 《费城故事》(Bruce Springsteen)91.Into The West 航向西方《指环王之王者归来》(Annie Lennox)92.The Time of My Life 60届奥斯卡获奖歌曲(bill midley & jennifer warnes)93.Way Back Into Love (Haley Bennett and Hugh Grant)94.A man for all seasons 电影《憨豆特派员》片头曲- 孤胆英雄注定孤单(Robbie Williams)95.When There Was Me And You (Gabriella)96.Mondo Bongo史密斯夫妇主题曲(JoeStrummer)97.Swinging On A Star 给不想上学的孩子听(Bing Crosby)98.All The Love In The World 世上所有的爱(The Corrs)99.The One You Love (Glenn Frey)100.A Thousand Miles《千里迢迢》(vanessa carlton)101.When Christmas Comes To Town电影《极地特快》插曲(Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore)102.Sweet Leilani 电影《威基基婚礼》甜美的蕾拉妮(Bing Crosby)103.Love will show you everything爱将表达一切(Jennifer Love Hewitt) 104.Especially for you (Kylie Minogue)105.Sooner or Later 亲爱的,你早晚是我的(madonna)106.Mona Lisa 你的微笑可是为了掩盖破碎的心?(Nat King Cole)107.Don't Write Me Off《请不要丢弃我》(Hugh Grant)108.My love will get you home 我的爱指引你回家(christine glass)109.Bad Boys《绝地战警》插曲(Inner circle)110.Colors of the winds-风之彩( Vanessa Williams)111.Sunny (Boney M)112.You Know My Name007大战皇家赌场主题曲(Chris_Cornell)113.When A Child Is Born电影《人狼恋》主题曲(天使之翼合唱团)114.You'll Be In My Heart 你会永远在我心中(Phil Collins)115.Somewhere I belong (Linkin Park)116.Auld Lang Syne (twins)117.End Of Road (Boyz II Man)118.The Way You Look Tonight 爱上你今晚的样子(Tony Bennett) 119.You'll Never Know 你不知道我有多想你(小野丽莎)120.I will always love you 我永远爱你(whitney houston)121.I finally found someone (bryan adams)122.The Call——纳尼亚传奇2 凯斯宾王子(Regina Spektor)123.It Goes Like It Goes 平平淡淡才是真(Dusty Springfield)124.Thanks for the Memory 感谢那些和你在一起的日子(Bob Hope) 125.Lose Yourself 电影《8英里》主题曲(Eminem)126.Flashdance What a Feeling 闪舞多棒的感觉(Irene Cara)127.Best That You Can Do 你最该做的就是坠入爱河(Christopher Cross) 128.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)129.If We Were A Movie如果我们是部电影(Miley Cyrus)130.When You Wish Upon a Star 当你对著星星许愿(Louis Armstrong) 131. I believe i can fly (r.kelly)132.Mad World绝望的疯狂世界(Jules Gary )133.Moon river (Andy Williams)134.Up Where We Belong 爱让我们纯净(joe cocker,jennifer warnes) 135.The Last Of Waltz (英格伯·汉普汀克)136.Your lucky day in hell 漫画电影Hell Boy II 插曲(EELS)137.Sea of love (Tsubaki)138.It's only the fairy tale(推荐) (宫村优子)139.Goodnight moon《晚安,月亮》杀死比尔插曲(shivaree)140.Lullaby of Broadway《百老汇摇篮曲》42街(Tony Bennett)141.If i didn't have you 如果没有你我就一无所有(John & Billy)142.It Might As Well Be Spring 我象一只无歌可唱的夜莺(Laura Fygi) 143.I want to spend my lifetime loving you《佐罗的面具》主题曲(Tina Arena & Marc Anthony)144.Fame 电影《名扬四海》插曲(Irene Cara)145.Breaking free (zac efron and vanessa anne hud)146.Achy Breaky Heart (比利雷塞李思)147.Beauty and Beast (Peabo Bryson & Celine Dion)148.Three coins in a fountain 在少女喷泉许下爱的愿(Frank Sinatra) 149.Dear Life 《生命挚爱》将我改变(Anthony Hamilton)150.Buttons and Bows 衣冠楚楚《纽扣和蝴蝶结》(Dinah Shore)151.Secret Love 暗恋成真喊出你的名字(Doris Day)152.Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 很好听的情歌(西域男孩) 153.Start of Something New ( Troy & Gabriella)154.There you will be 珍珠港主题曲(有你相依) (Faith Hill)155.Baby, It s Cold Outside (Tom Jones)156.The Galway Girl (Steve Earle)157.Sway (Dean Martin)158.Beautiful Soul (Jesse Mccartney)159.Everyday (Troy&Gabriella)160.We're All in This Together 歌舞青春(High School Musical cast ) 161.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)162.How do i live (LeAnn Rimes)163.Everyday (Troy & Gabriella)164.Gabriella《when there was me and me》(Gabriella)165.When Christmas Comes to Town (The Polar Express主题曲) 166.It's not over (chris daughtry)167.A thousand miles (Vanessa Carlton)168.High Noon《正午》将有一场决斗(Frankie Laine)169.The Last Time I Saw Paris 心中的巴黎还是那个样子(Dean Martin) 170.There you will be 《你的决心在哪》(Faith Hill)171.Can't help falling in love (星际宝贝原声带)172.On The Atchison, Topeka, And The Santa Fe (Judy Garland & Merry Macs)173.Blowin in the wind (Robin Wright Penn)174.May it be (Enya)175.Por una cabeza (gg)176.She Said (及川リン)177.Wasteland《足球尤物》插曲(Matt White )178.We're All in the Dance澳门一酒店的广告音乐原版(Feist)179.Lost Good Things 童话破灭(Ghost Style)180.I finally found someone (Barbara&Bryan)181.Can't help falling in love (星际宝贝原声带)182.In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening (Bing Crosby & Jane Wyman) 183.Breaking Free (Troy-Gabri)184.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)185.The Last of Waltz ( 英格柏·汉普汀克)186.I will always love you (Whitney Houston)187.Top of the World (Mandy Moore )188.Circle Of Life (Elton John)189.First love (初恋)190.My Immortal (Evanescence)191.Angel (Sarah mclachlan)192.Broken vow 《破碎的誓言》( Lara Fabian)193.Wonka's Welcome Song (Danny Elfman)194.When you say nothing at all ( Alison Krauss)195.All love can be (charlotte church)196.I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston)197.The call (Regina Spektor)198.Shining friends (Fiche Fung)199.When you say nothing at all (Alison Krauss)200.The wolf whistling song 可爱《狼的哨子歌》(ROCKY CHACK )201.Breathe (frally)202.Before it's too late (Goo Goo dolls)203.We're All in This Together (High School Musical cast) 204.Little Wonders (Rob Thomas)205.When you say nothing at all (Ronan Keating)206.Play my music (Jonas brothers)207.Only Hope《唯一的希望》(Mandy Moore)208.Only When I Sleep《只有当我沉睡的时候》(The Corrs) 209.I want you to want me (Lindsay Lohan)210.Only Love《唯一的爱》(Trademark )211.Have you ever seen the rain (rod stewart)212.But I do love you (leann rimes)。

奥斯卡百年金曲典藏一百首MP3下载奥斯卡百年金曲典藏电影片名曲名天使多情天使怎么会伤我的心空中监狱我怎么活新罗密欧与茱丽叶爱情傻瓜巧克力情人再见第五元素麻烦惊世未了情我不想在提起007之明日帝国屈服至OUT凸务IN娇娃欢乐嘉年华爱情失窃事件爱你所爱人生点滴是真情我将记住花木兰敬重白宫奇缘我总梦见你X档案 X档案地球末日乘喷气机离去越空狂龙破坏者奥斯卡百年金曲典藏之二电影片名曲名生命因你而动听落日之幻影穿梭梦美人一往无前四个婚礼一个葬礼坠入爱河职业特功队梦炮弹专家威力无限阿甘正传三番市终有一天感动你此情可待白夜说你说我第一滴血 3 他是我兄弟宝贝小情人我的宝贝狮子王今夜爱无限阿拉丁崭新世界时光倒流七十年似曾相识(主题音乐)夜色夜色壮志凌云引领我奥斯卡百年金曲典藏之三电影片名曲名致命恋人勿伤我心MIB黑超特警黑超特警这个杀手不太冷心之形蝙蝠侠第三集玫瑰之吻赌命鸳鸯现在和永远一切从失恋开始粉红色玫瑰阻击职业杀手星体太空也入樽我相信我能飞云裳风暴漂亮小美人鱼吻她那一天传奇你的追求费城故事费城街头007 007主题音乐现代女人心破晓时分周末狂热爱你的爱有多深奥斯卡百年金曲典藏之四电影片名曲名危机总动员王者殿堂红衣女郎电话诉衷情洛奇老虎的眼睛北非谍影时光流逝沉默的羔羊倒退华尔兹憨豆先生你的画像伴我一生伴我一生此情可问天残酷艳舞女郎畅通无阻上班女郎红色女郎狮子王生生不息捉鬼敢死队我会永远等待未来战士未来战士(主题音乐)生于七月四日你爱的那个理智与情感说爱奥斯卡百年金曲典藏之五电影片名曲名保镖奔向你三步杀人曲打击女人香一无所有绿野仙踪跨越彩虹鹅塘暗杀令总在某处精子奇缘如果你需要传奇激情交叉点让我哭泣职业特工队你我和第三次世界大战一生的爱都给你上帝知道的士司机驾驶小美人鱼海底下音乐之声雪绒花贝隆夫人你一定爱上了我保镖我一无所有奥斯卡百年金曲典藏之六电影片名曲名不一样的本能改变世界变相怪杰幻想情人化装舞会猎爱高手你让我快乐当男人爱上女人当男人爱上女人爱情故事爱情故事廊桥遗梦此情永不移保镖我会永远爱你毕业生毕业生人鬼情未了奔放的旋律美女与野兽美女与野兽西雅图未眠夜当我坠入爱河伴我一生伴我一生闪电舞感觉真好费城故事你可曾见过雨点击此处。
外国经典影视歌曲100首 (2)

欧美经典歌曲100首1、Michael Joseph Jackson我真不知道该选他什么歌贴在上面,如果贴也只能选几首不太喜欢的,然后其他全贴上。
2、Can't help falling in love 情不自禁坠入爱河Elvis aronpresley(猫王),一位现代流行音乐史上里程碑式的伟人,遥滚音乐史上不朽的象征,1957年7月5日他在孟斐斯录音棚里的一次演唱,被视为摇滚音乐的诞生日,当时只有19岁的他还只是一名卡车司机。
3,yesterday 昨天成立于1960年英国利物浦的TheBeatles(披头士)乐队,作为和猫王同时代齐名的音乐人,他们的出现冲击了美国音乐的基础,结束了当时世界流行乐坛的“猫王王朝”。
4、Seasons In The Sun 阳光季节也是一首被翻唱多次的歌曲,有很多故事在背后而且都很感人,歌曲版本流传最广的是爱尔兰音乐组合Westlife(西城男孩)所演唱的。
他们的好歌还有<Mylove>、<Flying without wings>、<If I let you go>、<You raise me up>都是冠军歌曲,可以欣赏一下。

100首奥斯卡获奖电影及经典英文金曲歌词(1)(2)(3)100首奥斯卡获奖电影及经典英文金曲歌词(1)- -001Everything I Do, I Do It For You(<<罗宾汉>>主题曲) Look into my eyes - you will seeWhat you mean to meSearch your heart - search your soulAnd when you find me there you'll search no moreDon't tell me it's not worth tryin' forYou can't tell me it's not worth dyin' forYou know it's trueEverything I do - I do it for youLook into my heart - you will findThere's nothin' there to hideTake me as I am - take my lifeI would give it allI would sacrificeDon't tell me it's not worth fightin' forI can't help it there's nothin'I want moreYa know it's trueEverything I do - I do it for youChorus:There's no love - like your loveAnd no other - could give more loveThere's nowhere - unless you're thereAll the time - all the wayDon't tell me it's not worth tryin' forI can't help it there's nothin' I want moreI would fight for you - I'd lie for youWalk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for youYa know it's trueEverything I do - I do it for you002Casablanca(<<北非谍影>>插曲)I fell in love with youWatching CasablancaBack row at the driven showIn the flickering lightPop-corn and cokesBenesgh the starsBecame chammpagne & caviar Making loveOn the long hot summer's nightI thought you fell in love with me Watching CasablancaHolding hands beneath the paddle fan In Rick's candle-lit cafeHiding in the shadows from the spotsA rocky moonlight in your armsMaking mafic in the movieIn my old ChevroletOh a kiss is still a kissIn CasablancaA kiss is not a kiss without your sigh Please come back to meIn CasablancaI love you more & more each dayAs time goes byI guess there are many broken heartsIn CasablancaYou know I've never really been there So I don't knowI guess our love story will never be seen On the big wide silver screenBut it hurt just as badlyWhen I had to watch you goOh a kiss is still a kissIn CasablancaA kiss is not a kiss without your sigh Please come back to meIn CasablancaI love you more & more each dayAs time goes by003When a man love a woman(<<当男人爱上女人>>) Michael BoltonWhen a man loves a womanHe can't keep his mindOn nothing elseHe treats the worldFor a good thing he has found.If she is bad he can`t see it,She can do no wrong.Turn his back on his best friend.If he puts her down.When a man loves a womenSpends his very last time,Trying to hold onTo what he needsHe`d give up all his comforts,And sleep out in the rainIf she said that`s the wayIt`s ought to beWhen a man loves a womenrll give you eveything rvo doneTry to hold up to you,baby,Please don't treat me babyWhen a man loves a womanDeep down in his soulShe can bring him such miseryIf she is playing him for a foolHe's the last one to know ,Loving eyes can never see.Yes When a man loves a woman.I know exactly how he feel004Can You Feel The Love Tonight (电影"狮子王"主题曲)There's a calm surrenderTo the rush of dayWhen the heat of the rolling worldCan be turned awayAn enchanted momentAnd it sees me throughIt's enough for this restless warriorJust to be with youAnd can you feel the love tonight?It is where we areIt's enough for wide eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it's laid to restIt's enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere's a time for everyoneIf they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscopeMoves us all in turnThere's a rhyme and reasonTo the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyagerBeats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonight?It is where we areIt's enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it's laid to rest?It's enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt's enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best005A Time For Us(<<罗密欧与朱丽叶>>主题曲)A time for us some day there'll bewhen chains are torn by courage bornof a love that's freeA time when dreams so long denied can flourishA we unveil the love we now must hideA time for us at last to seeA life worthwhile for you and meAnd with our love through tears and thornsWe will endure as we pass surely through every stormA time for us some day there'll beA new worldA world of shining hope for you and me006Auld Lang Syne(<<魂断兰桥>>主题曲)Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotand days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.We twa hae run aboot the braesAnd pou'd the gowans fine;we've wander'd mony a weary footSin' auld lang syne.We two hae paidled I' the burn,Frae mornin' sun till dine;But seas between us braid hae roar'dSin' auld lang syne.And here's a hand, my trusty friend,And gie's a hand o' thine;We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotand days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.007Right Here Waiting(<<终有一天嫁给你>>主题曲)Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn't stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the times That I though would last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can't get near you nowOh, can't you see it babyYou've got me goin' CrAzYWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I'm with youI'll take the chanceOh, can't you see it babyYou've got me goin' cRaZyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you008Said I Loved You... But I Lied(<<迈克·波顿>>主题曲)You are the candle, love's the flameA fire that burns through wind and rainShine your light on this heart of mineTill the end of timeYou came to me like the dawn through the nightJust shinin' like the sunOut of my dreams and into my lifeYou are the one, you are the oneCHORUS:Said I loved you but I liedCause this is more than love I feel insideSaid I loved you but I liedCause love could never ever feel so strongSaid I loved you but I liedWith all my soul I've tried in vainHow can mere words my heart explainThis taste of heaven so deep so trueI've found in youSo many reasons in so many waysMy life has just begunNeed you forever, I need you to stayYou are the one, you are the oneCHORUS:You came to me like the dawn through the nightJust shinin' like the sunOut of my dreams and into my lifeYou are the one, you are the oneCHORUS:Said I loved youBut this is more than love I feel insideSaid I loved you...But I lied009Love is All Around(<<四个婚礼一个葬礼>>主题曲)I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toesThe love that's all around meAnd so the feeling growsIt's everywhere I goSo if you really love meCome on and let it showYou know I love you, I always willMy mind's made up by the way that I feelThere's no beginning, there'll be no endCause on my love you can dependI see your face before me as I lay on my bedI cannot get to thinking of all the thing you said (oh, yes I did)You gave your promise to me, and I gave mine to you I need someone beside me in everything I do(oh, yes I do)I've got to keep it movingIt's written on the windOh everywhere I goSo if you really love meCome on and let it show010Take My breath away(<<壮志凌云>>主题曲)On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame Tuming and retuming to some secret place inside Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say Take my breath awayTake my breath awayWathing I keep waiting still anticpating loveNever hesitating to become the fated onesTuming and retuming to some secret place to hide Watching in slow motion as you tum to me and say Take my breath awayTake my breath awayTrough the hourglass I saw youIn time you slipped awayWhen the mirror crashed I called youAnd tumed to hear you sayIf only for today I am unafraidTake my breath awayTake emy breath awayWatching every motion in this foolish lover's gameHaunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames Turning and retuming to some secret place insideWatching in slow motion as you tum my way and sayTake my breath awayTake my breath away011Unchained melody(<<人鬼情未了>>主题曲)Oh, my love, my darlingI've hungered for your touchAlong,lonely timeAnd time goes by so slowlyAnd time can do so muchAre you still mine?I need your loveI need your loveGod speed your love to meLonely rivers flowTo the sea, to the seaTo the open arms of the seaLonely rivers sighWait for me, wait for meI'll be coming home, wait for me012Now And Forever(<<赌命鸳鸯>>主题曲)Whenever i`m weary form the battles that rage in my headYou make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread I lose my way but still you seem to understandNow and forever i will be your girlSometimes i just hold you Too caugh up in me to seeI`m holding a fortune that heaven has given to meI`ll try to show you each and every way i canNow and forever i will be your girlNow i can rest my worries and always be sureThat i won`t be alone anymoreIf i`d only known you were there all the timeAll this time Until the day the ocean doesn`t touch the sand Now and forever i will be youy girlNow and forever i will be youy girl013I Have Nothing(<<保镖>>插曲)Share my life, take me for what I amCause I'll never change all my colors for youTake my loveI'll never bless for too muchJust for that you would fightAnd everything that you doI don't really need to look very much furtherI don't want to have to go where you don't followI won't hold it back again this passion insideI came around from myselfThere was no way I hideOh don't make me cry for what I went toI don't want to hold on anymoreStay in my arms if you knowI must stop imagining you thereDon't walk away from meI have nothing nothing nothing if I don't have youYou see through right to the heart of meYou break down my walls with that strength of your loveI never knew love that I knowThat's with youReal love never resurviveOh when I get hold on toI don't really need to look very much furtherI don't want to have to go where you don't followI won't hold it back again this passion insideI came around from myselfThere was no way I hideYour love that I'll remember foreverOh, don't make cry for what I went onI don't want to hold on anymoreStay in my arms if you knowI must stop imagining you thereDon't walk away from meI have nothing nothing nothing if I don't have you014Don't Cry For Me Argentina(<<贝隆夫人>>主题曲)It won't be easy, you'll think it strangeWhen I try to explain how I feelThat I still need your love after all that I've doneYou won't believe meAll you will see is a girl you once knewAlthough she's dressed up to the ninesAt sixes and sevens with youI had to let it happen, I had to changeCouldn't stay all my life down that hillLooking out of the window, staying out of the sunSo I chose freedomRunning around trying everything newBut nothing impressed me at allI never expected it toDon't cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existenceI kept my promiseDon't keep your distanceAnd as for fortune, and as for fameI never invited them inThough it seemed to the world they were all I desired They are illusionsThey're not the solutions they promised to beThe answer was here all the timeI love you and hope you love meDon't cry for me Argentina......Don't cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existenceI kept my promiseDon't keep your distanceHave I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true015Un-Break My Heart(<<致命恋人>>主题曲)Don't leave me in all this painDon't leave me out in the rainCome back and bring back my smileCome and take these tears awayI need your arms to hold me nowThe nights are so unkindBring back those nights when I held you beside meCHORUS:Un-break my heartSay you'll love me againUndo this hurt you causedWhen you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUn-cry these tearsI cried so many nightsUn-break my heartMy heartTake back that sad word good-byeBring back the joy to my lifeDon't leave me here with these tearsCome and kiss this pain awayI can't forget the day ~)ou leftTime is so unkindAnd life is so cruel without you here beside meCHORUSDon't leave me in all this painDon't leave me out in the rainBring back the nights when I held you beside meCHORUSUn-break my heartCome back and say you love meUn-break my heartSweet darlin'Without you I just can't go onCan't go on016A Whole New World(<<阿拉丁>>主题曲)(Peabo Bryson)I can show you the worldShining, shimmering, splendidTell me princess,now when did You last let your heart decide?I can open your eyesTake you wonder by wonderOver sideways and underOn a magic carpet rideA whole new worldA new fantastic point of viewNo one to tell us noOr where to goOr say we're only dreamingA whole new worldA dazzling place I never knewBut now from way up hereIt's crystal clear thatnow I'm in a whole new worldwith you Unbelievable sightsIndescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheelingThrough an endless diamond skyA whole new world(Don't you dare close your eyes)A hundred thousand things to see(Hold your breath it gets better)I'm like a shooting starI've come so farI can't go back to where I used to beA whole new worldWith new horizons to pursueI'll chase them anywhereThere's time to spareLet me share this whole new world with youA whole new world(Every turn a surprise)With new horizons to pursue(Every moment red-letter)I'll chase them anywhere there's time to spare Anywhere, there's time tospareLet me share this whole new world with youA whole new worldThat's where we'll beA thrilling chaseA wondrous placeFor you and me017Speak Softly Love(<<教父>> 主题曲)Speak softly, love and hold me warm against your heart I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start We're in a world, our very ownSharing a love that only few have ever knownWine-colored days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly, love so no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live until we dieMy life is yours and all becau-au-seYou came into my world with love so softly love (instrumental interlude)Wine-colored days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly, love so no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live until we dieMy life is yours and all becau-au-seYou came into my world with love so softly love018My Heart Will Go On(<<铁达尼号>> 主题曲)Every night in my dreamsI see you, I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear, far, wherever you areI believe that the heart dose go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you are here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we're oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we'll always go onNear,far,wherever you areI belive that the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you're here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onThere is some love that will not go awayYou're here, there's nothing I fearAnd I know that my heart will go onWe'll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on019Love Story(<<爱情故事>> 主题曲)Where do I begin toTell the story of how great love a can beThe sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love she brings to me Where do I startWith her first helloShe gave a meaning to this empty world of mine There'd never be another love another timeShe came into my life and made the living fine She fills my heartShe fills my heart with very special thingsWith angel songs with wild imaginingsShe fills my soul with so much loveThat anywhere I go I'm never lonelyWith her along who could be lonelyI reach for her hand it's always thereHow long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in the day have no answers now but this much I can say I know I'll need here till the stars all burn away And she'll be there020Colors of the Wind(<<风中奇缘>> 主题曲)You think you own whatever land you land on The earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life has a spirit has a nameYou think the only people who are peopleAre the people who look and think like youBut if you walk the footsteps of a strangerYou'll learn things you never knewYou never knewHave you ever heard the wolf cryTo the blue corn moonOr asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain Can you paint with all the colors of the wind Can you paint with all the colors of the windCome run the hidden pine trails of the forest Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth Come roll in all the riches all around youAnd for once never wonder what they're worth The rainstorm and the river are my brothers The heron and the otter are my friendsAnd we are all connected to each otherIn a circle in a hoop that never endsHave you ever heard the wolf cryTo the blue corn moonOr let the eagle tell you where he's beenCan you sing with all the voices of the mountain Can you paint with all the colors of the windCan you paint with all the colors of the windHow high does the sycamore growIf you cut it down then you'll never knowAnd you'll never hear the wolf cryTo the blue corn moonFor whether we are white of copper-skinnedWe need to sing with all the voices of the mountainWe need to paint with all the colors of the windYou can own the earth and stillAll you'll own is earth untilYou can paint with all the colors of the wind21[Rhythm of the Rain]歌词Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool I've been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.The only girl I care about has gone away.Looking for a brand new start!But little does she know that when she left that day.Along with her she took my heart.Rain, please tell me, now does that seem fairFor her to steal my heart away when she don't careI can't love another, when my heart's somewhere far away.The only girl I care about has gone away.Looking for a brand new start!But little does she know that when she left that day.Along with her she took my heart.Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool I've been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.Rain, won't you tell her that I love her soPlease ask the sun to set her heart aglowRain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.Oh, listen to the falling rain--pitter-patter...022It Might Be You(<<杜丝先生>> 主题曲) Stephen BishopTimeI've been passing time watching trains go byAll of my lifeLying on the sand, watching seabirds fly Wishing there would beSomeone waiting home for meSomething's telling me it might be youIt's telling me it might be youAll of my lifeLooking back as lovers go walking pastAll of my lifeWondering how they met and what makes it last If I found the placeWould I recognise the faceSomething's telling me it might be youYeah it's telling me it might be youSo many quiet walks to takeSo many dreams to wakeAnd we've so much love to makeOh, I think we've gonna need some timeMany be all we need is timeAnd it's telling me it might be youAll of my lifeI've been saving love songs and lullabiesAnd there're so much moreNo one's ever heard beforeSomething's telling me it might be youYeah, it's telling me it must be youAnd I'm feeling it'll just be youAll of my lifeMay be it's you (it's you)May be it's you (it's you)I've been waiting for all of my life023[Pretty Boy]歌词I lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI've only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and praythat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before you Pretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay right beside you I used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in timeOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before you Pretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay right beside you Oh pretty boy pretty boy pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before you Pretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay right beside you024When I fall in love(<<西雅图夜未眠>> 主题曲)When I fall in loveIt'll be foreverOr I'll never fall in loveIn a restless world like this isLove is ended before it's begunand too many moonlight kissesseem to cool in the warmth of the sunwhen I give my heartIt will be completely or I never give my heartAnd the moment I can feel that you feel that way toois when I fall in love with you025Moon River(<<西城故事>> 主题曲)Moon river, wider than a mileI'm crossing you in style some dayOh, dream maker, you heart breakerWherever you're goin', I'm goin' your wayTwo drifters, off to see the worldThere's such a lot of world to seeWe're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me(Moon river, wider than a mile)(I'm crossin' you in style some day)Oh, dream maker, you heart breakerWherever you're goin', I'm goin' your wayTwo drifters, off to see the worldThere's such a lot of world to seeWe're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me(Moon River, Moon River)026Beauty and Beast(<<美女与野兽>> 主题曲) Peabo Bryson & CelineDionTale as old as timeTrue as it can beSafely even friendsThen somebody bendsUnexpectedlyJust a little change,Small to say the leastBoth a little scaredNeither one preparedBeauty and the beastEver just the sameEver a surpriseEver as before.Ever just as sureAs the sun will seeTale as old as timeTune as old as songBittersweet and strangeFinding you can changeLearning you were wrongCertain as the sun.Rising in the eastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhyme.Beauty and the Beast027Scarborough Fair(<<毕业生>> 主题曲)Are you going to Scarborough FairParsley,sage,rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mineTell her to make me a cambric shirt(Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme(Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brownWithout no seams nor needle work(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she'll be a true love of mine(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)Tell her to find me an acre of land(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme(Washes the grave with silvery tears)Between the salt water and the sea stand(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun)Then she'll be a true love of mineTell her to reap it with a sickle of leather(War bells blazing in scarlet bat talion)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme(Generals order their soldiers to kill)And gather it all in a bunch of heather(And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten) Then she'll be a true love of mine.028Do-Re-Mi(<<音乐之声>> 插曲)Lets start at the very beginningA very good place to startWhen you read you begin with ABCWhen you sing you begin with do-re-miDo re mi , do re miThe first three notes just happen to beDo re miDo-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-TiDoe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myselfFar, a long long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow sewTea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to doe oh-oh-ohDo-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do-So-Do。

1. HOTEL CALIFORNIA 加洲旅店(老鹰乐队)2. I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU 电话诉衷情(斯蒂夫.旺德)3. SCARBOROUGH F AIR 史卡保罗市集(莎拉.布莱曼)4. Everything I Do,I Do It For Y ou5. BIG BIG WORLD 大大世界(艾美莉亚)6. RIGHT HERE WAITING 此情可待(理查德.马克斯)7. Say Y ou Say Me8. BLACK HEART 忧虑的心情(大卫艾许)9. BRESSANONE 布列瑟侬(马修.连恩)10. BRIDGE OVE THOUBLED W A TER 不平静的水上的桥(西蒙和加丰克尔)11. california dream The Mamas & The Papas12. Can you Feel The Love Tonight13. el condor pasa14. yesterday once more carpenter15. Sitting_Down_Here16. EVERTHING I DO 对你倾情(布莱尔.亚当斯)17. Every Breath Y ou Take 所有你的气息(斯汀)18. SOUND OF SILENCE19. I WILL ALWAY LOVE YOU 我永远爱你(惠特尼休斯顿)20. TAKE MY BREATH AWAY berlin21. TIME TO SAY GOODBYE 再见时刻(莎拉.布莱曼Sarah Brightma)22. A New Day Has Come Celine Dion23. Ace of Base - Beautiful Life24. All Riss 全体起立(蓝色组合)25. ALST YOURSELF 迷失自我(埃米纳姆)26. ANGEL 天使(莎拉.美拉奇阑)27. Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins28. BABY ONE MORE TIME 爱的初告白(布兰妮)29. BEACAUSE I LOVE YOU 因为我爱你(史蒂文思)30. BEAUTIFUL (克里斯汀娜)31. Beautiful Day 美丽的一天(U2)32. Because Y ou Loved MeCeline Dion33. BLIEVE 相信(雪儿)34. Bring It All Back 一切重来(长小龙)35. Brown eyes 棕色的眼眸(真命天女合唱团)36. CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD 挥不去的倩影(凯莉.米洛)37. Carcrashes 碰撞(超快感合唱团)38. Careless Whisper 无心呢喃(威猛合唱团)39. Casablanca40. China Girls 中国女孩(糖果盒子)41. Chinderella 灰姑娘(玩乐少女组)42. COLIUR OF THE WIND 风之彩(范莉莎)43. Come Best Of Me 和你来(涅般乐队)44. CRAWLING IN THE DARK HOOBASTANK 黑暗中摸索(加洲乐团)45. CRAZY IN LOVE 为爱疯狂(碧昂斯)46. DIE ANOTHER DAY 谁与争锋(麦当娜)47. donna donna joan baez48. DON'T CRY GUNS&ROSES49. DON'T THING OF ME 别想我(蒂朵)50. Eminem_Sing For The Moment51. genie_in_a_bottle52. GET'T THE PARTY STAR TD 派队开始(红粉佳人)53. heal the world54. Hero Enrique Iglesias55. Hey Jude the beatles56. I NEED TO KNOW 我要知道(马克.安东尼)57. I Promise Y ou 我向你发誓(超级男孩)58. I'm With Y ou Avril Lavigne59. In The End Linkin Park60. JEM APPELLE HELENE 我的名字叫伊莲61. Juliet(Olympus)62. KISS FROM A ROSSE 玫瑰之吻(席尔)63. KISS KISS 亲吻(荷莉.瓦伦斯)64. Lose Y ourself Eminem65. LOSING GIRP 遗失(艾薇儿Avril Lavigne)66. love Don't Cost A Thing-jennifer67. LOVING YOU 深爱着你(明尼莱弗顿)68. Lucky69. Momo_Life in Mono70. Moonlightshadow71. MY HEAR T WILL GO ON72. Never Had A Dream Come True 梦想一定实现(七小龙合唱团)73. NOTHING GONNA CHANGE MY LOVE FOR YOU 此情永不移(格奥.本森)74. Only Love 只有爱(真情马克合唱团)75. PRETTY BOY 漂亮男孩(窈窕美眉)76. PRETTY WOMAN 漂亮女人(罗依.奥比迅)77. PROMISES DON'T COME EASY 诺言来之不易(卡洛阑汀葛尔)78. SMOOTH 流畅(罗比.托马斯)79. HERE I AM 我在这里(布莱恩.亚当斯)80. Stop!Stop! 停!停!(圣女天团合唱团)81. Take Me To Y our Hear 贴心(迈克摇滚)82. TENNESSEE WALTZ Eva Cassidy83. That s Why Y ou Go Away Micheal Learns to Rock84. THE DAY YOU WENT AWAY 你走的那一天(窈窕美眉)85. The Tide Is Hight 最高极限(原子少女猫合唱团)86. THERE YOU ARE BE 与我同在(费丝希尔)87. TO BE WITH YOU-mr big88. TO LEARN OR DISCOVER BY EFFORT 千与千寻(木村弓)89. top of the world carpenter90. Unforgiven Metallica91. VINCENT 文森特(唐.麦克莱恩Don Mclean)92. WALKING AW AY93. We are the champions queen94. We Will Rock Y ou 我们要摇滚(皇后乐队)95. We Will Rock Y ou 摇滚派对(Five&Queen)96. when a man loves a woman97. WHEN YOU BELIEVE98. WHENVER WHEREVER 无论何时何地(夏奇拉Shakira)99. WHITE FLAG 白色旗帜(蒂朵)100. Within Temptation_Memories。

《A Love Before Time》月光爱人《A Time For Us》总有一天《Against All Odds》困难重重《Am I That Easy To Forget》难以忘怀《Auld Lang Syne》友谊地久天长选自魂断蓝桥《Beauty And The Beast》美女与野兽选自美女与野兽《Because You Loved Me》因为你爱过我《Trouble》麻烦《Big Big World》大千世界《Bornfree》生来自由《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》今夜何温馨选自狮子王《Change The World》改变世界《Colors Of The Wind》风的色彩选自风中奇缘《Do not Cry For Me Argentina》阿根廷别为我哭泣《Do-Re-Mi》哆来咪选自音乐之声《Edelweiss》雪绒花选自音乐之声《Endless Love》无境的爱《Ever Green》爱情万年青《Everything I Do「I Do It For You」》一切为你选自侠盗罗宾汉《Falling Into you》爱上了你《Flashdance What A Feeling》闪电舞,好一种感觉《For All We Know》我们相知《Golden Eye》黄金眼《He aint Heavy,He is My Brother》他不重,他是我兄弟《How Deep Is Your Love》你的爱有多深《How Do I Live》我怎么活《I Believe I Can Fly》我相信我能飞翔选自空中大灌篮《I Have Nothing》我一无所有《I Just Call To Say Love You》电话诉衷情《I Still Have not Found What I am Looking For》我还没找到我的东西《I Will Always Love You》我将永远爱你《If God Will Send His Angels》如果上帝派来他的天使《In The Morning》早晨《It Might Be You》也许是你《It Must Have Been Love》曾经有爱《I never loved A Man Before》情深到未来《Kiss From A Rose》玫瑰之吻《Last Dance》最后的舞蹈《Let It Be》顺其自然《Let us Talk About Love》让我们谈情说爱《Love Is Around》坠入爱河《Love Me Tender》温柔地爱我《Love Story》爱情故事《Lovefool》爱情傻瓜《Lose Yourself 》迷失自我《May It Be》也许《Memory》记忆《Mona Lisa》蒙娜丽莎《Moon River》月亮河《My All》我的所有《My Heart Will Go On》我心永恒《My Own True Love》我的真爱《My Way》我的准则《Nothing is Gonna Stop Us Now》什么也不能阻止我们《Nothing To Lose》此情永不移《Nothing Is Gonna Change My Love For You》此情不渝《Now And Forever》现在和永远《Only You》只有你《Over The Rainbow》跨越彩虹《Pretty Women》漂亮女人《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》雨点不停落在我头上《Right Here Waiting》此情可待《San Francisco》圣弗朗西斯科《Say You Say Me》说你说我《Scarborough Fair》斯卡保罗集市《The Shape Of My Heart》心的方向《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》烟雾迷住你的眼睛《Someday》有一天《Sound Of Silence》寂静之声《Speak Softly Love》柔声倾诉《Streets Of Philadelphia》费城街头《Sunshine On My Shoulders》阳光照在我肩上《Take My Breath Away》带走我的呼吸《Tears In Heaven》泪洒天堂《The Color Of The Night》夜色《The Greatest Love Of All》至高无上的爱《The last waltz》最后的华尔兹《The River Of No Return》大江东去《The Way We Were》回首当年《There You will Be》与你相依《This Masquerade》化妆舞会《Three Coins In The Fountain》喷泉里的三个硬币《To Love Somebody》暗恋《Unbreak My Heart》勿伤我心《Unchained Melody》奔放的旋律《Under The Sea》茫茫海底《Up Where We Belong》冲上云霄《Vision Of A Sunset》落日之幻影《Viva Forever》永远前进《Whatever Will Be,Will Be》该怎样就怎样《When A Child Is Born》当孩子降生时《When A Men Love A Women》当男女相爱时《When I Fall IN Love》当我坠入爱河《When You Believe》只要你相信《When You Wish Upon A Star》星星祝福歌《Whole New World》全新世界《Wind Beneath My Wings》迎风展翅《Without You》没有你《Yesterday Once More》昨日重现《You Light Up My Life》你照亮我的生命《You will Be In My Heart》你在我心里面《You Must Love Me》你一定要爱我《30 Minutes》 30分钟《only love》只有爱。

16⾸奥斯卡经典英⽂歌曲合集01.《Without you》(未来⽔世界)主题曲Without You ⾳乐: Mariah Carey - The Rarities02.《Hotel California 加州旅馆》(电影《杀⼈三步曲》主题曲)Hotel California ⾳乐: Eagles - Unplugged Acoustic Rock03.《Casablanca卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca ⾳乐: Bertie Higgins - Greatest Hits这⾸歌太经典了!《卡萨布兰卡》由贝蒂希⾦斯(Bertie Higgins)演唱,有许多⼈认为是电影《卡萨布兰卡》的主题曲,其实这是上世纪70年代贝特·希⾦斯在看完这部电影后有感⽽创作的,⽤的是电影的名字。
电影《卡萨布兰卡》的真正主题曲是由杜利·威尔逊(Dooley Wilson)演唱的这⾸《As time goes by(任时光流逝)》。
04.《Big Big World⼤⼤世界》(《⼤⼤世界》的主题曲)Big Big World ⾳乐: Emilia Rydberg - 天籁地球村 705.《Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You没什么能改变我的⽣活》(《廊桥遗梦》主题曲)Nothing's Gonna Change My Love ⾳乐:Glenn Medeiros - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You《Nothing’s gonna change my love for you》由Gerry Goffin和Michael Masser创作,由美国⿊⼈爵⼠乐歌⼿George Benson于1984年演唱并收录于专辑,1990年后被多⼈翻唱。
但不得不提到的是美国70年代⼀位偶像型的创作歌⼿,Glenn Medeiros,那略带沙哑,⼜充满悲伤的声⾳,感动着每⼀位⽤⼼聆听⼈。
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200首经典英文电影金曲奥斯卡金曲《A Love Before Time》遥远的爱《A Time For Us》总有一天《Against All Odds》困难重重《Am I That Easy To Forget》难以忘怀《Auld Lang Syno》一路平安《Beauty And The Beast》美女与野兽《Because You Loved Me》因为你爱过我《Big Big World》大千世界《Bornfree》生来自由《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》今夜何温馨《Casablanca》卡萨布兰卡《Change The World》改变世界《Colors Of Wind》风的色彩《Do not Cry For Me Argentina》阿根廷别为我哭泣《Do-Re-Mi》哆来咪《Edelweiss》雪绒花《Endless Love》无境的爱《Ever Green》爱情万年青《Everything I Do「I Do It For You」》一切为你《Falling Into you》爱上了你《Flashdance What A Feeling》闪电舞,好一种感觉《For All We Know》我们相知《Golden Eye》黄金眼《I Have Nothing》一无所有《He aint Heavy,He is My Brother》他不重,他是我兄弟《How Deep Is Your Love》你的爱有多深《How Do I Live》我怎么活《I Believe I Can Fly》我相信我能飞翔《I Have Nothing》我一无所有《I Just Call To Say Love You》电话诉衷情《I Still Have not Found What I am Looking For》我还没找到我的东西《I Will Always Love You》我将永远爱你《If God Will Send His Angels》如果上帝派来他的天使《In The Morning》早晨《It Might Be You》也许是你《It Must Have Been Love》曾经有爱《I have Ever A Man Before》过去从未拥有过男人《Kiss From A Rose》玫瑰之吻《Last Dance》最后的舞蹈《Let It Be》顺其自然《Let us Talk About Love》让我们谈情说爱《Love Is Around》坠入爱河《Love Me Tender》温柔地爱我《Love Story》爱情故事《Lovefool》爱情傻瓜《May It Be》也许《Memory》记忆《Mona Lisa》蒙娜丽莎《Moon River》月亮河《My All》我的所有《My Heart Will Go On》爱无止境《My Own True Love》我的真爱《My Way》我的准则《Nothing is Gonna Stop Us Now》什么也不能阻止我们《Nothing To LoseNothing is Gonna Change》此情永不移《Now And Forever》现在和永远《Only You》只有你《Over The Rainbow》跨越彩虹《Pretty Women》漂亮女人《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》雨点不停落在我头上《Right Here Waiting》此情可待《San Francisco》圣弗朗西斯科《Say You Say Me》说你说我《Scarborough Fair》斯卡保罗集市《Shape Of My Heart》心的方向《Smoke Gets In Your Eyes》烟雾迷住你的眼睛《Someday》有一天《Sound Of Silence》寂静之声《Speak Softly Love》柔声倾诉《Streets Of Philadelphia》费城街头《Sunshine On My Shoulders》阳光照在我肩上《Take My Breath Away》带走我的呼吸《Tears In Heaven》泪洒天堂《The Color Of Night》夜色《The Greatest Love Of All》至高无上的爱《The Last Walth》最后的华尔兹《The River Of No Return》大江东去《The Way We Were》回首当年《There You will Be》与你相依《This Masquerade》化妆舞会《Three Coins In The Fountain》喷泉里的三个硬币《To Love Somebody》暗恋《Unbreak My Heart》勿伤我心《Unchained Melody》奔放的旋律《Under The Sea》茫茫海底《Up Where We Belong》冲上云霄《Vision Of A Sinset》落日之幻影《Viva Forever》永远前进《Whatever Will Be,Will Be》该怎样就怎样《When A Child Is Born》当孩子降生时《When A Men Love A Women》当男女相爱时《When I Fall IN Love》当我坠入爱河《When You Believe》只要你相信《When You Wish Upon A Star》星星祝福歌《Whole New World》全新世界《Wind Beneath My Wings》迎风展翅《Without You》没有你《Yesterday Once More》昨日重现《You Light Up My Life》你照亮我的生命《You will Be In My Heart》你在我心里面《You Must Love Me》你一定要爱我《30 Minutes》 30分钟 La Love On My Mind《拉拉爱》你是我一生所爱(Ann Winsborn)2.Sound of Silence 毕业生主题曲《寂静之声》(Simon & Garfunkel)3.Angel《天使》感动世界的天使(Sarah Mclachlan)4.When You Believe《当你相信》埃及王子主题曲(Mariah Carey)5.There You Will Be 珍珠港主题曲《有你相依》(Faith Hill)6.The Touch《触动》变形金刚动画电影激情插曲(Stan Bush)7.Love Story《爱情故事》主题曲-奥斯卡金曲(Andy Williams)8.Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》任时光流转我的爱永不变(Bertie Higgins)9.I Believe I Can Fly《我相信我能飞翔》1998格莱美(R.Kelly)10.Shape Of My Heart《心之形》这个杀手不太冷主题曲(Sting)11.May It Be《指环王》插曲:信仰指引你方向(Enya)12.Edelweiss《雪绒花》音乐之声(冯·比托普)13.Only Love《唯一的爱》真情马克迪士尼三维动画大片《恐龙》主题曲(Trademark)14.Beautiful Soul《美丽灵魂》不要别人只要你!(Jesse Mccartney)15.Scarborough Fair 《毕业生》经典英文歌曲(Simon & Carfunkel)16.Kong Fu Fighting 《功夫熊猫》主题曲(Carl Douglas )17.When There Was Me and You 《歌舞青春》原声(Vanessa Anne Hudgens)18.It Is You《就是你》怪物史莱克插曲(Dana Glover)19.Everyday《每一天》歌舞青春2原声碟(Troy&Gabriella)20.Falling Slowly 80届奥斯卡最佳原创电影歌曲(Glen Hansard)21.Valder fields很亲切的乡村节奏(Tamas wells)22.Uptown Girl 高攀《富家女(窈窕淑女)》(Westlife)23.Don't Cry for Me, Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣(Madonna)24.Under the sea《小美人鱼》插曲在海底(samuel)25.A Whole New World《阿拉丁》主题曲(Peabo Bryso,Regina Belle)26.All For Love《一切为爱》三个火枪手插曲(Bryan Adam)27.Against the odds《再看我一眼吧(冲破禁忌)》西城男孩(Mariah Carey/Westlife)28.My story--蓝莓之夜主题曲(Norah Jones)29.San Francisco 《阿甘正传》主题曲(Scott McKenzie)30.The Rose 爱是一朵春天绽放的《玫瑰》(Bette Midler)31.A Love That Will Never Grow Old《断背山》(Emmylou Harris)32.My Heart Will Go On《我心永恒》泰坦尼克号(Celine Dion)33.Let the River Run 永不放弃希望-61届奥斯卡最佳(Carly Simon)34.I Just Called To Say I Love You 打电话说爱你(Stevie Wonder)35.No Matter What《无论如何》我的生命从你开始(Boyzone)36.You Belong To Me《怪物史莱克》插曲(Jason Wade)37.Way Back Into Love K歌情人主题曲梁静茹品冠翻唱(hugh grant and drew barrymore)38.Bet On it 放手一搏歌舞青春2插曲- 罗志祥必杀技英文版(Troy)39.Stay《留下》爱我就别走(tonya mitchell)40.Things Have Changed《一切都已改变》73届奥斯卡最佳(Bob Dylan)41.What I`ve been looking for歌舞青春原声(Ryan and Sharpay)42.Close To You《靠近你》(Carpenter卡朋特)43.Over the Rainbow《我叫金山顺》里那首歌(Judy Carland)44.It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp 78届奥斯卡最佳(Djay)45.Can't Fight The Moonlight《无法抗拒那月光》爱的诱惑(LeAnn Rimes)46.Unbreak My Heart 收回那声再见《别让我伤心》(Toni Braxton)47.In The End林肯公园(linkin park)48.California Dreaming《加州梦想》电影《重庆森林》插曲(The Mamas/The Papas)49.My Way电影《燕尾蝶》插曲(Chara)50.Eyes On Me《注视我的目光》王菲- 最终幻想(主题歌) (王菲)51.Before It's Too Late 电影《变形金刚》主题曲(Goo Goo Dolls)52.Sunny《长江七号》插曲(Boney M)53.To be by your side 回到你身边(nick cave)54.The Last Unicorn(如银铃般清脆的嗓音!) (Declan Galbraith)55.Love Fool 《爱情傻瓜》奥斯卡新罗密欧与茱丽叶插曲(cardigans)56.Unbreak My Heart 《勿伤我心》《致命恋人》插曲(Braxton Toni)57.Elevation 《高飞》古墓丽影主题曲(U2)58.The Galway girl (PS: I LOVE YOU)插曲(PS: I LOVE YOU)59.How Can I Not Love You《如何才能不爱你》《安娜与国王》主题曲(Joy Enriquez)60.I Have Nothing《我一无所有》电影《保镖》主题曲(Whitney Houston)61.Life Is A Highway 《奔腾的生命》《汽车总动员》插曲(rascal flatts)62.Eye Of The Tiger《虎视眈眈》洛基川插曲(Survivor)63.Take My Breath Away《壮志凌云》电影歌曲(Berlin)64.Into The Fire法国电影《空中决战》插曲(Thirteen senses)65.Light Of My Life《生命之光》王力宏雷霆战警插曲(Lara Fabian(with lee hong wang)66.This never happened before (Paul Mccartney)67.Breathless《燃烧激情》The Corrs可儿家族(The Corrs)68.I believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔(R kelly)69.You light up my life 你照亮我的生命(westlife)70.ICO主题曲~《You Were There》(Steven Geraghty)71.Graduation (Friends Forever) (Vitamin C)72.I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing《世界末日》主题曲(Aerosmith)73.To Be By Your Side 回到你身边《鸟的迁徙》(Nick Cave)74.There You Will Be 珍珠港主题曲《有你相依》(Faith Hill)75.Forever friends《烟花》插曲(Remedios)76.You Know My Name 007之皇家赌场主题曲(Chris Cornell)77.Crash《憨豆先生的假期》插曲(Matt Willis)78.Start of Something New (Troy & Gabriella)79.I WannaBe With You《我要和你相守》美国四小天后之一(Mandy moore)80.The blower’s daughter (damien rice)81.Gotta Go My Own Way (troy&gabriella)82.Before I Fall In Love《坠入爱河以前》李玟(CoCo)83.My love will get you home我的爱将带你回家(christine glass)84.She《她》是天使也是魔鬼诺丁山(elvis costello)85.I Finally Found Someone我终于找到那个人(barbra & bryan)86.My Heartstrings Come Undone《Biohazard》影视原声(Demon Hunter)87.Eversleeping 《长眠不醒》吸血惊情四百年此爱漫漫无绝期(Xandria)88.Bother 《烦恼》蜘蛛侠主题曲(Corey Taylor Slipknot乐队)89.It is you (I Have Loved)怪物史莱克插曲(dana glover)90.Streets Of Philadelphia 《费城故事》(Bruce Springsteen)91.Into The West 航向西方《指环王之王者归来》(Annie Lennox)92.The Time of My Life 60届奥斯卡获奖歌曲(bill midley & jennifer warnes)93.Way Back Into Love (Haley Bennett and Hugh Grant)94.A man for all seasons 电影《憨豆特派员》片头曲- 孤胆英雄注定孤单(Robbie Williams)95.When There Was Me And You (Gabriella)96.Mondo Bongo史密斯夫妇主题曲(JoeStrummer)97.Swinging On A Star 给不想上学的孩子听(Bing Crosby)98.All The Love In The World 世上所有的爱(The Corrs)99.The One You Love (Glenn Frey)100.A Thousand Miles《千里迢迢》(vanessa carlton)101.When Christmas Comes To Town电影《极地特快》插曲(Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore)102.Sweet Leilani 电影《威基基婚礼》甜美的蕾拉妮(Bing Crosby)103.Love will show you everything爱将表达一切(Jennifer Love Hewitt) 104.Especially for you (Kylie Minogue)105.Sooner or Later 亲爱的,你早晚是我的(madonna)106.Mona Lisa 你的微笑可是为了掩盖破碎的心?(Nat King Cole)107.Don't Write Me Off《请不要丢弃我》(Hugh Grant)108.My love will get you home 我的爱指引你回家(christine glass)109.Bad Boys《绝地战警》插曲(Inner circle)110.Colors of the winds-风之彩( Vanessa Williams)111.Sunny (Boney M)112.You Know My Name007大战皇家赌场主题曲(Chris_Cornell)113.When A Child Is Born电影《人狼恋》主题曲(天使之翼合唱团)114.You'll Be In My Heart 你会永远在我心中(Phil Collins)115.Somewhere I belong (Linkin Park)116.Auld Lang Syne (twins)117.End Of Road (Boyz II Man)118.The Way You Look Tonight 爱上你今晚的样子(Tony Bennett) 119.You'll Never Know 你不知道我有多想你(小野丽莎)120.I will always love you 我永远爱你(whitney houston)121.I finally found someone (bryan adams)122.The Call——纳尼亚传奇2 凯斯宾王子(Regina Spektor)123.It Goes Like It Goes 平平淡淡才是真(Dusty Springfield)124.Thanks for the Memory 感谢那些和你在一起的日子(Bob Hope) 125.Lose Yourself 电影《8英里》主题曲(Eminem)126.Flashdance What a Feeling 闪舞多棒的感觉(Irene Cara)127.Best That You Can Do 你最该做的就是坠入爱河(Christopher Cross) 128.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)129.If We Were A Movie如果我们是部电影(Miley Cyrus)130.When You Wish Upon a Star 当你对著星星许愿(Louis Armstrong) 131. I believe i can fly (r.kelly)132.Mad World绝望的疯狂世界(Jules Gary )133.Moon river (Andy Williams)134.Up Where We Belong 爱让我们纯净(joe cocker,jennifer warnes) 135.The Last Of Waltz (英格伯·汉普汀克)136.Your lucky day in hell 漫画电影Hell Boy II 插曲(EELS)137.Sea of love (Tsubaki)138.It's only the fairy tale(推荐) (宫村优子)139.Goodnight moon《晚安,月亮》杀死比尔插曲(shivaree)140.Lullaby of Broadway《百老汇摇篮曲》42街(Tony Bennett)141.If i didn't have you 如果没有你我就一无所有(John & Billy)142.It Might As Well Be Spring 我象一只无歌可唱的夜莺(Laura Fygi) 143.I want to spend my lifetime loving you《佐罗的面具》主题曲(Tina Arena & Marc Anthony)144.Fame 电影《名扬四海》插曲(Irene Cara)145.Breaking free (zac efron and vanessa anne hud)146.Achy Breaky Heart (比利雷塞李思)147.Beauty and Beast (Peabo Bryson & Celine Dion)148.Three coins in a fountain 在少女喷泉许下爱的愿(Frank Sinatra) 149.Dear Life 《生命挚爱》将我改变(Anthony Hamilton)150.Buttons and Bows 衣冠楚楚《纽扣和蝴蝶结》(Dinah Shore)151.Secret Love 暗恋成真喊出你的名字(Doris Day)152.Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 很好听的情歌(西域男孩) 153.Start of Something New ( Troy & Gabriella)154.There you will be 珍珠港主题曲(有你相依) (Faith Hill)155.Baby, It s Cold Outside (Tom Jones)156.The Galway Girl (Steve Earle)157.Sway (Dean Martin)158.Beautiful Soul (Jesse Mccartney)159.Everyday (Troy&Gabriella)160.We're All in This Together 歌舞青春(High School Musical cast ) 161.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)162.How do i live (LeAnn Rimes)163.Everyday (Troy & Gabriella)164.Gabriella《when there was me and me》(Gabriella)165.When Christmas Comes to Town (The Polar Express主题曲) 166.It's not over (chris daughtry)167.A thousand miles (Vanessa Carlton)168.High Noon《正午》将有一场决斗(Frankie Laine)169.The Last Time I Saw Paris 心中的巴黎还是那个样子(Dean Martin) 170.There you will be 《你的决心在哪》(Faith Hill)171.Can't help falling in love (星际宝贝原声带)172.On The Atchison, Topeka, And The Santa Fe (Judy Garland & Merry Macs)173.Blowin in the wind (Robin Wright Penn)174.May it be (Enya)175.Por una cabeza (gg)176.She Said (及川リン)177.Wasteland《足球尤物》插曲(Matt White )178.We're All in the Dance澳门一酒店的广告音乐原版(Feist)179.Lost Good Things 童话破灭(Ghost Style)180.I finally found someone (Barbara&Bryan)181.Can't help falling in love (星际宝贝原声带)182.In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening (Bing Crosby & Jane Wyman) 183.Breaking Free (Troy-Gabri)184.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)185.The Last of Waltz ( 英格柏·汉普汀克)186.I will always love you (Whitney Houston)187.Top of the World (Mandy Moore )188.Circle Of Life (Elton John)189.First love (初恋)190.My Immortal (Evanescence)191.Angel (Sarah mclachlan)192.Broken vow 《破碎的誓言》( Lara Fabian)193.Wonka's Welcome Song (Danny Elfman)194.When you say nothing at all ( Alison Krauss)195.All love can be (charlotte church)196.I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston)197.The call (Regina Spektor)198.Shining friends (Fiche Fung)199.When you say nothing at all (Alison Krauss)200.The wolf whistling song 可爱《狼的哨子歌》(ROCKY CHACK )201.Breathe (frally)202.Before it's too late (Goo Goo dolls)203.We're All in This Together (High School Musical cast) 204.Little Wonders (Rob Thomas)205.When you say nothing at all (Ronan Keating)206.Play my music (Jonas brothers)207.Only Hope《唯一的希望》(Mandy Moore)208.Only When I Sleep《只有当我沉睡的时候》(The Corrs) 209.I want you to want me (Lindsay Lohan)210.Only Love《唯一的爱》(Trademark )211.Have you ever seen the rain (rod stewart)212.But I do love you (leann rimes)。