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1.?? 简单句中含有系动词be、情态动词和助动词时,变否定句时需在系动词be、情态动词和助动词后加not。如: I am a teacher.→I am not a teacher.
He can help me.→He can't help me.
The little girl wants to go there.→The little girl doesn't want to go there.
He did his work yesterday.→ He didn't do his work yesterday.
3.祈使句变否定句时,一般在句首加Don't,但Let us或Let's开头的祈使句在 Let us或 Let's后加not即可。如:
Put them over there.→Don't put them over there.
Let us go home.→Let us not go home.
4.主从复合句中,主句是I think,I believe等结构,变否定句时,形式上否定主句,实际上否定从句。如:
I don't think chickens can swim .我认为鸡不会游泳。
5.“had better +动词原形”,变否定句时为“had better not +动词原形”。如:
You'd better go to school.→ You'd better not go to school.
The teacher tells me to do it.→ The teacher tells me not to do it.
I saw her work.→I saw her not work.
Everything is ready.→Nothing is ready.
(2)肯定句中含有always, usually和ever时,变否定句时改为never。如:
He is always late for school.→He is never late for school.
Many students know him.→Few students know him.
(4)肯定句中含有still时,变否定句时应改为no longer。如:
Tom is still in bed.→Tom is no longer in bed.
(5)肯定句含有both, both...and,all时,变否定句时应改为never,neither...nor,none。如:
Both of us are students.→Neither of us is a student.
(6)肯定句含有nearly, almost时,变否定句时应改为 hardly。如:
Lily nearly knows him .→Lily hardly knows him .
(7)肯定句含有“形容词+ enough”时,变为否定句时应改为“too +形容词的反义词”。如:
He is short enough to reachit.He is too tall to reach it.?? 当陈述句中含有both+名词或者bothof+名词作主语时,改为否定句时则用nei- ther代

例18.Both of them work in the school library.
句子含有both,改为否定句时用neither代替both,同时谓语动词work改为works,即:Neither of them works in the school library.
All of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们都笑了。(肯定句)
All of us didn’t laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们并未都笑。(部分否定)
Not all of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们并未都笑。(部分否定)
None of us laughed when we heard it. 听到这事时我们都没笑。(完全否定)
【注】可能涉及部分否定的词语有both, all, always, every等,即not both表示“并非两者都”,not all 表示“并非所有的都”,not always 表示“并非总是”,not every表示“并非每个…都”。

admit 承认 advise 建议 allow 允许 appreciate 感激avoid 避免 consider 考虑
delay 推迟 deny 否认 discuss 讨论 dislike 不喜欢enjoy 喜爱 escape 逃脱 excuse 原谅 fancy 设想 finish 完成 forbid 禁止 forgive 原谅 give up 放弃 imagine 想象 keep 保持mention 提及 mind 介意 miss 没赶上 pardon 原谅permit 允许 practise 练习 prevent 阻止 prohibit 禁止put off 推迟 report 报告
risk 冒险 stop 停止 suggest 建议 understand 理解

afford 负担得起 agree 同意
arrange 安排,设法 ask 要求
care 想要 choose 决定
decide 决定 demand 要求
determine 决心 expect 期待
fail 未能 help 帮助
hesitate 犹豫 hope 希望
long 渴望 manage 设法
offer 主动提出 plan 计划
prepare 准备 pretend 假装
promise 答应 refuse 拒绝
want 想要 wish希望

like 喜欢 love 喜欢
hate 憎恨 prefer 宁可
begin 开始 start 开始
continue 继续 can't bear 不能忍受
bother 麻烦 intend 想要
attempt 试图 cease 停止
