


霍尼韦尔Honeywell楼宇自控产品一级代理 网址:http://www.metasys.cn
Honeywell WEBs 概述
Honeywell WEBs :先进的楼宇管理控制平台系统 Honeywell WEBs 是 Honeywell 最新推出的先进的楼宇管理系统,Honeywell WEBs 的技术核心是具有开创性的 Niagara 体系架构。在 Niagara 体系架构思想的指导下,Honeywell 成功推出 WEBs 系列产品,用于楼宇控制系统、工业控制领域 和能源管理市场。使用 Honeywell 的 Niagara 技术和 WEBs 产品,可以通过一个 web 页面实时的,安全有效的管理整个企业, 从而降低成本,提高工作质量和工作效率,提高企业的市场竞争力。 Honeywell WEBs 是一个开放式平台,可以兼容不同厂商的不同系统的产品,不仅可以最大限度地保护客户现在的投资, 而且在有必要的时候可以方便地将新的设备添加进来。 Honeywell WEBs 是当今世界最先进的控制系统体系架构的领跑者。 技术简介 Niagara Framework 技术 Niagara Framework 是自动化控制系统中第一个通过软件技术把 LonWorks,BACnet 和多种 Internet 标准集成到通用对象 模型的应用程序环境并嵌入到控制器级,并且支持标准 web 浏览器界面。 基于 Internet 及分布的网络管理,管理人员可在任何时候,从任何地方通过标准的 Web 浏览器进行控制和管理。 主要功能特点 1. 能集成各种设备 2. 基于 Internet 的分布式网络管理,通过 Internet 实现实时监控 3. 与企业系统共享监控信息 4. 提供一个应用服务器 5. 支持多个开放标准及传统的系统 6. 基于 Java 平台,使用 JAVA 虚拟机,与硬件平台无关 7. 使用预建的部件,其它部件可即插即用 8. 具有强大的可扩展性和极好的稳定性 支持多种通信协议 兼容现行的常用现场标准总线协议(例如 BACnet,LonWorks,ModBus 等),同时还能为非标准协议的连接提供工具软件, 能给已建系统提供全面的软件技术支持。 开放性的 WEBs 系列控制器能大量节省监控系统的投入和运行费用。例如采用广为流行的标准浏览器(Firefox,Internet Explore)可以省去许多传统控制系统的“前端”费用——任何一位用户只要在其 PC 机上使用其中一种浏览器,在获得 授权和密码时,都可以访问系统的数据 ;此外,它采用符合工业标准协议的控制设备(BACnet,LonMark 等),可选择 Honeywell 系列控制器和现场设备,也可以兼容楼宇中已安装的带通讯的设备,集成到同一个系统中实现信息的共享和监 控,实现真正意义的多系统不同设备的无缝连接,最大的节省和保护业主的投资。



HONEYWELL楼控部分产品型号、参数及产地产品型号说明产地监控中心基本软件EBI 基本软件 12个读卡器/250点澳大利亚EBI 基本软件 12个读卡器/500点澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 250澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 500澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 750澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 1000澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 1250澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 1500澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 1750澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 2000澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 2750澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 3000澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 3250澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 3500澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 3750澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 4000澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 4250澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 4500澳大利亚EBI 扩展软件 5000澳大利亚BA服务器附件功能软件EBI-OPDASPTS数据点分布式数据库构架软件许可澳大利亚EBI-OPALMPAG报警传护软件许可澳大利亚EBI-OPWEBTL Web Toolkit澳大利亚EBI-OPWEBPCTL Web Point Control澳大利亚工作站附件软件EBI-XXCAL附件的一个浏览器工作站软件许可澳大利亚开放式软件许可EBI-IFXLDIR Excel 5000 interface license (scantask)澳大利亚EBI-IFBACDIRCL Bacnet 客户端软件许可澳大利亚EBI-SVBACNET Bacnet 服务器软件许可澳大利亚EBI-IFOPCCL OPC 客户端软件许可澳大利亚EBI-SVOPCDAS OPC 服务器软件许可澳大利亚SWEBI-IFMODIC MODBUS 接口软件许可澳大利亚XL5000 C-BUS通讯接口Q7055A1007BNA-1C,C-Bus-网络通讯卡 (1条C-Bus)德国Q7055A1015BNA-2CS,C-Bus-网络通讯卡 (2条C-Bus)德国直接数字控制器XL800控制器。



目录楼宇中央管理系统2[摘要]3一、需求分析3二、设计依据和设计原则42.1 设计依据42.2 相关标准规范42。

3 系统设计原则5三、系统总体设计思路53。

1 设计目标63.2 设备选型63。















1 EBI系统168。

2 ComfortPoint BACnet控制系统178.3网络控制器CP—IPC198.4控制器扩展模块:CP—EXPIO228.4 现场控制器CP—SPC228。

5 ComfortPoint Open Studio编程工具介绍23九、系统使用功能介绍239.1中央站功能239。

1.1监视功能239.1.2 控制功能249.1。

3 先进的报警功能249。


4 综合管理功能249.1。

5 通信及优化运行功能259.2 BACnet TCP/IP功能259.3 DDC功能269。

4 节能及能源控制软件29十、设备清单29楼宇自动化系统(BAS)方案[摘要]某项目BAS系统包括以下监控内容:冷源系统(包冷水机组、冷冻泵、冷却泵、冷却塔等)、空调机组、新风机组、排风机组、给排水系统(包括热泵机组、循环泵、生活水系统、污水处理系统等)、配电系统(包括低压配电、发电机等)、电梯系统等进行全自动监控,系统总监控点为:963点。



Excel 5000 Controller Offering V1.0 XP-002
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
7.1 Care
• Care ( Computer Aided Regulation Engineering ) EXCEL 5000 Care LonMark
Excel 5000 Controller Offering V1.0 XP-002
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
2.2 Panel I/O
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
6.3 FCU
W7754K,P,Q LonMark FCU (3 P,Q ) (1 10A )
W7754K(230VAC,2 W7754P(230VAC,4 W7754Q(24VAC,4 ) ) )
1 T7460,T7560
Excel 5000 Controller Offering V1.0 XP-002
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
7 Excel 5000
CARE SymmetrE
C-Bus, LonWorks, BACnet, Modbus OPC LonWorks IE



由于 XL8000-IPC 已经内置 BACnet 路由器,所以系统不用再安装 其它 BACnet 路由器。通过这个内置的 BACnet 路由器,Honeywell EBI系统能够访问所有MS/TP 通道的各个单元控制器。
XL8000-IPC 支持点对点的 IP 通信。
注:由于产品更新或技术发展的原因, 说明书提供的数据或许有变 化, 请与当地产品管理人员联系以获取最新资料。
注:* 导线间分布电容,每米小于 100pF * 导线与屏蔽层间分布电容,每 米小于 200pF * MS/TP EIA-485 网络屏蔽电缆 特征阻抗 100-130 欧姆之间
欲知详情请与当地 Honeywell 代表联系
北京 Beijing 天津 Tianjin 上海 Shanghai 南京 Nanjing 西安 Xian 成都 Chengdu
广州 Guangzhou 深圳 Shenzhen 厦门 Xiamen 香港 HongKong 台北 Taipei 高雄 Kaohsiung
电话: (86-20)8410 1800 电话: (86-755)2518 1226 电话: (86-592)511 6632 电话: (852)2331 9133 电话: (886-2)2245 1000 电话: (886-7)536 2567
电话: (86-10)8458 3280 电话: (86-22)2330 8796 电话: (86-21)6237 0237 电话: (86-25)8689 0108 电话: (86-29)8833 7490 电话: (86-28)8678 6348
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目录:非弹簧复位型风门驱动器 (2)非弹簧复位型风门驱动器(5/10NM) (2)非弹簧复位型风门驱动器(20NM/34NM) (4)弹簧复位型风门驱动器 (6)弹簧复位型风门驱动器(5/10/20NM) (6)非弹簧复位型风门驱动器非弹簧复位型风门驱动器5/10NM)应用CN系列风门执行器适用于电动风门控制,并可作为球阀的执行器,广泛应用于HVAC领域。

特点>自动调整轴杆中心位置>入口护套使连接更为方便>带手动离合按钮,可用于手动调节>机械末端限位>现场安装辅助开关>静音工作,一米处35dB>可预先接线>旋转方向可选>多种安装方向>机械位置指示>堵转扭矩过载保护>符合UL和CE认证技术规格>电压:24V/230V,50/60Hz (具体供电请参考附表)>工作温度:-20 (60)>相对湿度:5-・90%,不结霜>风门连杆:圆型连杆:8…16mm>方型连杆:6…13mm>连杆长度:最小41mm>防护等级:IP54>使用寿命:全程60,000次>重复定位:150万次>重量:450g选型说明非弹簧复位型风门驱动器20NM/34NM)应用CN系列风门执行器适用于电动风门控制,并可作为球阀的执行器,广泛应用于HVAC领域。

特点>自动调整轴杆中心位置>入口护套使连接更为方便>手动调节位置>机械末端限位>现场安装辅助开关>静音工作,一米处40dB>可预先接线>旋转方向可选>多种安装方向>机械位置指示技术规格>电压:24V/230V,50/60Hz (具体供电请参考附表)>工作温度:-20 (60)>相对湿度:5-・90%,不结霜>风门连杆:圆型连杆:10…27mm>方型连杆:10…18mm>连杆长度:最小22mm>防护等级:IP54>使用寿命:全程60,000次>重复定位:150万次>重量:1.4Kg选型说明弹簧复位型风门驱动器弹簧复位型风门驱动器5/10/20NM)应用CS系列风门执行器适用于电动风门控制,并可作为球阀的执行器,广泛应用于HVAC领域。

Honeywell 19 系列低成本钢铁隔离压力传感器说明书

Honeywell 19 系列低成本钢铁隔离压力传感器说明书

19 mm SeriesLow Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Pressure SensorsDESCRIPTIONHoneywell’s stainless steel 19C, 19U, and 19 Vacuum Gage Series sensors were developed for pressure applications that involve measurement of hostile media in harsh environments compatible with 316 stainless steel. The special Vacuum Gage Series sensors are specifically designed for applications that can be exposed to vacuum.The 19C Series are calibrated and temperature compensated. They are available for use with either a constant voltage or current source.They feature a variety of pressure connections to allow use in a wide range of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) equipment. The 19U Series is uncompensated for applications that use their own specialized circuit designs.The 19C and 19U Series sensors are rugged and reliable transducers for use in a wide variety of pressure sensing applications where corrosive liquids or gases are monitored.FEATURES ∙ Low cost∙ Rugged, isolated stainless steel package ∙ Small size∙ Reliable semiconductor technology ∙ Calibrated and temperature compensated ∙ Absolute and gage pressures ∙ Vacuum compatible, isolated sensors ∙ 0 psi to 3 psi to, 0 psi to 500 psiPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS ∙ Industrial controls ∙ Process control systems∙ Industrial automation and flow control ∙ Pressure calibrators19 mm SeriesPRESSURE SENSOR CHARACTERISTICS (All Devices)(1)2 /sensingLow Cost, Stainless Steel, Pressure Sensors(1)(1, 11)(1, 11)Honeywell Sensing and Control 319 mm SeriesNotes:1.Reference conditions (unless otherwise noted): TA = 25 °C [77 °F]; 19C Supply VS = 10 Vdc ±0.01 Vdc orIS = 1.5 mA ±0.0015 mA; 19U Supply VS = 5 Vdc ±0.01 Vdc or I = 1.0 mA ±0.0015 mA.2.Full-scale span (FSS) is the algebraic difference between the output voltage at full-scale pressure and the output at zeropressure. FSS is ratiometric to supply voltage.3.Pressure non-linearity is based on best-fit straight line from zero to the full-scale pressure. Pressure hysteresis is themaximum output difference at any point within the operation pressure range for increasing and decreasing pressure.4.Maximum error band of the offset voltage or span over the compensated temperature range, relative to the 25 °C [77 °F]reading.5.Long-term stability over a six-month period.6.Response time for a 0 psi to FSS pressure step change, 10% to 90% rise time.7.The maximum pressure that can be applied without chan ging the transducer’s performance or accuracy.8.The maximum pressure that can be applied to a transducer without rupture of either the sensing element or transducermon mode voltage as measured from output to ground. For higher levels of common mode voltage, contact factory.10.The error band resulting from a maximum deviation of a transducer’s output parameter (offset, span, or resistance) astemperature is varied 25 °C [77 °F] to any other temperature within the specified range (0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]). This parameter is not 100% tested and is guaranteed by process design and tested on a sample basis only. Temperaturecoefficient of span is evaluated using a 1 mA constant current excitation source.11.Vacuum gage products may be affected by changes in environmental humidity levels. The specifications shown exclude theseeffects.PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS (For reference only: mm [in].)Note: Non-concentricity effects at the diaphragm weld area may cause runout of up to ±0.006 in between the upper and lower portions of the sensor body. (It is recommended to use a counter bore to mate with this device to allow for this non-concentricity).4 Honeywell Sensing and ControlLow Cost, Stainless Steel, Pressure SensorsHoneywell Sensing and Control 519 mm Seriesportions of the sensor body. (It is recommended to use a counter bore to mate with this device to allow for this non-concentricity).6 Honeywell Sensing and ControlLow Cost, Stainless Steel, Pressure SensorsORDERING INFORMATIONHoneywell Sensing and Control 7Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthMinneapolis, MN 55422 /sensing 009132-4-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USAFebruary 2020Copyright © 2020 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.PERSONAL INJURYWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is b uyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.MISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONSALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:Phone:Asia Pacific: +65 6355-2828Europe: +44 1698 481481USA/Canada: +1-302-613-4491。



PRODUCT DATA65-0237-1CP-UM-5109E® U.S. Registered TrademarkCopyright © 2000 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights ReservedC6097A,BPressure SwitchesAPPLICATIONThe C6097 Pressure Switches are safety devices used in positive-pressure or differential-pressure systems to sense gas or air pressure changes.FEATURES•For use with natural gas, liquid propane (LP) gas, or air.•Diaphragm-actuated safety-limit switch.•Switch can be wired to turn on alarm.•C6097A models break control circuit at setpoint on pressure fall.•C6097B models break control circuit at setpoint on pressure rise.•Lockout with manual reset and recycle options.•Lockout models have external manual reset button.•Removable transparent cover protects scaleplate and adjusting knob.•Pipe tappings allow selection of positive pressure, differential pressure (air only) or venting connections (NPT mount only).•1/4 in. NPT or flange mount models for direct mounting to Honeywell Integrated Valve Train.•Optional switch position indicator lamp available.•IP54 enclosure standard.•Ranges: 0.4 to 5 in. wc, 3 to 21 in. wc, 12 to 60 in. wc or 1.5 to 7 psi.•Surge orifice.ContentsApplication ........................................................................1Features ...........................................................................1Specifications ...................................................................2Ordering Information ........................................................2Installation ........................................................................4Wiring ...............................................................................5Settings and Adjustments .................................................5Operation and Checkout ..................................................6C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—12ORDERING INFORMATIONWhen purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to theTRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone:1.Your local Home and Building Control Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).2.Home and Building Control Customer Logistics Honeywell Inc., 1885 Douglas Drive NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386 (612) 951-1000In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 155 Gordon Baker Road, North York, Ontario M2H 3N7.International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.SPECIFICATIONSModels:C6097A Pressure Switch: Breaks a circuit when pressure falls to scale setting. See Table 1.C6097B Pressure Switch: Breaks a circuit when pressure rises to scale setting. See Table 1.Table 2 shows switch ratings and Table 3 shows alternate electrical ratings when used with Honeywell Flame Safeguard Programmers.Minimum Ambient Temperature: -40°F (-40°C).Maximum Ambient Temperature: 140°F (60°C).Connections (Depending on Model):1/4-18 NPT tapping for main or high-pressure connection.1/8-27 NPT tapping for vent or low-pressure connection (air only).Flange mount for connection to Honeywell Integrated Valve Train (internal vent only, no external connections).Scale Range:0.4 to 5 in. wc (0.10 kPa to 1.25 kPa).3 to 21 in. wc (0.75 to 5.23 kPa).12 to 60 in. wc (3.0 kPa to 15 kPa).1.5 to 7 psi (10.3 kPa to 48 kPa).Approvals:Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed.Canadian Standards Association listed.Factory Mutual: Approved.Industrial Risk Insurers: Acceptable.CSD-1 AFB: Acceptable.Accessories:32003041-001 C6097 Cover for manual reset models.32003040-001 C6097 Cover for recycle models.32003039-001 Position Indication Lamp Kit.Dimensions: See Fig. 1 and 2.Fig. 1. C6097 1/4 in. NPT Mount dimensions in in. (mm).C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES365-0237—1a Acceptable media: Natural gas, liquid propane (LP) gas, and air .Table 1. Pressure Switch Model Selection.Model Operating Pressure Range Manual Reset DifferentialNon-Manual ResetDifferentialDifferential Type Maximum Rated Pressure(continuous) (psi)Manual Reset Media a Switch Action at Setpoint Comments Maximumat Minimum Setpoint Maximumat MaximumSetpoint Nominal Maximum C6097A10040.4 to 5 in. wc——0.16 in. wc 0.24 in. wc Additive2.9 No Air/Gas Breaks N.O. to C.connection on pressure fall.1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1012 3 to 21 in. wc2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1020 3 to 21 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A103812 to 60 in. wc 10 in. wc 12 in. wc —— 4.8Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A104612 to 60 in. wc10 in. wc12 in. wc—— 4.8Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1053 3 to 21 in. wc—0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc 4.3No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1061 3 to 21 in. wc ——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A107912 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A108712 to 60 in. wc—— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A10950.4 to 5 in. wc 0.6 in. wc 1.0 in. wc —— 2.9Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1103 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——9.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1111 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——9.3Yes Air/Gas 14 in. NPT Mount C6097A1129 1.5 to 7 psi ——0.1 psi 0.39.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1137 1.5 to 7 psi——0.1 psi 0.39.3No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A12100.4 to 5 in. wc——0.16 in. wc 0.24 in. wc 2.9No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A12280.4 to 5 in. wc ———— 2.9Yes Air/Gas Flange MountC6097B100212 to 60 in. wc 10 in. wc 12 in. wc ——Subtractive4.8Yes Air/Gas Breaks N.C. to C. connectionon pressure rise.1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B101012 to 60 in. wc10 in. wc12 in. wc —— 4.8Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1028 3 to 21 in. wc2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT MountC6097B1036 3 to 21 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1044 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——21.0Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1051 1.5 to 7 psi1.1 psi1.4 psi ——21.0Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B1069 3 to 21 in. wc ——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B107712 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B108512 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B1093 1.5 to 7 psi ——0.1 psi 0.3 psi 21.0No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1101 1.5 to 7 psi——0.1 psi 0.3 psi 21.0No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B11193 to 21 in. wc——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3NoAir/Gas1/4 in. NPT MountC6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—14Table 2. Switch Ratings (Amperes)Table 3. Alternate Electrical Ratings when used withHoneywell Flame Safeguard Programmers.Fig. 2. C6097 Flange Mount dimensions in in. (mm).INSTALLATIONWARNINGExplosion or Fire Hazard.Can cause severe personal injury, death or property damage.Observe all safety requirements each time a control is installed on a burner.When Installing this Product...1.Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them can damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.2.Check the ratings given in the instructions and on the product to make sure that the product is suitable for your application.3.Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician.4.After installation is completed, check out product operation as provided in these instructions.WARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause serious personal injury or death.Disconnect power supply before beginning installation. More than one disconnection can be involved.MountingNOTE:On flange models, remove the label holding theO-ring in place and make sure O-ring seal is in place before mounting the pressure switch on the valve.The C6097 models allow NPT or flange (directly to valve) mounting. The NPT models have a hexagonal fitting with a 1/4 in. NPT tapping, which is the high pressure connection, in differential applications. The bleed fitting is 1/8 in. NPTtapped. In differential pressure control applications using air only, connect the lower pressure to the bleed fitting. See Fig. 1 and Table 1. In applications using combustible gases, vent the bleed tapping according to applicable standard code or jurisdictional authority.C6097 models with flange mount can be fitted directly toHoneywell Integrated Valve Train (model specific). See Fig. 2 and Table 1. The flange mount models vent internally, with no external tap.Mount the C6097A,B in any position.Leak CheckAfter installation, perform a leak check on the pressure switch:1.Turn on main gas. Make sure gas has reached thepressure switch (e.g., high gas pressure switch)2.Check installation for gas leaks using a gas leak detector or a soap solution.120/240 Vac, 50/60 HzInductive Full Load 3.0Locked Rotor18.0Resistive5.0DeviceRatingIgnition Transformer 540 VA Pilot Valve 50 VAMain Valve400 VA with 2-1/2 times inrush.C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES565-0237—1WIRINGWARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause serious personal injury or death.Disconnect power supply before beginning installation. More than one disconnection can be involved.Make sure that all wiring agrees with all applicable localcodes, ordinances and regulations. An opening is provided to accommodate rigid conduit or armored cable for line voltage operation (see Fig. 3 and 4). Do not overload the switch contacts (see Switch Ratings in the Specifications section). The switching schematic is shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 3. C6097 (manual reset switch model)with cover removed.Fig. 4. C6097 (recycle model) with cover removed.SETTINGS AND ADJUSTMENTSPressure Setpoint Adjustmentdial (Fig. 3, 4 and 5) clockwiseto decrease the pressure setting.Fig. 5. C6097 schematic.C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—16OPERATION AND CHECKOUTOperationThe manual reset C6097A diaphragm actuates the snap-acting switch to break a control circuit and lock out when pressure falls to the scale setting. The recycle C6097Amodels recycle automatically when the control circuit returns to scale setting plus differential.The manual reset C6097B diaphragm actuates the snap-acting switch that breaks a control circuit and locks out when the pressure rises to the scale setting. The recycle C6097B models recycle automatically when the control pressure falls to the scale setting minus differential.Manual ResettingThe C6097A manual reset models lock out when pressure falls to the scale setting and require manual resetting after the pressure rises to scale setting plus differential to resume normal operation.The C6097B manual reset models lock out when pressure rises to the scale setting and require manual resetting after the pressure falls to scale setting minus the differential to resume normal operation.To reset, once normal operating pressure is restored, push the reset button in as far as it goes, then release.IMPORTANTLockout models cannot be made to recycleautomatically by permanently holding in the reset lever.CheckoutC6097 Gas Fuel Application1.Set cutoff pressure.2.Open main supply line. Depress reset lever on lockout models until switch makes control circuit.3.Set controller and limit switch to call for heat.4.For C6097A: Close the manual gas shutoff valve. C6097 should open control circuit when pressure reaches cutoff point.For C6097B: Open the manual gas shutoff valve, wait a few minutes for the pressure to rise; then lower the scale setting until the switch breaks control circuit and locks out.5.For C6097A: Open the shutoff valve, return thepressure switch to its original setting and press the reset button (if necessary).For C6097B: raise setting to normal and press reset button (if necessary).6.Allow system to operate through at least one complete cycle to make sure all components are functioning properly.C6097A Air Application1.Set cutoff pressure.2.Turn on fan.3.Block fan inlet or filter area. Switch should break control circuit when pressure drops to cutoff point. Manual reset models lock out.4.Remove obstruction. Press reset lever (manual reset models) and allow system to operate through at least one complete cycle to be sure all components are functioning properly.765-0237—165-0237—1 G.R. Rev. 4-00Home and Building Control Home and Building ControlHoneywell Asia Pacific Inc.Honeywell Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée Room 3213-3225Honeywell Plaza 155 Gordon Baker Road Sun Hung Kai Centre P.O. Box 524North York, Ontario No. 30 Harbour Road Minneapolis, MN 55408-0524M2H 3N7Wanchai Hong KongHoneywell Latin American Region Honeywell Europe S.A.480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway 3 Avenue du Bourget Suite 2001140 Brussels Sunrise FL 33325Belgium。



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提高用户生产效率,降低运营成本• ComfortPoint Open 配备专门设计用于移动系统访问的霍尼韦尔EasyMobile 客户端。



低端型号 XLS3000 XLS3000 TC956A TC958A
B961 TC959A1059 TC960A1066 TC961A1006
TC500H TC500K 西安盛赛尔电子有限公司
高档次产品 国产型号 XLS3000 XLS3000 TC806B1076 TC808B1041 14506414-002 TC809A1059C TC810N1013C TC811A1006
TC500H TC500K 西安盛赛尔电子有限公司
UL 、FM 、CCCF、检测报告 UL FM 、CCCF,检测报告
1 系列 2 主机 3 智能烟感 4 智能温感 5 底座 6 输入模块 7 输出模块 8 隔离模块 9 消火栓按钮 10 手动报警按钮 11 生产厂家
12 认证:



TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表
TAC 、西门子、霍尼韦尔楼宇自控系统对照表。

霍尼韦尔 EDA70-0 DEA70-3 手机配件说明书

霍尼韦尔 EDA70-0 DEA70-3 手机配件说明书

· ScanPal TM Enterprise Hybrid Device ;· Main battery (3.8V, lithium ion battery);· Regulator sheet.Remarks:If you ordered accessories for the terminal, please make sure they are also included in the package; be sure to keep the original packages for TM ScanPal EDA 70 to be returned for repairing when necessary.Note:End users should not arbitrarily replace the operating system with other operating systems. To update operating system installed on your device, you need to get license from the OS vendors.TM EDA 70-0/EDA 70-3 belongs to ScanPal SeriesRight Side View Install the Main BatteryReplace the battery with wrong models may cause explosion. Please make sure to use the battery in accordance with local regulations.Please recycle the battery when possible.Do not dispose it as household wastePlease ensure all kits are dry when connect the mobile device or battery to external devices.Damages caused by connecting wet kits are not covered by the warranty.1. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the battery cover safety lock to the unlock position at right;2. Open the battery cover with the battery cover buckle handle ;3. Insert the battery (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the battery down to establish connection between the battery and the phone)4. Press down the battery cover (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the battery cover down)5. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the battery cover safety lock to the lock position at leftRemarks:Refer to the illustrated installation steps on the following page.ScanPal TM EDA 70 comes with a battery in a separate package. Please follow the steps below to install the battery.Suspend / Wake Up the TerminalSuspend / Wake Up the TerminalPress the power button and then release (less than 2 seconds)To wake up the device from sleep mode, press the power button and then release (less than 2 seconds)TMScanPal EDA 70 Power IndicatorThe status of power indicators in non-charging and charging processare illustrated as below:Non- charging processOffBattery power is normal Flashing orange Battery power is low Charging process Constant green Charging complete Flashing green During charging process, and the charging is about to be completedOrangeDuring charging process, and the battery power is still low Flashing redBattery is abnormalTechnical SupportFor information about technical support, after-sales service and maintenance, please visit .User DocumentsFor the local version of this article, please visit .PatentsFor information on patents, please refer to /patents.WarrantyPlease log into /warranty_information for warranty information on your product.DisclaimerHoneywell International Inc. reserves the rights to modify the specifications and other information mentioned above without prior notification.Readers should consult Honeywell International Inc. to make sure if any changes made any time they read this article.The information in this article does not represent any commitments of Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell International Inc. is not responsible for direct or indirect loss caused by any technical or editing errors or omissions contained in this article.The proprietary information contained in this article is protected by copyright.All rights reserved.Without prior written consent from Honeywell International Inc., any form of photocopy, copy or translation into other languages for any part of this article is not allowed.All Rights Reserved by Honeywell International Inc.Website: 。



honeywell clip xt使用手册概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本使用手册旨在为用户提供关于Honeywell Clip XT的详细信息和操作指南。

作为一款先进的便携式气体检测仪器,Honeywell Clip XT具有出色的性能和可靠的功能,广泛应用于各行各业,特别是在工业领域中的危险场所。

1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构展开介绍和解释说明:- 第2部分:Honeywell Clip XT 使用手册概述,包括产品介绍、功能特点以及使用范围。

- 第3部分:解释说明,主要包括安装指南、操作步骤以及故障排除与常见问题解答。

- 第4部分:结论,总结回顾Honeywell Clip XT的主要特点和功能,并提供使用建议和展望未来发展趋势。

通过这样的章节划分,读者可以逐步了解Honeywell Clip XT相关内容,并掌握正确的使用方法和技巧。

1.3 目的撰写本篇文章的目的是帮助使用者深入了解Honeywell Clip XT,并为其提供详细而准确的操作指南。

我们希望通过这篇文章,读者能够充分认识到Honeywell Clip XT在危险环境监测方面的重要性和价值,并能够正确、安全地操作该设备。

通过阅读本文章,读者将了解到Honeywell Clip XT的产品特点、适用范围以及使用方法。


总之,本手册的目标是为用户提供全面而详尽的关于Honeywell Clip XT 的信息和指南,使他们能够更好地理解和应用这一先进的气体检测仪器。

2. Honeywell Clip XT 使用手册概述2.1 产品介绍Honeywell Clip XT是一款便携式气体检测仪器,具有高精度和灵敏度。



Honeywell Aidc PC Series Desktop Printers 配件指南说明书

Honeywell Aidc PC Series Desktop Printers 配件指南说明书
203-185-500 (PC43t)
The user-installable Linerless Platen Roller features a non-stick finish and dispenses printed labels when you use linerless media stock.
Ethernet Module
PC23d PC43d PC43t
203-183-210 (PC23d)
203-183-410 (PC43d, PC43t)
The USB to RS-232 adapter connects to the printer USB host (type A) port and provides serial RS-232 (female DB9) connectivity. Cable length is 1.8 m (5.9 ft). Serial flow control: XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS. (RoHS)
The two-piece user installable Media Cover Lock Bracket securely attaches to the top cover and bottom case to deter media removal. It accepts a standard Number 2 lock (user supplied).
Linerless Platen Roller
PC43d PC43t
Platen Roller
The user-installable Label Dispenser Module with Label Taken Sensor (LTS) strips off the paper backing to present only the label. (RoHS)
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