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3 Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Post-Communist Nationalism," Foreign Affairs 68, no.4 (1989): 20.
Periodical article (subsequent note) 期刊(再次引注)
4 Brzezinski, "Post-Communist Nationalism," 22.
Book (first note) 书籍(第一次注释)
1 Hayden Herrera, Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo (New York: Harper and Row, 1983), 356.
2 Herrera, Frida, 32.
Periodical article (first note) 期刊(第一次注释)
1. Book - single author

2 Chris Holmlund, Impossible Bodies:
Femininity and Masculinity at the Movies
(New York: Routledge, 2002), 159. [作者前面的

1 Chicago Tribune, "Gun Injuries Take
Financial Toll on Hospitals," sec. 1, February
24, 1994.
8. Newspaper article - from an electronic database

4 Salley Satel, "Oxy-Contin Half-truths
2. Book - more than one author

1 Michael Craton and Gail Saunders,
Islanders in the Stream: A History of the
Bahamian People (Athens: University of
Georgia Press, 1992), 24.
Can Cause Suffering," USA Today, October
27, 2003, final edition, Lexis-Nexis, via
Galileo, http://www.galileo.usg.edu
9. Encyclopedia article

1 The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th
3. Book - more than one editor

1 David A. Hollinger and Charles
Capper, The American Intellectual Tradition
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).
[这里的216是有关引语出现的页码;参考书目中出现的214-219是 该篇文章在论文集中出现的页码。]
6. Article from electronic journal - accessed through a database

3 Sandra Yin, "Color Bind," American
Demographics, 25, no. 7 (2003): 24.
Academic Search Premier, via Galileo,
http://www.galileo.usg. edu [这里的24是有关引语出现
的页码;参考书目中出现的22-26是该篇文章在论文集中出现的页 码。]
7. Newspaper article - no author
• 1. 国际上流行的学术论文格式 • 2. 毕业论文编写次序要求 • 3. 毕业论文打印排版要求 • 4. 毕业论文字数要求和存档要求 • 5. 引用 VS. 抄袭 • 6. 引用格式 • 7. 注释格式 • 8. 参考文献格式 • 9. 注释和参考文献格式的主要区别
7. 注释格式
Chicago Manual采用脚注(footnote)和尾注(endnote),即 在正文中用引文的地方按顺序夹注数码(superscript)。数码 通常置于句末的右上方、标点外边,不留空格,不加下划线, 不划圈。
(London: Macmillan, 1987).
5. Article from journal

1 Gina Herring, "The Beguiled:
Misogynyist Myth or Feminist Fable?"
Literature Film Quarterly 26, no. 3 (1998): 216.
ed., s.v. "dress and adornment." [第几卷,第几
10. Website (or part of a website)

16 University of Georgia, "Points of Pride,"
脚注按对应数码置于每一页的底端;尾注置于正文之后。 注释包括作者 (编者、译者) 姓名、卷数、出版商、出版年代、
引文所在页码。重复出现同一作者的同一作品时,只注明作者 姓氏和引文所在页码。
芝加哥论文注释格式順序。 书--缩进5字符,注释编号(空一格) 作者名,书名
(以斜体字或下划线处理),(出版地:出版社,出版 年),页数。 文章--缩进5字符,注释编号 (空一格)作者名,文章 篇名(放在引号中),刊物名称(以斜体字或下划线处 理),卷数,(发行期数),页数。
4. Chapter from a book

1 Konrad Repgen, "What is a 'Religious
War'?" in Politics and Society in Reformation
Europe, eds. E. I. Kouri and Tom Scott, 324