英语写作基础教程Chapter 4
实用阶梯英语写作教程课件unit 4 Listing and Exemplification

Everything seemed
I tore a hole on the bathing suit; to go wrong with
4 Friends thought I would dive me at the swimming
when I just wanted to see view pool.
Warm-up Activity: Setting your goals
• 1. List what you will do to achieve your goal.
• 2. Interview one of your friends about his/her goal and the actions they will take.
as an illustration
• to illustrate
as an example
• take…for example
consider…for example
• as follows
in other words
• let me cite as proof
• according to statistics (statistical evidence)
• 1. Learning English is a rewarding experience. • 2. How higher education has affected my life. • 3. Making mistakes is a good way to learn. • 4. There is a lot to learn outside the classroom.
• Pass CET4, • Improve English skills, • Get scholarship, • Join some student organizations, like student

• 1,Fragmented subordinate clauses 破碎的从属分句 • The decision seem fair. Because it consider all parties. • The decision seem fair because it consider all parties. • The decision seem fair. It consider all parties. • To earn some pocket money, you only need an odd job. While to accomplish something remarkable(非凡的),you must spend lots of time and energy.
• • • • •
3,Other fragmented word groups P28 parts of compound predicates 复合谓语 appositives 同位语 lists example introduced by“such as”,“for example”or similar expression • eg.I like fruit.such as apples,bananas. • I like fruit such as apples,bananas.
Unit 3
1.Sentence Fragments ma Splices 3.Run-on Sentence
破碎句 逗号误用 粘连句
A complete sentence 1,contains a subject and a verb eg. I like apples. 2,is not a subordinate clause(从句)
写作教程4 邹申第 二版 教案

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英语学术论文写作教程-Unit 4

The presentation of Results is usually followed by Discussion, though the division of the two parts is not rigid. Analysis on the data and report of findings are expected in either the Results section or Discussion section. The purpose of such analysis is to provide interpretation of the results or methods. There is no fixed way of writing this part, but some conventional rules are expected to follow in order to get your results understood and published.
But how are the findings presented? Results can be reported in both written texts and visual illustrations. After the experimental data are collected and analyzed, it is time to present the findings in the Results section.
英语学术论文写作教程 (含课后题答案)
Unit 4 Results
This unit examines the Results section of academic writing. The Results section, one of the essential parts of an academic paper, generally reports the main findings of your research and offers some brief and specific comments on these findings as well. It reflects the researcher’s contribution to the studied topic in a certain field.

and a few books - are here. (4). introduce a summarizing clause after a series of
一、Manuscript Form
4. Handwriting
(1) little space (about one letter) after a comma, and a slightly bigger space (about two letters) after a full stop.
二、 PuncBiblioteka uation1. The Comma (,)
(4). Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are
Set off by commas.
(5). Commas set off parenthetical elements.
(6). In dates, a comma is used to separate
nouns e.g. Bob, Lily, Judy - none of them know where he is. (5) used like quotation marks in a dialogue. (6) introduce subheading and authors after quotation
二、 Punctuation
1. The Comma (,)
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 4 Key

第四单元参考答案1.1 Pre-reading Qs:1) The method section is the most important aspect of a research paper because itprovides the information by which the validity of a study is ultimately judged.Therefore, the researcher must provide a clear and precise description of how an experiment is to be carried out, and the rationale for the specific experimental procedures chosen. It must be written with enough information so that: (1) the experiment could be repeated by others to evaluate whether the results are reproducible, and (2) the readers can judge whether the results and conclusions are valid.2)overview of the research / experiment, population / subjects, research location,materials, procedure, variables, sampling techniques, statistical treatment, possible restrictions3)When describing actions and situations that happened in the past, or telling astory and expressing actions that follow each other in a story, we normally use the simple past tense. Different tenses can be used depending on reference to the past or recurring present events. To sum up, the majority of verbs are in the past; other forms can also be used if there is a good reason for doing so. Active voice means that if the subject of a sentence performs the action, then the verb used to express this meaning is active. If the subject receives the action of the verb, then the verb is passive. Passive voice is normally used if the agent is arbitrary, not known, or not important, and sometimes “by …”is omitted. In this reading passage, a past passive structure is predominant.1.3.2·Students’ questionnaire include d five sections with 23 questions:1) demographic information2)importance of English in college and professional careers3)perceived language skill needs and problems4)the activities needed in a freshman language course, and5)suggestions for development of course content and materials as well asdemographic information.·The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections with l6 questions, which are parallel to those in the version given to the students except that no demographic information was gathered.Research aim:A Study of perceptions of English Needs in a Medical Context Questionnaire One: The questionnaire given to the medical students consisted of five sections with 23 questions, the topics of which were importance of English in college and professional careers, perceived language skill needs and problems, activities needed in a freshman language course, and suggestions for development of course content and materials as well as demographic information.Questionnaire Two: The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections with l6 questions, which were parallel to those in the version given to the students except that no demographic information was gathered.Research restrictions:The questionnaires were piloted, and modified according to the feedback from l0 respondents: six medical students and four faculty members.One of the authors, a faculty member at Chung Shan Medical College, selected one required class for each group of students (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors). (The population size is not big enough and the sampling technique is not so clear.) A poison ivy infection is considered by some to be humorous. But it is not funny at all. A rash that has the intensity of a fresh mosquito bite and lasts for several days is caused by contact with the plant. Poison ivy infection has been studied by scientists for centuries, but no preventive pill or inoculation has been found. The poisonous substance in the plant is called urushiol. After the skin is touched by urushiol, the exposed area will soon be covered by blisters and weeping sores.2.2: The following sentences describe a process of making paper. Use sequentialwords and rewrite them into a cohesive paragraph.Firstly, the logs are placed in the shredder. Then they are cut into small chips which are mixed with water and acid. After that, they are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp which is cleaned. It is also chemically bleached to whiten it. Later, it is passed through rollers to flatten it. Then sheets of wet paper are produced. Finally, the water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined until the finished paper is produced.3.1 Read the following sentences. They are all taken from method sections fromdifferent research articles. In each case, determine which information element is represented.1. subjects2. material3. procedure4.overview5. statistical treatment6. procedure and material7. sampling8. research location3.2 Completing sentences1) The questionnaire was administered.2) completed the questionnaire.3) Background information about these participants is presented in Table 2.4) The mean age of the participants was approximately 29 years old.5) the year of working experience was six on the average.3.3Reordering sentences1c 2 e 3 d 4 f 5g 6 b 7 I 8 a 9h3.4 Rewriting sentences(1) Table 2 shows the number of students per level and their Ll languagebackgrounds represented.(2) Two questionnaires administered respectively to the personnel officers andbusiness employees show a similar result in terms of their perception of the use of English in their firm.(3) The scores of the two raters were averaged and entered for statistical analysis.(4) The model used in the experiment was a modified version of the 2009 Testpackage, originally developed by the Morrison Research Institute.(5) Gray (1998) studied the effectiveness of the new schedule, using scores on theStanford Achievement Test as the measure.(6) After the teacher explained the directions, the students began to write.( place modifiers so that they clearly modify what they are intended to modify ) (7) Students achieved better results, although the schedule was in effect for only 1year. (Put the main idea in the main clause )(8) After putting the assignment on the board, the teacher found by checking theroll that three students were absent. (Too many and s )(9) Because many school administrators seem interested in making only simple andinexpensive changes, they have been overly receptive to simplistic solutions.( avoid inserting long modifiers between the subject and the verb )(10) Many people are reluctant to install solar energy systems because of the largecapital investment required. ( avoid using subordinate clauses that modify other subordinate clauses )3.5 Turning notes into a passageA taste test was conducted to determine students’preferences and attitudes toward sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages. Ten people, five male students and five female students, from Science English class 1 were chosen at random to participate in the test. The materials used were thirty straws, two cups, one blindfold, and two containers of Kool-Aid, a popular drink in the United States. One container held four cups of orange Kool-Aid sweetened with one half cup of sugar. The other container held four cups of orange Kool-aid sweetened with 9 packets of Nutrasweet brand artificial sweetener.The steps included in the test were as follows. Ten volunteer students were chosen, five male students and five female students. They were placed into two lines, one for the males and the other for the females. Alternately, men and women completed the taste test. To complete the test a blindfold was first fastened over the eyes of the tester so that he/she could not see. Then the two cups were filled with beverage, one with artificially-sweetened Kool-Aid and the other with sugar-sweetened Kool-Aid. The tester was then asked three questions from a survey and the answers were tabulated. Next, using a straw, the tester took a sip from each cup. Then the final two questions on the survey were asked and the answers tabulated. Finally, the remaining drink was thrown away, and the next tester came forward to repeat the process.4. Writing Project(Omitted)。
英语写作基础教程Chapter 4

Features of a Paragraph
I’ve had a real problem with my car leaking oil on the driveway I’ve had a real problem with my car leaking oil on the lately. First, there’s a pool of oil two thirds of the way up on both driveway lately. There’s a pool of oil two thirds of the way up on sides of the driveway. There’s another pool of oil inside the garage both sides of the driveway. There’s a pool of oil inside the garage where I park the car. After I clean the oil up. The next day it’s back where I park the car. I clean the oil up. The next day it’s back again. Finally, I took the car to a garage to have the oil changed again. I took the car to a garage to have the oil changed and the and the leak topped. However, the problem was more difficult leak topped. The problem was more difficult than I’d expected. than I’d expected. The rear main bearing seal was leaking, but to The rear main bearing seal was leaking, but to replace it, the replace it, the engine would have to be pulled. I couldn’t afford that, engine would have to be pulled. I couldn’t afford that, so I had to so I had to wait and save up some money. In the meantime, I put wait and save up some money. I put three oil pans on the spots three oil pans on the spots where the car leaks oil when it’s parked. where the car leaks oil when it’s parked. I can’t think of any I can’t think of any other solution for now. other solution for now.

1. 2.
The question mark ends a sentence when it asks a question. Why is it so cold? Where is your warm coat?
Put question marks and full stops in the correct places in these groups of sentences. (There are two sentences in each example)
Now, look at what happens when we change the position of the punctuation marks. It actually changes the meaning of the passage. I would like to apply for a job with your company for two years. I have been employed. As a sales clerk for the Jones store I sold nothing. That, I did not take pride in. I am sure it will be the same if I work for you.
The full stop ends a sentence when it is a statement. (Remember, a sentence makes sense. You take a long pause at the end of a sentence. This long pause means that you need a full stop.)
写作教程第二版(邹申)-Unit 4 Customs

Made by Pizza. C
Sample 2 – P37
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Performers are seen walking across the ring to the music. Various performers start. The fighting bulls finally get killed. The bullfighter receives applause and awards or abuse, cushions and other things.
Step 5
The ring is cleaned up
Made by Pizza. C
Sample 2 – Summary
• Slightly difference between the organizational patterns of Sample 1 amd Sample 2. • Similar Pattern -- In the way of describing the process from beginning to the end • The writer may conveniently structure his paras. by the steps they actually happen, while effectiveness is also achieved.
Made by Pizza. C
Additional Work – P34
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Blend all the ingredients. Roll the paste into round cookies. Brush the paste with egg yolks. Then put it in the oven to bake.

• Mobile phones necessarily also harbor disadvantages. The radiation such phones emit is hazardous to one's health. Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to face skills may decline. Any new invention has its drawbacks, and such negative aspects cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones. People won't stop eating just because of the risk ofchoking. In addition, the swift development of science and technology will likely eliminate the hazards cell phones may cause. One can safely predict, therefore, that with the introduction of new techniques, mobile phones will have more applications and become even more appealing to customers.
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 4 Describing Methodology(推荐文档)

Unit 4 Describing MethodologyObjectives─ Be clear about t he significance of this section─ Try to understand the importance of pa ssive voice in academic writing─ Learn to be skilled in using sequential markers in writing a pro cess─ Be fam iliar with proof-reading skills─ Learn to design a questionnaireContents─ Brief introduction to this section─ Reading & Discussion: What information elements are usually involved in writing a methodology section?─ Language Focus: Passive voice and sequential markers─ Writing Practice: Understanding the sentence patterns and sent ence order in writing a process─ Writing Project: How to design a questionnaire1.Reading ActivityIn natural sciences the method section is often called Materials and Methods. In social sciences it is common to introduce a section called Theory and Methods. Sometimes it is divided in two sections: Theoretical Framework and Methods.Research methodology is mainly concerned with the answers to the following questions:1) Why is a particular research study undertaken?2) How has one formulated a research problem?3) What types of data have been collected?4) What particular methods have been used?5) Why is a particular technique of analysis of data used?1.1Pre-reading TaskThe following is the method section of a research article in the field of applied linguistics. Think about the following questions before reading the text and then havea discussion with your classmates:1) What is the function of the method section?2) What information elements does a method section include?3) What verb tenses are mainly used in the text? What is the proportion of activevoice verbs to passive voice verbs in this method section?1.2 Reading PassageEnglish for College Students in Taiwan:A Study of perceptions of English Needs in a Medical ContextThe experiment was initiated to investigate perceptions of English needs in a medical context among college students in Taiwan.The subjects were 341 medical students in the Department of Medicine, including 97 freshmen, 74 sophomores, 90 juniors, and 80 seniors, and 20 faculty members in the medical program at Chung Shan Medical College in Taichung, Taiwan, China.Two questionnaires were developed for the survey, based on two earlier survey instruments by Taylor & Hussein (1985) and Guo (1989). The questionnaires were translated into Chinese, piloted, and modified according to the feedback from l0 respondents: six medical students and four faculty members from Chung Shan Medical College. The questionnaire given to the medical students consisted of five sections of 23 questions, the topics of which were the importance of English incollege and professional careers, perceived language skill needs and problems, the activities needed in a freshman language course, and suggestions for development of course content and materials as well as demographic information. The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections of l6 questions, which were parallel to those in the version given to the students except no demographic information was gathered (see Appendix).One of the authors, a faculty member at Chung Shan Medical College, selected one required class for each group of students (freshmen sophomores, juniors and seniors). Copies of the student questionnaire for administration to the students were then sent to cooperating instructors teaching these courses; copies of the faculty questionnaire were given to 20 teachers who were willing to complete the survey.The data were computer-analyzed using an SPSS program: in the questionnaire, percentages were determined for all questions except 8 and 13 for which means were computed. Chi-square, t-tests, and ANOV A analyses (方差分析) were conducted in order to determine the perceptions of English language needs of medical college students and their faculty and to compare the perceptions held by the various groups.( Pang, 2008)1.3 Reading Comprehension1.3.1 Fill in the following table with relevant details from the passage.1.3.2 Understand more about the method section of this research. Whatdo you know about the questionnaires used in the survey?2. Language Focus2.1 Passive voiceThe passive voice is usually used in academic writing, because passive structures have less subjective coloring in most cases than active ones. When describing a process or a scientific experiment, it is important to write in a neutral style, as an observer. To do this, you can use passive voice. There are three instances in which the passive voice is recommended: 1) when we do not know or do not care about who has performed the action; 2) when we focus on the receiver instead of the performer of the action; and 3) when we would like to remain in a neutral or objective position in writing. More examples from the methodology section are as follows:1) The study was conducted at the beginning of the semester and the final one was given at the end of the semester. ( procedure )2) In summer, the greenhouse was cooled by pulling in air through water saturated pads on the south end of the building. ( specially designed material )3) The quartz reactors tested for this work are fabricated by the A&B Sales Company of Wheeling, Leeds, UK. ( instrument )4) In order to provide a broad sampling of college students, respondents were recruited from diverse fields of study. ( sampling )5) The final scores were computed into mean averages (X) and standard deviations (SD). ( statistical analysis)2.1.1 Go over the Reading Passage and mark verbs inthe passive voiceand then complete the following table:2.1.2 Rewrite the following text with passive voice.Some people consider a poison ivy infection to be humorous. But it is not funny at all. Contact with the plant causes a rash that has the intensity of a fresh mosquito bite and lasts for several days. Scientists have studied poison ivy infection for centuries, but they have found no preventive pill or inoculation. The poisonous substance in the plant is called urushiol. After urushiol has touched the skin, blisters and weeping sores will soon cover the exposed area.2.2 Sequential markersA process paragraph explains how to do something or how something works. Process paragraphs are usually developed step-by-step in a chronological or logical sequence. The following sequencing expressions are more frequently used to link steps in a description of a process or to divide a process into steps:● Firstly … To begin with … First of all … etc.● Secondly … Next … After that … In addition … etc.● Finally … Lastly …The following sentences describe a process of making paper. Use sequential words and rewrite them into a cohesive paragraph.1) The logs are placed in the shredder.2) They are cut into small chips and mixed with water and acid.3) They are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp which is cleaned.4) It is chemically bleached to whiten it.5) It is passed through rollers to flatten it.6). Sheets of wet paper are produced.7) The water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined and the finished paper is produced.3. Writing PracticeA well organized, logically ordered and easily understandable chapter on methodology makes the thesis a really outstanding work. Normally, a method section includes:1) Overview of the experiment: one sentence briefly tells what was done (like a topicsentence);2) Population: state the people/subjects studied, or the things tested;3) Location : where the study took place;4) Restriction/Limiting conditions: precautions taken to make sure that the data are valid;5) Sampling Techniques : describe how the subject are selected for the study;6) Materials : describe the materials used to conduct the study or experiment;7) Procedures : State the steps of the experiment in a chronological order;8) Statistical Treatment: describe how the statistics are examined.Of all the items on this list, the only items that are always included in the method section are the materials and procedures.3.1 Read the following sentences. They are all taken from method sections from different research articles. In each case, determine which information element is represented.(1) A total of 369 participants of European origins (52.7% female) with a mean age of27.2 years were recruited by research assistants in public places in the Montrealregion.(2) The data used for the current analysis consists of 60 texts taken from 20engineering journals.(3) Experimenters approached potential participants by introducing themselves asstudents from the University of Quebec in Montreal and then asked if they would accept to participate in a short study on facial expressions.(4) The study aims to examine the use of SEF as a tool for providing evidence ofteaching effectiveness in tertiary education.(5) The results of the two questionnaires were subjected to statistical tests ofreliability and significance using SPSS.(6) Envelopes containing the survey materials were sent to the local business managerof each union. In the envelopes, there was a cover letter explaining the project, the questionnaire itself, and a pre-paid return envelope. The union business manager was contacted and asked to select workers from his union and to send the envelopes to the chosen workers.(7) The participants were 90 first-year students from the School of Foreign Languagesat a major university in Nanjing. Their average age was 18 years old. They constituted a convenience sample.(8) The investigation was performed in a national laboratory affiliated to a researchcenter for industrial automation in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.3.2 Completing sentencesThe following words and phrasal verbs are more commonly used in Method SectionComplete the following paragraph by translating Chinese into English.A group of MBA students from a major metropolitan state university were recruited as participants for the investigation. (1)(问卷调查实施)after the topic of the BSC had been discussed in the course. 136 students enrolled in a managerial accounting course ( 2 ) (完成了此次问卷. _( 3 )_(表2给出了这些参与者的背景信息). As is shown, the majority of participants are male. _( 4 )_(参与者的平均年龄约29岁), _( 5 )_(平均工作经历约6年), and the mean number of accounting classes was approximately four.(Liu, 2008)1)_________________________________________________________________2)_________________________________________________________________3)_________________________________________________________________4)_________________________________________________________________5)_________________________________________________________________3.3 Reordering sentencesThe following is the method section of a research article from the field of engineering with sentences in a scrambled order. Please rearrange them in a more conventional order. Write the sequential number in the box on the right side of the table below.3.4 Rewriting sentencesThe following sentences are taken from method sections of different published articles. Rewrite each sentence to make it more acceptable.(1) Table 5 shows the number of students per level and their L1 language backgroundswhich are represented.__________________________________________________________________ (2) Two questionnaires which were administered respectively to the personnel officersand business employees show a similar result in terms of their perception of the use of English in their firm.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (3) The scores of the two raters were averaged and all the data were entered forstatistical analysis._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (4) The model which was used in the experiment was a modified version of the 2006Test package, which was originally developed by the Morrison Research Institute._________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (5) Gray (1998) studied the effectiveness of the new schedule. He used scores on theStanford Achievement Test as the measure.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (6) Having explained the directions, the students began to write.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (7) The schedule was in effect only 1 year, with students achieving better results.__________________________________________________________________ (8) The teacher put the assignment on the board, and then she checked the roll andfound that three students were absent.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________(9) School administrators who are interested in making changes that are not tooexpensive or too complex for the most part have been overly receptive to simplistic solutions.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (10) One of the obstacles that deter the installation of solar energy systems that aredesigned to achieve the savings that are important to all people is the reluctance of those same individuals to make large capital investments.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________3.5 Turning notes into a passageYou are required to write the method section of a research paper about the experiment to investigate into students’ preferences and attitudes towards sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages. Pay particular attention to the choice of tense and voice.4. Writing Project4.1 Gathering information for a method section.You are required to write the method section of a research paper in the field of English language class attendance with the information elements given below. Gather information for your research.4.2 Designing a questionnaireThe design of a questionnaire will depend on whether the researcher wishes to collect exploratory information (i.e. qualitative information for the purposes of better understanding or the generation of hypotheses on a subject) or quantitative information (to test specific hypotheses that have previously been generated).A good questionnaire is one that: 1) enables collection of accurate data in a timely manner; 2) facilitates the work of data collection, data processing and the tabulation of data; 3) ensures that there is no collection of non-essential information; and 4) permits comprehensive and meaningful analysis as well as purposeful utilization of the data collected to ensure that the technical task of the questionnaire receives the various input that it requires.Types of questionsThere are many different types of questions you can use to get the information that you need. In the main, these fall into open and closed questions. An open question allows the respondents to use their own words to answer, e. g., “What do you think are the main causes of racism?” A closed question gives them pre-defined options, e.g., “Which of the following do you think are the main causes of racism: a, b, c, d”.The pros and cons of each are given in the following table.Rating design in a questionnaire: Look closely at the following example of a rating design.Please rate the quality of the medical insurance of this company.□Poor □Fair □GoodThere are nine steps involved in the development of a questionnaire:1. Decide the information required;2. Define the target respondents;3. Choose the method(s) of reaching your target respondents;4. Decide on question content;5. Develop the question wording;6. Put questions into a meaningful order and format;7. Check the length of the questionnaire;8. Pre-test the questionnaire;9. Develop the final survey form.Now work in groups of four, and design a questionnaire to obtain information about students’ attendance and causes for their absence.4.3 Drafting your method sectionBegin your writing now with the information you have just obtained from your survey.5. Final ChecklistRevision gives you an opportunity to take another look at what you have written. Therefore, you have to do some extra work to revise your draft. Here are some general rules for your check.。

02 Unit 16 常见书信写作
In-class Activities
Task 4: 将下列句子按照逻辑顺序组织成一封咨询信的正文,并将对应的 序号写在横线上。
She is congratulating on Ms. Harmon’s promotion.
Because she is able and enthusiastic in her work.
02 Unit 16 常见书信写作
In-class Activities
Task 2: 根据所给情景写出书信开头句,并说明写信目的。
Task 4: 将Task 3 中的英语句子,组合成一封书信,注意句子之间的衔接 和句式变化。
01 Unit 15 英文信函格式
Post-class Activity
02 Unit 16 常见书信写作
Pre-class Activities
高职英语写作考试经常考查的书信类别有申请信、求职信、投诉 信、邀请信、感谢信、祝贺信和道歉信等。要写好书信,必须掌 握其格式和正文基本框架,了解先写什么,后写什么。正文通常 由开头段、主体段和结尾段三个部分组成。 开头段:开门见山表明写信目的; 主体段:根据情景或提纲扩展内容,内容应翔实具体; 结尾段:表达感谢、希望或祝愿等并期待回信。
02 Unit 16 常见书信写作
In-class Activities
Task 3: 审题并列出题目中所包含的主要内容信息。
02 Unit 16 常见书信写作

• 8—listing + examples: least important to most important
Writing Practice 1
Warm-up Activity 2: Work Skills Learned in School
• Arriving at school and attending class on time each day
• --follow schedule in future work
• Taking part in sports or school activities
• What is listing?
• Listing is a method of supporting a statement, a viewpoint or an attitude with a series of details. Attention should be paid to the sequence of the things listed, from the most important to the least important, or vise verse.
• --learn how to cooperate with others (Working with a team is one of the important skills for future work.)
• Organizing group activities for the class
• 1. Learning English is a rewarding experience. • 2. How higher education has affected my life. • 3. Making mistakes is a good way to learn. • 4. There is a lot to learn outside the classroom.

The manager has given the instruction, and the staff must obey it.
To enclose anything which interrupts the flow of the sentence.
Example: I hope, of course, that they'll come.
I insist on eating Grandfather before we leave the house. Wilma Fred's wife lived near the river. Jim will arrive sometime tonight but I don't know exactly when it will be.
Spring Semester 2008
Read the following passage, without punctuation.. i would like to apply for a job with your company for two years i have been employed as a sales clerk for the Jones store i sold nothing that i did not take pride in i am sure it will be the same if I work for you Now, look at how much easier it is to read with punctuation: I would like to apply for a job with your company. For two years I have been employed as a sales clerk for the Jones store. I sold nothing that I did not take pride in. I am sure it will be the same if I work for you.
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Developing Paragraphs
Features of a Paragraph
Analysis of Sample 1
a central idea supporting evidence close connection
Features of a Paragraph
Features of a Paragraph
Topic sentence
A good topic sentence:
1) a. We went to the show last night.
① new information b. We Has had a terrible time at the show last night.
Features of a Paragraph
Topic sentence
We now have, as a result of modern means of communication, hundreds of thousands of words flung at us daily. We are constantly being talked at, by teachers, preachers, salesmen, public officials, and motion picture soundtracks. The cries of advertisers pursue us into our very homes, thanks to the radio—and in some houses the radio is never turned off from morning to night. Daily the newsboy brings us, in large cities, from thirty to fifty enormous pages of print, and almost three times that amount on Sunday. We go out and get more words at bookstores and libraries. Words fill our lives.
A. in addition B. for example C. in fact D. also E. furthermore Teachers of foreign languages should be extremely well-qualified in order to carry out their duties properly. ___(1)__, a teacher should possess a minimum of a graduate degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach high school or below. Besides the academic degree, teachers should not consider teaching only as an occupation for earning money; they should __(2)__ be interested in teaching. ___(3)___, it was necessary that teachers be knowledgeable in their major fields. They should be skillful as well. _(4)__, the language teacher must know the target language well enough to be imitated by his students. Proficiency in the target language includes fours skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. A teacher should know the linguistic facts of the language of the students in order to understand the problems they will have in learning the target language. __(5)__, the teacher must be familiar with audio-lingual techniques. Knowing all this will help the students to learn correctly and quickly.
(1) Topic: Black-and White Movies Topic sentence:_____________ (2) Topic: Capital Punishment Topic sentence:______________
(3) Topic: Rap Music Topic sentence:_____________ (4) Topic: Horror Movies Topic sentence:______________
Features a Paragraph
Topic sentence
Write your own topic sentence for each of the following topics. Make sure each sentence expresses a particular point about the topic. ○ Topic: Night Classes Topic sentence: I prefer taking night classes to day classes to fit my work schedules.
Read Sample3 and find the central idea.
An effective paragraph must have a central idea,
which may be expressed either explicity in a topic
sentence or implicitly.
③ Is general enough to invite exploration of the topic
④ strong b. OurIs aunt visited us for three weeks last summer.
4) a. I had first date with Clarence last spring. ⑤ Ismy not an announcement b. My first date with Clarence last spring was a disaster.
2) a. Norris is the brightest student in our biology class. ② Is specific b. Norris is enrolled in a biology class. 3) a. The longest three weeks of my life were when our aunt visited last summer.
Features of a Paragraph
I’ve had a real problem with my car leaking oil on the driveway I’ve had a real problem with my car leaking oil on the lately. First, there’s a pool of oil two thirds of the way up on both driveway lately. There’s a pool of oil two thirds of the way up on sides of the driveway. There’s another pool of oil inside the garage both sides of the driveway. There’s a pool of oil inside the garage where I park the car. After I clean the oil up. The next day it’s back where I park the car. I clean the oil up. The next day it’s back again. Finally, I took the car to a garage to have the oil changed again. I took the car to a garage to have the oil changed and the and the leak topped. However, the problem was more difficult leak topped. The problem was more difficult than I’d expected. than I’d expected. The rear main bearing seal was leaking, but to The rear main bearing seal was leaking, but to replace it, the replace it, the engine would have to be pulled. I couldn’t afford that, engine would have to be pulled. I couldn’t afford that, so I had to so I had to wait and save up some money. In the meantime, I put wait and save up some money. I put three oil pans on the spots three oil pans on the spots where the car leaks oil when it’s parked. where the car leaks oil when it’s parked. I can’t think of any I can’t think of any other solution for now. other solution for now.