[描写人的英文诗歌阅读] 描写母爱的英文诗歌

母亲节到了,祝妈妈永远安康!小编精心收集了赞美母亲的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 赞美母亲的英文诗歌篇1Before Two Portraits of My Mother两幅母亲肖像前I love the beautiful young girl of thisportrait, my mother, painted years agowhen her forehead was white, and there was noshadow in the dazzling Venetian glassof her gaze. But this other likeness showsthe deep trenches across her forehead’s whitemarble. The rose poem of her youth thather marriage sang is far behind. Here ismy sadness: I compare these portraits, oneof a joy-radiant brow, the other care-heavy: sunrise—and the thick coming onof night. And yet how strange my ways appear,for when I look at these faded lips my heartsmiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start.—Emile Nelligan (1879-1941)我深爱这名美丽少女的画像,她是我的母亲,绘制于多年前当时她的前额白皙无瑕如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影在她双眸中。

小编精心收集了关于母爱的长篇英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!关于母爱的长篇英文诗歌篇1Mother's LoveThere is no love, like a mother's love,no stronger bond on earth...like the precious bond that comes from God,to a mother, when she gives birth.A mother's love is forever strong,never changing for all time...and when her children need her most,a mother's love will shine.God bless these special mothers,God bless them every one...for all the tears and heartache,and for the special work they've done.When her days on earth are over,a mother's love lives on...through many generations,with God's blessings on each one.Be thankful for our mothers,for they love with a higher love...from the power God has given,and the strength from up above.母爱没有一种爱比母爱更强烈母爱是上天赐予子女的福音当你诞生时,母爱随之降临母爱永远强大它从不消失当她的孩子需要时母爱总是及时到达上苍保佑伟大的母亲上苍保佑每一位母亲因为母爱溶于每一滴泪,伴随每一次呼吸因为母爱是她们的全部就算是母亲逝去但母爱永存一代又一代每一位母亲都会付出她的爱感谢我们的母亲吧因为她们把全部的爱都给了我们这爱是源于本能比任何感情都要强烈关于母爱的长篇英文诗歌篇2Mother Machree [英文美文]慈母颂There's a spot in my heartwhich no colleen may own;There's a depth in my soulnever sounded or known;There's a place in my memorymy life that you fill;No other can take itno one ever will;Every sorrow or carein the dear days gone by;Was made bright by the lightof the smile in your eye;Like a candle that's setin a window at night;Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right;Sure I love the dear silverthat shines in your hair;And the brow that's all furrowed and wrinkled with care;I kiss the dear fingersso toil warm for me;Oh!God bless you andkeep you,mother machree!在我的心灵之中有个地方,深不可测其境从未与闻哪个少女也难问津;在我的记忆之中我的生命充满你的身影谁也不能取代永远无人有此真情;珍贵时光悠悠逝去辛劳烦扰却永不消停你眼中的微笑,其光彩使烦劳转为光明;宛如点燃的烛光深夜透窗棂你深情的爱激励我引领我一直前进;是的,我爱你如银的发丝闪烁着深情的光芒我爱你额上道道皱纹岁月刻满沧桑我吻你勤劳的手指双手柔情温暖我心房;啊,慈母在我心苍天保佑,福寿永绵长!关于母爱的长篇英文诗歌篇3What rules the World?(什么支配着世界)--BY William Ross Wallace. (1819–1881) They say that man is mighty,都说人力无穷He governs land and sea;支配着陆地与大海He wields a mighty scepter行使着至高无上的王权O’er lesser powers that be;统治着弱小的生灵But a mightier power and stronger,然而还有更强大的力量Man from his throne has hurled,将人从宝座上掀起And the hand that rocks the cradle是那双轻推着摇篮的手Is the hand that rules the world.主宰着整个世界。

【关于母亲英文诗歌一】The Meaning of "MOTHER" "M" is for the million things she gave me,"O" means only that she's growing old,"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,"H" is for her heart of purest gold,"E" is for her eyes ,with the love-light shining,"R" means right,and right she'll always be,Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER",A word that means the world to me.【关于母亲英文诗歌二】When the sun put into a piece of golden wheat at BrushMotherYour birthday party will be at harvest in the Concerto ScheduleThis loess is God's special cake for youWill be with you everywhere candlelight sickleFolded, cut downI told you at the candlelight fall behindVery satisfied with your smileThis is the only permit you to my birthday the way you In fact, what I would like to sayOr even a wordA word orSuch as bending your bow still big grain of sweatSuch as the ejection of blood into the setting sun behind Finally can be put in the breakdown of any high-sounding Sickle announced breakI want to finally have the opportunity to speak out for your phrase has long been suppressed, then theFirst you have to sweatAsleep【关于母亲英文诗歌三】FORMOMSShe was there at the beginningWhen the world was new to you -She was there to turn to happy timesThose when, you were hurt or blue.She was there to listen to your thoughtsAnd when you asked, to give advice -She was there to tell you, "Those don't match!"Or, "Hon, you sure look nice."She was there with you at nighttimeTo help you say your prayers _She was there to tell you, "It's alright."When you had a dream that scares.She was there at morning timeTo get you up and out of bed -She was there when you didn't feel good (or did) To say, "You'd best stay home, instead."She was there when you were hungryAnd when you had those dirty clothes -She was there when you needed her(How she knew? Only heaven knows.)She was there at the beginningAnd she'll be there your whole life through -She'll be there in your mind and heartJust like a mother is supposed to do.。

关于母亲的英文诗歌5篇(有翻译)here’s a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There’s a depth in mysoul never sounded or known;在我心中有那么一隅,任何少女也不能占据。
There’s aplace in my memory my life that you fill; No other can take it no one everwill;在我的记忆里,生活充满着你。
下面就是本店铺给大家带来的英文诗歌,希望能帮助到大家!1Love at First Sight一见钟情Wislawa Szymborska维斯拉瓦•辛波丝卡They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them.他俩都认为一种陡然而起的感情把他们联系。
This certainty is beautiful,这种确定性很美丽,even more beautiful than uncertainty.甚至美得连飘忽不定也无法比。
They thought they didn’t know each other,他们认为他们彼此并不认识,nothing had ever happened between them,他们间也不曾发生任何故事,These streets, these stairs, this corridors,这些街道,这些走廊,这些楼梯,Where they could have met so long ago?很久以前他们会不会相遇在那里?I would like to ask them, if they can remember –我想问他们,是否他们还能记忆——perhaps in a revolving door face to face one day?或许某天,他们碰过面在一扇旋转门里?A “sorry“ in the crowd? “Wrong number“ on the ’phone? 在电话里说过一句“拨错号”? 在人群里说过一声“对不起”? - but I know the answer.——可是那答案我自知:No, they don’t remember.不,他们什么也不会记。

下面是小编收集整理的.关于母爱的英文诗歌,希望对您有所帮助!诗歌一:1, the mother in the wind and rainThe day seems to be on the road of constant wind and rain, Mother is at the headLet some children shelter the rain from the umbrella to the mother,My mother gave it back to meAh, the children under the umbrella,The mother outside the umbrella,Rain is no longer rain,God sent a happy tear to the world诗歌二:2, mother, hard workMan's body can go away,And people don't go away,Just like we don't forget our ancestors,Forget your motherThe mother is the victim of the body,No, she feels coldMother is the salt in the dish,Without her, life has no flavorMother must have her painThe wandering pain,Often hung on her face,And watching the smiles of their children诗歌三:3, great maternal loveA bunch of roses,With all the love for her mother,My mother says I'm stupid,Roses are the flowers of love,NoIt's also a flower for childrenI couldn't hear the joke my mother told me for a long time, True regret,The words that fell asleep before the hearing was heard Mother says, silly boy,Mother's words to her children are never finished,Just sleep in the grave,You are my eternal concern.。

今天是由在这⾥为⼤家分享⼀些赞美歌颂母亲的英语诗歌三篇,希望⼤家喜欢这些英⽂诗歌!【篇⼀】歌颂母亲的英语诗歌 MOTHER “M” is for the million things she gave me, “O” means only that she is growing old, “T” is for the tears she shed to save me, “H” is for her heart of purest gold, “E” is for her eyes,with love-light shining, “R” means right,and right she will always be. Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER”, A word that means the world to me. ---Howard Johnson(c.1915) 译⽂: M代表着母亲给予了我们⼀切, O意味着与此同时她正在衰⽼, T象征着她为了拯救我们流的泪, H表明了她最⽆私最伟⼤的⼼灵, E是她充满着爱万分温柔的眼神, R说明着正确,并且代表着她永恒的真理。
把他们和在⼀起,便是母亲, ⼀个代表着最⽆私最伟⼤的给予了我所有全部的词。
【篇⼆】歌颂母亲的英语诗歌 什么⽀配着世界? What rules the World? --by William Ross Wallace. They say that man is mighty, He governs land and sea; He wields a mighty scepter O’er lesser powers that be; But a mightier power and stronger, Man from his throne has hurled, And the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world. 都说⼈⼒⽆穷 ⽀配着陆地与⼤海 ⾏使着⾄⾼⽆上的王权 统治着弱⼩的⽣灵 然⽽还有更强⼤的⼒量 将⼈从宝座上掀起 是那双轻推着摇篮的⼿ 主宰着整个世界【篇三】歌颂母亲的英语诗歌 When the sun put into a piece of golden wheat at Brush Mother Your birthday party will be at harvest in the Concerto Schedule This loess is God's special cake for you Will be with you everywhere candlelight sickle Folded, cut down I told you at the candlelight fall behind Very satisfied with your smile This is the only permit you to my birthday the way you In fact, what I would like to say Or even a word A word or Such as bending your bow still big grain of sweat Such as the ejection of blood into the setting sun behind Finally can be put in the breakdown of any high-sounding Sickle announced break I want to finally have the opportunity to speak out for your phrase has long been suppressed, then the First you have to sweat Asleep 当太阳把麦穗刷成⼀⽚⾦黄时 母亲 您的⽣⽇宴会⼜将在收割的协奏曲中 如期进⾏ 这⽚黄⼟是上苍为您特制的蛋糕 你⽤镰⼑将遍地的烛光 割倒叠起 我跟在您的⾝后拾捡遗落的烛光 您很满意的笑 这是您允许我为您祝寿的⽅式 其实我很想说些什么 哪怕⼀句话也好 ⼀个字也好 您依旧弯腰如⼸⼤粒的汗珠 弹射成⾝后⼣阳如⾎ 终于在那把可以击穿任何冠冕堂皇的 镰⼑宣布休息时 我想终于有机会为您讲出那句压抑已久的话了 ⽽您却枕着⼀地汗珠 睡着了。
the mother诗歌

the mother诗歌献给母亲的诗:The MotherThe most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word "Mother,"and the most beautiful call is the call of "My mother."It is a word full of hope and love,a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart.The mother is everything,she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness.She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness.He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly.Everything in nature bespeaks the mother.The sun is the mother of earth and gives it its nourishment of heart; it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep to the song of the sea and the hymn of birds and brooks.And this earth is the mother of trees and flowers.It produces them, nurses them, and weans them.The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds.And the mother, the prototype of all existence, is the eternal spirit, full of beauty and love.人的嘴唇所能发出的最甜美的字眼,就是母亲,最美好的呼喊,就是妈妈这个声音。

店铺分享赞美母亲的英语诗歌,希望可以帮助大家!赞美母亲的英语诗歌:Super MomMom, you're a wonderful mother,So gentle, yet so strong.The many ways you show you careAlways make me feel I belong.You're patient when I'm foolish;You give guidance when I ask;It seems you can do most anything;You're the master of every task.You're a dependable source of comfort;You're my cushion when I fall.You help in times of trouble;You support me whenever I call.I love you more than you know;You have my total respect.If I had my choice of mothers,You'd be the one I'd select!赞美母亲的英语诗歌:Mamma you gave life to me妈妈,你赐予我生命Turned a baby into a lady从宝宝蜕变淑女And mamma all you had to offer was a promise of a lifetime of love妈妈,真爱一生是你唯一的承诺Now I know there is no other love like a Mothers如今,我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱Love for her child母亲对小孩的爱I know that love so complete someday must leave我知道,完美的母爱还是有离去的一天Must say goodbye终须一声再见Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear'再见'是我听过最感伤的话Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再见!'这是我最后一次拥抱你Someday you'll say that word and I will cry总有一天,你会说出一声'再见',而我将会哭泣It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye听你说声'再见'我会心伤Mamma you gave love to me妈妈,你赐予我真爱Turned a young one into a woman从年轻少女蜕变成熟女人And Mamma all I ever needed was a guarantee of you loving me妈妈,我只要你保证永远爱我Cause I know there is no other love like a mothers因为我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱Love for her child母亲对小孩的爱And it hurts so that something so strong someday'll be gone 母爱如此浓烈却有散去的一天,真是让人心痛Must say goodbye终须一声再见But the love you give will always live但是,你付出的爱将会生生不息You'll always be there every time I fall我跌倒的时候,你总会扶持着我You take my weakness and you make me strong 我脆弱,你让我坚强And I will always love you till forever comes我会永远爱你,直到永恒And when you need me你需要我的时候I'll be there for you always我会陪伴你I'll be there your whole life through我会陪伴你,伴你一生I'll be there through the lonely days我会陪伴你,走过寂寞岁月I'll be there what I promise you mamma妈妈,我会陪伴你,这是我对你的承诺I'll be your beacon through the darkest night 最黑的夜里,我就是陪你的路灯I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight 不顺遂的旅程中,我就是指引你的双翼I'll be your shelter through the raging storm狂风暴雨发生,我就是陪伴你的庇护And I will love you till forever comes我会永远爱你,直到永恒Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear再见'是我听过最感伤的话Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再见!'这是我最后一次拥抱你Someday you'll say that word and I will cry总有一天,你会说出一声'再见',而我将会哭泣It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye听你说声'再见'我会心伤Till we meet again until then goodbye.我们会再次相见,但终将再见赞美母亲的英语诗歌:What rules the World? 什么支配着世界BY William Ross Wallace. (1819–1881)作者威廉.罗斯.华莱士They say that man is mighty,都说人力无穷,He governs land and sea;支配着陆地与大海,He wields a mighty scepter行使着至高无上的王权,O’er lesser powers that be;统治着弱小的生灵。

小编精心收集了关于母亲的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!关于母亲的英文诗歌篇1Mamma you gave life to me妈妈,你赐予我生命Turned a baby into a lady从宝宝蜕变淑女And mamma all you had to offer was a promise of a lifetime of love妈妈,真爱一生是你唯一的承诺Now I know there is no other love like a Mothers如今,我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱Love for her child母亲对小孩的爱I know that love so complete someday must leave我知道,完美的母爱还是有离去的一天Must say goodbye终须一声再见Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear'再见'是我听过最感伤的话Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再见!'这是我最后一次拥抱你Someday you'll say that word and I will cry总有一天,你会说出一声'再见',而我将会哭泣It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye听你说声'再见'我会心伤Mamma you gave love to me妈妈,你赐予我真爱Turned a young one into a woman从年轻少女蜕变成熟女人And Mamma all I ever needed was a guarantee of you loving me妈妈,我只要你保证永远爱我Cause I know there is no other love like a mothers因为我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱Love for her child母亲对小孩的爱And it hurts so that something so strong someday'll be gone 母爱如此浓烈却有散去的一天,真是让人心痛Must say goodbye终须一声再见But the love you give will always live但是,你付出的爱将会生生不息You'll always be there every time I fall我跌倒的时候,你总会扶持着我You take my weakness and you make me strong我脆弱,你让我坚强And I will always love you till forever comes我会永远爱你,直到永恒And when you need me你需要我的时候I'll be there for you always我会陪伴你I'll be there your whole life through我会陪伴你,伴你一生I'll be there through the lonely days我会陪伴你,走过寂寞岁月I'll be there what I promise you mamma妈妈,我会陪伴你,这是我对你的承诺I'll be your beacon through the darkest night 最黑的夜里,我就是陪你的路灯I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight 不顺遂的旅程中,我就是指引你的双翼I'll be your shelter through the raging storm狂风暴雨发生,我就是陪伴你的庇护And I will love you till forever comes我会永远爱你,直到永恒Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear再见'是我听过最感伤的话Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再见!'这是我最后一次拥抱你Someday you'll say that word and I will cry总有一天,你会说出一声'再见',而我将会哭泣It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye 听你说声'再见'我会心伤Till we meet again until then goodbye.我们会再次相见,但终将再见关于母亲的英文诗歌篇2Super MomMom, you're a wonderful mother,So gentle, yet so strong.The many ways you show you careAlways make me feel I belong.You're patient when I'm foolish;You give guidance when I ask;It seems you can do most anything;You're the master of every task.You're a dependable source of comfort;You're my cushion when I fall.You help in times of trouble;You support me whenever I call.I love you more than you know;You have my total respect.If I had my choice of mothers,You'd be the one I'd select!关于母亲的英文诗歌篇3the hand that rocks the cradle 中英对照:blessing on the hand of women!angels guard its strength and grace,in the palace, cottage, hovel,oh, no matter where the place;would that never storms assailed it,rainbows ever gently curled;for the hand that rocks the cradleis the hand that rules the world.赐福妇女的手!天使护引它的力量和恩爱,在王宫,村舍,茅屋,啊,不论甚么所在,有彩虹温和的悬挂,不受风暴的侵害,因为那推动摇篮的手,那手也掌管着世界。

关于母爱的英文诗歌篇一Mother Machree 慈母颂There ‘s a spot in my heartwhich no colleen may own;There ‘s a depth in my soulnever sounded or known;There ‘s a place in my memorymy life that you fill;No other can take itno one ever will;Every sorrow or carein the dear days gone by;Was made bright by the lightof the smile in your eye;Like a candle that ‘s setin a window at night;Your fond love has cheered meand guided me right;Sure I love the dear silverthat shines in your hair;A nd the brow that ‘s all furrowedand wrinkled with care;I kiss the dear fingersso toil warm for me;Oh! God bless you andkeep you, mother machree!在我的心灵之中有个地方,深不可测其境从未与闻哪个少女也难问津;在我的记忆之中我的生命充满你的身影谁也不能取代永远无人有此真情;珍贵时光悠悠逝去辛劳烦扰却永不消停你眼中的微笑,其光彩使烦劳转为光明;宛如点燃的烛光深夜透窗棂你深情的爱激励我引领我一直前进;是的,我爱你如银的发丝闪烁着深情的光芒我爱你额上道道皱纹岁月刻满沧桑我吻你勤劳的手指双手柔情温暖我心房;啊,慈母在我心苍天保佑,福寿永绵长!关于母爱的英文诗歌篇二There is no love, like a mother ‘s love,no stronger bond on earth...like the precious bond that comes from God,to a mother, when she gives birth.A mother ‘s love is forever strong,never changing for all time...and when her children need her most,a mother ‘s love will shine.God bless these special mothers,God bless them every one...for all the tears and heartache,and for the special work they ‘ve done.When her days on earth are over,a mother ‘s love lives on...through many generations,with God ‘s blessings on each one.Be thankful for our mothers,for they love with a higher love...from the power God has given,and the strength from up above.关于母爱的英文诗歌篇三I Love You, Mom... and I Want You to Know WhyI Feel So Proud to Be Your DaughterYou are a remarkable womanwho accomplishes so much as astrong womanin a man ‘s worldYou are strong but softYou are strong but caringYou are strong but compassionateYou are a remarkable womanwho accomplishes so much as agiving womanin a selfish worldYou give to your friendsYou give to your familyYou give to everyoneYou are a remarkable womanwho is also a remarkable motherAnd you are loved by so many peoplewhose lives you have touched -especially me【中文大意】我爱你 , 妈妈 ,并且想让您知道我为什么以做您的女儿而自豪!您是一位不平凡的女人:作为一个坚强的女人 ,在男性世界里取得了许多成绩 .您坚强但是温柔 ,您坚强但是慈爱 ,您坚强但是富有同情心;您是一位不平凡的女人:在这样一个自私的世界里 ,您却给予别人许多 .您帮助您的朋友 , 家人 , 每一个人;您是一位不平凡的女人 ,也是一个不平凡的母亲 .您被许多人(特别是我 ) 热爱着 ,您影响了他们的生活 .。

母亲的英文诗歌 1Dear Mom,Once I was your little girl,And how you cared for me.You gave me love and tenderness,and taught me who to be.亲爱的妈妈当我还是个小女孩您是那么关心我给予我爱和关怀教我成人You watched me grow and learnAnd caught me when I fell.Encouraged me to do my bestProud, even when I didn’t do well.您关注着我的成长与学习当我跌倒时扶着我鼓励我做得更好即使做得不好也为我自豪And now that I’m a womanYou still are there for me.Supporting me in all I doYet allowing me to be free.现在我也作了妈妈您仍然伴在我身旁支持我所做的一切让我自由飞翔The love I have for you,No words could ever say.You’ve made me everything I amAnd I am thankful every day.我对您的爱无法用言语表达您给了我所拥有的`一切每天我都心怀感激母亲的英文诗歌 2She was there at the beginningWhen the world was new to you -She was there to turn to happy timesThose when, you were hurt or blue.She was there to listen to your thoughtsAnd when you asked, to give advice -She was there to tell you, "Those don't match!"Or, "Hon, you sure look nice."She was there with you at nighttimeTo help you say your prayers _She was there to tell you, "It's alright."When you had a dream that scares.She was there at morning timeTo get you up and out of bed -She was there when you didn't feel good (or did) To say, "You'd best stay home, instead."She was there when you were hungryAnd when you had those dirty clothes -She was there when you needed her(How she knew? Only heaven knows.)She was there at the beginningAnd she'll be there your whole life through -She'll be there in your mind and heartJust like a mother is supposed to do.母亲的英文诗歌 3“M”is for the million things she gave me,“M”代表她奉献给我们无数的东西“O”means only that she`s growing old,“O”仅代表她在慢慢老去“T”is for the tears she shed to save me,“T”代表她为我流下的眼泪“H”is for her heart of Purest gold,“H”代表她的心可比为纯洁的金子“E”is for her eyes,with love-light shining,“E”代表她的眼睛散发着爱的光芒R”means right ,and right she`ll always be,“R”代表正义总在站在她那边Put them all together ,they sPell将他们连起来,他们就是“MOTHER”,母亲A word that mean the world to me.这个词包含她带给我们的世界母亲的英文诗歌 4ou are a remarkable womanwho accomplishes so much as astrong womanin a man's worldYou are strong but softYou are strong but caringYou are strong but compassionateYou are a remarkable womanwho accomplishes so much as agiving womanin a selfish worldYou give to your friendsYou give to your familyYou give to everyoneYou are a remarkable womanwho is also a remarkable moTHErAnd you are loved by so many peoplewhose lives you have touched -especially me母亲的英文诗歌 5When the sun put into a piece of golden wheat at Brush MotherYour birthday party will be at harvest in the ConcertoScheduleThis loess is God's special cake for youWill be with you everywhere candlelight sickleFolded, cut downI told you at the candlelight fall behindVery satisfied with your smileThis is the only permit you to my birthday the way youIn fact, what I would like to sayOr even a wordA word orSuch as bending your bow still big grain of sweatSuch as the ejection of blood into the setting sun behindFinally can be put in the breakdown of any high-sounding Sickle announced breakI want to finally have the opportunity to speak out for your phrase has long been suppressed, then theFirst you have to sweatAsleep母亲的英文诗歌 6If I could give you diamonds,for each tear you cried for me If I could give you sapphires, for each truth you’ve helped me seeIf I could give you rubies, for the heartache that you’ve knownIf I could give you pearls,for the wisdom that you’ve shown Then you’ll have a treasure, motherthat would mount up to the skiesThat would almost match the sparkle in your kind and loving eyesBut I have no pearls, no diamondsas I’m sure you’re well awareSo I’ll give you gifts more precious,my devotion, love and care。

母爱英文诗歌1How did you find the energy, MomTo do all the things you did,To be teacher, nurse and counselorTo me, when I was a kid.How did you do it all, Mom,Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,Yet find time to be a playmate,I just can't comprehend.I see now it was love, MomThat made you come whenever I'd call,Your inexhaustible love, MomAnd I thank you for it all.妈妈,你的能量源于何处?可以完成所有的事,当一个老师,护士,和顾问。
母爱英文诗歌2Before Two Portraits of My MotherI love the beautiful young girl of thisportrait, my mother, painted years agowhen her forehead was white, and there was noshadow in the dazzling Venetian glassof her gaze. But this other likeness showsthe deep trenches across her forehead’s whi temarble. The rose poem of her youth thather marriage sang is far behind. Here ismy sadness: I compare these portraits, oneof a joy-radiant brow, the other care-heavy: sunrise—and the thick coming onof night. And yet how strange my ways appear,for when I look at these faded lips my heartsmiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start.—Emile Nelligan (1879-1941)两幅母亲肖像前我深爱这名美丽少女的画像,她是我的母亲,绘制于多年前当时她的前额白皙无瑕如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影在她双眸中。

母爱的英文诗歌有关母爱的英文诗歌引导语:我们平常总能听到赞扬母爱的诗歌,那你们读过关于母爱的英文诗歌吗?以下是小编整理的'关于母爱英文诗歌,请大家欣赏!有关母爱的英文诗歌1The wind and rain are mercilessEroded her faceLong years of hard workShe's never tiredIn the whet of timeShe has frost on her templesMotherSimple wordsBut the most beautiful cry in the worldWhat a simple voiceBut it means a lotOne line, one worda single needle or a piece of threadA soup and a mealHow much touching and warm it containsMaternal loveIt's a passionate poemMeaningful and gracefulMaternal loveIt's a wind chimeLong and melodiousMaternal loveIt's a mountain springThrough ups and downs, still clear and bright有关母爱的英文诗歌2Mother's love is as natural as sunshine, air and water, feeling every dayI forgot the existence of maternal love. I felt extremely precious when I was about to lose itMaternal love is a little bit of care, is a little bit of subtle, everywhereEveryone's growth process, on the accumulation of maternal love, from small to large, every minuteMy mother's milk raised me. That moment may be the sweetest love in the worldHappy childhood is spent under the bedding of maternal love, carefreeWhat a difficult family, mothers are the most warm power to support children's growthThe power of maternal love is invincible and omnipotent, removing all obstacles on the way of children's growth The child's soul is perfected under the nourishment of maternal love, integrates into the social torrent, and becomes a citizenNo matter how old you are, the dependence of maternal love will always exist. Maternal love is like spring waterNo one can take the place of that sweet, which will never be forgotten and treasured in the bottom of my heart有关母爱的英文诗歌3How sweet is a child's mother's loveBut the youth refused the mother's loveThis mother love, because it becomes bitterLet the children have endless rebellionsThey're going to try to break the shacklesMother's love is like breaking away from thatFlexible umbilical cord, freeStand up to the skyThrough the cloudsLooking out of the skyFinally one dayWhen they look down at their motherHow humble and small mother isIt's like a hard-working old cow raising a huge dinosaurThey can't imagine the pleasure of being coquettish in this humble bosomAll of a sudden too much sorrow and pityBut this humble mother's small bodyBut a heart wider than the skyShe used her white handsCaress the sadness of children's heartsIt makes us understandHow futile is the attempt to break free from maternal love We have to admit the truth, goodness and beauty of maternal loveIn order to comfort and repay the mother's heartUntil mother closes her eyesLeave us endless sweet memoriesThat little smileIt's going to turn into goldNon exchangeable goldIn our hearts。

小编精心收集了关于母亲英文诗歌带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!关于母亲英文诗歌带翻译篇1I Love You, Mom... and I Want You to Know WhyI Feel So Proud to Be Your DaughterYou are a remarkable womanwho accomplishes so much as astrong womanin a man's worldYou are strong but softYou are strong but caringYou are strong but compassionateYou are a remarkable womanwho accomplishes so much as agiving womanin a selfish worldYou give to your friendsYou give to your familyYou give to everyoneYou are a remarkable womanwho is also a remarkable motherAnd you are loved by so many peoplewhose lives you have touched -especially me【中文大意】我爱你 , 妈妈 ,并且想让您知道我为什么以做您的女儿而自豪!您是一位不平凡的女人:作为一个坚强的女人 ,在男性世界里取得了许多成绩 .您坚强但是温柔 ,您坚强但是慈爱 ,您坚强但是富有同情心;您是一位不平凡的女人:在这样一个自私的世界里 , 您却给予别人许多 .您帮助您的朋友 , 家人 , 每一个人;您是一位不平凡的女人 ,也是一个不平凡的母亲 .您被许多人(特别是我 ) 热爱着 ,您影响了他们的生活 .关于母亲英文诗歌带翻译篇2What rules the World?什么支配着世界?They say that man is mighty,都说人力无穷He governs land and sea;支配着陆地与大海He wields a mighty scepter行使着至高无上的王权O’er lesser powers that be;统治着弱小的生灵But a mightier power and stronger,然而还有更强大的力量Man from his throne has hurled,将人从宝座上掀起And the hand that rocks the cradle是那双轻推着摇篮的手Is the hand that rules the world主宰着整个世界--BY William Ross Wallace. (1819–1881)关于母亲英文诗歌带翻译篇3Before Two Portraits of My Mother两幅母亲肖像前I love the beautiful young girl of thisportrait, my mother, painted years agowhen her forehead was white, and there was noshadow in the dazzling Venetian glassof her gaze. But this other likeness showsthe deep trenches across her forehead’s whitemarble. The rose poem of her youth thather marriage sang is far behind. Here ismy sadness: I compare these portraits, oneof a joy-radiant brow, the other care-heavy: sunrise—and the thick coming onof night. And yet how strange my ways appear,for when I look at these faded lips my heartsmiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start.—Emile Nelligan (1879-1941)我深爱这名美丽少女的画像,她是我的母亲,绘制于多年前当时她的前额白皙无瑕如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影在她双眸中。
赞美母亲的英文诗歌 写给母亲的英文诗欣赏

小编整理了写给母亲的英文诗,欢迎阅读!写给母亲的英文诗篇一Mother’s LoveThere is no love, like a mother’s love,no stronger bond on earth...like the precious bond that comes from God,to a mother, when she gives birth.A mother’s love is forever strong,never changing for all time...and when her children need her most,a mother’s love will shine.God bless these special mothers,God bless them every one...for all the tears and heartache,and for the special work they’ve done.When her days on earth are over,a mother’s love lives on...through many generations,with God’s blessings on each one.Be thankful for our mothers,for they love with a higher love...from the power God has given,and the strength from up above.----by Jill Lemming写给母亲的英文诗篇二Mother MachreeThere’s a spot in my heart which no colleen may own;There’s a depth in my soul never sounded or known;There’s a place in my memory my life that you fill;No other can take it no one ever will;Every sorrow or care in the dear days gone by;Was made bright by the light of the smile in your eye;Like a candle that’s set in a window at night;Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right;Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair;And the brow that’s all furrowed and wrinkled with care;I kiss the dear fingers so toil warm for me;Oh! God bless you and keep you, mother machree!写给母亲的英文诗篇三Before Two Portraits of My Mother两幅母亲肖像前I love the beautiful young girl of thisportrait, my mother, painted years agowhen her forehead was white, and there was noshadow in the dazzling Venetian glassof her gaze. But this other likeness showsthe deep trenches across her forehead’s whitemarble. The rose poem of her youth thather marriage sang is far behind. Here ismy sadness: I compare these portraits, oneof a joy-radiant brow, the other care-heavy: sunrise—and the thick coming onof night. And yet how strange my ways appear,for when I look at these faded lips my heartsmiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start.—Emile Nelligan我深爱这名美丽少女的画像,她是我的母亲,绘制于多年前当时她的前额白皙无瑕如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影在她双眸中。

英文诗歌母爱一假如能If I could give you diamonds,for each tear you cried for me If I could give you sapphires, for each truth you’ve helped me seeIf I could give you rubies, for the heartache that you’ve knownIf I could give you pearls,for the wisdom that you’ve shown Then you’ll have a treasure, motherthat would mount up to the skiesThat would almost match the sparkle in your kind and loving eyesBut I have no pearls, no diamondsas I’m sure you’re well awareSo I’ll give you gifts more precious,my devotion, love and care[ 中文大意 ]假如能把你为我流啲每滴眼泪化成钻石赠于你把每个透过你让我看清啲真理变为蓝宝石赠于你把你对我啲操心换作红宝石赠于你把你显露啲睿智结成珍珠赠于你那么你将拥有直追浩瀚宇宙啲财富几乎与你眼中闪烁啲慈爱和关爱相近但是您知道我没有珍珠和钻石所以我将献上我更宝贵啲礼物对您无比投入啲热爱及关怀英文诗歌母爱二Mum.I wish for the hugs I'll never get,I wish for the memories with no regrets.I wish for the advice I will never hear,I wish for your strength in time of fear.I wish for you all the time,I wish for tissues when I cry.I wish for all this and more,I wish for your courage whenever I fall.I wish for you whom I know best,I wish for you I don't forget英文诗歌母爱三Mother's LoveThere is no love, like a mother's love, no stronger bond on earth...like the precious bond that comes from God,to a mother, when she gives birth.A mother's love is forever strong,never changing for all time...and when her children need her most,a mother's love will shine.God bless these special mothers,God bless them every one...for all the tears and heartache,and for the special work they've done.When her days on earth are over,a mother's love lives on...through many generations,with God's blessings on each one.Be thankful for our mothers,for they love with a higher love...from the power God has given,and the strength from up above.----by Jill Lemming英文诗歌母爱四Mamma you gave life to me妈妈,你赐予我生命Turned a baby into a lady从宝宝蜕变淑女And mamma all you had to offer was a promise of a lifetime of love妈妈,真爱一生是你唯一的承诺Now I know there is no other love like a Mothers如今,我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱Love for her child母亲对小孩的爱I know that love so complete someday must leave我知道,完美的母爱还是有离去的一天Must say goodbye终须一声再见Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear'再见'是我听过最感伤的话Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再见!'这是我最后一次拥抱你Someday you'll say that word and I will cry总有一天,你会说出一声'再见',而我将会哭泣It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye听你说声'再见'我会心伤Mamma you gave love to me妈妈,你赐予我真爱Turned a young one into a woman从年轻少女蜕变成熟女人And Mamma all I ever needed was a guarantee of you loving me妈妈,我只要你保证永远爱我Cause I know there is no other love like a mothers因为我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱Love for her child母亲对小孩的爱And it hurts so that something so strong someday'll be gone 母爱如此浓烈却有散去的一天,真是让人心痛Must say goodbye终须一声再见But the love you give will always live但是,你付出的爱将会生生不息You'll always be there every time I fall我跌倒的时候,你总会扶持着我You take my weakness and you make me strong我脆弱,你让我坚强And I will always love you till forever comes我会永远爱你,直到永恒And when you need me你需要我的'时候I'll be there for you always我会陪伴你I'll be there your whole life through我会陪伴你,伴你一生I'll be there through the lonely days我会陪伴你,走过寂寞岁月I'll be there what I promise you mamma妈妈,我会陪伴你,这是我对你的承诺I'll be your beacon through the darkest night 最黑的夜里,我就是陪你的路灯I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight 不顺遂的旅程中,我就是指引你的双翼I'll be your shelter through the raging storm 狂风暴雨发生,我就是陪伴你的庇护And I will love you till forever comes我会永远爱你,直到永恒Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear再见'是我听过最感伤的话Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near '再见!'这是我最后一次拥抱你Someday you'll say that word and I will cry 总有一天,你会说出一声'再见',而我将会哭泣It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye 听你说声'再见'我会心伤Till we meet again until then goodbye.我们会再次相见,但终将再见。

Mother's love is like a magic pocket,
Always able to pull out all kinds of surprises. When I was young, her embrace was the warmest sea, And I was free in it.
Her nagging is like an endless song.
It seemed wordy back then, but now I miss it a great deal.
She can turn ordinary ingredients into a table full of delicious dishes. That taste is the unique sign of home.
Mother's love is never weary,
Full of expectation regardless of wind or rain.
The years have carved wrinkles on her face,
But her love is always so surging.。

有关母爱的英文诗歌有关母爱的'英文诗歌1The wind and rain are mercilessEroded her faceLong years of hard workShe's never tiredIn the whet of timeShe has frost on her templesMotherSimple wordsBut the most beautiful cry in the world What a simple voiceBut it means a lotOne line, one worda single needle or a piece of threadA soup and a mealHow much touching and warm it containsMaternal loveIt's a passionate poemMeaningful and gracefulMaternal loveIt's a wind chimeLong and melodiousMaternal loveIt's a mountain springThrough ups and downs, still clear and bright有关母爱的英文诗歌2Mother's love is as natural as sunshine, air and water, feelingevery dayI forgot the existence of maternal love. I felt extremely precious when I was about to lose itMaternal love is a little bit of care, is a little bit of subtle, everywhereEveryone's growth process, on the accumulation of maternal love,from small to large, every minuteMy mother's milk raised me. That moment may be the sweetest love in the worldHappy childhood is spent under the bedding of maternal love,carefreeWhat a difficult family, mothers are the most warm power to support children's growthThe power of maternal love is invincible and omnipotent, removingall obstacles on the way of children's growthThe child's soul is perfected under the nourishment of maternal love, integrates into the social torrent, and becomes a citizenNo matter how old you are, the dependence of maternal love will always exist. Maternal love is like spring waterNo one can take the place of that sweet, which will never beforgotten and treasured in the bottom of my heart有关母爱的英文诗歌3How sweet is a child's mother's loveBut the youth refused the mother's loveThis mother love, because it becomes bitterLet the children have endless rebellionsThey're going to try to break the shacklesMother's love is like breaking away from thatFlexible umbilical cord, freeStand up to the skyThrough the cloudsLooking out of the skyFinally one dayWhen they look down at their motherHow humble and small mother isIt's like a hard-working old cow raising a huge dinosaurThey can't imagine the pleasure of being coquettish in this humble bosomAll of a sudden too much sorrow and pityBut this humble mother's small bodyBut a heart wider than the skyShe used her white handsCaress the sadness of children's heartsIt makes us understandHow futile is the attempt to break free from maternal loveWe have to admit the truth, goodness and beauty of maternal loveIn order to comfort and repay the mother's heart Until mother closes her eyesLeave us endless sweet memoriesThat little smileIt's going to turn into goldNon exchangeable goldIn our hearts。

下⾯⽆忧考就给⼤家分享下母亲节的英语现代诗歌,欢迎阅读! 母亲节英语诗歌【1】 M is for the things she gave me. O means she grows old. T is for the tears H is her heart. E is for eyes. R means right and right always be. Mother's love is like a circle . It has no beginning and no ending. Mother,What a nice word, what a great name? I love you so much. 母亲节英语诗歌【2】 Mom!Should you be the water, I would be a fish Swimming and swimming Around you Mom!Should you be wind I would be feather Flying and flying Abreast you Mom!Should you be the blue sky I would be a white cloud. Moving and moving Amid you Oh, mom That's you and me! 母亲节英语诗歌【3】 I Love You, Mom ... and I Want You to Know Why I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter You are a remarkable woman who accomplishes so much as a strong woman in a man's world You are strong but soft You are strong but caring You are strong but compassionate You are a remarkable woman who accomplishes so much as a giving woman in a selfish world You give to your friends You give to your family You give to everyone You are a remarkable woman who is also a remarkable moTHEr And you are loved by so many people whose lives you have touched - especially me。
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[描写人的英文诗歌阅读] 描写母爱的
somethingyougottoknow. 亲爱的白种人,
有几件事你必须知道whenIwasborn,Iwasblack. 当我出生时,我是黑色的whenIgrowup,Iamblack. 当我长大了,我是黑色的
当我在阳光下,我是黑色的whenI'mcold,I'mblack. 当我寒冷时,我是黑色的whenI'mafraid,I'mblack. 当我害怕时,我是黑色的whenI'msick,I'mblack.
当我生病了,我是黑色的whenIdie,I'mstillblack. 当我死了,我还是黑色的you——whitepeople,你——白种人whenyouwereborn,youwerepink.
you'regreenwhenyou'resick. 你生病时,你是绿色的
而你,却叫我“有色人种” !
howshouldwelikeitwerestarstoburn, 倘若群星燃烧着关怀我们的激情,
withapassionforuswecouldnotreturn? 我们却无法回报,我们作何感想? Ifequalaffectioncannotbe,
倘若所有的星星消失或者消亡,Ishouldlearntolookatanemptysky, 我应该学会仰望空荡的天空,Andfeelitstotaldarksublime,
同时感受天空一片漆黑的崇高,Thoughthismighttakemealittletime. 虽然这样可能要花费一点时间。
描写人的英文诗歌:Thesnowman(雪人) onemusthaveamindofwinter
Thesprucesroughinthedistantglitter 必经九寒,以视冰柏。
ofthejanuarysun;andnottothink ofanymiseryinthesoundofthewind, Inthesoundofafewleaves,
whichisthesoundoftheland Fullofthesamewind Thatisblowinginthesamebareplace
Forthelistener,wholistensinthesnow, And,nothinghimself,beholds
Nothingthatisnotthereandthenothingthatis. 斯为天籁,绪风充荡。