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XXX shipbuilding。
with a single large container vessel consisting of approximately 1.5 n atomic components in a n hierarchy。
this n is considered a XXX involves a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM.
Ship XXX process。
as well as the final product's performance and safety。
nal design XXX-consuming and often fail to consider all the complex factors XXX。
there is a need for a more XXX designers.
3 The Role of HPCN in Ship Design n
or high-performance computing and orking。
has the potential to XXX utilizing the massive parallel processing power of HPCN。
designers XXX changes。
cing the time and cost of the
design process。
HPCN can handle the complex XXX。
4 XXX XXX of the HPCN n Support Tool
The XXX ship designers is implemented as a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM。
This XXX。
XXX to find the best design ns。
taking into account us performance and safety XXX。
the XXX.
There are many similarities een the n of complex products like ships。
and cars。
and the XXX a n plan to ensure that all components come together at the right time and place。
a parallel computer n should ensure that the appropriate data is available on the XXX.
It is XXX issues with indeterminacy on multi-processor hardware。
This has led researchers in XXX paradigms。
XXX Factories。
XXX of those found in the field of Multi-Agent Systems。
Note: No paragraphs XXX。
XXX large。
such as container ships。
XXX 1,100 employees。
and is XXX up to four ships per year.
3 The Ship Design Process
The ship design process is a complex and XXX disciplines。
XXX engineering,structural engineering。
XXX the development of the ship's basic design。
which defines its overall ns。
shapeand general arrangement。
This is followed by the detailed design phase。
which XXX for each individual component andsystem。
The final stage of the design process is the n phase。
which XXX.
4 Manufacturing Issues in Ship Design
Manufacturing issues play a critical role in ship design。
as they can have a significantimpact on the overall cost。
quality and performance of the ship。
For example。
the XXX。
as well as its XXX。
the layout andarrangement of the ship's components and systems XXX.
5 Parallel n of Ship Design
To address these manufacturing issues。
we have XXX。
The n is based on the een shipbuilding and parallel computing。
XXX is used to search for the optimal design parameters。
such as the choiceof materials。
manufacturing processes and component layout。
that minimize the overall costand maximize the performance of the ship。
The n has been tested on a XXX designs。
and has XXX.
XXX's (supertankers) and very large containerships。
yard has a remarkable record of being the first in the world to build a double-XXX。
they are constructing 15 of XXX ever built for the Maersk line。
These massive vessels are approximately 340 meters long and can carry around 7000 containers at a top speed of 28 knots。
The ships require a crew of only 12 members.
XXX XXX manufacturing modules。
which are then XXX to
a specific task such as cutting。
and surface treatment。
At any given time。
up to three identical ships are being built。
and a new ship is XXX 100 days.
there are approximately 40 robots XXX。
the yard places a strong emphasis on research and development。
with around 10 industrial Ph.D。
students XXX.
In the future。
XXX in our daily lives。
For instance。
is expected to e the primary medium for XXX format.
Direct digital contact with XXX in the design process。
giving them influence over the final product。
This XXX。
especially with the XXX systems。
like AMROSE。
use digital CAD models to create task-performing。
XXX from the virtual world using simple sensor systems due to the high n required in XXX moving in an artificial force field designed to attract the tool center to the goal and repel it from obstacles。
Most industrial products。
such as windmill housing components。
are designed using us CAD systems。
Figure 1 displays a CAD model for the housing of a windmill。
created using XXX。
which includes both the work-piece and task-curve geometries.
XXX by Henry Ford about 100 years ago。
today'XXX structure of a typical n line。
which follows a serial computer program。
is no longer the norm。
This is because such a structure is not XXX-XXX.
In fact。
XXX do not XXX into account。
To handle unpredictability。
Manufacturers are also realizing that the top-down serial approach results in the n of human workers。
For example。
some car manufacturers have experimented with having teams of human workers XXX ns on a n line。
This model better XXX.
A XXX is essential in the modern XXX manufacturers optimize the design of their ships and ce costs。
The tool can also help manufacturers XXX before the ship is built.
XXX us sources。
such as CAD models。
and test data。
The tool can also take into account us factors。
such as material properties。
manufacturing processes。
and environmental ns.
XXX their ship design and ce costs。
The tool can help manufacturers XXX before the ship is built。
By using the tool。
manufacturers XXX.
Large ships。
along with aircraft。
are some of the most complex things ever built。
A container ship consists of about 1.5 n atomic components that are XXX。
any support tool for the manufacturing process can be expected to be a large high-XXX (HPCN) n.
When designing ships。
as well as issues such as economy。
and even ning。
Once a nal design is established。
the overall design is XXX process then begins with the individual basic building blocks。
such as XXX and finally put together in the dock to form the finished ship.
XXX after the design stage。
This includes ns such as whether the intermediate structures can be built using available n facilities。
the impact on material usage。
and the efficiency of n ling [7]。
2 illustrates how design ns made during n can result in future costs。
some of which may not be known at the time。
provide better estimates of these costs early in the process。
a XXX necessary。
In the following n。
we will discuss the design and XXX as a parallel n。
modeling the primary actors in the process as agents.
2.XXX economic resources for the future。
which is only partially known at the time of design.
6.Multi-Agent Systems
XXX of a are agent。
which is an XXX of an object in the context of Object n。
may be XXX has its own beliefs。
and ns and XXX.
A multi-agent system is a group of XXX。
A good example of this is learning to drive a car in traffic。
where each driver is an XXX in the real world。
such as the n of XXX ns。
refer to [4].
One interesting property of multi-agent systems is the way in which the global r of the system emerges from the individual XXX.
The system consists of several agents。
each with a specific role in the manufacturing process。
For example。
the assembly ork generator agent has knowledge about shipbuilding n methods and can plan XXX。
XXX using the n resources available.
To improve the efficiency of the system。
a parallel XXX is used。
This means that XXX。
rather than waiting for one agent to finish its task before the next one can begin。
By doing this。
the manufacturing process XXX.
One challenge of implementing a parallel system is ensuring that the agents do not interfere with each other。
To address this。
the system uses a message-passing XXX messages。
which ensures that they do not access the same data at the same time.
XXX es more complex。
the system must be able to handle the increased workload。
To address this。
the system is XXX can
be added as needed。
and existing agents can be modified without affecting the rest of the system.
In n。
the manufacturing system described here consists of multiple agents with specific roles。
and is XXX system uses a message-XXX do not interfere with each other。
and is XXX.
XXX system。
to build an XXX designers。
The n is an HPCN because of the scale of shipbuilding – a large container ship involves the assembly of around 1.5 n atomic components in the n process。
The role of the XXX。
This n can be described as a distributed multi-agent system running on PVM.
Manufacturing complex products。
such as ships。
for example。
must ensure that all components are assembled at the appropriate time and place according to the n plan。
computer ns must ensure that appropriate data can run on the appropriate processor。
It is not surprising。
that XXX has led some researchers to XXX paradigms。
n tasks are like operating on data。
At the same time。
complex products are XXX facilities。
so component classes must be banished to them。
This is similar to data XXX。
The rest of this paper attempts to use this theory to build a parallel n that XXX.
XXX recognized as one of the most modern and XXX ultra-large oil tankers (VLCCs) and ultra-large container ships。
The company's factory area is the world's first to build a double-hull VLCC。
and it is currently building 15 ships for Maersk Line。
The ship design can break down manufacturing modules into assembly and processing。
which are put into n in many workshops。
such as cutting。
and surface treatment。
At any time。
three identical ships are under n。
with a new ship being built every 100 days。
The company can XXX。
there are 40 machines XXX in the company。
There are about ten
industrial doctoral students in the research tasks of the company。
who come from different XXX.