



HP校招网申试题网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed?Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?网申试题1、你的兴趣爱好是什么?网申试题2、你大学时代的自己最自豪的一件事情是什么?为什么?网申试题3、在大学时代中,受过的挫折?你怎么从这个挫折中恢复过来的?网申试题4、你觉得你现在面临的最大的挑战是什么?网申试题5、你的职业计划是什么?网申试题6、Tell me how you balance your time between study and projects?网申试题7、What is the most important project that you have developed? Why you take it as most important?。



联合利华校招网申试题Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Ma nagement trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” throug h the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would applyfor Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?。



欧莱雅校招网申试题网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of thefunction you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a goodcandidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.。



欧莱雅面试-欧莱雅面试[ 欧莱雅·校招面试全攻略] 欧莱雅面试经验,你值得拥有!目录一、欧莱雅2016校园招聘公告①关于欧莱雅②招聘岗位二、校园招聘FAQ三、欧莱雅面试经验校招攻略全集一、欧莱雅2016校园招聘公告①关于欧莱雅公司简介欧莱雅集团创立于1909年,总部设在法国巴黎,经历一个世纪的努力,如今欧莱雅已经成长为《财富》全球500 强之一和《财富》“全球50 家最受赞赏公司”之一,也是世界上最大的化妆品公司。

2016 年,欧莱雅集团的销售额达203 亿欧元。



作为全球化妆品行业的领袖,欧莱雅集团的业务活动遍及全球130 多个国家和地区,在世界各地拥有75,500多名员工。

②招聘岗位欧莱雅集团2016招聘财务部实习生工作地区:上海职位描述:欧莱雅集团财务部实习生Job Description:reports for system uploading and business partner review meetingMonthly HC/ Opex reports for Sales Logistic team, Property team and IT team Monthly reporting for Operation review meetingtrackinghoc reporting per business needsin budget preparation要求:1.上海重点院校学生,能保证每周稳定的工作时间,可加班2.财务相关专业,有四大或大型外企财务相关的实习经历。


4.熟练掌握excel and Powerpoint欧莱雅(中国)研发中心2016招聘工作地区:上海职位描述:Position: Skincare Pre-launch InternDept:Skincare labWorking days:2-3 days / week for 6 months, the longer the betterLocation:Jinqiao, Pudong New AreaResponsibilities:method evaluation: help to set up the in-vitro evaluation platform for anti-pigmentory control pre-launch activityoptical related test: glossmeter/haze/opacitywill be the one who handle the daily measurement operationRequirements:to read and write professional documents in Englishdegree: Physic s or Chemistrybe very careful, conscientious and diligent欧莱雅(中国)研发中心2016招聘-感官评估实习生工作地区:上海职位描述:Position:Sensory Evaluation InternWorking days:Available to come 3+ days per week (better Mon,Wed,Fri) for at least 6 monthsDept:Product Performance EvaluationResponsibility:help maintain cleanser expert panel routine testing by doing:- Test samples preparation- Monitoring of testing (monitor expert panel test in sensory booth)- Working with panel leader to clear up raw data and register on global database Requirements:/Master student major in science (better with statistical background)communication skillsspeakingon details欧莱雅亚太区——视觉陈列部门实习生有效日期:2016年08月31日- 2016年09月30日工作地点:上海招聘部门:欧莱雅,柜台陈列与设计Internship Responsibilities/Job Description:1. Someone who pays attention to details2. Good communication skills3. Good design sense and curiosity with Makeup4. Design the communication strategy of international brand and in-store environmentObjective/Expectations:Such as:1. Be responsible2. Good at communication3. Good logical thinking4. Be creative5. Strong detail sense6. Fluent English欧莱雅集团——植村秀品牌Trade Marketing实习有效日期:2016年08月31日- 2016年09月30日工作地点:上海招聘部门:欧莱雅,市场部职位描述:1.套装、促销活动销售相关数据收集与分析,报表的整理及维护;2.促销赠品及物料分发下单及跟踪分析;4.商场选题配合及基础沟通;5.参与及协助部门完成其他日常工作。

案例探讨:欧莱雅 校园招聘这场“大游戏”

案例探讨:欧莱雅 校园招聘这场“大游戏”











在此期间,选手们需要根据公司和市场的变化,每周就品牌战略、市场营销和企业的社会责任等进行战略决策,他们的表现将通过基于市场份额、营业额、研发质量和客户满意度等内容而形成的股票价格指数(SPI=share price index)进行考量。









(1000字以内)Please introduce to us the academic field that you like most and are best at. Please include your past experience and future plan in this area.我最擅长的专业领域(academic field)是中国思想文化史研究。








































联合利华1.Please share with us if you have a plan for your life journey, andwhat impact you want to have on others?(150-200 words)a.做自己喜欢的事情:喜欢的品牌。




成为一个好典范a.I’d like to be after what I like, ranging from little stuffs such asa toy, to a bigger objective like a job. That’s why I quitted my joband went abroad for studies and experience different culture. Iwon’t impose my notions on everyone but demonstrate my decisionsinstead.b.Love of nature cultivates my sense of responsibility forenvironmental protection. I insist on saving water and paper andpersuade my friends and family to do so.c.Filial piety is given the priority over my life journey. Apart fromthe traditional Chinese culture, I’d appreciate for their effort to make me be a man. I’ve learned a lot from them. Therefore, I’d like to make friends with them and take care of them. It’s the love forhuman being. I will set a good example for the next generation. Ifthey couldn’t feel the love from their parent, how can theycontribute to the society?Therefore, you can see my narcissism, love of nature and human being and understand why I do so. I will commit myself to transmitting love through my life journey.2.Why do you apply for Unilever Management Trainee Program and why doyou think you are suitable for the function applied? (150-200 words)喜欢快消类,和切身生活有关;可持续开展企业社会责任感很认同;英国这一年让我了解中西方的差异〔防晒:中国喜欢美白;欧美喜欢健康肤色〕善于观察,学习,创新,在移动类营销以及社会化媒体营销方面比拟有心得I’ve got two reasons for why I choose Unilever: the first is I do love FMCG industry because the range of products is related with our daily life; and second one is I totally identify with the long-standing commitment to sustainability and responsible business practice in Unilever.After one year’s study in the U.K., I truly see the cultural difference between the Western world and China. For example, the girls in the U.K. are enjoying sunbathe so as to have healthy skin whilst most of Chinese girls prefer to use whitening products. I accumulate a lot of consumer insights through my observation, which may bridge the gap between MNCs and Chinese consumers.I’m interested in mobile marketing and social media marketing, which has been paid more attention for the marketers. I think the mobile platformwill be next battleground and I believe I’m ready to fight.卡夫Q1. Why do you want to join Kraft?I do love working in FMCG industry because the range of products is related with our daily life. My mother always bought Pacific Soda biscuits when I was a child and there’s no doubt that I love it. Yes, it’s a kid’s good memory and there’re more and more brands joining the Kraft food family.I’m hungry to join this company, which aims to provide consumers with the quality brands the children have grown up with.Q2. Why should Kraft choose you among all the applicants?I’m a quick learner and think broader. In terms of one year’s study in the U.K., I not only learn from the class, but transform the principles on the textbook into practical applications as well. I’m the person who always spent half of a day on supermarket shopping, by discovering new flavour of groceries, comparing similar taste of biscuits and comparing prices with different stores. I’d like to explore the issues behind the numbers (marketing research) and demonstrate my solution. I’ll be curious about everything I like. I think I will be equal to your offer and contribute to reach the shared objective.玛氏1.What was the biggest achievement you have accomplished in university?Please describe how you did to get it done.?I’ve done a successful social media marketing campaign for a family hotel (Bed&Breakfasts inn). Due to a trip to Edinburgh, I stayed in a warm and friendly inn and then make friends with two owners of the inn. I’d like to help to promote their inn to Chinese students who study in the U.K. via social network application (e.g. Weibo). I analyse the pros and cons of the inn operation and implement competitive analysis. Based on these, I provide solutions as follows:a.Segmentation: family/personal traveling; vacation; economical hotelb.Target: Chinese students/backpackersc.Positioning: friendly, warm, passionThen I write an advertisement alongside the awards they received and elegant pictures with details. I forward my tweets/weibo to the opinion leader (@日不落帝国下的红领巾) since she has strong influence over the Chinese students. Also, I will provide exclusive vouchers to Chinese student on Weibo when I make agreement with the owners. The campaign brings 30% more online bookings.2.What was the biggest setback 〔挫折〕in your college life? How did itimpact you? And how did you face this setback?When I had my pre-sessional course last summer, I was doing a teamwork that needs team members delivering surveys on the street. I cannot sort of understand the Welsh accent since I just arrived in Cardiff for one month. I’m scared of talking to the interviewees. In fact, I was right. A lot of interviewees rejected to take the survey at first since they couldn’t understand the survey objective, which I didn’t describe clearly to the interviewee.Therefore, I reprinted the questionnaires and wrote a clear statement for education purpose and school seal issued on the paper. And I practised with my team member in advance to reduce my tension. Finally we collected all of the copies of surveys and succeed to finish this task.3.Please describe one of the most difficult and demanding tasks youhave had in university. What did you do to overcome it?I had a presentation in the project which lasts for 30 minutes. Even though it’s teamwork that we share the 30 minute’s presentation, I was feelingso self-conscious in front of three judges. I’ve practised several times but the result was not good since I was so nervous that can’t present fluently.But I didn’t give up. I decided to prepare notes with me and keep practice until I can present without notes and speak in a smooth speed. And it works. We are happy to get 90 marks out of 100 on the presentation.4.Please describe the most successful case that you have inspired ormotivated others to take actions and reach goal. Howsatisfied/dissatisfied were you with that, and why?We can’t make agreement in terms of the survey design on the project. Two of the team members persisted with their own opinion and wouldn’t like to compromise.Therefore I advise to have dinner in one of the two troublemakers and everyone needs to bring a dish in her flat. I didn’t mention the argument during the dinner. On the contrary, the troublemakers realized the previous debate was unnecessary and finally a settlement was reached. I’m happy I can sort it out even if I wasn’t involved in the argument. Sometimes they just need a platform to know each other.欧莱雅1.When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?a.Business scale:I believe a Fortune 500 company will provide a broad platform for personnel career planning and development and the employees in these kinds of companies can learn and improve their capabilities throughout the work process.b.Position and training:I’ll consider what I am good at and think about if I’m equal to the job position. Series of advanced training system will help to position that who you are and what you can do, which will set clear career planning for the employees. If I am given a suitable position and make the most of the advantage, it will be a win-win situation.c.Best respected company:Best company will show respect for talent which stimulates the potentialfor personnel development and in return, the company will benefit fromtheir talents investment.2.Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying andwhy you should be a good candidate for this function.As I work in the marketing department, I will interface with all our various operations – from research to production, from sales to logistics management. We will learn to understand the consumer behaviour which is based on our business research. Furthermore, I will oversee the marketing strategy and implement operational marketing plan. At last, monitoring and feedback is very important for the marketers to learn where we might go wrong and improve our work in the future.I’m acutely observant and have broad perspective. Good communicationskills enable me to integrate with colleagues and clients more quickly. In terms of one year’s study in the U.K., I do not only learn from the class, but transform the principles on the textbook into practical applications as well. I accumulate a lot of consumer insights through my observation, which may bridge the gap between MNCs and Chinese consumers.3.In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in thenext 5 years?I think expanding the sales network through second/third class city in China is a priority goal in the next 5 years for the beauty business since there is a huge market with big potential. A lot of love-beauty women are lack of beauty knowledge and don’t know how to take care of their skin or hair. The beauty retailer can teach and guide them how to be more confident and attractive in front of the public.Since the cosmetics product market has been further subdivided into three classes: consumer products, professional products and luxury products, the beauty company should adopt more flexible brand strategies based on different consumer knowledge.Innovation always indicates a company’s foresight in the market. Not only do they have new insight regarding the products, the marketer should also understand the digital platform as well. Advertising investment on relevant website, cooperation with e-retailers and interaction with the consumers on social network services will widen the business sales network and deepen the consumer’s understanding towards the beauty products.欧莱雅Reveal最后开放题:If you had the opportunity to launch a new brand to complement L’Oréal’s existing brand portfolio, what would you launch and why?A: I would like to launch a new brand named "Bling-Bling" whichparticularly meet these party animal's demand, ranging from a hair coloring to make-up and styling products.Target:18-28 year's old female in the U.K., who prefer to night out.Objective:Sometimes girls rush for a particular party and want to be the girl who stands out. Style salon is sort of expensive to them and costs lots of time but there're little professional beauty products particularly for party girls.Position:the effect of Bling-Bling series products applied on these girls' appearance will not last over night. For example, if the office lady did a dramatic colourful hair-dyeing last night for the party, she would recover her normal hair this morning and go to office without concern.I really think dramatic styling products over short-term time have the niche market.A: Creativity drives business forward. In turn, business will measure the creativity output.A company will not last longer when the creativity are lacking. How to put the creativity on the right track will make a successful business.本文档局部内容来源于网络,如有内容侵权请告知删除,感谢您的配合!。



网申Open Question集合KPMG1.Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and holidays.2.What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?3. What factors have influenced your career choice?4.Outline your career ambitions and objectives.5.Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectation?E&Y1.Please describe your objective and what you have done to date to achieve it.2. Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application.PWC1)Why are you applying for this position?2)Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying.3)What community or students' clubs do you belong to and to what extent are you involved?4)Any additional information?DTTIf you have completed a work term in a co-op, summer or intern program, please tell us about your experience and how you benefited from it. (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)If you have been involved in any society, please tell us your role and achievement respectively. (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)Please let us know your academic and personal accomplishment(s). (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)Please copy and paste the text from your cover letter here. After pasting your cover letter, please ensure the text is readable.Please copy and paste the text from your CV/resume here. After pasting your CV/resume, please ensure the text is readable.Additional InformationCareer Objectives:Describe a recent project you have worked on which demonstrates your determination to complete challenging tasks and your ability to work with others.Why have you applied for this position?Why do you think you are suitable for this position, and what differentiatesyou from other candidates?Please give details of any previous work experience detailing the relevant dates (temporary or permanent employment or previous internship).强生(全中文)1. 在以上校内/外工作中, 请列举一件您个人感到最自豪的并且由您亲自负责策划实施的成功事例, 并加以具体说明( 限200字内)2. 请描述一下您为何希望应聘该岗位?3. 请列举您的擅长和不足之处并加以详细说明.HP、MARS、ICI、箭牌,Open Question 大搜集HPQuestion1:Give me an example of an important and challenging goal or objective you have set yourself in your study / research or the project you have involved. Why did you set this goal? What planning did you do beforehand? What challenges did you face? How did you overcome these challenges?Question2:Give me a specific example of when you had to deal with a sudden change in circumstances at your study / research or the project you have involved. How did you react to the change? What impact did it have on you? What did you do to cope in the most effective way?MARS1. Please give an example of a time when you developed a new or different solution to a problem. Why did you think the problem needed a new solution? How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is working? Please give your answer in English.2. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. How did you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal? Please give your answer in English.3. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others. Tell me about a situation where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision? Please give your answer in English.ICI1. Please state why you are applying for this job?2. Give an example of a project you have undertaken or an event you have organised. What goals did you set and how did you ensure you achieved them? Describe how your planning and organisation contributed to the success. What would you have done different?3. Describe a time where you had to make an unpopular decision and get others to commit to it? What was the decision and what steps did you take to ‘sell’ your decision? What was the outc ome?4. Please describe your most recent experience of working with and/or leading a team. What was the project and your role? What objectives did you set and how did you ensure all the team members worked to achieve them?5. Describe a time when you saw a problem differently than others. What was you solution and how did you arrive at it? What did this experience tell you about your ability to be innovative?箭牌1. Describe the most difficult situation (both physical or psychological) that you have experienced, and what you have done to overcome the difficulties?2. Describe a typical experience when you need to work closely with a group of people to achieve a goal. What's the goal, your role and theoutcome? Or describe a time you need to resolve conflicts with others. What's the conflict and how the conflict was resolved?3. Describe a time that you had successfully finished a work/plan ahead of schedule.4. Describe a situation where you have adopted/initiated new approaches?5. Describe the most complex plan you have developed involving many resources, and what you have done to achieve your goal.6. Tell me about a time when you had to make a tough or critical or difficult decision. What was the situation? How the decision was made?7. Tell me about a time when your input motivated others to reach a team goal?欧莱雅1、Please describe a situation that your idea was not immediately accepted by others? How did you try to convince them? What was the outcome?2、Please describe an occasion where you met with real difficulties. How did you solve the problem?联合利华(*是必须做)1. Describe a time when you had to come up with a new solution to overcome the considerable resistance and solve the complex problem finally? (No more than 1000 letters)* 2. Describe the situation where you had to convince someone who was not easily to be convinced? What did you do? (No more than 1000 letters)* 3. Please describe a time when you saw an opportunity to really make a difference on yourself? (No more than 1000 letters)* 4. Have you ever been part of a workgroup and attained the group goal through the joint efforts? What role did you play in the whole process? (No more than 1000 letters)* 5. Tell us you strength which make yourself different from other applicants? (No more than 200 letters)* 6. What are your short term plans? (No more than 200 letters)* 7. Why are you interested in applying Unilever? (No more than 300 letters)8. What are your expectations to Unilever Management Trainee Program? (No more than 500 letters)英博啤酒1. Please describe an experience where you led a team or took a lead in a project. Indicate what you feel were your top 3 areas of success and learning points from this experience2. Please indicate your motivation/s for applying to the InBev Own Your FutureProgram and how do you see it aligned to your personal/career objectives.3. Please indicate what you feel are the top 3 most important factors to work well in a team with people from different backgrounds and culture.4. Please describe what you think are the top 3 key challenges for a multinational company to succeed in China and why?Nestle1、What are the four key elements that "THE RIGHT PEOPLE" possess to meet Nestle's requirements?2、What are your key criteria in selecting a job? Are you interested in other industries?3、Ask most older people to identify the key to success, and they are likely to reply " hard work". What are your comments? What do you think are the essential "qualities" that the young job seeker lacks in being successful in his/her career development?Mars1.Please give an example of a time when you developed a new or different solution to a problem. Why did you think the problem needed a new solution?How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is working? Please give your answer in English.2.Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. How did you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal? Please give your answer in English.3. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others. Tell me about a situation where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision? Please give your answer in English.BP1、Please state your native language. What are other languages that you can read and write in? Please also list any other languages you are able to read and write to a business standard2、Why do you want to join BP & BP IST3、In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a time when you set yourself a really challenging goal. What was the situation? Why was it challenging to you? What were the obstacles you faced in achieving this goal? How did you approach this and what outcomes did you achieve?4、In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a recent situation when you have acted upon an opportunity to make, raise or save money, or maximised the results you achieved with available resources. What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome?5、In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a time when you had to solve a complex problem. What was the problem? What steps did you take to identify a solution? What was the outcome?Nivea(妮维雅)1. Pleases tell why you are applying for this job?2. Give an example of a project you have undertaken or an event you have organized. What goals did you set and how did you ensure youachieved them? Describe how your planning and organization contributed to the success. What would you have done different?3. Describe a time where you had to make an unpopular decision and get others to committees? What was the decision and what steps did you take to 'sell' your decision? What was the outcome?Danone(达能)How would your colleagues/classmates describe you in five words? On what evidence would they base this assessment?如果只能五个词,你的同事或同学将怎样来描述你?根据是什么?Coca-Cola1. Describe an example of a good decision you made recently. What alternatives did you consider? Why was it a good decision?2. Describe a project or idea that was sold or implemented primarily because of your efforts?3. Please give us an example that you were part of a team to accomplish a task. What was your role and contribution?4. Please tell us your career plan and the reasons why you chooseCoca-Cola’s your starting point?Adidas1. What are your favorite sports and what enjoyment do you get from playing?2. What is/are your favorite team/teams?3. Tell us something new you learned recently.4. Tell us something you plan to learning nearly future and why.5. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to do something you disliked but did it for the sake of the team's benefit?SC Johnson1. Please give an example to indicate how you set up a goal and keep overcoming difficulties to attain it. (Describe every detail you experienced)2. Please give an example to indicate how effectively work with others to complete something.(Descries every detail you experienced)3. Please give an example to indicate how you organize/preside an activity successfully.(Describe every detail you experienced)4. How did you know about our company? Please describe the products you’re your understanding of our companyLOREAL1. Would you please describe yourself in 3-4 lines?(limited in 500 words)2. Could you tell us why we should choose you as a Loreal Person, and what makes you unique?(limited in 500 words)3. What is your short-term and long-term career plan?(limited in 500 words)4. What kind of group activities are you interested in and what type of role do you often play?(limited in 500 words)5. Please use one sentence to give a definition of 'Beauty', and describe the most beautiful thing in your life.(limited in 500 words)1. Please describe yourself about your characters, hobbies, etc.(limited in 500 words)2. Please give an example of how you deal with a difficultsituation.(limited in 500 words)3. Please tell us your understanding of Loreal’s image now, and how will you contribute to L oreal’s image if you are part of Loreal?(limited in 500 words)4. Please design a slogan for hair coloration product in China and describe your idea in details.(limited in 500 words)5. Please use one sentence to give a definition of 'Beauty', and describe the most beautiful thing in your life.(limited in 500 words)HSBC1、Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role, whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.2、Please state how you have benefited from your work experience. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, and why?3、why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you; why you have selected HSBC; and what your career objectives are.SHELL(壳牌的经典Open Question,每年都一样,不怕你事先准备,可以用中文,就怕你的人不够优秀。




大新银行网申试题网申试题:Please use this space to provide any additional information that you feel is important for us to consider your application.建议求职者利用这个问题详细展示一些在和其他网申环节中没有机会充分展现的内容,包括对专业知识的了解、对行业和产业的了解、个人经历中对岗位有独特贡献的内容等。


网申试题:Why do you think you are suitable for this position?这是结构化面试中最常见的个人优势总结题型。



渣打银行校园招聘网申试题Please explain your understanding of the business function to which you are applying, and give two specific examples of how your skills and experiences will help you succeed (Maximum - 250 Words).Describe the complexities of the Banking business in your chosen country and how changes in the market will impact the Bank and its success (Maximum - 250 Words).In 250 words or less, tell us why we should hire you on to our Banking Associate Programme.。



日化行业网申试题集合日化行业网申试题集合1. 请简要介绍你对日化行业的了解及兴趣。

2. 请列举一些你认为在日化行业发展过程中面临的挑战,并谈谈你认为应该如何应对这些挑战。

3. 请谈谈你对日化行业产品质量和安全的重视程度,并举例说明你如何确保产品质量和安全。

4. 在日化行业中,品牌形象和品牌推广至关重要,请谈谈你对品牌形象和品牌推广的理解,并说说你认为有效的品牌推广策略是什么。

5. 请解释你对市场营销的理解,并举例说明你如何运用市场营销策略来推广产品。

6. 在日化行业中,产品创新是非常重要的,请列举一些你认为具有创新意义的产品,并解释你为什么认为它们具有创新意义。

7. 请谈谈你对消费者需求和消费行为的理解,并分析你认为消费者在日化产品购买过程中最重要的因素是什么。

8. 请描述一个你曾经遇到过的挑战,并解释你是如何应对和解决这个挑战的。

9. 请谈谈你对团队合作的理解,并说说你参与的某个团队项目中你的角色和贡献。

10. 请分享一些你认为可以提高职场效率和工作效果的方法和技巧。




加油!11. 请谈谈你对日化行业可持续发展的看法,并提出你认为日化企业应该采取的措施。










求职pi试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在求职过程中,以下哪项不是面试准备的内容?A. 研究公司背景B. 准备个人简历C. 了解行业趋势D. 准备面试服装答案:B2. 以下哪项是撰写简历时应该避免的?A. 突出个人技能B. 列出教育背景C. 包含不真实的信息D. 突出工作经验答案:C3. 在求职信中,以下哪项不是必要的?A. 个人介绍B. 对公司的了解C. 申请职位的理由D. 个人薪资要求答案:D4. 在面试过程中,以下哪项不是良好的沟通技巧?A. 保持眼神交流B. 倾听面试官的问题C. 打断面试官的话D. 清晰、自信地回答问题答案:C5. 以下哪项不是面试结束后的跟进行为?A. 发送感谢邮件B. 等待面试结果C. 请求面试反馈D. 立即联系其他公司答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在撰写简历时,应确保所有信息的______和______。

答案:真实性;准确性2. 面试时,如果被问及自己的弱点,应该______。

答案:诚实回答并说明如何改进3. 在求职信中,应该明确表达对______的渴望。

答案:该职位4. 面试结束后,应该在______天内发送感谢邮件。

答案:24小时5. 在面试中,如果对公司或职位有疑问,应该______。

答案:在面试结束前提出三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 描述在面试中如何展示自己的团队合作能力。


2. 解释为什么在求职过程中,了解公司文化和价值观很重要。


3. 描述在面试中如何有效地回答“你为什么离开上一份工作”的问题。



























【网申】开放性问题汇总网申:开放性问题汇总CICC(中金国际)1. Why are you interested in investment banking? What other industries do you also have interest?2. Why do you think you can be a qualified investment banker? How can you contribute in this industry?HSBC IBD1. Please describe a recent current affairs issue you have read about that has interested you. (Please include details of the nature of the issue, what elements were of particular interest and why)2. What strengths/skills do you feel you have that are particularly relevant to a career in your chosen specialism (i.e. Global Investment Banking - Advisory, Global Markets etc)3. What do you know about the HSBC Group and why does this make you want to join our company? (Please make reference to the division you are applying to ie Private Banking, Corporate Investment Banking and Markets)UBS1. Given the large amount of information available to you, please describe in detail how you decided upon your first choice of business/functional area (Career Choice section):2. When have you taken a new or innovative approach in order to achieve a desired outcome? Describe the situation, your approach and whether it was effective: *3. In your view what makes UBS successful? Give evidence of how your personal qualities (rather than qualifications) would contribute to our success: *HSBC Commercial (汇丰银行商业银行部) BDP1. Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role, whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.2. Please state how you have benefited from your work experience3. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, and why?4. Please state: why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you, why you have selected HSBC, and what your career objectives are.5. Why you choose our division? (HSBC Corporate and Institutional Banking Division)Deutsche Bank (德意志银行)1. Why do you want to work for Deutsche Bank? (Max 100 words) *2. Please indicate:1) why you have selected this division and2) why you feel you are suited to this division?(Max 100 words.) *3. What extra curricular activities have you been involved in that you think we would beinterested in hearing about? (Max 100 words) *DBS (新加坡发展银行)1. In light of the increasing globalisation of economies and it's impact on the financial services industry, what are the key initiatives and strategies regional banks should consider to create a niche/ competitive edge; and what do you envisage your role to be in this changing environment? (Maximum 500 words)HSBC International Management Program (汇丰国际管理)Question 1: Please describe a time when you have worked as part of a team. What was your role in the team? How did you help the team to work towards its objectives? 250 words or less Question 2: Please describe a time when you have had to adapt to a completely new situation or environment. How did you feel about it? How did you deal with the situation? 250 words or less Question 3: Please outline why you think a career as an International Manager is right for you, and what influenced your decision to apply to the programme. 250 words or lessP & G(8大经典问题的中英文对照版)第一,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。

4. 欧莱雅的人才招聘

4. 欧莱雅的人才招聘
1907年,年仅28岁的法国化学家欧仁·舒莱尔发明了世界 上第一支无毒染发剂,由此创立了欧莱雅集团。
1996年正式进军中国市场,欧莱雅在中国的发展速度,被 欧莱雅亚洲区总裁形容为“8年内完成了100年的任务”。
2000年开始,欧莱雅把集团策划设计的招聘工具“校园企 划大赛”和“全球在线商业策略竞赛”先后引入中国。
缺点 从招聘工具来看,面试很难避免招聘人员的主观性; 从评估效果来看,短时间的接触缺乏双向交流,评估 很大程度上依赖于招聘人员的经验和能力。
做好人力资源规划 树立企业文化和企业品牌 建立自己的人才甄选标准 研究适合自己的招聘方法
人力资源规划不仅仅是制订招收人数、招收专业,应该是结合公司的 经营战略进行整体的有关人力资源的一种预见性的整合工作。包括制 订人才的培养计划,和现有人员的互补,对现有岗位的补充,以及现 有人员在变换岗位后的空缺怎样填补等一系列的规划工作。
缺点 从时间上看,大赛持续时间半年,历时较长; 从成本角度看,模拟大赛的研发成本、比赛过程中的 沟通和协调成本、入职培训成本较高
优点 从招聘的对象来看,社会人士,经验丰富,上手快; 从时间上来看,通过2-3轮面试,历时短,快速直接; 从成本角度来看,面试和培训成本相对较低
人员 招募
简历 甄选
选择 方法
正式 上岗
任职资格 确认
试用期 评估
对应聘者 评估



联合利华校招网申试题Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Ma nagement trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” throug h the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?Please at least use 80 English words in each topic 网申试题1.Could you please specify the 5 most important attributes which you value most when you choose an employer?网申试题2.Could you please tell us the reason why you would apply for Unilever Management trainee program?网申试题3.How would you expect to start your “Great Journey with Unilever” through the Management trainee program?。



科尔尼校招网申试题网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you tosucceed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within whatperiod of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.网申试题1. What is your career goal in the short and long term? Why do you want to join A.T. Kearney?网申试题2. Among the other applicants, why should A.T. Kearney choose you?网申试题3. What do you hope to achieve in A.T. Kearney and within what period of time ? Tell about your action plan to achieve the goal.网申试题4. Give an example of the tactics you used which led you to succeed in a very difficult negotiating situation.。

中文样本: 欧莱雅的战略性招聘

中文样本: 欧莱雅的战略性招聘


【关键词】企业文化、战略招聘、招聘方式多元化欧莱雅在1907年由Eugene Schueller创立的。








[2]2、招聘与文化相结合图5-1 欧莱雅3Q对人才的要求:归纳为3Q,包括IQ:学习能力、实践能力;EQ:沟通能力、合作能力;AQ:适应能力、承压能力。










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网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function
you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this
function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.
网申试题1. When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?This field is required.
网申试题2. Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying and why you should be a good candidate for this function.This field is required.
网申试题3. In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in the next 5 years?This field is required.。
