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( )1.This dog . A、 are lost B、is lost C、lost

( )2. are your,Tom ? I`m behind the tree .



C、Where 、

( )3.It`s a supermarket . A、next B、next to C、Where

( )4.It`s the station . A、at B、on C、in

( )5. What you doing ? A.are B.is C.am

( )6. What Amy doing ? A. does B.is C. are

( )7.My litter brother is his doy train.

A.plays with

B.play with

C.playing with

( )8. She a book about China ! A. is read B. is reading C. reading

( )9. Look these pictures. A.to B.at C.up

( )10.What the kids doing ? A.is B.are C.am ( )11.They music .

A. are listening

B.listen to

C.are listening to

( )12.Let`s get the bus . A.on B.in C.to

( )13. the clock . A.Look B.Look at C.Look to ( )14.What doing ? A.it is B.is C.is it ( )15. you want some rice ? A. Are B. Is C.Do

( )16. He `s noodles . A. make B. making C.makeing

( )17. How much ? A. is it B. it is C.it

( )18. we help you ? A. Are B. Do C.Can

( )19.把某样东西递给某人是你应该说: A. Here you are B.Here C. Here you.

( )20. Six yuan ten . A. to B. is C.for

( )21. Look the birds . A. at B.on C.in

( )22. Look ! I`m . A.win B.winner C.the winner ( )23. She tall .And she is our . A.are , strong B.is , win C.is , star ( )24. You run fast ! A.cans B.can`t C.cant

( )25. Can you ride fast ? . A.Yes ,I can B.Yes ,I can`t C. No,I can ( )26. Can Sam play football ? . A.Yes ,I can B.Yes ,she can. C. No,he can`t ( )27.The birds up the sky . A.in B.on C.at

( )28. Look ,we . A.are swimming B.are swim C.is swiming ( )29. jump very high ! A.Can you B. You can C. Can`t you ( )30. Can you football ? A.playing B.plays C.play

( )31. Can I have soup ? A. any B.a C. some

( )32. Can I have some bread? A.Yes,I can. B.Yes ,you can. C.No,you can ( )33. Turn the light . A.on B.in C.at

( )34. Do you want ? A. some sweet B.some sweets C.a sweets ( )35. Here your sweets . A.are B.is C.a

( )36. Can I in ? es ing e

( )37. Today Halloween ! A.are B.is C.a

( )38. I see. A.can`t B.cant C.not

( )39. a sweet . A.Give B.Give I C.Give me

( )40. very dark. A.Is B.It C.It`s

( )41. There a horse in this photo . A. is B. are C. am

( )42. Let`s a look . A. has B. had C. have

( )43. There some nice photos. A. is B. are C. am

( )44. There is a sheep this photos. A. in B. on C.at

( )45.She the horse. A. is rideing B. ride C. is riding ( )46. There are three the bike . A.boys on B.boy in C. boy at ( )47. There is under the tree. A. girl B. a girl C.a girls ( )48. look the photo. A. at B. on C. in ( )49. It`s fast. A. run B. runing C. running ( )50.There are eleven in the photo . A. piges B. pig C. pigs ( )51. I`m visit the zoo. A.go B.going C.going to ( )52. Time bed ,children. A.for B.in C. To

( )53. We`re going plane! A.on B. by C.at

( )54. We`re going to at 5 o`clock. A.up B.get up C.get

( )55. Sam ride a gorse tomorrow . A.going to B.go to C.is going to ( )56. We are going to take picture the zoo. A. in B.at C.on ( )57. Daming is going to some picture. A.take B.taking C.takes ( )58. I`m going to swim the sea. A.at B.on C.in ( )59. I`m the UK. A.at B.from C.on

( )60. This is bag! A.Xiaoyong`s B.Xiaoyongs C.Xiaoyong ( )61.Are you going to run sports day ? A. at B. in C. on

( )62. you going to jump? A. Do B. Are C. Is ( )63.I`m going to run the park . A. in B. on C. at ( )64. We`re have a sports day this month. A. go to B. going to C. goes to ( )65. I am the ! A. winner B. win C. winer ( )66. I am going the high jump. A. to B. do to C. to do

( )67. a book for you . A. Here B. Here `s C. Here are
