Phonics song发音歌歌词

I is for igloo i i igloo I是圆形屋顶的首字母 圆形屋顶 J is for juice j j juice J是果汁的首字母 果汁 K is for kangaroo k k Kangaroo K是袋鼠的首字母 袋鼠 L is for lion l l lion L是狮子的首字母 狮子
Phonics song 发音歌
A is for apple a a apple A是苹果的首字母 苹果 B is for ball b b ball B是球的首字母 球 C is for cat c c cat C是猫咪的首字母 猫 D is for dog d d dog D是狗狗的首字母 狗
M is for monkey m m monkey M是猴子的首字母 猴子 N is for no n n no N是不的首字母 不 O is for octopus o o octopus O是章鱼的首字母 章鱼 P is for pig p p pig P是猪的首字母 猪
Q is for question q q question Q是问题的首字母 问题 R is for ring r r ring R是戒指的首字母 戒指 S is for sun s s sun S是太阳的首字母 太阳 T is for train t t train T是火车的首字母 火车
Y is for yellow y y yellow Y是黄色的首字母 黄色 Z is for zoo z z zoo Z是动物园的首字母 动物园
So many things for you to learn about 还有许多东西需要你去学习 So many ways to sing a song 唱一首歌有很多的方式 So many things for you to learn about 还有许多东西需要你去学习 So many ways to sing a song 唱一首歌有很多的方式

Big I,little i, \i\ \i\ \i\.
Ink and in chworm,
Ink and in chworm,
\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.
Fish in a dish,
Pig in a wig,
\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.
\k\ is the sound of“K”.
Look at the leaf,
Look at a lock,
Look at the leaf,
Look at a lock, \l\ is the sound of
Big L, little l, I love
Look at the leaf,
Hele n has a harp, \h\ \h\ \h\.
\h\ is the sound of“H”.
Ink and in chworm,
Ink and in chworm,
\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.
Fish in a dish,
Pig in a wig,
Keep them in the kitche n,
\k\ is the sound of“K”.
Big K, little k, I like“K”.
King likes ketchup,
Ki ng likes a kitte n,
Keep them in the kitche n,
Keep them in the kitche n,
\j\ is the sound of letter“J”
Phonics Song(自然拼读法)

Phonics Song(自然拼读法)这首歌是用来教刚刚开始学英语的小朋友的,这是从美国传入中国的一种教学方法,是美国人用来教以英语为母语的小孩子的,提倡的就是让小孩子通过多唱,多练,多用,逐渐掌握英语的读音规则,目的是让小孩在通过一两年的学习后,能够具备基本的听读能力,对于不认识的单词,也能通过学过的规律认读出,并能基本写出单词的构成,这也是一种帮助小孩记单词的方法,避免刚刚接触英语的孩子只能靠死记硬背来记单词,提高孩子的学英语热情。
a a apple,b b ball,c c cat,d d dog,e e elephant,f f fish This is phonics song, because I like that.The names of letters are A B C, the sounds of letters are a b c.g g gorilla, h h hat, i i igloo, j j jacket, k k kagroo, l l lionLet’s do the phonics song one more time.The names of letters are E F G, the sounds of letters are e f g.m m monkey, n n nose, o o octopus,p p pain, q q question, r r rainThis is phonics song, are you ready to say?The names of letters are N O P, the sounds of letters are n o ps s sun, t t tiger, u u umbrella,v v violin, w w watch, x x foxThis is phonics song, are you ready to write?The names of letters are R S T, the sounds of letters are r s t The names of letters are X Y Z, the sounds of letters are x y z. y y yellow, z z zebra ,That’s the end of the phonics song.。

以下是一首自然英语拼读歌:自然英语拼读歌The English Alphabet, A B CThose 26 letters spell words, can't you seeTo sound them out, put the vowels in the middleSpelling words will be a riddleA as in apple, eight for a snakeI as in ink, O for an oakU like in blue, E like in seeKnow your vowels, that is keySH makes the shh soundTh makes a thh sound all aroundCH goes chh, PH is phhF and PH both for phone and laughTH can be thh or phhLike tooth, thin, or telephone's gleamG is G, but J is JDifferent sounds in their own wayC can be kuh, C can be sssPlacing them depends on the word's requestKN is silent, GH is ghostThe English spelling rules are quite a boastThese are just some cluesTo help you with those spelling bluesPractice and lessons, don't lose hopeEnglish spelling will no longer be a grope通过这首歌曲,我们可以更轻松地记住一些英语拼写规则,让学习拼写变得更加有趣和简单。