v (be)
151ambassador (~dress)
ad & a
v & n
英语考核目标与要求一、语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录 1 至附录 5),要求词汇量为3500 左右。
附录 1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录 2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的-ing 形式(3)动词的-ed 形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气附录 3功能意念项目表1.社会交往 (Social Communications)(1) 问候 (Greetings)(2) 介绍 (Introduction)(3) 告别 (Farewells )(4) 感谢 (Thanks )(5) 道歉 (Apologies)(6) 邀请 (Invitation)(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助 (Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会 (Making appointments)(12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐 (Having meals)(14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物 (Shopping)(16) 问路 (Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意 (Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告 (Advice)(22) 建议 (Suggestions)2.态度 (Attitudes)(23)同意和不同意(Agreement anddisagreement)(24)喜欢和不喜欢 (Likes and dislikes)(25)肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty)(26)可能和不可能(Possibility andimpossibility)(27)能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28)偏爱和优先选择 (Preference)(29)意愿和打算 (Intentions and plans)(30)希望和愿望 (Hopes and wishes)(31)表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement)(32)责备和抱怨 (Blame and complaint)(33)冷淡 (Indifference)(34)判断与评价 (Judgement and evaluation) 3.情感 (Emotions)(35)高兴 (Happiness)(36)惊奇 (Surprise)(37)忧虑 (Worries)(38)安慰 (Reassurance)(39)满意 (Satisfaction)(40)遗憾 (Regret)(41)同情 (Sympathy)(42)恐惧 (Fear)(43)愤怒 (Anger)4. 时间 (Time)(44) 时刻 (Point of time)(45)时段 (Duration)(46)频度 (Frequency)(47)时序 (Sequence) 5. 空间(Space)(48)位置 (Position)(49)方向 (Direction)(50)距离 (Distance) 6. 存在(Existence)(51)存在与不存在 (Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征 (Features)(52)形状 (Shape)(53)颜色 (Colour)(54)材料 (Material)(55)价格 (Price)(56)规格 (Size)(57)年龄 (Age)8. 计量 (Measurement)(58)长度 (Length)(59)宽度 (Width)(60)高度 (Height)(61)数量 (Number) 9. 比较(Comparison)(62)同级比较 (Equal comparison)(63)差别比较 (Comparative and superlative)(64)相似和差别 (Similarity and difference) 10. 逻辑关系 (Logical relations)(65)原因和结果 (Cause and effect)(66)目的 (Purpose)11. 职业 (Occupations)(67)工作 (Jobs)(68)单位 (Employer)附录 4话题项目表1.个人情况 (Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3.周围的环境 (Personal environments)4.日常活动 (Daily routines)5.学校生活 (School life)6.兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情 (Emotions)8.人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望 (Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals, holidays andcelebrations)11.购物 (Shopping)12.饮食 (Food and drink)13.健康 (Health)14.天气 (Weather)15.文娱与体育 (Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通 (Travel and transport)17.语言学习 (Language learning)18.自然 (Nature)19.世界与环境 (The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science andmodern technology)21.热点话题 (Topical issues)22.历史与地理 (History and geography)23.社会 (Society)24.文学与艺术 (Literature and art)附录 5 词汇表A accommodation n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!a(an ) art accompany vabandon v accomplish vability n account nable a accountant nabnormal a accumulate vaboard prep accuracy nabolish v accurate aabortion n accuse vabout ad & prep accustomed aabove prep,a & ad ache v & nabroad ad achieve vabrupt a achievement nabsence n acid aabsent a acknowledge vabsolute a acquaintance nabsorb v acquire vabstract a & n acquisiti on nabsurd a acre nabundant a across p rep abuse v act n & v academic a & n action n academy n active aaccelerate v activity naccent n actor naccept v actress naccess n & v actual a accessi a acu able teaccident n AD abbrad=advertisement n afford v adapt v afrai d a adaptat ion n Afric a n addvAfric an a & n addicte d a aft er ad ,prep & conj additio n n afterno on n addre ss n afterwar d(s) adadequat e a again a dadjus t v again st prep adjustment n age n administra tion n agenc y n admirab le a agend a n admire vagent n admission naggressive a admit vago ad adolescenc e n agree vadolesc ent a & n agreementn adopt v agricult ural a adore vagricult ure n adult nahead adadvance v & naid n &vadvantage nAIDS nadventure naim n & v adverti se v air n advertisem ent n aircraft n advic e n airli ne n advise vairma il n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!advocate v airplane naffair n airport naffect v airspace naffection n alarm n & v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!album n amazing a alcoh ol n ambassado r n alcohol ic a & n ambassadr ess n algeb ra n ambiguo us a alik e ad ambiti on n aliv e a ambulan ce n all ad ,a & pron Americ a n aller gic a among prep alle y n amoun t n & v alloc ate v ample a allow v amuse v allowan ce n amusement n almos t ad analyse v alon e a analys is n along ad & prep ancest or n alongsi de ad anchor v & n aloud adancient aalphabe t n and conjalrea dy ad anecdoten also ad anger n alterna tive a angle n althoug h conj angry aaltit ude n animal n altoget her ad ankle naluminiumanniversa ry n (Am aluminum) nannounc e v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!always ad annoy vam v(be) annual aa.m./am,A.M./AM abbr anothera &pronamateur a answer n & vamaze v ant n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!Antarc tic a appropriate a antique n approv al n anxiety n approv e vanxiou s a approximatelyadany pron & a apro n n anybod y pron arbitr ary a anyhow ad arch n anyon e pron archit ect n anythi ng pron architec ture n anyway ad Arct ic a anywher e ad are v (be ) apart ad & a area n apartmen t n argue vapologi ze v argume nt n apology narise(arose,ari sen) v apparent aarithmet ic nappea l v & n arm n & v appea r v armchair n appearan ce n army nappend ix n aroundad &prepappetite narrang e v applau d v & narrangem ent napple n arrest vapplic ant n arrival n applicat ion narrive vapply varro w n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!appoint v art nappointment n article nappreciate v artifi cial aappreciation n artist napproach n & v as ad,conj &prep如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!ash n atte nd v ashamed a attenti on n Asia n attitud e n Asian a & n attr act v aside ad attract ion n ask v attract ive a aslee p a audienc e n aspec t n aunt n asses s v authent ic a assessme nt n auth or n assist v authori ty n assista nce n automat ic a assista nt n autonomou s a associatev autumn n associat ion n availab le a assume vavenuenassumpti on n average a & n astonis h v avoid vastronautn awake(awoke,awoken)v & a astronom er n awar d n astronomyn awar eaatprepaway adathlete nawesome aathletic aawful aAtlanti c a awkward aatmosphe re n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!atom n Battach v baby nattack v & n bachelor nattain v back ad,a &nattempt v & n background nbackward(s) ad basin n bacon nbasi s n bacterium(pl bacteria)nbaske t n bad(worse,worst) a basketb all n badminto n n bat n bag n bath n baggag e n bath e v baker y n bathroo m n balan ce n batht ub n balco ny n batte ry n ball n batt le n ballet n bay nballoon nBC abbr bambo o n be(am,is,are,was,ban n & v were,being,be en) v banana n beach nband nbean n bandag e n bean curd n bank n bear1n bar n bear2vbarbecue n beard nbarbe r n beast nbarbersh op nbeat(beat,bea ten) v & n bare a beautif ul a barga in n & vbeauty nbark v & nbecause conjbarrier n become(became,become ) vbase n bed nbaseball n beddings nbasement n bedroom n basic a bee n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!beef nbike=bicycle n beer n bill n befor e prep ,ad&conj bing o n beg vbiochemist ry n begin(began,begun) v biograph y n behal f n biolog y n behav e vbird n behaviour(Am behavior)n birth n behin d prep & ad birthd ay n bein g n birthpla ce n beli ef n biscuit n belie vevbishop nbell n bit nbell y n bite(bit,b itten) v belong vbitter a below prepblack a & nbelt nblackboard nbench nblame n & vbend(bent,bent) vblank n & abenea th prep blanke t n benefic ial a bleed v benef it n & v bless v bent a & n blind a besid e prep block n & vbesid es prep & ad bloo d n betra y vblouse n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!between prep blow(blew,blown ) vbeyond prep bluen &abicycle n boardn &vbid v & n boat nbig a body n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!boil v brain nbomb n & v brake n &v bond n & v branc h n bone n brand n bonus n brave a book n & v brave ry nboom n & v bread nboot n break(broke,bro ken) v & n boot h n breakfa st n bord er n breakthro ugh n bore d a breas t n bori ng abreat h n borna breathe vborrow vbreathless a bossn brewery n botani cal a brick nbota ny n bride nboth a & pron bridegroo m n both er v bridge nbottle nbriefabottom n bright abounce v brilliant aboun d a bring(brought,brough t) vbounda ry nbroad abow v &n broadcast(broadcast,bowl n broadcast 或-ed,-ed)v bowlin g n brochure nbox nbroke n a如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!boxing n broom nboy n brother nboycott v brown n & abrunc h n C brus h v & n cab n Buddhis m n cabbag e n budget n cafe n buff et ncafete ria n build(built,built) v cage n buildi ng n cake n bunch n calcul ate v bungalo w n call n & v burde n n cal m a & v bureaucratic a camel n burgla r n camer a nburn(burnt,burnt campn & v 或-ed,-ed) v & n campaig n n burst v can 1(could); bury v can’t=cannotmodal vbus ncan 2 n bush n canal nbusinessn cance l v businessman/womancance r n (pl businessmen/ women)ncandid ate n busy acandl e nbut conj & prepcandy n butcher n & v canteen n butt er n cap n butterfly ncapit al nbutton n & v capsule nbuy(bought,bought) v captain nby prep caption nbye int car ncarbon ncard n ceili ng n care n & v celebrat e v careful a celebrat ion n careles s a cell n carpent er n cent n carp et n centigra de a carriag e n centimet recarrier n (Amcentimeter) ncarr ot n centr al acarr y v centre(Am center) ncartoon n centu ry ncarv e v ceremony n case n certa in a cash n & v certific ate n cassett e nchain n cast(cast,cast) v chai r n castle n chairman/womancasual a (plchairmen/women)ncatnchalk n catalog ue n challenge ncatastrophe nchallengi ng acatch(caught,caught) v champion n categor y n chance ncate r v chang e n & v Catholi c a changeablea catt le nchann el ncause n & v chantv &ncaution n chaos ncautious a chapter ncave n character nCD=compact disk n characteristic a & nchar ge v & n Christmas n char t n churc h n chat n & v ciga r n chea p a cigarette n chea t n & v cinem a n chec k n & v circ le n & v chee k n circu it n chee r n & v circulate v cheerfu l a circumsta nce n chee rs int circus n chee se ncitiz en n chef ncity n chemical a & n civil a chemist ncivili an n chemist ry ncivilizat ion ncheque(Am check) nclap vches s n clarify vches t n class n chew v classic achicken n classi fy v chie f a & nclassmate nchild(pl children) nclassro om n childho od n claw n chocola te n clay n choi ce n clea n v & a choi r n clean er n chok e n & vclear achoose(chose,chosen) v clerk nchopsticks n clever achorus n click vChristian n climate n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!clim b v come(came,come)v clin ic n comedy ncloc k n comfort n clon e v comfortab le a clos e a & ad command n & v clot h n comment n clothe s n commercia l a clothi ng n commit v clou d n commitmen t n cloudyacommitteenclub n common aclumsy a communica te v coach n communicatio n n coal ncommunism n coast n communist n & a coat ncompanion ncocoa ncompany ncoff ee n compare vcoin n compass n coincide nce n compensat e v coke n compete v cold a & n competenc e n collar ncompetiti on n collea gue n complet e a & vcollect v complex a & n collecti on n component n colleg e ncompositi on n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!collis ion n comprehension ncolour(Am color) n & v compromise vcomb n & v compulsory acombine v computer n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!concentrate v constant aconcept n constitu tion nconcer n v &nconstruct vconcert n construction nconclude v consult vconclusion n consultant nconcrete a consume vcondemn v contain vcondition n container nconduct v contemporary aconductor n content1 nconference n content2 aconfident a continent nconfidential a continue vconfirm v contradict vconflict n contradict ory aconfuse v contraryn &acongratul ate v contribute vcongratulat ion n contribution nconnect v control v & nconnection n controversial aconscience n convenience nconsensus n convenient aconsequence n conventional aconservation n conversati on nconservative a convey v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!consider v convince vconsiderate a cook n & vconsiderati on n cooker nconsist v cookie nconsistent a cool a如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!copy n & v creature n corn n cred it n corner n crew n corporat ion n crim e n corre ct v & a crimin al ncorrecti on n criterion(pl criteria) n correspo nd v crop n corru pt a & vcross n & v cost n &vcrossi ng n cosy(Am cozy) a crossroad s n cotta ge n crowd n & v cotton n & a crue l acough n & v cry n & v could modal v cube n count v cubic acounter ncuisine n country nculture n countrys ide n cup n coupl e n cupboard ncouragencure n & vcourse n curious a court n currency ncourtyar d n curriculu m n cousin n curtain n cover n & v cushio n n cow ncusto m n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!crash v & n customer ncrayon n customs ncrazy a cut(cut,cut) v & ncream n cycle vcreate v cyclist ne v D declin e v dad=dadd y n decora te v daily a ,ad & n decorat ion n dam ndecreas e v damage n & v deed n damp a & n deep a & ad danc e n & v deer n danger n defeat v dangerou s a defence(Am defense) n dare v & modal vdefend v dark a & n degree n darkness ndela y n & v dash v &ndele te v & n data n deliberately ad databa se ndelica te a date n & vdelicio us a daughter n delight ndawn ndelight ed a dayndeliver v dead a demand vdeadli ne n dentist ndeaf a department(Dept.)ndeal ndeparture ndear adepend v deat h n deposi t v & n debate n & vdept h ndebt n be vdecade n description ndecide v desertv &ndecision n deserve v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!design v & n dilemma ndesire v & n dimension ndesk n dinner ndesperate a dinosaur ndessert n dioxide ndestination n dip vdestroy v diploma ndetective n directa &vdetermine v direction ndevelop v director ndevelopment n directory ndevote v dirty adevotion n disability ndiagram n disabled adial v disadvantage ndialogue(Am dialog) n disagree vdiamond n disagreement ndiary n disappear vdictati on n disappoint vdictionary n disappointed adie v disaster ndiet n discount ndiffer v discourage vdiffere nce n discover vdifferent a discovery ndifficult a discrimina tion n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!difficulty n discuss vdig(dug,d ug) v discussion ndigest v disease ndigital a disgusting adignity n dish n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!disk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction ndistinguish vdistribute v district n disturb v disturbing a dive v diverse a divide v division n divorce v dizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document n dog ndoll ndollarn donate vdoor ndormitory(dorm)n dot ndouble a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!downstairs addowntown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,draw n) vdrawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dre amt或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,dr unk) v drive(drove,dr iven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v& aduck ndue adull adumpling n during prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!DVD=digital versatile diskn elec t v dynami c a electr ic a dynast y nelectrical aelectric ity n Eelectron ic a each a & pron elegan t a eage r a elepha nt n eagl e n else ad earne-mail n & v earl y a & ad embarras s v earn v embass y n eart h n emergenc y n earthquak e nempero r neast a ,ad & n employ v Easter n empt y a easter n aencourag e veasy a encouragementneat(ate,e aten) v end n& vecolog y n ending n edge n endless a editio n n enemy neditor n energetic a educat e v energy n educationnengine n educator n engine er n effect nenjo y v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!effort n enjoyable aegg n enlarge veggplant n enough pron,a & adeither a,conj & ad enquiry nelder n enter v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!enterpr ise n everything pron entertainm ent n everywhe re ad enthusiast ic a eviden ce n enti re a eviden t a entran ce n evolution nentr y n exact aenvelo pe n exam=examinationnenvironmen t n examin e v envy v & n exampl e n equa l a & v excell ent a equali ty n excep t prep equi p v exchan ge n & v equipment nexcite veraser nexcus e n & v erro r n exerci se n & v erup t v exhibiti on n esca pe n & v exist v especia lly ad existence n essay n exitnEurope nexpand v Europeana & n expec t v evaluatev expectat ion n even adexpense nevenin g n expensiv e a event nexperien ce n eventua lly adexperime nt n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!ever ad expert nevery a explain veverybody pron explanation neveryday a explicit aeveryone pron explode v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!explor e vfantastic a export n & v fantas y n expose vfar(farther,f arthestexpres s v & n 或further,furth est) a & adexpressi on n far e n extensio n n farm n extr a a farme r n extraordina ry a fast a & ad extrem e a faste n veye n fat n & aeyesig ht nfather nfault n Ffavour(Am favor) n face n & v favourite(Amfavorite) a & n facial a fax n & v fact n fea r n factor y nfeast nfade vfeath er n fail v &n feder al afailur e n fee nfair1a feed(fed,fed) v fair2nfeel(felt,felt) v faith n feeling n fall 1(fell,fallen) v fellown fall 2(Am )=autumn n femal ea &n fals afence n如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!efamiliar a ferry nfamily n festival n & afamous a fetch vfan n fever nfanc y n,v &a few pron & afibre(Am fiber) n fla t 2 n fictio n n flee(fled,f led) v field n flesh n fierce a flexib le a fight(fought,f ought) n & v flig ht n figu re n & v flo at v file n flood n & v fill v floor n film n & v flour n final a flo w v financ e n flower n find(found,fou nd) v flu n fine 1 a fluenc y nfine 2 v fluent afing er n fly 1(flew,fl own) vfingerna il n fly 2 n finish v & n focu s v & n fir e n & v fog n firework s n fogg y a firm1nfol d v firm2afolk n & a fis h n & vfollow v fisherma n n fond a fist nfood n fit a & vfool n & vfix v foolish aflag n foot(pl feet) nflame n football nflash n for prep & conjflashlight n forbid(forbade,forbi dden) vflat1 a force v如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢!foreca st n & v frequent a forehe ad n fresh a foreig n a fricti on nforeign er n fridge=refriger ator n foresee(foresaw,for eseen) v friend n forest n friend ly a foreve r adfriends hip n forget(forgot,forgot/forgott en) v fright en v forget ful a fro g n forgive(forgave,for given) v fro m prep fork n front a & n form n & vfronti er n format n frost n former a fruit n fortni ght n fry vfortunate a fuel n fortune nfull a forwar d ad fun n & a foster v functionn & v foun d v fundamental a founta in nfunera l n fox n funnyafragile afur nfragra nt a furnish ed a framewo rk n furnitu re n fran c nfuture n。
2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲英语词汇表附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prep above prep,a & ad abroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & n absurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & n academy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible aaccident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy naccurate aaccuse v accustomed a ache v & nachieve vachievement nacid aacknowledge vacquaintance nacquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbr12ad=advertisement nadapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress nadequate aadjust vadjustment nadministration nadmirable aadmire vadmission nadmit vadolescence nadolescent a & nadopt vadore vadult nadvance v & nadvantage nadventure nadvertise vadvertisement nadvice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep & conjafternoon nafterward(s) adagain adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent naggressive aago adagree vagreement nagricultural aagriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nairplane nairport nairspace nalarm n & v13album nalcohol nalcoholic a & nalgebra nalike adalive aall ad,a & pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prepalongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative aalthough conjaltitude naltogether adaluminium(Am aluminum) nalways adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbramateur aamaze vamazing aambassador nambassadress nambiguous aambition nambulance nAmerica namong prepamount n & vample aamuse vamusement nanalyse vanalysis nancestor nanchor v & nancient aand conjanecdote nanger nangle nangry aanimal nankle nanniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a & pron answer n & v ant n14Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron & a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply v appoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron n arbitrary aarch n architect narchitecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) varithmetic narm n & varmchair narmy naround ad & preparrange varrangement narrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj & prep15ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess vassessment nassist vassistance nassistant nassociate vassociation nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken)v & aaward naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & nbackground n16backward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) nbad(worse,worst) abadminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear 1 nbear 2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,becom e) vbed nbeddings nbedroom nbee n17beef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conj beg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehaviour(Am behavior) nbehind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prep beneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & ad betray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig a bike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry nbiography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) vbitter ablack a & nblackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody n18boil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v& nbreakfast nbreakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought)vbroad abroadcast(broadcast,broadcast 或-ed,-ed) vbrochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & a19brunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) vbuilding nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/women) nbusy abut conj & prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan 1 (could);can’t=cannot modal v can 2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon n20card ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk nceiling ncelebrate vcelebration ncell ncent ncentigrade acentimetre(Am centimeter) ncentral acentre(Am center) ncentury nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) nchalk nchallenge nchallenging achampion nchance nchange n & vchangeable achannel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter ncharacteristic a & n21charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) nchess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) nchildhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) vchopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate vcircumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate nclassroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate n22climb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & vcomb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) vcomedy ncomfort ncomfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n23 concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate vcongratulation nconnect vconnection nconscience nconsensus nconsequence nconservation nconservative aconsider vconsiderate aconsideration nconsist vconsistent aconstant aconstitution nconstruct vconstruction nconsult vconsultant nconsume vcontain vcontainer ncontemporary acontent 1 ncontent 2 acontinent ncontinue vcontradict vcontradictory acontrary n & acontribute vcontribution ncontrol v & ncontroversial aconvenience nconvenient aconventional aconversation nconvey vconvince vcook n & vcooker ncookie ncool a24copy n & vcorn ncorner ncorporation ncorrect v & acorrection ncorrespond vcorrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) acottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal vcount vcounter ncountry ncountryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) ncrop ncross n & vcrossing ncrossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency ncurriculum ncurtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & ncycle vcyclist n25Ddad=daddy ndaily a,ad & ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger ndangerous adare v & modal vdark a & ndarkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve v26design v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination ndestroy vdetective n determine vdevelop v development n devote vdevotion n diagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) ndiamond ndiary ndictation ndictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) vdigest vdigital adignity ndilemma ndimension ndinner ndinosaur ndioxide ndip vdiploma ndirect a & vdirection ndirector ndirectory ndirty adisability ndisabled adisadvantage ndisagree vdisagreement ndisappear vdisappoint vdisappointed adisaster ndiscount ndiscourage vdiscover vdiscovery ndiscrimination ndiscuss vdiscussion ndisease ndisgusting adish n27disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant adistinction ndistinguish vdistribute vdistrict ndisturb vdisturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) vdoctor ndocument ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) ndot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & addownload n & vdownstairs addowntown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) vdrawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & vdress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) vdrive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty n28DVD=digital versatiledisk ndynamic adynasty nEeach a & proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad & nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj & ad elder nelect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a & ad enquiry nenter v29enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & vequality nequip vequipment neraser nerror nerupt vescape n & vespecially adessay nEurope nEuropean a & nevaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody proneveryday aeveryone proneverything proneverywhere adevidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination nexamine vexample nexcellent aexcept prepexchange n & vexcite vexcuse n & vexercise n & vexhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect vexpectation nexpense nexpensive aexperience nexperiment nexpert nexplain vexplanation nexplicit aexplode v30explore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair 1 afair 2 nfaith nfall 1 (fell,fallen) vfall 2 (Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v & afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a &adfare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) nfavourite(Am favorite)a & nfax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron & a31fibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n& vfigure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine 1 afine 2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm 1 nfirm 2 afish n & v fisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat 1 aflat 2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly 1 (flew,flown) vfly 2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) n football nfor prep & conjforbid(forbade,forbidde n) vforce v 32forecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) vforest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) vforgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) vfork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) vfreezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator nfriend nfriendly afriendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & vfundamental afuneral nfunny afur nfurnished afurniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon n33game ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & ngeneration ngenerous agentle agentleman ngeography ngeometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) agoods ngoose(pl geese) ngovern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild ngranddaughter ngrandma=grandmotherngrandpa=grandfather ngrandparents ngrandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp v34grass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & ngreengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger n hammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful n handkerchief n handle n & v handsome a handwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) vhappen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) n hard ad & ahardly ad hardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v & n35have(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster nheadmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) vhearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & adhomeland nhometown nhomework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n &vhook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess n36hot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife nhousework nhow adhowever ad & conjhowl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being nhumorous ahumour(Am humor) nhunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) vhusband nhydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity nidentification nidiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine vimmediately adimmigration nimport v & nimportance nimportant aimpossible aimpress vimpression nimprove vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed aindependence nindependent aindicate vindustry ninfluence n & vinform v37information ninitial ainjure vinjury nink ninn n innocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist v inspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & v irrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJ jacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry)njob njog vjoin vjoke n38journalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Amkilometer) nkind 1 nkind 2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) vknowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer n39lay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & nleader nleaf(pl leaves) nleague nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) vlecture nleft a,ad & nleg nlegal alemon n & alemonade nlend(lent,lent) vlength nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation nliberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie 1 n & vlie 2 (lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v & alightning nlike v & preplikely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten vliterature nliterary alitre(Am liter) nlitter vlittle(less,least) alive v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & vlonely along a & adlook n & vloose alorry n40lose(lost,lost) vloss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky aluggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madame n magazine nmagic amaid nmail n & vmailbox nmain amainland nmajor amajority nmake 1 nmake 2 (made,made) v male a & nman(pl men) n manage vmanager nmankind nmanner nmany(more,most) pron & amap nmaple nmarathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket n marriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & nmat nmatch v & nmaterial nmathematics=math/maths nmatter n & vmature amaximum a & nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeal nmean(meant,meant) vmeaning n41means nmeanwhile admeasure vmeat nmedal nmedia nmedical amedicine nmedium nmeet(met,met) v & nmeeting nmelon nmember nmemorial n & amemory nmend vmental amention n & vmenu nmerchant a & nmerciful amercy nmerely admerry amess nmessage nmessy ametal n & amethod nmetre(Am meter) nmicroscope nmicrowave nmiddle nmidnight nmight modal vmild amile nmilk n & vmillimetre(Am millimeter) nmillionaire nmind n & vmine 1 n & vmine 2 pronmineral nminibus nminimum aminister nministry nminority nminus prep & aminute nmirror nmiss 1 nmiss 2 vmissile nmist nmistake(mistook,mistaken) v &nmistaken amisunderstand(misunderstood,misunderstood) v42mix vmixture nmobile amodel nmodem nmodern amodest amom=mum nmoment nmommy=mummy nmoney nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmonument nmoon nmop n & vmoral a & nmore(much,many) a,ad& nmorning nMoslem nmosquito nmost a & admother nmotherland nmotivation nmotor nmotorcycle nmotto nmountain nmountainous amourn vmouse(pl mice) nmoustache nmouth nmove vmovement nmovie nMr.(mister) nMrs.(mistress) nMs. nmuch a & admud nmuddy amultiply vmurder vmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical a & nmusician nmust modal vmustard nmutton nmy pronmyself pronNnail nname n & vnarrow anation n43national a nationality n nationwide ad native anatural anature nnavy nnear a,ad & prep nearby anearly adneat anecessary aneck nnecklace nneed n & modal v needle nnegotiate v neighbour(Am neighbor) n neighbourhood (Am neighborhood) n neither anephew nnervous anest nnet nnetwork nnever adnew anews n newspaper nnext a & adnice aniece nnight nno ad & a No.=number nnoble anobody n & pronnod vnoise nnoisy anone pronnoodle nnoon nnor conjnormal n & anorth a,ad & nnortheast nnorthern anorthwest nnose nnot adnote n & vnotebook nnothing pron,n & anotice n & vnovel nnovelist nnow adnowadays adnowhere adnuclear a44numb anumber nnurse nnursery nnut nnutrition nOobey vobject nobserve vobtain vobvious aoccupation noccupy voccur vocean nOceania no’clock nof prepoff prep & adoffence noffer n & voffice nofficer nofficial n & aoffshore aoften adoh intoil n & voilfield nO.K. adold aOlympic(s) a & non prep & adonce n,ad & conjone prononeself prononion nonly a & adonto prepopen a & vopening nopera noperate voperation noperator nopinion noppose vopposite n & aoptimistic aoptional aor conjoral aorange n & aorbit norder n & vordinary aorgan norganise(Am organize)vorganisation(Am organization) n45origin nother pron & aotherwise adought modal vour pronours pronourselves pronout adoutcome noutdoors adouter aoutgoing aouting noutline noutput noutside n,ad & prepoutspoken aoutstanding aoutward(s) adoval n & adover prep & adovercoat novercome voverhead aoverlook voverweight aowe vown a & vowner nownership nox(pl oxen) noxygen nPpace nPacific apack n & vpackage npacket npaddle npage npain npainful apaint n & vpainter npainting npair npalace n。
考点标记背诵版---2018年高考英语考试大纲词汇精校打印版---2018年高考英语考试大纲词汇词汇量为3500左右Aa (an) art. 一(个、件…)abandon v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃ability n. 能力;才能able a. 能够;有能力的abnormal a. 反常的,变态的aboard prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)abolish v. 废除,废止abortion n. 人工流产,堕胎about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处above prep. 在…上面 a. 上面的ad. 在…之上abroad ad. 到(在)国外abrupt a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁absence n. 不在,缺席absent a. 缺席,不在absolute a. 完全,全部,绝对的absorb(in) v. 吸收,使全神贯注abstract a.抽象的(作品)n. 摘要;抽象的作品;抽象的概念absurd a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的abundant a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的abuse vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂academic n. 大学生,大学教师;学者adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的academy n.专科学院,(美)私立学校accelerate v.(使)加速,加快accent n. 口音,音调accept vt. 接受access n. 入口;通道n. 接近(的机会);使用之权vt. 进入;(电脑)存取accessible adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的be ~ toaccident n. 事故,意外的事accommodation n.住宿,膳宿accompany v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生accomplish v. 完成according to ad. 按照,根据account n. 账目;描述accountant n. 会计,会计师accumulate v. 积累,积聚accuracy n. 准确,精确accurate a.精确的,准确的accuse vt. 控告,指控;谴责;归咎于vi. 指责;控告accuse sb of sth accustomed (to) a. 习惯于,惯常的ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛achieve vt. 达到,取得achievement n. 成就,成绩,功绩acid a. 酸的acknowledge v. 承认acquaintance n. 熟人,(与某人)认识acquire v. 获得,得到acquisition n. 获得,得到acre n. 英亩across prep. 横过,穿过act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事action n. 行动active a. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员actual a. 实际的;现实的acute adj. 严重的,[医] 急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的AD abbr. 公元ad (缩) =advertisement n.广告adapt v. 使适应,适合,改编adaptation n. 适应,改编本add vt.添加,增加addicted a. 上瘾的,成瘾的,入迷的addition n.增加;(算数用语)加address n. 地址adequate adj. 充足的;适当的;胜任的adjust v. 调整,调节,适应,习惯adjustment n. 调整,适应administration n.管理,行政部门admirable a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的admire v. 钦佩;羡慕admission n. 准入, 接纳admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)adolescence n. 青春,青春期adolescent n. 青少年adj. 青春期的;青少年的adopt v. 收养,领养;采取adore v. (不用于进行时)热爱,爱慕某人adult n. 成年人advance vi. 前进n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款vt.提出;预付;使…前进;推进,促进;将…提前advantage n. 优点;好处adventure n. 冒险;奇遇advertise vt. 为…做广告advertisement n. 广告advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议advocate v. 拥护,支持,提倡aeroplane n. (英)飞机affair n. 事,事情affect vt. 影响affection n. 喜爱,钟爱afford vt. 负担得起(…的费用);抽得出(时间);提供afraid a. 害怕的;担心Africa n. 非洲African a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人after ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在后面conj. 在…以后afternoon n. 下午,午后afterward(s) ad. 后来again ad. 再一次;再,又against prep. 对着,反对age n. 年龄;时代agency n. 代理机构agenda n. (会议)议程表,议事日程agent n. 代理人,经济人aggressive a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人(aggression n. 侵略)ago ad. 以前agree v. 同意;应允agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议agricultural a. 农业的agriculture n. 农业,农学ahead ad. 在前,向前aid n. 援助;救护;辅助器具AIDS n. 艾滋病aim n.目的;目标v. 计划,打算;瞄准;针对air n. 空气;大气aircraft n. 飞机(单复数同)airline n. 航空公司;航空系统airmail n. 航空邮件airplane n. (美)飞机airport n. 航空站,飞机场airspace n.领空,(某国的)空域alarm n. 闹钟;警报,警告器;惊慌vt.警告;使惊恐album n. 相册,影集,集邮簿alcohol n. 含酒精饮料,酒alcoholic a. / n. 含酒精的,酒鬼algebra n. 代数alike ad. 很相似地,同样地alive a. 活着的,存在的all ad. 全部地 a. 全(部);所有的;总;整pron.全部;全体人员allergic a. 过敏的,厌恶alley n. 小巷,胡同allocate v. 拨给,划归,分配…给allow vt. 允许,准许allowance n. 津贴,补助almost ad. 几乎,差不多alone a. 单独的,孤独的along ad.向前;和…一起;一同prep. 沿着;顺着alongside ad.在…旁边,与…同时aloud ad. 大声地alphabet n. 字母表,字母already ad. 已经also ad. 也alternative a.供选择的,选择性的,交替的although conj. 虽然,尽管altitude n. 海拔高度altogether ad. 总共aluminium n. (化)铝always ad. 总是;一直;永远23baby n. 婴儿bachelor n. 未婚男子,单身汉back ad. 回(原处);向后a. 后面的n. 背后,后部;背(backache n. 背)background n. 背景backward(s) ad. 向后bacon n. 咸猪肉;熏猪肉bacterium (复bacteria) n. 细菌bad (worse, worst) a. 坏、有害、不利,严重(badly ad.非常,很;严重地,厉害地;恶劣地)badminton n. 羽毛球bag n. 书包;提包;袋子baggage n. 行李bakery n. 面包店(bake v. 烤;烘(面包)bake v. 烤;烘(面包)balance n. 平衡keep ~balcony n. 阳台;楼座ball n. 球n. 舞会(ballpoint = ballpoint pen 圆珠笔)ballet n. 芭蕾舞balloon n. 气球bamboo n. 竹ban n. 禁令v. 禁止;取缔banana n. 香蕉band n. 乐队bandage n. 绷带bank n. (河海湖的)岸,堤;银行bank account n. 银行账户bar n. 条,棒;酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧;柜台barbecue n. 烤肉野餐barber n. (为男人理发)理发师barbershop n. 理发店bare a. 裸露的,光秃秃的bargain n.(经讨价还价后)成交的商品;廉价货v. 讨价还价bark v. 狗叫n. 狗叫声barrier n. 屏障,障碍,关卡base n. 根据地,基地(棒球)垒baseball n. 棒球basement n. 地下室basic a. 基本的basin n. 水盆,脸盆;水池;流域;盆地basis n. 基础;底部;主要成分;基本原则或原理basket n. 篮子basketball n. 篮球bat n. 蝙蝠;球棒;球拍;批处理文件的扩展名bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆(bathrobe n. 浴衣浴袍)bathe vi. 洗澡;游泳bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室bathtub n. 澡盆battery n. 电池battle n. 战斗;战役(battleground n. 战场)bay n. 湾;海湾BC abbr n. 公元前be (am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v.是(原形);成为beach n. 海滨,海滩bean n. 豆,豆科植物beancurd n. 豆腐bear n. 熊vt. 结果实,开花(正式)vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑beard n. (下巴上的)胡须beast n. 野兽;牲畜beat (beat, beaten) v. 敲打;跳动;打赢n.(音乐)节拍beautiful a. 美,美丽,美观的beauty n. 美丽,美人because conj. 因为become (became, be come) v. 变得;成为bed n. 床(bedclothes n. 铺盖(被褥等))beddings n. 卧具,铺盖bedroom n. 寝室,卧室bee n.. 蜜蜂(beehive n. 蜂箱)beef n. 牛肉beer n. 啤酒before prep. 在…以前;在…前面ad.以前conj. 在…之前beg v. 请求,乞求,乞讨begin(began,begun)v.开始,着手(beginning n. 开始,开端)behalf n. 代表;利益on behalf of代表;为了behave vi. 表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用vt. 使守规矩;使表现得…behaviour n. 行为,举止behind prep. (表示位置)在…后面ad.在后面;向后being n. 物;生物;人belief n. 信条,信念believe v. 相信,认为bell n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物belly n. 肚子belong vi. 属于,应归入;居住;适宜;belong tobelow prep. 在…下面belt n. (皮)带bench n. 长凳;工作台bend (bent, bent) vt. 使弯曲beneath prep. 在…下方(面)beneficial a 有益的,有利的;可享利益的benefit n. 利益,好处;救济金vt. 有益于,对…有益vi. 受益,得益bent a. 弯的beside prep. 在…旁边;*近besides prep.除…以外ad. 还有,此外betray v.出卖,泄露(机密),辜负背叛between prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间beyond prep. (表示位置) 在…的那边bicycle n. 自行车bid n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取vi. 投标;吩咐vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐,向(某人)道别big a. 大的bike = bicycle n. 自行车bill n.账单;法案,议案,(美)钞票,纸币(billion num. 十亿,百亿)bingo n. 宾戈游戏biochemistry n. 生物化学biography n. 传记biology n. 生物(学)bird n. 鸟(birdcage n. 鸟笼)birth n. 出生;诞生birthday n. 生日birthplace n. 出生地;故乡biscuit n. 饼干bishop n. 主教bit n. 一点,一些,少量的bite (bit, bitten) v. 咬;叮bitter a. 苦的;痛苦的,难过的;严酷的black n. 黑色a. 黑色的blackboard n. 黑板blame n. 责备;责任;过失vt. 责备;归咎于blank n.& a. 空格,空白;空的;茫然的blanket n. 毛毯,毯子bleed vi. 出血,流血bless vt. 保佑,降福blind a. 瞎的block n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障vt. 阻塞;阻挡blood n. 血,血液blouse n. 宽罩衫;(妇女、儿童穿)短上衣blow (blew, blown) v. 吹;刮风;吹气n.击;打击blue n. 蓝色a.蓝色的a. 悲伤的;沮丧的board n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;v. 上(船、火车、飞机)boat n. 小船,小舟(boat--race n. 划船比赛)(boating n. 划船(游玩),泛舟)body n. 身体;尸体(body--building n.健美)boil v. 沸腾;烧开;煮…bomb n. 炸弹v. 轰炸bond n. 债券;结合;约定;粘合剂;纽带vt. 使结合;以…作保vi. 结合,团结在一起bone n. 骨头,骨质(复数bones骨骼;骨骸)bonus n. 津贴,奖金,红利book n.书;本子v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)(bookcase n. 书橱bookmarkn. 书签bookshelf n. 书架bookshopn. 书店bookstore n. 书店)boom n. 繁荣;隆隆声vt. 使兴旺;发4隆隆声vi. 急速发展;发隆隆声boot n. 长统靴;靴booth n.岗;亭或小隔间(telephone booth 电话亭)border n. 边缘;边境,国界bored adj. (感到)无聊的;无趣的;烦人的boring a. 无聊的;令人厌烦的born adj. 天生的v. be born出世(bear 的过去分词borrow v. (向别人)借用;借boss n. 领班;老板botanical a. 植物学的botany n. 植物;植物学both a. 两;双pron. 两者;双方bother n. 麻烦;烦恼vt. 烦扰,打扰;使…不安;使…恼怒vi. 操心,麻烦;烦恼bottle n. 瓶子bottom n. 底部;底bounce v. 弹起,蹦,上下晃动bound a.被束缚的;被绑的;有义务的boundary n. 边界,界限bow v.& n. 鞠躬,弯腰行礼bowl n. 碗bowling n. 保龄球box n. 盒子,箱子boxing n. 拳击(运动)boy n. 男孩boycott v. 拒绝购买,抵制brain n. 脑(子)brake n. 闸vi. 刹车branch n. 树枝;分枝;分公司/店;支部brand n. 品牌brave a. 勇敢的bravery n. 勇气bread n. 面包break (broke, broken) v.打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开n.破裂;间断;(持续一段时间的状况的)改变;间歇breakfast n. 早餐breakthrough n. 重大进展,突破breast n. 乳房,胸脯breath n. 气息;呼吸breathe vi. 呼吸breathless a. 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的brewery n. 啤酒厂(公司)brick n. 砖;砖块bride n. 新娘bridegroom n. 新郎bridge n. 桥brief a. 简洁的bright a. 明亮的;聪明的brilliant adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的;精彩的,绝妙的bring (brought, brought)vt. 拿来,带来,取来broad a. 宽的,宽大的broadcast(broadcast, broadcast,或-ed,-ed)vt. 广播n. 广播节目brochure n. 资料(或广告)手册broken a. 弄坏了的broom n. 扫帚brother n. 兄;弟(brotherhood n. 兄弟般的关系)brown n. 褐色,棕色a. 褐色的,棕色的brunch n. 早午饭(晚早饭)brush v. 刷;擦n. 刷子Buddhism n. 佛教(Buddhist n. 佛教徒)budget n. 预算buffet n. 自助餐build (built, built) v. 建筑;造building n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼bunch n. 串,束,扎,大量,大批bungalow n. 平房burden n. (义务,责任的)重担,负担bureaucratic a. 官僚的burglar n. 入室窃贼burn (--ed, --ed 或burnt, burnt) v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑n. 烧伤;晒伤burst v. 突然发生;突然发作bury vt. 埋;葬(burial n. 埋葬)bus n. 公共汽车(bus stop n。
.word 格式 ,A acquisition na(an)art acre nabandon v across prepability n act n & vable a action nabnormal a active aaboard prep activity n abolish v actor nabortion n actress nabout ad & prep actual aabove prep,a & ad acute aabroad ad AD abbrabrupt a ad=advertisement n absence n adapt vabsent a adaptation n absolute a add vabsorb v addicted a abstract a & n addition n absurd a address n abundant a adequate aabuse v adjust vacademic a & n adjustment n academy n administration n accelerate v admirable aaccent n admire vaccept v admission n access n & v admit v accessible a adolescence n accident n adolescent a & n accommodation n adopt v accompany v adore v accomplish v adult naccount n advance v & n accountant n advantage n accumulate v adventure n accuracy n advertise v accurate a advertisement n accuse v advice n accustomed a advise vache v & n advocate v achieve v affair n achievement n affect vacid a affection n acknowledge v afford v acquaintance n afraid aacquire v Africa n,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,African a & n already adafter ad,prep & conj also adafternoon n alternative aafterward(s)ad although conjagain ad altitude nagainst prep altogether adage n aluminium(Am aluminum) n agency n always adagenda n am v(be)agent n a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr aggressive a amateur a/nago ad amaze vagree v amazing a agreement n ambassador nagricultural a ambassadress n.agriculture n ambiguous aahead ad ambition naid n & v ambulance nAIDS n America naim n & v among prepair n amount n & vaircraft n ample aairline n amuse vairmail n amusement n.airplane n analyse vairport n analysis nairspace n ancestor nalarm n & v anchor v & nalbum n ancient aalcohol n and conjalcoholic a & n anecdote nalgebra n anger nalike ad angle nalive a angry aall ad,a & pron animal nallergic a ankle nalley n anniversary n.allocate v announce vallow v annoy vallowance n annual aalmost ad another a & pron alone a answer n & valong ad & prep ant nalongside ad Antarctic aaloud ad antique nalphabet n anxiety n,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,anxious a army nany pron & a around ad & prep anybody pron arrange v anyhow ad arrangement n anyone pron arrest vanything pron arrival n anyway ad arrive v anywhere ad arrow napart ad & a art napartment n article n apologize v artificial a apology n artist napparent a as ad,conj & prep appeal v & n ash nappear v ashamed a appearance n Asia n appendix n Asian a & n appetite n aside ad applaud v & n ask vapple n asleep a applicant n aspect n application n assess vapply v assessment n appoint v assist v appointment n assistance n appreciate v assistant n appreciation n associate v approach n & v association n appropriate a assume v approval n assumption n approve v astonish v approximately ad astronaut n apron n astronomer n arbitrary a astronomy n arch n at preparchitect n athlete n architecture n athletic a Arctic a Atlantic aare v(be)atmosphere n area n atom n argue v attach v argument n attack v & narise(arose,arisen) v attain v arithmetic n attempt v & n arm n & v attend v armchair n attention n,专业 .专注.attitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken)v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & n background nbackward(s)adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) nbad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband n .word 格式 ,bandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been)vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear1nbear2vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & nbeautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) vbed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef n,专业 .专注.beer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent)v beneath prep beneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & ad betray vbetween prep beyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry n biography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten)v bitter ablack a & n .word 格式 ,blackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott v,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,brain n bury vbrake n & v bus nbranch n bush nbrand n business nbrave a businessman/woman bravery n(pl businessmen/ women) n bread n busy abreak(broke,broken)v & n but conj & prepbreakfast n butcher n & v breakthrough n butter nbreast n butterfly nbreath n button n & vbreathe v buy(bought,bought) v breathless a by prepbrewery n bye intbrick n Cbride n cab nbridegroom n cabbage nbridge n caf énbrief a cafeteria nbright a cage nbrilliant a cake nbring(brought,brought)v calculate vbroad a call n & vbroadcast(broadcast,calm a & vbroadcast或-ed,-ed) v camel nbrochure n camera nbroken a camp n & vbroom n campaign nbrother n can1(could);brown n & a can’t=cannot modal v brunch n can2nbrush v & n canal nBuddhism n cancel vbudget n cancer nbuffet n candidate nbuild(built,built)v candle nbuilding n candy nbunch n canteen n bungalow n cap nburden n capital n bureaucratic a capsule nburglar n captain nburn(burnt,burnt caption n或 -ed,-ed)v & n car nburst v carbon n.word 格式 ,card n chairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) care n & v chalk ncareful a challenge ncareless a challenging acarpenter n champion ncarpet n chance ncarriage n change n & vcarrier n changeable acarrot n channel ncarry v chant v & ncartoon n chaos ncarve v chapter ncase n character ncash n & v characteristic a & ncassette n charge v & ncast(cast,cast) v chart ncastle n chat n & vcasual a cheap acat n cheat n & vcatalogue n check n & vcatastrophe n cheek ncatch(caught,caught)v cheer n & vcategory n cheerful acater v cheers intCatholic a cheese ncattle n chef ncause n & v chemical a & ncaution n chemist ncautious a chemistry ncave n cheque(Am check)CD=compact disk n chess nceiling n chest ncelebrate v chew vcelebration n chicken ncell n chief a & ncent n child(pl children)centigrade a childhood ncentimetre(Am centimeter)n chocolate ncentral a choice ncentre(Am center)n choir ncentury n choke n & vceremony n choose(chose,chosen) vcertain a chopsticks ncertificate n chorus nchain n Christian nchair n Christmas n.word 格式 ,church n cocoa ncigar n coffee ncigarette n coin ncinema n coincidence n circle n & v coke ncircuit n cold a & n circulate v collar ncircumstance n colleague ncircus n collect vcitizen n collection ncity n college ncivil a collision ncivilian n colour(Am color)n & v civilization n comb n & vclap v combine vclarify v come(came,come) v class n comedy nclassic a comfort nclassify v comfortable a classmate n command n & v classroom n comment nclaw n commercial aclay n commit vclean v & a commitment n cleaner n committee nclear a common aclerk n communicate v clever a communication nclick v communism nclimate n communist n & a climb v companion nclinic n company nclock n compare vclone v compass nclose a & ad compensate vcloth n compete vclothes n competence n clothing n competition n cloud n complete a & v cloudy a complex a & n club n component nclumsy a composition n coach n comprehension ncoal n compromise vcoast n compulsory acoat n computer n.word 格式 ,concentrate v contradictory a concept n contrary n & a concern v & n contribute v concert n contribution n conclude v control v & n conclusion n controversial a concrete a convenience n condemn v convenient a condition n conventional a conduct v conversation n conductor n convey v conference n convince v confident a cook n & v confidential a cooker n confirm v cookie nconflict n cool aconfuse v copy n & v congratulate v corn n congratulation n corner n connect v corporation n connection n correct v & a conscience n correction n consensus n correspond v consequence n corrupt a & v conservation n cost n & v conservative a cosy(Am cozy) a consider v cottage n considerate a cotton n & a consideration n cough n & v consist v could modal v consistent a count v constant a counter n constitution n country n construct v countryside n construction n couple nconsult v courage n consultant n course n consume v court n contain v courtyard n container n cousin n contemporary a cover n & v content1n cow ncontent2a crash v & n continent n crayon ncontinue v crazy a contradict v cream n.word 格式 ,create v database n creature n date n & vcredit n daughter ncrew n dawn ncrime n day ncriminal n dead acriterion(pl criteria) n deadline ncrop n deaf across n & v deal ncrossing n dear acrossroads n death ncrowd n & v debate n & vcruel a debt ncry n & v decade ncube n decide vcubic a decision ncuisine n declare vculture n decline vcup n decorate v cupboard n decoration ncure n & v decrease vcurious a deed ncurrency n deep a & ad curriculum n deer ncurtain n defeat vcushion n defence(Am defense) n custom n defend v customer n degree n customs n delay n & vcut(cut,cut)v & n delete v & n cycle v deliberately adcyclist n delicate aD delicious adad=daddy n delight ndaily a,ad & n delighted adam n deliver v damage n & v demand vdamp a & n dentist n dance n & v department(Dept.) n danger n departure n dangerous a depend vdare v & modal v deposit v & ndark a & n depth ndarkness n describe vdash v & n description ndata n desert v & n.word 格式 ,deserve v disadvantage n design v & n disagree v desire v & n disagreement n desk n disappear v desperate a disappoint v dessert n disappointed a destination n disaster n destroy v discount n detective n discourage v determine v discover v develop v discovery n development n discrimination n devote v discuss v devotion n discussion n diagram n disease ndial v disgusting a dialogue(Am dialog) n dish ndiamond n disk=disc ndiary n dislike vdictation n dismiss vdictionary n distance ndie v distant adiet n distinction ndiffer v distinguish v difference n distribute vdifferent a district ndifficult a disturb vdifficulty n disturbing adig(dug,dug)v dive vdigest v diverse adigital a divide vdignity n division ndilemma n divorce vdimension n dizzy adinner n do(did,done)v dinosaur n doctor ndioxide n document ndip v dog ndiploma n dollndirect a & v dollarndirection n donate vdoor ndirector ndormitory(dorm)n directory n dot ndirty a double a & n disability n doubt n & vdisabled a down prep & addownload n & v.word 格式 ,downstairs ad eastern a downtown ad,n & a easy adozen n eat(ate,eaten)v Dr=doctor n ecology ndraft n & v edge ndrag v edition ndraw(drew,drawn) v.editor ndrawback n educate v drawer n education ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或 -ed,-ed)educator n n & v effect ndress n & v effort ndrill n & v egg ndrink(drank,drunk) v eggplant ndrive(drove,driven) v either a,conj & ad driver n elder ndrop n & v elect vdrug n electric adrum n electrical a drunk a electricity n dry v & a electronic aduck n elegant adue a elephant ndull a else ad dumpling n e-mail n & vduring prep embarrass vdusk n embassy ndust n emergency n dustbin n emperor ndusty a employ vduty n empty aDVD=digital versatile disk n encourage v dynamic a encouragement n dynasty n end n & vending nE endless aeach a & pron enemy neager a energetic a eagle n energy near n engine nearly a & ad engineer nearn v enjoy vearth n enjoyable a earthquake n enlarge veast a,ad & n enough pron,a & ad Easter n enquiry n.word 格式 ,enter v exercise n & v enterprise n exhibition n entertainment n exist venthusiastic a existence nentire a exit nentrance n expand ventry n expect venvelope n expectation n environment n expense nenvy v & n expensive aequal a & v experience nequality n experiment nequip v expert nequipment n explain veraser n explanation nerror n explicit aerupt v explode vescape n & v explore vespecially ad export n & vessay n expose vEurope n express v & n European a & n expression nevaluate v extension neven ad extra aevening n extraordinary aevent n extreme a eventually ad eye never ad eyesight nevery aeverybody pron Feveryday a face n & veveryone pron facial aeverything pron fact neverywhere ad factory nevidence n fade vevident a fail v & nevolution n failure nexact a fair1aexam=examination n fair2nexamine v faith nexample n fall1(fell,fallen)v excellent a fall2(Am)=autumn n except prep false aexchange n & v familiar aexcite v family nexcuse n & v famous a.word 格式 ,fan n fine2vfancy n,v & a finger nfantastic a fingernail n fantasy n finish v & nfar(farther,farthest或fire n & v further,furthest)fireworks nfare n firm1nfarm n firm2afarmer n fish n & v fast a & ad fisherman nfasten v fist nfat n & a fit a & vfather n fix vfault n flag nfavour(Am favor)n flame nfavourite(Am favorite) a & n flash nfax n & v flashlight nfear n flat1afeast n flat2n feather n flee(fled,fled)v federal a flesh nfee n flexible afeed(fed,fed)v flight nfeel(felt,felt)v float vfeeling n flood n & v fellow n floor n female a & n flour nfence n flow vferry n flower n festival n & a flu nfetch v fluency nfever n fluent afew pron & a fly1(flew,flown)v fibre(Am fiber) n fly2nfiction n focus v & nfield n fog nfierce a foggy afight(fought,fought) n & v fold vfigure n & v folk n & afile n follow vfill v fond afilm n & v food nfinal a fool n & v finance n foolish afind(found,found)v foot(pl feet)nfine1a football n.word 格式 ,for prep & conj frontier nforbid(forbade,forbidden)v frost nforce v fruit nforecast n & v fry vforehead n fuel nforeign a full aforeigner n fun n & aforesee(foresaw,foreseen)v function n & v forest n fundamental a forever ad funeral nforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten)funny av fur nforgetful a furnished a forgive(forgave,forgiven)v furniture nfork n future nform n & vformat n Gformer a gain vfortnight n gallery n fortunate a gallon nfortune n game n forward ad garage nfoster v garbage nfound v garden nfountain n garlic nfox n garment n fragile a gas nfragrant a gate n framework n gather vfranc n gay afree a general a & n freedom n generation n freeway n generous afreeze(froze,frozen)v gentle afreezing a gentleman n frequent a geography nfresh a geometry n friction n gesture nfridge=refrigerator n get(got,got)vfriend n gift nfriendly a gifted a friendship n giraffe n frighten v girl nfrog n give(gave,given) v from prep glad afront a & n glance v.word 格式 ,glare v grill nglass n grocer nglobe n grocery nglory n ground nglove n group nglue n grow(grew,grown)vgo(went,gone) v growth ngoal n guarantee vgoat n guard ngod n guess vgold n & a guest ngolden a guidance ngolf n guide ngood(better,best)a guilty agoods n guitar ngoose(pl geese)n gun ngovern v gym=gymnasium n government n gymnastics ngrade ngradual a Hgraduate v habit ngraduation n hair ngrain n haircut ngram n half a & ngrammar n hall ngrand a ham ngrandchild n hamburger n granddaughter n hammer ngrandma=grandmother n hand n & vgrandpa=grandfather n handbag n grandparents n handful ngrandson n handkerchief ngranny n handle n & vgrape n handsome agraph n handwriting ngrasp v handy agrass n hang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v grateful a happen vgravity n happiness ngreat a & ad happy agreedy a harbour(Am harbor)ngreen a & n hard ad & agreengrocer n hardly adgreet v hardship ngreeting n hardworking agrey(Am gray) a harm n & v.word 格式 ,harmful a hit(hit,hit)v & n harmony n hobby nharvest n & v hold(held,held)vhat n hole nhatch v holiday nhate v & n holy ahave(has,had,had) v home n & adhe pron homeland nhead n & v hometown nheadache n homework nheadline n honest aheadmaster n honey nheadmistress n honour(Am honor)n & v health n hook n & vhealthy a hope n & vhear(heard,heard) v hopeful ahearing n hopeless aheart n horrible aheat n horse nheaven n hospital nheavy a host n & vheel n hostess nheight n hot ahelicopter n hotdog nhello int hotel nhelmet n hour nhelp n & v house nhelpful a housewife nhen n housework nher pron how adherb n however ad & conj here ad howl vhero n hug vhers pron huge aherself pron human a & nhesitate v human being nhi int humorous ahide(hid,hidden)v humour(Am humor)n high a & ad hunger nhighway n hungry ahill n hunt vhim pron hunter nhimself pron hurricane nhire v hurry vhis pron hurt(hurt,hurt)v history n husband n.word 格式 ,hydrogen n insert vinside prep & adI insist vI pron inspect vice n inspire vice-cream n instant aidea n instead ad identity n institute n identification n institution n idiom n instruct vif conj instruction n ignore v instrument nill a insurance nillegal a insure villness n intelligence n imagine v intend v immediately ad intention n immigration n interest nimport v & n interesting a importance n international a important a Internet n impossible a interpreter n impress v interrupt v impression n interval n improve v interview n & vin prep & ad into prep inch n introduce v incident n introduction n include v invent vincome n invention n increase v & n invitation n indeed a invite v independence n iron n & v independent a irrigation n indicate v is v(be)industry n island ninfluence n & v it proninform v its proninformation n itself proninitial ainjure v Jinjury n jacket nink n jam ninn n jar ninnocent a jaw ninsect n jazz n.word 格式 ,jeans njeep n Ljet n lab=laboratory njewellery(Am jewelry) n labour(Am labor)njob n lack n & vjog v lady njoin v lake njoke n lamb njournalist n lame ajourney n lamp njoy n land n & vjudge n & v language njudgement(Am judgment) n lantern njuice n lap njump n & v large ajungle n last a & vjunior a late a & adjust a & ad latter njustice n laugh n & vlaughter nK laundry nkangaroo n law nkeep(kept,kept)v lawyer nkettle n lay(laid,laid)vkey n lazy akeyboard n lead(led,led) v & nkick v & n leader nkid n leaf(pl leaves)nkill v league nkilo n leak vkilogram n learn(learnt,learnt或 -ed,-ed) kilometre(Am kilometer) n vkind1n least nkind2a leather nkindergarten n leave(left,left)vkindness n lecture nking n left a,ad & nkingdom n leg nkiss n & v legal akitchen n lemon n & akite n lemonade nknee n lend(lent,lent)vknife(pl knives)n length nknock n & v lesson nknow(knew,known)v let(let,let)vknowledge n letter n.word 格式 ,level n low a & adliberation n luck nliberty n lucky alibrarian n luggage nlibrary n lunch nlicense n lung nlid nlie1n & v Mlie2(lay,lain)v machine nlife(pl lives)n mad alift v & n madam/madame nlight n,v & a magazine nlightning n magic alike v & prep maid nlikely a mail n & vlimit v mailbox nline n & v main alink v & n mainland nlion n major alip n majority nliquid n & a make1nlist n & v make2(made,made)vlisten v male a & nliterature n man(pl men)nliterary a manage vlitre(Am liter)n manager nlitter v mankind nlittle(less,least)a manner nlive v & a many(more,most)pron & a lively a map nload n maple nloaf n marathon nlocal a marble nlock n & v march n & vlonely a mark n & vlong a & ad market nlook n & v marriage nloose a marry vlorry n mask n & vlose(lost,lost)v mass nloss n master v & nlot n mat nloud a match v & nlounge n material nlove n & v mathematics=math/maths n lovely a matter n & v.word 格式 ,mature a millimetre(Am millimeter) n maximum a & n millionaire nmay modal v mind n & vmaybe ad mine1n & vme pron mine2pronmeal n mineral nmean(meant,meant) v minibus nmeaning n minimum ameans n minister nmeanwhile ad ministry nmeasure v minority nmeat n minus prep & amedal n minute nmedia n mirror nmedical a miss1nmedicine n miss2vmedium n missile nmeet(met,met) v & n mist nmeeting n mistake(mistook,mistaken) melon n v & nmember n mistaken amemorial n & a misunderstandmemory n(misunderstood,misunderstood) mend v vmental a mix vmention n & v mixture nmenu n mobile amerchant a & n model nmerciful a modem nmercy n modern amerely ad modest amerry a mom=mum nmess n moment nmessage n mommy=mummynmessy a money nmetal n & a monitor nmethod n monkey nmetre(Am meter)n month nmicroscope n monument nmicrowave n moon nmiddle n mopn & vmidnight n moral a & nmight modal v more(much,many) a,ad & n mild a morning nmile n Moslem nmilk n & v mosquito n.word 格式 ,most a & ad navy nmother n near a,ad & prepmotherland n nearby amotivation n nearly admotor n neat amotorcycle n necessary amotto n neck nmountain n necklace nmountainous a need n & modal vmourn v needle nmouse(pl mice)n negotiate vmoustache n neighbour(Am neighbor) nmouth n neighbourhood(Am neighborhood) move v nmovement n neither amovie n nephew nMr.(mister)n nervous aMrs.(mistress)n nest nMs. n net nmuch a & ad network nmudn never admuddy a new amultiply v news nmurder v newspaper nmuseum n next a & admushroom n nice amusic n niece nmusical a & n night nmusician n no ad & amust modal v No.=number nmustard n noble amutton n nobody n & pronmy pron nod vmyself pron noise nnoisy aN none pronnail n noodle nname n & v noon nnarrow a nor conjnation n normal n & anational a north a,ad & nnationality n northeast nnationwide ad northern anative a northwest nnatural a nose nnature n not ad.word 格式 ,note n & v one pronnotebook n oneself pronnothing pron,n & a onion nnotice n & v only a & adnovel n onto prepnovelist n open a & vnow ad opening nnowadays ad opera nnowhere ad operate vnuclear a operation nnumb a operator nnumber n opinion nnurse n oppose vnursery n opposite n & anut n optimistic anutrition n optional aor conjO oral aobey v orange n & aobject n orbit nobserve v order n & vobtain v ordinary aobvious a organ noccupation n organise(Am organize) voccupy v organisation(Am organization) occur v nocean n origin nOceania n other pron & ao’clock n otherwise adof prep ought modal voff prep & ad our pronoffence n ours pronoffer n & v ourselves pronoffice n out adofficer n outcome nofficial n & a outdoors adoffshore a outer aoften ad outgoing aoh int outing noil n & v outline noilfield n output nO.K.ad outside n,ad & prepold a outspoken aOlympic(s) a & n outstanding aon prep & ad outward(s)adonce n,ad & conj oval n & ad.word 格式 ,over prep & ad particular aovercoat n partly adovercome v partner noverhead a part-time a & adoverlook v party noverweight a pass vowe v passage nown a & v passenger nowner n passer-by nownership n passive aox(pl oxen)n passport noxygen n past ad,n & preppatent nP path npace n patience nPacific a patient1npack n & v patient2apackage n pattern npacket n pause n & vpaddle n pavement npage n pay(paid,paid) v & npain n P.C.=personal computer n painful a P.E.=physical education n paint n & v pea npainter n peace npainting n peaceful apair n peach npalace n pear npale a pedestrian npan n pen npancake n pence npanda n pencil npanic a & v penny npaper n pension npaperwork n people nparagraph n pepper nparallel a & n per prepparcel n percent npardon n percentage nparent n perfect apark1n perform vpark2v performance nparking n performer nparrot n perfume npart n,a & v perhaps adparticipate v period n。
精心整理2018年全国高考考纲3500词汇word版Aa(an) artabandon v ability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion n about ad & prep above prep,a & ad abroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute a absorb vabstract a & n absurd a abundant aabuse vacademic a & n academy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible aaccident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish vaccount n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity n actor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted a addition n address nadequate aadjust vadjustment n administration n admirable aadmire vadmission nadmit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep & conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent naggressive aago adagree vagreement nappropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch n architect n architecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj & prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment nassist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy nat prep athlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & n background nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & nbeautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) vbed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg v begin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry n biography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) vbitter ablack a & nblackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride n bridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj & prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncaféncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless acarpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave n CD=compact disk nceiling ncelebrate vcelebration ncell ncent ncentigrade acentimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) ncentury nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(plchairmen/women) chalk n challenge nchallenging achampion nchance nchange n & vchangeable achannel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter ncharacteristic a & ncharge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerfulacheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check)chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children)childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette n cinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & a cleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach n coal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable acommand n & v comment n commercial acommit vcommitment n committee ncommon a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion ncompany ncompare vcompass n compensate vcompete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept nconcern v & nconcert nconclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm vconflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain vcontainer n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince vcook n & vcooker ncookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation ncorrect v & a correction n correspond vcorrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & a cough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncourt n courtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & n crayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup n cupboard ncure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle v cyclist nDdad=daddy ndaily a,ad & n dam n damage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness n dash v & ndata n database ndate n & v daughter n dawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & v debt n decade ndecide v decision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & ad deer ndefeat v defence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective n determine vdevelop vdevelopment n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital adignity ndilemma n dimension ndinner ndinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director ndirectory ndirty adisability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster ndiscount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting adish ndisk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant a distinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict ndisturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog n doll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs addowntown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v.drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & vdress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) vdrive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a & pron eager aeagle near nearly a & ad earn vearth n earthquake neast a,ad & n Easter neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) v ecology nedge nedition neditor neducate v education n educator n effect neffort negg neggplant n either a,conj & ad elder nelect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer n enjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a & ad enquiry nenter venterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic aentire aentrance n entry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & vequality nequip vequipment neraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope nEuropean a & n evaluate v even adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident aevolution n exact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment nexpert nexplain v explanation nexplicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn n false afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v & a fantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest 或further,furthest)fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & ad fasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron & afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep & conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) vfork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain n fox nfragile afragrant a framework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished afurniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation ngenerous agentle agentleman ngeography ngeometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) ngovern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate v graduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity n great a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) vgrowth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & v harmful a harmony n harvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v & nhave(has,had,had) v he pronhead n & v headache n headline n headmaster n headmistress n health n healthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat n heaven nheavy aheel nheight n helicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & v helpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pron herself pron hesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) v high a & ad highway nhill nhim p ronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) v hole nholiday nholy a home n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad & conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being n humorous ahumour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity nidentification nidiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness n imagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & ad inch n incident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert v inside prep & ad insist vinspect vinspire vinstant ainstead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet ninterpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce vintroduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement (Am judgment) n juice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led)v & nleader nleaf(pl leaves) nleague nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) v least nleather n leave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad & nleg nlegal a lemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel n liberation n liberty nlibrarian n library nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v & a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten vliterature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & v lonely along a & ad look n & v loose alorry nlose(lost,lost) v loss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky aluggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madame nmagazine nmagic amaid nmail n & vmailbox nmain amainland nmajor amajority nmake1 nmake2(made,made) vmale a & nman(pl men) nmanage vmanager nmankind nmanner nmany(more,most) pron & a map nmaple nmarathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & nmat nmatch v & nmaterial nmathematics =math/maths n matter n & vmature amaximum a & n may modal vmaybe adme pronmeal nmean(meant,meant) vmeaning nmeans nmeanwhile admeasure vmeat nmedal nmedia nmedical amedicine nmedium nmeet(met,met) v & nmeeting nmelon nmember nmemorial n & amemory nmend vmental amention n & vmenu nmerchant a & nmerciful amercy nmerely admerry amess nmessage nmessy ametal n & amethod nmetre(Am meter) n microscope nmicrowave nmiddle nmidnight nmight modal vmild amile nmilk n & vmillimetre (Am millimeter) n millionaire nmind n & vmine1 n & vmine2 pronmineral nminibus nminimum aminister nministry nminority nminus prep & aminute nmirror nmiss1 nmiss2 vmissile nmist nmistake (mistook,mistaken) v & n mistaken amisunderstand (misunderstood,misunderstood) v mix vmixture nmobile amodel nmodem nmodern amodest amom=mum nmoment nmommy=mummy nmoney nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmonument nmoon nmop n & vmoral a & nmore(much,many) a,ad & n morning nMoslem nmosquito nmost a & admother nmotherland nmotivation nmotor nmotorcycle nmotto nmountain nmountainous amourn vmouse(pl mice) nmoustache nmouth nmove vmovement nmovie nMr.(mister) nMrs.(mistress) n Ms. nmuch a & admud nmuddy amultiply vmurder vmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical a & nmusician nmust modal vmustard nmutton nmy pronmyself pronNnail nname n & vnarrow anation nnational anationality nnationwide adnative anatural anature nnavy nnear a,ad & prepnearby anearly adneat anecessary aneck nnecklace nneed n & modal vneedle nnegotiate vneighbour(Am neighbor) n neighbourhood(Am neighborhood) nneither anephew nnervous anest nnet nnetwork nnever adnew anews nnewspaper nnext a & adnice aniece nnight nno ad & aNo.=number n noble a nobody n & pron nod vnoise nnoisy anone pron noodle nnoon nnor conjnormal n & anorth a,ad & n northeast n northern a northwest nnose nnot adnote n & v notebook n nothing pron,n & a notice n & vnovel n novelist nnow ad nowadays ad nowhere ad nuclear anumb anumber nnurse nnursery nnut nnutrition nOobey vobject nobserve v obtain vobvious a occupation n occupy voccur vocean nOceania no’clock nof prepoff prep & ad offence n offer n & voffice nofficer nofficial n & aoffshore aoften adoh intoil n & voilfield nO.K. adold aOlympic(s) a & non prep & adonce n,ad & conjone prononeself prononion nonly a & adonto prepopen a & vopening nopera noperate voperation noperator nopinion noppose vopposite n & aoptimistic aoptional aor conjoral aorange n & aorbit norder n & vordinary aorgan norganise(Am organize) v organisation (Am organization) norigin nother pron & aotherwise adought modal vour pronours pronourselves pronout adoutcome noutdoors adouter aoutgoing aouting noutline noutput n outside n,ad & prep outspoken a outstanding a outward(s) ad oval n & ad over prep & ad overcoat n overcome v overhead a overlook v overweight aowe vown a & v owner nownership nox(pl oxen) n oxygen nPpace nPacific apack n & v package n packet npaddle npage npain npainful apaint n & v painter n painting n pair npalace npale apan npancake n panda n panic a & v paper n paperwork n paragraph n parallel a & n parcel n pardon nparent npark1 npark2 v parking nparrot npart n,a & v participate v particular apartly adpartner npart-time a & adparty npass vpassage npassenger npasser-by npassive apassport npast ad,n & prep patent npath npatience npatient1 npatient2 apattern npause n & v pavement npay(paid,paid) v & n P.C.=personal computer n P.E.=physical education n pea npeace npeaceful apeach npear npedestrian npen npence npencil npenny npension npeople npepper nper preppercent npercentage nperfect aperform v performance n performer nperfume nperhaps adperiod npermanent a permission npermit v & nperson npersonal a personnel n personally ad。
Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prep above prep,a & ad abroad adabrupt a absence nabsent a absolute aabsorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant aabuse vacademic a & n academy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & n achieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity n actor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress nadequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable aadmire vadmission nadmit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep & conj afternoon n afterward(s) adagain adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent n aggressive a ago adagree v agreement nagricultural aagriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nairplane nairport nairspace nalarm n & valbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & nalgebra nalike adalive aall ad,a & pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative aalthough conjaltitude naltogether adaluminium (Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur a/namaze vamazing aambassador n ambassadress n.ambiguous aambition nambulance nAmerica namong prepamount n & v ample aamuse v amusement n. analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle n angry aanimal nankle n anniversary n. announce v annoy vannual a another a & pron answer n & v ant nAntarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron & a anybody pron anyhow adanyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application napply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & vappropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj & prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment nassist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy nat prep athlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & n background nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, w ere,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & nbeautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) vbed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry n biography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) vbitter ablack a & nblackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pron bother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom n bridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden n bureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj & prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncaféncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless acarpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate vcelebration ncell ncent ncentigrade acentimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) ncentury nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) chalk nchallenge nchallenging achampion nchance nchange n & vchangeable achannel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter ncharacteristic a & ncharge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check)chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children)childhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & v circuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & a cleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast n coat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial acommit vcommitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion ncompany ncompare vcompass n compensate vcompete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept nconcern v & nconcert nconclude v conclusion nconcrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker ncookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation ncorrect v & a correction n correspond vcorrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncourt n courtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & n crayon ncrazy acream ncreate v creature ncredit ncrew ncrime n criminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum ncurtain ncushion ncustom n customer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & ncycle vcyclist nDdad=daddy ndaily a,ad & ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger ndangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & v daughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate vdecoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective n determine vdevelop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) vdigest vdigital adignity ndilemma n dimension ndinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip v diploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing a dive vdiverse a divide v division n divorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document n dog ndoll ndollar ndonate v door ndormitory(dorm) ndot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & addownload n & vdownstairs addowntown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v.drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & vdress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) vdrive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a & proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad & nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) v ecology nedge nedition neditor n educate v education n educator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj & ad elder nelect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor nemploy vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a & ad enquiry n enter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire a entrance n entry n envelope n environment nenvy v & nequal a & v equality nequip vequipment neraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope nEuropean a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence n evident aevolution n exact aexam=examination n examine v example nexcellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment nexpert nexplain vexplanation nexplicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v & afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest 或further,furthest)fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather n federal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) v feeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron & afibre(Am fiber) n fiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) v fine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & v fisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep & conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) vfork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing a frequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & n frontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame n garage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic n garment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & ad greedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery n ground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) vgrowth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v & nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline n headmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful a hopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad & conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being n humorous ahumour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane n hurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration nimport v & n importance n important a impossible a impress vimpression n improve vin prep & ad inch n incident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert v inside prep & ad insist v inspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement (Am judgment) n juice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & nleader nleaf(pl leaves) nleague nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) v least nleather nleave(left,left) vlecture nleft a,ad & nleg nlegal alemon n & alemonade nlend(lent,lent) vlength nlesson n let(let,let) v letter n level n liberation n liberty n librarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v & a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & a lively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & v lonely along a & ad look n & v loose alorry nlose(lost,lost) v loss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky a luggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madame n magazine nmagic amaid nmail n & vmailbox nmain amainland nmajor amajority nmake1 nmake2(made,made) v male a & nman(pl men) nmanage vmanager nmankindnmanner nmany(more,most) pron & a map nmaple nmarathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & nmat nmatch v & nmaterial n mathematics =math/maths n matter n & vmature amaximum a & nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeal nmean(meant,meant) v meaning nmeans nmeanwhile admeasure vmeat n medal nmedia nmedical amedicine nmedium nmeet(met,met) v & nmeeting nmelon nmember nmemorial n & amemory nmend vmental amention n & vmenu nmerchant a & nmerciful amercy nmerely admerry amess nmessage nmessy ametal n & amethod nmetre(Am meter) nmicroscope nmicrowave nmiddle nmidnight nmight modal vmild amile nmilk n & vmillimetre (Am millimeter) n millionaire nmind n & vmine1 n & vmine2 pronmineral nminibus nminimum aminister nministry nminority nminus prep & aminute nmirror nmiss1 nmiss2 vmissile nmist nmistake (mistook,mistaken) v & nmistaken amisunderstand (misunderstood,misunderstood) v mix vmixture nmobile amodel nmodem nmodern amodest amom=mum nmoment nmommy=mummy nmoney nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmonument nmoon nmop n & vmoral a & nmore(much,many) a,ad & n morning nMoslem nmosquito nmost a & admother nmotherland nmotivation nmotor nmotorcycle nmotto nmountain nmountainous amourn vmouse(pl mice) nmoustache nmouth nmove vmovement nmovie nMr.(mister) nMrs.(mistress) nMs. nmuch a & admud nmuddy amultiply vmurder vmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical a & n musician nmust modal vmustard nmutton nmy pronmyself pronNnail nname n & vnarrow anation nnational anationality nnationwide adnative anatural anature nnavy nnear a,ad & prepnearby anearly adneat anecessary aneck nnecklace nneed n & modal vneedle nnegotiate vneighbour(Am neighbor) n neighbourhood(Am neighborhood) nneither anephew nnervous anest nnet nnetwork nnever adnew anews nnewspaper nnext a & adnice aniece nnight nno ad & aNo.=number nnoble anobody n & pronnod vnoise nnoisy anone pron noodle nnoon nnor conjnormal n & anorth a,ad & n northeast n northern a northwest nnose nnot adnote n & v notebook n nothing pron,n & a notice n & v novel n novelist nnow ad nowadays ad nowhere ad nuclear anumb anumber n nurse nnursery nnut nnutrition nOobey vobject nobserve v obtain vobvious a occupation n occupy v occur vocean nOceania no’clock nof prepoff prep & ad offence noffer n & v office nofficer nofficial n & a offshore aoften adoh intoil n & voilfield nO.K. ad old aOlympic(s) a & non prep & adonce n,ad & conjone prononeself prononion nonly a & adonto prepopen a & vopening nopera noperate voperation noperator nopinion noppose vopposite n & aoptimistic aoptional aor conjoral aorange n & aorbit norder n & vordinary aorgan norganise(Am organize) v organisation (Am organization) n origin nother pron & aotherwise adought modal vour pronours pronourselves pronout adoutcome noutdoors adouter aoutgoing aouting noutline noutput noutside n,ad & prepoutspoken aoutstanding aoutward(s) adoval n & adover prep & adovercoat novercome voverhead a。
n & v
ad & prep
.word 格式 ,A acquisition na(an)art acre nabandon v across prepability n act n & vable a action nabnormal a active aaboard prep activity n abolish v actor nabortion n actress nabout ad & prep actual aabove prep,a & ad acute aabroad ad AD abbrabrupt a ad=advertisement n absence n adapt vabsent a adaptation n absolute a add vabsorb v addicted a abstract a & n addition n absurd a address n abundant a adequate aabuse v adjust vacademic a & n adjustment n academy n administration n accelerate v admirable aaccent n admire vaccept v admission n access n & v admit v accessible a adolescence n accident n adolescent a & n accommodation n adopt v accompany v adore v accomplish v adult naccount n advance v & n accountant n advantage n accumulate v adventure n accuracy n advertise v accurate a advertisement n accuse v advice n accustomed a advise vache v & n advocate v achieve v affair n achievement n affect vacid a affection n acknowledge v afford v acquaintance n afraid aacquire v Africa n,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,African a & n already adafter ad,prep & conj also adafternoon n alternative aafterward(s)ad although conjagain ad altitude nagainst prep altogether adage n aluminium(Am aluminum) n agency n always adagenda n am v(be)agent n a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr aggressive a amateur a/nago ad amaze vagree v amazing a agreement n ambassador nagricultural a ambassadress n.agriculture n ambiguous aahead ad ambition naid n & v ambulance nAIDS n America naim n & v among prepair n amount n & vaircraft n ample aairline n amuse vairmail n amusement n.airplane n analyse vairport n analysis nairspace n ancestor nalarm n & v anchor v & nalbum n ancient aalcohol n and conjalcoholic a & n anecdote nalgebra n anger nalike ad angle nalive a angry aall ad,a & pron animal nallergic a ankle nalley n anniversary n.allocate v announce vallow v annoy vallowance n annual aalmost ad another a & pron alone a answer n & valong ad & prep ant nalongside ad Antarctic aaloud ad antique nalphabet n anxiety n,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,anxious a army nany pron & a around ad & prep anybody pron arrange v anyhow ad arrangement n anyone pron arrest vanything pron arrival n anyway ad arrive v anywhere ad arrow napart ad & a art napartment n article n apologize v artificial a apology n artist napparent a as ad,conj & prep appeal v & n ash nappear v ashamed a appearance n Asia n appendix n Asian a & n appetite n aside ad applaud v & n ask vapple n asleep a applicant n aspect n application n assess vapply v assessment n appoint v assist v appointment n assistance n appreciate v assistant n appreciation n associate v approach n & v association n appropriate a assume v approval n assumption n approve v astonish v approximately ad astronaut n apron n astronomer n arbitrary a astronomy n arch n at preparchitect n athlete n architecture n athletic a Arctic a Atlantic aare v(be)atmosphere n area n atom n argue v attach v argument n attack v & narise(arose,arisen) v attain v arithmetic n attempt v & n arm n & v attend v armchair n attention n,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,attitude n bandage nattract v bank nattraction n bar nattractive a barbecue naudience n barber naunt n barbershop nauthentic a bare aauthor n bargain n & vauthority n bark v & nautomatic a barrier n autonomous a base nautumn n baseball navailable a basement navenue n basic aaverage a & n basin navoid v basis nawake(awoke,awoken) v & a basket naward n basketball naware a bat naway ad bath nawesome a bathe vawful a bathroom nawkward a bathtub nbattery nB battle nbaby n bay nbachelor n BC abbrback ad,a & n be(am,is,are,was, background n were,being,been)v backward(s)ad beach nbacon n bean nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bean curd nbad(worse,worst) a bear1nbadminton n bear2vbag n beard nbaggage n beast nbakery n beat(beat,beaten) v & n balance n beautiful abalcony n beauty nball n because conjballet n become(became,become) v balloon n bed nbamboo n beddings nban n & v bedroom nbanana n bee nband n beef n,专业 .专注.beer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent)v beneath prep beneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & ad betray vbetween prep beyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry n biography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten)v bitter ablack a & n .word 格式 ,blackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott v,专业 .专注..word 格式 ,brain n bury vbrake n & v bus nbranch n bush nbrand n business nbrave a businessman/woman bravery n(pl businessmen/ women) n bread n busy abreak(broke,broken)v & n but conj & prepbreakfast n butcher n & v breakthrough n butter nbreast n butterfly nbreath n button n & vbreathe v buy(bought,bought) v breathless a by prepbrewery n bye intbrick n Cbride n cab nbridegroom n cabbage nbridge n caf énbrief a cafeteria nbright a cage nbrilliant a cake nbring(brought,brought)v calculate vbroad a call n & vbroadcast(broadcast,calm a & vbroadcast或-ed,-ed) v camel nbrochure n camera nbroken a camp n & vbroom n campaign nbrother n can1(could);brown n & a can’t=cannot modal v brunch n can2nbrush v & n canal nBuddhism n cancel vbudget n cancer nbuffet n candidate nbuild(built,built)v candle nbuilding n candy nbunch n canteen n bungalow n cap nburden n capital n bureaucratic a capsule nburglar n captain nburn(burnt,burnt caption n或 -ed,-ed)v & n car nburst v carbon n.word 格式 ,card n chairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) care n & v chalk ncareful a challenge ncareless a challenging acarpenter n champion ncarpet n chance ncarriage n change n & vcarrier n changeable acarrot n channel ncarry v chant v & ncartoon n chaos ncarve v chapter ncase n character ncash n & v characteristic a & ncassette n charge v & ncast(cast,cast) v chart ncastle n chat n & vcasual a cheap acat n cheat n & vcatalogue n check n & vcatastrophe n cheek ncatch(caught,caught)v cheer n & vcategory n cheerful acater v cheers intCatholic a cheese ncattle n chef ncause n & v chemical a & ncaution n chemist ncautious a chemistry ncave n cheque(Am check)CD=compact disk n chess nceiling n chest ncelebrate v chew vcelebration n chicken ncell n chief a & ncent n child(pl children)centigrade a childhood ncentimetre(Am centimeter)n chocolate ncentral a choice ncentre(Am center)n choir ncentury n choke n & vceremony n choose(chose,chosen) vcertain a chopsticks ncertificate n chorus nchain n Christian nchair n Christmas n.word 格式 ,church n cocoa ncigar n coffee ncigarette n coin ncinema n coincidence n circle n & v coke ncircuit n cold a & n circulate v collar ncircumstance n colleague ncircus n collect vcitizen n collection ncity n college ncivil a collision ncivilian n colour(Am color)n & v civilization n comb n & vclap v combine vclarify v come(came,come) v class n comedy nclassic a comfort nclassify v comfortable a classmate n command n & v classroom n comment nclaw n commercial aclay n commit vclean v & a commitment n cleaner n committee nclear a common aclerk n communicate v clever a communication nclick v communism nclimate n communist n & a climb v companion nclinic n company nclock n compare vclone v compass nclose a & ad compensate vcloth n compete vclothes n competence n clothing n competition n cloud n complete a & v cloudy a complex a & n club n component nclumsy a composition n coach n comprehension ncoal n compromise vcoast n compulsory acoat n computer n.word 格式 ,concentrate v contradictory a concept n contrary n & a concern v & n contribute v concert n contribution n conclude v control v & n conclusion n controversial a concrete a convenience n condemn v convenient a condition n conventional a conduct v conversation n conductor n convey v conference n convince v confident a cook n & v confidential a cooker n confirm v cookie nconflict n cool aconfuse v copy n & v congratulate v corn n congratulation n corner n connect v corporation n connection n correct v & a conscience n correction n consensus n correspond v consequence n corrupt a & v conservation n cost n & v conservative a cosy(Am cozy) a consider v cottage n considerate a cotton n & a consideration n cough n & v consist v could modal v consistent a count v constant a counter n constitution n country n construct v countryside n construction n couple nconsult v courage n consultant n course n consume v court n contain v courtyard n container n cousin n contemporary a cover n & v content1n cow ncontent2a crash v & n continent n crayon ncontinue v crazy a contradict v cream n.word 格式 ,create v database n creature n date n & vcredit n daughter ncrew n dawn ncrime n day ncriminal n dead acriterion(pl criteria) n deadline ncrop n deaf across n & v deal ncrossing n dear acrossroads n death ncrowd n & v debate n & vcruel a debt ncry n & v decade ncube n decide vcubic a decision ncuisine n declare vculture n decline vcup n decorate v cupboard n decoration ncure n & v decrease vcurious a deed ncurrency n deep a & ad curriculum n deer ncurtain n defeat vcushion n defence(Am defense) n custom n defend v customer n degree n customs n delay n & vcut(cut,cut)v & n delete v & n cycle v deliberately adcyclist n delicate aD delicious adad=daddy n delight ndaily a,ad & n delighted adam n deliver v damage n & v demand vdamp a & n dentist n dance n & v department(Dept.) n danger n departure n dangerous a depend vdare v & modal v deposit v & ndark a & n depth ndarkness n describe vdash v & n description ndata n desert v & n.word 格式 ,deserve v disadvantage n design v & n disagree v desire v & n disagreement n desk n disappear v desperate a disappoint v dessert n disappointed a destination n disaster n destroy v discount n detective n discourage v determine v discover v develop v discovery n development n discrimination n devote v discuss v devotion n discussion n diagram n disease ndial v disgusting a dialogue(Am dialog) n dish ndiamond n disk=disc ndiary n dislike vdictation n dismiss vdictionary n distance ndie v distant adiet n distinction ndiffer v distinguish v difference n distribute vdifferent a district ndifficult a disturb vdifficulty n disturbing adig(dug,dug)v dive vdigest v diverse adigital a divide vdignity n division ndilemma n divorce vdimension n dizzy adinner n do(did,done)v dinosaur n doctor ndioxide n document ndip v dog ndiploma n dollndirect a & v dollarndirection n donate vdoor ndirector ndormitory(dorm)n directory n dot ndirty a double a & n disability n doubt n & vdisabled a down prep & addownload n & v.word 格式 ,downstairs ad eastern a downtown ad,n & a easy adozen n eat(ate,eaten)v Dr=doctor n ecology ndraft n & v edge ndrag v edition ndraw(drew,drawn) v.editor ndrawback n educate v drawer n education ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或 -ed,-ed)educator n n & v effect ndress n & v effort ndrill n & v egg ndrink(drank,drunk) v eggplant ndrive(drove,driven) v either a,conj & ad driver n elder ndrop n & v elect vdrug n electric adrum n electrical a drunk a electricity n dry v & a electronic aduck n elegant adue a elephant ndull a else ad dumpling n e-mail n & vduring prep embarrass vdusk n embassy ndust n emergency n dustbin n emperor ndusty a employ vduty n empty aDVD=digital versatile disk n encourage v dynamic a encouragement n dynasty n end n & vending nE endless aeach a & pron enemy neager a energetic a eagle n energy near n engine nearly a & ad engineer nearn v enjoy vearth n enjoyable a earthquake n enlarge veast a,ad & n enough pron,a & ad Easter n enquiry n.word 格式 ,enter v exercise n & v enterprise n exhibition n entertainment n exist venthusiastic a existence nentire a exit nentrance n expand ventry n expect venvelope n expectation n environment n expense nenvy v & n expensive aequal a & v experience nequality n experiment nequip v expert nequipment n explain veraser n explanation nerror n explicit aerupt v explode vescape n & v explore vespecially ad export n & vessay n expose vEurope n express v & n European a & n expression nevaluate v extension neven ad extra aevening n extraordinary aevent n extreme a eventually ad eye never ad eyesight nevery aeverybody pron Feveryday a face n & veveryone pron facial aeverything pron fact neverywhere ad factory nevidence n fade vevident a fail v & nevolution n failure nexact a fair1aexam=examination n fair2nexamine v faith nexample n fall1(fell,fallen)v excellent a fall2(Am)=autumn n except prep false aexchange n & v familiar aexcite v family nexcuse n & v famous a.word 格式 ,fan n fine2vfancy n,v & a finger nfantastic a fingernail n fantasy n finish v & nfar(farther,farthest或fire n & v further,furthest)fireworks nfare n firm1nfarm n firm2afarmer n fish n & v fast a & ad fisherman nfasten v fist nfat n & a fit a & vfather n fix vfault n flag nfavour(Am favor)n flame nfavourite(Am favorite) a & n flash nfax n & v flashlight nfear n flat1afeast n flat2n feather n flee(fled,fled)v federal a flesh nfee n flexible afeed(fed,fed)v flight nfeel(felt,felt)v float vfeeling n flood n & v fellow n floor n female a & n flour nfence n flow vferry n flower n festival n & a flu nfetch v fluency nfever n fluent afew pron & a fly1(flew,flown)v fibre(Am fiber) n fly2nfiction n focus v & nfield n fog nfierce a foggy afight(fought,fought) n & v fold vfigure n & v folk n & afile n follow vfill v fond afilm n & v food nfinal a fool n & v finance n foolish afind(found,found)v foot(pl feet)nfine1a football n.word 格式 ,for prep & conj frontier nforbid(forbade,forbidden)v frost nforce v fruit nforecast n & v fry vforehead n fuel nforeign a full aforeigner n fun n & aforesee(foresaw,foreseen)v function n & v forest n fundamental a forever ad funeral nforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten)funny av fur nforgetful a furnished a forgive(forgave,forgiven)v furniture nfork n future nform n & vformat n Gformer a gain vfortnight n gallery n fortunate a gallon nfortune n game n forward ad garage nfoster v garbage nfound v garden nfountain n garlic nfox n garment n fragile a gas nfragrant a gate n framework n gather vfranc n gay afree a general a & n freedom n generation n freeway n generous afreeze(froze,frozen)v gentle afreezing a gentleman n frequent a geography nfresh a geometry n friction n gesture nfridge=refrigerator n get(got,got)vfriend n gift nfriendly a gifted a friendship n giraffe n frighten v girl nfrog n give(gave,given) v from prep glad afront a & n glance v.word 格式 ,glare v grill nglass n grocer nglobe n grocery nglory n ground nglove n group nglue n grow(grew,grown)vgo(went,gone) v growth ngoal n guarantee vgoat n guard ngod n guess vgold n & a guest ngolden a guidance ngolf n guide ngood(better,best)a guilty agoods n guitar ngoose(pl geese)n gun ngovern v gym=gymnasium n government n gymnastics ngrade ngradual a Hgraduate v habit ngraduation n hair ngrain n haircut ngram n half a & ngrammar n hall ngrand a ham ngrandchild n hamburger n granddaughter n hammer ngrandma=grandmother n hand n & vgrandpa=grandfather n handbag n grandparents n handful ngrandson n handkerchief ngranny n handle n & vgrape n handsome agraph n handwriting ngrasp v handy agrass n hang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v grateful a happen vgravity n happiness ngreat a & ad happy agreedy a harbour(Am harbor)ngreen a & n hard ad & agreengrocer n hardly adgreet v hardship ngreeting n hardworking agrey(Am gray) a harm n & v.word 格式 ,harmful a hit(hit,hit)v & n harmony n hobby nharvest n & v hold(held,held)vhat n hole nhatch v holiday nhate v & n holy ahave(has,had,had) v home n & adhe pron homeland nhead n & v hometown nheadache n homework nheadline n honest aheadmaster n honey nheadmistress n honour(Am honor)n & v health n hook n & vhealthy a hope n & vhear(heard,heard) v hopeful ahearing n hopeless aheart n horrible aheat n horse nheaven n hospital nheavy a host n & vheel n hostess nheight n hot ahelicopter n hotdog nhello int hotel nhelmet n hour nhelp n & v house nhelpful a housewife nhen n housework nher pron how adherb n however ad & conj here ad howl vhero n hug vhers pron huge aherself pron human a & nhesitate v human being nhi int humorous ahide(hid,hidden)v humour(Am humor)n high a & ad hunger nhighway n hungry ahill n hunt vhim pron hunter nhimself pron hurricane nhire v hurry vhis pron hurt(hurt,hurt)v history n husband n.word 格式 ,hydrogen n insert vinside prep & adI insist vI pron inspect vice n inspire vice-cream n instant aidea n instead ad identity n institute n identification n institution n idiom n instruct vif conj instruction n ignore v instrument nill a insurance nillegal a insure villness n intelligence n imagine v intend v immediately ad intention n immigration n interest nimport v & n interesting a importance n international a important a Internet n impossible a interpreter n impress v interrupt v impression n interval n improve v interview n & vin prep & ad into prep inch n introduce v incident n introduction n include v invent vincome n invention n increase v & n invitation n indeed a invite v independence n iron n & v independent a irrigation n indicate v is v(be)industry n island ninfluence n & v it proninform v its proninformation n itself proninitial ainjure v Jinjury n jacket nink n jam ninn n jar ninnocent a jaw ninsect n jazz n.word 格式 ,jeans njeep n Ljet n lab=laboratory njewellery(Am jewelry) n labour(Am labor)njob n lack n & vjog v lady njoin v lake njoke n lamb njournalist n lame ajourney n lamp njoy n land n & vjudge n & v language njudgement(Am judgment) n lantern njuice n lap njump n & v large ajungle n last a & vjunior a late a & adjust a & ad latter njustice n laugh n & vlaughter nK laundry nkangaroo n law nkeep(kept,kept)v lawyer nkettle n lay(laid,laid)vkey n lazy akeyboard n lead(led,led) v & nkick v & n leader nkid n leaf(pl leaves)nkill v league nkilo n leak vkilogram n learn(learnt,learnt或 -ed,-ed) kilometre(Am kilometer) n vkind1n least nkind2a leather nkindergarten n leave(left,left)vkindness n lecture nking n left a,ad & nkingdom n leg nkiss n & v legal akitchen n lemon n & akite n lemonade nknee n lend(lent,lent)vknife(pl knives)n length nknock n & v lesson nknow(knew,known)v let(let,let)vknowledge n letter n.word 格式 ,level n low a & adliberation n luck nliberty n lucky alibrarian n luggage nlibrary n lunch nlicense n lung nlid nlie1n & v Mlie2(lay,lain)v machine nlife(pl lives)n mad alift v & n madam/madame nlight n,v & a magazine nlightning n magic alike v & prep maid nlikely a mail n & vlimit v mailbox nline n & v main alink v & n mainland nlion n major alip n majority nliquid n & a make1nlist n & v make2(made,made)vlisten v male a & nliterature n man(pl men)nliterary a manage vlitre(Am liter)n manager nlitter v mankind nlittle(less,least)a manner nlive v & a many(more,most)pron & a lively a map nload n maple nloaf n marathon nlocal a marble nlock n & v march n & vlonely a mark n & vlong a & ad market nlook n & v marriage nloose a marry vlorry n mask n & vlose(lost,lost)v mass nloss n master v & nlot n mat nloud a match v & nlounge n material nlove n & v mathematics=math/maths n lovely a matter n & v.word 格式 ,mature a millimetre(Am millimeter) n maximum a & n millionaire nmay modal v mind n & vmaybe ad mine1n & vme pron mine2pronmeal n mineral nmean(meant,meant) v minibus nmeaning n minimum ameans n minister nmeanwhile ad ministry nmeasure v minority nmeat n minus prep & amedal n minute nmedia n mirror nmedical a miss1nmedicine n miss2vmedium n missile nmeet(met,met) v & n mist nmeeting n mistake(mistook,mistaken) melon n v & nmember n mistaken amemorial n & a misunderstandmemory n(misunderstood,misunderstood) mend v vmental a mix vmention n & v mixture nmenu n mobile amerchant a & n model nmerciful a modem nmercy n modern amerely ad modest amerry a mom=mum nmess n moment nmessage n mommy=mummynmessy a money nmetal n & a monitor nmethod n monkey nmetre(Am meter)n month nmicroscope n monument nmicrowave n moon nmiddle n mopn & vmidnight n moral a & nmight modal v more(much,many) a,ad & n mild a morning nmile n Moslem nmilk n & v mosquito n.word 格式 ,most a & ad navy nmother n near a,ad & prepmotherland n nearby amotivation n nearly admotor n neat amotorcycle n necessary amotto n neck nmountain n necklace nmountainous a need n & modal vmourn v needle nmouse(pl mice)n negotiate vmoustache n neighbour(Am neighbor) nmouth n neighbourhood(Am neighborhood) move v nmovement n neither amovie n nephew nMr.(mister)n nervous aMrs.(mistress)n nest nMs. n net nmuch a & ad network nmudn never admuddy a new amultiply v news nmurder v newspaper nmuseum n next a & admushroom n nice amusic n niece nmusical a & n night nmusician n no ad & amust modal v No.=number nmustard n noble amutton n nobody n & pronmy pron nod vmyself pron noise nnoisy aN none pronnail n noodle nname n & v noon nnarrow a nor conjnation n normal n & anational a north a,ad & nnationality n northeast nnationwide ad northern anative a northwest nnatural a nose nnature n not ad.word 格式 ,note n & v one pronnotebook n oneself pronnothing pron,n & a onion nnotice n & v only a & adnovel n onto prepnovelist n open a & vnow ad opening nnowadays ad opera nnowhere ad operate vnuclear a operation nnumb a operator nnumber n opinion nnurse n oppose vnursery n opposite n & anut n optimistic anutrition n optional aor conjO oral aobey v orange n & aobject n orbit nobserve v order n & vobtain v ordinary aobvious a organ noccupation n organise(Am organize) voccupy v organisation(Am organization) occur v nocean n origin nOceania n other pron & ao’clock n otherwise adof prep ought modal voff prep & ad our pronoffence n ours pronoffer n & v ourselves pronoffice n out adofficer n outcome nofficial n & a outdoors adoffshore a outer aoften ad outgoing aoh int outing noil n & v outline noilfield n output nO.K.ad outside n,ad & prepold a outspoken aOlympic(s) a & n outstanding aon prep & ad outward(s)adonce n,ad & conj oval n & ad.word 格式 ,over prep & ad particular aovercoat n partly adovercome v partner noverhead a part-time a & adoverlook v party noverweight a pass vowe v passage nown a & v passenger nowner n passer-by nownership n passive aox(pl oxen)n passport noxygen n past ad,n & preppatent nP path npace n patience nPacific a patient1npack n & v patient2apackage n pattern npacket n pause n & vpaddle n pavement npage n pay(paid,paid) v & npain n P.C.=personal computer n painful a P.E.=physical education n paint n & v pea npainter n peace npainting n peaceful apair n peach npalace n pear npale a pedestrian npan n pen npancake n pence npanda n pencil npanic a & v penny npaper n pension npaperwork n people nparagraph n pepper nparallel a & n per prepparcel n percent npardon n percentage nparent n perfect apark1n perform vpark2v performance nparking n performer nparrot n perfume npart n,a & v perhaps adparticipate v period n.word 格式 ,permanent a planet npermission n plant v & npermit v & n plastic aperson n plate npersonal a platform npersonnel n play v & npersonally ad playground npersuade v pleasant apest n please vpet n pleased apetrol n pleasure nphenomenon (pl phenomena)n plenty nphone = telephone n & v plot v & nphoto = photograph n plug nphotograph n plus v & prep photographer n p.m./pm,P.M./PM abbr phrase n pocket nphysical a poem nphysician n poet nphysicist n point v & nphysics n poison npianist n poisonous apiano n pole npick v police npicnic n & v policeman/womanpicture n(pl policemen/policewomen) n pie n policy npiece n polish vpig n polite apile n political apill n politician npillow n politics npilot n pollute vpin n & v pollution npine n pond npineapple n pool nping-pong n poor apink a & n pop = popular apint n popcorn npioneer n popular apipe n population npity n pork nplace n & v porridge nplain a port nplan n & v portable aplane n porter n。
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2018年高考考纲词汇表Aa(an) art abandon v ability nable a abnormal a aboard prep abolish v abortion n about ad & prep above prep,a & adabroad ad abrupt a absence n absent a absolute a absorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement nacid aacknowledge vacquaintance nacquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisementnadapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress nadequate aadjust vadjustment nadministration nadmirable aadmire vadmission nadmit vadolescence nadolescent a & nadopt vadore vadult nadvance v & nadvantage nadventure nadvertise vadvertisement nadvice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep &conjafternoon nafterward(s) adagain adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent naggressive aago adagree vagreement nagricultural aagriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nairplane nairport nairspace nalarm n & valbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & nalgebra nalike adalive aall ad,a & pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prepalongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative aalthough conjaltitude naltogether adaluminium(Am aluminum) nalways adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbramateur aamaze vamazing aambassador nambassadress nambiguous aambition nambulance nAmerica namong prepamount n & vample aamuse vamusement nanalyse vanalysis nancestor nanchor v & nancient aand conjanecdote nanger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy vannual a another a & pron answer n & v ant nAntarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron & a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply v appoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval napprove vapproximately adapron narbitrary aarch narchitect narchitecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen)varithmetic narm n & varmchair narmy naround ad & preparrange varrangement narrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj & prepash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess vassessment nassist vassistance nassistant nassociate vassociation nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & aaward naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & nbackground nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(plbacteria) nbad(worse,worst)abadminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe v bathroom n bathtub n battery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd n bear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & nbeautiful a beauty n because conj become(became, become) vbed n beddings n bedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbeforeprep,ad&conj beg vbegin(began, begun) vbehalf n behave v behaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & ad being nbelief nbelieve vbell n belly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) vbeneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry nbiography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) vbitter ablack a & nblackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown)vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & nbreakfast nbreakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) vbroad abroadcast(broadcast,broadcast或-ed,-ed) vbrochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built)vbuilding nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush n business n businessman/wo man(pl businessmen/ women) nbusy abut conj & prep butcher n & v butter n butterfly n button n & v buy(bought, bought) vby prepbye intCcab n cabbage ncafe n cafeteria n cage ncake n calculate vcall n & vcalm a & v camel n camera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could); can’t=cannot modal vcan2 ncanal ncancel v cancer n candidate n candle ncandy n canteen ncap n capital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless acarpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) vcastle ncasual acat ncatalogue ncatastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) vcategory ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disknceiling ncelebrate vcelebration ncell ncent ncentigrade acentimetre(Am centimeter) ncentral acentre(Am center)ncentury nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(plchairmen/women)nchalk nchallenge nchallenging achampion nchance nchange n & vchangeable achannel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter ncharacteristic a &ncharge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check)nchess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children)nchildhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) vchopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate vcircumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate nclassroom nclaw nclay nclean v & a cleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & ad cloth nclothes n clothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin n coincidence n coke ncold a & ncollar n colleague n collect v collection n college n collision n colour(Am color) n & vcomb n & v combine vcome(came,come) vcomedy n comfort n comfortable a command n & vcomment ncommercial acommit vcommitment ncommittee ncommon acommunicate vcommunication ncommunism ncommunist n & acompanion ncompany ncompare vcompass ncompensate vcompete vcompetence ncompetition ncomplete a & vcomplex a & ncomponent ncomposition ncomprehension ncompromise vcompulsory acomputer nconcentrate vconcept nconcern v & nconcert nconclude vconclusion nconcrete acondemn vcondition nconduct vconductor nconference nconfident aconfidential aconfirm vconflict nconfuse vcongratulate vcongratulation nconnect vconnection nconscience nconsensus nconsequence nconservation nconservative aconsider vconsiderate aconsideration nconsist vconsistent aconstant aconstitution nconstruct vconstruction nconsult vconsultant nconsume vcontain vcontainer ncontemporary acontent1 ncontent2 acontinent ncontinue vcontradict vcontradictory acontrary n & acontribute vcontribution ncontrol v & ncontroversial aconvenience nconvenient aconventional aconversation nconvey vconvince vcook n & vcooker ncookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner ncorporation ncorrect v & acorrection ncorrespond vcorrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) acottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal vcount vcounter ncountry ncountryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(plcriteria) ncrop ncross n & vcrossing ncrossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup n cupboard ncure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist nDdad=daddy n daily a,ad & n dam ndamage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata n database ndate n & v daughter n dawn nday ndead a deadline ndeaf adeal ndear a death ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate vdecoration ndecrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Amdefense) ndefend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & ndeliberately addelicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist ndepartment(Dept.)ndeparture ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & ndeserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective ndetermine vdevelop vdevelopment ndevote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Amdialog) ndiamond ndiary ndictation ndictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) vdigest vdigital adignity ndilemma ndimension ndinner ndinosaur ndioxide ndip vdiploma ndirect a & vdirection ndirector ndirectory ndirty adisability ndisabled adisadvantage ndisagree vdisagreement ndisappear vdisappoint vdisappointed adisaster ndiscount ndiscourage vdiscover vdiscovery ndiscrimination ndiscuss vdiscussion ndisease ndisgusting adish ndisk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant adistinction ndistinguish vdistribute vdistrict ndisturb vdisturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) vdoctor ndocument ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm)ndot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) vdrawback n drawer ndream(dreamt, dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) vdrive(drove, driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling n during prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic a dynasty nEeach a & pron eager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad & nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj & adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass vembassy nemergency nemperor nemploy vempty aencourage vencouragement nend n & vending nendless aenemy nenergetic aenergy nengine nengineer nenjoy venjoyable aenlarge venough pron,a &adenquiry nenter venterprise nentertainment nenthusiastic aentire aentrance nentry nenvelope nenvironment nenvy v & nequal a & vequality nequip vequipment neraser nerror nerupt vescape n & vespecially adessay nEurope nEuropean a & nevaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody proneveryday aeveryone proneverything proneverywhere adevidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination nexamine vexample nexcellent aexcept prepexchange n & vexcite vexcuse n & vexercise n & vexhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect vexpectation nexpense nexpensive aexperience nexperiment nexpert nexplain vexplanation nexplicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) v fall2(Am)=autum n nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v & a fantastic a fantasy nfar(farther, farthest或further,furthest) a & adfare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & ad fasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) nfavourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) v feel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron & afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & vfigure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found)vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown)vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep & conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) vforce vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) vforest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten)vforgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) vfork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) vfreezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator nfriend nfriendly afriendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & vfundamental a funeral nfunny afur n furnished a furniture n future nGgain vgallery n gallon ngame ngarage n garbage n garden ngarlic n garment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous a gentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) v gift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue n go(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best)agoods ngoose(pl geese) ngovern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild ngranddaughter ngrandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather ngrandparents ngrandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & ngreengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown)vgrowth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasiumngymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) vhappen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Amharbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v & nhave(has,had,had)vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster nheadmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard)vhearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden)vhigh a & ad highway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) v hole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework n honest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & vhook n & vhope n & v hopeful a hopeless a horrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & v hostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse n housewife n housework nhow adhowever ad & conjhowl vhug v huge ahuman a & nhuman being nhumorous ahumour(Amhumor) nhunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) vhusband nhydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity nidentification nidiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine vimmediately adimmigration nimport v & nimportance nimportant aimpossible aimpress vimpression nimprove vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed aindependence nindependent aindicate vindustry ninfluence n & vinform vinformation ninitial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent ainsect ninsert vinside prep & adinsist vinspect vinspire vinstant ainstead adinstitute ninstitution ninstruct vinstruction ninstrument ninsurance ninsure vintelligence nintend vintention ninterest ninteresting ainternational aInternet ninterpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce vintroduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Amjewelry) njob njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram n kilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 a kindergarten n kindness nking n kingdom nkiss n & v kitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) n knock n & v know(knew, known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language n lantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & ad latter nlaugh n & v laughter n laundry nlaw nlawyer n lay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v &nleader nleaf(pl leaves) nleague nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) vlecture nleft a,ad & nleg nlegal alemon n & alemonade nlend(lent,lent) vlength nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation nliberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v & alightning nlike v & preplikely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten vliterature nliterary alitre(Am liter) nlitter vlittle(less,least) alive v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & vlonely along a & adlook n & vloose alorry nlose(lost,lost) vloss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky aluggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madamenmagazine nmagic amaid nmail n & vmailbox nmain amainland nmajor amajority nmake1 nmake2(made,made) vmale a & nman(pl men) nmanage vmanager nmankind nmanner nmany(more,most)pron & amap nmaple nmarathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & nmat nmatch v & nmaterial nmathematics=math/maths nmatter n & vmature amaximum a & nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeal nmean(meant,meant) vmeaning nmeans nmeanwhile admeasure vmeat nmedal nmedia n medical a medicine n medium nmeet(met,met) v & nmeeting n melon n member n memorial n & a memory n mend vmental a mention n & v menu n merchant a & n merciful a mercy nmerely ad merry amess n message n messy ametal n & a method nmetre(Am meter) nmicroscope n microwave n middle n midnight n might modal v mild amile nmilk n & v millimetre(Am millimeter) n millionaire n mind n & v mine1 n & v mine2 pron mineral n minibus n minimum aminister nministry nminority nminus prep & aminute nmirror nmiss1 nmiss2 vmissile nmist nmistake(mistook,mistaken) v & nmistaken amisunderstand(misunderstood,misunderstood) vmix vmixture nmobile amodel nmodem nmodern amodest amom=mum nmoment nmommy=mummynmoney nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmonument nmoon nmop n & vmoral a & nmore(much,many)a,ad & nmorning nMoslem nmosquito nmost a & admother nmotherland nmotivation nmotor nmotorcycle nmotto nmountain nmountainous amourn vmouse(pl mice) nmoustache nmouth nmove vmovement nmovie nMr.(mister) nMrs.(mistress) nMs. nmuch a & admud nmuddy amultiply vmurder vmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical a & nmusician nmust modal vmustard nmutton nmy pronmyself pronNnail nname n & vnarrow anation nnational anationality nnationwide adnative anatural anature nnavy nnear a,ad & prepnearby anearly adneat anecessary aneck nnecklace nneed n & modal vneedle nnegotiate vneighbour(Amneighbor) nneighbourhood(Amneighborhood) nneither anephew nnervous anest nnet nnetwork nnever adnew anews nnewspaper nnext a & adnice aniece nnight nno ad & aNo.=number nnoble anobody n & pronnod vnoise nnoisy anone pronnoodle nnoon nnor conjnormal n & anorth a,ad & nnortheast nnorthern a。