方法验证报告项目名称:水质硒的测定分析方法:原子荧光法方法编号:HJ 694-2014验证人员:验证日期:2020年7月21日〜30日一、适用范围适用于地表水、地下水、生活污水和工业废水中硒的测定;方法检出限为0.4 ug/L,测定下限为1.6 ug/Lo二、检测方法原理检测方法:原子荧光法方法原理:经预处理后的试液进入原子荧光仪,在酸性条件的硼氢化钾还原作用下,生成硒化氢,氢化物在氢氢火焰中形成基态原子,其基态原子灯发射光的激发产生原子荧光,原子荧光强度与试液中待测元素含量在一定范围内呈正比。
三、仪器和试剂1、仪器1.1原子荧光光谱仪:北京海光AFS-230E型;1.2硒元素灯;1.3抽滤装置:0. 45 um孔径水系微孔滤膜;1.4分析天平:梅特勒电子天平,精度为0.0001g;1.5一般实验室常用器皿和设备:1.6采样容器:硬质玻璃瓶。
2、试剂1.1盐酸:P (HC1) = 1.19 g/ml,优级纯。
1.4硒标准溶液直接购买市售有证标准物质(1000mg/L)和样品;硒标准贮备液:P (Sb) =100 mg/L,以有证标准物质制备硒储备液;硒标准中间液:P (Sb) =1.00 mg/L,以硒储备液制备硒中间液;硒标准使用液:P (Sb) =10 u g/L,以硒中间液制备硒使用液;四、采样要求和样品预处理1.5样品的采集样品采集参照HJ/T 91和HJ/T 164的相关规定执行,溶解态样品和总量样品分别采集。
1.6样品的保存样品保存参照HJ 493的相关规定进行。
1.7试样的制备样品采集后尽快用0.45 um滤膜过滤,弃去初始滤液50ml,用少量滤液清洗采样瓶,收集滤液于采样瓶中。
量取50. 0ml混匀后的样品于150nli锥形瓶中,加入5ml硝酸-高氯酸混合酸,于电热板上加热至冒白烟,冷却。
GE Fanuc RX3i PACSystem IC694APU300高速计数器模块说明说明书
Rx3i PacSystem919-535-3180*******************GE Fanuc IC694APU300/automation/ge-fanuc/rx3i-pacsystem/IC694APU300High speed counter module 200KHZ A B and C type. IC694A IC694APIC694APU8-2 PACSystems* RX3i – August 2011 GFK-2314DHigh-speed Counter Module: IC694APU300The High-speed Counter module, IC694APU300, provides direct processing of rapid pulse signals up to 80 kHz. The module senses inputs, processes the input count information, and controls the outputs without needing to communicate with a CPU.The High Speed Counter uses 16 bits of discrete input memory (%I), 15 words of analog input memory (%AI), and 16 bits of discrete outputmemory (%Q) in the CPU. The High-speed Counter can be configured to have:▪ 4 identical, independent simple counters ▪ 2 identical, independent more complex counters ▪ 1 complex counterTwo green LEDs indicate the operating status of the module and the status of configuration parameters. Additional module features include:▪ 12 positive logic (source) inputs with input voltage range selection of either 5 VDC or 10 to 30 VDC ▪ 4 positive logic (source) outputs▪ Counts per timebase register for each counter ▪ Internal module diagnostics▪A removable terminal board for field wiringInputs can be used as count signals, direction, disable, edge-sensitive strobe, and preload inputs depending on the counter type selected by the user. Outputs can be used to drive indicating lights, solenoids, relays, and other devices. Power for the module is drawn from the backplane’s 5VDC bus. Power sources for input and output devices must be supplied by the user or by the +24 VDC Isolated output of the power supply. The module also provides a selectable threshold voltage to allow the inputs to respond to either 5VDC signal levels or 10 to 30VDC signal levels.The blue bands on the label show that APU300 is a low-voltage module. This module can be installed in any I/O slot in an RX3i system.Refer to Appendix A for product standards and general specifications.Input ImpedanceGFK-2314D Chapter 8 Discrete Mixed Modules 8-3Field Wiring: APU300Wiring information for APU300 is shown below.Shielded cable must be used for connecting to the High Speed Counter module. The shield for the cable must have a high frequency ground within 6 inches (15.24 cm) of the module to meet the IEC 1000-4-4 levels specified in Appendix A. The cable’s length is limited to 30 meters.Terminals Field WiringAll 12 High Speed Counter inputs are single-ended positive logic (source) type inputs. Transducers with CMOS buffer outputs (74HC04 equivalent) can directly drive the High-speed Counter inputs using the 5V input range. Transducers using TTL totem pole or open-collector outputs must include a 470 ohm pull-up resistor (to 5V) to guarantee compatibility with the High-speed Counter inputs. Transducers using high voltage open collector (sink) type outputs must have a 1K pull-up resistor to + 12V for compatibility with the High-speed Counter 10 to 30 volt input range.The 5VDC threshold is selected by connecting a jumper between two terminals on the detachable terminal board connector. Leaving the threshold selection terminals unconnected places the inputs in the default 10 to 30 VDC voltage range.Do not connect 10 to 30 VDC to the module inputs when the 5 VDC inputrange (pins 13 to 15 jumpered) is selected. Doing so will damage themodule.8-4 PACSystems* RX3i – August 2011 GFK-2314DTerminal Assignments for Each Counter TypeThe following table shows which terminals to use for the type of counter selected during module configuration.(1). Type B counter:A1, B1 are the A and B inputs for counter 1.A2, B2 are the A and B inputs for counter 2.(2) Type C Counter:A1, B1 are the A and B count inputs for (+) loopA2, B2 are the A and B count inputs for (–) loop(3) OUTPWR does not source power for user loads. Output power must be supplied from an external supply.* Inputs and outputs identified by two numbers separated by a decimal point indicate the counter number to the left of the decimal point and the element number on the right. For example, STRB1.2 indicates Counter 1, Strobe 2 input.GFK-2314D Chapter 8 Discrete Mixed Modules 8-5。
三、MT694-1997闭锁螺栓的特点1. 防松性能:MT694-1997闭锁螺栓采用独特的锁紧装置,能够有效防止螺栓在使用过程中因振动、冲击等原因而松动,确保工程结构的安全稳定。
2. 防盗性能:该螺栓的锁紧装置具有较高的防盗性能,不易被破坏或拆卸,有效防止了恶意拆卸和破坏行为,维护了公共设施的安全。
3. 耐腐蚀性:MT694-1997闭锁螺栓表面涂层具有良好的耐腐蚀性能,能够在恶劣环境下长期使用,减少维修更换的频率和成本。
4. 易于安装:该螺栓的安装过程相对简便,只需使用专用工具进行紧固即可,降低了施工难度和成本。
四、MT694-1997闭锁螺栓的应用领域1. 桥梁工程:在桥梁建设中,MT694-1997闭锁螺栓被广泛应用于桥墩、桥台、支座等关键部位的紧固,确保桥梁的安全运行。
2. 高速公路:在高速公路建设中,该螺栓主要用于护栏、标牌、隧道支护等设施的紧固,提高道路的安全性。
3. 铁路工程:铁路轨道、信号设备、接触网等设施的紧固都离不开MT694-1997闭锁螺栓,它为铁路的安全运行提供了有力保障。
4. 建筑行业:在建筑领域,该螺栓广泛应用于钢结构、幕墙、电梯等设施的紧固,确保建筑的安全稳定。
Silicon Laboratories AN694应用说明书
Rev. 0.1 9/12Copyright © 2012 by Silicon LaboratoriesAN6941. IntroductionThis application note applies to the SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx device families. The Flash memory on allSilicon Labs MCU devices is readable and writable from application code. This capability allows user software tostore values, such as calibration constants or system parameters, to the Flash and to implement a boot-loadingfeature in which user firmware can be updated in-system from a remote site. The Flash that is not used byapplication code can be treated like an EEPROM, thus negating the need to connect an external EEPROM to thedevice.This document starts with the basics of accessing Flash from application code on any device, including device-specific details. Then, it discusses advanced routines that can be developed from the basic routines. Finally, itdescribes precautions to take when writing or erasing Flash. Example code for the basic routines for all devices isinstalled with the Precision32 SDK, which can be downloaded from /32bit-software .2. Key Points⏹ The voltage supply monitor must be enabled in the VMONn module during Flash write and eraseoperations.⏹ The voltage supply monitor must be enabled as a reset source in the RSTSRCn module during Flash writeand erase operations.Note:Any write or erase operations initiated while the voltage supply monitor is disabled or the voltage supply monitor isdisabled as a reset source will be ignored.⏹ A Lock and Key sequence must be executed before executing a write or erase operation. The Flashinterface can be unlocked for one or multiple write or erase operations.⏹ Writes to the WRDATA register while the Flash interface is locked or an incorrect unlock sequence willpermanently lock the Flash interface until the next device reset.⏹ Firmware should disable interrupts when writing or erasing Flash to ensure the Flash interface accesses aresequential in time and take the minimum time possible.⏹ For all Flash write operations, firmware will stall unless operating from a memory space other than Flash.⏹ Interrupts posted during a Flash write or erase operation will be held pending until the completion of theFlash operation, after which they will be serviced in priority order.AN6943. Flash EssentialsDifferent device series have many similarities for Flash, including page sizes, lock bits, and the instructions used to read and write to Flash. The main differences are the amount of Flash available, how the voltage supply monitor is enabled, how the voltage supply monitor is enabled as a reset source, and how registers are modified to allow Flash writes and erases. Although the core stalls during Flash write and erase operations, peripherals (USARTn, SARADCn, TIMERn, etc.) remain active. Interrupts posted during a Flash write or erase operation are held until the Flash operation has completed, after which they are serviced in priority order.3.1. Flash OrganizationThe Flash memory on most devices is organized into a set of 1024-byte pages. See the Memory Organization chapter of the device reference manual for specific information. Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 show the Flash organization for the SiM3Uxxx devices.AN6943.2. Locking FlashThe Flash can be locked by writing to the lock word in the Flash memory region. A value of 0xFFFF_FFFF or 0x0000_0000 at this location will unlock the Flash. Any other value written to this location will lock the entire Flash from external (debugger) writes or reads until:⏹ An erase operation is initiated from firmware.⏹ An erase operation is initiated through the debug port (SWD/JTAG).⏹ Firmware writes 0x0000_0000 to the lock word.The location for the Flash lock word will differ between devices, so consult the device reference manual for more information.AN6943.3. Device-Specific NotesVarious MCUs have features that require consideration when accessing Flash.3.3.1. SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx Flash Lock and KeyAll SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx devices' writes and erases to Flash are protected with a lock and key function. The Flash Lock and Key Register (FLASHCTRLn) must be written with the correct key codes in sequence before Flash operations may be performed. The key codes are: 0xA5, 0xF1 for a single write or erase operation, and 0xA5, 0xF2 for multiple writes or erase operations. The timing does not matter, but the codes must be written in order. If the key codes are written out of order or the wrong codes are written, Flash writes and erases will be disabled until the next system reset. Flash writes and erases will also be disabled if a Flash write or erase is attempted before the key codes have been written properly. For a single write or erase, the Flash lock resets after each write or erase; the key codes must be written again before a following Flash operation can be performed. For multiple writes or erases, the Flash remains unlocked until the lock sequence is written (0xA5, 0x5A); the key codes do not need to be written before a following Flash operation can be performed.3.3.2. SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx Flash Read TimingThe SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx devices require that the speed mode (SPMD) and the read-store enable (RDSEN) bits be set appropriately, depending on the AHB frequency. In addition, the Flash read timing mode (FLRTMD) bit can be configured to save power at slower clock frequencies. See the FLASHCTRLn chapter in the device's reference manual for detailed information on the read timing ranges.3.3.3. SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx VDD High ThresholdThe SiM3Cxxx, SiM3Uxxx, and SiM3Lxxx devices have two settings for the VDD monitor threshold: Standard and High. The High setting increases the VDD Low (early warning) and VDD reset thresholds by approximately 300mV. The High setting is recommended when operating at faster AHB clock speeds. See the VMONn chapter in the device's reference manual for detailed information on enabling the High threshold.3.4. Flash Write and Erase OperationsThe basic write operation writes a single half-word to Flash. The erase operation applies to a full page of Flash. Flash write and erase operations on Silicon Labs MCU devices are accomplished by using the WRDATA and WRADDR registers within the FLASHCTRLn module. The setting of the ERASEEN field within the FLASHCTRLn module determines whether a write or an erase will execute. Flash erase operations occur on page boundaries. The erase operation sets all the bits in the Flash page to logic 1. Flash write operations, which clear bits to logic 0, occur on single-byte boundaries. To successfully complete a write to Flash, the target bytes must be erased to 0xFFFF because the write instruction can only clear bits in a half-word.3.5. Flash Read OperationsThe basic read operation reads a single word from Flash. Flash read operations are accomplished by reading an address within the Flash region of the device memory map. See the Memory Organization chapter in the device's reference manual for detailed information on the Flash region boundaries.AN694 4. Basic Flash OperationsThe basic procedure for basic Flash operations is the same on all devices. Some devices require setting additional registers to enable Flash operations. The procedures in this section include the exceptions for the various device families. The code that implements these routines for each device family is in the FLASHCTRL examples, which are installed with the Precision32 SDK.4.1. Reading a Single Half-Word1. Disable interrupts.2. Read the byte.3. Restore interrupts, if originally enabled.4.2. Writing a Single Half-WordAll bits, fields, and registers referred to in this sequence are in the FLASHCTRLn module.1. Ensure the voltage supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources andVMONn modules).2. Disable erase operations (ERASEEN=0).3. Write the destination address to the WRADDR register.4. Disable interrupts.5. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5).6. Write the single unlock value to KEY (0xF1).7. Write the data half-word to WRDATA in right-justified format.8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than Flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardwareclears it to 0.9. Enable interrupts.4.3. Writing Multiple Half-Words to Sequential Flash AddressesTo write a sequential set of bytes to Flash, code should execute from a memory space other than Flash. All bits, fields, and registers referred to in this sequence are in the FLASHCTRLn module.1. Ensure the voltage supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources andVMONn modules).2. Disable erase operations (ERASEEN=0).3. Write the initial destination address to the WRADDR register.4. Enable sequential writes (SQWEN=1).5. Disable interrupts.6. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5).7. Write the multiple unlock value to KEY (0xF2).8. Write the data half-word to WRDATA in right-justified format.9. (Optional) Poll on the BURSTS flag until the buffer has room for more data. If code is executing from RAM,this allows the core to perform other actions until a write operation completes and the buffer has room. The AHB bus will automatically stall until the operation completes if firmware writes data to WRDATA when the buffer is full.10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all data is written. Hardware automatically increments the WRADDR field by 2after each write operation.11. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than Flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardwareclears it to 0.12. Write the multiple lock value to KEY (0x5A).13. Enable interrupts.AN6944.4. Writing Multiple Half-Words to Non-Sequential Flash AddressesAll bits, fields, and registers referred to in this sequence are in the FLASHCTRLn module. To write multiple bytes to non-sequential addresses in Flash:1. Ensure the voltage supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources andVMONn modules).2. Disable erase operations (ERASEEN=0).3. Disable interrupts.4. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5).5. Write the multiple unlock value to KEY (0xF2).6. Write the destination address to WRADDR.7. Write the data half-word to WRDATA in right-justified format.8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than Flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardwareclears it to 0.9. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 until all data is written.10. Write the multiple lock value to KEY (0x5A).11. Enable interrupts.4.5. Erasing a Flash PageAll bits, fields, and registers referred to in this sequence are in the FLASHCTRLn module. To erase a page of Flash:1. Ensure the voltage supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources andVMONn modules).2. Write the address of a byte in the Flash page to WRADDR.3. Enable erase operations (ERASEEN=1).4. Disable interrupts.5. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5).6. Write the single unlock value to KEY (0xF1).7. Write any value to WRDATA in right-justified format to initiate the page erase.8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than Flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardwareclears it to 0.9. Enable interrupts.4.6. Erasing Multiple Flash PagesAll bits, fields, and registers referred to in this sequence are in the FLASHCTRLn module. To erase multiple pages of Flash:1. Ensure the voltage supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources andVMONn modules).2. Enable erase operations (ERASEEN=1).3. Disable interrupts.4. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5).5. Write the multiple unlock value to KEY (0xF2).6. Write the address of a byte in the Flash page to WRADDR.7. Write any value to WRDATA in right-justified format to initiate the page erase.8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than Flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardwareclears it to 0.9. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 for each page.AN69410. Write the multiple lock value to KEY (0x5A).11. Enable interrupts.4.7. Example Code Implementation NotesThe FLASHCTRL example code that is installed with the Precision32 SDK contains functions that can be copied and pasted into applications. These functions can be modified as needed but should be used as a starting point for Flash write and erase operations.5. Flash Write and Erase GuidelinesThe following guidelines are strongly recommended for any system containing routines that write or erase Flash from code.5.1. Voltage Supply Maintenance and the Voltage Supply Monitor1. If the system power supply is subject to voltage or current “spikes”, add sufficient transient protectiondevices to the power supply to ensure that the supply voltages listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table in the device data sheet are not exceeded.2. If the device has a minimum voltage supply rise time specification, ensure that it is met. If the systemcannot meet the rise time specification, add an external voltage supply brownout circuit to the RESETb pin of the device that holds the device in reset until the voltage supply reaches the VDD High Supply Monitor Threshold and re-asserts RESETb if the voltage supply drops below the VDD High Supply MonitorThreshold.3. Enable the on-chip voltage supply monitor and enable the voltage supply monitor as a reset source asearly in code as possible. This should be the first set of instructions executed after the Reset Vector. For C-based systems, this will involve modifying the startup code in the Precision32 HAL. Ensure that there are no delays in software between enabling the voltage supply monitor and enabling the voltage supplymonitor as a reset source.4. As an added precaution, explicitly enable the voltage supply monitor and enable the voltage supply monitoras a reset source inside the functions that write and erase Flash memory. The voltage supply monitorenable instructions should be placed at the beginning of the Flash write and erase functions.5. Ensure that all writes to the RESETEN register explicitly set the VMONREN bit to a 1. Areas to check areinitialization code, which enables other reset sources, such as the Missing Clock Detector or Comparator, and instructions that force a Software Reset. A global search on “RESETEN” can quickly verify this.6. If the device has a high and low threshold setting for the voltage supply monitor, enable the high setting. The following sections show how to enable the voltage supply monitor, enable the voltage supply monitor as a reset source, and enable the high threshold setting where applicable using both HAL and non-HAL methods on various device families.5.1.1. SiM3Cxxx/SiM3U1xx/SiM3L1xx DevicesEnable voltage supply monitor:SI32_VMON_0->CONTROL.VMONEN = 1; // non-HALSI32_VMON_A_enable_vdd_supply_monitor(SI32_VMON_0); // HALEnable voltage supply monitor as a reset source:SI32_RSTSRC_0->RESETEN.VMONREN = 1; // non-HALSI32_RSTSRC_A_enable_vdd_monitor_reset_source(SI32_RSTSRC_0); // HAL Enable the high voltage monitor threshold:AN694SI32_VMON_0->CONTROL.VDDHITHEN = 1; // non-HALSI32_VMON_A_select_vdd_high_threshold(SI32_VMON_0); // HAL5.2. AHB Clock1. If operating from an external crystal, be advised that crystal performance is susceptible to electricalinterference and is sensitive to layout and changes in temperature. If the system is operating in anelectrically noisy environment, use one of the internal oscillators or an external CMOS clock.2. If operating from the external oscillator, switch to one of the internal oscillator during Flash write or eraseoperations. The external oscillator can continue to run, and the core can switch back to the externaloscillator after the Flash operation completes. Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU andwireless tools, documentation,software, source code libraries &more. Available for Windows,Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio/IoT SW/HW /simplicity Quality /quality Support and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光联合无针水光治疗黄褐斑的疗效观察王春花1,武亦阁2,毕晓东1(1.南阳市第一人民医院皮肤科,河南 南阳 473002;2.新疆医科大学(中医学院),新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000)【摘要】 目的 评价694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光联合无针水光治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效。
方法 选取黄褐斑患者50例,随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组各25例。
治疗组:用RubyStar 694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光的点阵模式(能量密度2.5~3.5J/cm 2,频率为1.5Hz ,光斑大小为7mm ×7mm )共治疗6次,每次间隔4周,激光治疗1周后采用无针水光(维生素C 注射液3.0ml ,氨甲环酸3.0ml 和玻尿酸2.0ml )共治疗6次,每次间隔4周,对照组:仅用RubyStar 694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光的点阵模式(治疗参数同治疗组)共治疗6次,每次间隔4周。
结果 50例黄褐斑患者经过半年的治疗,治疗组总有效率为80.0%,对照组总有效率为52.0%,两组差异有统计学意义(P <0.05),两组均未见明显不良反应。
结论 694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光联合无针水光治疗黄褐斑效果明显优于单用694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光治疗,不仅色素淡化明显,而且患者的肤质也得到了很大程度的改善。
【关键词】 694nm 激光;无针水光;黄褐斑;治疗中图分类号:R454.2;R758.4+2 文献标志码:B doi :10.3969/j.issn.1002-1310.2021.02.028【收稿日期】2020-12-26黄褐斑属于色素增加性皮肤病,好发于青中年女性,发病原因复杂及治疗效果欠佳已成为治疗本病的难点[1],但关于该病目前无明确治疗手段,常用方法主要包括口服、外用、激光、果酸等,笔者科室采用694nm 调Q 红宝石点阵激光联合无针水光的方法,临床疗效得到了病人认可,详细报告如下。
具体计算公式如下: 应退税款=企业缴费已纳税款×(1-实际领取企业缴费/已纳税企业缴费的累计额)参加年金计划的个人在办理退税时,应持居民身份证、企业以前月度申报的含有个人明细信息的《年金企业缴费扣缴个人所得税报告表》复印件、解缴税款的《税收缴款书》复印件等资料,以及由企业出具的个人实际可领取的年金企业缴费额与已缴纳税款的年金企业缴费额的差额证明,向主管税务机关申报,经主管税务机关核实后,予以退税。
4. The output voltage compliance extends to within 2 V of the positive supply and below common. When operated with a 5 V supply, the output voltage compliance extends 30 V below common.
± 0.005 ؎0.015
± 0.001 ؎0.005 % of Span
VOLTAGE REFERENCE Output Voltage: 10 V Reference
Output Voltage: 2 V Reference TMIN to TMAX4
vs. Load, VREF = 2 V, 10 V vs. Supply, VREF = 2 V, 10 V Output Current
TypBiblioteka MaxAD694BQ/BR
Min Typ
INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Voltage Range Input Bias Current Either Input, TMIN to TMAX Offset Current, TMIN to TMAX Offset Current Drift Input Impedance
GE Fanuc RX3i PACSystem IC694MDL754 12 24VDC输出模块说明
Rx3i PacSystem919-535-3180*******************GE Fanuc IC694MDL754/automation/ge-fanuc/rx3i-pacsystem/IC694MDL75412/24VDC Output (0.75 amps/point)Module 32 point. IC694M IC-694MD IC694MDL7-34 PACSystems™ RX3i System Manual – October 2005 GFK-2314COutput Module, 12/24VDC,ESCP 0.75A Pos. Logic, 32 Pt: IC694MDL754The 12/24 volt DC, ESCP 0.75A Positive Logic Output module, IC694MDL754, provides 32 discrete outputs in two isolated groups of 16. Each group has its own common. The outputs are positive logic or sourcing type outputs; they switch the loads on the positive side of the power supply, and supply current to the load. The outputs can switch user loads over the range of +12 to +24 VDC (+20%, -15%) and can source a maximum current of 0.75 Amps per point.Each point has electronic overcurrent/short circuit protection and generates an individual fault if either condition exists. In addition to output driver faults being sent back to the RX3i controller, the module provides a loss of field side power fault, ESCP point failure within a group, field terminal block ON/OFF status and a DIP switch configuration mismatch fault.Each group can be used to drive different loads. For example, one groups might drive 24 VDC loads, and the other could drive 12 VDC loads. Power for the loads must be provided by the user. A DIP switch on back of the module is used to select the outputs default mode: Force Off or Hold Last State. The module must be removed from the backplane to set this switch.This module can be used with either a Box-style (IC694TBB032) or Spring-style (IC694TBS032) front Terminal Block. The Terminal Block is ordered separately.The blue bands on the label show that MDL754 is a low-voltage module.This module can be installed in any I/O slot in an RX3i system. It must be used with an RX3i CPU (release 2.90 or greater). It cannot be used with a Series 90-30 PLC CPU.GFK-2314C Chapter 7 Discrete Output Modules 7-35Specifications: MDL754Rated VoltageOutput Voltage Range 12/24 volts DC, nominal 10.2 to 30 volts DCOutputs per Module 32 (two isolated groups of 16 outputs each) Isolation:Field to Backplane (optical) and to Frame Ground 250 VAC continuous; 1500 VAC for 1 minuteGroup to Group 250 VAC continuous; 1500 VAC for 1 minute Module ID0x059hOutput Current0.75 Amps per pointPower Consumption 300 mA (maximum) from 5 volt bus on backplane; Thermal Derating No derating at 24VDC. At 30VDC, outputs are derated above 42 degrees C as shown below.External Power Supply +12 VDC to +30 VDC, 12/24 VDC nominal Output CharacteristicsInrush Current3 Amps supplied for 10ms without ESCP trip Output Voltage Drop 0.3 volt DC maximum Steady-state overcurrent trip5A typical per pointOutput Leakage Current 0.1mA maximum On Response Time0.5ms maximum Off Response Time 0.5ms maximumProtectionShort-circuit protection, overcurrent protection, overtemperature protection, all with auto recovery .Refer to Appendix A for product standards and general specifications.Output Points vs. Temperature322416810°C 20°C30°C40°C50°C60°CNumber of Outputs ONAmbient Temperature (°C)7-36 PACSystems™ RX3i System Manual – October 2005 GFK-2314CLEDs32 green/yellow LEDs on the module indicate the ON/OFF status of points 1 through 32. These LEDs are green when thecorresponding outputs are on, and yellow if the outputs are faulted. They are off when the corresponding outputs are off.Two green/yellow LEDs indicate the presence of field power to each of the isolated output groups. They are green if field power is within limits. They are yellow if a point fault exists within their group. And they are off when field power is absent or outside operating limits.The module’s red/green Terminal Block LED is green when the module’s removable terminal block is locked in place. It is red when the terminal block is not locked. The Terminal Block LED blinks if there is a non-recoverable module fault. The module also sends an Addition of Terminal Block or Loss of Terminal Block message to the RX3i CPU to report the Terminal Block status.Electronic Short-circuit ProtectionEach output point provides “self-recovering” protection against overcurrent, short circuit and overtemperature. The fault is present until the condition that caused the fault is removed or the faulted point is turned off. After the fault condition is removed the output driver automatically sets the output to the state it was in before the fault occurred.Each output point provides transient voltage protection to clamp high voltages at or below 40VDC. Reverse voltage protection is provided for field power inputs.GFK-2314C Chapter 7 Discrete Output Modules 7-37Output DefaultsThe DIP switch on back of the module selects the default operation for the module’s outputs.The module must be removed from the backplane to set this switch. Note that there are two DIP switches on the module. Only the upper switch is used for this module.Outputs Default DIP SwitchOpen (right) = Force OffNot Used for IC694MDL754With the Outputs Default switch in the right (open) position, the outputs mode is set to Force Off. In this mode, the outputs will go to zero whenever communication with the CPU is lost. When the switch is in the left position, the Outputs Default mode is set to Hold Last State. In this mode theoutputs will retain their last programmed value whenever communication with the CPU is lost, and field power is present.The Outputs Default selection made with the DIP switch must match the selection made for this feature in the module’s software configuration. If the two do not match, a fault occurs.The table below summarizes the operation of Outputs Default mode with and without backplane power and field (external) power. Backplane Power Field PowerOutputsDefaultOperationOn On Force Off or Hold Last State Normal Operation. If module fault detected, outputs areset to zero. On Off Force Off or Hold Last State Module detects loss of field power, communicates fault toCPU while setting outputs to Off state. After field power is restored, the outputs are held in Off state until the modulereceives new output data from the CPU. Point LEDs indicate desired output without field power. Force OffModule detects loss of communications and turns off the outputs within 400ms. LEDs are off.Off On Hold LastStateModule detects loss of communications and holds outputs on their last states until the CPU sends new output data. LEDs are off7-38 PACSystems™ RX3i System Manual – October 2005 GFK-2314CField Wiring: MDL754Connections Terminals Terminals Connections Output 1 1 19 Output 17 Output 2 2 20 Output 18 Output 3 3 21 Output 19 Output 4 4 22 Output 20 Output 5 5 23 Output 21 Output 6 6 24 Output 22 Output 7 7 25 Output 23 Output 8 8 26 Output 24 Output 9 9 27 Output 25 Output 10 10 28 Output 26 Output 11 11 29 Output 27 Output 1212 30 Output 28 Output 13 13 31 Output 29 Output 14 14 32 Output 30 Output 15 15 33 Output 31 Output 16 16 34 Output 32 DC+ for 1 - 16 17 35 DC+ for 17 - 32 DC- for 1 - 16 18 36 DC- for 17 - 32Field Wiring TerminalsField WiringGFK-2314C Chapter 7 Discrete Output Modules 7-39Module Data: IC694MDL754Module MDL754 uses 48 input bits and 32 output bits to exchange point status and filterinformation with the RX3i CPU.Input Data: MDL754The module uses the first 16 input bits to report its status information to the RX3i CPU. It has the following content:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 116 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Communications Word Size: 1001 = 48 inputs and 32 outputsFault Index Catalog Number:Firmware Update Mode: 1 = module waiting for firmware updateTerminal Block Present: 1 = TB not present, 0 = TB present Field Power Group 1: 1 = below limit, 0 = at limit or aboveESCP Fault Group 1: ESCP fault, 0 = no ESCP fault Field Power Group 2: 1 = below limit, 0 = at limit or above ESCP Fault Group 2: 1 = ESCP fault, 0 = no ESCP faultHold Last State DIP Switch: 1 = Hold Last State Enabled, 0 = Default to 0The CPU uses the information contained in these input bits to uniquely identify the module, and to monitor its status.The module reports the ESCP fault status of the outputs in input bits 17 - 48.Output ESCP Status BitsOutput Group 1Output Group 217-3233 - 48Output Data: MDL754The module receives 32 bits of output data from the RX3i CPU.。
1958年2月23日,是杨靖宇殉国18周年纪念日,来自全国各界代表9 000余人,在新落成的靖宇陵园举行了公祭和遗体安葬仪式,备极哀荣。
印度电源线标准IS 694解读
CENTRAL MARKS DEPARTMENT-II (Legal)Our Ref: CMD-II (L)/16: 694 17 March 2015Subject: IS 694:2010 (Fourth Revision) with Amendment Nos. 1& 2 – Comments on DraftAmendment no. 3 to IS 694:2010 and Draft Amendment no. 1 to IS 8130:2013 reg.This is with reference to revision of IS 694:1990 as IS 694:2010.ETD has circulated Draft Amendment no. 3 to IS 694:2010 and Draft Amendment no. 1 to IS 8130:2013 vide their mail dated 10 03 2015 wherein they have requested to examine the amendments and send the comments if any by 08 04 2015. (Copies of the draft amendments are enclosed).All RO/BOs are requested to examine the above amendments and to also circulate to all the licensees/applicants under their jurisdiction and forward their comments if any, directly to ETD by 08 04 2015 positively under intimation to CMD-II (L).This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.(Sunil Kumar)Sc.FHead CMD-II (Legal)Circulated to all RO/BO/SBOs/BIS Labs.Copy to : Head (ITSD)- With a request to host this circular on BIS Intranet and website.: Head (DLBO-EEE)-Custodian BO: Head (ETD): Head CMD-I (BD)Draft Amendment No. 3toIS 694: 2010 Polyvinyl chloride insulated unsheathed andsheathed cables/cords with rigid and flexible conductor for ratedvoltages up to and including 450/750 V (fourth revision) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Title page): Substitute V fo / V[Fo e o d, Pa a , “ No. a ]: Delete a a d “u stitute V fo / V i subsequent clauses wherever exists.[Page , lause . , li e ]: “u stitute V fo / V a d i othe su se ue t clauses wherever e ists.(Page 5, clause 12.1.1, Para 2): Substitute the following for the existing Para:Fo e e le gth of o e, o e of these olou s shall o e app o i atel , ut ot exceeding, 70% of the surface of the core, the other colour covering the e i de . [Page , Clause see also a e d e t No. ]: Delete Ea th Co ti uit Co du to ECC a d .Page , Fig. : Add - u de eath a d i the si gle u e al u e s, Dispose below 1 and place _ below 1 .(Page 6 and 9, clause 15.2) : De lete p app o i ate g oss ass a d e u e all su -clauses a) to o).[Page , Ta le , “l. No. of iii e , olu ]: “u stitute Fle test fle i le o ds fo sizes upto o es, ith oss se tio al a ea of . s fo Fle test fle i le o ds fo sizes li ited to o es, ith oss se tio al a ea of . sPage , Ta le , olu headi g : “u stitute the headi g as fle i le a les a d o ds fo fle i le a les .(Page 9 Clause 16.1.2, para 1) (also see amendment No. 2)]: Add the following text at the end of first paragraph:Ho e e , F‘/F‘-LSH cables shall meet properties given in table 1, wherever applicable pe tai i g to this t pe of a les.(Page 10 Table 3): Add the following values under iii) and renumber subsequent lines:[Page , Ta le , “ No. i a d , olu ] : “u stitute . a d . fo . a d . espe ti el .[Page 11, clause 18.1.4 (also see amendment No. 2)]: Add the following text at the end of first paragraph:Ho e e , F‘/F‘-LSH cables shall meet properties given in table 1, wherever applicable, pe tai i g to this t pe of a les.[Page 12, clause 19.1.5(also see amendment No. 2)]: Substitute the following text for the existing second sentence:Ho e e , F‘/F‘-LSH cables shall meet properties given in table 1, wherever applicable, pe tai i g to this t pe of a les.[Page 12, clause 20.1.4 (also see amendment No. 2)]: Add the following text at the end of first paragraph:Ho e e , F‘/F‘-LSHcables shall meet properties given in table 1, wherever applicable, pe tai i g to this t pe of a les.(Page 13, Table 5) : Substitute the following values against 70 sq mm, 95 and 120 sq mm sizes.[Page , Ta le , olu , , , a d ]: “u stitute t i at the e d of te t No i al Thi k ess of I sulatio[Page 15, Table 9 column (4), (7), (10), (13) and (16)]: S u stitute No i al Thickness of Sheath (t s fo No i al “heathi g[Page 14-16 clause b)]: Substitute the following for the existing clause (b) and renumber subsequent sub-clauses:b) For 1.5 and 2.5 sq mm, copper conductor shall be either stranded (class 2) or flexible (Class 5);c) For aluminium conductor of sizes 1.5, 2.5, 4 and 6 sq mm sizes, it shall be either solid (class 1) or stranded (class 2).Page Ta le , “. No. , ol : “u stitute . . s fo C . s size fo existing values.A e d e t No. agai st lauses . . a d lause . . : The page shall e su stituted fo page .(ETD 09)Draft Amendment No. 1toIS 8130: 2013 for Conductors for Insulated Electric Cablesand Flexible Cords - Specification----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page ta le olu : “u stitute the follo i g alues i olu agai st sl. No. i fo 1.5 sq mm , v) for 2.5 sq mm , vi) for 4 sq a d ii s fo - of esista e alues. 09)。
实验报告课程名称测控电路实验项目光电信号传输处理实验实验仪器运放741、AD694、光敏三极管等系别_ ____专业___ _______班级/学号______学生姓名______ __________实验日期____ _____成绩___________________________指导教师__________________实验二光电信号传输处理实验一实验目的1.掌握光电检测器设计方法。
4、加上I/V 转换电路,重复步骤3,将测量结果添在表2中。
思考题1、环境光对实验结果有什么影响?如何避免?答:环境光对LED 的发光有干扰,实验对在I/V 转换电路后加一个带阻滤波器,从而滤除掉环境光影响。
2、如果光电转换输出电流很微弱,如何在I/V 转换后得到一个较大的输出电压? 答:可以用“Y ”型电阻结构,利用较小的电阻实现较大的放大倍数组降低电阻噪声带来的影响。
3、如果I/V 转换得到的是0-10V ,如何转换成4-20mA 输出?0-5V 呢?答:若输入0~10v ,则只要在前电路基础上把4脚都悬空,5~9脚接地。
若输入0~5v ,则可先用741把输入信号放大两倍,成为0~10v ,然后输入到I/V 转换芯片。
四 附图0-2V 电压图1 光电检测器(不加I/V 转换)参考框图图2 光电检测器(I/V 转换)参考框图图3 AD694管脚图图4 4-20mA发送器(AD694)参考电路。
Sony ICX694 CCD Chip Flyer
The ICX694ALG and ICX694AQG are diagonal 15.99 mm (Type 1) 6.09M-effective pixel CCD image sensors designed for use in industrial and scientific instrumentation cameras.They include multichannel output switching and an extensive set of drive modes.Like the current Sony products, the ICX674ALG and the ICX674AQG, by changing the vertical and horizontal transfer register drive timing according to the required frame rate, the ICX694ALG and the ICX694AQG achieve multichannel outputfigure 2 and table 2.)For ease of use, the ICX694ALG and ICX694AQG have the same package size as and share the pin configuration of the ICX674ALG and ICX674AQG, the current Sony products.Taking advantage of their high sensitivity in the near infrared region, they can be used not only for industrial applications, but as a black and white high-sensitivity camera for day and night security camera applications by removing the IR cut-off filter at night time.These sensors will be able to meet diverse customer needs since they can be used in a wide variety of camera applications.switching, that can switch between single-channel output, horizontal division 2-channel output, vertical division 2-channel output, and horizontal and vertical division 4-channel output. (See figure 1.)When 4-channel output is used, these devices are capable of 25 frame/s output in progressive scan method, and of 46 frame/s output in vertical 1092-line cropping mode. These image sensors can support a wide range of customer needs by combining these diverse drive modes with multichannel output switching.For example, in vertical 1092-line cropping mode, a single camera can handle the multiple lanes that traffic monitoring requires.So far diagonal 11 mm (Type 2/3) were the upper optical limit of Sony lineup of image sensors for industrial cameras.The problem with this configuration is that in attempts to achieve high pixel counts, high sensitivity, a characteristic valued in security applications, had to be sacrificed for high resolution.However, large optical sensors with a diagonal 15.99 mm (Type 1) provide equivalent or better sensitivity and high resolution compared to the current ICX674ALG and ICX674AQG.And since they employ the "EXviewHAD CCD II" structure, they also offer high sensitivity in the near infrared region. (SeeDiagonal 15.99 mm (Large Optical System, Type 1) 6.09M-Effective Pixel Black-and-White and Color CCD Image Sensors with Multichannel Output Switching for Both High Sensitivity and High ResolutionIn the industrial camera market, there is an increasing demand for full HD format appropriate for video applications in addition to high pixel counts and high frame rate outputs.Sony has now released the ICX694ALG (black and white) and the ICX694AQG (color) 6.09M-effective pixel progressive scan method CCD image sensors built-in four-channel output circuit and provide full HD video output.The ICX694ALG and ICX694AQG employ a large optical system (full-size sensor) having a diagonal size of 15.99 mm (Type 1) that have "the same or better sensitivity" than the current Sony ICX674ALG (black and white) and ICX674AQG (color)∗1 and provide "high resolution as about 6.09M effective pixels".For ease of use, they have the same package size and compatible pin configuration as their predecessors.∗1: See the New Products section in CX-NEWS, Volume 62.Extensive Set of Drive Modes■ Diagonal 15.99 mm (Type 1) 6.09M-effective pixel progressive scan method CCD image sensors ■ Extensive set of drive modes■ Both high sensitivity and high resolution■ Compatibility with ICX674ALG and ICX674AQGICX694ALG/ICX694AQGI n addition to the extensive set of drive modes that multichannel output switching permits, the large optical sensors used in the ICX694ALG and ICX694AQG allowed us to create a commercial product lineup that offer both high resolution and high sensitivity.Maintaining backward compatibility with the I CX674ALG and I CX674AQG, the current Sony products, was one of the design goals to make the product user friendly.Be sure to consider these image sensors for your next product.Both High Sensitivity and High ResolutionCompatibility with ICX674ALG and ICX674AQG∗"EXview HAD CCD II " is a trademark of Sony Corporation. The "EXview HAD CCD II " is a CCD image sensor that realizes sensitivity (typical) of 1000 mV or more per 1 μm 2 (Color: F5.6/BW: F8 in 1 s accumulation equivalent) and improves light efficiency by including near infrared light region as a basic structure of Sony's "EXview HAD CCD".Device StructureTable 1Image Sensor CharacteristicsTable 2Output Channel Count/Frame Rate RelationshipFigure 1Spectral Sensitivity CharacteristicsFigure 2V OUT 1V OUT 2V OUT 3V OUT 4Effective: 2758HPixel Array Structure4005006007008009001000400450500550600650700ICX694ALGICX694AQGR e l a t i v e s e n s i t i vi t yWavelength [nm]R e l a t i v e s e n s i t i v i t yWavelength [nm]。
钟xx诈骗案行政处罚决定书雨公(赛)行罚决字〔2021〕694号【主题分类】公安互联网【发文案号】雨公(赛)行罚决字〔2021〕694号【处罚依据】中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法(2012修正)188539490000中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法(2012修正)188539920000【处罚日期】2021.08.30【处罚机关类型】公安部/厅/局/分局【处罚机关】南京市公安局雨花台分局【处罚种类】行政拘留【执法级别】区/县级【执法地域】雨花台区【处罚对象】钟xx【处罚对象分类】个人【更新时间】2021.11.26 15:28:59南京市公安局雨花台分局行政处罚决定书雨公(赛)行罚决字〔2021〕694号被处罚人钟xx。
苏教版三年级语文教案 (694)
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年级________;层次________;专业________;姓名________ 网络学院化学与仪器分析模拟题1
1、可用如下哪种试验方法减小分析测定中的偶然误差?( C )
a. 对照试验
b. 空白试验
C. 多次平行测定
D. 校准仪器
2、HPO42-的共轭碱是( C )
(a) H2PO4-(b) H3PO4(C) PO43-(D) OH-
3、下列物质中可用于直接配制标准溶液的是(D )
(a) 固体NaOH (G.R.);(b) 浓HCl (G.R.);
(C) 固体K2Cr2O7 (G.R.);(D) 固体Na2S2O3·5H2O (a.R.)
4、已知CaF2的Ksp=2.7×10-11,若不考虑F -的水解,则CaF2在纯水中的溶解度为( D )。
a. 5.2×10-5mol/L
b. 6.8×10-6mol/L
C. 2.6×10-3mol/L
D. 1.9×10-4mol/L
5、以KMnO4法测定H2C2O4时,需在一定酸度下进行滴定,下列酸适用的为( a )。
a. H2SO4
b. HCl
D. HClO4
1、某定量分析结果X%=2/3×(25.00 – 1.25)×476.98 / 1.0000 ×100%的有效数字位数是 3 位。
3、H2C2O4•2H2O 既可用于标定碱,也可用于标定高锰酸钾。
5、弱酸可以被准确滴定的条件是cKa≥10-8,多元酸可以被分步滴定的条件是K a1/K a2>104两步中和反应稍有交叉地进行,对一般的分析工作,准确度要求不是太高,其误差也在允许范围之内。