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1、Goat/coat ( )

2、road/coach( )

3、boat/go( )

4、blow/slow( )

5、willow/now ( )

6、yellow/window( )

7、right/eight( )

8、wind/quite( )

9、the/let( )

10、park/car( ) 11、want/water( ) 12、stamp/stand( ) 13、straight/right( )

14、post/office( ) 15、get/eleven( ) 16、how/snow( ) 17、front/what( )

18、goat/coat( ) 19、window/brown( ) 20、boat/yellow( ) 21、please/great( )

22、pupil/up( )


Goat, tree, is, off, now, blouse, willow, want, three, road

1、goat______ ________

2、cow______ _______

3、keep_______ _______

4、window______ _______

5、on______ _______



1、my munity 1、到达

2、you’re wele 2、在右边

3、the newspaper stand 3、去划船

4、go straight 4、邮局

5、excuse me 5、紧挨着

6、in front of 6、到达博物馆

7、get to the museum 7、我后面得男士

8、call me again 8、在…、前面

9、the man behind me 9、搞恶作剧

10、play a trick 10、再次打xx给我

11、图书馆在二楼吗? 11、Where are you from?

12、我怎么去博物馆? 12、His home is next to mine、

13、她家在我家得隔壁。 13、This is a map of China、

14、您来自于哪里? 14Is the library on the second floor?

15、这就是一张中国地图。 15、How can I get to the museum?


1、 Excuse me,where’s the bank?

2、 How can I get to the post office?

3、 The library is on your right、

4、 Jack wants to see a film、

5、 We’ll stop at the supermarket、

6、请问,药店在哪里?_____me, ____________is the


7、它在书店得隔壁。It’s_____to the ___________、

8、您们社区有银行吗?有得,_________there a________in your munity?Yes,____ ____,

9、在哪里?在咖啡店对面。_________is it?It’s ________


10、在…、得对面______________ 11、在两个建筑物之间


12、在第二个十字路口______________ 13、向右转______________

14、瞧电影______________15、the bus stop______________16、in front of me ______________

17、walk on the grass______________ 18、go


19、 arrive at the museum______________


1、 Where’s the park? A、 Go straight

2、 How can I get there? B、 Yes, there is、

3、 Is there a supermarket here? C、 There are some pens、

4、 What’s on the desk? D、 Sure

5、 Can you help me? E、It’s on the right of the school、B:

1、 Where is the bus? A、 Yes,I do、

2、 Is there a library near here? B、 No, there isn’t、

3、 Where can we have breakfast? C、In the restaurant、

4、 Do you like PE?

5、 I like popular music、

6、 What’s your favorite sport?


1、 can, I, how, to, the, get, bakery

2、 you, on, will, find, it, your, right

3、 it’s, bookstore, from, across, the
